• Published 3rd Sep 2014
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Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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52 Hail and Farewell by Knight of Lycaeus

Hail and Farewell
by Knight of Lycaeus

To my friends and to my family, how strange it feels and how…. difficult this is to write. To write a letter biding all of you a final farewell was never something I wanted to do nor could I have imagined being something I would ever have to do. I could write endlessly about this, but words verbal or written could never convey or express the depths of how sorry I am to be leaving all of you.

It is known that there are some things in life that cannot be changed and yet Ponies are known for change, for their control and command over their world. Yet as we know not everything can be changed, we too face the pall of illness and the touch of death; another thing that we accept as unchanging is the thing that binds us together and that leads us on our road in life, what we call fate or destiny. This metaphysical, intangible concept we believe to be set but I know that it is not.

For me to have disappeared was something I never would have done and I regret that my disappearance will be your last memory of me. But please, despite what has happened do not seek revenge no matter how tempting or appealing the idea is but instead mourn for me, cry for me, but above all remember the memories we have made and our time together.

A being whose age goes beyond what I could reckon, whose age spans nearly all of creation has taken me; what magic she used upon me is something I do not understand and could not even begin to comprehend. It is this magic which pulls me away from you and no matter how much I would wish to trade it all just to be with all of you one last time, I know it will not be so.

I wish that there was a way to reverse time, for things to change, for things to be different, but I know that will not come to past. For that I am sorry. I am sorry I could find no way to return to you and that is my lasting regret, that I will likely never see or speak to anyone of you ever again.

In this last letter I express my sorrow, my anger, my grief, and my regret. My sorrow that our separation will last forever. My anger for what has been forced upon me. My grief in knowing that now I could not even join you in the end, that I will never enter the Eternal Realms. My regret that I will never be among you once more and that I was forced to speak my last words through a letter rather than in person.

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, you five were the friends I never dreamed I would ever have. Thank you for showing me the magic of friendship, I will treasure it always, farewell my friends.

Spike, my companion, my rock, my biggest supporter, all these and more. We have been together since the day you hatched and I am sorry for leaving you so soon. I love you and farewell my brother, my son.

Celestia, my loving and guiding light. You were my mentor in all things magic and in many things besides, for that I will always be grateful. Farewell Celestia and thank you for everything.

Luna, our time together was brief. I never knew you as well as it could have been but from what time we spent together, I will treasure that forever. Farewell Luna.

Cadance, my big sister always ready with advice, comfort, and laughter. I will miss all of that but thank you for being there especially when I was younger, farewell my sister.

Shining Armour, always my protector even when I thought it was silly. I loved our times together and the adventures we made, thank you for everything and farewell BBBFF.

My parents, words fail to articulate my thoughts on this and fail to articulate my words to you. I love you both and I always will, I am sorry I had to leave like this and that I could never return. I love you both and thank you for everything.

A dark purple unicorn slowly wiped away the tears that had been pooling in her eyes as she wrote this one final letter. She was careful to ensure her tears would not stain this last letter. To write the letter had been difficult but it was necessary. It would never answer everything but perhaps it would help provide some closure. Standing up she looked across the valley and could see Canterlot off in the distance, the slowly setting sun half-hidden behind the magnificent city.

Summoning her magic she sent the letter to Celestia and breathed in deep to steady herself. Military and military history was always more Shining’s thing but she had picked up on a few things here and there. Gathering her magic, her horn coated in a magenta light tinged with black and with a burst recreated her cutie mark in the sky. She had made it significantly larger and more lasting than necessary to ensure it could be seen for afar. The tradition of using one’s magic to recreate their cutie marks in the sky was once common among unicorns as a formal salute which had fallen out of use in favour of the current one.

Twilight could feel a strong sharp tug from within and knew she had to answer to the magic pulling away at her. With one last glance to the setting sun, she turned away. She turned away from Canterlot and her old life and turned to follow the pull of the powerful magic tethered to her, to face the dark of the void and her new life under her mistress.

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