• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 7,465 Views, 591 Comments

Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

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30 Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath by Myrandall

Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
by Myrandall

“For the last time, Nighty, she’s not going to hurt you!”

“She was imprisoned in her own body for over a thousand years, and you think she just conveniently forgot that it was I who did that to her?!” Nightmare Moon replied, a scared look on her face.

Twilight and Nightmare were standing in the Nightmare’s bedroom, in front of a large mirror that took up most of a wall. The curtains in front of the room’s stately windows were drawn halfway, keeping most of the sunshine out. It gave the room a dark and gloomy feel.

Just the way she liked it.

“Well, no, but Celestia told me Luna was always very forgiving… And since her return I don’t get the impress-”

“Oh, please! You said yourself you’ve hardly gotten to know her since. And I know what feelings first emerged when she and I were severed by your... magic. You might expect somepony’s first real feelings after a banishment to be relief, or joy at finally being free again. ”

Nightmare turned away from Twilight and looked at herself in the mirror, a look of sorrow in her eyes.

“It wasn’t. Did you know what I felt as I was torn from her body?”

She turned to face a puzzled Twilight again.

“It was hatred.” she said. “Pure hatred for my being. In that moment I felt nothing but her desire to obliterate me. To cease my existence in return for what I had put her through.”

The Nightmare dropped her head.

“She wanted to end me, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something. Something to comfort her beloved, to tell her she was wrong. Something, anything, to convince her that Luna’s invitation wasn’t some sort of hour of reckoning.

But she couldn’t. She just stood there, mouth wordlessly agape.

It had been four weeks since Nightmare Moon had first shown up in Twilight’s dreams.

It had been three weeks since they had the courage to confess their mutual love for each other.

It had been two weeks since Twilight’s plea to Celestia to give dreaded Nightmare a second chance.

It had been one week since Celestia had come to a decision. Luna hadn’t left her chambers since.

Nightmare sighed. “No point in staying here. She’d just come to get her vengeance in my dreams if I don’t go to her. I won’t have anypony saying I didn’t face her with my head held high.” she said as she headed for the door. Twilight finally closed her mouth and followed.

Nightmare was right. She didn’t know Luna.

As escort of six batponies of Luna’s Royal Guard stood waiting outside, stoic looks on their faces. The alicorns were escorted to the palace’s ballroom, where Luna’s scroll had instructed her to come.

As they approached the great doors at the end of the hallway Nightmare’s pace became hesitant. Four of the escort’s guards walked behind them now, blocking the way back. The other two took up positions at either side of the doors. Nightmare stopped a few feet in front of them.


“I’m here.”

Nightmare swallowed. “Whatever happens... Know that I love you.”

Before Twilight could reply, Nightmare nodded at the guards at the doors to let her in. They pushed the great doors open to reveal the dark ballroom.

The curtains in the room were drawn completely, almost entirely blocking the setting sun’s rays. About half the candles in the ballroom’s great chandelier were lit, illuminating the figure beneath it.

Luna was sitting on a simple wooden chair on the opposite end of a small square table, facing an empty chair.

Nightmare slowly stepped inside. The doors quickly closed behind her with a echoing slam.

She swallowed again and raised her head.

This was it.

She approached the monarch of the night.

“Be seated.” Luna said in a clam but stern voice. Nightmare sat down in the empty chair.

Luna looked her right in the eyes.

“Art thou afraid?”

Nightmare remained silent.


Silence fell over the two alicorns. Their eyes never left the other’s.

Nightmare shook a little as Luna suddenly broke the silence.

“Art thou ready for thine defeat?” she asked, as she floated a rectangular shape from behind her chair onto the table. Nightmare broke her gaze from Luna’s unsettling stare to look at the item she’d placed before them.

It was a thin cardboard container.

There was an inscription on top in a large font.

A single word.


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