• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 4 - Two Hours to Kill

With an hour before lunch, I had some free time to relax and do…something. I never had a “free study” time in my old school, so this felt like something new to me. So I decided to go to the library to see what it looked like, as soon as I figure out which way I was supposed to go.

“I think I’m supposed to go around the corner and look to the left, I think.” I realized that it could be tough to get your bearings when you are by yourself on your first day. As I was making my way down the hallway, I heard some voices behind me coming this way.

“Come on, Crusaders. The library’s this way.”

Just then, one of them bumped into me from the back, falling to the ground. I looked back to see that it was a younger yellow girl with a bow tied on to her red hair.

“Sorry, mister. I guess I didn’t see where I was going,” said the younger girl.

“Can you hurry up, Apple Bloom?” said the white girl that was with her.

I helped her get up and asked, “Are you Applejack’s sister?”

“Sure am, mister. You in one of my sis’ classes?”

“That’s right,” I replied. I looked at the other girls that stopped to wait for Apple Bloom and said, “Then you must be Rarity’s sister, Sweetie Belle,” as I pointed to the white girl, “and I’m guessing you’re Scootaloo,” as I pointed to the orange girl.

“That’s right,” said Sweetie Belle as Scootaloo nodded her head.

“And this here is my cuz, Babs Seed,” said Apple Bloom and she was putting her arm around the other orange girl with the short red hair.

“We were heading to the library, until Apple Bloom ran into you,” said Scootaloo.

“Then maybe you can help me find my way there. I’m still trying to get my bearings around here.”

“You must be the new guy here,” said Sweetie Belle. “Jack, was it?” I nodded my head in response. “You would think Twilight would have shown you around this school earlier.”

“She did,” I replied, “but the library was closed at the time of my tour.”

“Then as Crusaders, we’ll help finish your tour with the library visit for Twilight,” said Apple Bloom.

And Apple Bloom dragged me to the library with the others following us.

As we were going down to the library, I asked Apple Bloom, “Why do you call yourselves the Crusaders?”

“Because we like to help others in need as a team,” she replies.

“And we have been close to each other for a long time because of what we have gone through as a group,” added Scootaloo.

“Even during bad times?” They all stopped when I asked that question. With the exception of Babs Seed, they looked down, unable to speak.

“Yep,” said Babs Seed. “Even during the…worst of times.”

I realized I just messed up, and laid my back to one of the lockers and said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that.”

“I’m guessing that my sister told you about what happen that night,” said Sweetie Belle. I nodded. “It’s OK. We learned how to be stronger than before since that night. That’s why we call ourselves the Crusaders.”

I looked at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and said, “Your parents should be proud that you remained strong since then.” The girls looked up, smiled and nodded at me.

“Well, the library’s not going to come to us by itself, right?” said Apple Bloom.


We arrived at the library, with the double doors wide open. As we entered the library, a reddish purple lady greeted us. “Hello there, Apple Bloom.”

“Hi, Miss Cheerilee,” she replied. “Jack, this is Miss Cheerilee, the school’s librarian.” She whispered into my ear, “And my big brother’s girlfriend.”

Miss Cheerilee was able to hear Apple Bloom say that and called her out. We giggled after she got busted.

“Miss Cheerilee,” said Sweetie Belle,” can we borrow some headphones for one of the computers here?”

“Sure, let me get them from the back.” She went to the back of the library to grab some headphones.

Apple Bloom pulled me over to the other side of her desk to point out what looked like a prom picture of her with a light reddish guy with orange hair. “That’s my big brother, Big Mac, with her during her senior prom.”

“Her senior prom?’ I asked.

“Eeyep. She’s a few years older than him. You might have to either ask her or my sis for the story.”

“I hope you have a reason you’re behind my desk.” We saw Cheerilee return with a couple of headphones.

“I’m just showing Jack who my big brother looks like.” Cheerilee handed her the headphones. “Thanks for the headphones. We’ll make sure we don’t make a lot of noise.” They went to one of the computers to plug in the headphones, having to share then in groups of two.

“Can’t believe they are now freshmen here at this school. Still remember when they were much younger when Big Mac was a freshman here and I was a senior.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Yep. I was surprised when I learned that he was a freshman after I came across him a few times before I decided to approach him. But that didn’t stop me from dating him. He’s a kindhearted man, that’s for sure.”

“And he still is, Cheerilee.” A voice came from behind us. When we turn around, we found out that the voice we herd was Applejack.

“Applejack,” I said, “you’re not part of any of the clubs here?”

“Nope,” she replied. “When I don’t have anything to do, I just come here to chat with Cheerilee and help out. She might be my future sister-in-law one day, if my brother can find the time to ask for her hand in marriage.”

“I’m not in any hurry in starting my own family, Applejack. And neither is he.”

“I know, I know,” replied Applejack.

We paused for a moment, and then Cheerilee asked Applejack, “You still miss them?”

“I do,” she replied. “But I remain strong, not just for me and my friends, but for my little sis and her friends as well.” She looked at me and said, “I’m guessing you didn’t know that I lost my parents years ago before Twilight pulled you away from me to warn you, right?”

“How did you know,” I asked.

“I’d catch on quick when my friends are trying to protect me, not knowing that I can handle myself, physically and emotionally. And I can guess Rarity told you the story as well later on.” I nodded. “She was there when it happen, and somehow believes that she regrets not doing enough to save them. I can tell her not to worry, but she won’t listen.”

“Well, I need to make sure the new books are in their proper location and update the library database,” said Cheerilee. “I left a couple of headphones if you need them.”

“OK,” said Applejack. “I’ll make sure the little ones don’t cause any trouble.” Cheerilee took a cart of books and went to work. “If you plan on using a computer, you don’t mind if I join you?”

“No problem here,” I said. “Just be ready if you see or hear something you don’t like.”

“With the friends that I have, I doubt there’s anything I don’t like, Jack”

So we grabbed the headphones, went to one of the computers across from the Crusaders, and she let me take control of the keyboard and mouse while she gave her sister a wave.

“So what do you plan on going to, Jack?”

“Since I moved here, I haven’t had time to check the DeeJay boards.”

She gave me a confused look and said, “Say again?”

“I’ll show you.” I went to the DeeJay website where the message boards were at and logged in my user name.

“I see what you talking about, partner. You must have done some DJ work in your free time.”

“Not really. Just some music creating works online. I’ve only done this for a couple of years and made my first 10-minute mix track, which got some good reviews from some amateurs and experts, including the site’s admin, Neon Lights.”

“So you go by the name Trader underscore Jack. Trader Jack?”

“Yep. Some of my friends call me the Jack of Trades. Maybe because I know how to handle any kind of situation.”

“Looks like you have a message from someone.” She pointed to the open mail icon at the top of the scene. I clicked on the icon and read the sent message.

Hey Trader_Jack,

Just came back from the EDM amateur contest and guess what, I got third place. Pretty good start for my first time. Thanks for letting me use your mix track. I made sure you got credited for it. I hope you finished your move that you said you had to do, because you need to come next year and give it a shot, man. Maybe you can make it far in the contest. Well, not as far as me, because I plan to get first place next year and make my way to the pros so I can compete in front of Neon Lights.

Showing some wubs,

There was a picture of a small, third place trophy attached to it.

“D J Pon three?” Applejack said confused.”

“The three is like a reverse ‘e’,” I said. “So it’s pronounced ‘DJ Pon-E’”

“Man, how do ya come up with these weird online names.”

“You might have to ask him, if you ever get to meet him.”

“You never met him in person, or any of the others that are on here?”

“Never could get the chance. Maybe next summer, I can get the chance to make the road trip there to attend. Not sure if I would compete in the amateurs over there. I would let you and your friends come if you like, but I know all of you will have other plans.”

“Maybe. But you never know. I’m sure we could use a group road trip together, if you don’t mind have several girls tagging along.”

“What about the farm?”

“We have some hired help there. Plus me and the girls just worked at a summer camp this past summer. If you are up to it, maybe we can ask Miss Luna to have you come along. That’s where she in charge during the summer.”

“If you and the girls are up for my trip, I’ll be happy to help out with you girls anytime.”

“That be great, sugercube.”

Just then, both our cell phones were vibrating in our pockets. We both got them out to check on our own messages.

Just got out of meeting.
Can you meet at track field.
Talk about Sunset.
Others will be there.


“Looks like Twilight wants to meet me at the track field,” I said.

“Cadence just texted me and my friends to meet us there as well. I guess now’s the time we filled you in on Sunset Shimmer. Ready?”

“Sure. Just let me text Twilight.”

With AJ.
Heading to track now.


After sending my text to her, we placed the headphones back on Cheerilee’s desk and made our way to the track field. Looks like I’m about the get the full story about her at this time. Maybe I can find out why my ‘gift’ was going off the radar in the first place.

Once we made it to the track field, only Flash, Soarin, and Rainbow Dash were there.

“Guess we’re a bit early,” said Applejack.

“Depends on how you want to define ‘early’, Applejack,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Ha, ha. Very funny, Dash,” Applejack sarcastically replied.

We noticed Fluttershy, Tree Hugger, Rarity, and Trixie walking towards us.

“I hope we’re not late,” said Rarity. “Trixie wanted to join us in the discussion.”

“Um, so did Tree Hugger,” added Fluttershy.

“If it’s about Sunset Shimmer, then Trixie wants to make her opinion known.”

“Your aura is filled with negativity, Trixie. But if it’s because of some demon, then I can totally understand.”

“It is, Tree Hugger, and Trixie will have none of it.”

“Sounds like we’re on the same page,” said Applejack.

Just then, Twilight, Cadence, and Moon Dancer came walking towards us. Moon Dancer saw that Tree Hugger was here as well and almost wanted to say something about her before Twilight glanced at her, making her hold on to her own comments.

“Is everyone here?” said Twilight.

“Shining Armor and Thunderlane had to stay with the athletic club,” said Flash.

“Um, so did Roseluck and Sweetie Drops with the nature club,” said Fluttershy.

“I’ve already ask Lyra to take over the science club for me,” said Moon Dancer, “so we don’t have to worry about her being here.”

Twilight looked around and asked, “Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

“Right HERE!!!” Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the top of the bleachers. “And I brought company.”

A blue haired, white girl with purple shades and headphones around her neck popped up. “What’s up!” Just then, she started to wobble and fell out of view, crashing behind the bleachers. “Ouch. Why you do that Tavi?”

“Why? You should know why, Vinyl.” Another voice came from behind the bleacher. No doubt she was holding Vinyl up on the bleachers. When she came out, I noticed a black haired, gray girl carrying a Cello on her back. I now knew that it was Octavia that Twilight told me about at the beginning of the day.

“Octavia,” said Twilight, “I was hoping to meet you sooner. I got the CDs that you let me borrow back in my brother’s car.”

“That’s great. You want me to meet you there after school?”

“If that’s OK with you.”

“It is, Twilight.”

Everyone that was able to make it went to sit in the bleachers.

“We know why I called you all her,” said Twilight.


Twilight continued. “And as I know she’s at least in one of our classes, if possible. But she’s in the first four classes with me.”

“And that creates a problem that we don’t want to have repeating like last year,” said Cadence.

“So why do you think this is a bigger problem than before?” asked Octavia.

“Because the new guy here is also in the same four classes,” said Applejack as she’s pointing at me.

“Cadence and me asked Principal Celestia about the situation before our student board meeting, and she was unaware that it was set up that way. And she can’t make any changes to get us out of it.”

“Can’t make any changes,” I thought. “I doubt that’s the case.”

“Right now, since Jack is new to this issue, I figure that we fill him in on the blanks so that he can understand our problem with Sunset Shimmer, and why she would still hate me.”

“I’d already told him the short version,” said Applejack. “Rarity, I’m sure you can give him the longer version better than me.”

“With pleasure, Applejack.”

“I’m sure you know that Sunset was one of the popular ones here. She was even popular back in junior high. And she was dating Flash around, was it in the 8th grade?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, around the spring semester,” said Flash.

Rarity continued. “By the time we all got to high school for our freshman year, Twilight and her brother were new to both the school and the city. Flash was one of the football equipment managers with Soarin during the fall. It was around that time that Flash and Sunset decided to ‘take some time off’ if you know what I mean.”

“Sunset felt like I was more focused on the football team than on her,” said Flash. It was that time I met Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor, who was the backup QB on the team at that time. Twilight was around during practice, waiting around for his brother.”

“I was able to have a few chats with Flash and Soarin during that time,” said Twilight. “It was, I believe, as we were going into our third game that Flash told us about the so-called break up. By that time, my brother had to take over as the new starting QB after an injury from the original QB that he got in the last game got worse. Shining ask me to help out with the team from above, and that’s when I became their…tactician, if you wanted to call it that. By the time we were heading into the last game of the season, my brother started dating Cadence.”

“When I saw Twilight and Flash talking at times, I asked her if he was cute,” said Cadence. Twilight started to blush. “She said yes, so I was able to find a way to hook them up. After our team made it to the playoffs for the first time, and lost, Sunset wanted to get back together with Flash.”

“I told Sunset that I was dating Twilight, and we got into a heated augment. She asked what made Twilight better than her, and I just told her that we just like to spend time together when we get the chance, knowing that school and such would be more important for us to focus on. But she kept getting on our case that I just finally told her to just stay out of our lives and find someone else to be with.”

Rarity took over the story. “When she learned that Cadence help in hooking these two up, that’s when she started to get jealous. She even became more jealous when Cadence and Twilight were getting more popular than her, with Cadence’s charm and Twilight smart and friendly personality. By the time our sophomore year, Sunset started to trash and sabotage anything that would involve Twilight or Cadence.”

“And she had help with her to do her bidding,” said Trixie. “Two new freshmen names Snips and Snails. I did started to have a bit of a rivalry with Twilight because of our grades, but when I started to hear about what was being planned for the Fall Homecoming, I had to warn Twilight.”

“With the fact that we were rivals in class, I knew she would never go that low like Sunset was trying to do. But I knew I was going to need some help in stopping her.”

“And that’s where we come in,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Soarin introduced me to Rainbow Dash, and her friends, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Some of their friends, like Octavia, Vinyl, Trixie, Thunderlane, Roseluck, Lyra, Sweetie Drops, and Tree Hugger, wanted to help out. Even Moon Dancer in my science club wanted to help.”

“We knew that we just couldn’t leave Twilight hanging,” said Applejack. “But catching her in the act was the tougher part.”

“We were able to stop some of her plans in the process,” said Rarity, “but without and proof to show Principal Celestia that she did it, we knew that she wasn’t going to stop.”

“That’s when Cadence and me had an idea. Because we were working together for the craft fair late in the spring, we decided to set up some mini cameras to catch her in the act.”

“And it almost worked,” said Pinkie Pie. “But they dressed like ninjas.”

“She means that they were wearing black all over. They damaged or destroyed all the other craft tables expect ours, trying to pin it on us. But when we showed the video to Principal Celestia, she knew that the three in the video didn’t look in any way like us.”

“The only other chance to catch them was during my junior prom, which I was able to help set up,” said Cadence.

“We knew that she would target whatever Cadence was doing as well. While they were doing the main set up, I got the others to make a fake set up that would somehow trap them when they try to damage it. Luckily, Applejack had what was needed to make it happen. So while the real set up was kept hiding from site, we set up the trap and waited for them to come.”

“And when they did,” say Applejack, “the stage came tumbling down on her two partners. Sunset ran off scared leaving her partners behind. Principal Celestia was soon there to see that it was Snips and Snails that were trapped.”

“She made them confess that they were doing what Sunset wanted them to do. They got a lighter punishment while Sunset was called in to the Principal’s office. Her punishment was much harsher that Snips and Snails. By that time, everyone her was she had done and now she’s the most disrespected student in this school.”

“But even though we stopped Sunset,” Rarity added, “she still wants to do something to hurt her again for knocking her down several levels.”

“And now I’m worried that having her in the same four classes is just the beginning,” Twilight said sacredly.

“I don’t think you have to worry about her much longer,” I said. The others had puzzled looks on their faces. “Let’s just say that she’s going to have to worry about me being her science partner than what she would want to do with you, Twilight.”

“Why do I have a feeling that you did something that would cross the line,” said Applejack.

“You wouldn’t have tried to harm her, would you?” said Rarity with a concerned voice.

“If you mean the fact that I grabbed her arm and got in her face after 4th period,” I said.

Fluttershy replied, “Oh…MY!!!”

“Why the hay did you do something like that, Jack,” yelled Applejack.

“Yea, that’s just like signing your death certificate,” added Rainbow Dash.

I got up from the bleachers and turned around. “Think about it this way. Why do you think I was put in the same classes as Twilight and Sunset? Anyone want to answer that?” Everyone looked at each other, trying to find an answer. “Everyone knows Sunset and everyone HATES Sunset. But I’m the new kid here. I bet you that Principal Celestia and Miss Luna had something to do with this.”

“How could they have a part in this, Jack?” said Cadence.

“Why do you think Miss Luna held her up in her office before 4th period?”

“I just had this crazy idea,” said Tree Hugger. “What if everyone knows everyone else expect Jack in our class?”

“I hate to say it, but she right,” said Moon Dancer. “You know you have to be paired up with someone in that class because each table has two chairs.”

“But I could have paired up with him, or even Fluttershy could have done the same,” said Twilight.

“But you didn’t,” added Moon Dancer. “You went for Cadence, and Fluttershy went with Tree Hugger. The rest was simple math. All that needed to be done was to make sure all the cards were in place, in which they are. Now Sunset has to deal with Jack instead of you, Twilight.”

“So Jack has to deal with whatever Sunset throws at him?” said Applejack. “That’s just crazy.”

“Crazy enough that it might just work,” I said.

“Beg ya pardon?”

“I’m just going to take a stab at this, but I wonder if she collected any info on me from my last school, and I don’t mean my grades and attendance. More of what I have done at the school outside of class.”

Twilight asked, “Like what?”

“That’s something I have to find out.”

“I know what we can do?” We looked at Pinkie Pie for her answer. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

“Leave it to Pinkie Pie to start thinking about food,” said Applejack.

“Well, it’s already twenty after,” said Octavia as she was looking at her watch.

“Then let’s go. I’m sure the others will be there,” added Rainbow Dash.

“I’ll race you,” said Soarin.

“You’re on.” Rainbow Dash and Soarin started to make a mad dash to the cafeteria, while the rest of us decide to walk.

Twilight grabbed Octavia and me so she can talk to us. “Octavia, you’re in Music Lit next period, right?”

“That is correct. Why you ask?”

“Jack’s in your class, so can you help him make sure he knows where the classroom is at. I have a different class to go to after lunch.”

“Sure. Better me than Vinyl or Pinkie Pie. Their in the same class.”

It didn’t take us long to get to the cafeteria, grab some food, and join up with the others who couldn’t make it to the meeting.

“So, Jack,” said Shining Armor, “you now have an idea about Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yep. And we might have a reason why Twilight and me share the same classes at her.”

“That’s good. I’m sure she’ll fill me in later after school.” He looked at his sister, Twilight, and said, “And I’m sorry you had to put up with Sunset for most of the day, sis.”

“It’s OK. I think I’ll be fine as long as Jack is around to keep her busy.”

“Wow, you must have guts to take her on,” said Sweetie Drops. “But you do have to work with her in science class, so might as well be now than later.”

“Oh, oh, oh.” Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down wanted to get our attention. “Vinyl as something she wanted to show us.” She looked at Vinyl and said, “Show them what you showed me.”

Vinyl brought out her cell phone and showed us a picture of a trophy. “Take a look at this.”

Rainbow Dash got right up to her cell and said, “3rd Place, EDM Amateurs.” She looked at Vinyl. “That’s awesome. Not as awesome as getting 1st place, but it’s a big step for your first time there. Give me a brohoof.” Vinyl and Dash punched their fists to each other.

“Brohoof?” I asked. “What’s a brohoof?”

“It’s like our school’s greeting or handshake,” said Applejack. “Whenever we like to show our school spirit, we brohoof. Here, let me show you.” She grabbed my hand and put it in a fist. “Now you tap your fist with mine.” So I touched my fist with her fist. “That, partner, is a brohoof.”

“A brohoof? I like it.” I looked at Vinyl and asked, “Can I see that pic?” Vinyl handed me her cell and Applejack and me looked at the picture.

“Hey,” whispered Applejack. “Isn’t that the same pic in that message you got from that DJ?”

“I think so,” I whispered. “Just play along. I want to surprise her.” I handed the cell back to Vinyl and asked, “How were you able to get that?”

“Well, I had some online help with one of the tracks that he let me use, with his permission. The rest was simple planning.”

Octavia interrupted. “You spend all day and night finishing what you were doing that I couldn’t get any sleep. And that was when my parents were on vacation.”

“Tavi, how are you able to put up with Vinyl’s…noise every day since she moved in with your family?” said Rarity.

“I ask myself the same thing.” Octavia looked at me and said, “Jack, just don’t get attached to her. Her music is nerve-racking at times.”

“Come on Tavi. My music rocks, and I’m sure he can handle it,” said Vinyl.

“Oh, I’m sure I can handle D J Pon E,” I said.

“See, Tavi. He can handle…” Vinyl paused for a moment and said, “What did you call me?”

“You know you heard Trader Jack, girl.”

Vinyl paused for a moment again to gather her thoughts. Then it hit her hard. “No. Freaking. WAY!!! You…you…you… I thought you were older.”

“I thought you were a guy,” I replied.

“So does everyone else. And I like to keep it that way until their ready to accept having a girl as a DJ.”

“Now that I can agree on. When they soon find out, no doubt jaws will drop to the floor that a girl just owned them. Brohoof.” I tapped my fist with Vinyl’s fist. “I think girls need the same respect as guys. Even as DJs.”

“I agree. But it’s hard to convince that girls can make good DJs as well as guys. And if you plan to stay for a long time, you need to come with me next year. The place is electric.”

“Well,” added Applejack, “you might have to make room for several more. I promised Jack that me and the girls will take a road trip to the place if he helps out with summer camp next year, and we could use a good road trip.”

“I guess I better start planning for next year’s contest,” said Vinyl.

The bell rang, telling us that it was time to go to our 5th period class. Twilight came up to me and said, “We’ll see you after school, OK.?”

“Sure, Twilight.” I looked at Rainbow Dash and said, “Dash, meet in front of the school office before 6th period, right?”

“That’s right,” Dash replied.

Octavia came up to me and said, “Ready for music lit?” I nodded, and with Vinyl and Pinkie Pie in tow, we made our way to our next class.

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