• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,708 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Templar Chapter I: Strike a Deal

The rising dawn graced the city of Canterlot in the morning light, giving it beauty beyond compare. The mountain blocked most of Canterlot from the eastern sun, shrouding it in darkness. The spires and minarets stood firm and dotted the city. The Grand Royal Palace was in a foggy distance in the far north.

Starlight Glimmer saw all this from her window. Her thin, spidery hands were behind her back and her face displayed only deep contemplation. The months in prison did not serve her body well. Her skin was pale, her body thin, and her eyes constantly weary. However, she was not as weak as she appeared. She still had muscle on her bones and years of labor that hardened her will and her toughness.

A distant sigh left her parched lips. "Such is this grand city. I've been here for months already, yet it still retains my attention. I'll always prefer the life of the country, but I now see why so many flock to this city. It's truly marvelous to behold."

A knock came from her door. The sound startled her peaceful heart, making her turn around faster than she should have. Still jumpy, are you Starlight? She took a deep breath and put on her usual smile.

"Come in! Come in!" she said cheerfully.

The door opened and Suri Poloman entered. The young woman's frown clashed with Starlight's genuinely happy grin. Without a word, the Templar woman stepped right up to her.

"Mistress Starlight-" she began.

"Suri, you know to call me "Starlight." A title is not needed," Starlight interrupted.

"Of course," Suri rolled her eyes. "Listen, I need to tell you something. But first, I thought you would like to see this."

Suri reached in her satchel and pulled out a mask. The mask was all white with no features whatsoever. It was perfectly clean and spotless save for a stream of dried up blood that fell from the left eye hole. The eye hole itself was also cracked around the edges, showing that something horrid happened to the wearer.

"This belonged to one of your Equalist men," Suri informed. "He was shot down by a Royal Guard last week during his speech. Truly tragic I say. One of my maids wanted to clean off the blood, but I thought it added much needed color," she added casually.

Starlight could feel the lack of sympathy off of the Templar. Her smile was having a hard time staying on her face. Suri handed the mask over to her and quickly switched subjects.

"Now, the real reason I am here is because of the Grandmaster. Our messenger finally came back from Cloudsdale to give his orders."

"Suri, you remember that I do not follow the Grandmaster's orders. I am Templar only in honor, nothing else. The Templar and my Equalists are allies, not the same."

Suri twitched at being interrupted again. "Yes, let me get to that, will you? I informed him of my efforts to free you. Now that you are out of prison and once again able to continue your campaign, he has a change of plans. In short, he doesn't think you're worth helping."

The smile was completely gone now. "What?"

Suri hummed with some evil satisfaction and pulled out a letter from her satchel. With a smug grin, she began to read.

"The Grandmaster states and I quote: "Mistress Starlight Glimmer is of no use to the Templar Order. She lacks drive and valid reason to preach her message of "equality." To give her Templar resources would be a waste of time. It is for the best to cut her off from the Templar and let her spread the message separate from us." I end quote."

"That is insane!" Starlight bellowed. "The Grandmaster does not know what he is doing! I lack drive? Preposterous! He has never tasted poverty or felt that he could die from starvation.He doesn't even comprehend drive."

"No, it's not just that, Starlight," Suri shook her head. "He also does not think you're message is actually going to take off with the people."

"Of course it will!" Starlight gestured out at the window. "People need equality whether they know it or not. They demand retribution from the rich. People are equal, Suri Poloman, and they will heed my message."

"The world does not change with words," Suri remarked. "It changes with action and grand events. The Templar guide the world, and the only way to make it follow us is if we take actions and make the events. You're words will be forgotten in history, or at least, remembered as a foolish endeavor."

"So are you just going to leave me?"

"No, the Grandmaster is a generous one. He has given you an option. You shall either merge with the Order, that includes all of your Equalists and join our ranks of Understanding and in doing that, forget your equality, or we separate ways forever."

"Is there a third option?" Starlight asked.

"Not at all."

"Is there a way to make a third option?"

"Ha! You would have to be the Grandmaster to do that!" Suri guffawed.

An awkward silence fell over the room. Suri's mockery was turning against her as she saw the determined expression on Starlight's face. The Equalist was stroking her sharp chin and looking at the floor.

"You are not seriously thinking th-"

"Oh, I am," Starlight whispered. "If this is how the Grandmaster wants to play his cards, I shall call him on his bluff. Only a weakling would give such a letter and not tell his reasoning face-to-face. I now see him unfit to lead the Order. Perhaps, I shall give much needed clarity to this ancient organization."

Suri shook her head. "I cannot let you do that. He's still my superior."

"You are wrong, he is not superior than you or I. We are all equals and he must learn that the hard way. Now, you can help me if you wish, or you can simply stand idly by. Either way favors you. You cannot tell me you like the Grandmaster?"

"Of course I don't," she whispered quietly.

"Then I shall be off to Cloudsdale and speak with him myself. If he decides to kill me, all his cowardice will appear in full light. I shall challenge him with peace in mind. If I succeed, I promise to bring a new Order to bear. It is time for Equality to receive what she deserves."

Starlight was about to walk past Suri when the latter grabbed her arm. The Equalist paused and waited patiently for the reason of the sudden action. After a moment of quiet, Suri looked up at her.

"You are aware that I could care less what happens to you, but I feel inclined to dissuade you from this quest. Are you sure about this?"

Starlight placed a gentle hand on the Templar's shoulder. "Absolutely. I do what I must for the sake of my followers. If that means ascending to Grandmaster of the Templar Order, it shall be done. You should not worry, I will not forget you or the fight you fight in this capital. With me at the helm, we, the Order, shall be united at last and equal across the whole board."

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

Starlight patted the Templar and then walked out of the room. Suri did not follow and instead remained there, looking out the window. The Equalist leader was excited after the conversation. Being the Grandmaster? It is wrong of me to wish to think that I'll be a better leader, but he has no given me no choice. This is for my people.

She looked down at the white mask she was carrying. The brutal scar that told a dreadful tale seemed to speak to her. A member of the Equalist party died preaching what he believed in. Is that not the freedom she wanted for them? She felt ashamed to not be able to name who wore this mask, but whoever it was, he was a hero, a true example of her message. We strive for equality or we die trying.

"For your honor, my friend, I shall wear your mask in front of the Grandmaster himself. You are gone now, but let your legacy endure through me."

"Mistress Starlight! Wait!"

Starlight stopped in her tracks and turned around. A young lady with short, light blue hair was running after her. Her panting grew louder as she approached. The Equalist had to lean on her right leg as the girl had to dodge pedestrians on the Canterlot streets before reaching her.

"Mistress Starlight, I've been or- gah!"

The girl was startled by the mask Starlight was wearing. Panic was in her young eyes and her arms defensively went to her body. The other was confused for a moment before realizing the problem.

She took the mask off. "Can't be that scary, my girl."

"Sorry," the girl said meekly. "I just...didn't expect it. Oh! Um, Mistress Poloman ordered me to...uh...go on the trip to Cloudsdale. You know, with you."

"Peculiar request..." Starlight commented.

The girl rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Yeah, but she only wants to make sure you get there safely. She thought if she sent some Knights after you, you may take it the wrong way."

"Lousy excuse," Starlight remarked. "However, I shall play along with it. What is your name?"

"Coco Pommel, Mistress Poloman's assistant," she bowed.

"Well met, Coco."

"Thank you, Mistress," she bowed again.

"No need for bowing and call me "Starlight," please."

"I'm sorry, Mistress, I truly am!"

Starlight chuckled. "No need to apologize either..."


Starlight rolled her eyes and placed the mask back on. "You just made this journey much more interesting..."


Author's Note:

A Templar quickie. Yes, these chapters following Starlight may become more common. Don't worry, the main focus shall still be on Octy.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!