• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 7,472 Views, 591 Comments

Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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2 Slowly by ArguingPizza

by ArguingPizza

For Twilight, chances to take a break and relax were relatively few and far between. Between her duties as a Princess, her ongoing studies in magic, as well as a certain…other project, it left little time for her to sit down and take a moment for herself.

She was grateful, then, when she managed to find the time to have a cup of tea with Fluttershy at one of Ponyville’s small cafés. Sadly, her other friends had been unable to attend for various reasons, ranging from an insect infestation for Applejack, large pending orders for Pinkie Pie and Rarity, and being asked to assist Spitfire in overseeing Manehatten’s Water Lift for the Cloudsdale weather factories.

Though she was disappointed that the rest of her friends couldn’t be there, Twilight was no less happy when Fluttershy arrived. The two exchanged a quick hug before choosing a small table in the café’s outdoor section.

“Oh Twilight, it’s so good to see you again,” Fluttershy said with a smile, which Twilight returned brightly.

“You too Fluttershy. How’s life in Ponyville been in the last few weeks?”

“It’s been wonderful!” Fluttershy gushed excitedly, before quickly shrinking down again. “T-that’s not to say it’s been great because you’ve been gone, because it would’ve been even better if you’d been here, but please don’t think I’m trying to convince you to come back, unless that is you want to—“

“Fluttershy, would you like me to stop you?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

Fluttershy clamped her mouth shut tightly and nodded. Twilight resisted the urge to giggle and motioned for a waiter. It was something she enjoyed about Ponyville: she might have been a Princess, but in this one small corner of Equestria, she was still Twilight Sparkle. Well…at least to most ponies in town. She could hardly blame the fillies and colts for being fascinated with the brand new Princess living just up the street.

“Your Highness, Fluttershy,” the waitress, Wheat Grass, greeted them warmly. “How are you ladies doing today?”

Fluttershy, having something to focus on other than trying not to accidentally possibly offend somepony maybe, peaked out from behind her mane. “I’m doing very well, thank you. How is Ms. Flappy doing?”

Wheat Grass’s smile broadened, from the generic ‘server smile’ into a genuine one. “She’s doing much better, thanks to you. I really can’t thank you enough.”

Fluttershy blushed and looked down in embarrassment. “Oh, I didn’t do much. I just wrapped her wing up nice and snug so it could heal right. Anypony could do that.”

“Maybe, but I’d still like to repay you somehow.” Wheat Grass let her words hang in the air for a long moment before resuming her professional bearing. “In the meantime, what would you two like to drink?” Twilight and Fluttershy each gave their orders, and Wheat Grass quickly departed to let them peruse the menu.

The moment they were alone again, Twilight shot her friend a devious grin. “Well, somepony made a new friend while I was away.”

While many ponies thought her an island of innocent ignorance, Fluttershy was more than able to pick up on what Twilight was implying. Her face lit up like the setting sun, and she shook her head furiously.

“O-oh no, its not like that at all!” she insisted. “I-I just helped her pet parrot after she broke her wing last week.”

Twilight’s smirk didn’t waiver, but she let the matter drop to spare Fluttershy’s heart the strain of maintaining her entire blood supply in her cheeks. Her mercy was ‘rewarded’ with a teasing prod of Fluttershy’s own.

“How are things coming with Nightmare Mo—“

Twilight leapt across the table and covered Fluttershy’s mouth with her hooves, panic in her eyes. “Don’t say her—“


“—name,” Twilight finished lamely, her hooves and face, falling onto the table. Fluttershy looked around in confusion for the source of the downright maniacal laughter, but her focus quickly changed when the sky was engulfed in dark, foreboding storm clouds. The rolling thunderheads materialized from nothing, and swirled into a dark mass so deep it overpowered the noonday sun and bathed Ponyville in darkness.

Where is Our Beloved?” a voice boomed from everywhere and nowhere, all consuming and intangible as the wind.

With a resigned sigh, Twilight raised a hoof and waved it about. “Right here, Moonie.”

From on high, a figure of pure darkness descended to the ground. The figure slammed into the ground, a thunderbolt striking just behind it to punctuate the landing. The shadows around the figure slowly receded, revealing the imposing form of Nightmare Moon, the Reborn Darkness.

“Twilight,” she whispered urgently, glancing around to see if anypony else had heard her pet name, “Not in front of the peasantry.”

“For the hundredth time, Moonie,” Twilight repeated, louder this time to ensure the café’s other (terrified)customers had heard her, “They aren’t peasants, they’re subjects.”

“Um, Twilight? That still sounds a little demeaning,” Fluttershy ventured.

Twilight ignored her, instead deciding to continue berating her marefriend. “And why are you here, interrupting my lunch with Fluttershy?” Twilight demanded as she stood and pushed into Nightmare Moon’s personal space, somehow managing to look intimidating next to the alicorn who was nearly twice her size.

Nightmare Moon dropped her gaze to the ground in shame, idly kicking a loose stone. “I…I missed you,” she said quietly, her tone easily likened to that of a kicked puppy.

Twilight’s heart melted at the sight, and she quickly enveloped the larger mare in a hug.

“I know, but we’ve talked about this. You need to get to know some ponies other than me, and I need to spend time with my other friends. Do you know this is the first time I’ve been back to Ponyville since your Rising?” Twilight said gently.

Nightmare Moon nodded, unwilling to meet Twilight’s eyes. “I did, and I’m…I’m sorry. This was foolish of me.”

Twilight lifted Nightmare Moon’s face with a hoof and forced her to look up. “No, it wasn’t foolish. It was actually kind of sweet, in a way.” Twilight lightly kissed her marefriend before releasing her.

“But right now I would like for you to go back to Canterlot. If I’m not mistaken, Lieutenant Whisper Wind’s horror movie marathon is today. I think you’d enjoy it.”

Twilight smiled supportively, which Nightmare Moon eventually returned. “Very well, I shall take my leave then. I—“ Nightmare Moon once again looked around suspiciously at the various ponies watching the exchange, before continuing in a whisper audible only to Twilight, “I love you.”

Twilight’s eyes glistened for a split second before she closed them and gave her marefriend another quick peck. “I love you too, Moonie. Now, off with you. I’ll see you tonight.” Twilight punctuated her statement with a light slap of her wing on Nightmare Moon’s flank. It was quickly proven that black coats were not, in fact, 100% effective at hiding blushes.

Like a rocket, Nightmare Moon departed the quiet village, leaving Twilight to retake her seat across from Fluttershy. As the clouds and shadows dispersed, Twilight watched the retreating form of her marefriend as she headed towards Canterlot. With a blissful, far away look, she turned to her friend.

“To answer your question, Fluttershy, things with her are coming along. Slowly, but I think I’m making progress.”

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