• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,709 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Chapter 5: Repercussions

Octavia quietly entered the Den. There was no one to greet her, on the inside as well as the outside. It had taken her most of the afternoon to come back as she stopped to eat and was never in a hurry. She descended the steps in silence, her mind still on the mission and the dead Templar.

"You want freedom, but you have none yourself!"

Such words stung her. She still did not know much of the Assassin Brotherhood. The Creed. Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted. She knew that part. Twilight told her that the Creed was the center of Assassin ideology. It was about taking responsibility for one's actions and knowing that the world is grand mystery. Not every opinion is right, but not every opinion is false. It was a sort of acceptance for how humans view the world so differently. However, it also showed that these views can be hurtful and can cause ruin.

She also knew about the tenets: stay your blade from innocent blood, operate in blame sight, never compromise the Brotherhood. They were symbol laws, right? Are they that strict that they take away the freedom of an Assassin? Octavia did not think so. However, she still wondered about it as she walked through the Den's halls.

Some Assassins would look at her with worried eyes, others completely ignored her, and a few whispered among themselves upon seeing her. Something was not right. The Brothers and Sisters were acting strangely around her. Did something happen while I was gone? She quickened her pace and reached her friend Vinyl.

"Vinyl, is something wrong?" she asked.

Her friend averted her eyes. "Uhh..maybe? Ya should, you know, go see the Grandbearer."

"Why are you acting so weird?"

"Tavi, just go. Get it over with."

Octavia blinked in confusion, but did as Vinyl said. With a huff, she walked quickly down the hall to the Bearer's Quarters. Everything was so quiet, it made Octavia a bit nervous. She reached the door and knocked on it three times.

"Come in," Twilight said sadly from within.

The Novice opened the door and entered. Twilight was alone sitting on her bed, quietly reading a book in the candlelight. There was no smile or any sign of happiness in her face. Her eyes were colder than usual and her present frown was clearly visible. Her eyes did not move as she read the book, indicating she was not reading it at all. Without looking up, she beckoned the Novice in.

"Close the door behind you," she said without life.

Octavia gently shut it. "Grandbearer, has something happened?"

"Here? No," the Grandbearer answered coldly.

"Then why are the Assassins acting so...gloom?"

"It's because they know what's coming," Twilight explained and finally looked up. "Octavia, I hate this part, but as leader, I must do it."

"What are you talking about?" Octavia was starting to be annoyed.

"Octavia, what were your orders?" Twilight closed the book.

"To sabotage the forge and kill Starry Skies," she answered with confidence.

"Well, you forgot that I told you to make it look like an accident. That's apparent."

"I apologize for my mistake. I still accomplished the mission though," Octavia said.

Twilight shook her head. "I don't mind that you failed to make it look like an accident, but what I do mind is how you did it. I told you to kill Starry Skies. I did not tell you to kill the blacksmith, his son, and his two younger brothers."

"But Gran-"

"No!" Twilight stood up. "The Royal Guards found stab wounds on the blacksmith and his son. I would not mind it as much if they died in the explosion, but you went out of your way to kill them."

"Grandbearer, they were Templar!" Octavia defended.

"No, they weren't. Yes, they weren't our allies, but they are considered innocent blood. We seek those who prey upon the weak. They were simply in the wrong crowd, but still trying to make a living. Octavia, the Brotherhood is not some organized crime that kills those we dislike. We have the responsibility of guiding humanity in Harmony. This is not Harmony. You have the blood of four innocents on your hands."

"I..I was defending myself," Octavia lied.

"Oh, now you lie?" Twilight flared. "Octavia, do not try to wiggle your way out of this. I followed you. Did you ever wonder why we all already know of your failures when you did this mission just hours ago? As Grandbearer, I am supposed to see how new Assassins work. I saw you walk right up to the son and stab him in the throat! However, I must remember that this is your first mission alone. You are learning."

She continued. "Oh! You were seen by everyone in the plaza when you killed Starry Skies. The Royal Guards are going to search for you once more. You must learn to kill and get away without anyone noticing. It takes practice, but you must learn quickly, otherwise you are only a hindrance to the Brotherhood."

Twilight slowly walked to her and magically extended Octavia's hidden blade. She then took the Novice's arm and pointed at the blade.

"I give you this tool because I know to trust you. This weapon isn't a gift, it's a privilege. Use it more wisely. Never wonder how many you can kill, but how many you can spare. Octavia, the Brotherhood does not take kindly to those who break the tenets. You have spilled innocent blood. Normally, I would demote you and you would have to earn your ranks once more, but you are Novice, so I cannot lower any more. Instead, I shall give you this warning. Do not mess up like this again or else."

Twilight made the blade retract and let go of Octavia's arm. The Novice nodded in understanding. She had not been scolded such since she left Celestia. There was still one issue on her mind.

"Grandbearer, may I ask a question?"

Twilight took a deep breath and smiled. "Of course."

"Since you were there, you must have seen Starry Skies's abilities. She ran like an Assassin. Are the Templar just as smooth as we are?"

Twilight's smile disappeared. "That's a good observation, Octavia. A few years ago, finding a Templar Knight like that would be rare, but it's common now. Have we ever told you why the Assassins no longer are in Cloudsdale?"

"No, you have not, Grandbearer."

She leaned on the Map. "Well, then I guess it's time to tell you. You see, recent events have weakened the Brotherhood. We used to be strong in Cloudsdale. There were several Dens and each one was filled with competent Assassins. That was until Spitfire, a skilled and deadly Assassin, decided that the Brotherhood was the true evil in this world. She's a fiery, intelligent, and truly gifted woman, but she went astray as she convinced herself that she was on the wrong side. So she soon betrayed us. Her first act was destroying the North Cloudsdale Den, where Whiplash's brother, Maverick, was Den Master. No one survived. She grew more powerful as her friends, the Wonderbolts, joined her and they started a tidal wave that washed all Assassin influence out of the city. To make matters worse, she and a Templar Mistress formed a Templar special forces called Hunters. They are trained in the Assassin ways. She has also trained Templar Knights some Assassin skills as well, as you have just witnessed. That's why we hold no ground in Cloudsdale, as Spitfire still watches it today."

When Octavia said nothing, Twilight brushed her squarely cut hair behind her and continued.

"People, both Templar and not, will try to convince you that the Brotherhood is a thuggish cult that run about like animals. This is not true. Our work is for a greater cause. Without us, the Templar would rule the world and the world will be without freedom or hope. You must stand firm in what you believe in, Octavia, but make sure you do so with maturity. This is a complicated world."

"Yes, Grandbearer."

"Now get along. Remember those you have killed, never forget them. It would also be wise to stay away from the Den Master for the rest of the day as he is far less forgiving than I am."

Octavia bowed and left the Bearer's Quarters. The change in subject did make her mood a little better, but it was not enough to do anything. She felt a bad taste in her mouth and she thought she could even smell her own guilt. She was not expecting such a scolding, but Twilight said it more like a disappointed mother than a military officer. Octavia was grateful for this, as she had witnessed how the Royal Guards treat incompetence. Whipped, burned, beaten, and sometimes expelled from the forces. Perhaps Celestia did teach Twilight something.

"Now to avoid Whiplash," she told herself.

She quickened her pace down the hall. Her quarters was her destination, but her quest was already a failure. At the end of the hall was Whiplash, his arms crossed and his eyes burning with rage that surpassed Twilight immensely. His fists were clenched and his mouth was turned into a nasty snarl.

"Octavia!" he roared.

She wanted to flee, but the Den Master had already cornered her. Instead, she simply stood there and gulped, preparing for the worst. She was trying her best to keep her composure and take whatever punishment she was about to receive.

He stomped over to her and grabbed her collar. Being taller than her, he easily lifted her off the ground and then shoved her into the stone wall. He continued to press the Novice against the stone as he drew his face uncomfortably close to hers. His horrid breath was sprayed against her face as he let out his fury.

"You killed them! You dumb, idiotic lass! You spilled unneeded blood! You vile piece of sh-"

"Whiplash!" Twilight opened her door and stared at him. "Compose yourself!"

He ignored her. "How can you live with yourself? You come in here, act so tough and arrogant, and then you decide to ruin our reputation! How dare you! I ought to beat you within an inch of your life, make you feel what those poor lads felt when you gutted them like fish!"

"Whiplash!" Twilight tried again.

Whiplash slammed the Novice into the wall once more. "You better remember this, lass! If ya ever go about like that again, I'll kill ya myself! You stupid girl! We fight for freedom and Harmony! This is not the Brotherhood's damn way!"

"Well, I don't feel free at the moment, Den Master," Octavia could not hold her tongue back.

"What a piece of shit you are! We hold ourselves to a standard! If we let things like this pass, then we are no better than who we fight against. You killed some good men! I would damn myself to Tartarus before I turn a blind eye to such vileness! I hope I strike the same fear into you as you did to them! I hope you feel what it's like to be greeted by Death himself! By the Sun I-"

Twilight gripped him in her magic and tossed him away. He hit the floor and rolled a couple of times before stopping. Octavia fell back to the ground as Whiplash was no longer there to hold her.

"Whiplash, cease!" Twilight ordered. "This is enough for her!"

"How can you defend her?" he wiped some blood from his lip.

"I don't. The Brotherhood is low on Assassins and every single Brother or Sister counts. You should be grateful you have any one to yell at at all! Instead of wasting our time dwelling on mistakes, it's time to move on and improve. What Octavia did was wrong, but let us make sure it doesn't happen again and forget it while we can. The Templar have lost a weapons manufacturer and one of their trained Knights is dead. There are plenty of Assassins who could not even accomplish that!"

"You and I don't see eye to eye..." he grumbled.

Twilight crossed her arms. "And that's fine, Den Master. I am the Grandbearer of the Brotherhood. I am your superior! Now get up and obey me for once or maybe I should assign a new Den Master."

He did not say anything as he stood up and left. Most of the other Assassins were hiding behind furniture or acting like they weren't there. Twilight watched the Den Master until he was out of sight before looking at Octavia.

"I thank you, Grandbearer. I know not to mind his words," Octavia said.

"No, you should mind them," Twilight pointed her finger into the Novice's chest. "All he said was truth. Now you know how serious we take our job. Never make this mistake again, you understand? We take responsibility for our actions. It is what separates us from the Templar. We are Assassins, not murderers. "

Octavia gulped once more. "Yes, Grandbearer."

"Not get along. Maybe get some air. I do not need you at this time," Twilight ordered coldly.
