• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch 19 - Answering Questions

It was Friday night, and we just finished another football game with what would have been a shutout, if special teams didn’t drop the ball in the 4th quarter that one time, resulting in a field goal. But beating Dodge Junction at home with a score of 44 to 3 was big enough. Swift Kicks got a few field goals in, and I took the QB role in the 4th quarter, resulting in two touchdowns. Coach Iron Will said that next week would be more of a challenge, because we plan to go to Trottingham, who made it to the playoffs last year, only to lose to Crystal Prep. I only hoped that tonight’s win would grab Crystal Prep’s attention, because I want to see what they really are, if Celestia is right about them.

Already changed and cleaned up, I left the locker room and made my way to meet up with Chrysalis at my truck. As I walked up to her, I noticed that she had company with her, and I was surprised to see who it was. It was Mrs. Rich, with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with her.

“Jack,” Chrysalis said, “I was just talking with Mrs. Rich on homecoming, and she wants to help out with some of her connections.”

“She was telling me about how much has progressed with your Saturday meetings,” Mrs. Rich said. “I know a catering service that does the best for any theme party or event, because I have had them whenever I have an event that involves most of the…high society.” She hesitated for a moment. “Sorry about that. I’m trying to get used to avoiding with the social status issue that you brought to my attention.”

“It’s OK, Mrs. Rich. I’m sure it will take some time to get used to the change, since most of your rich friends have students that attend Crystal Prep,” I said.

“I know,” she replied. “There have been times when I wonder if I made the right choice between here and Crystal Prep.”

“Mother, you felt that Crystal Prep was too strict for me to handle,” Tiara said to her.

“That was only because I felt like you wouldn’t be able to follow our family traditions,” she looked down and continued, “which I now know were wrong to follow.”

“Jack, Chrysalis said that you have issues with Crystal Prep’s perfect record,” Silver Spoon said.

“That’s right,” I responded. “Having a school that’s perfect is too good to be true. I mean, I attended West End High in Manehattan the last two years, and Mane Coast Academy on the other side of the city is known as one of the best, but it’s doesn’t believe in being perfect. From what I heard, they just do what is right for their students. And right now, I’m trying to find out on some of their students that would be on the football team.”

Mrs. Rich responded, “Well, I don’t think any of the rich students that I have met would be on the football team, but we did get several issues of the Crystal Prep newsletter from Tenderhoof when he was at one of our social events writing some articles on people like us. If you like to, I can bring them over to the meeting tomorrow for you to look at. I need to talk to…Pinkie Pie was it?” We all nodded. “Good. I wanted to see if the catering service would be of some help for homecoming.”

“That would be nice,” I said. “If you don’t mind me asking, but has there been any students, or even staff members, of Crystal Prep that you have met that felt…I don’t know, not normal. Some kind of reason that made you fell like Crystal Prep wasn’t the right school for your daughter to attend.”

Mrs. Rich thought for a moment before she spoke. “Now that you think about it, when Principal Cinch gave us the tour, I felt a bit…uncomfortable around her. I just shook it off and went along the tour with her. Why?”

“I just have my…suspicions about them. That’s all,” I said.

“Well, we’ll see you tomorrow at your place. And I’ll make sure I bring those newsletters as well,” Mrs. Rich said.

Mrs. Rich came by for the meeting, with the newsletters that she promised to bring. As we were getting more prepared for homecoming, new ideas came across for the Halloween theme, and we knew that we would be on track to have everything ready before the week of homecoming.

After everyone left for the day, Chrysalis and me spent the evening after dinner looking over the newsletters of Crystal Prep.

“Find anything interesting so far?” I asked Chrysalis.

“Just rich students, smart students, athletic students…nothing that really stands out. Although, Tenderhoof’s poems are just…weird.”

“I can see that,” I said. “Found any that relate to Applejack?”

“Nope. Maybe scared to bring up a student from Canterlot High in a Crystal Prep newsletter.” Both of us laughed.

I was looking at the last issue of the school year and found an article on Indigo Zap, explaining how she helped lead the girls’ basketball team to the championship, filling the void of some of their graduating students. “Hey Chrysalis, take a look at this.” I handed the issue to her with the article shown.

“Wow. I can see what makes her one of the special ones at the school, and a good friend of yours. Do you think she can help us in finding out about Crystal Prep?”

“Not sure. Only time will tell,” I said.

Chrysalis grabbed another issue to look at, and noticed an article that required my attention.

“Jack, there’s an article on Fleur de Lis. Says that her mother’s a famous model overseas, and she’s here as a foreign exchange student for all four years, this being her third year. She’s working on being a business model, I believe.”

“How much you want to bet that she has to spend her time with Suri a lot?”

“Oh that would be a good one, Jack. I wonder if Rarity has heard of Fleur?”

“Well, you can call her tomorrow and ask. I have to take Applejack to the school workout room with me. She said that she wants to get back to working out, since they are done with apple harvesting.”

It was raining Sunday morning. I went to Sweet Apple Acres farm to pick up Applejack, who made a mad dash into my truck in her own tracksuit, carrying a small gym bag with her.

Applejack let out a sigh of relief and said, “Sure nice of ya to take me to school so I can workout once again.”

“No problem. I never knew you like to workout on your down time,” I said to her.

“Well, have to stay in shape. Working on the farm helps, but when the work’s done for the year, need to find another way to stay in shape. And I have to bring my gear to help me out on the punching bag.”

“Can’t argue about that, AJ.”

“Darn right. I mean, how do you expect me to keep this well…toned…body,” she said in a sexy voice. “Not to mention these strong…built…arms, and those sexy…sculpted…abs.”

I was catching on to what she was trying to get to, so I had to get to the point. “You tried to pull a ‘Rarity’ last time, so I don’t see why you’re doing it now.”

She went back to her serious tone of voice. “That’s just it. You got all these girls interested in you, and with two weeks til homecoming, you ain’t even asked one of them out. Rarity already told me that members of her club have been hoping you ask one of them out ‘cause you’re cute, and that makes Rarity unsure if she wants to pursue you, not making others jealous. And she heard from Roseluck that the cheerleaders were also interested in you ‘cause you’re handsome. Heck, even Tavi might be interested in you also.”

“All this coming from what Rarity has heard, right?” I asked her.

“Darn right it is. I’m even temped to throw my hat in the ring.”

“Is there a reason you’re bring all this up? I mean, I’m popular and all, but I can sense there’s something else about all this.”

“You want to know why? It’s because everyone says you been interested in Sunset all this time.”

“Is that supposed to be a joke?” I ask.

“I’m serious, Jack. I know you been helping her change, but everyone still thinks she’s bad news, and that makes them unsure how to make you out. You need to think about yourself, not everyone else.”

I pulled up to the school and parked my truck, shutting it off before saying, “If people want to know me well, they should be asking Coco, not taking guesses about myself. I do what I believe needs to be done. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s how I live my life.”

“You’re stubborn, ya know that,” she said. I just let out a huff in response. She rolled her eyes and said to herself, “Forgive me for doing this, but,” she grabs the sides of my face and pressed her lips onto my own.

I was shocked as she was trying to kiss me. Once she removed her lips from mine, I yelled, “What the heck was that for?”

Her response was, “What any girl would do, showing that they care for ya. I only did that to make you understand. Nothing personal. But you tell me, would Sunset do this to ya, or just give you another slap in the face?”

“Only if I bring up her so-called father,” I said, “or did you forget about that?”

Applejack looked away from me and through the rainy window. “No, I haven’t.” She looked back at me and said, “Just comparing him with the cops could say that he had a criminal record, but we don’t know what crimes they are.”

“Her mother didn’t want to talk about him as well. And it doesn’t mean that she was involved in any crimes as well. You think it could be family abuse?”

“I was thinking about that option as well, seeing how Mrs. Rich was treating her daughter in front of Sunset. But how can that still be haunting her if it was long ago?”

I started to recall my conversation with Sunset while her mother’s car was being fixed.

“I didn’t hurt you there back on the first day, did I?”

“No, it’s nothing to worry about. Just…nothing.”

“Have you noticed Sunset rubbing the same spot on her arm as of late?” I asked her.

“Well, after what happened with Mrs. Rich, she has been more quiet so far. And I did notice that in our classes. You think that she hurt herself on that spot?”

I said, “I think she was harmed on that spot long ago, and that could be what’s haunting her to this day. With the science project being assigned to us tomorrow, it might be the only chance to get her to open up with what’s been bugging her. And I can guess that she doesn’t want to talk about it to anyone else, after what she has done at school in the past.”

“If you can get her to talk and believe what she has to say, then let me know. If I believe you, then maybe I can get the girls to listen. That’s the best I can do,” Applejack said.

“Well, we can’t get our workouts done while sitting in here,” I said.

“Can’t argue with that. You have an umbrella in here?”

“Should be under your seat,” I told her.

She looked down to find the umbrella underneath the seat. “Got it. I’ll run to your side so you can get under it. And Jack, don’t tell anyone that I kissed you.”

“Wait a minute, when did you kiss me? I don’t recall you doing that,” I said jokingly.

“Nice one, Jack. Nice one.”

We made our way through the rain and into the school, walking towards the workout room.

“Bout time you got here, Jack.” I looked to see Coach Spitfire in the room next to Rainbow Dash and Soarin behind the counter. I can already see Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, and Thunderlane on some of the workout machines, along with some of the others players elsewhere, while Twilight and Cadence were jogging on the treadmills.

“Don’t worry about him, Coach. He had to pick me up, and we had a lengthily discussion while getting here,” Applejack said. “Hey Dash. Think you can hold the punching bag for me. I need to get some issues out of the way.”

“No problem, AJ.” Dash made her way to the punching bag as Applejack removed her tracksuit, wearing just her sports bra and shorts, like she was going into an MMA ring.

“You do martial arts?” I asked Applejack.

Rainbow Dash decided to answer the question for her. “She just likes to let out some punches and kicks just to stay in shape. Although, I would like to see her in the MMA in the future, just so she can whip some…”

“Alright, Dash. I think he gets the message,” Applejack said, cutting Dash off.

I went to the leg press to set up some weights to work with, when I noticed Twilight and Cadence looking at me from the mirror in the room. “I’m guessing the rain forced you to work out in here, right?”

“That’s right, Jack,” Twilight said. “Cadence got me hooked on jogging last year, and the only times we jog in here is when it’s raining or when it gets cold. It’s a good thing Dash and Soarin monitor the room on most of the weekends.”

“Yea, unless they’re trying to get their boyfriends’ attention as a distraction,” Dash replied.

“Very funny, Dash,” Cadence replied.

“Hey Soarin. Think you can spot me for now? I don’t see Swift anywhere,” I said.

“Sure thing,” Soarin replied. “Swift had to do some family errands anyway.”

“I can understand that,” I said.

Soarin came by to make sure the machine was ready for me; quietly asking me, “So, asked anyone to homecoming?”

“I had to go through that discussion with AJ getting here,” I quietly said. “I just don’t feel like focusing on that right now. Besides, when are you going to ask Dash out?”

“I don’t know, Jack. I really don’t want this to feel like a date.”

“Like it has to be a date. Just escort her to homecoming and see where it goes. It’s not like you’re going to ruining your friendship with her anyway.”

Twilight caught on to our conversation and decided to take a break on her jog to grab a small towel and her water bottle, while walking towards us. “I can hear what you are talking about, and Jack’s right. It doesn’t have to be a date like it is with me and Flash. Just be her escort and let it play out from there.”

“Well, I thought Jack was going to make a move on her,” Soarin recommended.

“If you mean the slap on the rear after our road game, that was just a response to her calling me chicken,” I said. “Besides, I bet you did it wrong that one time.”

“How would you know?” Soarin asked me.

“Did you cup the hand when you did it?” Soarin had a worried look on his face. “Thought so. That’s why she decided to hunt you down after that happen.”

“He does have a point,” Twilight added. “And Jack, now’s a good time to look for a girlfriend.” I just stared at her as my response. “I mean it. About every single girl I know or come across is interested in getting to know you more. Not to mention that I’ve seen you stressed out at times. Whenever I see Flash stressed out, I help him to relax, and he does the same thing to me when I’m stressed out. Unless you’re interested in Moon Dancer, then…”

I held up my hand to hold her response. “We’ve talked about that, and she’s not interested in one, unless it’s someone who can challenge her. So you can scratch that name off your list.”

“Well, just think about it for once, Jack,” Twilight told me. She went back on to the treadmill to resume her jog.

I got on the leg press and began my workout routine. After switching to a few more stations, I finished my workout on the bench press when I saw a familiar DJ walk in.

“Hey Dash. I brought those CDs that you wanted to use in here,” Vinyl said.

“Good. Just put…them on the…counter and…pop one into…the player,” she replied while bracing for more of Applejack’s punches.

Vinyl placed them on the counter and selected one for the CD player. “Hey Jack. Let’s see if you remember this one.”

Once I heard the music play, I knew which artist it was. “Neon Lights. Surprised you still have his first CD.”

“Well, guess what? Now it’s a signed copy,” Vinyl responded.

“No way. You got to meet him in person when you were at that contest?” I asked her.

“That’s right,” she said. “Just after getting my 3rd place award. He’s a really nice guy in person.”

“Now I have to enter next year,” I said. “Already around the 20 minute mark in my 30 minute mix tape. Been thinking about adding a remix of one of his works, if he’ll let me.”

“I’ll PM him when I get back home. I’ve been meaning to tell him that we now live in the same town, so to speak.” Then Vinyl’s tone changed. “But if you’re going to enter, then you’ll have to face another local.”

“Do not tell me that she found out who Lemon Lime is,” I thought.

“So there’s another amateur DJ in Ponyville?” I asked her.

“Yea. It was Firecracker who won this summer, allowing him to enter the pros next year. Lemon Lime won 2nd place. Turns out that her real name is Lemon Zest.”

Everyone stopped what they were doing for a moment when they heard the name.

“You mean from Crystal Prep?” Rainbow Dash said with a shock on her face. Vinyl just nodded in response. “And to think she would only play basketball. I never knew she was working on being a DJ.”

“That’s Crystal Prep for ya, trying to one up us in everything,” Applejack said, following with a heavy punch on the punching bag.

“Easy there, AJ. What’s got you beat?” Dash asked her.

“Take a good guess,” Applejack said, following another few heavy punches.

“Tenderhoof,” I said. Applejack stopped for a moment and started at me. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon told me about him. And yes, he does sound like a creep from DT’s point of view.”

Applejack responded, “Darn right he is. Decided to go to Sugarcube Corner for a shake after our meeting and guess who shows up. Decides to sit next to me, trying to hit me up again. I just wanted to buck him in the face right on the spot, just to shut him up.”

“I’m guessing about everyone here has a problem with certain Crystal Prep students, right?” I said. “I mean, Rarity and Coco have brought up Suri. Whom else should I be worried about?”

Dash started first. “Well, there’s Lightning Dust that we knew from Cloudsdale. She’s one who likes to break the rules. How she ended up in Crystal Prep, I have no idea.”

“Wait, she’s at Crystal Prep?” Coach Spitfire asked.

“You mean Coach Fleetfoot hasn’t told you?” Soarin asked Spitfire.

“I haven’t been in touch with her since I was coaching college. Last thing I knew was that she got the coaching job at Crystal Prep. Guess we haven’t kept in touch since that day. How can she keep that girl in check over there?”

“Maybe you should ask Principal Snitch.” Dash ranted.

“Besides,” Twilight spoke, “they have Sugarcoat helping out with the plays, making sure they get it right. If it’s not her brains that keep them in check, then it’s her attitude. She always think up all the plays for all the teams like she’s a pro.”

“Twilight, don’t forget the principal’s daughter, Sunny Flare,” Dash added. “Like mother, like daughter. She’s like a hawk on the basketball team.”

“And then there’s Sour Sweet,” Soarin said. “Every time I see them play, she always finds a way to stir up some trouble. Nice one minute, ugly the next. She’s even got in Dash’s head one time.”

“And it was not cool what she did,” Dash added. “She even treated Fluttershy badly one time, and it almost hurt her feelings. Flutters can be very sensitive about some things.”

“Along with Lemon Zest, they make up four of the ‘Elite Five’ at Crystal Prep,” Twilight said.

“The Elite Five? Just like the Mane 6 at this school?” I asked.

Twilight answered, “In a way, yes. They are known as the best of the best at that school. And in various ways.”

“So…Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, and Sugarcoat are part of the Elite Five.” I said. “Is Lightning Dust a part of it or not?”

“Lightning Dust doesn’t even come close to them,” Dash said. “That honor belongs to their top athlete, Indigo Zap. It was her that gave them that name. And they like to show it off wherever they go.”

“Indigo Zap created the Elite Five? Now I’m worried about her,” I thought.

Dash continued, “For once, I would like to beat their basketball and soccer teams and rub it in her face. She’s even working on getting the same scholarship that I want for Equestria University. Not cool.”

“Then I guess you would have to step up your game to compete with her,” I said. “Anyone else I should be concerned about?”

It was quiet for a moment before Shining Armor broke the silence. “Cadence, I recall you having an issue with one foreign exchange student over there that you have crossed paths a few times.”

Cadence sighed before she spoke. “If Rarity hasn’t brought her up, then I might as well say it. There’s one student who comes from Prance overseas. Her name is…Fleur de Lis. She’s been Suri’s model for her fashions, hoping to become what her mother is back home. And she’s one smart student in the school; so don’t let her looks fool you if you come across her. She always treated like she’s a princess, trying to get any guy that she thinks is worth taking.”

“Sounds like this Fleur and Suri have one thing in common; like mother, like daughter,” I said. “She’s a senior at Crystal Prep, right?”

“Nope, she’s a junior,” Cadence responded. “And she doesn’t care how old, or young, the guy is, or even where they are from. If she wants him, she’ll do anything to get him, right Shining?” as she stared at him.

“Well,” as he cleared his throat, “she did make some passes by us before. And to be honest, she did catch my eye with her walk, which Cadence didn’t like. But I would have to agree that being one of the popular ones at the time could have that effect. And I didn’t know that she was the daughter of a foreign model until afterwards, which could explain her actions towards me. That’s when you know that she’s just there for show.”

“And he’s glad that it happened to him, because that gave us a heads up about her,” Flash added. “Tried to do the same to me in front of Twilight a couple of times. I could see why we were warned about her.”

“I saw him look at her, and his reaction was, ‘is that how models walk?’” Twilight said. “But in seriousness, if Crystal Prep has finally heard about you, she’s going to make her move at some point. And since you still don’t have a girlfriend, you’ll be an easier target than Flash and Shining.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him,” Applejack added, “but he’s too stubborn to listen. And with homecoming being two weeks away, and several girls at school interested in him, he just wants to avoid the issue.”

“I am not stubborn,” I replied. “I have more important issues to focus on. Plus, I’ve only been here for over two months. I haven’t had time to get to know about everyone in the school expect for what problems that keep appearing every now and then.”

“Like Sunset Shimmer?” Applejack added. I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Look, if you don’t put your priorities in check, you’ll be in a sinkhole so deep that it’ll swallow you whole.”

Something tells me this is not going to stop unless I do something. So it was time I used my gift in hopes to send a message.

“OK, AJ. Then lets do this. Since I’m in need of a sparing partner here, let’s see how well you can do in a one-on-one match. I beat you, and you become my sparing partner for the school year, and this conversation that everyone keeps bring up comes to an end. You beat me, and I’ll put my focus on Sunset aside, with the exception of our science project, and start looking for a girlfriend.”

“Hold up, partner. Let’s make it this. I beat you, and you get to become my date to homecoming, then you can look into finding a girlfriend after that. You still got two more football games to go before playoffs begin, and that should be your focus at this time.”

Coach Spitfire intervened. “If you two are going to make bets in a fight, I want to see what he’s made of. I am a black belt in martial arts, and I hate to see Applejack damage you without my OK. I have better control than she does, after seeing how she’s been acting.”

“I hate to say this, but she’s right,” Soarin said. “I’ve seen her at some karate classes, and she’s good at what she does, without hurting her opponent.”

“OK, let’s do this,” I said, and got up to get ready to spar with Coach Spitfire. I just hope that my gift, plus the training I had with Indigo Zap and sparing with Night Glider, will help out.

Everyone went to the sides of the room to watch. I made sure to loosen up before battling. I haven’t done this in a while, and since this was no bully like before, this could be a challenge. Dodging was one thing, but striking would be the bigger challenge in this. When she saw that I was ready, we both made our stance to attack.

Spitfire made the first move, throwing a punch at me. I dodge her attack and threw a counter-punch, which she was able to avoid. She countered by throwing her rear leg and swinging it around to strike my backside. My gift allowed me to sense and block her kick. That’s when she went and threw her other leg into the air to make an upper kick strike. Another part of my gift went into effect, allowing me to drop on the floor to avoid the second kick. I rolled underneath her and got back up, just as she landed on her feet.

“Well, you know how to dodge my attacks,” she said, “but I’m still waiting for you to strike.”

“If that’s the case…” I said, before taking my stance and throwing my first punch. She avoided the hit and grabbed my wrist. I threw my other fist at her, but she grabbed my other wrist. Sensing that she was about to do a leg attack, I went to do a full 360, lifting my arms upward in the turn. This caused her to follow along, unable to execute her leg move. Once fully rotated, I was able to keep the crossed arms in the center. That’s when I pulled her towards me. As I landed on my back, I used my feet to flip her over me, causing her to land on her back and losing her grip on me. As I got back up, she jumped back up with her back towards me before turning around.

“I think you proved your point, Jack.” Spitfire decided to stop the battle and stepped aside. “Applejack, you’re up.”

“Bout time.” Applejack walked up to where Spitfire once stood, making her stance. “Hope you ready to be taught a lesson.”

“Your lesson or mine,” I said, making my stance.

When we were ready, she made her first move and threw a punch at me, allowing me to dodge like before. But when I went for a counter-punch, it made contact it the lower side of her body, allowing her to flinch.

“You call that a punch, partner?” as she taunted me.

She threw more punches and kicks at me, but I was able to dodge or block them. But every punch or kick I threw either missed her or barely bruised her on contact. When she pulled back from a blow, she taunted me again. It lasted 10 minutes before I noticed what she was trying to do. Knowing that she was well built from all the work and training that she did, all she needed to do was wear me down, which was slowly starting to take effect. I had enough stamina to last longer than that, but she’s one who doesn’t give up.

I had one option left to rely on. Something that Indigo taught me when handling bullies. Let their attacks become their downfall, and taunting her was the only way to get it started.

“You seem to take a hit, but can’t even make a blow on me. Is that the best you can do?” I said.

“Oh I’m just warming up, sugarcube,” she said.

She threw more punches and kicks at me. I dodged the punches and blocked the kicks, looking for an opening.

I said, “Come on, AJ. Stop trying to hit me and HIT ME!!!”

That’s when she started to fight harder than before. I kept up the same defense before, until I saw the opening. Or so I thought. I was about to do the same flip I did with Spitfire by grabbing her wrist, but she saw it coming and released my grip on her. I sense that she was going straight into me while I lost my balance. She grabbed my shoulders and flipped me over her with her feet, causing me to land on my back. That’s when she went in for the kill.

She flipped over to land on me, pinning me on the ground. “Time to end this, partner.” She threw a final punch at my chest. But that’s when my crucial gift came into play. With time slowing down, I was able to grab her fist. When she threw her other fist at me, I grabbed it with my other hand. While holding on to her fists, I pushed and slid myself out from under her, letting go of her fist. With my legs free, I used my feet to push her back on the ground, stunning her in the process. I rolled myself on top of her and threw my fist to her, stopping inches from her face. When she regained her focus, she saw how close my fist was to her, shocking her.

“Tag, you’re it.”

Spitfire stepped in and said, “I think that’s enough for this match. Jack’s the winner.”

“WHAT!?” is what everyone said in the room.

Spitfire said, “Jack was able to halt Applejack’s final strike and held restraint to his own. I think that’s enough to prove who won.”

Applejack relaxed herself and said, “Fine. You win. I’ll be your sparing partner for the school year.”

I got off of her and reached for her hand. “And what about me looking for a girlfriend?”

“Yes, we’ll stop talking about it from this point forward,” she said and she grabbed my hand, letting me pull her up off the floor.

I went to grab some bottled water from the cooler and sat down to relax myself with a drink. Everyone else was still wondering what just happened. I responded, “What? How do you think I dealt with bullies in the past?”

Spitfire snapped everyone else out of it. “All right everyone. Give the kid some space and get back to work. Coach doesn’t want any slackers on his team.”

Everyone else resumed their workout, while Dash and Soarin went back to the counter. Applejack went to grab herself some bottled water and sat down next to me. Twilight and Cadence also sat down next to us.

Cadence said, “I know we don’t need to talk about it any more, but what about Fleur? When she knows you’re still single, she’s going to make her move. How are you going to deal with her?”

I answered, “Let me just say that Sunset isn’t my only focus. I still don’t trust Crystal Prep’s perfect record, and I plan on making sure that it comes to an end. And if anyone from there interferes, I plan to make sure they regret it.”

“Well, I hope you know what you are doing…about Crystal Prep, that is,” Twilight said.

“I hope so too, Twilight. I hope so too.” I looked at Vinyl and said, “As for Lemon Zest, once I get my mix tape done and enter that contest, she’s going to be waiting another year to join the pros. And I’ll make sure it gets played at homecoming.”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about, bro,” Vinyl responded, giving me a brohoof.

After finishing with our workout, and the rain stopped, I took Applejack back to her farm.

“I still can’t believe you beat me,” Applejack said while looking away from me.

“That’s because I caught on to your strategy.” She looked at me, wondering what I was talking about. “You were trying to wear me down because you can take the blows I was giving to you.”

“Darn it. Can’t believe you caught on to that. I’m guessing you had more stamina than I thought you would have.”

“Well, that and the fact that I used your attacks to my advantage,” I said.

“Say again?” she replied with a confused look on her face.

“Well, after you tried to taunt me, I decided to taunt you so you can attack harder, hoping to find an opening. After you tried to take me down and placed the finishing blow, I used that to stop your attack and free myself to counterattack and finish you off.”

Applejack said, “You just full of surprises, partner. So when do we plan to start sparing?”

“Whenever we have any free time during school or on the weekends, if that’s OK.”

“No problem there,” she answered. “I’ll make sure I ask Coach Spitfire for some extra protective gear, just to make sure you don’t get bruised up.”

We finally pulled up to her place. “Well, thanks for taking me over there and back. See you tomorrow.”

“Wait,” I said. She stopped from getting out of the truck. “I have one more thing for you.”

“What’s that, sugarcube?”

I grabbed her face and planted my lips on hers, putting her in shock. When we separated our lips, I said, “Now we’re even.”

“You know, you’re the first guy who made a move like that to me that I really enjoyed,” Applejack said. “Maybe you can handle finding a girlfriend on your own, whenever you’re ready to look for one. Just make sure you see me or my friends if you’re unsure if that girl is worth chasing.”

I let out a little chuckle and said, “I thought we were done talking about it. But I’ll let you know if I need your help. And if Tenderhoof gets on your case when I’m around, leave him to me to chase him off. I can be full of surprises.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” she replied before getting out of the truck and heading into the house.

As I left the farm, I said to myself, “Wow, can’t believe I had the guts to do that. Now I don’t know who to go for, just to get my parents off my back.”

Author's Note:

First time I added a fight scene into the story. I know more of this will happen in the future, so let's hope I do a good job on them.

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