• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 28 - A Date With Destiny

My clock was buzzing at seven o’clock on a Saturday morning. I was still feeling sore after last night’s game. But a warm shower was what I needed to take care of that problem. After my usual morning routine, I was able to join my parents for breakfast.

“So how’s the school hero doing this morning?” my mother said to me.

“Very funny, mom. This just happened last night, so I don’t think I’m a big hero.”

“That’s because you didn’t see the morning paper,” my dad said.

He handed me the sports section, where the local sports page was shown. And the headliner just said it all.

“The Big Streak Comes To An End”

“Well, looks like someone made a huge impact to everyone.” I looked to see Chrysalis behind me.

“Morning Chrysalis,” I said. “Yea, I guess I did make an impact after last night’s game. They already say how I was able to take over after Shining Armor’s injury and made the game winning field goal.”

Chrysalis asked, “What about the Cloudsdale vs. Trottingham game? Does it say who won that one?”

I looked at the same page and found the article about that game. “Looks like Cloudsdale won it in overtime, very tight game. I guess we’re facing Trottingham on Friday.”

“I’m sure the coach will have a plan in place by Monday,” Chrysalis said. “But for now, it’s homecoming time.”

“Trixie coming by to pick you up?” I asked Chrysalis.

“Yep. We’re supposed to meet up with Vinyl and Mrs. Rich to get the sound system and food ready for tonight.”

“And what do you have planned, Jack,” my mother asked me.

“Going to drive to Sunset’s place, stop at the costume store, then grab a bite to eat.”

“Oh, did my little Jack finally got himself a girlfriend?” my mother said with a cutesy voice.

Chrysalis and me looked at each other and said together, “Yes.”

Chrysalis said, “Perhaps you should let him have his moment by himself. He’s gone through a lot to make it happen.”

“Well, I’m sure that her mother will be happy that you’re taking care of her,” my mother said. “She’s told me much of what she had to go through with her daughter.”

“And I promise to help her get through all of this.” I finished my breakfast and said, “I better go pick her up. I want to make sure that we’re ready for tonight.”

I went back up to my room to get my light jacket before heading off. Chrysalis was able to join me in my room.

“I was meaning to ask you, but were you able to make contact with Indigo last night?” she asked.

I showed her the small note that I found on my truck from last night. “Right here. Maybe we can get some answers from her about what’s going on. But I want to keep things under wraps until we can make an official meeting with her group. I want to play things safe for her sake.”

“Well, let me know if you need my help for this. I need to get ready for Trixie to pick me up. Good luck on your date.”

So I got into my truck and made my way to Sunset’s place. I sent her a text that I was here, and she came out running from the apartment complex and entered the passenger side of the truck and gives me a kiss on the cheek before we left to go to the costume shop. I followed the directions that Pinkie gave me days ago and found the place: Fun House Studios. And to our surprise were a few friendly faces that drove up as well: Shining Armor, Cadence, and Applejack.

“Well look who decides to show up at the last minute,” Applejack said.

“We should be telling you the same thing,” Sunset said.

I saw that Shining Armor had one of his arms on the inside of his jacket instead of through his sleeve. I asked him, “How’s the shoulder?”

“It’s not as bad as it should be. I’ll have to take it easy for few days before it’s fully healed. Coach might put me as backup.”

“Which means you’ll have to take charge next Friday,” Cadence added.

“I don’t think I have much of a choice, since I’m in the news again,” I said. “Besides, I thought the two of you got your costumes last week?”

“We had to have adjustments made to them,” Cadence said. “We were just told that they were ready.”

So the five of us went in to the shop and were met by a skinny, yellow guy with brown, curly hair.

“Well hello there. Welcome to the Fun House, home of all your costume needs.”

“Hello, Cheese Sandwich,” Cadence said. “Is our costumes ready?”

“Why yes they are.” He turned to the back and yelled, “Sassy, our prince and princess need their clothes.”

And to our bigger surprise was Sassy Saddles with two costumes for them. “Well bust my buttons. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen the three of you before.”

“Sassy, since when did you start working here?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, only when they need my services. Rarity let’s me work on adjustments with the custom costumes when the shop calls us for it. It’s a good way to get some extra money and to learn how to improve my craft. By the way, Jack. Your mother’s store looks fabulous. It gives me a chance to find the right candles for me to have at home.”

“Thanks. I’m glad that you were able to find what you like,” I said.

“Well, let’s make sure these costumes fit.” Sassy noticed that something looked off from Shining Armor. “Did something happen to your arm?”

“Let’s just say he took one for the team at last night’s game,” Cadence answered for him.

“I just saw that in today’s paper,” Cheese said. “Are you keeping it on ice?”

“At times,” Shining Armor said.

“Well, I fixed the shoulder pads on the suit,” Sassy said. “But if you think you need an ice pack for tonight, you can make a quick adjustment if you need to.”

Sassy got the jacket piece off the hanger and showed him what he could do with it. He was able to try on one side, just to make sure it fitted right, in which it did.

“Well, if that’s out of the way, I need to make sure Cadence’s dress fits as well.” Sassy placed the jacket back on the hanger and grabbed the dress and requested Cadence to come with her to the dressing rooms to try it on.

Shining Armor asked, “Hey Cheese. Did it say who we would be facing Friday?”

“I already looked it up before coming here,” I said. “Trottingham. Cloudsdale won in a close battle, but not like what we faced.”

“Looks like the bully boys are going to have there hands full again with Crystal Prep this year,” Shining Armor said.

“Let’s just see what happens after Mr. Discord leaves his mark with the team,” I said.

Cheese got out a western hat and talked with his western accent. “Well, if them preppies want to play dirty, then we’ll play dirty.”

“I don’t think we need to be doing that to them,” Applejack said. “Besides, we ladies already left our mark with them girls last night, since they wanted a piece of Jack here. And I don’t mean kisses.”

“Them sounds like fighting words,” Cheese replied with his accent.

“Oh, they got our message, loud and clear,” Sunset said. “But I have say, I never seen Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie act so mean.”

“Hey, I’ve seen how Pinkie acts towards party crashers, but Fluttershy…you have to be kidding,” Cheese said.

“You bring up animal haters like Pinkie does with party crashers, and you have yourself a monster,” Applejack said.

“Good thing I treat Boneless with respect,” Cheese said and he brought out a rubber chicken.

“If he has his accordion with him, I’m gone,” Sunset said.

“Accordion’s being repaired,” Cheese responded. “Starting to show it’s age, since it did belong to my father…and his father…and his father.”

“Wow. I would have never knew that it was that old,” Sunset said. “Now I’m starting to regret trying to avoid you when you have it.”

“Well, I can see why you didn’t want to pick on me like everyone else,” Cheese said. “Pinkie told me that you were making a change, and I’m guessing it’s starting to show.”

“Give Jack all the credit for that,” Shining Armor said. “He has that effect on everyone.”

“Well, why don’t we get down to costumes. I’m guessing you waited the last minute to get one, and we have a huge selection still around,” Cheese said and as he stretched his arms wide, showing the rows of costumes and accessories.

“Might as well get mine out of the way while we’re waiting for Cadence to return,” Applejack said. “Since you’re an expert of the western genre, got anything like that?”

Cheese went back to his western accent. “What will it be? Lone Ranger? The Rifleman? Or something more science western, like Brave Starr?”

“Paladin,” said Applejack.

“Have gun, will travel,” I responded. “Didn’t know you were a fan of that.”

“Why do I have a feeling you learned about the show while living in Appleloosa,” Applejack said.

“Before the first Indian festival, Little Strongheart and me spent some time watching re-runs of old western shows. It was that one that I was interested in from all westerns,” I said. “My parents were able to get the DVD set of that show for my birthday a couple of years ago.”

“I have been trying to get the girls together for a western marathon, but for some reason, it hasn’t peaked their interest,” Applejack said. “I might have to get you to help me with that.”

“Westerns have started to fade away, unless you find a way to mix it up,” Cheese said. “Let me go and see if I have what you need.” Cheese Sandwich made his way from the counter to one of the rows of costumes to look for what Applejack needed. It wasn’t long for him to return with a matching black, western shirt, pants, boots and hat, along with a prop gun in a black holster. “See if this will fit ya.”

Applejack took the costume to another one of the changing rooms to try it on. Cadence and Sassy just came out of the first changing room with her princess dress on a hanger.

“Costume’s a perfect fit,” Sassy said. “It looks like my work here is done.”

Both of them were looking around before Cadence spoke. “Where’s Applejack?”

“In the changing rooms,” Shining Armor said. “She’s trying on a costume that she wants to wear.”

“Hey Cheese, this costume fits me like a glove. I’ll take it,” Applejack said from the changing rooms.

“Good it hear,” Cheese replied. “Just bring it to the counter when you’re ready.” He looked at us and asked, “So, what costume are you two looking for?”

“I don’t know. Maybe something that doesn’t show my dark side like before,” Sunset replied. “Hey Jack, since you have those katanas at home, maybe something more samurai related for us?”

“That’s sounds good. You have something like that?” I asked Cheese.

“I think we have several ideas in that isle over there,” as Cheese pointed to one of the isles that has a variety of armor related costumes and robes.

We made our way to the isle and started to look through the selection of costumes that were around. I was able to find a samurai robe that had a white top with the ying yang sign on the back and a black, long skirt with an elastic band on it. Sunset was looking at the kimonos, trying to find one to go with what I had. That’s when I saw one that got me an idea. I pointed to the short, white kimono with the black belt that had pink on the ends of the belt. She felt nervous with wearing it until I took out my cell and looked up the picture that I was talking about. It was from the same anime that the dress from Rarity’s place came from. She decided to go along with the idea, hoping that her mother could make some additions to it. She did notice the weapon that the character was holding, a battleaxe with a long handle. So we made our way back to the counter to ask Cheese Sandwich about it. That’s when we saw Applejack finalizing the sale for her costume.

“Find something that will impress the samurai club?” Applejack asked.

“You could say that,” I replied.

“Well, we’re going to head out. See you two at the dance tonight.” And all three of them had their costumes with them and left the store.

“Hey Jack, I’m going to try this on just to make sure it fits.” Sunset went with the kimono to the changing rooms.

“Hey Cheese, you have a prop like this?” I showed him the weapon that was displayed on my cell.

“I might have something close to it. Let me go to the back and see.” He went to the back of the store and came back out with a black battleaxe prop with red on the edges.

“Good enough,” I said. “We might just pull this off for tonight.”

Cheese leaned towards me a whispered, “So how were you able to make Sunset change for the better?”

I whispered back, “Let’s just say I have to repair a burning bridge between her and Twilight, causing both of them to change their ways towards each other.”

“I guess Pinkie was right about you. You are something special around the school. There’s been talks that you could be the homecoming king tonight.”

“You don’t say,” I replied sarcastically. “I’ve heard about that before.”

“Well, after last night, let’s just say your chances of winning went through the roof.”

“If that’s the case, then I better get something made for Vinyl to play tonight. She’s been expecting me to finish a longer mix tape, and I just got it ready days ago.”

Sunset just came out of the changing rooms with her costume in hand. “Jack, this will do.” She saw the axe I had and ask me, “Is that to go with the costume?”

“Yep,” I replied. “Ready to check out?”

She nodded and placed the items on the counter. I went to pay for all the items and we left the store, letting Cheese know we’ll see him tonight. We got in my truck and drove to a local burger restaurant to have some lunch. We decided to sit in the stools at the counter and placed our order. While we were waiting, we decided to talk for a while.

“How do you feel so far?” I asked her.

“Like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I just can’t believe this is happening. We started to get at each others throats since Day 1, and look at us now. Dating, just the two of us. Do you think we can make this work?”

I placed my hand on hers and said, “We made promises to each other weeks ago. I know we can make this work.”

“But what if things get…I don’t know, challenging?”

“So what if there are bumps in the road. We just face them head on and keep moving forward.”

Our orders came, and we decided to start eating. After we finished eating, she decided to ask me something.

“Do you think that diary that Luna is receiving will give us the answers we need? I mean I know we’ll be facing Crystal Prep again in a couple of weeks, and we’re still trying to figure out what they’re doing to their students, if they’re doing anything at all.”

“I’m hoping so. But I want to find out about those Soul Arts. The first three were designed for battle. You think this could be something bigger than just facing a school of gifted students.”

“Depends on how many gifted students there are from all the rest of the school,” she responded. “And we still need to find out who helped them get into the school and find the science lab.”

“We might as well worry about all that Monday. At least it will give Miss Luna time to look over the diary and find any key notes to discuss to us about.”

I decided to leave some money for the bill, tip included, and we went back to my truck and drove Sunset back home so she can get ready for tonight. Once I returned back home, I was in for a surprise. There was a mini house that was attached to a black pick-up truck in the lot next to ours, and I saw Mr. Fix-It with my parents.

My mother asked, “So how was your date?”

“It was great, mom. So what’s going on here?”

My father said, “My boss was transporting the first of a few mini homes to have around on the lot next to us.”

“This is just the first,” Mr. Fix-It explained. “I still have to get the utilities added for this lot, but I plan to have maybe four mini homes around, maybe more down the road. I wanted to give this sub-division a mix of families, retired couples, and younger people to live in. And this one here is going to belong to your friend, Chrysalis.”

“You mean she’s going to have her own place to live in?” I asked.

“That’s right,” my father replied. “I told my boss about what happened to her old home, and he decided to help out while working on a new project at the same time. It will be a few months before it can be livable, but we figure that she would want to see it to get an idea of the place. Maybe see if she wanted any changes to the place.”

“She…is going…to FREAK when she sees this,” I said.

Just then, Trixie and Chrysalis were driving up to our house. Both of them got out of the car to see what was going on.

Trixie just started at the mini home and said, “Is that a mini house over there.”

“It is,” my mother replied, “and it belongs to Chrysalis now.”

“You mean…I get my own home?” Chrysalis said in shock.

“No way. Trixie is jealous of this. Trixie has always wanted to live in a mini house after high school.”

“It’s not livable at the moment, but in a few months, she can move in to the place,” my father explained. “For now, she can look it over and see if any adjustments need to be made.”

Chrysalis looked at Trixie and said, “We might have to get Rarity and Sassy to help look it over on the inside. Maybe it can give you ideas for your own mini house in the future.”

“Trixie will be glad to help out.”

“I do have one more thing to take care of.” Mr. Fix-It threw a set of keys to me. “Jack, this black truck is all yours.” I was shocked at what I just heard. “I figure you could drive something better than old rusty over there.”

“So I guess rusty is going to be retired once again?” I asked my father.

“I was thinking about giving it to Chrysalis, as soon as she can get her driver’s license.”

My mother said, “I can take Chrysalis on over sometime next week to get a learner’s permit so she can start learning to drive. We can plan a date and time for it tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” Chrysalis replied. “Although I don’t have a problem with Jack taking me to and from school, it would help if I ever need to visit Rarity for anything.”

“Well, Trixie needs to get a bit of rest before tonight. Shall Trixie pick you up in a few hours?”

“Since I know that Jack would want to spend his time with Sunset, I think it’s wise for you to transport me back there when you’re ready,” Chrysalis replied.

“Then Trixie will call later on.” She got back into her car and drove off. Chrysalis and me decided to retire for the day until the dance tonight.

I got dressed in my costume and packed a spare set of clothes in case I wanted to change. I decided to take Masamune with me, but place a zip tie on it to hold it in place. I also grabbed the custom CD I made for Vinyl to play later on. Chrysalis already left with Trixie to the school dance in their costumes. Both of them never planned to have dates, which was fine for them. They just wanted to see Nightmare Night to be a success.

I got into my new truck with my things in the back seat and made my way back to Sunset’s place. When I got there, I placed a call on my cell to hers.

“Hey Jack. You on your way?”

“I’m already here.”

“Where? I don’t see your truck anywhere.”

I flashed my headlights of my truck.

“Wait, is that you?”

“Are we going to the dance or not?”

“Be right down.”

She came out of the apartment with her costume on, carrying a bag of clothes and her prop axe. She threw her items in the back seat and got in the front seat. No doubt her mother was able to make some add-ons to the costume. Added a pink sash to the black belt, and black hair ribbons, making her wear pigtails.

She asked, “How did you get a new truck? I know it’s not your dad’s.”

“A gift from Mr. Fix-It. He used it to deliver a mini home for Chrysalis to live in later on,” I said.

“Looks like your father’s boss is a generous man. More room in the back than the old truck…and a CB radio?”

“My dad has one in his truck. This way, if your mother’s car breaks down, I can call my dad to come by and help out.”

“Very funny, Samurai Jack. So, you plan to take the fire goddess, Efreet, to the dance?” Sunset asked.

“I was waiting for you to say that. Let’s go then,” as I started the truck up and drove us to the school.

We arrived at the school as other students were walking inside with their friends or dates in costumes. We got out of my truck and grabbed our props when Sunset noticed what I had.

“Is that…?”

“It is, but I have a zip tie on it,” I said. “Most comic conventions have a safety crew to check weapons, and place zip ties saying that they have been cleared to have. Sometimes the zip ties will hold the weapon in place so the blade isn’t shown.”

Sunset replied, “One step ahead, aren’t you?”

“Like always. Come on. I’m sure the others are waiting for us inside.”

I made sure I had the CD inside my top piece to give to Vinyl later on. Both of us decided to head inside.

We saw everyone dancing and having fun in the gym. Vinyl, who was dressed as a new age vampire with fangs, glow-in-the-dark bands, and mini flashlights on her head, was playing the music loud, but not deafening loud. We were looking for any signs of our friends when one of them called out to us.

“Jack, darling. You and Sunset made it.”

It was Rarity who was calling towards us. She was wearing a toga with a green leaf headpiece.

“I love your costumes. A samurai and a warrior priestess, right?” Rarity asked.

Sunset replied, “Doesn’t Venus, the love goddess, recognizes Efreet, the fire goddess?”

“Oh my. Forgive me, goddess of fire.” Rarity let out a small giggle. “I must say, it fits you well, Sunset.”

“I should be saying the same thing. Trying to get a date at the dance?”

“I’m trying, but I think the principal has me beat.” Rarity looked over to where Celestia was, who also wearing the same costume, but had a sun necklace with hers. She was talking to Trixie, who was dressed as a wizard, and Chrysalis, who was dressed as a black witch.

“Rarity getting beat by the principal? That’s a laugh.” It was Rainbow Dash who spoke. She was with Soarin, who both were dressed as fighter pilots. Fluttershy and Tree Hugger were with them, dressed as fairies.

“I figure the two of you would make a great couple,” I said to Dash.

“Don’t…get…me…started, Jack!”

“What’s wrong, Dash. Don’t want to admit it?” It was Twilight who sneaked up to Dash in a scudded voice, which spooked Dash.

Dash responded, “Really, Twilight? Not Funny.”

Twilight was dressed as an older style vampire, with fangs, cape, and dark dress. Flash was with her, dressed as a werewolf.

“The night’s young. You should at least enjoy it,” Flash responded.

“Flash is right. It’s not often that we get to wear costumes to a dance.” Coco appeared in a blue Chinese fighter’s dress, and Moon Dancer was with her as a mad scientist.

Sunset looked around and asked, “Any sign of the others?”

“Well, Pinkie is with Cheese at the food table helping out,” Dash replied. “No sign of Applejack as of yet, but most of the others are around the area.”

We saw Pinkie dressed as one of those western dancers, and Cheese with his renegade western clothes. Just then, I felt a tap of a sword on my shoulder.

“I hope you’re ready to face your destiny, Samurai Jack.” It was Luna’s voice.

I said, “Oh, I’m ready. But maybe you should be watching your back.”

“Partner’s right. You should be watching your back.” Applejack said and I heard something click behind us.

“Well played, AJ. Well played,” Luna replied as she withdrew her sword, followed by Applejack putting her gun away.

Luna was dressed as a samurai warlord, and Applejack was dressed as a gunslinger in black.

“Nice to see you made it back in time,” I said. “Anything worth knowing about from Master Blades’ place?”

“A lot of things. There were a variety of kendo equipment, practice and real weapons, and some display scrolls. I also found the Soul Arts scrolls and his diary. I’ll need some time to get those translated and ready for you to learn, but I’ll start with his diary tomorrow and see if it can give us some answers.”

“At least we’re getting somewhere,” Twilight said.

“Forgive me for asking, but was there, like, peace and tranquility at your master’s place?” Tree Hugger asked Luna.

All of us were wondering why she asked a question like that, but Luna already had an answer for her.

“Of course, Tree Hugger, there was. And I’m glad that he lived a grand life that was in front of him.”

“Even if he couldn’t find Professor Star Swirl like we’re trying to?” Moon Dancer asked.

Fluttershy answered, “It’s not that you can’t have everything as planned, but as long as you have left something behind for the next one to finish, then a person can believe that he or she can live a great life, knowing that someone will be able to finish what they started.” Everyone was speechless at what she said. “Um, did I say something wrong?”

“Oh no. I understand what you mean by that,” Moon Dancer explained.

Pinkie Pie was able to join us in her cheery self. “Hey there, ready to party?” She looked around as said, “Did Tree Hugger give her peace and tranquility talk for Luna’s master?”

Twilight sighed and said, “Yes Pinkie, she did.”

Pinkie responded. “That’s good, because it’s time to PARTY!!!!”

So we decided to dance and have fun, because that was what this dance was for. And for once it was nice to see Sunset smile in front of friends that care for her. People were placing their votes for homecoming king and queen in the box next to the stage. After an hour of fun, Principal Celestia went up to the stage with Shining Armor and Cadence. Their prince and princess costumes looked great.

Celestia tapped on the microphone and said, “If I have your attention please. It is time for our crowning of this fall’s homecoming king and queen.”

Cadence continued. “We have tallied the votes tonight, and a majority of you have decided on who should be our new king and queen.”

Shining Armor took over. “So tonight’s new king and queen are…”

They looked at the card that they were holding and said together, “JACK DIAMOND AND TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!”

Twilight and me were looking at each other, surprised that it was the two of us who won.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Sunset said.

“Go on up there,” Flash said, as both of them pushed us forward.

The two of us went up on the stage in front of everyone. Shining Armor placed his crown on my head, and Cadence placed her crown on Twilight’s head.

Twilight whispered to me, “This is a bit awkward.”

I whispered back, “Because we’re not with our dates up here?”


Cadence spoke into the microphone. “And now with that out of the way, HIT IT, DJ!!!” There was silence. “I said, hit it, DJ.”

And that’s when it hit me. I took out the CD in my top and whispered, “Shoot. I forgot to give Vinyl my mix CD.”

Pinkie saw what I had and rushed up to me, placing her hand out. I handed the CD to her, and she zoomed on to where Vinyl was to hand it to her. Vinyl gave me thumbs up and started to play the CD that I had created. And the dancing continued. It was 15 minutes into the CD when a familiar song played.

“Hey Jack, isn’t that Neon Lights playing on that track,” Twilight asked me.

“Sure is. Got his OK on the boards to add one of his tracks and remix it on there. Haven’t heard if he has finally heard what I made on the boards.”

After a few more minutes of dancing, Sunset noticed something going on and said, “Hey, I think Vinyl’s trying to get your attention.

I looked and saw that she was pointing towards the entrance like crazy. I turned around towards the entrance and saw a pale blue guy with short black hair and small shades. I looked at Vinyl again and moved my mouth to say “Neon Lights?” And she nodded her head like crazy.

“Oh my gosh. That’s Neon Lights. What’s he doing here?”

He was with a pale yellow lady with fancy blue hair. Miss Luna walked up to them, in which they were exchanging conversation.

Rarity walked up to me and said, “Do you see whom he’s with? That’s Sapphire Shores, one of the big name singers out there. Come on. Let’s see what they’re doing here?”

Rarity and me walked up to them to see what was going on.

“Excuse me,” I said, “but are you Neon Lights?”

“Yes I am, dude. I was passing by and thought I heard one of my tunes over here. I’m guessing that’s DJ PON-E over there, right?” He was referring to Vinyl at the DJ booth.

“That’s her. And what you heard was from my mix CD. You might know me on the boards as Trader Jack.”

“You’re Trader Jack? I was shock when I learned that DJ PON-E was a girl, but seeing how young you are is another big surprise.” Neon responded.

“Yea, we were surprised when we first met at the beginning of the semester.”

Rarity interrupted. “Forgive me for stepping in, but you wouldn’t happen to be Sapphire Shores, would you?”

“Why yes I am, dear.” Sapphire replied.

Rarity just let out a cute giggle, and then said, “I’ve have some of your CDs back home, and I must say that your music is inspiring. My name is Rarity, future fashion designer.”

“Rarity…” She started to think about the name for a moment, and the said, “Would you be the rightful owner of Carousel Boutique in Manehattan?”

“Why yes, yes I am. Just took ownership this year for my parents.”

“Well I’ll be,” Sapphire responded. “I’ve bought some of your fashions at that store in the past. I heard that the family just transferred ownership to their daughter a few months ago. Can’t believe that the new owner is a student here.”

“So why are you two doing together?” I asked Neon.

“Oh, we just finished working on a new music project for my upcoming album, and just came from Sugarcube Corner for a quick treat before heading back to the hotel. We heard a loud noise and stopped to hear one of my tunes nearby and had to check it out.”

“Hey Neon. Why don’t we play that track here for the students,” Sapphire recommended.

“As long as I can use the DJ booth,” Neon said.

We looked at Luna for her approval. “As long as it’s fine to play here, then I don’t see any problem with it.”

“If you can get Sapphire set up on the stage, I’ll take Neon on over and get him set up,” I said.

So I took Neon Lights to Vinyl and explained what he was going to do. Vinyl was able to get Neon ready for a special event to happen on the stage. Luna walked on the stage with microphone in hand.

“If I may have your attention please. We have some very special guests here who wish to perform a new song for us. I present to you Sapphire Shores and DJ Neon Lights!”

Luna handed the microphone to Sapphire. “Thank you. I have been work with Neon Lights on a new song that he has planned for his future project, and I would like to perform our new song to the crowd here.”

Just then, the lights faded a bit, and the song began to play.

As the song went on, the crowd got into the song and started to move with the tune. I had my arms around Sunset from behind as we listened to the song. And I could see the same with Flash and Twilight.

After the song ended, Vinyl resumed her usual music for another hour. Sapphire was able to talk with Rarity, Chrysalis, and Coco about fashion ideas that she would want their help on in the future. I was with Sunset, talking to Neon and getting his opinion on my newest mix CD, and he gave me a few ideas on how to make it better. We exchange e-mail address, including Vinyl’s e-mail, so we can keep in touch and plan on attending next year’s music contest, which I would want to compete next year.

As the dance was dying down, everyone was starting to head on out, either running by Sugarcube Corner, or catch a movie, or just head home. The staff and crew planned to clean up the gym mess, and we planned to take care of the other stuff on Monday during our club meeting.

We got into my truck, and I decided to take Sunset to a special place that I just learned about from Twilight. It was on a hillside that looked over the downtown lights. When I drove up to the place, her eyes lit up.

“Look at the view.” She looked at me and asked, “If you don’t mind, I want to get changed so I don’t feel cold.”

I agreed and stepped outside, grabbed my jacket from my bag, and closed the door to give Sunset some privacy. I was looking out to the downtown view and it reminded me of the view that I saw on the rooftop back in Manehattan. I heard the passenger side door close and saw Sunset in her usual clothes and leather jacket. Both of us went and leaned on the front of my truck to look at the view, with my arms wrapped around her from behind.

“The view looks beautiful,” she said. “Is this what it looked like when you looked out on the rooftop like you told me a week ago?”

I responded, “Minus the white snow, but yea. I hope your mother doesn’t mind if we’re out this late.”

“I told her that we could be out late, but not way late. I think she wants me to enjoy this moment.”

“Same thing with my parents,” I said.

We just stood there in silence before she spoke again.

“Jack, thanks…for sticking with me and saving me from…well, everything.”

“What would you expect from the Jack of Trades?”

“I was thinking about calling you the Soul Guardian instead,” she said.

“And why is that?” I asked.

She turned around, wrapped her arms around my neck, and said, “Because you have the power to read and protect the souls of others. And that’s what I like about you.”

That’s when we kissed for several seconds before we broke our kiss, and she laid her head on my chest. No doubt we were destined to be together, no matter what happens.

Author's Note:

First off, if you want to get the reference for Efreet, then look into Date-A-Live for more. The ideas were also used back in "A Rare Sight".

As for the "Surviving (Centerscore) High School" references that were used:
1) Rival school steals pet mascot, you and teammates go to rescue him back. (Used a few chapters ago)
2) Your school's team beats rival's team (Used in last chapter)
3) You get new car to replace old car
4) You get chosen as homecoming king, with some girl that's not your girlfriend as queen
5) Music group who you listen to shows up after playing their CD, plays unreleased song
(I chose "ZEDD - Clarity" for this song)

This results in the perfect ending to "Surviving High School".

But in this story, Jack's job is not done yet. There's still a few more issues left to deal with. But this time, he has friends on his side.

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