• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,708 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Prologue Chapter 6: Stars Shining Below

"Unhand me! Don't you know who I am?" Octavia shouted, her face still burning from the punch.

The Royal Guards continued to drag her through the old hallways. "Indeed. You're the girl who boldly killed a refined noble! After a bloody party to boot!"

The musician stubbornly tried to escape their strong holds. "You are crazy. If the Two Sisters catch wind of this, they'd do the unspeakable to your hides! Release me at once!"

"'Do the unspeakable?' Ha! You are delusional. The Empresses would never bother themselves with the presence of a lowly cellist."

Octavia gave up and made her limbs go limp. The Royal Guards did not quicken their pace at all. It seemed they did not even notice her lack of struggle. Her feet scuttled along the clean carpets of the Palace. Some servants and Palace workers stared at her as she passed. It was humiliating.

As they went deeper and deeper into the Palace, it was clear they were taking her to the Old Dungeons that resided far below the majestic structure. The smell of ointments and incense faded slowly as well as the moonlight from the windows. Octavia's ears heard nothing but the rhythmic beat of the armored boots that stepped beside her.

Soon the only lights came from the torches and lanterns that decorated the curved white walls. Octavia rarely saw the Palace with such a depressing atmosphere, but she had also rarely been in the Palace at night. The creeping shadows, the dark paintings of warriors and nobles that once lived, and the small horse statues that lined the floors of the hallways seemed to glare at her. As the Royal Guards carried her to the darkness, below, only regret was what she felt. She gave a long sigh and closed her eyes, waiting for something to happen.

"Here ya go!"

The Guards pushed her into a small cell and closed the iron door behind her. To appear like she could still fight, she scrambled back to her feet and crossed her arms stubbornly. The Royal Guards shared a chuckle between themselves and then left her to the dark dungeon. They took the torches out of the room and carried them away, leaving only the faint moonlight from the barred windows as a means to see anything.

"Bloody Royals," Octavia spat.

The musician, seeing that her words were useless, turned to inspect her new living space. Knowing Celestia should keep me from staying here long. She saw that her bed was made of straw and that was all there was in the cell. The cold floor was lumpy and jagged to her black shoes. The black walls had no designs or carvings. The place was as simplistic as one could imagine. It was probably the most simple place in all of Canterlot.

"All because I tried to save a life..."

She felt like kicking something, so she threw her foot through the pile of hay, spreading it across the cell. The action did not relive her at all and only infuriated her more with its lack of helping. She was prized musician! She was a protege of both Celestia and Luna! The Empresses practically raised her! And she was stuck in here still. The more she thought about it, the more frustrating it all became.

"You're a funny one, aren't you?" a sweet voice echoed from the cell next to her.

Octavia, with no means of seeing the voice's owner, leaned on the door's bars, getting as close as possible to the cell across the small corridor. With the moonlight coming for her window, she could only faintly see up to the other cell's door, but nothing else.

"So, why are you here?" the feminine voice questioned with a sugary, yet venomous, warmness.

"I tried to save a noble from being killed and got framed in the process," Octavia answered curtly. "Well, in hindsight, I could have thought it out better."

"Of course they'll blame you. Being on the lower end makes you an easy scapegoat."

"I'd wager my crime is still pitiful compared to most who are in here. I've barely done a foul in their eyes," Octavia mused.

"To the contrary," the voice chuckled, "I'm only here because of my words. Not a single physical abuse. You can come down here for a long time if you disagree with the established traditions of this silly Empire."

Octavia was interested. "Oh? What traditions did you break? Did you reject Hearth's Warming?"

Octavia could see the woman slide a little in the deep darkness. That or she was imagining it. "Of course not. I preach something very simple: equality. The empire loves its separate classes. It loves how there are some who are more important than others. I refuse to believe this. I said the worse thing one could. I said that nobles are on the same level as peasants and vice versa."

"That does not seem bad at all. I feel the same way," Octavia said.

"Oh, that's good. Though I know it's because you are on the lower side of society. You see, I bet you wouldn't care if you had wealth and influence."

"I would too! I've seen the horrors of poverty, even in this grand capital. I hate to think any have to live like that."

The voice was silent a moment before responding. "Well, that's a better answer than most have given me. You seem like a smart girl."

"You're not the first to say that."

A flash of movement came from the cell. This time she was certain she could see the outline of the woman. If that was the case, then the woman had quite a height advantage over her. That or she just had tall hair.

The woman chuckled again. "I have no doubt. From your clothes, I can tell you're a musician. You still are pretty refined to be poor. Maybe you shouldn't spend so much on dresses hm? I kid, my good girl. Now, I preach these things so that I can spread my message. You see, there are many who think like me, and we have formed a group. I started the group up north, on the border with the Crystal Republic. We live there without nobles and certainly without Empresses. I came down here so that I could spread our philosophy, but the people here are...unwelcoming."

"How long have you been down here?"

"Some months. However, I am willing to spend some time here. I know I'll be free soon."

Octavia raised a brow. "Oh really?"

"Indeed. I may be the leader of a particular group, but I am also an ally of a very special organization. Well, special to you, but completely normal to me. They have ways of getting things done. They promised me freedom by two days from now."

Octavia rolled her eyes. "If they are so special, then why didn't they free you earlier?"

"I have asked them that myself and you wouldn't understand. However, I see some fair qualities in you, young lady. I think this Order could use one of your....oh I hate the word, but talents."

"I've already had enough with secret organizations, thank you," Octavia dismissed it.

"Really?" the woman sounded genuinely surprised.

"It's nothing. Just caused me some stress."

"I think I can help with that too."

"No!" Octavia growled before sighing. "No thank you. This past week has been truly hectic for me. Maybe a peaceful night in a cell would do good for me. This could be the end of all this damn trouble for all I know."

"All this stress is caused by your lack of choice," the woman explained suddenly. "All those Canterlotians can have their parties and host their banquets, yet you have to reside in the darkness. There are not great parties for the poor, unless it's a drunken brawl. Those get old quick. The nobles know no stress and they know no real struggle. It's so unequal that there are some who live with happiness and many who don't. Wouldn't it be fantastic if everyone knew happiness?"


"Good. That's why I'm here. I shall bring happiness and equality to all. If only they would understand my message."

"You sound insane," Octavia stated bluntly.

"Good! I rather be insane than whatever it is to be sane these days."

The woman finally stepped out of the darkness of her cell and leaned on the bars. She was tall and skinny, with clear laugh lines in her pale face. Her chin and eyes showed some aging, but nothing significant. Speaking of her eyes, they glowed with a fiery passion. The whites were like moons compared to the space-like darkness that surrounded them. Her lips were thin and almost as pale as her skin, turning up in a kind, but also devious, grin. Her ruffled hair was surprisingly well-kept since she had been without a mirror for a month or more. The purple and teal ponytail stretched down to the her shoulder where it lightly hung over like a loose scarf. The hands that clutched the iron bars were large but just as skinny as the rest of her. A light pink dress was what she wore, broad and simple in every way, showing that she never had much money. The dress was kept close at the waist by a rope belt where a gold necklace hung. Octavia could see the necklace had a bright red cross on it, making it the most spectacular piece of her attire. Other than the necklace, not a single piece of jewelry was found on her.

"What is your name, my dear girl?" she asked with the kindness of an old mother.

"Octavia Melody The Cellist," Octavia answered.

"I am Starlight Glimmer of the North. You may not have heard of me before, but I have no doubt you'll be hearing of me again."

Starlight then took the necklace and held it in her long hand. She eyed it with her purple eyes like it was family totem, but then took it off the belt and tossed it over to Octavia. The musician reacted just in time to catch it.

"Take it so that you'll remember me," Starlight said lowly.

"I can't. This is your money," Octavia protested.

"The necklace has no monetary value, Octavia. It transcends that. It's a token, a symbol of trust, an acknowledgement of understanding. I can just get another one. Take it. It's for your own good."

"Well, I thank you then. I will say, I did not expect to meet a kind woman in these dungeons. I only thought the cells were meant for hardened criminals."

Starlight chuckled. "That is a naive thought. Just as naive as thinking you are better than another. Prisons can be utilized for politics as well. Far too many visionaries have been silenced and shunned within cells like these. People fear change, Octavia, and they will do everything they can to stop its progress."

"I see. I'm sure when your people free you, you shall return to spreading your...doctrine?"

"Of course. I think of nothing else. I am both a student and a teacher. I am always learning more about this world and I am always sharing my discoveries. Equality is not something that has been invented. It has only been found. I have learned about equality and I shall share it with the world. Though the Empresses see it fit to punish me for preaching such a simple message, I shall not easily give in. I feel that it is my duty to spread equality and I see anything less as failure."

"Now, I do not mean to call you a liar, but the Empresses are kind ladies. It feels odd for them to care so much about your preaching."

Starlight shook her head. "The rich are never kind, Octavia. Kindness requires a type of sacrifice, a lowering of yourself in order to properly help others. The Two Sisters sit upon their piles of wealth and keep from the masses. Not only do they horde gold, but also knowledge. The masses are stuck being ignorant of who they really are. They are oppressed into thinking that they are less and worthless when compared to nobles and the rising merchants. Anyone who supports the Sisters support a future where everything stays the same. The poor stay poor, the rich become richer, and visionaries like myself stay in prison."

"Never thought of it that way," Octavia nodded.

"And that's why I inspire people to stand against such tyranny. Happiness is only acquired when everyone is equal and do not have to worry about the petty troubles of being better than another. Octavia, you and I are equals. We and everyone else in this prison are equals. The prisoners and the residents of the Palace are equals. To think anyone can just have a better life than another is foolish."

"Has your campaign been successful?"

"To some extent. Once I am freed, my campaign will begin again and be twice as powerful. My allies have told me this."

Octavia withdrew from the iron bars with slight confusion still in her. Starlight waved cheerfully from her cell before returning to the dark shadows.

The musician was not certain what to think of the woman across the walkway. She found herself sitting down in the small hay pile in her cell. The red moonlight was all gone and the night sky was pitch black. A sigh left her lips and she rubbed the bruise on her cheek.

The Two Sisters did not seem as comforting as before. Octavia was one to believe herself knowledgeable about the world, but this woman placed doubt in her. Were Celestia and Luna really oppressing people?

"Wake up, murderer."

Octavia's eyes opened to see a sun shining through her window. The brightness blinded her and she turned away from the light. She rolled her neck about to remove the kinks from her resting.

"Come on, you."

She looked up to see a Royal Guard tapping the iron bars with his mace. She could feel his glare even though it was hidden beneath the mask of his helmet. He tapped the bar once again, sending a low ring into her ears.

"What is it?" Octavia asked him lazily.

"The Empress of the Sun summons you. Get up, we must go," he answered.

"Of course she does. Empress Celestia would never allow me to stay here."

Octavia stood up and promptly waited for the Guard to open the door. The Royal Guard fumbled with the keys before successfully opening it. The noise of the door echoed through the silent dungeon.

"Come on out," the Guard grumbled.

Octavia did as she was told. Her eyes darted to Starlight's cell upon exiting. The woman was still there, looking a bit younger than what she did during the night. Octavia could see her high cheek bones clearer and her pale complexion was a darker than before. The woman did not look at Octavia in the slightest as she was sitting on the floor, writing what appeared to be a letter.

"No looking at other prisoners, lass. Get a moving."

The Royal Guard nudged Octavia forward. Only then did Starlight glance up from her work.

"Going already? It's only been a night," she said.

"Perks of knowing the Empresses," Octavia replied.

"Huh, never seen a cellist be treated so special. I actually find it disgusting and unfair," Starlight huffed.

Octavia blinked in confusion by the rudeness of the visionary. The Royal Guard sighed in annoyance and pushed her on again. The two left Starlight to her writing and marched down the single aisle between the cells.

"I'm sure Her Highness believes my charge to be a fallacy no doubt," Octavia said to the Royal Guard.

"Didn't sound like it," the Guard responded. "She usually doesn't mess with murderers. You some special case I guess."

"Don't worry, I'm more than a special case..."

The Royal Guard did not respond and kept her moving. They soon reached a small flight of steps and went up to a higher level. When Octavia was brought down here the night before, she did not realize how large and spacious the Old Dungeon was. The central flight of steps took them through four levels of cells.

They were heading for an open door at the top of the steps. The Guard was grumbling to himself all the way. As they walked, Octavia noticed the few Royal Guards that were present in the prison. Beside the one that held her arm, she counted only three others. Such a relaxed security.

The Royal Guard made her halt suddenly. Before them was a woman of average height flanked by two armored soldiers with red sashes that wrapped around their shoulders. All three of them had pistols and swords.

"What is your business, ma'am?" The Royal Guard asked curiously.

"Don't mind me, good sir," the woman said sternly, her brown eyes inspected the Guard with little care.

The woman then adjusted her curly purple hair and her blue scarf. Her attitude and demeanor screamed an arrogant noblewoman, but her fashion and style said a wealthy merchant.

"I apologize, madam, but you are not allowed down here without permission," the Royal Guard stated. "So by whose authority are you allowed here?"

"I do not have time for this..."

The woman and her soldiers brushed by the Royal Guard and headed down the stairs. Octavia and the Royal Guard exchanged looks before watching the stubborn lady.

"She doesn't belong here..." the Guard whispered.

"Then go remove her. I can stay right here," Octavia told him.

"I'm not stupid! No, I'll just bring you with me."

He tugged on her arm and they followed the woman back down the steps they just climbed. The Guard kept yelling at them, but the trio refused to even acknowledge him. The other Royal Guards in the Old Dungeon also seemed to ignore all the noise and action.

They all reached the bottom and that was where the Guard lost all his patience. He let go of Octavia and stomped quickly over to them with his sword drawn.

"Now listen!" he ordered. "I have been commanded by the Two Sisters to keep visitors out!"

"Oh would you be quiet!" the woman shot back, finally giving him attention. "If you had any sense, you would cut your tongue out and be silent."

"I shall not be threaten-"

His words were cut short by the sound of the woman's pistol firing. Octavia jumped back from the Guard as he stood there, still and shocked. He held his throat and blood started to ruin his bright golden armor. With a croak, he fell over on the stone floor, making a horrid noise of metal flesh. The woman held her smoking gun up without any emotion.

"Take his keys," she ordered.

Octavia clung to the wall as the two soldiers searched the body. Even after they found the keys, they looted him for any coin in his pouches. The woman took the keys without a word and walked over to Starlight's cell.

"Greetings, Mistress. I hope the prison has not aged you," she said in a more cheerful voice.

"Suri? I thought you would arrive tomorrow?" Starlight asked with sincere concern.

"Change of plans. We lost an agent last night to the Brotherhood. Delaying your release would be ludicrous. The Order needs everyone she can get."

Suri opened the door and let Starlight out. The visionary still appeared to be confused and a bit horrified by the dead Guard. Her hands were kept close to her breast and she walked about with uncertainty.

"Come along, Mistress. We haven't much time," Suri reminded her calmly.

"Suri, you know I wish to be called "Starlight." I don't need titl-"

"Yes, yes, I know!" Suri interrupted. "Now go."

The two soldiers took the visionary and urged her down the aisle. Suri stopped right in front of Octavia and reloaded her pistol. The muscian's heart started racing once she knew what Suri was about to do.

"We don't like witnesses," She told the cellist casually. "I hope to make your death painless."

"Witnesses? What about the other Guards in here?" Octavia asked, trying to buy herself time.

"Them? Oh please, they wouldn't betray the Order."

Suri pointed her gun right at Octavia's head. Time slowed down for the cellist. Her eyes started to see everything. The blackness of the gun's barrel, the silver ring with a red cross on Suri's trigger finger, her own reflection in the woman's eyes, and the spots of blood on her blue scarf.

"Suri! Do not kill her!"

Suri looked to see Starlight freeing herself from the soldiers. "This girl has done nothing wrong! What better would we be than the Assassins if we killed innocents?"

Suri paused. The barrel drew closer to Octavia's skull before being brought back quickly. The woman snarled and placed the pistol in a purple sash on her waist. She then adjusted her hair once more before turning away.

Octavia sighed in relief when Suri turned back around and pinned her to the wall with a forearm to her neck. She struggled, but the woman's grip was surprisingly strong and the gun was still pointed at her.

"Listen her, girl, we'll let you live, but only this once. Try anything against the Order and we'll take you and kill you. Every woman is for herself out here, and you better remember that. Look at my face! Remember it! It may just be the last face you see."

Suri removed her arm and allowed Octavia to breath. She took a step back and emptied the gunpowder in her pistol. Once the weapon couldn't fire, she threw it at Octavia's feet.

"Hehe, two murders in less than one day?" Suri mocked. "You make the Assassins look like pacifists!"

Starlight lifted a finger to protest, but then brought it down in silence. Suri gestured for all of them to get going again. The soldiers nodded and took the visionary's arms and led her away. The cruel woman made one last glance at Octavia before following them.

"What has happened to this world?" Octavia whimpered.

Her eye twitched when she looked at the dead Guard again. the killer's tool was right at her feet. What to do? The sounds of Royal Guards running down the steps to her grew louder and louder. I'll be executed for this. Those men are with them.

Her sweat fell off her temples and she stood up. Panic gripped her heart and she ran down the aisle away from the approaching Guards. She did not know where she was running. If there was an opening she took it. If there was a hallway free of Guards she traveled it. Panic was her only guide and it took her far from the Palace.


Author's Note:

I would count this chapter as the end of the prologue chapters. Expect a change of pace and maybe style.