• Published 3rd Sep 2014
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Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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72 Astonishment by Kean

by Kean

Part 3 of the "Broken" series

Shining Armor sat atop a hill overlooking the town Twilight was being held in watching the last vestiges of moonlight filtered through his shield, his horn glowing dimly. Even in the dying light he could still make out the crater Nightmare Moon had made on the edge of the town. Seeing her dive from on high like a meteor, bathed in fire and fury, had him awestruck. Feeling that fury – that power – even from such a distance, had left him shaken. By the time he’d recovered his wits and erected a shield around the town, she was gone, burrowed deep into the earth.

When the shield was raised, there was no panic as they had expected. Instead, every Griffin made toward the center of the town, as if it were a designated rally point. He had noted, in what little time he had to inspect them, that there seemed to be no civilians. There certainly weren’t any children. This was, beyond a doubt, a military facility hiding behind the façade of a standard town.

As the moon was finally laid to rest, he turned at the sound of hoofsteps to see Princess Celestia approaching. She had foregone her usual attire, leaving her crown, hoofshoes, and torc back in Canterlot. Instead she wore a set of brilliant golden armor. From her hooves to the top of her neck, overlapping plates covered her. Even the leading edges of her wings were protected. She wore no helmet, but even with her face unobstructed, her best kind smile was still intimidating.

He was more than sure it was all for show: A way to tell anyone who saw her that she was not there as a diplomat, not there to entertain dignitaries, and not there to be bargained with, without saying a word.

She stopped at his side, her horn glowing faintly, but said nothing. He turned his attention back to the shield. Modifying the spell to teleport Twilight to them when her magical signature came into contact with it had been Luna’s idea. His had been to simply have the shield collapse upon itself until it hit her, ignoring anything else alive or not, and have it surround her, and then pull her directly to them, through anything in its path.

Celestia had been the one to suggest collapsing it and everything inside it. As former Captain of her royal guard, Shining Armor knew that Celestia was powerful. He knew that she would likely do anything to protect her kingdom, her ponies. But she had said it in a tone as cold as ice and hard as steel. He had never seen her – or anyone – look and sound so vindictive and couldn’t help but wonder if some of it was aimed at herself for being unable to act for so long.

She had also taken the duty of powering his spell while he kept the framework solid. Griffin shamans tapped into the world’s leylines to perform their magic, so they had a near limitless supply so long as their bodies and minds held out. Even patching minor damage over the past two days had begun to tire Shining Armor.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Celestia’s magic flare for moment before returning to its dim glow. The sun rose without any fanfare, the morning light illuminating the empty town.

Shining Armor sighed. “That’s three days.”

“You don’t need to be the one to do this, Shining Armor,” Celestia said, her voice soft with a hint of sorrow.

Neither turned their gaze away from the town. “No, I don’t have to be. But she’s my sister, so I will.” Shining Armor’s voice was firm, resolute. “I’ll give Nightmare five more minutes.” Luna would wake soon, as would their other “guest”. Best to do it quick. “Nightmare knew her timeframe.”

Instead of simply staring, Shining began to look over the town once again to pass the time. Looking at it, it was a perfect rendition of a town, as if it were a hobbyist’s model. Split into four in a circle surrounding a central building, on one side was a residential district. On one side of that was a market district, fit with stores, stands, and everything else a merchant might use to peddle their goods. On the other side was a business district fitted with buildings of mismatched heights, giving the impression that some were either more important or required more workers than the others. Interspersed between the three were buildings and shops of the others.

The fourth slice contained what would house the “upper class” citizens, if there were any. Gilded buildings, each one more grandiose than the last, filled the area. The central building, larger than even the most grandiose of the upper district and flanked by a tall tower on either side now housed the entirety of the town, when they weren’t attempting to break through the shield. He and the Princesses were sure that no actually one used any buildings outside of the residential area; that the rest was just for show.

Still, if Nightmare hadn’t… ‘Persuaded’ the king’s advisors into giving up their information to her about this place, we’d never have suspected it, Shining thought with a sigh.

His magic flared in preparation of altering the dimensions of such a massive shield, but paused before he even began. A ping came from his connection to the shield, a signal that someone was being teleported. He couldn’t stop the relieved smile that spread across his muzzle. She had actually found Twilight.


“Thank you for not asking me to go back with you – or taking me back – yesterday, Nightmare,” Twilight said as she stood and stretched. The room was empty except for the two of them and the broken machinery. Everything else had been buried, incinerated, or otherwise destroyed.

“Of course,” Nightmare replied, nuzzling into Twilight’s neck. “I promised I would only watch over you, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, but I also remember you saying that I should rest.” Twilight chuckled. “It didn’t take you long to throw that idea out… “She trailed off at Nightmare’s smug grin. “What?”

“You are more relaxed, are you not? You are certainly at least much more calm.”

“T-that’s beside the point, “Twilight sputtered, turning to hide her blush. “And I’m only calm because I’ve pretty much sealed off my anger. Probably not healthy for any length of time, but I didn’t want to risk losing it with you again. Seriously, you could probably say anything and I wouldn’t even be able to get angry about it,” Twilight chuckled nervously.

“Twilight…” Nightmare saw the last vestiges of moonlight fade from the top of the hole and sighed. “The sun will rise soon. I will ask you only once more, as it will be your last chance: Will you leave with me?” Twilight ruffled her wings and shook her head.

“Very well, but promise me that, should become weak or feel that you are becoming overwhelmed, you will make contact with the shield and escape.”

Twilight grinned. “Don’t worry, I already planned for that. What I need to do for it, though… Please apologize to Shiny for me. He’s not going to like it…”


Nightmare appeared with a pop and immediately heard Shining Armor ask, “Where is she?”

She blinked the remaining spots from her eyes before focusing them on him. “Still inside. She… elected to stay behind.”

“What? Why? Is she alright, is she hurt?”

“She is… alive. “

“Then why didn’t you bring her here with you?!” He shouted and turned back toward he town. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter, I’ll get her out.” Just as he prepared to shrink the shield, bolt of deep purple magic fired like a flare out of the crater. It impacted the shield and Shining fell to his belly, clutching his head and writhing in pain. Even Celestia’s head bowed against the unexpected power. Both of their horns lost their glow.

Nightmare watched as the shield flickered before becoming a deep purple tinged with black. She chuckled. “If it’s any consolation, she asked me to apologize to you for her for that. I’m sure if she’d known you were assisting with it, that the apology would extend to you as well, Celestia.” Celestia scowled at her, Nightmare just shrugged.

“That was Twilight?” Shining groaned as he rose to his hooves. “How? If she can do that then why wasn’t she able to escape?”

Hearing hoofsteps behind her, Nightmare turned to see Luna approaching wearing pale silver armor identical to Celestia’s. Luna said nothing so Nightmare turned back to Shining and sighed. “When I found her, she was strapped to a table, her horn broken off…”

She told them everything she’d seen and done, excluding parts of the second day and what little Twilight had told her they’d done to her and what she’d been able to infer. If Twilight wanted them to know, she’d tell them herself. When she finished, all their eyes were wide in astonishment. Shining’s gaze quickly hardened. He turned and began marching toward the town.

“Where are you going?” Nightmare asked.

“To get her out. I’ll drag her back here, if I have to,” Shining replied without stopping, his voice firm.

Luna laughed in disbelief. “She overpowered both you and my sister and wrestled control of your shield without trouble. What makes you believe you will be able to ‘drag her back’?”

“We weren’t expecting it. I will be-“

“She overpowered me.” Nightmare said. “And I was prepared. Your going in there will do more harm than good, Shining Armor. Should any harm come to you, who do you think she will blame? What do you think will happen then?”

“So what am I supposed to do?” Shining snapped and turned. “Sit here and watch and leave her alone in there with them?!”

“I would say that we are leaving them in there with her, but yes, that is exactly what you should do. She is angry, Shining Armor. She is unstable, dragging her out and back to Equestria may be the right thing to do, but it is not the best. Let her have her revenge, let her rid herself of at least some of that anger.” Her visage turned soft. “Then, when she is finished, we will be here for her. She is not broken, not completely; she is not lost to us.”

Shining slumped, hung his head in defeat, and nodded.

Nightmare turned her gaze on both Luna and Celestia. Both nodded in agreement. Satisfied, she moved past them and approached the fifth of the group. The Griffin stood alone and off to the side watching the town. He wore only a set of ornate talon guards, leaving the rest of his body unprotected; a testament to the arrogance in his belief that he could not be harmed here.

She stopped beside him, not bothering to look at him as she spoke. “King Skytalon, I have said it before and I will again: You do not belong here.”

“And as I have said before,” He replied, his voice deep, his words spoken as if he were speaking down to a lesser. “Whether they are part of my kingdom or not, they are Griffins, my people. I will see them punished properly.”

“Do you honestly think that we believe you? That you knew nothing about this place? We are not fools.”

“And yet,” he chuckled. “You have no proof. Even your kin did not go to war with us over this. So while you may not believe me, it seems those in power do.”

Nightmare laughed, low and dark. “Celestia and Luna did not invade or wage war due to potential civilian casualties on both sides. They know as well as I that you only lead us here because, otherwise, your head would roll. As for proof? If I believed for even a moment that going to war would not harm Twilight’s psyche more than you already have, I would rip your mind apart and tear the memories out in an instant, just as I did to your advisors.”

“Ah, so it is the young alicorn that is keeping my mind intact? I will have to thank her.”

A flash of light erupted in the residential area of the town, blinding all on the hill momentarily. When the light subsided, nothing was left standing. There was no earth quaking force, no sound, no warning. One moment the buildings stood, the next they were rubble. A purple streak blurred across to the business district. Up and down the alleyways and streets Twilight flew, collecting an increasing trail of Griffins that had apparently been hiding.

When she finished her search, she flew as high as the shield would allow her. The Griffins, of which Nightmare counted twenty, were held in her magic in a line. As one, their wings expanded to their full lengths. As one, twenty sets of wings were sheared off and fell to the ground. Even with the distance between them, Nightmare could hear their screams faintly.

One by one each Griffin fell to the ground, limp, the only indication that Twilight had done anything being her movement and splattering of red on the shield. When the last Griffin impacted the ground, the Business district met the same fate as the residential. Twilight then moved on to the market.

Nightmare grinned wide, bearing her fangs, when the King took a step back, it only widened. “You believe yourself to be untouchable. You believe that, since you will with get away with this that you will be able to do anything. And I am so very glad that you do. Because when you decide that one, petty, perceived slight is finally enough and you do decided to engage Equestria, I will be there.

“And I’m sure I speak for Twilight as well when I say that we will so enjoy crushing every foolish Griffin that chooses to follow you.”

The left tower flanking the central building cracked and spit in two as Twilight flew straight up it, her magical talons each leaving a purple streak behind her and whenever she swung at a Griffin as she passed, cutting though them with ease. Those that didn’t die fell with the tower as Twilight broke through the top and flew into the top of the second tower.

Other than the dust settling and Griffins leaving the main complex, armed and ready to retaliate against Twilight’s rampage, it was silent. Then a scream, magically amplified, rent the air. A Griffin flew out of one of the tower windows, followed by Twilight. By the bright purple colors and what she could make out of the ornate designs on his cloak, he was likely one of, if not the head of the complex.

His wings spread, then snapped shut before he swung back toward the tower. Upon reaching the vertex of the swing, a sickening crack resounded through the air and he went limp.

A dark, sadistic chuckle came from Twilight and Nightmare saw Luna, Celestia, and Shining Armor tense. Then the shield began to collapse and Twilight flew to the top and touched it before disappearing. Nightmare turned and began to move toward where Twilight would arrive and couldn’t help but grin as the King stood motionless, staring as the town was crushed from all side. He was tensed, likely to stop himself from shaking. His tail, however, continued to flick back and forth nervously.

Twilight appeared crouched low, wings spread, and growling, her breathing coming out in pants. Only Nightmare and Shining made to move to her, but when her eye, wild and unfocused, fell on him, he paused. Slowly, her wings folded at her sides and her eye focused on him.

“Twily, are you okay?” A pointless question, but Nightmare couldn’t fault him. “You look – I mean, Nightmare told us how she found you, but – “

“I’m fine, Shiny.”

“But-“ he stepped closer and raised a hoof to touch the bare skin on the left side of Twilight’s face. Most of the scarring was gone, but she still had no feeling on that half.

She gently lowered his hoof with her own and smiled softly. “I’m fine, really.”

“But what was that?” He threw a hoof out, pointing to where the town used to be, now just a purple bubble draining dust and dirt from a hole in the bottom into a crater where the town used to be. “And that?” He finished, pointing to the metallic collar around her neck.

“The results of an experiment.”


She wrapped his neck in a hug. “Thank you for coming here. It means more than you know. “

Shining hesitated for a moment, another question on his tongue before sighing and returning the hug. “Of course, you’re welcome.”

Twilight looked over his shoulder at Celestia and Luna and smiled. “Thank you both, too.”

Luna acknowledged it with a nod, but Celestia said, “Twilight, I apologize for how long it took us. We couldn’t-“

“Don’t,” Twilight sighed and released her brother. “Nightmare told me everything. I understand.” She chuckled lightly. “I hope I didn’t hurt either of you too much when I took control of the shield.” Both simply shook their heads in response, but Celestia shot another scowl at Nightmare. Nightmare just smiled innocently.

Twilight’s gaze eventually fell on the Griffin King, still standing away from the group, scowling at them. His scowl only deepened when Twilight approached him with Nightmare against her side, supporting her weak legs. “I never did get to thank you for the feast you set up for my escort and I,” Twilight said casually. Before he could reply, she continued.

“Though that’s probably how you got me here in the first place. I spent some time trying to figure out which dish or drink you must have poisoned-“

Nightmare fought hard to keep the grin off her face as the King’s hackles rose and scowl deepened even further at the offense, and that Twilight didn’t bow or even address him. “This is all you have to say? Petty insults on my chefs? I will tell you as I have told your kin: I had nothing to do with your capture and imprisonment,” He growled back.

Twilight laughed, but lowered her voice. “So, all the times the researchers were told to report their findings to the King, they weren’t referring to you? And when the head told me that, ‘The King will have your head for this’, before I threw him through the window, that you are not the King he was referring to?” Twilight chuckled as his talons dug into the earth. “Now, now, you wouldn’t want to attack me here, with proper witnesses, would you?

“Just stand there and keep looking indignant, wouldn’t want them to think something might be wrong. Yeah, just like that, perfect.” Twilight’s raised her voice enough for the others hear again. “I haven’t been able to figure it out yet; everything tasted like rotting garbage.”

With that, Twilight turned away, Nightmare leading her away from the group.

“This is insulting!” Skytalon shouted. “Celestia, this is how you allow your apprentices to act toward royalty?!”

Celestia regarded him for a moment before looking around. “According to you, this land is not claimed by any race. It has no hierarchy and no laws. That being said, I see no royalty here, only five ponies and a griffin. She has done nothing wrong, perhaps besides being a little rude, but under the circumstances – and as I am not her mother – I will let it pass.” She turned her gaze back to the King. “Unless you wish to claim this land as your own. Then I may scold her.”

Skytalon made to reply but quickly caught his tongue. After fuming for a time he glared at Celestia. “No, it is not part of our territories. But, this will not be the last time we speak of this.”

A loud, mocking laugh came from Luna. “Please, do bring it up during our next meeting. I would love to see how both councils react to the knowledge that you nearly dammed your people for the sake of your pride.”

After attempting to sputter a reply, Skytalon took flight, leaving the five ponies to themselves.

“Right,” Celestia sighed. “We should return to Canterlot. I’m sure Cadance and Blueblood are close to losing their minds by now. Twilight?” Celestia called as she approached her. Twilight turned her head, but didn’t shout back. Stopping next to her, Celestia asked, “The skin on your face has healed, but I assume the nerves are still dead?” Twilight nodded.

Celestia smiled and lit her horn. “I should be able to repair the damage when we get back, it’s the least I can do for you.” In a flash of sunlight, the five ponies disappeared, on their way back to Canterlot.

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