• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,708 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Chapter 8: The Captain

"Starlight Glimmer? I can't say I've ever heard of that name," Twilight said as she paced around the Den's hallway.

"It seems I'm the only one who have heard of it," Octavia commented as she watched the Grandbearer move from her right to her left. the torches casting the shadows over her as she walked by.

"And she preaches equality? Is she an Equalist?"

"I would assume so. From how she spoke to me, she was a leader among her people."

"I hate assuming. Those Equalists are no laughing matter. At first, they were just protesting peasants in the northern parts. Now they seem like an actual organized group bent on removing the nobles and the Royalty."

"Speaking of the Royalty, do you know how the Two Sisters are doing?"

Twilight stopped her pacing. "Huh? I haven't visited Empress Celestia in a few weeks. Actually, the time when I met you at the Palace was the last time. That makes it far longer than I thought. What about them, though? Do you worry for their safety?"

"Why yes, Grandbearer. Empress Luna has been blinded by Templar attacks in the past, imagine what they could do if only one bomb eluded us."

"I see your concern, but it's risky to let such information be brought to someone out of the Brotherhood. Not even the Thieves Guild knows of these threats. The Two Sisters will be fine. As long as we do our job."

"Please Grandbearer, Empress Celestia is as much my mother as she is yours."

Twilight sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Yes, yes...I'll tell you what, I'll inform Captain Shining Armor about these bombs. He'll increase the Royal Guard no doubt."

"Shining Armor, as in your brother?"

"The same. He knows as much as Celestia does. He's one of the few men that I can trust fully. Have you ever met him?"

"Not personally. I've seen him more than once at the Palace. He has the face of a legendary hero. He seems almost too perfect to be real."

Twilight blinked quickly. "Um...Alright?"

Octavia blushed as she realized what she said. "Oh, um, I didn't mean it like that..." A nervous and embarrassed smile formed awkwardly on her lips.

"Uh-huh," Twilight grunted with sarcasm. "Tell you what, I'll be going his way tonight. Would you like to come with me?"

"I believe I have nothing better to do," Octavia shrugged. "I'll accompany you."

It was a cloudy night as a storm was brewing in the west. The rain had not come yet over the two Assassin who walked steadily through the increasing darkness. The northern parts of Canterlot towered over them, the Grand Royal Palace chief among them. The Grand Royal Palace stretched out just as far as its height, thus even being close to the Palace was not being close to the parts that the Two Sisters called home. It was almost made of layers, and the two Assassins were barely in the first one.

Their steps were casual, yet the noise was faint on the cobblestone. One barely audible step over the over. Octavia was trying, after seeing Rarity's technique, to lightly step amount and keep oneself still while moving. Twilight also walked like this, but she was far less pronounce than Rarity. She walked like one who was learned in the ways of noble ladies, but did not fully take it to heart.

"My brother lives in this building," Twilight said as she pointed at one oddly shaped white structure.

"I would have thought he would be nearer to the Two Sisters," Octavia remarked.

"You would think that, but that has always been where the Captain of the Royal Guard has stayed. It's not the best place for one of his rank, but it is pleasant. Wait until we go inside."

"Through the door?"

"Of course not. We'll enter through his washroom window. It won't be the first time I've entered this way."

Why the washroom? Octavia shrugged to herself. The Grandbearer knew best, right? She matched Twilight's gait and they went along the path towards the destination. Shining Armor's wing of the Palace was only two stories tall, but rather long. It seemed more like an arm that stretched from the main body of the Grand Royal Palace. It was also covered in vines and was surrounded by several thin trees that still had the blooming flowers on their boughs. Even in the dim light, their pink color was beautiful to behold.

They stopped right before the building. Up above was a wide window where bright light poured out of. It was clear the Captain was still awake. Twilight only glanced once at the Novice before taking hold of the veins and ascended. Octavia followed suit. It was not an arduous climb and they soon reached the window. It was closed and the window was a bit foggy. Octavia rubbed it only to find the fogginess to be on the inside. Confused, she squinted to see what was happening inside. To her surprise, she saw a tall man taking a hot shower. She instantly averted her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked. "That's Shining in there."

"I know that's Shining Armor!" Octavia hissed back. "It would be...impolite to disturb him while he bathes."

"He wouldn't mind," Twilight said casually.

"Beside the point, Grandbearer."

"No it isn't. Come on," she said as she opened the window.

The window slid openly easily and she climbed in. The steam blasted Octavia in the face, but she held herself there. Shining Armor was singing an old folk song while he bathed, but suddenly stopped upon realizing there was an intruder. He turned around and saw his little sister there. His face instantly brightened and his brilliant teeth only added to the heat of the steam. Being in the nude, he stepped out of the shower and took a towel to dry himself.

"Twily!" he exclaimed happily, "what brings you here?"

"It's not good news, but that doesn't mean we can't have a good talk," Twilight chuckled.

Shining looked past his sister to spot Octavia peeking in through the window. The Novice's cheeks became a bright red and she hid herself from the window's view.

"Who's the Assassin with you?" Shining asked curiously.

"Octavia Melody. She wanted to come along," Twilight casually explained.

"Octavia?" he shouted as a question. "You mean the Empress's student? The murderer?"

"She's not a murderer. She didn't kill that Guard."

"Oh, alright. Well, still! She's alive!"

He, with his wet feet, slipped over to the window and reached outside to grab the Novice. His massive hand gripped her collar and he effortlessly pulled her inside. The Novice screamed as the naked soldier dragged her in against her wishes. She grunted as she hit the smooth floor and rolled over.

"It is you!" Shining gasped.

"Indeed..." Octavia breathed as she got up and stood behind Twilight as if she was a shield.

"Empress Celestia and Luna believe you are dead," he said.

Trying to keep her eyes on his face, she nervously replied. "Well, surprise! I'm not. However, they should not know of me. Please keep me a secret!"


"Shining, it's probably best to keep Octavia silent around the Two Sisters. We don't want them trying to search for her," Twilight told him.

"I don't like all the secrecy. I'm used to it though..." he grunted with distaste.

"Shining, the Brotherhood has come across a Templar plot. It involves bombs being transported by carriages. Octavia and Rarity intercepted one two nights ago and another has been seen last night. We do not know the targets for these bombs, but we fear they are for the Empresses."

"Another conspiracy, eh?" he leaned on the wall. "Why don't ya tell the Two Sisters? Last time a plot against them happened, Luna lost her eyes. How can I make sure the Brotherhood actually protects them this time?"

"We can't promise you that," Twilight said disappointingly. "That's why you must be on high alert. Getting word to the Empresses without the Templar knowing is hard and if they know, then they'll postpone this plot for some other time. We must stop them and make sure we stop them in a way that they can't do this again any time soon."

Shining Armor sighed. "Ya know, Twily, I'll do as ya say, but if you mess up again and either of the Empresses get hurt, I'm coming after you. I've committed treason already by keeping information like this away from Celestia and Luna. I'm sworn to protect them and if you hinder me from doing that, we both go down. I love you so much. Just make sure I don't regret this."

"You won't," Twilight lowered her voice.

He looked at Octavia with piercing blue eyes. "Lady Melody, please do your best as well. I don't care how you do it, just keep the Templar from harming my commanders."

Octavia did not answer as Twilight walked over to her brother to hand him the letter she had acquired from Lyra. "This is a Templar message.

He quickly read it and reread it. His eyes blinked in utter confusion. After making some remark about it, he looked up at the Assassins.

"Are you sure? This letter suggests that the Grandmaster, the supreme leader, doesn't know what her subordinates are doing."

"She? So you already know about Starlight Glimmer?" Octavia asked.

"Why yes, I remember arresting her. She's a loony in every sense of the word. Doesn't surprise me one bit that she is Grandmaster."

"Could you put on some clothes, Captain Armor," Octavia finally said.

"Oh?" he raised a brow. "If I must."

He walked over to his towel and wrapped it around his waist to conceal his privates. After he pulled the towel over him, he returned to his conversation as if nothing happened.

"Still, this doesn't make the most of sense. Why would her followers keep plans from her? That's probably something you should investigate, Twily. Maybe there's a weakness there?"

He handed the letter back to Twilight. She took it without a real care and hid it back in her sash. The Captain of the Royal Guard still held a bemused expression.

"I'll investigate it all thoroughly," said Twilight. "The Templar are a crafty bunch, but they are nothing compared to the power of the Brotherhood. We shall find out why these things are happening and we shall protect the Two Sisters from any harm."

"You better..." was the mumble from her older brother.

With that, the Granbearer bowed to the soldier in the Assassin fashion. Octavia hesitated, but followed suit. She was still uncomfortable with the man, but she was sighing in relief because she knew the visit was just about over. That was, until he stepped over to her and placed a thick and weathered hand upon her pauldron.

"Are you sure you do not want to visit the Two Sisters?" he asked sincerely. "They would be beyond ecstatic to see you."

"I would love to, Captain Armor," she answered nervously. "However, as an Assassin, I am no longer the student they knew. I am an agent of Harmony and I wish that to remain a secret for now."

"As you wish, but I do not think it's the best choice," he nodded slowly.

It was not the kindest if responses and Octavia instantly felt a wave of guilt sweep through her body. He was disappointed in her answer and it was clear on his face and in his tone. With a nervous gulp, she took a step away from him and glanced at Twilight for any reassurance. The Grandbearer did not seem overly concerned over her brother's behavior. She simply pointed at the open window to suggest a quick exit from the washroom.

"Yes, Grandbearer," Octavia said when she realized what Twilight was telling her.

Octavia swung herself out of the window and climbed down to the cobblestone path. The Grandbearer did not immediately come down. The Novice held her breath and could hear the brother and sister speaking with each other. She tried to listen intensely, but their words were too quiet for her to fully hear and thus she could only pick up muffled syllables. A pause, then Twilight swung herself out and levitated herself to the bottom gently.

"What is next for us?" Octavia asked.

"A large step," Twilight answered, "that requires all of us to work hard each night and day. Shining is actually right about the Brotherhood's recent failures to protect the Empresses. Knowing him, I won't take his threats lightly. Come, Octavia, we must prepare for the worst that the Templar can throw at us."


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delays. I'll get back on track.

-Cheers for That!