• Published 3rd Sep 2014
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Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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67 First Among Equals by Toratchi888

First Among Equals
by Toratchi888

First Among Equals {primus inter pares}
Darkness is Beauty, Beauty is Magic, Act 2

“Will you join me?”

* * *

Twilight? Twilight?


“Ah!” Twilight shook her head and glanced around quickly. Nightmare Moon had vanished. “Applejack.”

“I see you’ve rejoined us.” Applejack tilted her head in concern. “Y’all look mighty… stunned, I guess. You were starin’ at that Nightmare Moon pretty hard…”

“Ah! Yes! Nightmare Moon!” Twilight spun about and galloped for the entrance of the celebration hall, weaving or barging through groups of chattering ponies.

“…What’n the hay was that all about?”

“Let’s follow her and find out!” Rainbow Dash took wing and darted after her.

Applejack sighed and cantered off, calling to Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie to follow.

* * *

“No, no, no, no, NO!” Twilight yanked books from their shelves in the Library with telekinesis, dumping them after glancing at their titles.

“Why has nopony organized this place?! Even alphabetically—!”

“Hey, egghead!”

Twilight paused, an orbit of half-a-dozen books forming around her as she held them in her magic’s grasp.

Rainbow Dash hovered into the Library, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy following behind; Fluttershy closed the door quietly behind her.

“I don’t recall inviting you in…” Twilight floated the books into a neat stack… next to the twenty in a haphazard pile.

“Door was open, sugarcube; ‘sides, this is a public library.”

“So, spill, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash zipped right into Twilight’s face, muzzles touching.

Twilight grimaced. “Spill what?”

“You didn’t seem all that surprised when Nightmare Moon popped out of the shadows! You were staring at her the whole time, even!” Rainbow hovered back, pointing a hoof at Twilight. “And you just so happened to show up here today—yesterday!—out of the blue Are you a spy?!”

Applejack trotted forward and flicked Rainbow Dash’s barrel with her tail, scowling. “Calm down, Rainbow Dash; I’m sure Twilight ain’t no spy. I mean—” she turned to Twilight “—you were sent by the Princess to oversee the Celebration, am I right?”

Twilight nodded.

“And I’m doubtful that Princess Celestia would choose somepony who was gonna sabotage an important holiday. So… That means you were expectin’ Nightmare Moon, but nopony else was.”

Twilight pawed the ground. “I tried to warn the Princess, but she didn’t take my warning seriously. This is the one-thousandth year of Nightmare Moon’s banishment; there was a prophecy that she would escape tonight. The Princess sent me here instead of letting me finish my research; I was looking for a reference to the Elements of Harmony, but this place is—”

“Found it!” Pinkie Pie held up a slim royal blue volume trimmed with gold laurel leaves.

“Where was it?!” Twilight spun and wrested the book from Pinkie’s grasp with her magic.

Pinkie blinked. “Well, it was under ‘E’, y’know?”

Twilight stared for a long moment before shaking her head minutely and opening the book. “Elements of Harmony: Reference Guide.”

Twilight skimmed the guide, flipping each page if a section header sounded unsatisfactory. “Hmm… Plenty of hypotheticals on magical transference and harmonics, but—while I love a good theory—this isn’t something we can use in our current predicament satisfactorily…”

“Egghead say what?” “Not much oats in the mix to chew on, sugar.” “Oh, gotcha, AJ.” “I love oats! And barley! And cake—” “I know my critters like oats sometimes…” “Darlings, they’re imaginary oats…”

Twilight shut the book with a snap. “Not much to go on. The five—well, six—Elements of Harmony can stop Nightmare Moon, but harnessing them… finding them…”

“Well, sugarcube, where’re they at?”

* * *

“So, Twilight…” Applejack scratched her neck with her hoof.

The six ponies were—aside from Rainbow Dash, who flitted above—walking in single-file down the main path of the Everfree Forest. They had not been walking too long—over a thousand strides, perhaps—but even thus early in their travels, the darkness of night deepened within the Forest, and Fluttershy—walking third in line—shied from every sound. Though the path was plain, the trees seemed to lean in, menacing any traveller who thought of straying.

Twilight turned her head around and left to look back at Applejack as they walked; behind herself, Applejack, and Fluttershy, Rarity walked on calmly—if alert—and Pinkie Pie brought up the rear, her prancing gait at odds with the gloom of the night. “Yes?”

“Um, I’m hopin’ you got a plan or something, because, well… I mean, you’re the only one who’s been researching Nightmare Moon, so…”

Twilight faced forward again. “I think we’ll be lucky to find the Elements, let alone use them, but… Well, here’s the thing: The powerful princess who banished Nightmare Moon wielded all six Elements of Harmony. The five known qualities of Harmony are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty. The sixth is unknown, but is stated to reveal itself when the other five are awoken.”

Silence returned as they continued on for a hundred strides more, before the forest broke onto a plateau, with a cliff above them and a ravine to the right, flanking the path.

Twilight stopped. The others stopped as well, and Rainbow Dash dropped to hover at head-height. “I think we can only reasonably expect to find some clue in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters as to the location of the Elements, then report back to Princess Celestia.”

“If we can find her.” Applejack double-tapped the ground with her hoof. “I’m surprised she didn’t show up when Nightmare Moon did. I’m hopin’ she wasn’t, y’know, captured or something’ like that.”

“Maaaaaybeeee she was caaaaaptureeeeed by the Everfreeeee Fooooooorest!” Rainbow slunk to the ground, pretending to sneak. “You know once a pony goes in, they never come baaaaaaaaack!”

Applejack swatted at Rainbow Dash, but the pegasus laughed and swooped above her head. “Rainbow Dash, stop that nonsense!”

Rainbow blew a raspberry and danced just out of reach; Applejack turned to buck the pegasus, who again flittered back.

“RAINBOW DASH, Imma teach you some manner!”

Applejack leaped at Rainbow Dash; the latter zipped aside, and Applejack landed hard a few feet from the ravine.

Twilight cantered towards the bickering mares. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, stop it! With the cliff and—”


A chunk of mountain dropped from the cliff above them. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash retreated back the way they had come, shrieking. (Apart from Rainbow Dash, who is—naturally—too cool to shriek.)

“Look out, Twilight!” Applejack tackled Twilight, but the thunderous rockslide took them over the ravine regardless.

As plumes of dust rose, the night—which to that point had been deep and threatening—now became smothering like pitch. The remaining mares on the cliff-side called out to Twilight and Applejack.

* * *

“Well—” said Twilight as she and Applejack dangled about three pony’s lengths below the lip of the ravine, hanging on to a protruding tree-root, “—this is a nice mess you’ve gotten us into, Applejack.”

Clods of earth fell from around the root. “I’m mighty sorry, Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, looking up into blackness. “…I can’t see the others.”



Twilight closed her eyes and swivelled her ears. “Hmm… I can hear them… but it’s like they’re under water… We can’t be all that far down; Applejack, I can—”

The root shook alarmingly. “I’m really, truly sorry, Twilight. We ain’t getting’ outta here right now. I’ll drop down—I’m an Earth Pony, after all, and a tough gal—and y’all can come back for me later!”

“Applejack, wait, you—!”

Applejack let go with a shout of “Applelooooosaaaaaaaaa—!”

“HURG!” Twilight summoned her magic to envelop Applejack, catching her before she fell too far and steadying her descent. Twilight heard a muffled thud below.

“Hey, Twilight! Where’s AJ?” Rainbow Dash peeked her head over the lip of the ravine, the air suddenly clear above her.

“Rainbow… Help me up.”

Rainbow Dash complied, lifting Twilight easily and depositing her a few strides from the ravine. Twilight about-faced and peered cautiously over the edge.

“Applejack! You all right?”

“I am, Twi,” came the faint reply. “Thanks muchly, I—”

“APPLEJACK, you’re a dummy!” Twilight shouted. “I was about to say I could lift you up to the cliff-face and get Rainbow Dash to pick me up—just like she did! Dropping off the cliff wasn’t smart; that was foal-hardy! And now we can’t see you! Just hole up there and wait for us to get back!”

The faintest, most contrite “Okay…” floated up from Applejack.

“Uh, shouldn’t we get her now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Let her be,” Twilight sighed. “Maybe she’ll learn something. Like, to ignore you, or not jump off cliffs. Let’s go.”

* * *

Twilight Sparkle and company—now minus Applejack—continued down the ever-darkening path for another thousand-odd strides. Their faces were sullen, except for Fluttershy, who was even more skittish than before; Rainbow Dash often looked back with a mixture of concern and annoyance, whereas Twilight’s looks were pure irritation.

The path broke into a small glade, and they spread abreast of the path through unspoken consent, slowing to a stop.

“Y’know, Twilight…” Rainbow Dash swooped to hover in front of Twilight, forcing an irritated huff from the purple unicorn as her vision was filled with blue feathers. “I’m starting to think, maybe we should go back for Applejack.”

“We haven’t time, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight growled. “Time is critical.”

Rainbow Dash’s nostrils flared. “I get that, egghead, but leaving Applejack in a hole in the ground—”

“It’s her own fault!” Twilight stamped down with her hoof.

Rainbow Dash dropped to all fours, wings spread and breath snorting. “So, what? You ditch someone when they mess up? Is that how you Canterlot snobs—”

“KYAAAA!” Rarity’s cry interrupted Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s argument. They whirled, seeking the source of danger.

An answering roar, a physical wave of sound that raised the ponies’ hair on their backs; and from the darkness charged a red-and-tan, lion-headed, dragon-winged, scorpion-tailed beast.

“And that would be a manticore…” Twilight noted flatly.

A rainbow blur shot forward towards the manticore, only to be deflected up and over with a frustrated cry.

“…I think we should RUN!” Twilight shouted. She split right at the gallop, while Rarity and Pinkie Pie split left. Unfortunately, that left—

Twilight heard the rising cry of terror behind her; turning at full pelt, she saw Fluttershy remained in the path of the manticore’s wrath.


Fluttershy simply quaked in fear, her pupils contracted to pinpricks. The manticore was a few strides away—

With a roar of “UooooooooooAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—!” Twilight gathered as much ambient magic she could pull from the forest in a moment. The manticore turned on the run and targeted Twilight.


Fluttershy screamed and bolted, back down the path.

“IF YOU FIND APPLEJACK, GIVE MY REGARDS!” Twilight added, before lowering her head to the oncoming threat. “And as for you…” she muttered.

* * *

A blast of light shook the glade, and a heavy red-and-tan shape hurtled northward above the canopy with an ever-diminishing roar. A thud!, and another distant roar dwindled into silence.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash returned to find Twilight huffing and sweating. “Dang, Twilight, you look like you finished the Running of the Leaves six times back-to-back.”

“Fluttershy… gone…” Twilight panted.

“Yes, I hope she is safe,” Rarity said, fidgeting. “Poor dear…”

“I… she… always… so… use—” Twilight looked between the remaining ponies’ faces; their eyes darkened at Twilight’s words, so she changed tack. “Anyway, whatever. Eyes up, ponies; we’re down two sets of eyes and hooves, so we’d better—”

“KYAAAAAAAAAA!” Another ear-splitting shriek from Rarity, who keeled over in a faint. Twilight looked around properly, and her face grew pale under her fur.

The trees had come to life. As unsettling as they had appeared in the dimness, now faces leered out of knots and holes, strange eyes shone in the dark, and gnarled limbs reached out for them. A moaning, rustling, creaking drone permeated the air.

“Um… um… Uh, how many trees d’you think you guys… um… y’know, can you handle?” Rainbow Dash had backed her hindquarters into Twilight’s flank. “‘Cause, y’know, I don’t wanna get in your way or anything…”

Pinkie Pie burst out laughing; Dash spun around, wings again outstretched, back bristling. “And what’s so funny, Pinkie?!”

“Oh, Dashie! They’re just trees! They can’t hurt you; just watch! See:

Pinkie began to bounce around, humming a tune, her poofy hair jumping in time to her rhythm, and she launched into a song:

“When I was a little filly, and the sun was going dooooooooown…”

“Tell me she’s not…” Twilight put a hoof to her face.

“The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me froooooooown…”

“She is,” Rarity murmured, stirring.

“I'd hide under my pillow from what I thought I saw
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all!”

“So what is?!” Dash exclaimed.

“She said, ‘Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall; learn to face your fears.
You'll see that they can't hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear.’

“So, giggle at the ghostie
Guffaw at the grossie
Crack up at the creepy
Whoop it up with the weepy
Chortle at the kooky
Snortle at the spooky—”

You have no friends.

Those words groaned out of the forest, slow and full of menace. Pinkie froze in mid-bounce, wildly staring around for their source.

Look how Twilight abandoned Applejack and Fluttershy. You are next.

Pinkie began to whimper.

“What the hay?!” Rainbow Dash hurried to Pinkie’s side, waving a hoof before her eyes. “Pinkie? You in there?”

Ignore her, just like Twilight ignores you. Your other friends are next.

Pinkie Pie’s hair—normally as vivacious as its owner—straightened and drooped as Pinkie settled on her belly, covering her head with her hooves. The trees seemed to reach out, to draw her into the dark—

Twilight sighed. She gathered magic at the tip of her horn and sent a blossom of light into the trees. The shadows, the faces, the groping limbs; all receded until the grove was surrounded by nothing more than old, sad, leafless trees.

“Don’t leave me…” Pinkie whimpered.

“What’re we gonna do?” Rainbow muttered to Twilight as the latter trotted up.

“I don’t know. Pinkie doesn’t seem cut out for this, either. I’d send her back after Fluttershy, but she seems too… fragile. Like Fluttershy, come to that, but… too… childish.”

Pinkie Pie let out another whimper as tears rolled from her eyes.

“Oh, good heavens, Twilight, what call is there for that kind of talk! She’s frightened!” Rarity also sunk to her stomach—carefully pushing small stones and clods of dirt out of the way first—to embrace Pinkie Pie.

Twilight sighed again. “She can stay or go back, but coming with us will be more dangerous than anything. I think she should go.”

Pinkie Pie sniffled, squeezed Rarity back, got up, and began to trudge back the way she came.

“We’re running out of time.” Twilight flicked her tail and pointed her snout onward.

* * *

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity stood before a river. Of course, this statement ignores the reality of thrashing white waves more than five strides in height and whirlpools formed between their troughs.

“Dear me, that looks dreadful…”

“It’s a river, Rarity, and not that wide either. What do you think, Rainbow Dash—about fifteen strides?”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t even break a sweat crossing it.”

“Darling, are you sure? I mean… Water is fine when it’s heated in a bath, but I don’t fancy a swim right now…”

“Are you i-i-implying I might drop you? Just who do you think—”

“Rainbow, darling, did I ever say I thought you’d drop me… or Twilight? No, dear; perish the thought. I only meant to say, it’s been a long day; I wouldn’t want you to tire yourself further by carrying both of us. Maybe we should find a crossing of—”

A plume of water erupted before the three ponies, drenching them with a cold spray.

“…Rarity?” “Yes, NOW I am wet, thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

The three ponies eyed the source of their soaking: A purple river serpent with an adroitly-styled orange mane slicked back off his head and a matching droopy moustache—

“Oh, my word!” Rarity’s eyes went wide.

“I am ruuuuuuuiiiiiined!” the serpent wailed, slamming down onto the riverbank. The extant half of his moustache—the left side—bobbed as his head landed.

“Darling, whatever happened?!” Rarity trotted up to the serpent, extending a hoof. The serpent bent a claw in front of her to touch.

“Well! What was I doing but minding my own business, when out of nowhere this tacky purple cloud spurts out of the forest and—AAAAWWWWWWW!” he howled, “it cut off my moustache! WOE IS MEEEEEEEEE!”

He thrashed about, drenching Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, who had remained several strides behind Rarity; they looked at each other in annoyance, dripping water.

“How atrocious! Who would do such a thing, and to a… serpent… of such style and grace! I mean, look at your hair, good sir! Such a chic pompadour…” she cooed.

"I knowwwwww!" the serpent cried.

“Such shiny, well-tended scales and claws…”


“And to ruin the effect by cutting off your moustache! I cannot permit such a crime against fabulosity!”

“Rarity…” Twilight growled softly.

Rarity leaned forward under the serpent’s jaw, teeth out.

“What are you—OW!”

Rarity plucked a scale from his breast. “I simply must redress this! I know it’s not much, but I think my tail…” She tilted her head to position the sharp section of scale over her hindquarters.

“You WHAT?!” the serpent shrieked. “Your tail?! What makes you think I’d prefer a ponytail to a moustache?! It’s purple! I’M PURPLE! THAT WOULD BE SO… TACKY! What is it with purple tacky things today?! AAAAARGH!”

Rarity’s jaw dropped; the scale in her mouth did likewise as she stared at the serpent, who dove under the waves.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash walked up slowly. “Well, um… At least he didn’t say—”

The serpent’s head popped back up. “Keep your tail, Purple! At least it hides your fat flank!”

Rarity’s pupils shrank to nothing, and she keeled over.

“—you’re fat.” Twilight nudged Rarity. “Rainbow Dash, pick her up and settle her over there.” She jutted her chin vaguely to her left.

“Uh… sure…” Rainbow Dash lifted Rarity gently and hovered her over to the cleanest patch of leaves she could see, concealed by a low bush. When she turned back, Rainbow Dash saw Twilight with eyes closed and a glow spreading from her horn to her body. With a twinkle, Twilight disappeared from the near-side and reappeared on the far bank of the river.

Rainbow Dash zipped across. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Neither did I. Let’s go.”

* * *

After yet another two-thousand strides, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash emerged into a shroud of fog and arrived at—

Another chasm?! Rainbow Dash, you’d better not—”

“Hey, egghead, that first time wasn’t—”

They both stopped abruptly. The fog cleared almost miraculously, showing a broken bridge over the chasm, and ever-so-faintly in the distance…

“Rainbow Dash, your eyesight’s better than mine. Does that look like a castle to you?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yup; think so.”

“Good. Could you see about getting the bridge back up?”

“What, can’t you just magic it back?”

“I can’t see the end of the bridge. If you can haul it back up, I could help you tie it off.”

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash jumped, did a 180 twist, and dove into the chasm. She freely fell along the line of the ropes and boards until she spotted the end of the bridge. She flared her wings, righted herself, and hovered.

Scooping a snapped rope in her teeth, she pulled, gaining altitude with smooth, hard wing-flaps until she reached the far side of the chasm.

She settled on the edge and pulled at the rope. “Okay, so if I can just get this set, Twilight can—”

Rainbow Dash…

Rainbow Dash nearly dropped the rope. She made a sloppy knot around an anchor post before whipping around, bristling. “Who’s there?!”

Fog rolled in over Rainbow Dash.

“Hey!” came a faint call from across the chasm. “Rainbow Dash?!”

Rainbow Dash…

“Show yourself!”

Out of the fog glided three dark ponies, two stallions flanking a mare. They were uniformly black, with yellow eyes and blue manes; Rainbow Dash tilted her head, perplexed, until she saw how their skin “stretched” and eyes twinkled, and realized they were—

“Flying suits? Hey, are you guys…?”

“Hello, Rainbow Dash,” the mare replied, smiling. “We are the Shadowbolts, the greatest flying team in the Everfree Forest.”

“Oh, hey, that’s cool.”

“We’ve heard of your reputation, Rainbow Dash. We are few, we Shadowbolts, but we admit only the very best to our ranks. We are used to this darkness, you see, but our routines still dazzle.” The Shadowbolt mare chuckled.

“Well, now, that’s cool and all,” Rainbow Dash said, turning, “but I have to fix this—”

Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash stopped, one hoof raised to step. The Shadowbolt mare stepped forward, circling Dash until she was face-to-face.

Join us.

Rainbow Dash lowered her hoof. “Uh… sure…”

“Rainbow Dash!” came a faint call from across the bridge. “Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash ignored the call, falling in with the Shadowbolts.

* * *

The fog cleared just enough for Twilight to see Rainbow Dash turn tail and join three black pegasi across the chasm. They disappeared into the fog.


Twilight’s voice echoed around the chasm, through the forest, up from under the earth. In the echoes, she heard snippets of other voices—

Foal-hardy useless childish fat traitor
Not to listen to you give her my regards send her back throw her over there do it yourself

Twilight shook her head, gathered her energy, and summoned her magic. She blasted across the chasm and took off running.

It’s up to me, now.
Foal-hardy useless childish fat traitor
Not to listen to you give her my regards send her back throw her over there do it yourself

* * *

Twilight galloped and galloped. She seemed to make no progress towards the castle in the distance; it remained as far as ever.

Still she persisted. It’s all up to me, now. Me. I have to do it. It’s me. I found it, I’ll finish it. Nightmare Moon…

After what seemed like a full night of running—ten thousand strides or more—Twilight broke out of the fog and stood before a dark, decrepit castle. The drawbridge was down, the gate raised like a maw.

Twilight trotted across the bridge and under the gate, which slammed shut behind her.

In the darkness ahead of her, a tiny pinprick of light appeared, which then hurtled towards her. Twilight stared as around her the hallway seemed to recede while the light came closer. It was almost atop her—

When she opened her eyes, she was in a destroyed throne room. On the far side, on a dais, a single chair stood, canted to the left. Above, holes in the roof showed the Moon, enormous in a starless sky. And around the base of the chair--

“The Elements of Harmony…” Twilight whispered, taking a step forward.

My precious Twilight…

Twilight peered around. “Who’s there?”

You know.

From behind the chair poured a cloud of purple smoke, like starlight trapped in tar. It coalesced into a tall pony shape, with blue armour on its head, chest, and hooves.

“Nightmare Moon.”

“So, Twilight Sparkle, you solved the riddle and found me. I am pleased.” Nightmare Moon smiled, showing off long, pointed incisors. She looked about dramatically. “But where are your friends? Did they not join you?”

“What about them?” Twilight asked flatly. “I’m here, and I’m enough to—”

“Do what, exactly?” Nightmare replied drily. “I’m an ancient magical creature who was only defeated by the Elements of Harmony, and I count one, two, three… Oh, look: six Elements, one Pony. I win,” she deadpanned.

Twilight stomped. “I don’t have to beat you! I have to tell Princess—”

“Dear Princess Celestia will not be joining us any time soon, my dear; that I can promise you.” Nightmare Moon turned slightly, presenting herself broadside. “Now, Twilight Sparkle, let us talk about… your primacy.”

“My what, now?”

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, you came in search of the Elements with a band of… companions? To seek the power to defeat me; did you not? But along the way, you discovered they weren’t… up to the task, yes?

“Did they come as friends? Perhaps. It could be that they had the best intentions at heart, but their frailty has cost you time in coming here, yes? Not to mention a headache.

“But look, you found something important in the coming here, did you not? Did Applejack show you that foolishness has no place in important matters? That faintness of heart only burdens the strong, like with Fluttershy? Or that childishness restrains the mature, not freeing them like Pinkie Pie? Or even that loyalty is not absolute, as you found with Rainbow Dash?”

Twilight snout scrunched angrily, and she snorted. “You don’t know—”

“Actually, I do. I was there every time, Twilight.” Nightmare Moon’s voice dropped seductively. “I preyed on their insecurities, throwing obstacles in your path and theirs. They were nothing… well, no; they were useful in showing you how their notions are nothing compared to mine.

“You are superior, Twilight Sparkle. You understood the threat and power I represent, when even your mentor did not. You are above altruism, empathy, trust; even honesty is a tool to move you forward. I fancy you, Twilight Sparkle; I did the moment I laid eyes on you.

“And now… your pride—and a tiny nudge of my hypnotic power; I am not above cheating to get what I want—have led you here. Your ‘friends’—hahahahaha, how I laugh at that—have not abandoned you: You. Left. Them.

“I am all you have now… because you… are mine.”

In her best imitation of Rarity, Twilight’s jaw dropped and her pupils shrank in terror.

* * *

So, Twilight Sparkle, first among ponies…

Will you join me?

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