• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch 18 - Diamond in the Rough

We just finished with Science class for Monday, now knowing that our group project will be assigned next week. Each table will have a different project to do, and we have to write out the details of the project. Timing couldn’t have been better for me, because Sunset was willing to work with me without any problems. Both of us packed up our books and decided to go to the library, since the volunteer club doesn’t have to meet on Mondays for now because all five of us in the club meet every Saturday for meetings until after homecoming. As we were walking down the hallway, we were met by Applejack.

“Hey there, Jack. Sunset,” Applejack said.

“Hey AJ,” I replied, while Sunset just lower her head.

Applejack looked over and said, “Sunset, you could at least say hello. It’s not like we have a grudge against ya now. Just going with the silent treatment ain’t going help ya case.”

“Give it some time, AJ,” I responded. “There’s no need to rush it.”

“Well, I’m guessing you be heading to the library, right?” Applejack asked.

“Yep,” I said. “You going to see Miss Cheerilee there?”

‘Eeyep,” Applejack replied. “Mind if I join ya?”

“Don’t see why not,” I replied.

“By the way, my cuz, Braeburn, called me yesterday. Said that it was nice to finally meet ya, even if it was short.”

“It was nice to meet him…and reacquaint myself with Little Strongheart,” I said.

“He told me that as well,” Applejack said. “You never told me you lived in Appleloosa.”

“You never asked,” I said. “It was back when I was in the 4th grade. Only stayed one year, but it was related to that farm-building project I told you about back on your farm. Where my dad met the barn expert.”

“I remember you saying that. I’m just surprised that you knew Little Strongheart. I mean, she’s from the Buffalo Indian Tribe.”

“Well, she was in the same classroom with me in school. We were good friends that it caught the eyes of both sides to resolve a pressing issue.”

“I remember hearing about that long ago. The Buffalo Tribe can be hard to convince when you want something done. I was younger when members of my family had a dispute with their apple farm expanding onto the tribe’s land. Took the taste of apple pie that helped then changed their mind, with a few strings attached from them.”

“Well, Indian tribes aren’t all teepees and hunting with bow and arrows,” Sunset explained.

Applejack looked over to her and said, “Bout time you said something. And what do you know about Indians?”

“Besides the fact that they also can use either a spear or tomahawk to defend themselves, they like to focus on the spirits of the departed for guidance or healing, if you believe that sort of thing. And they have a unique way of harvesting certain kinds of food and creating jewelry.” Applejack was at a lost for words. “What. My mother took me on a trip over there for their first annual Indian culture festival. Felt like she wanted me to get away from the comforts of home.”

“First annual?” I said. “That happened after the agreement was made when I was with Strongheart. It was after that time that the citizens of Appleloosa decided to have a festival with the Buffalo Tribe in charge of the event as a way to help others understand their culture. I was there when the festival happened. But I don’t think I ever saw you or your mother there, or I would have recognized you with that hair of yours.”

“Very funny, Jack,” Sunset responded. “Besides, it was…OK…for once. I doubt I’ll ever go back there again.”

“Well, at least you did something different in your time,” I said.

As the three of us started to make our way to the library, we heard a couple of familiar voices arguing.

“We’re supposed to be working together on the assignment she gave us, not leaving the work to me.”

“Sounds like Apple Bloom over there,” Applejack said.

“Well, if you could at least work harder, we wouldn’t have a failing grade.”

“And Diamond Tiara,” we all said.

“Might as well see what the problem is,” I said.

We walked over to find Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara arguing. Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed were watching it unfold, not knowing how to resolve the issue.

“How do you expect me to work that hard if I don’t have your input in the story. That’s what we were supposed to do,” Apple Bloom said.

“I gave you enough info to help you write it out, so you shouldn’t have a problem with that,” Diamond Tiara responded.

“Well, it wasn’t enough to get it done, because you wouldn’t come over and discuss it together,” Apple Bloom responded.

“Well, I couldn’t let you come over because you would just get lost in it. And your place is a mess to enter,” Diamond Tiara responded back.

I decided that I had to break it up. “Then why don’t you find a place to get the assignment done together?”

Diamond Tiara looked over to see me and panicked. “Oh, um, Jack. I-It’s nice to see you.” She started to back away, saying, “I-I guess I need t-to get to our club m-meeting, right?” only to be stopped by Sunset behind her.

“We don’t have a club meeting today, D.T. Unless you’re trying to run away from us,” Sunset said.

“Care to explain what was going on between the two of you?” Applejack asked the two of them.

Apple Bloom said, “We were supposed to have a discussion on a short story that Miss Cheerilee assigned to us to read. She wouldn’t come over or invite me over so we can go over the story. All she did was write her opinion and ask me to just add my opinion to hers without any discussion. Now we got a failing grade for our assignment.”

“Diamond Tiara, I hope you can explain this,” Sunset asked her. She couldn’t find a reason to explain for this to happen.

“Jack,” Silver Spoon said, “can I talk to you for a moment?”

I knew this was going to take some time to resolve this, so I asked Babs Seed to let Octavia know that Apple Bloom will have to skip meeting her club, and that she can come to me later today for an explanation. Then Silver Spoon and me walked away from the others while Applejack and Sunset watch over the other two.

“The reason they won’t meet is because of this issue of their social status, which I’m starting to get tired of. Diamond Tiara and me are in the high status rank, and Apple Bloom is, well, the low rank. And both of them got assigned together for this instead of me. I had Sweetie Belle as my partner, who some would consider her between the middle and high status because of her sister, Rarity.”

“And whose idea was it to add this ‘social status’ labeling?” I asked her.

“Diamond Tiara’s mother, Mrs. Spoiled Rich. I think her father is starting to see the issue because of what your father did to help, after hearing that story back at Rarity’s. But I don’t think she sees it, and Diamond Tiara doesn’t have the courage to face her about it. And I’m not sure I can be of any help either.”

“Silver Spoon, you might have just helped out after all.” She had this confused look on her face. “Trust me. When I hear what the issue is about, I can find a way to resolve it. I just hope I can play my cards right.”

I took out my phone and called Miss Luna’s office. Hearing that she wasn’t busy, I explain the latest problem that I have encountered and that I might need her to help me convince Miss Cheerilee on resolving the issue. I asked the others to come with me to the library, where Miss Luna was there with Miss Cheerilee waiting for us. I asked Sunset to keep an eye on the kids while Applejack and me went to talk to them.

“Miss Luna told me about the social status issue between the two,” Miss Cheerilee said. “I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.”

“So you know about this in the first place?” I said.

“Most of the staff knows about it,” Miss Luna answered. “My sister had to wait in the school board meeting for Mrs. Rich to finish talking about this and that and so on. She was in charge of the PTA during their time when Diamond Tiara started school until after 6th grade. Tia was glad that she didn’t have to go through all that the last two years, until now.”

“I was hoping that by putting the two together, she could understand that our teaching practices should be more important than her personal teaching ways,” Miss Cheerilee said. “Looks like that fail. I’m hoping that their failing grade would send a message to her mother, since they were the only ones with a failing grade in my class.”

“So my sis has to suffer just to get your message across to Mrs. Rich?” Applejack asked Cheerilee.

“I didn’t want to do this, AJ, but I had no other choice.”

I placed my hand on my chin, thinking of a way to solve this. “Miss Cheerilee, would you be willing to give them one more chance to fix the assignment.”

“I doubt that it will help solve this issue,” Miss Cheerilee said.

“Hold on, Cheerilee. Let’s hear what he has to say,” Luna requested.

I said, “What if we had them together at a neutral site, like my place. I don’t have football practice today, so I have all afternoon and evening to help.”

Miss Cheerilee thought about it for a moment. “If that’s the case, they have to have it done and ready for me tomorrow morning. And that’s something they could have done in the first place, if it wasn’t for all this…mess.”

“I’m sure he can make it happen with the arrangements,” Miss Luna said. “And while most teachers don’t like to hand out second chances in assignments, I’ll be willing to make an exception to this teaching practice. I just wish you have told me that you were going to do something like this in the first place.”

So we explained to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara what we had planned out. Knowing that they would only have tonight to fix this, they agreed to stay at my place to work. Diamond Tiara was able to get the OK with her father, but Silver Spoon would have to come with us as well. Applejack decided to transport Apple Bloom to my place as long as she knew when she was ready to be picked up. With what time they had before lunch and 5th period, Sunset decided to take the two to one of the listening rooms to get them started on what they needed to do before coming over to my place.

Miss Cheerilee said, “I might have to tell you this, but even if they get it done right, they would have to be lucky to get an A on this assignment. Best they would get is a B, and Mrs. Rich might not like it.”

“As long as my little sis and Diamond Tiara gets a good grade, I’m fine with that,” Applejack said.

“I rather not deal with Mrs. Rich,” Luna said, “and I’m sure Tia would want to avoid her as well.”

I said, “Let her come if she wants to. I might be a student, but I’m willing to take a chance in putting her in her place…peacefully, I hope.”

“I’ve seen you take risk, partner. But this might be the biggest risk you could be taking,” Applejack told me.

“My sister tells me that you’re trying to resolve an issue between Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara,” Celestia told me in her office during 6th period.

“Well, this is the first time I’m hearing about this ‘social status’ stuff that’s out there. Must be the worst idea of labeling out there to date.”

“That’s Spoiled Rich for you. I wish she could just accept everyone as the same. I’m even surprised that she didn’t have her attend Crystal Prep.”

“Applejack said I would be taking a big risk in this, so it’s best I ask you now. Would the aftermath in all this lure Mrs. Rich to our school, or would she stupidly take it to the school board?”

Celestia laughed for a bit and said, “And already I’m starting to like the way you think. I think she would stomp her way here and hunt down Miss Cheerilee if it’s not an A on this, if you like to see a dramatic setting play out. But seriously, she’s going to create some trouble here unless Diamond Tiara can get her mother to realized what’s more important.”

“Looks like I have my work cut out…again.”

“As always,” she said. “But I know you can handle it.”

I told my mother that we were going to have company for schoolwork, and she decided to pick up some pizza after she left her store for us to have while I get Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara on track with their assignment. Chrysalis, Silver Spoon, and me decided to worked on our own homework until the pizza arrived. I could see that the two were making better progress than before, and that brought a smile to Silver Spoon’s face. They were able to take a small break when dinner arrived.

“Jack, can I asked you something?” Apple Bloom said.


“Have you ever worked on an assignment with a partner like we do?”

“Well…first, I did work on an assignment like you are doing in my freshman year back in Manehattan, but I was able to have Coco as my partner. Downside of it was that we had different reasons with the story that we were given.”

“When I heard them arguing, I though it was something personal. Turns out that it was just related to their assignment. I was grateful to listen to both sides and give them a third opinion to what they told me that got them thinking better,” my mother said laughing.

“Thank goodness for mothers,” I said. “And second, I’m about to work on a science project next week with the person who sits at the same table with me, without knowing what we plan to work on.”

“So you have to work with Sunset without having to chose your partner?” Diamond Tiara asked me.

“I don’t think I had a choice since day one. But I think we’ll be OK working together.”

“Well, I think we need to get back to work, while there’s still time to work on it,” Apple Bloom said.

“Agreed. I would like to get this done and out of the way,” Diamond Tiara added.

Chrysalis took the two girls back up to me room to help finish up the assignment, while my parents cleaned up in the kitchen. Silver Spoon and me just sat in the living room, watching some weather science show on TV just to pass the time.

I asked Silver Spoon, “So what made you think that you wanted this social status issue to end?”

“I just felt like it wasn’t the way to make friends. I mean, you spend time with older, rich people, and it just…gets old. No pun intended. I think getting dragged into the volunteer club, followed by what I heard at Rarity’s, just made me change my mind about the world around me. My parents are handling with business overseas, so I have to stay with Diamond Tiara’s parents for some time. I’m hoping they come back at some point next year. Just being around Mrs. Rich is making me feel worried about myself and Tiara.”

“She’s the only friend that you have in your life?” I asked her, in which she replied with a nod. “I can understand why you needed help in the first place. Do your parents think the same way about others?”

“I’m not so sure. I don’t get to spend a lot of time with them as of late. I just hope Tiara can change and make her mother change as well,” she said.

“I hope so too, before things go south.” I thought.

A couple of hours later, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara came down with their assignment finished. They already called their families to come pick them up. Big Mac was the first to arrive to pick up Apple Bloom. The other two were waiting for Mr. Rich to pick them up. With Apple Bloom out of view, Diamond Tiara started to question her views of others.

“Jack, do you think I act like some kind of queen…well, you know.”

“Bitch?” I said, finishing her sentence. “Well, I don’t think you come as close to what Sunset was last year. I mean, you might have done some bullying, but you have yet to cross that line like Sunset has done. And just remember that Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have lost something close to them when they were young.”

“Like a mother and father,” Diamond Tiara responded. “Is there time for me to change?”

“Maybe, but you have to make that decision. I have been trying to help Sunset make a change for herself that others can see. Just remember, if you ever think you’re taking the wrong path and question what you’re doing, you just go to someone you know who can listen. They can help you with the rest if they can. And it doesn’t have to be Spoon here. It could be Miss Cheerilee, Miss Luna, or even Principal Celestia. Even Cadence and Twilight would be willing to listen to you if you like. Just don’t wait until it’s too late.”

We were waiting some more, and the thought occurred to me that Celestia said. “Tiara, do you think things would be better for you if you attended Crystal Prep?”

“That school? Please. Even my parents hate it because of their strict standards.”

“My parents don’t like how they take control of what students have to do there to be the best,” Silver Spoon added. “And since they travel on business trips every now and then, it leaves little control in my life. Plus, both our parents knew some of the other parents who have students in that school. We’ve only met them in one of the Rich’s formal events. And we were still in junior high when we met them.”

“So who all have you met from that school?” I asked them.

“You really want to know?” Diamond Tiara asked me.

“Entertain me.”

Diamond Tiara started. “Well, there’s Royal Pin. I swear to you he looks like some fancy composer’s son, always talking about the ‘high life’ as he would call it. At least talk about something better than yourself.”

Oh, and there Jet Set and Upper Crust,” Silver Spoon added. “They’re like the high school couple, but they act and dress way too preppy. It’s like they got that look from both of their parents. I wouldn’t know if they were really rich, or just want to act the part.”

“I know one who likes to blend in,” Diamond Tiara added. “Tenderhoof. He was there to write an article for the Crystal Prep newsletter, from what I was told. But all he likes to talk about is all the girls that he has met. Gross.”

“Come on, Tiara. I thought he was nice. He couldn’t be that bad.

“Spoon, if you haven’t forgot, he even brought up Applejack’s name. I mean, really. I would have been impressed if he mentioned Sweetie Belle’s older sister, Rarity. But to bring up Apple Bloom’s sister makes them look like an odd couple.”

I said, “What about Suri, you know, Rarity’s rival?”

Silver Spoon said, “Her? I can understand why Rarity hates her and was able to save Coco from her. She likes to claim every fashion like it was her own. Like mother, like daughter.”

“But there’s one student who’s more of a bitch,” Diamond Tiara said. “Her name is…Fley de Lee?”

“It’s Fleur de Lis,” Silver Spoon corrected. “And yes, she must be the worst of the worst in that group of people. She thinks she the queen of the school. I just think she’s just full of it.”

“Well, I never expect to see you both act like this,” I said. “And what made your parents think that our school was better than theirs?”

Diamond Tiara took a moment to think of an answer. “I guess so that she can raise me the way she wants me to be.”

“I would figure it would be to give us some freedom to do what we wanted to do,” Silver Spoon said.

“Well, I’m at least glad that you came to our school instead of theirs,” I said.

Mr. Rich was now showing up to pick them up. As they started to head to the car, Diamond Tiara looked back at me and said, “What you said before? Give me some time to think about it.”

With them now heading home, Chrysalis came up next to me outside. “What do you think will happen now?”

“I don’t know, but if Mrs. Rich decides to show up as a problem, I’ll have to go back to my old ways to solve this. Something I don’t want to do, but might have to if I plan to send a message to her,” I said.

Chrysalis said, “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“There’s one other thing that needs to be done,” I said. “Finding out who this Fleur de Lis is.”

“What makes you say that?” she asked.

“They brought up some of the rich students in that school, and I think her name sticks out like a sore thumb. And I can also guess that rich people are ones who want what power they need to achieve their goal. And having powers like mine would be one of them.”

After Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara turned in their assignment, Sunset and me decided to check up with Miss Cheerilee during free study to see if she looked it over, since she only has two classes to teach before headed to the library. Turns out we were not the only ones who wanted to know. Both girls, along with their friends, wanted to see if they did better than before. Seeing Apple Bloom’s smile meant that it had to be good, but there was a faint smile on Diamond Tiara’s face. This told me that an A was out of the question. Now I knew I had to be on guard if what I heard about her mother was true.

On the next day, I was staying alert for anything bad that would happen. And it wasn’t until the end of the day before I would head to practice that it was about to play out. My friends and me were busy getting ready to head to our after-school activates when Silver Spoon and the Crusaders came running towards us.

Silver Spoon said, “Jack, Mrs. Rich just pulled up, and I don’t think it was to take us home.”

“I knew it would happen after seeing my sis’ grade,” Applejack said.

I just finished getting my things ready and slammed the locker door. “It’s time I met Mrs. Spoiled Rotten,” and started making my way outside.

“He’s not going to do what I think he’s about to do,” Twilight said.

“I think so, and knowing him, he ain’t holding back,” Applejack responded.

I went outside to see Diamond Tiara trying to stop her mother from storming into the school. I knew she was not happy with the grade her daughter got. Even if it was a passing grade, she wanted it to be better than that, and I knew she wanted to talk to Miss Cheerilee about it.

“Mother, you don’t have to do this,” Diamond Tiara said. “I’m fine with having a B on the assignment.”

“The only reason you got a B was having to be pair up with that low life farm girl,” Mrs. Rich responded. “This is something that’s unacceptable in the family. I spent money on everything to make you the best student in school, and getting just one B in class is one reason I’m here.”

Applejack was also outside and heard what she had to say. “If she thinks my sis is a low life to her, I rather give her a piece of my mind also.” I held Applejack for a moment to see if she can diffuse the issue.

Diamond Tiara continued. “But this is high school. You can’t expect me to get straight A’s in every class.”

“Our family strives to be the best out there,” Mrs. Rich said. “And just settling for second best is not enough in my book. That’s why I’m here, to get all this fixed the way I want it to be.”

“That’s all you ever wanted it to be,” she yelled. “It’s always you, you, YOU!!! I…I…I HATE YOU, MOTHER!!!”

At that point, my powers just kicked into high gear and it was pure anger coming form Mrs. Rich. If she was about to do something worse, I need to stop her NOW!!! Mrs. Rich started to put her hand up, ready to slap her daughter…

…Only to be stopped when I ran up and grabbed her arm. She looked at what I was doing and ordered, “You let me go this instant, you ruffian.”

I replied, “If you dare harm your daughter in that matter, then you’ll have a cast as you newest accessory.”

“Are you trying to threaten me?”

“I’m making sure you don’t make the biggest mistake in your life.” I let go of her arm at that point.

“I don’t need to be lectured by some low life student like you,” she replied.

“Then how about I lecture you instead.” A hard slap in the face came from Sunset’s hand, shocking everyone who just saw it.

Mrs. Rich responded, “How dare you hit me like…”

“SHUT UP YOU SPOILED BITCH!!!” Sunset yelled, cutting her off. “If you think this is the way to make your daughter smart and popular, then forget it. I done that in the past, and it destroyed my life. And all you’re doing is destroying your daughter’s life as well, because you’re too blind to see how much of a bully you are to her and everyone around you.”

“I should call the cops for this insult,” Mrs. Rich replied.

“Then call the cops,” Sunset said. “I hope that when they see how you harmed you daughter, they lock you away just like they did with my so-called father after what he did. Because that’s where you belong, BITCH!!!” She paused a moment before she continued. “By the way, that guy who just stopped you from doing something stupid is the son of the man that saved your family from losing a ton of money down the hole.”

Mrs. Rich started to go into shock. “You…you mean he’s…”

“That’s right,” I responded. “I’m Mr. Spades’ son. And the last thing I need now is a parent trying to be a bully to her daughter, not to mention making her worst than what Sunset was. No offense.”

“None taken,” Sunset replied. “Besides, I think it’s best that Diamond Tiara stay with your family instead of her own, until this bitch gets her act together.”

“I would like to see Mr. Rich’s reaction to all this, since I have noticed that he’s started to have a change of heart after what my father did to help him out. But it’s hard to tell who controls the family, him…OR YOU!!!” I looked over to the group and said, “Chrysalis, would you do me a favor and watch over Tiara and Spoon until after practice. I want to make sure they stay safe for once.”

“Now that I can do,” she replied.


Everyone noticed that Mrs. Rich was in a panicked state. “Look, I just wanted her to be the best, not lose her from me because of what I want her to be.”

That’s when I noticed Twilight and Rarity walk on up so they can add their take to the situation.

Rarity placed her hand on Mrs. Rich’s shoulder and said, “Look, dear. I can understand why we do what we do to be the best. But being the best overall is never easy to do. Even Sweetie Belle can’t get great grades all the time, but she’s trying her best, and that’s all that matters to me and my parents, even if they are away.”

“And I might have the best grades in my class so far, but that’s because I study a lot, and not everyone can maintain all that info in their head like I have,” Twilight added. “I already know that Jack is good in Math, but struggles in English. That doesn’t stop him from trying to do what he can. Even I have helped him when he needs help.”

I said, “If you want to do something right, then let her make her own choices. Sure you can teach her what she needs to know, but she needs to make her own choices and find her own path, not to be forced in the path that you take.”

Mrs. Rich took a moment to take in all that we said to her before she can respond. “You’re…you’re right. I have been forcing my daughter to follow in my footsteps. And today’s the first time that she has gone against me. It means that she’s ready to take on whatever she can handle.”

“And what about all the labeling of others. You know, a person’s social status?” Applejack added.

“You’re right. All that does is to add insult to injury.” She looked at Applejack and said, “I’m sorry that I called your family a low life. I forget that both the Rich family and Apple family played a role in the founding of Ponyville over a hundred years ago. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

“Mrs. Rich,” said Sunset. “I’m sorry for hitting you like that. I lost my cool after seeing what looked like an image of my former self. One that I want to forget,” she said as she looked away.

“It’s OK. I needed a wake-up call like that.” Mrs. Rich felt where the slap happened. “But you might want to work on how hard you plan to slap someone in the face. It really hurt.”

“Easier said than done,” I said. “At least I don’t see a mark on your face.”

“Jack, I did not slap you that hard during that time,” Sunset told me.

“Yes you did. Principal Celestia freaked when she saw it later that day. Just be lucky that I was able to make sure you didn’t take the blame for your actions.”

“I think I’ll take Tiara and Spoon home and leave you kids to yourself. I need to start re-evaluating what I need to do to support my daughter’s future, before my husband decides to lecture me on raising a daughter.” Mrs. Rich started to head back to her car with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with her. Both girls looked back and gave us a smile before getting into the back of the car.

Once they have left to school, the girls gave Sunset strange looks after what just happened.

“What. You want Jack to take the fall for all this?” Sunset said.

“When you put it that way, I guess I can’t blame ya for what you did,” Applejack responded.

“If that’s it, then I’m heading home. I’m tired of having to remind myself of who I was every single time.” Sunset started to walk to her car, but stopped and said, “Don’t forget football practice.”

“OH CRAP!!!” Twilight reacted. “We need to get going before we’re late.”

Most of the guys started to make their way to the football field. Flash looked back and said, “You coming, Jack?”

“Be right there,” I responded. I went to Applejack and asked, “Did you hear what Sunset said earlier?”

“Bout her father and the cops? You think what her father did could be related to her past actions?”

“Well, she never wanted to bring her father up for discussion, and we just heard her bring him up when she was angry at seeing an image of herself. Look, I need to get to practice. If you can think of any ideas about this, text me,” I said.

“Will do,” Applejack responded.

Author's Note:

After seeing Spoiled Rich in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, I was able to make this chapter more interested than what I had planned before.

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