• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 23 - Samurai and Demon (Part 4) - Respect

It was a Sunday night, and with the fact that Sunset wasn’t around my room, I decided to put my focus on why Fleur de Lis was interested in me. So with her number in my hand, I decided to call her. We were talking about what have gone on in our lives. Where I have been in all my moves, and all the international places that she has been to. It was a good way for her to open up to me. It was then she brought up an article in today’s paper.

“Did you read the sports article about our schools having the rematch from last year,” Fleur said.

“I read that as well. It looks like they were trying to sell it to the readers,” I said.

“I believe so, since last year felt dull for the readers. I like to think that our school doesn’t hold any competition with ever other school out there. Maybe it has to do with you.”

“As if. I mean, Crystal Prep is the best of all schools out there. So why sell it. Besides, did you read the article below it?”

“No. Hold on.” There was a brief pause before she came back. “You mean the Cloudsdale vs. Trottingham article?”

“That’s the one. Cloudsdale knocked Appleloosa out of the playoff hunt, setting them up for a battle for the #3 Seed. It’s like, you want to win, but…”

“You don’t know who you want to face,” she finished. “You can guess that Crystal Prep will be first, and Canterlot would be second, like last year. So winning the game makes you feel better as to whom you want to face. But since the media is trying to sell it…”

“You don’t know if you want to win or lose when you have no clue where the other game stands when both games play at the same time,” I finished. “It’s like playing a game of chance.”

“Just like how you’re taking a chance with me.”

“Let’s not get too far ahead, Fleur. Besides wasn’t it you who took a chance in talking to me…and giving me your number. How do you know I’m not just using you just to get an edge against Crystal Prep?”

“Maybe I’m just doing that to you.” She giggles.

“If that’s the case, I better just hang up and never call again.”

“I’m just teasing you. Don’t tell me you take things seriously?”

“I always take things seriously. Just not the last one, since I can hear you giggle after saying that. Why, is that a turn off for you?”

I head a sigh before she spoke. “Just like most of the students I come across. We have to be the best if we want to survive the real world. That’s what Principal Cinch says.”

“And do you take that for granted?”

“Well, it is what my mother wanted for me, to be the best. Oh, look at the time. I need to get some sleep.”

“Same here. Have a lot to work on.”

“Just to be sure, this is your cell, right?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, you’ll see. Bye.”

And that’s when she ended the call. So I stopped the recording of our conversation and looked at Chrysalis.

“Well, she knows how to sell it, I’ll give her that,” Chrysalis said.

“She really does,” I said. “At least I was able to sense the deception in her. But that still doesn’t explain why she would be interested in me, or even sent those three to confront me, if that’s true.”

That’s when my cell buzzed. I looked to see what text came to me, only to find that Fleur sent me her address. For some reason, I know I’ve seen this address before.

“I see that she sent you her address. Maybe she wants you over sometime,” Chrysalis said with a giggle.

“Very funny. But I know I’ve seen this address before. Maybe it’s from one of my mother’s orders that she received. I’ll have to look into it.”

“Well, if I recall, that might be located in the upper class area. Show Rarity that to make sure I’m right. She knows the big streets better than me.”

Just then, she sent a picture text with the words “Come to my place sometime.” When I clicked on the attachment, both of us were surprised and shocked to see the picture that I laid my cell on the table, face down.

“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t see that in the first place,” I said.

Chrysalis said, “From the looks of it, she just wants you in her bed and…you know.”

“Don’t even go there,” I said, pointing to her. “That’s the last thing I want to think about. I got enough trying to decide which girl to go for.”

“I still don’t get it. Out of all the girls out there, you’re undecided between Applejack and Sunset. I mean, AJ has made advances on you that were almost like she was joking about it without coming out and saying it. And Sunset just made an unexpected move on you just days ago, not knowing if she really has feelings for you or just needed some comfort from her own demons.”

“I know. I just…don’t have much experience in the matter. You already know why.”

“Well, you better make a choice soon, because homecoming is a week away, and rumor has it that you might be the best choice for homecoming king.”

I rolled my eyes and said, “It’s because I’m the popular one at school.” I let out a sigh and continued. “I sometimes wonder how I get dragged into all this.”

“To me and the few others, it’s because of the gift that you have. To everyone else, it’s because they see how special you are; how you affect the lives of others. You’re not in Manehattan anymore, so you might as well live up to the legend.”

“Some help you are, Chrysalis.”

“Well, at least you can enjoy that picture of her.”

“WILL YOU JUST GET OUT!!!” I was able to chase Chrysalis out of my room and closed the door. I sat back down and just stared at my cell that I laid on the table. I decided to plug it in to my computer and transfer the picture over so that I no longer have it on my cell. After finishing with that, I decided to send her back a text.

You must be bold to send that pic.
But it’s going to take more
than that to impress me.

After sending that, I plugged my cell into my charger and turned off the lights. Before I can go to sleep, my cell buzzed again.

Oh there’s more to show you.
But if it’s words that work,
then call me tomorrow evening.

Bye, sweetheart.

I said to myself, “Something tells me I’m about to dig myself into another hole.”

When I got to school, I asked Rarity if she recognized the street address that Fleur sent me.

“Oh I remember that street address. It’s near where Mr. Rich lives. Not sure what her house would look like. I’m surprised that she sent it to you after chatting with her last night.”

“I’m surprised as well, since she tried to add some flavor to the bait,” I said.

“Flavor? Oh please, do tell,” Rarity asked.

“Well, I already deleted the one text that she sent, since it’s…not worth seeing here.”

“Uh oh. If it’s what I think it is, then it sounds like she’s trying to capture you; hook, line, and sinker,” Applejack said.

“The only reason that would happen is if she was more of a slut than a bitch,” Sunset added.

“Jack, if it’s a juicy pic, then I must have it. I wouldn’t mind having some blackmail material for Suri and her top model,” Rarity said with a giggle.

“Consider it done,” I said. “Just brace yourself when you see it. I think Chrysalis and me were shocked when we saw it. Can’t understand why girls like her would do this kind of stuff.”

“Jack, you really need to start learning about them girls out there if you plan to keep coming across them hunting you down,” Applejack said.

“I’m sure we can teach him a thing or two about them,” Flash said, while grabbing Soarin to his side.

“Flash, you better not put any dirty ideas into his head,” Twilight responded with a glare.

As we finished getting our books in order, Celestia came from her office and called me over. None of us had any idea for her calling for me, until Pinkie Pie brought up Miss Luna’s name. We all forgot that she didn’t show up over the weekend, and I think I know why.

“I’m guessing this is about Luna, is it,” I said.

“It is, Jack,” Celestia replied and requested for me to take a seat. “She’ll be here later today, but you might have an idea as to why she couldn’t show up this weekend.”

“Master Blades.”

She nodded. “She found out Saturday morning about his passing and decided to go to his home to honor him before they take his remains back to his homeland to be buried. She called me yesterday that she was busy gathering all of his kendo equipment and training lessons to bring back home. This including the Soul Arts and he was able to set aside for her to give to you, if you are willing to learn them.”

“If Luna can help teach me these arts, I’ll be happy to learn them. She said that the first three would be easy to learn, so that might be a starting point to see if I’m ready for these Soul Arts. What about getting homecoming ready? We’re a bit behind because we didn’t have staff that can access some equipment to finish setting up.”

“I’ve already asked Coach Spitfire to help you guys out so that it can be ready before Friday, since we also have the big game coming up. She understands why Luna had to leave, since Spitfire knew him as well.”

“I’ll make sure word is spread that we plan to meet during free study today. Twilight wanted all club activities to be canceled for this.”

“She made a wise choice. I just hope that with what you have doing with helping Sunset out; we can finally get everyone working together peacefully. And maybe start letting others we can trust about your gift. We need all the help we can get to find out what Crystal Prep is doing with their students, if that’s still true.”

4th period was just about to wrap up when we got the results from our project assignments. Sunset was speechless when we saw the grade and gave me a big hug.

“I can’t believe this. We got a 92 on our project,” Sunset said.

“Well, I guess we miss a few details. But he was surprised at the new research that we found. I guess that was a win-win for us,” I said.

As we started to pack up our books, our friends wanted to compare how we all did on our own projects. Twilight and Cadence got a 100 on theirs, like usual. Fluttershy and Tree Hugger got an 85, noting that they missed some details of what could kill forest life. We should have told them about the wildfire info that we had in our report. Moon Dancer and Minuette got a 93 on theirs, and Lyra and Sweetie Drops got an 88 on theirs, feeling like they could have done more, but didn’t have enough time to find more info for their project.

Everyone put away their books and made way to the gym to begin setting up for Saturday’s homecoming. Sunset felt a bit nervous about joining us, so I asked her to look for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon before coming. Everyone else made their way to the gym to resume work from Saturday, with Coach Spitfire giving us access to the supply room.

As we were busy getting the lights and decorations in place, Sunset showed up with the girls. And everything almost went quiet, as she was getting the glares from every student that she went by. I can understand why she was nervous about being here, after what she tried to do last year. Not everyone is willing to forgive her, something that I plan to change. Luckily, Diamond Tiara noticed the glares and decided to make a point about it.

“Excuse me. But last I checked, the volunteer club always helps out. And anyone who wants to help the volunteer club, has to be working, not acting like statues.”

Silver Spoon added, “So if anyone doesn’t want to help, I’m sure the school doesn’t need you around, if that’s what you want.”

Applejack decided to make a say in all this. “Alright boys, you heard the girls. We’re already behind, so we need everyone to make up for lost time. So let’s get to it.”

Everyone got the message and went back to work. Sunset felt relieved of having to face everyone who hated her.

Sunset said, “Thanks, DT. Wasn’t sure if I would felt welcomed here.”

“After what you did to make my mother understand what she was doing, I figure it was best to return the favor,” Diamond Tiara said. “If there’s one thing I’m good at, that’s to make sure I get what I ask for. And that includes respect.”

“At least she’s reminded about what happened last year,” Twilight mumbled. I slapped my hand on the back of her head and glared at her, just to remind her about giving Sunset a second chance in all this.

We started to work on the stage when Rarity remembered something. “DT, do you recall this address?” She pointed at me, in which I brought out my cell to pull up the address in question.

“Of course. It’s a couple of blocks down from where we live. It’s a fenced-in white house with pink curtains. Don’t know who lives there, since I don’t see any cars parked outside. Why do you ask?”

Rarity said, “Miss Fleur de Lis lives there.”

“So that’s who lives there. Forgive me while I gag myself,” Diamond Tiara said.

“So you heard of the girl?” Rarity asked.

“When you’re part of a rich society, you come across all the rich students of Crystal Prep when Mr. And Mrs. Rich hold a formal party. And she qualifies as one of them,” Silver Spoon said. “How were you able to get her address?”

We told them about what happened a week ago, followed by the encounter on Saturday. Plus we told them the theories that were going through our mind, trying to get a motive.

“Well, since you put it that way,” Silver Spoon said. “What do you think, Tiara?”

‘Let’s see,” Diamond Tiara said, as she started to think. “She’s interested in Jack; wants to meet him, but not at our school; asked Suri and others to request a meeting; didn’t expect Chrysalis and Sunset; fights and retreats back to her place. Takes a new approach; possible the trio watched afar; saw him go to a neutral site; decided to watch him; he walks up to her; conversation begins; numbers exchange; and the trap is set.”

“And since you said about what her mother wants and what she sees and wants, it’s possible that she wants him more as a trophy boy than a boyfriend,” Silver Spoon added.

“What makes ya think she wants him all for herself?” Applejack asked.

Diamond Tiara said, “Well, her mother wants the best for her daughter as a future model. And not to offend you Twilight, but bookworm people wouldn’t come close to her mother’s standards, not knowing what their future in life would be. Athletes would be a hit-miss, unless you’re more of a future big league athlete, which would be hard to know from a high school level. Plus they only would be trying to just show off their talents. No offense.”

“None taken,” Dash, Soarin, and Flash replied.

“And seeing how all the rich students that we have come across last year act like total snobs, which would be a turn off for a future model, it would be hard to find a gentleman who can go far in life, able to earn fame and money in the future,” Silver Spoon added.

“She did say a quote from Cinch about how their school works,” I said. “We have to be the best if we want to survive the real world. That would mean that being second best doesn’t cut it in real life. And she does read the newspaper. I’m guessing besides the local news and sports, she wants to keep up in what’s going on in the world, mainly her own home. That could be how she caught on to me.”

“Well, maybe we should keep close tabs on her, just to be safe,” Twilight recommended.

“Perhaps you should focus on now instead of later.” We saw Coach Spitfire with some tools needed for the lighting. “Just saw Miss Luna drove up. It won’t be long before she comes here. Jack, I know what happened, and maybe it’s best that we give her our support when she walks in.”

“Um, does anyone want to fill some of us in on why Miss Luna wasn’t around before?” Rainbow Dash said.

“I think it’s best to tell everyone at the same time.” I cleared my throat, getting everyone’s attention. “Listen up. The reason Miss Luna couldn’t help out this past weekend is because an old friend, and kendo master, from college passed away. She had to leave to show her respect to her master, before he would be sent back to his homeland. I would like it if we showed her our respect to her in honoring her master. She has arrived at the school and it won’t be long before she shows up in the gym. Coach Spitfire, will you show us how we can show our respects to her?”

Spitfire agreed and showed everyone a proper bow, like how two noble fighters would respect each other before battle. I decided to have our samurai club gloves on us and bow to her in a special way; both hands together, with one hand open and one hand closed. When Luna showed up, Spitfire issued the commands for all the students to show their respect to Luna, which brought tears to her eyes.

“I’m grateful that all of you are able to continue in my absence. Now I believe that we have a homecoming dance to prepare, and we’re running out of time to get it ready.” Everyone went back to work, and Luna joined us. “Jack, I’m guessing my sister filled you in on my absence.”

“That is correct,” I said.

“And Twilight, I’m glad to had club meetings canceled to get this done.”

“Doing all that we can. I’m hoping to have this done by Wednesday.”

“Then let’s see if we can make up for lost time,” Luna said.

Celestia wanted me to work with Luna in catching up on today’s stuff during 6th period. This was a good time to get her caught up on what we learned in connection to last week’s actions.

“So it was all to get you to meet with her, and everything didn’t go as planned,” Luna said. “I can only guess that her mother has a similar mindset to Mrs. Rich, and she’s trying to find a way for both of them to agree on something.”

“A man to impress her mother, and willing to respect her as well…or just to have a trophy boy on her shelf,” I said. “But maybe I can use her to get some inside info about Crystal Prep. She can be deceptive and clever, but I don’t think she’s interested in me because of my gift. Which could explain why she sent over those that aren’t gifted.”

“So it’s just something personal for herself,” Luna said. “Maybe you should forget about AJ and Sunset, and just go straight for her. If you’re lucky, you can get her to spy on the school for us.”

“I think she just wants me in her bed every night,” I said. She gave me a confused look on her face. “Let’s just say she sent me more than just her number and address. Much more.”

She had a stunned look on her face as she said, “As in…”

“Yep,” I responded, knowing what she was about to ask me. “I am really not used to all this.”

“Get used to it, because there’s going to be more strange things coming your way, starting with those Soul Arts.”

“I’m guessing you have all of his things that he plans to give to you accounted for?”

“Already listed. But I’ll have to wait until his will is finalized before I can receive them. His caretaker plans to send them over when that happens, and any more if there’s anything that I missed. As for the Soul Arts, I’ll need time to translate them so you can understand what each one means.”

“I guess it’s going to get worse for me before it gets better,” I said.

“If it even gets better. You’re going to have to be on your guard for anything that comes your way, including Fleur.”

After spending some time after school with Chrysalis getting more work done for homecoming, we made our way home to rest and get some homework done. That’s when I got a call from Rarity.

“Got the files you sent me. The two of you really had a nice conversation that time. As for the picture, well…”

“I warned you about it.”

“Well, she does have her mother’s looks…and style. Just make sure you’re ready for…you know.”

“Rarity, you’re just as bad as Chrysalis.”

“Well, Applejack did say that you have little experience with the ladies. If you ever want my advice, just let me know, because I think she might be really interested in you. She’s just taking the wrong approach in doing so.”

“You think so?”

“Well, if you plan to call her tonight, and you can send me a recording like before, I might be able to get a better idea on this. I just hope that if I’m right…well, she could be with the wrong kind of people, as in the two athletes that came over.”

“Kind of like how Night Glider was with the wrong crowd before she became friends with us.”

“Well, I’ll let you get back to your studies. Until next time.”

It was later on, after she hung up, that I got a text from Fleur.

“I’m lonely. Call me.”

“She must really be desperate,” I thought. I got to my computer to record and decided to give her a call.

“Jack, is that you?”

“Yes it is. I got your text. Is it always like this where you live?”

“That’s a strange way to say hello. But you do bring up a good point. It is like this most of the time.”

“Don’t you at least have any friends to spend some time with or call up?”

“I do, but…everyone’s busy. With school; with work; with almost everything.”

“And what do you do, focus on your homework?”

“Well, I do. I mean, my mother wants me to do so. And there are times when I work with Suri on her fashions. You’re heard of her, right?”

“From Rarity, I do.”

“And they’re not good, are they. I mean, Rarity and Suri are known to be rivals. It’s all she talks about.”

“That depends on what you’ve heard. But maybe we should talk about something else. I sure don’t want to bore you with this stuff. You do feel lonely, right?”

“Well, at least you care about my well being.”

From that point on, we just talked about random stuff for a while before I was called to dinner. I let her go for now and stopped the recording. After dinner, I went back to my room and noticed another text from Fleur, with a new picture. Ready for another shock, I opened the file to see something that wasn’t a shock to see. This time, she was in her school uniform, but placed her hands together in a heart. She also had a sign saying “Sorry if my last pic was over the top.” For some reason, I didn’t know what to make of this girl. I was able to send our conversation and picture to Rarity, noting that something wasn’t right about her and all this, and that I would like her opinion about her actions.

It wasn’t until I started to go to bed, that I got a reply from Rarity. I looked at my e-mail through my cell to see what it was.

Jack, this is odd of her to do this. Either she’s playing you for a fool, or she’s really interested in you and wants to prove it. I’ll need some time tomorrow to think this over and see how you should respond to this. Twilight is right to be concern about you, since someone from Crystal Prep is making this move, with the big game this Friday. For now, if she wants to talk, then talk to her. Maybe this can be a learning experience about girls. I know you don’t like us to talk to you about it, but sometimes it helps to look for the warning signs. The last thing we want to have happen to you is for someone to use you for her own use.

Where have I heard this before?

As the day went on, we were able to make more progress in the gym during free study, enough to have it done after school today with a small crew, since some of us will be at football practice. It was after practice that Chrysalis came to get me. She took me to the gym to show me the finished work for homecoming. I noticed that Rarity and Fluttershy were still here waiting.

Rarity said, “Jack dear, can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Is it about…her?” I asked.

“It is, dear. I was just talking to Fluttershy about her actions, and I think she might have an idea of what could be going through her mind.” Rarity nudged Fluttershy. “Go on. Tell him what you told me.”

Fluttershy responded in a shy manner. “Well, um, it’s possible that she’s nervous in meeting you when she a student at Crystal Prep. And maybe, um, coming to Sugarcube Corner would have been the best way to meet you, hoping she can get you to notice her. She might be…nervous in dating someone from a rival school, that is, if she couldn’t find someone from her school.”

Rarity added, “If she’s nervous because our schools have this hated rivalry going on, maybe you could ask her to the homecoming dance this weekend, and she could just be in disguise so no one will recognize her here. Fluttershy plans to be wearing a mask with her costume, since she’s shy around others and likes to blend in with the crowd.”

“I’m surprised that you want me to do this,” I said.

“Well, it’s possible that she’s been taking to wrong approach because her relationship with her mother is similar to Diamond Tiara and Mrs. Rich back then,” Rarity said. “She wants a guy that she really likes, but one who would impress her mother at some time later on. And if it were someone who would have lots of money, or plan to have a major league career in the future, then he would be one to impress her mother. And from what we know so far, you might just fit the mold.”

“It’s possible that she knows Suri and asked her to bring you to her,” Fluttershy said. “I mean, I would do the same, since I’m…really shy.”

“And Suri just wants some added protection, so those two came with her to make sure all would go as planned. But we all know that it didn’t,” Rarity said.

“If that’s the case, then maybe I should have kept my mouth shut,” Chrysalis said.

“No dear. You did the right thing to do. None of us knew what the motive was at the time,” Rarity said. “If she wants to talk to you again tonight, do so and find out why she’s being acting like this. Get her to confess her reasons to you. I’m sure she would open up to you easily. You have that effect on people anyway.”

“So just go along with her and see what happens.” I sighed. “OK, I’ll do what you say. Let’s just hope this ends in a good way.”

So we went back home and focus on our homework, have dinner, and do more homework. Chrysalis did come to check up on me to see if Fleur called, but no such luck. I planned to let her call, or text, me first. I’m not one to call someone out of the blue with nothing to talk about. As I was about to go to bed, my phone started to buzz. It was Fleur.

“You do know it’s late, right?”

“And good evening to you too.” I just stayed silent. “Alright, I know. It is pretty late to call. I was just busy.”

“With homework, or trying to think up of something to talk about.”

“Yes…I mean no…I mean, well, maybe.”

“You’re a bad liar, you know that.”

“Guilty as charge. I’m just…well…you know.”

“Fleur, why don’t you just go on ahead and say it instead of acting like I don’t know.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Jack.”

“There’s a good amount of people that know about you, just like any kind of personal rivalry between the schools.”

“I guess I stand out like any other student at Crystal Prep.” I stayed silent again, while she let out a sigh. “I admit that do like to show off in front of others. I am a daughter of a famous model overseas. But it’s because of how all the students around Crystal Prep are just strict about everything. I don’t have a problem with the school’s academics, that’s for sure. It’s just that…well…”

“You don’t like to be single and alone.”

“Oh please. It’s not about being single, that’s for sure.”


“Hump. Fine, it is. Happy?”

“Now we’re getting somewhere. Would have been easier if you just say it in the first place.”

“Well, I wanted to see who you were after reading about you in the paper. Rich students don’t get noticed in the paper, but athletic students do. And I figure that if I had a boyfriend that was popular enough to have a big career in their future, I can finally impress my mother with him. All the rich students are just boring.”

“I figured that’s what it was about in the first place. All you had to do was come forward with it.”

“I guess you don’t like me anymore, do you?”

“Now I didn’t say that. You just took the wrong approach in the matter. Plus, I have a…hard time understanding girls, so that makes us even.”

“Well, maybe we can meet this weekend and sort things out. At least it will be after the game.”

“I doubt that. We have homecoming Saturday, and I will be working out Sunday, like always.”

“And you don’t have a date for homecoming, now do you?”

“Sounds like you’re catching on.”

“Well, let me think about what to do with that, and I’ll let you know. Unless you have a better idea.”

“Maybe, but I’ll have to get back with you on that.”

“Don’t wait too long. Bye.”

I knew that it would be too soon to ask her out. I still needed to make sure this isn’t some kind of trap. All I needed to do was take it one step at a time. There’s still the prank war, and so far, Crystal Prep hasn’t made its prank on us.

I told Rarity about my late night call with Fleur. Rarity’s starting to understand why Fleur was acting that way in the past, but with the fact that we still haven’t seen a prank happen around the school, we still needed to be cautious at all this. If Fleur wants to meet in person, then Rarity wants to have Twilight around with her and her ear coms to make sure Fleur isn’t pulling some stunt on me. As for Twilight, she wanted to meet with me in the library study rooms with her tablet on the videos that she looked over between Trottingham and Crystal Prep.

Twilight said, “As I was looking over the videos, I saw that Crystal Prep has a tough defense. And the guy you met last week, Brick Wall, made a lot of sacks in the defense. But that not the only thing I noticed.”

Twilight showed me a few videos where the quarterback made his own rushing plays when he was under pressure, able to dodge the defense and either make it safely out-of-bounds or scoring a touchdown.

“Doesn’t it look odd for a quarterback to move like that? Not even my brother can pull that off easily.”

“You might be right,” I said. “And while this is a few weeks old, Trottingham is a good team. We might have to avoid blitz plays early on, and hope he can pass the ball to someone else until we can find a way to get to him. Looks like you’re going to have to plan on the fly. Think you can do that?”

“Who do you think you’re talking to, Jack,” Twilight said. “But that’s not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Why do I have a feeling it goes back to the girl issue I have?” I said.

“Well, most of the girls have decided to give up on waiting for you to ask one of them out and went with someone else as their date. They all think you’re putting your focus on Friday’s big game, which we hope we can finally win. So you might be off the hook until spring homecoming comes around. But Fleur is still a big concern. I hope your talent in helping others is not being misused just to take you away from the game.”

“I’m well aware about all this. For now, we plan to play this like a chess game, trying to outsmart your opponent,” I said. “I’m sure you know the game better than me.”

“Chess is a challenging game. But maybe you should treat this as a tactical strategy game instead of a game of chess.”

“True enough. At least you’re not talking about who I should be asking out for homecoming.”

“Well, about that.” Twilight was hesitant to respond. “There is someone who’s still waiting.”

I rolled my eyes and said, “Who, Rarity? Octavia? Maybe Fluttershy?”

She responded in a stern tone. “You know who I’m talking about, Jack.”

Only one girl came to mind, and Luna told me about it last week. “You’re the first guy she has been interested in. She told me about this because it felt like a new experience to her.”

“Applejack, isn’t it,” I said.

“Yes. She called me yesterday wondering why you haven’t even bothered to ask her out, if not anyone else. I told her that she should just confront you personally and just say it. She was hoping that you would have lost in that sparring match over a week ago just to make it easy on herself. She still prefers to the old tradition of having the guy ask her out. Why don’t you just ask her out and be over it. Or are you now interested in Fleur from Crystal Prep?”

I sighed and said, “Well, there is another that I’m interested besides AJ, and it’s not Fleur.”

“Who else could you be interested in that I know you have been with expect?” Her eyes went wide open. “No. Heck no. You have got to be kidding me. HER???”

I had a feeling she knew who I was talking about. “Yes, her.”

“Are you kidding me? You are not got to date her, or even ask her out. I won’t allow it.”

“You don’t even understand what Sunset had to go through in the past.”

“I couldn’t even care less. I don’t mind giving her a second chance. But this is crazy. After what she went through with Flash, she’s just going to use you no matter what.”

“See, that’s the problem,” I said with an angry tone. “You still have a problem with her and you won’t even let it go at all. How long are you going to keep this up with her, after high school? College? Maybe when she’s dead?”

“Don’t even go there, Jack,” Twilight replied in anger. “I know you’re trying to help her, but this is going too far. I was hoping that things would be fine since you came here. But you started to get into so many things that you shouldn’t be in that it might just destroy the respect that you have earn from the entire school, just for one troublesome girl.”

“Like I needed that kind of respect. I just do things because I know no one else is willing to do it themselves. That’s who I am, and what I do. If you have a problem with that, then deal with it. I can’t change who I am.”

“Fine. Just don’t come running to me when it all falls down on you,” Twilight yelled and stormed out of the room.

“And I thought this week was going to be interesting. Now it’s just crazy,” I said to myself.

Author's Note:

I didn't have this planned at first, but I figure I added this into the story, since I already started it in the last chapter. And it really sets it up for the next chapter, which could be a game changer.

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