• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 13 - The End Result

The bell just rang, signaling the end of 4th period. We started to grab our things and made our way to the announcement board to meet up with Flash and Thunderlane.

“Twilight, Cadence, Fluttershy, Jack,” said Flash, “you made it.”

“Have they posted the player’s list?” Twilight asked.

“We just got here,” Thunderlane replied. “Waiting for the crowd to thin out so we can see.”

As students were looking at the list, some were excited to make the list, while others were not. Once we were able to see the list, we were all shocked at the four on the top.

Shining Armor (QB) – Captain
Flash Sentry (RB/WR) – Alt. Captain
Thunderlane (QB/RB) – Alt. Captain
Jack Diamond (QB/WR/K) – Alt. Captain

“Am I seeing this?” I said. “All three of us are alternate captains?”

“That’s just the half of it,” Flash added. “This is the first time we get to have three quarterbacks in the school’s history.”

“That’s right.” We turned around to see Shining Armor behind us. “Coach Iron Will was impressed at the talents and leadership that you all have. With all of you in the front line, we have a balanced team to take on anyone.”

The rest of our friends showed up to see what the results were.

“So, did you guys made it?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Take a look,” I replied.

They looked at the list and saw what was on the top of the list.

“Well I’ll be,” Applejack said. “Congrats to ya all.”

“So how many games are there in the season?” I asked.

“Five games total,” Flash replied. “And the first one that we play is against Cloudsdale.”

“The other teams in our region are Appleloosa, Dodge City, Trottingham, and Crystal Prep in Downtown Ponyville,” Shining Armor added.

“Crystal Prep has been the most hated team in our region,” Rainbow Dash said. “They have won every championship in every school sport for over 10 years.

“Not to mention that they like to brag about it,” Soarin added.

“We can worry about them later,” Shining Armor said. “For now, we start practice next Monday, and our game with Cloudsdale will be next Friday.”

“But first, we get to PARTY!!!” Pinkie Pie said with excitement.

“Everyone on the team will be on the farm tonight,” Applejack said. “Think you can be there at five?”

“All of the cheerleaders will be there as well,” Cadence added.

“Cadence, you might be regretting bringing that up to him.”

“Why?” She asked.

“Remind me to tell ya later, when he’s not around,” Applejack answered, referring to me.

“I’ll have to check with my mother first,” I replied. I took out my cell and called my mother about tonight. Turns out that my mother and Twilight’s mother will be there to help set up the food for the party. So we were fine with going.

“I’m glad that our parents will be helping out with the food there,” Twilight said. “Both of them were busy looking for a new place to open up a new local store.”

“My mother told me about it Wednesday,” I said. “She wants to move the online business to a bigger place with some local support.”

“Oh that will be great,” Rarity said. “Now I can look and smell for new candles so I can buy what I like.”

“Ever since I saw those candles that you had at your house, Rarity, I have been wanting some for myself, but never had a chance,” Fluttershy said.

“Well, I guess we all know what we’re doing tonight,” I said. “I’ll make sure that Chrysalis comes along. It will be a nice change of pace for her.”

So we all plan to go to Applejack’s farm for the football party. But first, I need to talk to Celestia and ask about Crystal Prep. Hearing about having a perfect record doesn’t sound right. Back when I was in Manehattan, I attended West End High, but there was another school that was like Crystal Prep, called Mane Coast Academy. It was a top ranked school, but it wasn’t perfect because it had a big rivalry with Fillydelphia High, which was also a top rank school. Not every school can be perfect without a reason for it. I just hoped she has an answer.

“I can understand your concern, Jack,” Celestia said, “and it has been crossing my mind. After seeing what you could do on the field, I have been wondering if there are players at Crystal Prep that have the same gift that you have.”

“You are just full of surprises, Celestia. But for one school to have several gifted players for about 10 years doesn’t sound right.”

“I know, Jack. But there has to be a reason they are perfect. And I don’t trust Principal Cinch handling that school like that.”

“Sounds like she only cares about being the ultimate…principal.”

“Or a bitch, if that’s what you wanted to say.” We laughed. “But in all seriousness, I think there must be a way to develop those powers without being born with them and having them awaken just like you.”

“So we could be looking at some special pill, or maybe genetic enchantments.”

“Well, Jack, I wouldn’t have thought of those ideas being used on students, but they are some good ideas to look at. But right now, we need to find out who bears similar gifts that you have when we face them at the end of the football schedule. And we hope that each game you play could help develop your powers, without letting anyone else notice.”

“Then we need someone to find a way to get the players’ stats and background info so we can look for any red flags. Otherwise, we’ll be walking in that game blind.”

“I can have my sister, Luna, look for some help on the outside. As for the player stats, Twilight looks into that over the weekend so she can help plan our next game. You’ll have to get those from her.”

‘I can work with that.” I pondered for a moment, and then said, “You know, this is the first time I had this much excitement in my life.”

“Well, don’t get carried away with it. I need you ready for anything.”

I saluted and said, “Yes ma’am.”

It was 4:30, and Chrysalis and me started to drive on down to Sweet Apple Acres. Both of my parents already plan to be down there getting the food set up. As were on our way, we saw a broken down car facing towards us and two people looking over the engine. Somehow, they looked alike, but very recognizable.

“Is that…Sunset over there?” Chrysalis said.

“I think one of them is her,” I replied. We pulled up besides them and asked, “Is everything OK, Sunny?” When both of them looked up, one of them looked older than the other.

The older lady looked back to Sunset and said, “Classmates of yours?”

She let out a sigh and said, “Yes mom, he’s in four of my classes.”

“Well don’t get too excited,” her mother replied. She looked at me and said, “My car broke down. You think you can help us?”

“Let me turn this around so I can get on the other side,” I said. Once I turned my truck around and parked it behind hers, I got out to see what was wrong. It looked like her engine overheated, so I called my dad up to explain the situation. He was on his way with Big Mac in his truck to meet us here with a car trailer, in case we needed to bring it back to the farm.

“Looks like the engine did overheat. Might need to have the oil changed and spark plugs either cleaned or replaced.” My father said. “Big Mac, you have some tools back on the farm to help fix this?”

“Eeyep.” he replied.

“Son, help me load it on the trailer, will you?”

“Sure, dad.”

As we were loading the car onto the trailer, Chrysalis decided to ask Sunset’s mother a question. “So Mrs. Shimmer.”

“Ms. Shimmer,” she corrected.

“Sorry. Ms. Shimmer, where were you going to at this time?”

“We were going to get something to eat, since I got home late,” Ms. Shimmer said. “Now I don’t know if that would happen.”

“My wife is helping out with the food for a party at Sweet Apple Acres,” my father said. “If you want, you can join us and get something to eat while we get you car up and running. Should take a few hours to work on.”

“That would be nice,” Ms. Shimmer replied. “Save us from going somewhere else to eat, right Sunset?” All Sunset did was grunt and roll her eyes in response.

We had the car hooked up to be taken back to the farm for repairs. Sunset decided to ride in Big Mac’s truck because she was hoping to not be seen when the car is taken to the shed. Ms. Shimmer rode in my truck. I knew that there was some info I needed about Sunset’s past, and her mother might have the answers I need.

I asked, “So Ms. Shimmer, is it just you and your daughter who live together?”

“Yes,” she replied. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, you corrected Chrysalis on your title, and Sunset has never mention anyone else in her family,” I said.

“I doubt she ever does. I’ve given her a hard time after what she did months ago,” she said.

“Well, I just moved here over the summer, so I have only heard about the stories about her, but I’m not sure I really believe them.” I lied about the last part so she doesn’t know that I believe them.

“So you’re Jack, the one she keeps bring up every now and then.” After hearing that, I guess I can throw the lies out the window. She continued, “I’m glad someone is making sure she doesn’t cause any trouble.”

“And what has she told you about me?” I asked.

“How you always watch over her about everything,” she answered. “I just hope that you can keep her out of trouble. I don’t want her expelled from school. I got enough to deal with keeping everything together.”

I decided to push the envelope on the family. “If you don’t mind me asking, but what happened to her father?”

“I…rather not get into that. I just want to leave it in the past.”

Just as she answered that, my soul powers went active. She’s scared of her past. No doubt she’s trying to keep her emotional scars hidden. That makes me wonder if Sunset has any emotional scars on her.

“What happened to her during the summer?” Chrysalis said. “I heard that she got punished at school.”

“I grounded her, took away the car keys, and drove her to school so the principal can put her to work,” Ms. Shimmer answered.

“That must have taken a lot out of you, juggling between your job and managing Sunset’s work,” I responded.

“I know,” she said, “but it had to be done. She needed to understand how it affects the family as a whole.”

We finally arrived at the farm. Big Mac drove around the back to where the shed was, while I parked at the front. I can see my friends there with confused looks on their faces. I knew they were going to need an explanation of Sunset being here.

“Ms. Sunrise Shimmer. I’m surprised to see you here.” Twilight’s mother came walking towards us, recognizing who Ms. Shimmer was.

“Sorry if I’m getting in your way, Mrs. Twilight Velvet. My car broke down, and I’m thankful one of Sunset’s classmates was willing to help me out.”

“That’s my son. Always willing to help.” My mother walked towards Ms. Shimmer to greet her. “Mrs. Candle Heart. We moved here over the summer.”

“Your son told me about it,” she replied. “If you don’t mind, but I want to check on my car to see how long it will take to get it fixed.”

“Hold on.” Twilight’s mother looked over to her son and said, “Shining, do you think you and your Coach can see if Jack’s father needs any help. You did take the coach’s auto class.”

“Yes I did, mother,” Shining Armor replied. “I’ll get Coach Iron Will to help out. Just let us know when food is ready.”

Shining Armor got Coach Iron Will and went with Ms. Shimmer to the shed where my father and Big Mac was working on the car. Twilight pulled me over to her friends to talk to me.

“I guess you had no choice in the matter, did you?” Twilight asked.

“What, you want me to leave them stranded on the road?” I replied.

“I’m just surprised that your mother knows her mother,” Rarity said to Twilight.

“She said that they came across each other in the grocery store one day over the summer,” she replied.

“Well, as long as she stays away from us, that’s fine with me,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I agree. The last thing we need is a party pooper,” Pinkie Pie said.

We spent a couple of hours getting to know each other on the team before food was ready. Ms. Shimmer and the guys made their way back from the shed with the car’s engine cleaned and fixed. But Sunset decided to stay in the shed. So her mother went to get some food for her. I decided to take the food for Ms. Shimmer and let her stay and enjoy some time with both Twilight’s mother and my mother. When I went to the shed with both of our food, she was sitting in the back of the shed.

“Here you go, Sunny.” I handed a plate of food to her.

She looked at me and asked, “Do I get a drink?” I pulled out a can of soda to give to her. “Thanks.”

I pulled out my can of soda from my other pocket and sat next to her.

“You don’t have to stay here with me,” she said. “You are the popular one on the team.”

“Couldn’t care less,” I replied. “No sense eating alone.”

She took a sip of her soda and said, “I can never understand you. You try to be protective one minute, and caring the next. You’re just…I don’t know, a mystery.”

“I should be saying the same thing about you,” I said before taking a sip of my soda.

She gave me a curious look. Then she looked away and said, “Why do you even want to know about me? You heard from the entire school, so why ask me when you know the answer.”

“I like to think there’s more to you than what everyone else knows.”

“Well, good luck in finding out, because you’re not getting it from me.”

“Even if it means finding out about your father?”

“I don’t even want to go there, so stop asking.” I can see that she was rubbing her arm when I brought that up, and it was the same spot where I grabbed her on the first day.

“Look, just because you’re the new student here doesn’t mean you can invade my entire private life, so just BACK OFF!”

“Let go of my arm.”

“I don’t need your help. So just stay out of my life.”

“I didn’t hurt you there back on the first day, did I?” I asked.

“No, it’s nothing to worry about,” she replied. “Just…nothing.”

“You still remember about that science project that we will have to work together later on.

“I don’t even know why you want to bring that up every time.”

“Let’s just say I’m trying to break the ice.”

“Good luck trying.”

I stayed with her until we were finished with our food. By that time, her mother showed up in the shed.

“Ready to head home, Sunset?”

“About time,” Sunset said. She got up, threw away her plate and soda, and got into the car.

Once she got into the car, her mother came up to me and whispered, “Thanks for watching over her. I just hope you can help her for me.” She got into the car, and drove off the farm. I walked up back to the front of the farmhouse.

“What ya been doing, sugercube?” Applejack said. “You be missing out on all the fun.”

“I had…more important things to deal with,” I replied.

Applejack pulled me to the side and said, “Like bothering Sunset? I know it be dangerous dealing with her, after what she tried to do to Twilight. Are you sure you want to dig yourself a hole you can’t get out of?”

“Can I ask you something?” I said.


“Have you ever learned about her past? I don’t mean the past few years, but her far past.”

Applejack took some serious thought on the question before she spoke. “Man, I never really thought about that. But I don’t think she’s willing to talk about it anyway. Why you ask?”

“I think the reason all this that has happened could involve going far back into her life.”

“You think she was nothing but trouble all this time?”

“Not really. Just…think about what I just asked. Maybe you can help me find the answer I’m looking for.”

“Well partner, I already know what I need to know, but I’ll keep that question in my mind for now. Come on. We need to enjoy the night while it’s still young.”

“Can’t argue with that, AJ. Can’t argue with that.”

So I spent the rest of the evening with the rest of the team before heading home for the night to get some rest. I might have a lead to follow on Sunset, but going through with that lead will be more of a challenge.

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