• Published 3rd Sep 2014
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Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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42 Eternity by Kinght of Lycaeus

The site I had chosen for this was perfect, secluded and hidden far from even the prying eyes of their so-called leaders. In my eyes mortals were merely pitiful creatures nothing more than pests living brief, meaningless lives that were remembered one minute and forgotten the next. I have lived lives beyond their reckoning and every mortal was the same, who cares for the colour of their pelt or what damn name they bear? An ironic notion for what I was preparing to do.

I looked to the stone platform I had raised and the prone form of a mare lying in an intricate spell circle in front of me. How unremarkable she seemed and alike she was to all the other pathetic mortals, yet somehow she intrigues me…. for a mortal, an insignificant creature, to not immediately succumb to the darkness that dwells within the hearts of all beings…. fascinating. I had thought little of her and why should I, a Goddess spare her any thoughts. She was nothing more than a passing curiosity.

I have destroyed many and yet she resisted even my most tempting and irresistible offer, so rare that a mortal would dare disobey me and live. In my long existence I have brought low the elder and the youth, the hale and the bereft, male and female, all manners of mortals. I poisoned their stupid minds with promises of wealth and power and how readily they all fall to the never-ending greed lurking in their feeble hearts. I even brought low one of the so-called mighty alicorns and I watched as she destroyed all that their pitiful existence had built. It truly was a pleasure watching every worthless mortal destroying their own world to quench their everlasting lust; they were so feeble, so weak. I let out a dark chuckle as I moved about to complete my work, Oh how low even the mightiest would go all for promises of even a sliver of power.

So weak, so worthless and here I wanted one to serve me at my side for all of eternity, irony at its finest. I first spied upon her when bested the last fool I had tempted. An intriguing mortal for once, even more so as tales of her exploits grew, it was then I decided what her new role shall be. She was a useless creature who had been chosen to serve me and yet mortals were fragile and she would not last for long in my service so some minor adjustments were necessary. I scoffed at this thought, the alterations I had planned were drawn from the most primal magic this world has and yet I was proven true. Mortals living their bland, menaingless lives have forgotten even the most basic of primal magic, for they would cower before its might branding it dark or forbidden.

A final inspection of my retinue of shadow golems to ensure that each were armed and poised to bar any possible intruders ensured that I was ready to begin the ritual. The moon was gone this night and the stars were dim, the conditions could not have been more perfect. A smirk crossed my visage, failure meant nothing more than losing another of the bland mass, intriguing as she might be, but success would bring something different. Success meant that after this I would have her as my own. Mine to command for all of eternity; her old life was gone only her life at my side awaited her.

I allowed the smirk to fade as I pulled out a series of smoky coloured crystals that were inspected over slowly before placing each of them on plinths surrounding the ritual site, ignoring the sorrowful wails coming from each crystal, A sealed flask was brought forth and opened allowing the metallic smell to escape. Carefully I poured the blood onto each rune etched into the stone platform that I had raised to serve as the base for this little ritual. The ritual grounds set I allowed myself a small smile before I began, mortal life essence were such simple items to obtain and yet with the proper spells they were so potent. The smile grew wider as I remembered the dying screams of the mortals I stole the essences from; perhaps I shall tempt my next victim with the promise of teaching primal magic. It would certainly be a far more entertaining sight to behold as the ancient magic ravaged the world once more.

One final inspection to confirm that the other items, namely all manners of horns, hooves, wings, and bones the simple tools nature granted mortals to channel their magic, were likewise in place and I was ready to begin; chanting out words in a language so ancient that only a few on this sphere even remember. I still bore the likeness from the last fool I had led astray; the body of an alicorn was not one I would have preferred but workable for my needs. I brought my magic to the tip of my sharp horn and slowly began channeling magic that few would have ever seen. I neared the end of my chant as I reached the apex of my magic and with a swift motion I rammed the tip through the prone mare’s heart. I could hear the loud cries from her as the magic slowly took hold, such pleasurable sounds that screams made. I found I had indulged too little of the dying wails of mortal as of late. After nearly a minute I raised my head and removed my horn from the still screaming mare whose body now began shaking and convulsing. I knew most of the effects would not occur just yet but already I could see the effect taking hold. In brief flashes I noted that the mare’s mark had changed, the magenta star bore a dark crescent in its center. I settled down to rest for it had been too long since my last use of such primal magic. Watching the mare bound within the spell circle, I smile for I knew that come dawn her life in my eternal servitude would begin.

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