• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,709 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Chapter 4: Shadow Work

"You gloat a lot for a Novice!"

Whiplash and Octavia continued their duel in the Den's training room. Assassins and the Two Bearers lined the walls of the room, watching the fight. Some clapped, some cheered, and some just laughed.

Octavia's sword created sparks as it glanced off Whiplash's blade. They had been fighting all morning and both were breathing heavily. Small cuts were present on their arms as they had traded blows. The Assassins never believed in using fake swords for training and thus it was rare to ever have unharmed skin.

The Novice pressed on with the strikes. Her swings were fast and precise, unlike most of her rank. Whiplash blocked or evaded all the attacks. After being on the defensive, he jumped forward and swung his sword at Octavia. The Novice reacted too slow and was cut across her left forearm.

"C'mon, Tavi!" Vinyl cheered. "Ya can beat this old coot!"

"What ya call me?" Whiplash snarled.

A roar of laughter went through the spectators. Octavia ignored the crowd and remained focused on the Den Master. Whiplash was quick and agile for his age and almost could not be hit. He was sweating more than she was, but that was probably due to him having to fight a Novice for so long. For her rank, she was lasting far longer than usual.


Octavia swung her blade viciously at the Den Master. Whiplash sidestepped away from the attack and prepared to take advantage of the opening the missed attack caused. Octavia was predicting this and turned her body around, so that she could catch the counter. Her sword met his once more, but the strike was so hard that she lost her weapon in the process. The sword flew out and fell onto the floor with a loud clang. There was a pause as the crowd gave a collective sigh of disappointment.

"Hah!" Twilight clapped. "Great job, Octavia!"

"Yeah, you did well," Whiplash smiled. "Like always, I still win."

Octavia's fist tightened I'm not done! She angled her stance at the heavy breathing Den Master. He had sheathed his weapon, leaving him open.

"So, how 'bout we-"

"Gah!" Octavia roared.

She pounced at him with the fury of a tiger. The unsuspecting Den Master was soon wrapped between her legs as she tackled him to the hard floor. A gasp echoed from the crowd and Vinyl's unique nasal laugh cut through it like butter. Octavia proceeded to place Whiplash in a choke hold with her legs.

"Well, she is determined..." Rarity muttered.

Octavia thought she had the upper hand now. He surely will surrender! She could only see a scowl on his face. All he needs to do is give up! The Den Master started squirming about. Due to his impressive strength, it was hard to keep him down. To her surprise, he actually started to get on his knees while she still clung onto him. Before she knew it, he was standing upright while she choked him.

He pointed at the wall with a relaxed finger. The Assassins that were standing in front of the wall all moved out of the way. Octavia was losing hope as she pieced together what his plan was. He set his feet apart and then charged towards the wall. When he was about to run into it, he leaped and turned his back, making Octavia be crushed between him and the wall.

She braced for impact, but it did not help. Once he rammed her into the wall, her legs lost their grip and she fell off him. He gasped for air and fell to his knees coughing. As she saw stars in her eyes, Twilight and Vinyl stood over her.

"Why did you do that?" Twilight demanded. "You could have hurt him severely!"

"Way to go, Tavi!" Vinyl laughed. "Gave him a run for his money! Ha!"

The Den Master shook his hand at the Grandbearer. "It's fine, Twilight. I should have never allowed her to get me like that." He looked at Octavia. "Ya did well, lass. I like your tenacity."

The Novice rubbed her head. "Uhh...thanks?"

Whiplash rose to his feet and pulled Octavia to hers. With an old smile he patted her on the back before exiting the training room. The other Assassins began to leave with him. Only the Bearers and Vinyl remained in the room with the bruised Novice.

Twilight sighed. "I don't mind the behavior, Octavia, but Whiplash is not young, I'm not sure how many surprises like that he can take."

Rarity waved a dismissing hand at her fellow Bearer. "Oh, you are too worried, my dear. I've known Whiplash longer than you and he can last through much worse. I think it's good of him to be reminded not to let his guard down."

"Whatever it was, it was awesome!" Vinyl laughed. "I wish I tried that when he trained me!"

Vinyl giggled so hard that she had to lean on Octavia. The Novice did not take liking to her friend leaning on her and pushed her away without a word. Vinyl did not mind and kept chuckling at the events. It was the usual behavior of the young woman.

"Well, now that's over, I actually have a quest for you, Octavia," Twilight said.

"A contract?" Octavia asked.

"No, a mission. However, you should get cleaned up before leaving. The Brotherhood does not want their Assassins being uhh...bloodied. Now that I think about it..."

"You should take a bath, darling," Rarity spoke with a nod. "A long one."

Octavia stood in the musty Bearer's Quarters. The Map was the only object bright enough to illuminate the room. Whiplash and Twilight were inspecting it. Rarity had left on an errand about an hour earlier.

As she awaited her orders, she scratched at her itchy sleeves. It had been a week since she killed Hardspike and Rarity had completed her robes. They were not as fancy as a Bearer's or a Den Master's robes, but they were much more complex than what she imagined. The gray cloak was gone and replaced by a one-shoulder cape. Leather armor of high quality was on her shoulders and her bracers. One of the leather shoulder pauldrons possessed a pink treble clef, as was Octavia's new symbol. Her robes also had tall collars, as was the fashion trend of the time. Belts and pockets lined her waist, as did a new bright red sash that showed her allegiance to the Brotherhood. Her boots were of better quality and small metal spikes at the toes for better grip on buildings. She was overall much better equipped than before.

"We were informed by Assassin Bon Bon that there is a member of Poloman's maidens, Starry Skies, in the North District, in a forge by the name of Black Blade Forge. She is apparently buying many weapons from this forge as the blacksmith has loyalties with the Templar. The task is rather simple, kill the target and sabotage the forge. Use explosives if necessary and try your best to make it look like an accident."

Octavia listened intently to the Bearer. Twilight pointed a inconspicuous building on the Map, making it turn red for her to see clearly. Twilight did not say it, but it was clear this was the location of the forge. It looked nothing spectacular, just a weapons shop in a row of buildings.

"I shall do it, Bearer. Anything else?" Octavia asked.

"Well, don't be seen and do not let Starry Skies live. She is a Knight, so she's not some lowly Templar grunt. For the past weeks, Templar information has been unusually hard to come by. We must take advantage of every morsel we get. You should not expect any Templar soldiers or Knights other than her. However, be on the lookout."

"As always," Octavia bowed and turned to leave.

"One more thing!" Twilight called to her. "Your life is more valuable than the mission. Never hesitate to run away and survive."

Octavia acknowledged Twilight's words before exiting the Bearer's Quarters. She made sure she had all the equipment she needed before leaving the Den and into the bright Canterlotian day.

I should be getting close.

Octavia jumped from one building to another, keeping her mind focused on her mission. The uneven roofs served as her path towards her destination. Below on the streets were the various kinds of people one found in Canterlot. The Novice had began to think the fascinating people as witnesses more than individuals. They were just a mass of obstacles in a world they knew nothing about. However, these were the same people the Brotherhood fought for. It was their task to bring Harmony to lands that possessed none.

She balanced on a wooden beam that jutted out of a high white structure. Perched like a bird, she watched the street below. There, across the street, was the Black Blade Forge. Nothing was suspicious about it. Nothing shouted "Templar!" or illegal activity. The shopkeeper was standing at the forge's window, speaking with a customer. If Octavia did not know better, the forge would never have been found interesting.

Her focus shifted to the side door that acted as the entrance to the forge. A woman with armor plates on her shoulders and chest was knocking on it. She had curly violet hair. Her armor was covered with purple drapes and her skirt was styled to give her legs room to move easily. Her appearance was that of a rich bodyguard or a successful mercenary, but the red crosses on her metal bracers indicated that she was of the Order. This was no doubt Starry Skies.

As she was alone, Octavia could tell she was nervous. She constantly looked up and down the street as she awaited an answer from inside. Her bright emerald eyes shifted about with an uneasy glance. Finally, the door opened and the owner of the forge, a weathered man with white hair, beckoned her inside. The Templar smiled awkwardly and entered.

"Hmm, I guess it's time to take out two birds with one stone," Octavia said.

Without hesitation, she leaped from the beam and into a stack of hay, where she promptly threw herself out. She brushed the hay off as some normal folk gaped at her peculiar behavior. Some wondered aloud if she was mentally ill or drunk. Octavia ignored them and kept in the moving crowd to inspect the forge.

She reached in her sash and pulled out a cherry bomb. They were the best bombs Lyra, the Brotherhood's bomb maker, prepared. I could just chuck them right through the shop's window. No, that would be stupid, I could miss the forge itself. She shifted through the crowd towards the shop's opening. The shopkeeper was leaning on the opening, awaiting another customer. The forge was well behind him and she could see two men hammering a future blade into shape.

Perhaps a direct entrance would suit better? She passed some more civilians before walking right up to the shop. The shopkeeper, a young man with no facial hair, took notice of her and smiled a wide, routine smile. He no doubt saw how elaborate were robes were and the weapons she carried on her waist. He beckoned her over with a hand.

"Ah! Good lady, would you like to look at our armory? We have all kinds of weapons. And if you don't find what you are looking for her, I also have supplies in the back!"

Octavia strutted up to the wide shop window and leaned on it too. Their faces were not that far a part. She gave him a toothless smile, but did not feel like conversing for long.

"Is this the Black Blade?" she asked in false niceness.

"Why yes!" the shopkeeper grinned. "My father started this forge and well, he still runs it! Best blacksmith in this district, no doubt! Business has never been better."

"Oh, I'm sure," Octavia said knowingly.

His smile turned to a frown of confusion. "My lady, I don't know what you're implying."

"Yes, you do."

Octavia extended her wrist blade and stabbed him right in the throat. Blood squirted from his neck as he stared at her in complete shock. No sounds came from him as he started to fall over. Octavia reached through the opening and caught him before he fell and tried to ease him down. With a glance to make sure no one was watching her on the street, she slipped inside.

The two in the back continued to hammer away. Octavia was pleased with this as the hammering sounds drowned her footsteps. Being weary of bumping into the racks of weapons, she sneaked about. I only have two bombs, better make them count. She could see that there was one main furnace and smaller ones next to it. It was a rather large forge and she was surprised only two men were currently working on the weapons.

She was about to move out of her hiding place when Starry Skies and the blacksmith walked by her. The blacksmith's humped over gait next to Starry's regal stride looked rather odd. Better hear what they are saying before destroying this place.

She checked if the two hammering men had seen her. Since they were still working on the hot piece of iron, she crept by them and towards a back room where the Templar and the blacksmith went. Starry Skies shut a door behind her, making Octavia stop to press her hear next to the wall. Either the two inside spoke loudly or the wall was thin as Octavia could easily hear the them.

"What brings you here, Lady Skies?" the blacksmith asked with a guttural voice.

"My business is different today, Felix," the Templar answered in a soft-spoken way. "Mistress Poloman was not pleased with the standard of your weaponry from the last shipment. I'm sure you understand how particular she can be," she finished apologetically.

"Hmm, must have been something wrong with the metal, for we worked very hard on them," he grumbled.

"Perhaps you did. Either way, the Mistress wants her money back. However, she is still willing to purchase your goods."

"Is that a good thing?" he grunted with a snort of his breath.

"I'll make sure that remark doesn't reach her ears," Starry Skies chuckled. "I apologize for the inconvenience, but we are your top customer, so we only wish to have the best equipment that this side of Canterlot can give. You should be honored that my people think so well of you."

"I'll remember that," he said sarcastically.

She kept her pleasant voice despite his attitude. "Until next time, my good blacksmith. May the Father of Understanding guide you!"


The door opened once more, startling the hiding Octavia. Starry Skies strutted out with a hand on her hip. With only the furnace lighting the dark forge, Octavia could barely see a little smile on the Templar's face. The Novice extended her blade and was waiting to spring on her target, but the blacksmith also left the room.

"Lady Skies," he called to her, "that money for the weapons has much meaning to us. Is there any way that we could bargain not giving you full returns?"

The Templar stopped and turned around. "By the Sun! no. Would you really want to negotiate with Mistress Poloman? I'm sorry, but I believe that the best course of action would be to do just as she says. I may be her messenger, but I am much more tolerable than she is."

"I see..."

"I would not worry, my good blacksmith. You are helping a good cause and we appreciate your hard effort."

"Just leave," he grunted.

"As you wish," the Templar gave a slight bow with her head and turned to leave.

The blacksmith crossed his arms and stood right in front of Octavia. He had not noticed her presence one bit as he watched the Templar leave. Octavia wanted to curse as her target was getting away and she was stuck in the forge. It was time to destroy the forge. I need to do this quickly.

The blacksmith turned his back to her. Without hesitation, Octavia stood up from her hiding spot and stabbed him in the back while also covering his mouth. His eyes were wide with sudden terror and his hands twitched madly with the agony. She pulled her blade out and let him fall to the floor.

The two workers hammering finally took notice of the Assassin. At seeing what she had done, they gasped and lifted their hammers as if ready to fight. Octavia took her bombs out and tossed them at their feet. Such bombs were a new form of technology, and it was clear the workers did not know what the bombs were. They looked at the two explosives with confusion. Octavia did not waste time and ran for the shop window. She did not want to be inside when the fuses met the powder. She reached the shop opening and jumped out. When she was half-way out, the bombs ignited and a large explosion erupted from inside. Flames and shrapnel flew out of the forge and some even shot out through the windows and onto the street. Octavia kept low to avoid the flying pieces of sharp metal.

The entire street went into panic. Women and men screamed at the top of their lungs and fled. Some brave individuals started gathering water from fountains to stop the fire. Royal Guards rushed people out of the area. Octavia looked about, trying to catch a glimpse of her target. There, down the street looking right at her was the Templar Knight.

"Assassin!" she shouted and started to run.

"Aw shit!" Octavia cursed and started the chase.

The Templar shoved her way through the dozens of frightened people. Octavia swiftly followed. Royal Guards shouted for them both to stop, but neither listened. The chase was on, the prey and the predator. One running for her life and the other striving to take it.

Starry Skies was clearly not as fast as Octavia, but she had the advantage of choosing her path. She started shedding her armor and letting it fall on the cobblestone. It was clear the Templar had a plan for this circumstance. After a tight turn, Starry Skies leaped onto a wooden beam and started running up the wall to the roofs.

"You have to be kidding me!" Octavia snapped.

The Templar expertly reached the roofs and kept running. Octavia ran up some boxes and began her own route to the roofs. Over this, under that, keep focused! She swung on a flag pole, jumped past a hanging garden, climbed over a shop sign, and sprinted to the roofs where the Templar was fleeing.

"You won't have me, Assassin!" the Templar yelled.

Octavia did not say anything and kept pushing herself. The Templar was much faster since she had taken off her armor. How could she have done so on the run? It's so hard just to put armor on! They started to leap across the same gaps, jump to the same buildings, and swing on the same beams.

If she keeps running that way, she'll reach a plaza. She won't be able to use the roofs then. Octavia deviated from the Templar's path and swiftly climbed back to the streets. They were not far enough to be out of the panicked people, but she was running faster than the news was spreading. She went through a alley and took a hard right turn. In the noon sun, she could not see the Templar's shadow and thus could only predict that Starry was still running the same way.

She reached the large plaza. The place was wide and there was no place to jump from one roof to another. The Templar had to come back down. Octavia slipped into a chatting group and watched the row of buildings they had been running on. Just as she predicted, Starry Skies appeared and she slid to a stop. The Knight looked behind and then quickly started her descent to the streets.

Starry Skies took one more look about before running towards the center of the plaza. Octavia ran from the group and extended her blade. The fleeing Templar still had not seen her. The Assassin angled her route so that the two of them would meet. The Templar looked to her left to see Octavia, but it was too late. Octavia ran to her in full force and buried her blade deep into the Templar's chest. the momentum carried them and they both fell into the fountain that was at the center of the plaza.

"You lost," Octavia growled.

"One bloody mistake! One mistake!" Starry Skies cried. "You demon! You cruel, barbaric fiend! You insolent disgrace to humanity!"

"Have some respect for death," Octavia said quietly.

"How can I? You just murdered me! You Assassins are nothing more than horrid wolves that prey upon anyone willing to stand against your vile views on the world. Did me bearing a cross make me deserve death? Being a Templar was all I ever knew. It was good life, I say. I hope you learn some day. I hope your feeble mind can learn to Understand. In your state, you are a slave, a serf to a Creed you know nothing about. You want freedom, but you have none yourself. Remember that, Assassin."

The Templar's body became limp and her eyes stared at the sky. Octavia sighed and went to one knee over the corpse. She slid her hand over the Templar's eyes, shutting them in eternal sleep.

"May the afterlife be well for you. May you be free in death."

Octavia ripped her bloodied blade out of the Templar. The fountain was now red with blood and all the drinking water it produced as ruined. She stood up and stepped out of the water. She felt a tightening in her stomach and she did not feel well. She sighed and could not look at the Templar's body a second time.

People are around the plaza stared in terror at her. She only looked at them absentmindedly. No one chased her. No one sought to arrest her. She shook some of the water off and simply began to walk away. She had no pride in doing a successful mission. She had no pride in killing an enemy to the Brotherhood.

Her task was done. She had destroyed the forge and eliminated the target. It was time to return to the Den.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay in chapters. I actually wrote a 4000 word chapter and realized I was skipping too much. So....sorry?

-Cheers for That!