• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,705 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Prologue Chapter 4: Pieces of Present Past

"Any word on our little Assassin?"

"She's barely spoken since I brought her in. Still can't even get her name."

"Maybe she has none."

Octavia leaned back on the Palace wall as the morning sun rushed in through the east windows of the Grand Hall. She had been there for most of the morning already, trying to find a time to speak with Empress Celestia. However, she had been engaged with the daily and tedious jobs of being a co-ruler of a nation. Luna was nowhere to be seen and thus Celestia sat alone on her massive throne of golden arms and pink drapes.

Octavia crossed her arms as she watched the Empress gracefully cross her legs as she listened to the prattle of a snobbish noble. It was always the nobles. The musician could only bear so much of his annoying voice and tried to tune him out by seeking conversation with the Royal Guard.

"Flash, have you been in situations before with the Brotherhood?" she asked him without looking at him.

"No. I spoke with Captain Armor, and he said it has happened before. But I, I have never dealt with them. They seem the manipulative type, like those thugs who exhort people to separate themselves from money and all."

"I'm afraid I don't agree. Something tells me she was telling the whole truth. Maybe they do just wish to protect the Two Sisters."

"No one wants to protect them but the Royal Guard," Flash grunted. "Even the best rulers suffer numerous enemies."

Octavia only nodded at his last sentence. "There was also something the Assassin said. That my poverty, or at least, me having the properties of being poor, increase my chances of being affiliated with the Templar. For an organization that wants control, I would believe they would only have the wealthy."

"The Templar don't exist. It was all just a stupid story she made up. I may believe that there's some Assassin Brotherhood, but not the crap like that."

They grew silent as the line to the Empress was still tremendous. The same noble was still prattling and only noise escaped his lips. The others in line grew restless, all wanted their precious time with their beloved Empress.

"Get on with it!" A man yelled from the back of the Hall.

"He's not getting anywhere, remove him!" a woman said menacingly.

Celestia sighed. "I am afraid they are right, Sir Kiteman, you have more hollow art in your speech than a drunk painter. A wise man would be concise and to the point. If you want my assistance, I shall give it to you if you tell me what I need to do. My subjects are more important than your lengthy tales."

Kiteman huffed indignantly. "Hmph! I believe you should take those words back, Your Highness! I give you my story to only help you."

"There's no point in taking back what has been uttered to the masses," Celestia told him in a stern, but motherly voice. "I know you mean good, but you must also think of the people behind you. They matter too. Be quick with your request."

"Now ya'll still wasting time!" another man complained.

"I wonder what will take longer? The story or the lecture?" one subject muttered.

"Get on with it!" they all said.

Celestia covered her face with a hand momentarily. "You all are restless, I can tell. To calm yourselves, I shall dismiss you all. The first to patience shall start up when we meet again."

This did not please the crowd who marched out of the Hall in dissatisfaction. Kiteman had to be "urged" by the Royal Guards to follow the displeased crowd. All left except one young woman in a long purple dress. Octavia stood by Flash until they all left and walked towards the Empress, who was already speaking with the young woman.

"You see much has not changed has it?" she cheerfully asked the young woman.

"Of course not," the woman replied with even more cheer.

Octavia approached the woman. Her purple dress was simple for one around the Palace, but it was still more refined than anything Octavia had ever worn. Gold lacing and trim swirled around her arms and legs. The shapes of stars were sewn into her long skirt. Her hair was a deep purple with a mix of light pink and violet. Her bright colors contrasted with Octavia's darker ones.

"Ah, Octavia is here as well?" Celestia smiled. "Good to see two of my favorite girls."

The young woman glanced around to see Octavia. Magenta eyes of a deeper shade watched her with happiness. Octavia gave a small smile to greet the woman. The other instead turned around and threw a hand at her.

"Good morning! My name is Twilight Sparkle! I am a student under Her Highness."

The greeting was so awkward and abrupt that Octavia took a step back before accepting the gloved hand. Twilight took the hand before the musician could even offer her own properly.

"I'm Octavia Melody," she said nervously.

"I know," Twilight said quickly.

The Empress stepped down from her throne and glided over to them. Twilight seemed ecstatic to just be in the presence of her teacher. Octavia simply bowed to show her respect.

"I'm surprised you two have never met before," Celestia began. "Recently, it is rare to see Twilight around here. She's usually off doing her-"

"Experiments!" Twilight finished. "I love to travel and conduct experiments across Equestria. Business has drawn me back to Canterlot, so I decided to visit my teacher."

"Practically "former" teacher," Celestia laughed. "There's not much for her to learn from me now."

"Oh, don't say that!" Twilight dismissed the Empress with a hand. "I'll always have something to learn from you."

"Maybe so. Perhaps we can-"

Twilight literally hopped in place. "Sorry to interrupt, but I feel uhh...really urged to speak with Octavia...in private. I think we could have a lot to share since we both have experiences with you. So..if you...uh... wouldn't mind, I'll take her in a side room alright?"

"Twilight," Celestia lost her smile. "What do you want with her?"

Twilight blushed. "Nothing! It's just rare for me to meet someone who knows you like I do! Can I just have this?"she asked in a more quiet tone.

Celestia crossed her arms and raised an accusing brow. "Twilight, my dear, do not do something you'll regret. I know what's going on."

"Oh, I know! I've stopped hiding things from you for a while now. However, this is business...soo..."

"I love you, my dear, but you become insufferable when your "business" comes up. You can have her, but if you don't come back here, with her, in ten minutes, I'm coming after you. Are we clear?"

"Like the stars on a summer night!" Twilight saluted.

Octavia threw her hands up in confusion. "I've had no say in this-"

Octavia was pulled by Twilight's grip. The student led her away from the Grand Hall and through one of the few side entrances. She waved innocently at the posted Guards they passed. Even Flash simply said hello. The cellist struggled, but the slightly smaller woman had an iron grip on her wrist.

"What are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that..." Twilight uttered darkly.

The student brought her into a small hallway where there were only portraits and no windows. The shadows crept over her face, making her innocent appearance fade quickly. Her other strong hand took hold of Octavia's shoulder and she thrust her into the stone wall viciously.

"What do you think you're doing, Melody?" Twilight demanded in a whisper.

"What are you talking about?" Octavia asked back, ready to defend herself.

"You got one of my own imprisoned last night. You are interfering with our business," Twilight explained.

"Is everyone I meet an Assassin?" the musician sighed.

"Not everyone, thank goodness. Listen, I know you interrogated her and I know the story you told my Assassin, but I cannot stand by without letting you know that you have well...annoyed me."

"What? Are you going to rough me up? Like some bully?" Octavia sneered.

Twilight let go of Octavia The student even adjusted Octavia's wrinkled dress for her until it was to her liking. The musician felt like straggling the Assassin, but fortunately restrained herself. From messing with the first Assassin's wrist blade, there was a good chance this Assassin had one under her sleeves.

The Assassin then placed a warm hand on her shoulder. "Of course not. I am an Assassin, not a thug. Unlike most in this city, I actually hold myself accountable for my actions. I live by that. No, I am here to inform you that we are still watching you. To keep you in check if you ever think about ratting us out. Due to my Assassin's folly, you know of both the Brotherhood and the Templar. There is no use in keeping myself hidden. I want you to know that you can't get away with such actions without us knowing. You are bold, Lady Melody, and I only wish to keep you humble.

"Octavia, we can still be friends. It is rare for one to have the knowledge like you do. You seem like a smart girl. You are also a cellist and can attend most noble banquets. If you help us-"

Octavia interrupted her. "I'm not interested, Lady Sparkle. The Brotherhood has kept me on edge for a week now! The less of you, the better!"

Twilight placed an shocked hand on her chest. "I am indeed sorry. We were only making sure you were not Templar. Those fiends can hide under the best guises and it is up to us to find and expose them. We do more for you than you know. So do your best not to interfere with our affairs if you wish to be left out of the conflict."

"And you stay away from me," the musician shot back. "Your Assassin is only in prison because she came into my house! She has harassed me and even pointed a gun at me. The Royal Guard who arrested her was defending me. It's hardly my fault anyway."

"You don't need defending, Melody. I know you studied under Empress Celestia. She trains all her students, be it a protege or a lost cellist, to master the blade and strategy. If you were any fool on the street, I would not consider you powerful, even with the knowledge of my kind. You are not so. You know what to do with knowledge and I must admit, I'm afraid of what you could do. This is for your safety. The Templar, just like us, are everywhere. So, if you are smart like I think you are, you'd make sure to keep yourself hidden."

"I'm not sure if I understand..."

Twilight looked at her pocket watch. "By the Stars! My time with you is almost up! We must hurry back to Her Highness immediately."

Just like how Twilight led her away from the Empress, she led her back. The tight grip astounded Octavia as it did not relate at all to the woman before her. Twilight appeared thin and frail, but everything else about her showed otherwise. In no time they were back in the Grand Hall and before a suspicious ruler.

"You are only barely in time," Celestia monotonously addressed them.

Twilight chuckled innocently. "We had a lovel-"

"Don't lie to me, Twilight, I know what you did. I am too tolerant towards your "business" in my home. Please refrain from taking advantage of it. I'm disappointed that you treated Octavia like this."

A sudden change of mood took over Twilight as she was scolded to by her mentor. Her cheerfulness left her and she gasped worth sincere distraught. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Empress. I was assuring secrecy for my Brothers. Please do not take this as a form of mistreating a friend. You have taught me well not to do so."

"Then do so outside of my Palace. I am lenient towards the Brotherhood, but only because of you. Mark my words, Twilight. I love you like a daughter, but I will not hesitate to cut off my support to you."

"As you wish, Your Highness," Twilight bowed. "I assure you, I nor the Brotherhood will ever cross your line."

"I shall speak with you later then, my dear," Celestia told her kindly. "Go. I'm sure you're needed elsewhere at the moment. Your brother has come back from Cloudsdale, you should speak with him. He often tells me how he misses you."

The two shared a hug before departing. The student walked out with her head high and her step a little off. For being with royalty, she does not know how to carry herself. Octavia watched her leave with a glare before realizing that the Empress was leaning on her shoulder.

"I hope she did not go too far," Celestia chuckled. "She's a good girl but has some....issues."

"She did not, Your Highness. However, I did not understand her fully. How can you be allies with the fiends that are the Assassins?"

"I would hardly count myself as an ally, my dear. Twilight was my student long before you and I even met. Never have I met a sharper mind than her. I wish I could tell you how she became involved with the Brotherhood, but it leaves me confused still. I hope you understand my predicament, Octavia. I feel that I cannot abandon her. She was not only my student, but my friend. She is now an Assassin leader, but she is still my Twilight."

"How long have you known about this?"

"Ever since she was captured by them some years ago. If you ask her yourself, she would not tell you anything. She told me however. They took her away for some odd ritual and ever since, she's been the head of their organization. Once that happened, I knew there was much more to this world than even I knew."

"Well, if that's the case, I have plenty of learning to do. As you know, I hate it when some fool treats me like a lesser. These Assassins shall not get the best of me. I will teach them manners if they ever try anything on me again!"

The Empress hushed her with a finger. "Be careful what you say. You may think you have the skill to defend yourself, but you don't. You have not seen them in action. If a cat ever sneaked up on you, they can too, and they have bigger claws."

Celestia sighed and decided to change the subject. "You are performing tonight, no? Yes, I remembered Sir Fancy Pants and his wife hiring you two weeks ago for tonight. Well, if you need company, I shall attend as well. Luna will mostly come as well, but since her accident she has not been fond of parties. So do not count on it."

Octavia smiled. "Thank you, Your Highness. I hope my hands can play after these past few days. Will your student attend?"

"She may, which Twilight she shall come as is uncertain though."

Celestia said this with her usual motherly smile, but it did not relieve Octavia at all. When the cello player glanced away from the the Empress, the motherly smile faded. The hopeful eyes lowered themselves and the royal hand was placed on the cellist's shoulder.

"Forget that, my dear. It may be foolish of me to think this way, but I have all the confidence in you to take care of yourself. I only advise you not to. Corporal Sentry shall remain with you until both you and I are entirely certain they have given up on you. Let the wheel of fate turn. We shall see what tonight and tomorrow bring. Hopefully it brings something worth cheering about."

"Thank you once again. I shall see you tonight."

"Safe travels," Celestia hugged her before separating.

Octavia drew away from the Empress and started down the long hallway. The group of citizens were slowly coming back in, impatiently wishing for their turn with the Empress to be now. The cellist became the rebel in the crowd as she walked the opposite way of everyone else. It was proof of the ruler's busy life and it made Octavia grateful that she could still have moments with someone so swept up in work.

"Well, soon I shall be in such work myself. Tonight I have Sir Fancy Pants. Two nights after that would be Sir Toity again. Then after that would be...It was some artist...I guess I'll have to check it again. Oh, the life of a musician under nobles."
