• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,708 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Templar Chapter III: Wondrous Hunters

The Cloudsdalian structures gleamed in the bright morning sunshine. It was a lovely and lively day. The city dwellers roamed about on their everyday chores. Members of Olden Families rode on their high horses through the dense streets. Bards sung for the entertainment of others. Farmers brought their wheat and vegetables to sell in the markets. Peasants and servants were to and fro for their masters. It was just the average day in Cloudsdale.

The bright sun pierced the lessening fog that was always present. The tallest buildings were still shrouded by the thinning mist. In the shadow of an ancient temple, sat Starlight Glimmer on a stone bench. With her long legs crossed, she was reading a book that laid on her uneven lap. With one thin hand, she turned the thick pages, the other was giving support to her chin as she hunched forward in her seat. Her bright pink dress swayed softly in the light, but chilling, breeze. The long purple ponytail she had also moved back and forth, brushing up against the Bough of Yggdrasil that was hanging on her back.

She was used to the large Alicorn Artifact always being swung over her shoulder. It was too cumbersome to hold, too top heavy to use as a walking staff, and certainly too valuable to not be near her. The power that emitted from the Staff kept her in a constant tireless mood. She had grown quite accustomed to its presence and it now almost felt like a part of her body. It needed her to use its power, she needed it to complete her mission. This pulsing artifact was always on her back, making their relationship a symbiotic one.

"Sometimes, I'm unimpressed with such literature," she rubbed her face. "Could poets write about subjects other than death?"

With a long sigh, she closed the book and returned it to the satchel she carried. Her hand did not leave the satchel until it pulled out another tome. This book was bore a Templar cross on its black leather cover. She had been forcing herself to read this book in its entirety. Since she was now the Grandmaster of the Templar Order and Coco had returned to Canterlot, she felt it was necessary to learn the Order's immense history.

The Order started under the Northern Crystal Empire's Shadow King Sombra. A cruel leader who used the Crystal Heart, another Alicorn Artifact, to oppress the people and turn them into slaves. The Order were his men and women who served as Imperial Enforcers. There was not much more to them than that. Then the great Commander Hurricane, a general under Sombra at the time, led a revolt against the Shadow King. He rallied not only the slaves and common people, but also large amounts of the military. They stormed the Crystal Palace and beheaded Sombra. Instead of becoming King himself, Hurricane left for the Crystal colonies down south, which ended up being the earliest parts of Equestria.

He and his wife, High Princess Platinum, reformed the Templar Order, making them secretive and an organization that held "higher understanding." They formed the Teutonic Knights and established the red cross as its symbol after the usual black cross was too close to the Shadow King. The Templar were meant to be an Order that would help the progress of humanity. Instead of being fighters, they were meant to be peacekeepers. A special forces meant to work in the dark and secure precious Artifacts along the way.

Then came the Assassins. The old and bizarre scholar, Starswirl the Bearded, formed the Assassins when he found the six Elements of Harmony. The Brotherhood was also a response to King Sombra's cruelty, but quickly turned their gaze to the Templar. Instead of the grand suits of silver armor and the large decorative shields of the Templar, the Assassins wore commoner's clothes and thief hoods. The Order relied on soldiers and high society for its recruiting, the Assassins enlisted peasants, farmers, and whatever they could pick up. For the longest time, the Order did not know the Brotherhood's purpose. They seemed to only be angered murderers bent on reigning havoc for the Order.

The Assassins did have a higher cause. It was not until a hundred years after their forming that the Templar understood. They fought for Harmony. The Assassins believed the Templar were a threat to freedom and justice. They used the six Bearers of Harmony to lead them throughout the generations. When one died, another would replace him or her. It was rare when there was less than six Bearers at any time.

Not much changed in either's history. It was always a fight over an Artifact, always a conspiracy against a ruler, always a bloodbath in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes the Brotherhood would be ahead for a century, sometimes the Templar would be for two. A never ending conflict between two invisible factions that guided humanity's destiny.

"Well, it seems the time to end such conflict," Starlight whispered to herself. "I guess they never thought Equality would be the answer."

Starlight heard light footsteps approaching her. Being a keen listener, she could pick the steps out from the crowd. She slowly closed the book and uncrossed her legs. Trying to act natural, she gazed at the tall Templar that blocked the sun for her. The footsteps became louder, but she did not change her focus.

A woman in blue and yellow Assassin robes slid onto the empty part of the bench next to her. Starlight barely glanced the odd woman's way. It was the Templar she saw in the meeting hall where she killed the previous Grandmaster. She did not know much about this woman, but she did know her name.

"Good morning, Spitfire," she said without looking at her. "I hope the dawn has fared well for you?"

"It has," Spitfire replied. "Fleetfoot and I found some snooping Assassins in the market areas. Only one of the three are left alive. We're trying to get info out of her, but she isn't talking. I thought I'd see if you could help."

"Help? Well certainly. I'm sure we can strike up a lovely conversation. Lead the way, Wonderbolt."

Spitfire wordlessly stood up and began walking away. Starlight put her history book in the satchel and stretched her arms before following. With a humming tune, she walked next to the silent Templar Wonderbolt. The former Assassin kept her head low, her eyes covered by the blue and yellow hood. Every step rang with the bouncing steel of her scimitar sword and the small stiletto daggers that lined her red sash. Starlight did not possess any weapons except a small knife, but such a weapon would be useless in a real fight.

"I have not spoken with you in a couple of days, Spitfire. I hope the Hunters have been protecting the city from the Brotherhood?" Starlight asked politely.

"Of course, Grandmaster," Spitfire said without looking at the woman. "The city has never been so well-guarded. The Assassins cannot see our plans since they have never penetrated the city. As long as we keep them out, they will be in the dark."

"Sunset Shimmer did well in recruiting you," Starlight nodded.

Spitfire chuckled. "Recruit? No, she just showed me how vile the Brotherhood is. She may have turned me, but I did all the recruiting."

The Wonderbolt lead Starlight into a secluded alley where another Assassin in blue and yellow robes was standing over two bodies and a kneeling young woman in white robes. The two bodies were bloodied and sprawled on the stone in odd ways. Both of them were bearded men with wide open eyes. The kneeling woman had her hands tied behind her and blood running down her chin. Her bright blue eyes and dark hair stood out from her white hood. If she wasn't so mauled, she could have been considered a beautful girl.

"Grandmaster," the other Wonderbolt, Fleetfoot, bowed. "It's great to see you."

"No need to be so formal," Starlight smiled. "We are equals, remember?"

"Oh...yeah," Fleetfoot chuckled nervously.

The captured Assassin looked up at Starlight. "This is your Grandmaster? Ha! It's hilarious to see how much the Order has fallen. Where are your glory days, Templar?"

"How dare you-" Spitfire began.

Starlight stopped her. "It's alright. She has had her say. If we want to say what we want, it's only fair she gets to say what she wants."

"I got quite more to add!" the Assassin barked.

"Well, you can add later," Starlight told her nicely. "However, we don't have all morning, so would you please tell us whatever you barbaric Assassins are doing? From your gaudy robes, I can tell you are from Canterlot. So I would expect your knowledge to be centered around the capital."

"You're asking me?" the Assassin seemed appalled. "Have you ever interrogated someone before? You're not a Templar, but some fool! I will not tell you anything! I am sworn to not compromise the Brotherhood!"

"I ask you nicely as a second chance. It's my way of showing mercy. However, you Assassin are not known for mercy, so that was your only chance at living after this. So, you now have a choice that matters little: tell us or we will get it from you."

"Like you can try! I'll die before you get anything from me!"

"I admire your toughness, lass," Spitfire said, "but we don't need you to talk."

"Huh?" the Assassin was confused.

"For an Assassin," Starlight began, "you are very unobservant. Do you see this staff on my back? It is the Bough of Yggdrasil." The Assassin's eyes widened, much to Starlight's amusement. "Oh! Now your eyes open! So, you either tell us and we may give you a third chance at living, or you don't and I will take it from your mind and perhaps kill you in the process. I actually don't know if you will live as I have never done this before."

Her lips quivered but she held firm. "Do your worst, Templar."

The Grandmaster shrugged. "Well then, here it goes."

Starlight reached her hand back and touched the Staff. Green energy started to emit from the ancient wood and gather up in her hand. Her arm began to shake with the magical energy and she let go of the Staff. With all the magic in her hand now, she reached out and touched the Assassin's face.

There was a moment of awkward silence as Starlight's hand was firmly grasping the Assassin's forehead. Suddenly, the Assassin's eyes started to bulge out and her body became tense. A weak, restrained cry of pain left her throat. As the magic entered her head, her gasping started to become a violent grunt and then to screaming. Starlight's face did not change expression as the Assassin cried in agony.

"Gah! Ahaaah!"

As suddenly as it started, the Assassin stopped her screaming and fell limp on the cobblestone. The green magic around Starlight's hand dissipated and she stood up straight. The three looked at the silent Assassin, small wisps of smoke was floating from her still wide eyes.

"Is she dead?" Spitfire asked.

Fleetfoot placed two fingers on the Assassin's neck to check the pulse. "Uhh...Yup."

"Pity," Starlight sighed. "I was hoping she would make it. This would be a great tool for interrogation rather than execution. However, I did see into her mind."

"And?" both Wonderbolts asked.

"Well, she was not as informed as I thought. She must have been a low ranking Sister and not one to tell secrets. What I know is that there are two Bearers of Harmony in Canterlot and that they just recruited a young woman. Huh, Octavia, that name sounds so familiar..."

"There's always at least two Bearers in Canterlot," Spitfire said with a disappointed grunt. "It was like that even when I was an Assassin."

"They also seem to have a Den in southern Canterlot. From the images I saw, it appeared like a rather cozy place to live."

"Well, that's good news," Fleetfoot remarked. "We could storm that place."

"Yes, but I'm not sure of its exact location. She only gave me broad facts and never any small details. Perhaps I did something wrong? I should have controlled my magic better," Starlight sighed at her own mistakes.

Spitfire looked up at Starlight. "So what does this mean? Are you going to order us to Canterlot?"

Starlight stroked her chin. "Perhaps. I think it's time for us to start our campaign for Equestria. We shall need time to plan and scheme. We fight and preach Equality now, so remember that."

"I shall ready any Hunters," Spitfire said. "The more your Equalists preach, the more likely the Assassins will come after them. We'll be ready for them.

Starlight nodded. "Good. I believe I need to return to the Magnahalla. You Wonderbolts gather yourself and stay vigilant."

"Will do."

"Already? You can't be serious?"

"I am, Sunset. We must bolster our forces in Canterlot. It is time to preach against the royalty and make the people hate the Two Sisters."

Sunset Shimmer leaned back in her large wooden chair. She placed her hands in a triangle formation and she bore a contemplative expression. She was still one to dislike Starlight's company, but the two of them were slowly settling their differences.

"This is sudden news," she said. "The Knights are not ready to move out."

"Forget the Knights," Starlight waved a dismissing hand. "Forceful approach is no longer a strategy. While the Equalists come out and preach, the Order must hide in the deepest shadows. Moving Templar Knights will only rouse suspicion from the Brotherhood. We must keep our forces low. We are the ones springing from the dark, not the Assassins."

"Starlight, Assassins are more trained in combat than we are. They are tricky, dirty, and resourceful. They also have a good hold in Canterlot. Mistress Poloman does her best, but her Maidens are getting axed off. Trying to match their stealthiness is only going to backfire."

"Then what would you do?"

"I shall go to Canterlot myself. We do not need to preach this Equality nonsense. We should strike the Assassins surely in the jaw. Make the Bearers flee if we can't catch them. We should also start searching for Alicorn Artifacts. The Bough is the only one we have and it does have limitations. Don't you know why it sat in a secluded room?"

Starlight took a breath. "No."

"Because it can run out of energy," Sunset explained. "The Alicorn enchantings do not last forever. It can be used up, like wood on a fire. If you keep using it, its magic will fade."

Starlight crossed her arms. "Then explain the Bearers of Harmony. They use magic all the time."

"Because they know how to refill the magic," Sunset said, exasperated.

"And we don't?"

"It's different for every artifact. Starlight, you must trust me on this. There are hundreds of artifacts out there and many the Order has acquired, but centuries of using them have destroyed them. I don't think I need to say that the Bough of Yggdrasil needs to survive."

Starlight leaned back. "Fine, I shall use it sparingly."

"At least we agree on something. You can do what you want with your people, but I still command a good portion of the Order. If we are equals like you say, you should not have any problem with me forging my own path."

"I'm not sure if I like your tone, Sunset," Starlight uttered in a low voice.

"Well, just be glad I've stuck with you," Sunset added mockingly. "Can't say that about the other Templar, can I? You see, Starlight, you may come in here, kill our leader, and announce yourself Grandmaster, but that doesn't mean you hold the power of one. So, if I were you, I would stop pressing my own views upon the Order and maybe try to learn from experienced operatives. I know the Assassins ten-fold better than you do. Let me and Poloman handle Canterlot."

Starlight's eye twitched. "If you wish..."

"Good," she smiled. "I'll start preparing immediately."

Starlight clinched her fists, but then took a deep breath to relax. If this was how she wanted to deal with the Brotherhood, so be it. I'll just be there when she fails. With a slight bow, she turned and exited the Templar's room. The preparation had commenced. It was time to meet the Assassins on common turf.
