• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,709 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Chapter 6: Revitalize

Octavia felt the sweat run down her face. 57....58...59... With a steady rhythm, she was doing pull-ups on a beam that was above her bed. Every Assassin had their own place to do casual exercises. 60...61... Her mind was not on her actions, however. The past days had been overshadowed by her mistakes on her last mission. Most of the Assassins had already welcomed her back in their social circles, but some still shunned her. Must do better.

62...63...64... Her arms were aching from the extreme use, but she kept going. I am Octavia Melody, I will not let some mistake keep me from success. 65...66... Every pull-up from then on was an improvement from the usual amount she did. Octavia was already a fit woman before she joined the Brotherhood, but her ceaseless training was improving her body much faster than any would believe.

Vinyl opened the door and entered the Assassin's Quarters. Unlike the norm, she was not wearing her mask and she was not smiling. Octavia tried to ignore her sudden presence and continued her exercise. Vinyl ran a hand through her blue hair and leaned on the wall.

"Hey Tavi, how's it going?" she asked.

Octavia gave no response. 70...71..

"I know ya haven't been alright these past days, but c'mon, ya can speak to me," Vinyl said.

Once again, the Novice did not answer.

Vinyl then sighed. "Tavi, everyone makes mistakes. If ya gonna let that keep ya down, then I ain't gonna help you."

Octavia grunted and let go of the beam, falling on her bed. With a casual turn, she sat on it and cocked her head at her friend. Vinyl waited for her to say something, but the Novice was silent so she started instead.

"You've hardly spoken to the Brothers or Sisters and been in here most of the time. Now, maybe this would be fine if we were some business or something, but the Brotherhood is a family."

Octavia sighed. "Vinyl, I have the souls of four men on me. I killed people who did not need to be killed. Such a weight is heavy, is it not?"

"Yeah, but ya need to look past that. If the Brotherhood just decided to be like you and hide away whenever they messed up, then we wouldn't be here. Tavi, our purpose is too great to give up when there is unwanted causalities. Also, these men had their choice and they helped the Templar. They threw away their morals so that they could get money. To me, I'm not too worried 'bout them being dead."

"That's cold, Vinyl..."

"Welcome to the Brotherhood," Vinyl chuckled. "We are cold when we need to be. Ya may look at Assassins and hate them for what they do, but without us, Equestria would be pretty much a lifeless state. I'll take four dead men if it means that the millions living here can enjoy their freedom tomorrow."

"I'm not sure if I agree with you," Octavia stroked her chin.

"Doesn't matter if ya do, Tavi, what matters is that you get off your arse and be an Assassin again. And guess what? Ya can start now! The Bearer of Generosity told me to tell you to see the Grandbearer. They got a mission for ya. Don't worry, there ain't a rush, take ya time."

"Vinyl, you're just now telling me this?" Octavia steamed. "I'm not ready!"

Octavia got off the bed and started to fumble over her equipment that was on her small desk. Vinyl was about to repeat her last sentence, but shrugged and left the room.

"Guess ya won't keep her waiting."

Rarity was not in the room when Octavia entered. The Den Master was in her place at the center table of the Bearer's Quarters. The Grandbearer was next to him, leaning over the Map. The Grandbearer appeared much more ready for combat than usual. She had a pistol on each hip, holstered by her dark violet sash. A long sword was also on her hip. Her right hand glowed with a purple aura as papers flew through the air at high speeds, sorting themselves in neat piles around the room. Spike was writing something on a small desk similar to Octavia's. The young woman that was called in knocked on the door frame, announcing her arrival.

"Grandbearer, I am here. Is there a matter? This is the second time you have called me this week."

Twilight lifted her head from the table. Octavia gulped as she saw the Grandbearer's dark magenta eyes, cold and glowing slightly. With what happened just days prior, the young Assassin was uncertain if the Granbearer would be welcoming. She did not appear angry though, but in a deep serious and grim mood. The Den Master, with his gray hair, had the same expression, just without the intimidating eyes.

"Come over here, Octavia. I have something to show you," Twilight ordered with a more lighthearted voice.

Octavia did as the Grandbearer commanded. She felt more confident as she approached the table. The Map had several highlighting arrows on it. The magical render of the city was setting a faint bluish glow to the room. When Octavia reached the Map, both Twilight and the Den Master pointed at south Canterlot entrance.

"Our scouts spotted a procession of Templar soldiers climbing the road up to Canterlot. They should have entered through the South Entrance just some hours ago. There are not many of them, but they seem to be guarding some carriage. This is where I need you and Rarity."

"The Bearer of Generosity? She coming along with me?" Octavia was confused.

The Grandbearer giggled. "You heard me. Don't be so surprised, I thought well on it and Rarity said she would love to accompany you. You may have had mistakes last time, but this is the opportunity to fix them. I hope you had been training hard the past days, hmm?"

Octavia blinked in confusion. She was repeating the words in her head. "Yes, Grandbearer." She answered absently.

"Good. Now go on the roof. The Bearer of Generosity is waiting for you. She'll give you more details."

Octavia bowed and turned. "I will do so immediately."

"There you are, Octavia. Pleasant to see you this night."

Octavia walked across the roof to the Bearer of Generosity. The Bearer was sitting down and staring up at the high spires that defined Canterlot. The Bearer of Generosity was now wearing her "work robes" as one could put it. They were robes of the finest quality, being white silk and decorated with elegant floral patterns. Even her hidden blades, which were concealed by her sleeves, were hollowed out for similar floral patterns and the steel was dyed a light blue. Jewels lined her belt that stretched over her red sash. Even her heeled boots were made of expensive brown leather. However, for an Assassin, she was severely under-equipped. Her only weapon was a Crystalline rapier from the Crystal Republic, which made all their weapons from their precious unbreakable crystals. She did also have a Crystalline hand fan. It was not made to be a weapon, but it could easily be used as one.

"Greetings Bearer. The Grandbearer told me to see you," Octavia bowed.

"No need for such formalities dear. The Brotherhood is not a military," Rarity remarked.

Octavia was slightly taken aback from this. Rarity smiled, showing her immaculate teeth. She then gestured for Octavia to sit next to her. Upon seeing Octavia's hesitation, Rarity sighed and repeated the act.

"We have time. Relax, darling. It's good for one's health." The Bearer said in her usual kind manner.

"Yes Bearer," Octavia bowed again and sat next to Rarity.

Rarity decided to not remark again on Octavia's unnecessary bowing, as she closed her mouth and turned back to the Canterlot skyline. Octavia joined the Bearer and looked at the sky. The stars were clear and sparkling. Octavia always enjoyed such things about the capital that one wouldn't find elsewhere. The high spires, the mountain, which appeared like a hulking mass of complete black at the moment, the Grand Royal Palace, and the best part of all: the people. Even though it was night, Canterlotians still roamed the streets. A beggar there, a group of chattering wives, and some laughing Royal Guards. The constant liveliness of the city impressed Octavia. She admired the beauty of her home. To her, it was certainly a place worth fighting for.

"What is our mission?" Octavia asked as she watched a dog wander through the alleys.

"As you should know, there are Templar soldiers coming into the city with that special carriage. It is peculiar and suspicious. We are to investigate their actions and eliminate any targets."

"Sounds straight forward enough." Octavia muttered.

"Indeed. However, we must stay alert. The Templar, according to our spies in Cloudsdale, have changed leaders. It seems after the recent victories we've had over them, they've found new management."

Octavia stroked her pointed chin. "Any information on this new Grandmaster?"

The Bearer's sapphire eyes reflected the torchlight from the streets. "Not really. From the lack of information on this new leader, I'd say he or she has not come from wealth like the past ones. Very unusual. The Templar may finally be adapting."

"They are still no match for us."

"I certainly hope so. You know that the Assassins have not always been ahead of the Order? Several times we have scraped by, almost like animals in the sewers. We were almost wiped out once too. Our last stand was in Baltimare. That was several centuries ago though. Now the Templar are the ones at the disadvantage, but they are in no way in danger. Their hold of Cloudsdale is proof of that."

Octavia did not continue the conversation. She did indeed already know much of what Rarity spoke about. Yet it seemed every day she learned something new. With one last glance at the city, the nervousness she felt made her speak once more.

"Uhh...Shouldn't we be off, Bearer?" Octavia broke the quietness.

Rarity was a bit startled. "Yes. We should. However, I do not feel like running across the rooftops like a crook. I rather take the easy and steady pace on the streets."

"You mean...walking?" Octavia said with distaste.

"No, I meant crawling on our bellies like vermin," Rarity replied in evident sarcasm.

"What if we are too late? What if they leave before we get there?"

"They won't. The place is not far away and they have no reason to leave. Trust me, darling, they will be there or at least nearby the entrance gates," Rarity's confidence in the matter was on the edge of cocky.

Octavia nodded. No point in arguing with a Bearer. She stood up and jumped off the low roof. Once her body finished recoiling from the impact, she looked up at the Bearer. Rarity was still up there, adjusting her curled rich purple hair and her white delicate gloves. Then she stretched her hand over the edge. A bright purple aura appeared and a pole of purple energy formed from her hand to the street below. The Bearer tapped the pole, as if to test its sturdiness, and then swung her arms and legs around it and slid down it gracefully. Once at the bottom, the pole faded out with a low hum.

"What?" Rarity asked the annoyed Octavia.

"Isn't that a waste of your energy? I've heard Twilight talk about conserving magic."

The Bearer laughed. "Ha! It is no more tiring than than skipping instead of walking."

Rarity began to walk away from Octavia and down the semi-empty street. Her small blue cape flapped in the wind of her stride. Octavia quickened her pace until she was even with the Bearer of Generosity. The Bearer, despite wearing glorious gemstones and elaborate thin metal plates, was as silent as a cat next to Octavia. This confused Octavia, as the Bearer strutted in a manner to impress. One foot in front of the other. Each coming down with a practiced gentleness and lifting back up without disturbing the air. Rarity walked like one who wanted attention, but the silence of her gait negated it. Octavia listened to her own walk. Her boots chipped at the cobblestone and created a beat or rhythm loud enough for one to dance to. Her pauldron rattled with every step. The throwing knives in her belt jiggled with any movement. A sigh from her lips completed the overall noise she created.

"I am sure you have heard of my failures a few days ago?" Octavia asked.

"Of course. Twilight told me everything. It was going to happen sooner or later. Even I have been screamed at by Whiplash when I was a new Bearer. Don't worry, I deserved that yelling too," Rarity smiled at a fond memory.

"You are not angry?"

"I won't say that I'm angry, Octavia, but I am a bit disappointed. Nothing is more severe than having lives on your head. However, I am not one to hold past mistakes against someone."

"I thank you for that."

"It's the least I can do."

The two fell as silent as the street they crossed. The old whitewashed buildings hummed with age and knowledge. An old man watched them with curious eyes. The chair he sat in creaked as he leaned back in it. He most likely knew who Rarity and Octavia were. Southern Canterlot was no doubt the most common place to spy Assassins and since he was an old man, he probably knew them well.

Octavia was a bit shy under his gaze and stretched her hood farther over her head. Rarity did not seem to notice the man at all and was humming a tune that Octavia heard her sing once or twice in the past. However, despite the Bearer's relaxed demeanor, her eyes would randomly dart to an empty roof or a dark alleyway. Like any trained Assassin, she was ready for an ambush as they approached the Templar's position.

"To the roofs. Let's go," Rarity whispered.

Without another word, the Bearer turned and ran up the closest structure gracefully. Octavia followed quickly, planting her foot in the crack and her hand gripped every crevice. Her limps pushed her upward and her eyes focused on the short but important task. Quicker and quicker she went. The building was not that tall, but that did not mean effort was not required to scale it. Luckily, Canterlot's style revolved around plenty of windows and carved designs in the white stone. In no time Octavia reached the roof and returned to the Bearer's side.

"We are here," She informed the other.

Octavia looked about. The entrance gates were far in the distance. However Templars, in their usual red armor and silver helmets, walked about on patrols, watching everywhere but where the Assassins were. Arquebus guns were slung over their backs. Rarity took a couple of silent steps forward to a railing where she bent low to not be seen. Octavia followed suit.

"I see them, Bearer. Aren't they far from where the carriage should be?" Octavia observed.

"Yes, it does seem that way, doesn't it?" Rarity agreed. "A caravan of soldiers could not have gotten this deep into the city so quickly. These patrols must be some sort of scouts."

"Then that means there are fewer near the carriage," Octavia said confidently.

"I wouldn't be too sure. This is very odd behavior from the Templars," Rarity said.

"We....should we head back? We shouldn't dive into something we aren't sure about," Octavia warned.

"You are right, but I think this may be some sort of trick. This patrol may be a distraction."

They both returned their attention to the task at hand. Some Templars patrolled the roofs in some attempt to watch over their brothers below. It was an ineffective tactic that they had been using for some time. The guns ready in their armored hands, the soldiers kept their eyes out for suspicious behaviors.

"These Templar look different than the ones I've seen in Canterlot," Octavia said in a low voice.

Rarity nodded. "Yes, by their uniforms, I'd say they are from Cloudsdale. Cloudsdalian Templar love to have feathers under their armor. Makes them seem like a pegasus or something along those lines."

They slowly made their way towards the watching Templars. The soldiers were unaware of the creeping Assassins. Octavia kept a slight distance from the Bearer so that they could use separate cover to hide their presence.

Octavia looked down at the streets. She was trying to spy the carriage and anything that surrounded it. In the dim lights of the torches, she could see a covered carriage parked in the middle of the street. In front of it were two large horses who stood still. A Templar in regal armor and was also standing in front of it, speaking with a much larger soldier who had a two-handed sword resting in his left pauldron. The regal Templar was talking excitedly, gesturing with the hands and shifting the weight.

Must be some officer. As Octavia thought this, Rarity burst from her spot and pounced on a nearby Templar, killing him with her wrist blade. No sound was made in the attack and one arquebusier was finished. Octavia was slightly startled by Rarity's suddenness, but recovered and moved on with the Bearer.

"Do you see the leader?" she asked the Bearer when they came close.

"Indeed. I've never seen such intricate armor from a normal Templar. Whoever that is must be a high-ranking member," the Bearer replied.

"What should we do?" Octavia asked. "We can't just march in there unseen. There are too many eyes around here and not enough places to hide."

"Octavia, my dear, we must find out what is in that carriage," Rarity stated.

"That is obvious, I know," Octavia hissed.

"We should steal it."

Octavia raised a brow. "Steal it? Are you insane?"

Rarity silenced her with a finger. "Keep your voice down, darling. With a splendid opening, we could drive the horses down and out here. They seem to be on foot; they cannot pursue us. Once we are out of rifle range, we are free."

Octavia was not convinced, but she did not protest against her superior. Rarity has to know what she is doing. So she let the Bearer go on first. The Templar soldiers on the roofs were not near them, so they had a window of opportunity to get down. With the skills that Assassins were known for, they descended from the roofs and onto the cobblestone. With the new vantage point, they could see that the Templars were mostly worried about the rooftops, as there was only a few guards around the mysterious carriage.

"We must hurry. Every second is precious, Knight," the Templar leader ordered with a feminine voice.

"I understand," the large soldier answered dully.

Octavia and Rarity crept towards the carriage. Behind the carriage were two chatting arquebusiers. As they rested on their long guns, they talked about some girl they had met on the road up to the capital. The Bearer silently gestured to Octavia that these two had to be eliminated.

It was quick and smooth action by both Assassins. Rarity took one, Octavia took the other. Both soldiers had blades in their necks and bled on the cobblestone without a disturbance. The two Assassins then leaned on the carriage, using it was protection by the eyes of the remaining Templars.

"Let us go straight for the reins," Rarity said. "Once we get the horses galloping, the Templars will have a hard time stopping us."

Octavia nodded and gulped at the same time. The regal Templar had some intimidation about her. One could feel this vivid experience of combat and toughness. The curves of the armor and harsh voice indicated a woman was underneath the helmet, but the demeanor was that of a roguish man. This Templar was no one to mess with.

"Quick! Get to the reins and we'll ride away together," Rarity commanded.

Octavia and Rarity burst from behind the carriage and ran to the front where they could take control. There was not a soul steering the carriage, thus there was no one to push off. Octavia instantly saw the regal Templar woman when the line of sight was clear. Not only did she have a good and long look at the Templar, the Templar had a long look at her as well.

"Assassins! We're compromised!" she shouted. "Stop them now!"

The large Knight that was with her turned around and swung his large sword at the Novice. Octavia rolled under the swing and the blade chipped away the stone of the street. His speed was incredible and his actions precise. Rarity summoned a blue aura around him and then magically tossed him aside. His heavy armor clanged loudly on the ground, causing the arquebusiers on the rooftops to take notice.

"Damn! They have a Bearer!" the leader cursed.

Octavia saw that the Templar woman was charging at her with a sword. She blocked it with her own sword just in time. The helmet of the woman was in the shape of a bird. The mouth part was like a curved beak and the sides were carved in the shape of feathers. The chest plate bore the symbol of a phoenix rising from its ashes.

Octavia pushed the woman off her sword and prepared to counter. However, the plan was flawed as the Templar grabbed her swinging arm and stopped it in place. With a vile grunt, she lurched forward with her helmet and smashed it into Octavia's forehead.

The Novice was stunned by the attack. The hard steel met her unprotected skull and she fell back from the shock. As she lay there on the street, the Templar was about to finish the job when Rarity flew in and tackled her. Both women rolled onto the cobblestone. The Templar stood up first, but was then hit in the shoulder by a soldier on the rooftop.

"You idiot!" she cried at her fellow Templar. "You shot me!"

Rarity took the opportunity to magically push the Templar away. After elegantly getting back to her feet, she levitated Octavia onto the carriage. Octavia's world was still spinning and nothing was making sense at the moment.

"It is time for our exit, darling," Rarity sounded cheerful.

"What?" Octavia asked.

"Erm, nothing, dear."

The horses were already spooked by the gunfire, so they went off easily. Octavia's head hurt the most then than any other time she could recall. I hope this is only minor. While the Templar woman shouted at her men to fire upon the carriage, Rarity steered them down the winding streets.

"That was not so bad, now was it, darling?" Rarity laughed.

Octavia's world faded and there was only black. The last thing she saw was the numerous and beautiful stars in the night sky.

