• Published 3rd Nov 2015
  • 1,708 Views, 254 Comments

Harmony's Creed: Brotherhood - Gapeagle

During one of Equestria's golden ages, a cellist is thrown head first into a secret war between the Assassins and Templar.

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Chapter 9: Musical Interference

"It has been eight days since the last carriage was seen. Do you think the Templar have moved out?" Octavia asked.

Twilight, who was appearing only half-awake, was sitting in the Bearer's Quarters with a book in hand. Her face was in a deep and unusual frown. After their visit to her brother, there had no signs of Templar activity and the silence was making her more nervous with each passing day. Upon hearing Octavia, she shut the book slowly and levitated it to a shelf.

"No carriages, but some Assassins brought in news this morning. It's about three suspicious women."

Octavia placed her hands on the Map with anticipation. "We are having issues with three women? Are they Templar?" she asked quickly.

Twilight leaned back with a sigh. The small candle beside the Map made her face dark under her straight hair. Her hand was stretched under her chin in thought. She was thinking of an answer, but instead of words, she shook her head in silence. It was a pitiful answer from the leader.

"So they aren't Templar? Then they could be allies yet," Octavia reasoned to the Grandbearer.

Twilight kept shaking her head. "You do not understand, Octavia, these women have caused turmoil in Equestria. We believe they wield amulets that even the Assassins are not sure of. We do know that their magic is music based. However, we don't know much beyond that. We've known of them for some time, but they've eluded us for years. We don't know their names, their alliances, or how they acquired Alicorn Artifacts."

"Music? At least I am familiar with that. Where have they made their presence known?"

"We first heard of them in Manehatten, but we have picked their scent right here in Canterlot. We believe they know of the Brotherhood and the Order. I think they want to strike us soon. They seem....hot-headed though surprisingly subtle."

Octavia leaned on the table expectantly. "So what are your orders?"

Twilight was quick to the point. "You seem rather eager for a mission, so I want you to investigate this. After you and Rarity took care of the Templar, I've seen that you are quite competent. I would have sent you out with Vinyl as your aid, but as you know, she fell off that roof yesterday and her ankle is still not well."

"Do not worry, Grandbearer, I shall not fail the Brotherhood," Octavia bowed in Assassin manner.

"I know you won't," Twilight smiled confidently. "But keep yourself safe. Our knowledge on these women is limited, they may have more power than we anticipate. Only engage through stealth. One of the rules to victory: never underestimate your opponent," she ended with an almost sing-song whip of her voice that soon faded to a sleepy yawn.

Octavia bowed once again and exited the Bearer Quarters. She was about to close to door when she realized she had forgotten one crucial piece of information.

"Er, Grandbearer, where are the targets?"

"They were last seen by the West Pools. A Brother said they bathed there. I would start in that vicinity," Twilight answered.

"Thank you! I'm off now!"

"Seems unusually quiet here."

Octavia was perched on the tip of a short decorative spire that watched over the West Pools. The myriad of watery squares hosted hardly any participants. Being a grand public bath, this was indeed suspicious. The musician recounted several instances where the Pools were overcrowded. It was almost night, but the sun still shed enough light to make it late evening. There was no excuse for the lack of people.

The Den Master slithered down the spire to a nearby ledge that was much closer to the Pool entrance. She crouched low to avoid attention and watched the few people wander about. It was a tedious business, but she knew better than to investigate without stealth. Work in the Dark to serve the Light.

The place was so quiet that she could hear the tiny waves of the water hit the sides of the stone walls. Even her own breathing seemed to disturb the silence. From her ledge, she slowly prowled across the low stone arches, looking for any supernatural activity.

She huffed impatiently as there was nothing strange going on beyond the lack of participants in the public bath. That was, until she heard two lean men speak among themselves in a corner of the smaller pool. It was not that they appeared suspicious to the Assassin, but their hushed tones drew her attention.

Like a snake, she crawled over to an arch right above them. Their naked bodies were mostly submerged in the clean blue waters. With the sounds of their tongues bouncing off the water's surface, she could easily hear their whispers. Trying not to inspect them too closely, she leaned in on their conversation from above.

"Those three were unusual. Quite spectacular, but also unusual," one said with mild distaste.

"C'mon, you can't say they weren't a welcome sight," the other laughed. "Girls like that don't come often. Well, at least, not outside of a brothel."

The first did not seem convinced. "Hunter, these girls were beyond their limits. It's illegal to go about like they do. You're just intoxicated with their songs of lust. They only wanted your money."

"And they got it!" the other shrugged heartily. "By the Sun! they were gorgeous! Especially the blue-haired one."

"You have not even gotten their names!" the first huffed. "I thought better of you."

"Oh, quiet you snob," the other stopped smiling. "You know nothing of fun."

"I do, but it's legal fun. Not hard."

"Fine! The blue-haired one gave me her address. I guess they liked me just the same as I liked them."

"It's a trick, brother," the first warned.

"Sod it! Let me have this, will you? I am bathed and clean now, it's time for me to relax. If that means relaxing with those ladies, then I will."

Octavia watched as the second man jumped out of the pool. The short conversation left him in a bitter mood towards his comrade. He left wet footprints on the slick stone as he approached his towel and clothes.

"Hunter!" the first called out. "Don't go! They are just fancy prostitutes! Get a real girl for once and maybe you wouldn't have to spend so much on dames."

The man named Hunter ignored him and dried himself off. He was hardly dressed in his loose leggings and shirt before he clambered away from the Pools. Octavia gave his friend one last glance before following the other from above. Her legs danced along the edges of the white stone arches and railings. Hunter did not seem like an observant fellow, so he did not even risk a glance at her.

"Silly brother, always belittling me," he croaked.

"You just keep walking..." Octavia quietly encouraged him.

That was just what he did. The Canterlot streets unfolded before him as he stomped on. The Assassin stuck with him by sneaking over rope lines and climbing over small roofs. As he entered the busier parts of the grand capital, it was harder for Octavia to keep up with him. Her eyes hardly left her target and she more than once tripped on a chimney or roof garden.

"Can't lose him, can't lose him."

She quickened her pace slightly, sliding over a small dome and swinging across an alley. Her route would take her to the sides of houses, dragging herself from window to window and sometimes through the rich porches of merchants. Her arms would grab dangling lanterns or construction pulleys. Her movements were graceful and expertly done, but the man still moved swiftly through the late crowds.

The pale moonlight cast its silver light onto the dark cobblestone and white buildings. The night was growing more intense as the time passed. The sun had gone and the man still walked on. Through an alley, around a corner, across a street, and about a plaza did he go. The trailing Assassin kept her distance at all times, but remained relatively close.

The Novice halted on the edge of a rooftop. Hunter was slowing down in his haste. His feet took him to a dark part of the city where there were fewer people and fewer noises. It was the sort of section of the capital where thugs and thieves would gather on the corners to jeer and chat with each other over the day's successes.

Is that a brothel? Octavia knew the brothels in Canterlot by the Thieves Guild. The courtesans had shown her each location that was under Assassin control, or at least, allies of the Brotherhood. This brothel, with its red roses on the balconies, dark purple drapes, and old structural design, was not one of them. The house also lacked any signs of life. Yes, there were roses, but even they were faded and withered like the drapes and the filthy windows. It looked abandoned, but this was the place where Hunter arrived at.


The man entered the large abode without hesitation. Now, any normal fool would follow him directly through the door, but Octavia knew better. With a quick hop over to the rooftop, she leaned over the side in hope to enter through a window. She was out of luck, as no window was open on the warm evening. So she placed herself in front of one of the larger windows and dug her hidden blade deep in the gap where it opened.


She forced the blade into the gap and used her arm as a wench to pry it open. It was tougher than she anticipated. After the first failed attempt, she slammed the blade even deeper and pulled with all her might. The window popped open and swung inwardly with an almost haunting moan.

Octavia inspected the room before she crawled through the window. She had only been there for a second and she was surprised by the normalcy of the home. It appeared like a small family owned the home as there were signs of children in both the hallways and the small rooms. Toys were haphazardly scattered about and bed sheets were on the floors instead of the rather expensive beds that were in each room. Hair brushes and other woman beauty products were more common than the toys. It was odd indeed, but the place did not seem to host a brothel or any sort of magic.

Her feet lightly pressed the multi-colored rugs on the floor. It was all so quiet that she could not risk even a sound. As the hallway only led to a downward staircase, Octavia was forced to follow it. At the top of the stairs she paused to hear any souls, but no voices came.

She extended her blade and headed down the stairs with utter caution. As the bottom approached, she could hear the faint sounds of people below. There must be a basement.

Her boots clapped on the wooden floor of the main level. The sounds became louder. She could not tell where the second set of stairs were, so her progress through the house slowed down. The main level was far more suspicious than the top. Bright red sofas were lining the walls. Rose petals that were less withered flaked the floor. The house now appeared to be a brothel, but still an empty brothel.

"Ah, we seem to have another! Just in time too," a woman chuckled from below.

"I guess he couldn't wait. They always come," another with a more raspy voice laughed.

"Oh! Did you bring presents?" a more chirpy voice questioned.

"Well, money and a good time," Hunter said smoothly.

"Aw, that doesn't sound like a good present," the chirpy one moaned.

"What?" the first sounded shocked. "Ugh, never mind. I'm glad you could join us. We were just about to start the...entertainment."

Octavia followed the sounds the best she could. With her ear low and her movement sounds minimal, she slid across the room towards the steps that led below into a sort of basement. She stopped. They still spoke among themselves with giggles and grunts. The Assassin was losing confidence as she wondered how many were actually down there. One male voice would mask over another. Though, the three female voices seemed like the only ones.

"I should plan this out before engaging," Octavia whispered to herself. "Perhaps they could be simple prostitutes? These may not be the women I seek."

"Should we begin?" the first woman said seductively.

"I don't see why not," the raspy one remarked with little enthusiasm.

Octavia kept her hear ready to listen to their conversations. Suddenly, a light, captivating hum met her ears, freezing her in place. The melodic humming intoxicated her almost instantly, making her heart stop beating and her whole being moved emotionally. She could only blink as she listening to the growing song that came from below.

She dare not speak, as it would interrupt the beautiful song. Even her steps would create defiling sounds, so she stayed put. Holding her breath was difficult, but she did so so that she could hear the music in its finest form.

The humming grew louder as the song increased in its intensity. Octavia's hairs stood on end as she began to forget her troubles, her doubts, and it was all being replaced with a focus on joy and happiness. Her legs gave out and she slid down to the floor with her head stretched out over the top of the stairs. Her body was tensed, yet relaxed. Slight humming came from her own throat, but she stopped as it was not in tune with the captivating song.

The song had a sort of relaxing melody that made Octavia sway her head and hand back and forth like a small ocean wave. In her extreme enjoyment of the music, her eyes were practically rolled up in the lids. The enthralling tune made her breath through her mouth only, so her jaw was open slightly. She had no fears, no concerns, no doubts. It was as peaceful as an isolated creek, yet twice as charming.

The song then ended on a low note. Octavia felt a twitch in her body that made her hands cramp up, but it soon went away. Why did it stop? Her heart now ached and her stomach squeezed itself as she needed to hear more. She stretched one hand out towards the steps and crawled down the stairs slowly. It was for some reason painful, but Octavia endured the sudden aches. Her determination to reach the singers was far greater than any pain she received.

"Do you hear that?" the raspy one asked the others. "I think we got company."

Octavia, with a parched throat, stood up and slowly walked down the last steps and reached the basement. There, before her, were three thin women with long hair and revealing outfits. One had long blue hair, one with orange puffy hair, and the last with straight purple. With men on the floor around them, equally as intoxicated as Octavia, the three stood pointing pistols as the Assassin. Octavia raised her hands without a real care.

"Who are you?" The orange one spat. "Answer me, damn it!"

"Why did you stop singing?" Octavia asked back with a weak voice. "Why?"

"C'mon Dagi, she's under with the rest of these bubs," the purple haired one said with a raspy voice and lowered her pistol.

The first one still held her gun up. "Aria, don't you know what she is? Look at her, she's an Assassin. I know one when I see one. She's here to kill us!"

"Um, wouldn't she have done that already?" the blue haired one said innocently.

"Sonata's right," Aria agreed. "Huh, never thought I'd ever say that."

"Why have you stopped singing?" Octavia repeated the question.

Finally, the one named Dagi lowered her weapon. Her bold magenta eyes still perceived the Assassin with suspicion. Her heeled sandals walked over the men that were on the ground and she went straight to Octavia, who was a bit taller than her. The singer's curvy hair bounced with each step. When she was right in front of the Assassin, she started to inspect her.

"She's not a high-ranking Assassin," she stated. "What's your name?"

"Octavia Melody," Octavia said and bowed in Assassin fashion.

"Never 'eard of her," Aria grunted.

"Why are you here?" Dagi asked.

"The Grandbearer Twilight has sent me here to investigate your actions."

"Grandbearer?" The singer gasped. "Here?"

"In the South Canterlot Den," Octavia said casually.

"Hehe, looks like Canterlot gots loads of problems with the Brotherhood," Aria laughed.

"How can they be a brotherhood if they are ran by mainly women?" Sonata asked everyone , but no one answered her.

"Well, Ocatvia, I'm Adagio, that snob over there is Aria, and this airhead is Sonata. We're not evil and we certainly mean no harm for Canterlot. As you know, all we do is sing. We sing like sirens."

"I have realized that," Octavia nodded. "But would you please sing again?"

"Persistent, aren't ya?" Adagio chuckled. "Listen, we don't actually sing that much and we don't take requests. So, ya out of luck at the moment. Our show's done and we gotta take these men out back to uh, send them back home."

"That's a shame," The Assassin sighed.

Adagio playfully patted Octavia on the shoulder before walking over to her two partners. Aria grabbed Adagio and brought her in close. They soon began whispering and Sonata walked in on the conversation as well. Octavia now took a bit of time to look upon these siren women. They were dressed like courtesans, wearing dresses that did not even reach their knees and tops that showed the tops of their breasts. They all were beautiful and well-kept in their own way. With how Adagio spoke, it was clear she was the leader of the trio. After they whispered among themselves, they broke up to have Adagio confront Octavia once more.

"Well, there may be a way to get us to sing again," she said.

"What is it?" Octavia asked with urgency.

"You see, we aren't Templar, but we used to be. Our Order has been compromised by this Equality-loving bitch named-"

"Starlight Glimmer," Octavia answered.

"Ah, you know already. Well, she's pressin' her idiotic views of Equality on everybody. We three hate this, so we left. However, this doesn't mean we love you Assassins. So, if you want us to sing again, how about you go and uh, assassinate the Grandbearer."

Octavia's eye twitched. "I...I can't do that. She's my leader. My teacher. My-"

Adagio whispered a humming tune in Octavia's ear, making the Assassin tense up once more. "What was that?" the siren asked smugly.

"You promise to sing for me when I come back?" Octavia demanded.

"We do."

"I can do it," Octavia said finally. "I will kill her and I shall hear your music once more."

"Also," Adagio stopped her. "We may have other things for you to do as well."

"As long as payment is your songs, I shall do them."

"Then we expect plenty of good things from ya."

Octavia bowed and ran up the stairs with a hurried pace. The three sirens waved her goodbye and when she was gone, started to laugh among themselves. Sonata jumped up excitedly, Aria simply smiled in some amused expression, and Adagio pumped the air with a fist.

"I can't believe we snagged an Assassin!" Adagio cackled.

"Um, Dagi?" Sonata spoke up.

"What?" was the harsh growl.

"We still have these men to take care of..."

"Oh yeah...take them back and uh, don't have too much fun with them," Adagio told her.

"Finally! I get to do things my way! Yay!" Sonata cheered.
