• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,708 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Prologue Chapter 2: Concerns

"And this tablet was in your home?"

"Precisely, Your Highness."

Celestia rubbed her chin thoughtfully as the late morning light graced her from the Palace windows. Octavia stood by her expectantly. Although she felt that the hooded woman's threat was empty, the morning brought anxiety on the subject. She did not want to risk it as the woman was armed and was intimidating. So she felt inclined to seek the Empress's advice.

The Empress began to walk slowly down the massive hallway they were in. Octavia, with her mind dissecting something else, was late to follow her immediately and had to quicken her step. The gray and black day gown she wore fluttered with the movement of her legs. Her slower strides kept up with the much longer ones of the wise ruler.

"Has anything else happened, my dear?" Celestia asked motherly, her brilliant eyes inspected the cello player with subtle care.

"Not really. You know well that I have seen the like of these hooded fiends before. None had ever noticed me though. They were just a constant in the background for me, but they seem to be much more than that now," Octavia muttered as she placed a firm hand on her hip.

Celestia ended her brief walk at one of the stained glass windows which depicted the major events of old that shaped the Empire into existence. The green, white, and blues glittered upon the ancient walls and the red rugs. A single fire was placed in its radiant as it burned incense into the otherwise still air.

Octavia stood by her closely and followed her gaze through a clear spot in the window. The city of Canterlot was spread out before them. With the height of the Palace, there was not much one couldn't see from its high windows and arching bridges that connected the tall spires together. The late morning sunshine was almost directly over the city, giving light to even the East District, which was often literally overshadowed by the monstrous mountain that the capital rested upon. It was quite the sight to behold, but one that Octavia took for granted and ignored completely.

"Would you perceive their actions as a threat?" The cello player asked.

Celestia shook her wise head. "No. They seem to know much about you, but that's all. Whoever this woman is, she seems curious. I'll say that it is my fault you are receiving such undeserved attention. The people I choose to accompany myself with always get spied upon."

"Well, they shall press the issue no further," Octavia said with confidence, "they only seek personal information. I will not give them anything."

"Strong as always," Celestia smiled. "However, I must warn you. I have dealt with these people before. Do not take them lightly. They enjoy fiddling with both politics and destiny. You'll no doubt see them again. They often bring Trouble as their comrade. Keep your mind prepared."

"No need to tell me twice. You have trained me well in the arts of self-defense. If they try anything-"

"These people aren't your average goon, Octavia. You should know this at least. Did you even read the book I gave you?"

"Not really...Well, not that I could understand them anyway."

"Octavia! The only way you learn to read is by reading. I can't simply make you literate. You still struggle and you still refuse to learn more. What I do to teach you so much. Your mother-"

"Don't you mention her!" Octavia hissed.

Despite being ordered by a lowly subject, the Empress said nothing on the disrespect she had just received. Instead she sighed and looked at the cellist slightly annoyed eyes.

"You still are upset at her? For surely I thought you had moved on by now."

With a hand on her hip, Octavia shifted her stance to one side. "How could I? Every day I live with the consequences of her actions. I have to play a cello to gain any sort of money. A cello! And because of the social ladders of the Empire, I have no larger future to dream of. I'm stuck at the bottom."

"You are not at the bottom," Celestia told her. "You have a home, a trade, and apparently enough money to make your own dresses. Keep at it and you'll rise in the ranks. You are skilled at the cello, so much so that I'll even say you're the best I've ever heard."

"But I don't want to just play the cello for my life! I'm...well... half-literate! That's better than plenty already. Empress Luna and you have trained me with weapons as well. I have no doubt I could defeat the mercenaries out there. I-"

"All right, my dear. You must know that just because you were born in the poor doesn't mean you'll live there forever. That idea has gripped too many of my subjects and they lollygag, thinking there's nothing else in life. Octavia, if you want adventure, seek it. If you want to become rich, go for it. Well, as long as it's legal, of course. Do not let the social classes, that Equestrians have mindlessly sorted themselves into, stop you."

She continued. "I was in your situation too. My sister and I are not born from royalty, however, we created the modern royalty. It takes effort to get anywhere in life. Do not worry, Luna and I shall always be here for you. Having both Empresses help you is no doubt an advantage."

"Why don't you just save me the trouble and make me rich now?"

"What kind of ruler would I be then? First: it'd show favor to one over another. People will become jealous and they'll demand money as well. You could be the spark of something I really don't want. Two: I doubt you could handle it. You've always lived with small amounts of bits, so once you've planted your hands in piles of gold, you'll become a far different person. Third: you don't deserve it. If money is to go to one individual only, then it should be earned. Otherwise it is no better than stealing."

"You sound like those nobles who have so much wealth, they don't know what to do with it. In all your years, I would expect you to find a way to make this empire equal. You know, that everyone has the same amount of chance to get ahead. Imagine if this world was equal. No one was restricted to their social classes. You can be born poor and still end up a noble. It would solve all the problems."

"Octavia, if it was that easy, it would already be here. In all my years of ruling, I have found that equality is a dangerous term. You should focus on other things; like the Assassins who contacted you."


Celestia's eyes widened. It was clear she had made a mistake and upon realizing it, covered her face with her hand. It was rare to see the regal woman behave in such a manner as her mistakes were even rarer. Octavia kept her brow raised with suspicion. She expected the Empress to change the subject or dismiss it entirely and was forming a proper response if she did.

Instead, the Empress lowered her eyes and sighed. "I do not often speak of the Assassin Brotherhood, but I shall now. The symbol on this tablet is the Assassin insignia. They are a mysterious and dark order that has been around far longer than I have. They seek to keep Freedom and Harmony alive as humanity changes with years. They have a Creed: nothing is true, everything is permitted. With this they believe all sorts of things. I do not understand most of it, but I know that they believe themselves to be wise beyond their peers. They kill, murder, and steal and justify it as helping the greater good. I did not tell you right away because I felt ignorance would help you. Do not cross the Assassins. Many have, and most end up with a blade in their back."

"And you let them go about freely?"

"Freely? No. They are all branded criminals. However, they have never been easy to find or catch. Most that spend time in the Old Dungeon made a drastic mistake when fleeing from the Royal Guards. That or they come in peacefully when caught assassinating a target. I have never learned where they hide or their meeting spots. They don't only reside in Canterlot, but the whole world as far as I know. We may try to rid them, but I know full well that it's a useless endeavor."

"So you keep them a secret?" Octavia crossed her arms.

"Yes. Imagine if the world knew, or even believed me? Besides, there are many other reasons why I protect their secrecy. Though none of those reasons should be shared loosely. I pray you keep your curiosity to yourself."

Octavia's face scrunched with annoyance, but soon relaxed as she nodded in understanding. Celestia then handed her back the tablet and she took with a careful hand. The colored rays of the sun reflected upon the soft stone, casting deep shadows in the carvings. It was such a simple symbol, but now it held much more importance than she ever imagined. A whole Brotherhood is after me? Am I really that important?

"I shall send one of my trusted Guards to escort you from now on," Celestia said with her gaze back towards the city.

"Oh please no! I can handle myself," Octavia whined.

"Not against the Assassins," the Empress said simply.

Celestia grinned mischievously as she snapped her fingers. The noise rang through the large hallways like a distant echo. A response soon came from one of the deviating corridors. Armored boots rattled on the clean floor with determined speed. Soon a tall Royal Guard, in his golden armor and blue crested helmet, marched towards them. Most of his face was covered by the helmet's face guard, but Octavia could see deep blue eyes glance her way. He made his stop before the Empress abruptly and followed with a long formal bow.

"You beckoned, Your Highness?" he inquired both humbly and confidently.

"Indeed. I fear that this girl is in danger. She has not exactly made friends as of late. I wish for you to protect her at all costs until I call you off. Will you do this?"

"By the Sun and Moon, I shall," he beat his chest plate once with his right fist.

Celestia beamed. "Then I shall leave you two. I have much business to attend to today and I believe that Luna must be checked upon. Be safe."

With that, she started her elegant stride down the hallway. Octavia ruffled her own hair with frustration as she watched the Empress walk away. The Royal Guard clearly smiled at her with the happiness in his eyes, but his mouth was hidden behind the golden metal. The musician was unamused and remained crossed-armed in his presence, making him rather nervous.

"Well, you should be proud to have the Empress's care and concern. It says a lot that she sho-"

"Cut it right there," Octavia interrupted sternly. "I will allow you to follow me, but do not think that I can't handle myself. I am trained in the warrior arts just like you. I am no helpless damsel."

"You're trained?" he flabbergasted. "No...you can't be trained."

"I have been taught in the sword arts by none other than Empress Luna. If you do not believe me, then you go ask her or we fight here on the spot."

"Alright! Alright!" he backed off. "I am still under Empress Celestia's orders. I shall keep you safe if any of your enemies attack you. Even the Royal Guard understand strength in numbers, lass."

Octavia could not argue with this and instead growled lowly before turning around and walking towards the end of the hall. The Royal Guard sped his step until he was even with her, much to her disapproval. He did not speak, thus making her glance his way several times.

"You do not have to follow me so close," she said sternly.

"I shall do what I need to, my lady," he replied.

"Fine, fine. Just keep your distance, alright?"


The afternoon sun was bright in the cloudless sky as Octavia inspected the fruit before her. The ripe apples that were said to have come from the orchards in Ponyville were red and green with perfection. Only a few had even a blemish on them. They appeared well worth their price, but Octavia was no spender and eyed them so that she could get the most of her rare bitpieces.

A crimson-haired girl was behind the apple stand and watched the musician with joyful fascination. Her thin legs dangled playfully off the three-legged stool she sat on. A bright pink bow put her hair in a ponytail, a hairstyle very unused in the high society of Canterlot. Not only that, but her clothes were made for labor and use. She was obviously not from the capital, but the valley far below.

"Are ya gonna buy or not?" the girl asked without any impatience.

"I'm still deciding, girl," Octavia told her softly.

"Well, ya bodyguard seems annoyed. He keeps leaning on things and wander about," the girl pointed at the Royal Guard.

"The Guard? Oh don't mind him. He's....uh....not an issue," Octavia glanced his way but quickly returned to the apples.

"Ya mus' be pretty rich to have a Royal Guard escort you. Boy, I would love to have one and then I could jus' tell 'em what to do all the time!"

Octavia shook her head. "I'm not rich. He's just with me for a short time. That's all."

"Anything happened?" the girl quit dangling her legs and leaned forward.

"None of... I mean, no, not really. There's crime here, little one, and he's just making sure none of it reaches me."

The girl grinned. "What kind of crime? Ya was threatened? Huh?"

"Little girl, it does not concern you. I'm here to purchase your apples, that's all."

A sly chuckle left the girl's lips, making Octavia nervous. "C'mon, Octavia, wha' happened? Did they scare ya?"

"How do you know my name..."

"Are ya scared? They don't wanna scare ya. They's jus' asking ya about things," the girl shrugged mockingly.

A darkness seemed to have taken the girl suddenly. Her hair shadowed her amber eyes menacingly. Octavia fumbled about in her words. It was all so quick and she had trouble following the drastic change in the once sweet girl's behavior. Then her eyes caught the moment of truth: craved upon one of the stool's legs was the same symbol that she found on the tablet.

"You know? Are you an Assassin?"

"Naw, I'm an apple farmer! My family owns an orchard down in Ponyville. It's named Sweet Apple Acres. I work there and on the ends of the week, my grandma sends me up here to sell. It's a pretty good life it ya ask me."

"You're lying!" Octavia hissed quietly. "You know things you shouldn't!"

"Please, my sis tells me to never lie. So I don't lie," the girl folded her arms.

Octavia was about to press a question upon the suspicious farmer girl, but held her breath when the Royal Guard reached her side. He was still in a chirpy mood and leaned lightly on the apple stand. The apple girl turned her attention to him with a bright smile that contrasted her devious manner moments prior.

"Hey! I'm Apple Bloom! Ya wanna buy some apples?" she said cutely.

"Don't mind if I do, lass," the Guard threw her some bits and took two apples with one large hand. Apple Bloom took the bits quickly and stored them in a strong box that was on a small table behind her. The girl thanked the Guard sincerely before turning to Octavia.

"So, ya gonna buy or what?"

"I think I'll pass on it," Octavia tried to sound polite.

Apple Bloom nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm still here tomorrow! We got the best apples in Equestria, so don't ya miss them. Have a nice day, lady."

Octavia gave a smile to the girl before quickly removing herself from the apple stand. How bold were these fiends? The Royal Guard followed her closely with his helmet under his arm and the other hand lifting the sweet apple to his mouth. The musician was too occupied to notice his loud chewing or any of the Canterlotians she harshly shoved out of her way. The Brotherhood enlisted children into their ranks. They were starting to appear much more than just a simple intimidation group. There could be hundreds of Assassins around here at this moment. Her eyes were drawn to the tall buildings that loomed impressively over the wide streets. She could not see any hooded figures watching her from above, but a wave of anxiety flew from her heart to her fingertips. They were still, undoubtedly, watching her.

"I believe we should head to my home, Guard," Octavia told the Royal Guard.

"Do what you wish, m'lady. I will accompany you there," the Guard uttered through a mouth full of apple.

"Oh, how uncouth you are!" Octavia exclaimed. "Did you learn any manners in your training?"

The Guard paused to shallow the fruit before defending himself. "I'll have you know that I hail from the Fog City! Yes, the one and only Cloudsdale. I know my way with high-society and nobles. So yes, I do have manners. I apologize for speaking so quickly, m'lady."


"You have a strung-up personality. Do you know that?" the Guard huffed.

"No I don't! I'm quite relaxed. I'm hardly tensed or worried."

When the Guard stopped in his tracks, the musician turned to look at him. He was still holding his helmet, so his skeptical face was uncovered. His blue hair was wild with the messiness of his helmet and his blue eyes were deep with annoyance. He hosted a moderately thick chin and wide jaw muscles. He did not have the usual thickness of Royal Guards, but did not lack the clear fitness he was in. His face and neck were much more lean instead. His frown made the musician hesitate.

"I guess I am a little tense at the moment," she said with a nod. "I haven't had a good day in a while."

"That is fine," he said more nicely. "However, I can tell that something more than 'bad days' is bothering you. I know that we have just met but an hour ago, but do not think I can't be a good friend."

"Are you suggesting I share something with you?"

"More like relieving yourself of holding it in. It is fine if you wait until we are in the privacy of your home."

The musician would usually reject such an offer and idea, but her critical finger that she was about to point at him with never moved. With a shifty glance both up and down the street, she started her pace towards her home. The Guard said nothing and continued to shadow her.

"You keep acting like we were followed," the Royal Guard muttered as he watched Octavia check all around her before opening the door to you home.

"I have to be sure. These people are like cats. They could be anywhere and we would have no knowledge," Octavia hissed back at him while she opened the door.

They both entered the small home in relative silence. The musician kept her wits about her as she checked the halls, bedrooms, and even the kitchen for any Assassins. The Royal Guard did not have any of it and sat himself down at a small table, placing his helmet gently on the wooden surface with a sigh. After Octavia secured her house, she followed suit.

"Alright, here is the reason why you are here," she began. "I am being targeted by Assassins."

"Assassins? For what?" The Guard asked.

"I'm not entirely sure. They are interested in my affiliations with the Two Sisters. Do not ask about it. I believe they think it's wrong of me to interact with royalty."

"They? Assassins are sent for, m'lady. They do not act on their own accord. Do you know who hired them?"

Octavia knew right then that they were talking about different meanings on the word "assassin." Did he not know? The cellist paused before continuing.

"Sir, they are not like that. I do not think that anyone has hired them. They are a part of an organize that is actively seeking me. One was bold enough to speak with me right outside the door. They wear hoods and masks. I feel that they are not trying to kill me, but interrogate me."

The Royal Guard stroked his chin. "All because of the Empresses?"


The Royal Guard leaned back in his chair. His smooth face was perplexed and his drumming fingers displayed deep thought. The sounds of his armored digits hitting the wood was the only noise Octavia could hear. The stone walls shielded them from the noises of the outside. Although one could watch the bustling streets from a round window, they seemed like a different world, guarded away in some memory.

The musician felt a dryness in her throat as she listened to the few sounds. Her bodyguard and guest was sitting in her home without a drink in his hand. She was sitting across from him in the same predicament. With her distracted mind, she forgot the basic rules of hospitality. So with a sigh she spoke up, disturbing the quietness.

"Do you need a drink? I have both wine and water here," she said while trying to give a polite smile.

"Ah, water is fine. I am not much of a refined drinker," he chuckled with much more niceness than she could conjure herself.

"Then I shall fetch that for you, sir."

"M'lady, I have a name," he said briefly.

Octavia raised a brow at him when she stood up from her chair. "Oh? I never asked for your name, have I?"

"I am of the Sentry family. Corporal Sentry, at your service. My friends just call me Flash," he stood up and gave a sweeping bow.

"Hmph, if you did not know, I am Octavia Melody. I wish I could give some title with that, but I can't. I am simply Octavia."

"Well, Octavia, I say well met. As I have stated before, I am honored to protect you. These "Assassins" may search for you, but I will give up my life knowing that you are safe. I am a Royal Guard, one of the elite that the other nations cannot boast about!"

"If only I had as much faith in you as you do in yourself," Octavia then frowned. "I'm sorry. It's just that the people after me seem...competent. I rather put faith in my own blade than that of a stranger. I hope you understand."

"I do, Lady Melody. Perhaps after all this, we will not be strangers, eh?" he chuckled.

"You are in my home, but that's as far as my socializing with you shall go," Octavia said sternly as she poured some water into a glass.

"I understand that too," he hesitated. "If that phrase was too confronting for you, I'm sorry. I was a womanizer once, but that was me before being placed in the military. I'm here to be an outlet for anything that may trouble you, but I am, above all, here to be your bodyguard."

Octavia rolled her eyes and placed the glass of water in front of him. He gave a quiet "thank you" before drinking from it. She ignored the polite phrase and turned away from the table. With her hands behind her back, she approached a window that looked out to a small plaza behind her home.

Her eyes gazed upon the happenings of the small plaza. Like most plazas, there was a central fountain surrounded by a octagonal bench. While children played around the fountain, Octavia's eyes centered on a familiar figure that sat on the bench casually. The white robes, the sword, the red sash, the dessert-like apparel, the black mask that rested on the figure's lap, it was none other than the bold Assassin. Her hood was down, so a shock of spiky blue hair could be seen atop her head. Deep magenta eyes looked by at the musician.

Octavia gulped as the Assassin waved a mocking hand at her. With her heart starting to race, she turned around to inform Corporal Sentry. She motioned at the window, inciting his curiosity. When he started to move to her, she turned back to the window. Her eyes darted around the plaza. The children were there. The fountain was there. The bench was there. However, the Assassin was nowhere to be seen.

"I saw one! I saw one of the Assassins!" she cried.

"I do not see anyone," Sentry shrugged. "But I shall take your word for it, my lady."

The musician gulped once more as she felt sweat crawl down her temple. "Oh, what mess have I brought myself in?"


Author's Note:

You may notice the dialect used by the characters to be strange. Since this story takes place in a more Renaissance Era, I decided to mimic the word style as well. If I go too "Shakespeare" for you guys, please let me know. I rather have you guys understand the dialogue than be fancy.

Also, don't worry about Flash Sentry if ya don't like him. He's just a side character in this and never a romantic interest.