• Published 3rd Sep 2014
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Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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94 Tied by Toratchi888

by Toratchi888

Darkness is Beauty, Beauty is Magic, Act 3

Rarity lay behind a bush, sobbing in time to the rush of the river nearby.

Of all the nerve… I offer to help that miserable serpent—offer of myself, even!—and what do I get for my generosity?

“HE CALLED ME FAAAAAAT!” she wailed. “He—and that Twilight Sparkle! Ohh, ohh, ohh!”

“Sheeeeeesh,” intoned a deadpan voice from up the path, “think you can yell any louder? I don’t think Princess Celestia heard you… wherever she is.”

Rarity peeked over the bush to see Pinkie Pie, hair deflated, eyes puffy from crying, frowning as she dragged Fluttershy along with her.

“I found her.” Pinkie flicked her foreleg, and Fluttershy stumbled to her belly, whimpering. “I figured, maybe the child can lead the children, or something. Or maybe it would be best to drag her along until we found Twilight and everyone again.”

Fluttershy whimpered again, covering her face with her hooves.

“Fluttershy,” Pinkie grumbled, “I don’t have the energy to deal with this from you right now. Or you, Queen of Drama, so let’s just figure out what—”

A rainbow-accented blue blur rocketed through the sky, down through the canopy, and into the river, blasting water everywhere. The three ponies near the bank were drenched.

“Why do I have to be fat AND wet today?!” Rarity wailed.

Pinkie blew at her bangs vainly. “Stupid hair.”

Fluttershy began crying silently.

A rainbow-maned head popped from the river. Gasping, Rainbow Dash pulled herself up the shallow bank and collapsed, wheezing.

“Stupid… bucking… Shadowbolts…”

“Say whaaaat?” Pinkie asked blankly.

“Top fliers… in the forest… they took me… deep in the trees… blindfolded me… spun me around… said it was part of… initiation… then they… gave the boot. Literally!” Dash fluttered up, shaking water from her wings, her breath back and her tone indignant. “They actually booted me all the way over here. ME! Rainbow Awesome Dash!”

“Awesome, Dash.” Pinkie rolled her eyes.

“Mighty fine landing, pardner. Keep at it; maybe y’all can do a stunt by the lake next summer.” Applejack trotted out of the shadows to join her friends, who turned to face her.

“So, cowpoke, you made it out of that hole, eh? And without wings.” Rainbow smirked.

“One hundred and twenty-seven attempts. Yes; I counted. Thank you for makin’ an ass outta me back there, Rainbow Dash. Next time ya pull a stunt like that, I will chuck y’all down a well and plug the hole with a barrel of cider, just to torment you, ya hear?”

“Weeeell, maybe you should have taken Twilight’s advice and not listened to me in the first place.”

“Are y’all mental, Rainbow Dash?” Applejack trotted right up to Rainbow Dash, who had dropped a hoof’s length to stare down her friend. “Rather than save us, y’all just stood around up on that cliff. That kinda betrayal in a time of need ain’t nothin’ I can accommodate, ya hear me?”

“Don’t you go there!” Dash growled through gritted teeth. “First Twilight, now you. I’m a lot of things—a hotheaded idiot and an over-competitive jerk, but I am NOT. A. TRAITOR!” she screamed into Applejack’s face.

“And I ain’t no fool, even if doin’ the right thing means I have to suffer because of it. But I ain’t gonna pull no punches either if’n someone like you needs to be put in her place.”

“Oh, this is shameful!” Rarity put in, fanning herself with a leaf. “We’re all supposed to be friends, darlings; what on earth has gotten us so put out?”

“Riiiight, because right now, I’m sure the fact that you’re having a body-image crisis beats the Queen Meanie roving around the Everfree.” Pinkie stuck out her tongue at Rarity.

“Girls…” Fluttershy whined.

“Oh, don’t you start!” Pinkie snapped, rounding on the yellow pegasus.

“How dare you?!” Rarity seethed, trotting around to face Pinkie Pie.

A blast of light engulfed the clearing; rays of light—looking so solid you might touch them—formed a halo, almost a tunnel from a point downstream. A ball of light grew in size as it came closer.

The ponies squinted into the glare. They could just make out a tall pony-shape…

The light faded; in its place stood the incorporeal form of…

“Princess Celestia!” they cried in unison. They all dropped to their bellies in supplication.

“Peace, my little ponies,” she replied, the ghost of an echo-voice behind her. “Rise. We must address the danger to our realm.”

The ponies rose, standing as they were accustomed.

“Yer Highness, I don’t think we got much time. Twilight’s long gone, so… if you could just tell us quick… Where did you go before Nightmare Moon showed up? How’d you disappear?”

“And how did you get back?” Rarity added.

“At the moment of raising the sun, I transcend this world for just a moment; in effect, the sun and I are as one. Depending on my mood—among other things—the sunrise, or sunset, can vary in substance.

“Since the tone of the Summer Sun Celebration is triumphal and glorious, my transcendence is particularly powerful on that occasion.”

“Wait a moment, Yer Highness! If yer so powerful during the Summer Sun Celebration, shouldn’t it be foal’s play to break through the night?”

“Yeah! If you’re all, like, super-powerful, shouldn’t something as awesome as the Summer Sun rising be like, I dunno, super-special-awesome powerful?”

“Could you put that as a percentage, darling?” Rarity interjected snidely. “It would be much more refined.”

“It seems that, when I transcended, Nightmare Moon chose that moment to bring all of her power to bear, drawing the Curtain of Night across the land. As I was one with the Sun, and not tied to the land or the physical world at that moment, I was stuck. I have spent all my time and energy since pushing through the Curtain of Night, and I have just now been partly successful.”

“An’ that’s why you’re all ghostlike.”

“Correct, Applejack. This is but a fraction of my power; I can project this image of light into the world to speak to you. I fear we have not much time; my body continues to put pressure on the Curtain of Night while my mind reaches out to you, but—”

“Relax, Your Highness,” Rainbow Dash cut it, “we’ll take care of Nightmare Moon no problem!”

“Really, Dash?” Pinkie drawled. “And how do you figure we’ll be able to take down Black Snooty? By being more conceited than her?”

“I don’t want to face any more mean, nasty creatures tonight… or ever…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Well, that’s a given,” Pinkie retorted sullenly.

“I’m not sure we’re the best ponies for the job…” Applejack hung her head. The others mumbled general agreement, heads also hanging, shame writ across their faces.

A hoof beneath Applejack’s chin lifted her head. Applejack stared into Princess Celestia’s eyes. There was no judgement there, only peaceful understanding and what Applejack could only describe as maternal encouragement.

“You know your own limits, Applejack, and have no time for that which hinders or hides the truth. Now, learn to be open and accepting of the faults of others, even as you seek the truth and remain forthright and honest.”

Celestia turned to Fluttershy, to whom she walked, draping an ethereal wing over the shaking pegasus mare.

“You know your weaknesses, and they are many. But you know your great strength is within; the ability to keep going for your friends, for those who depend on you. On this kindness many will depend.”

Celestia turned to Pinkie Pie, combing a hoof through the straight pink hair and flipping it until it bounced freely. Pinkie felt the beginnings of a smile on her face.

“A child in heart is no fool. It takes great courage to laugh in the face of danger, of fear, of sorrow; to see the best in everyone. Let none set you aside lightly, or send you away when they hurt; let them send for you instead.”

Celestia went next to Rarity, smoothing her coat and mane until they were less unruly than they were.

“A willing, giving soul like yours cannot be so easily tossed aside. Do not throw yourself away, nor let others cast you off. But give freely, as your generous nature allows.”

Finally, Celestia stood before Rainbow Dash, who fluttered to the ground, pawing nervously.

Celestia winked. “No one can do it alone. Even though sometimes we feel betrayed, everyone needs someone to be there for them. Friends, family; the loyal.”

The five friends looked between each other, their eyes shining, small smiles forming.

* * *

“Uh, guys…? She touched us. How—?”

Pinkie gasped. “She’s GONE!”

They all peered rapidly about.

“So she has, darling.” Rarity tapped her chin. “I hope nothing is amiss, wherever she is…”

“We can’t worry about that right now. We gotta go help Twilight!” Applejack turned to the river and trotted towards it, poised to make a leap across.

“Um, AJ…”

Applejack turned back to Rainbow Dash, who rubbed her forelegs together.

“Dash…” Applejack said softly. “I know it hurt, the things she said. But I think… Twilight is hurting more. Dontcha think she deserves another chance?”

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “…yeah. Celestia knows, I’ve had a few of those myself…”

“All right, y’all! Let’s save Twilight and kick that Nightmare Moon square back into the stars!”

* * *

Twilight Sparkle languished at the foot the throne’s dais, Nightmare Moon perched on the throne, peering down at the unicorn as she flipped one of the five stone balls containing the Elements of Harmony up and down with her hoof.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Nightmare Moon said soothingly, “you seem distressed, my dear. Won’t you confide in me?”

“This is no life…” Twilight whispered.

“Twilight, dear, don’t fret. Just as soon as I have firmly secured the Curtain of Night across the land, I will make you my first and best servant, second to no—”

“I would rather be second or last in a small town like Ponyville, surrounded by friends, than be first under you,” Twilight whispered back fiercely.

Nightmare Moon’s snout twitched. “What?” she asked flatly, flinging the stone to the floor. “You disrespectful foal…” she hissed. Her eyes lit up blue.

The same glow appeared in Twilight’s eyes. She struggled to her feet, turning to face the throne.

“If you’re going to be difficult, I’ll expedite this. Kneel.”

Slowly, unwillingly, Twilight prostrated herself before the foot of the dais.

“Say. You. Will. Be. Mine.”


“Now, that ain’t no way to treat a pony!” rang out a voice from the entrance of the hall.

Nightmare Moon and Twilight—the former’s grip on the latter slipping with the intrusion—looked to the entranceway to face their interrupters.

“Applejack… Fluttershy… Pinkie Pie… Rarity… Rainbow Dash…” A tear crept down Twilight’s cheek. “It’s too late… I can’t get the Elements…”

“We aren’t here for the Elements, dummy!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“We’re here for you, darling.”

“Yup! Queen Meanie isn’t going to get you as long as we’re around.”

“Um, for the record, I don’t want to fight, but, um… You’re a friend, so, um… here we are…”

Applejack strode forward a pace. “That’s the long and the short of it, sugarcube. Y’ain’t getting’ rid of us. Elements of Harmony or not, we aren’t gonna let you be alone.”

“Girls—!” Twilight sobbed out.

“Cute,” Nightmare Moon deadpanned. “What, have you discovered some kind of magic in friendship?”

Twilight’s head snapped up, her eyes ablaze. White light sparked from the five stones, flying out and shooting for the five ponies standing in the entranceway.

“Friendship is a wonderful and magical thing, Yer Snootiness! Friends are people you can rely on to keep your secrets and tell ya the truth.” A short peytral of yellow gold, with an orange apple fixed to the center, appeared around Applejack’s neck as she spoke.

“Friends are people who will never fail to be kind to you.” Fluttershy received a pink butterfly on her peytral.

“Friends are the best for having super-duper fun parties, and laughing with!” Pinkie Pie’s peytral formed around a blue balloon.

“Friends will give of themselves, no matter the cost.” Rarity’s peytral pendant became a purple diamond.

“Friends are those who are going to be there for you. Always.” Rainbow Dash’s jewel took the shape of a red lightning bolt in her peytral.

Twilight rose into the air, the shapes of her five friends’ Cutie Marks flying about her before they merged into one huge six-pointed star, which contracted into a gold tiara with a magenta star on Twilight’s head. Her five friends charged forward to her side.


A torrent of rainbow energy burst forth from around the six ponies, flying up before hurtling down onto Nightmare Moon.

Fool. I see your heart, Twilight Sparkle. Yes, you believe your friends will carry you, and perhaps they will.

But for your impudence… you will carry ME!

The rainbow torrent, shot through with dark patches, reversed to smash into Twilight and scatter her friends.

Light blazed through the throne room as the Sun rose, and Princess Celestia appeared. “I came as soon as I felt the Curtain of Night weaken. Twilight—”

Celestia stopped short. She paced slowly towards Twilight, who was huddled in the middle of the room. Applejack and the others also approached.

Twilight’s eyes and horn were solid black.

Your guilt has tied you to me, Twilight Sparkle, hissed forth the voice of Nightmare Moon, causing everyone but Celestia and Twilight to jump back.

Now… we shall be together. FOREVER…

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