• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 6 - Of Heart and Soul

It’s Tuesday Morning, 5:45 AM. I’m just now getting up, able to get a bit more sleep than yesterday. After having a crazy first day, I felt like it should be smooth sailing from here, as long as I can out-do Sunset Shimmer. I go through my morning routine before going downstairs and meeting up with my mother. As I walk in to the kitchen, some pop tarts popped up from the toaster, and a glass of orange juice was next to it that my mother prepared.

“Good morning, son.”

“Good morning, mom.” I went to grab one of the pop tarts and orange juice and asked, “Do you have the money for my school lunch pass that I need to turn in to Miss Luna?”

“Right here, son.” She hands me a check that’s made out to the school to cover my lunch meals for the semester. “And I also have something else that I need you to give to Miss Luna as well.” She pointed out to a small bag on the table. I walked over to it, and I can recognize the scent coming from the bag.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“You bet, son.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “I can’t believe that she’s the only one in Ponyville that orders this type from you. I mean, people in the big cities like to order this kind to help them sleep with all the noise around them. But it’s more peaceful that anyone ever orders them expect for one person.”

“And to think that person is your Vice Principal who orders them, since I did create those candles to help you sleep when you were young.”

“Well, I’ve better get to school.” I grabbed the bag and exchanged my byes with my mother. My father was about to head out to work when he reminded me about meeting with AJ at the farm this weekend.

Once I made it to school, the first place I went to was to Vice Principal Luna’s office. She was inside with the door open. “Miss Luna?”

“Jack, what brings you here?” she replied.

“I’m here to purchase a lunch pass.” I handed her the check, and she handed me a lunch pass so I don’t have to worry about having to pay for lunch every day.

She noticed the bag that I was holding and asks, “Who’s the bag for?”

“Oh, my mother wanted me to give this to you. I’m guessing you must have ordered it last week.”

“I did. My sister told me that your mother created the candles that I like to order.”

“I’m surprised to find out that you’re the only one in Ponyville who orders this kind. I wouldn’t think you would have a hard time sleeping.”

“There are times when I have trouble sleeping. But this helps me a lot.” She pulls out of the bag a round lavender candle. Both of us were able to gather its scent that was coming from it. “I guess you have had a hard time sleeping as well.”

“Back when my family was living in the big cities. Now that I live here, I can just use it to help me relax. I have worked with my mother on some of her candles during the past summers.”

“Well, send your mother my thanks.”

I left her office and went to my locker, where my new friends were already there.

“Jack,” said Twilight. “Good thing you’re here. My friends were hoping to share contact information with you. I only have your cell number, but not your e-mail address.”

“Oh, sure. Let me get my phone out of my bag.” I grabbed my phone and we exchanged numbers and e-mail addresses so we can keep in touch with each other.

“Trixie and Moon Dancer wanted to keep in touch with you as well,” said Twilight.

“Sure. I can take care of that when I see them in their classes. I need to do the same with Vinyl and Octavia when I see them.” I looked at Applejack and said, “AJ, I talked to my dad about your farm, and he says that he can come by sometime Saturday if that’s OK.”

“That be mighty fine, partner. Since Granny Smith works at in the cafeteria, I can tell her later today.”

After putting away some of our stuff and grabbing our books, we started heading to class. No doubt, Sunset was already at her seat in the back corner. I’m guessing she came here early to avoid us in the morning. “You can evade us anytime, but when science class comes, you will have to deal with me again,” I thought as I stared at her. She saw my stare and decided to look away.

The day went by like any normal day, even in science class when Sunset tried her best to ignore me. By the time free study came, Principal Celestia came by my locker and asked me to come by her office. I looked at the others, wondering why I was being called, before heading into her office.

“Sorry if I had to call you over, but there was something I wanted to talk to you about from our conversation yesterday.”

“If you mean about helping ‘her’ make a change, it is going to take some time.”

“Actually, it’s something else. Take a seat, please.” She closed the door to her office, then went up to her desk and brought out a book from her desk drawer. “I want you to look at this.”

I took the book and noticed that it was some old journal that belongs to someone. The name inside the journal said Professor Star Swirl. I looked back at her and asked, “What is this about?”

“Go to the page that I have marked in the book and read it to me.”

I went to the page that she was talking about and read it out loud.

It is believed that there are those who bear special gifts that they are born with and awaken when the time comes. The first time they experience this is when waves of emotions come from other people. It takes months to control and focus on these waves of emotion; otherwise, they would think they are crazy. Once they have control of this gift, they can focus on those who hide their true feelings. This gift has been around for thousands of years, and at this day of age, is rare to find those who have it. But it has given those who bear it an advantage against their enemies. They call it ‘soul resonance.’

I gathered my thoughts after reading this. “Soul resonance? Is this what I have been experiencing these past few years? Why I sense these emotions that I feel others? How come she has this info and no one else? Does she know about my ‘gift’? What does it all mean?” I looked back at Principal Celestia with a confused look. “I don’t quite understand. Is there a reason for showing me this?”

“Look, I haven’t been fully honest with you, and I wanted to make sure I knew who I was looking at before I brought this up. Tell me, have there been times when you felt like that there was something different about someone that you question who they really are?”

I paused for a moment, and then answered, “I have, twice; two students that I share classes with.” I looked at Principal Celestia. “We can guess that Sunset Shimmer is one of them, and would explain why you wanted me to help her.”

“Do you know what it was that you felt?”

“I’m not sure. It felt…strong. But it felt like there was a wall trying to block it or mask what it truly is.”

“What you felt was that person’s soul, the true feelings that they try to hide.”

“If you knew about this, why bring this up now and just on my second day here?”

“I had my doubts at first, but I felt like it was better that you know now than later, after having to put you up to the task that I asked of you yesterday. For now, I want you to keep it a secret from everyone, even your friends. When you come back here for 6th period, I’ll be happy to answer all of your questions that I can answer. Deal?”

“Deal!” I replied, shaking her hand. I started to get up and headed out of her office when she stopped me for a moment.

“You said there was another one. Who was it?”

“Chrysalis, from my Music Lit class.”

She paused for a moment before she could speak. “What did you feel from her?”

“Fear. It was easier to read from her than from Sunset.” I looked back at her and said, “If you want me to help Sunset, then let me start with helping Chrysalis. If this gift, this ‘soul resonance’, is what the book says it is, I would like to know more about her first and see if what I felt was right. Maybe I can understand what she’s afraid of if I knew more about her past. I can understand that you can’t reveal a person’s personal history, but…”

She stopped me and said, “I can see what I can do. This would be a good test of your gift that you have.”

“Thank you.” After saying that, I left her office. “Soul resonance?” I thought. So that’s what is called. I could never find info on it online, or anywhere in museums and books. Even those that kept it a secret couldn’t find any info on it. Maybe fate led me here to answer the questions I’ve been looking for. Who knows? For now, it’s best to keep it hidden from everyone, like I did before at my last school. But I will need friends that can help me keep it a secret, but who?”

I got with my friends at lunchtime. And no doubt it was ‘Taco Tuesday.’ I learned that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash love that day, because they race to see who can finish all 3 tacos first.

“I WIN!!!” said Pinkie Pie.

“I was so close,” said Rainbow Dash, as she was about to take her last bite of tacos.

“Dash,” said Applejack, “you might be fast on ya feet, but when it comes to food, only Pinkie can pull it off.”

“I sometimes wonder how she can eat that much and still look so marvelous,” added Rarity.

“I might have an answer to that,” I said. Everyone looked at me, waiting for my answer. I cleared my throat before I spoke. “She has a way to burn off all the weight with all the energy she has.” Pinkie Pie grinned as she nodded her head.

“I guess that’s reasonable enough,” replied Rarity.

Twilight decided to change the subject. “So why did you get called to the principal’s office.”

Everyone stared at me again, waiting for my answer. I knew I had to keep it a secret from them, so I had to come up with something. “Um, just what I was going to be working on with her in 6th period. She wanted me to…make sure I know what I needed to bring when I come by.”

“You not going to help us in gym class today?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m Celestia’s aide, while you’re Spitfire’s aide and Soarin is Iron Will’s aide. If she wants me to help one of the other teachers, she would let me know.”

“He does have a point,” added Soarin.

Luckily, everyone was able to believe me, expect for Applejack. I could see that look in her eyes that she believes that I was hiding something. That didn’t bold well with me, and I might have to tell Principal Celestia about that. I needed to change the subject again.

“Can I ask you a question? Do any of you know much about Chrysalis?”

Everyone went stunned and silent, before Cadence broke that silence. “Everyone thinks she’s a witch, but I don’t even buy it. I think she’s more of a student who has been struggling with school, but has no where else to go to.”

“You had a class with her before?” I asked.

“Back in my freshman year. I tried to befriend her, but she just remained quiet. I just couldn’t break through that wall of hers.”

“Did you come across any of her parents?”

“Only her mother, but that was years ago. I’m not sure what has happen since then.”

“I still think she’s a witch,” Pinkie Pie added.

“Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight, “you just like to believe whatever you hear.”

“I know,” she replied with a smile.

Soon then, the bell rang, and it was time to head to our next class. Applejack stopped me and asked in private, “Just to be sure ya being honest. Are you sure that’s the reason you were called to her office?”

“I’m sure. Why? You think I’m making it up?”

“Maybe. I can tell when someone’s lying to me. You really sure that’s what happen?”

I let out a big sigh and said, “Look, it’s better you not know. I have my reasons, and I like to keep it that way.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I can’t force it out of you. Just be careful about what you try to keep from other, ya hear?” I nodded. “Good. Well, I talk to you later.”

“That was a close one,” I thought. “I better let the principal know that AJ might be hard to keep a secret from.”

After 5th period, I was able to catch Chrysalis and talk to her. “Chrysalis, you got a moment?” She didn’t answer. “Look, I can see that you don’t like to talk to others, but it wouldn’t hurt to at least speak and make some friends.”

She kept silent, and then decided to speak. “You shouldn’t be talking to me. No one here likes me anyway.”

“I like you,” I replied. “At least I would like to know you more.”

“Why?” she asked.

“I’m just curious. I respect who others are, even if they are different.”

“It’s better you don’t. Now if you will excuse me, but I need to get to my next class.” She started to walk out of the classroom.

“I hope the principal has some info on here,” I thought. “I know she’s hiding something.”

I arrived at the principal’s office to find that Principal Celestia and Miss Luna inside.

“I’m glad you made it,” said Principal Celestia. “My sister was able to bring up Chrysalis’ records.”

“I can understand that she has fallen behind,” said Miss Luna, “and the last time we sent a letter to her mother last school year, she said she couldn’t make it because of working a double-shift.”

“When was the last time you saw her mother in person?” I asked.

“Didn’t we see her two years ago, Tia?”

“I think so, but her mother wasn’t in good shape at that time.” Celestia looked at me and asked, “Think that’s why you felt fear from her?” I looked up, worried about the fact that Miss Luna was here as well. “Don’t worry about my sister. She’s on the same page about your gift.”

Hearing that lifted my worries so I can answer. “Well, I’m only going on theories here, like I did at my old school, but it’s possible that her mother could be a part of it. Wasn’t in good shape at one time, then working a double-shift the next. That just doesn’t sound right.”

“Well, now I see why you were able to help those who needed help,” said Miss Luna.

“Thanks, Miss Luna. I do what I can to help. Get that from my parents.”

“There’s no need to address us with our titles, Jack,” said Miss Luna. “At least in private.”

“O…k. Might have to give me some time to get used to that,” I replied. “So, with that out of the way for now, I was hoping you could…”

“Answer your questions that you wanted answered?” Celestia responded, cutting me off. “I think with your theories about Chrysalis in proving what your gift told you, you earned it.” I sat down in front of Celestia’s desk as she pulled out the same book that she showed me earlier. “You know that this book belong to Professor Star Swirl. But there’s more to it.”

“He was our college professor and mentor at the time,” said Luna. “Tia and me are three years apart, so she was in college while I was in high school. By the time I entered college, she was in her 4th year of college and introduced me to Star Swirl after having a couple of classes with him.”

“Luna was able to take his classes after I graduated from college, but she was able to spend some time with me on some research that he was working on so she can continue working after I left.”

“Soul resonance,” I answered.

“That’s right,” Celestia replied. “And there’s more to your gift than you know, but it’s possible you have yet to tap into that kind of power.”

“But we might be able to help you to discover it in due time,” added Luna.

Celestia continued. “But until that happens, I can’t reveal that info to you until it happens.”

“I can understand,” I said. “Best to let it happens when it happens, than to force it to happen. Otherwise, it could go bad on me and others.” Celestia and Luna agreed with that comment. “So, did you notify Professor Star Swirl about my gift?”

“That would be a problem,” Luna said, with a concerned voice. “A year after I graduated, he disappeared. And on that same day, that book came in the mail with a note.”

“It said that if we were to receive this book, it means something bad was about to happen to him,” Celestia said. “When we got the book, we tried to call him to make sure he was fine, but they said he passed away without notice.”

“But somehow, you didn’t believe that was the case, right?”

“That’s right,” replied Celestia. “And I have a feeling that your life could be in danger because of your gift.”

“Back in my old school, I had a few trusted friends who helped keep it a secret. They felt like someone can find a way to use it for the wrong reasons.”

“Sounds like you had some great friends who protected you,” Luna replied. I nodded.

“I don’t know who would want the professor or his research, but after seeing you here, I know there’s more to this,” said Celestia.

I started to think, and then asked, “Have you thought about letting Twilight in all of this?”

“I wanted to,” Celestia replied, “but with her problems with Sunset, I can’t afford to do so.”

“And that’s why you wanted my help with her.” Celestia nodded. “Now some of the pieces are coming together,” I thought.

“I hope you can understand what we are asking you to do,” said Luna.

“It’s a start in the right direction, that’s for sure. But I might have a problem?” Both of them had a concerned look on their face. “They asked me why you called me to your office earlier, and I had to make something up. But somehow, Applejack wasn’t buying it.”

“Should have known,” said Luna. “She has a sharp eye when someone is lying.”

“That’s what she said,” I replied. “At some point, I’m going to need some trusted friends here to help keep my gift a secret. And so far, Twilight might be my best hope in helping me here.”

“I can understand,” Celestia said. “If you can help reform Sunset Shimmer, then that can take a lot of weight off of Twilight. Once so, we can fill her in on your gift.” Celestia looked at the clock to notice that is was 2:30PM. “Well, we still have some time before school is over, so maybe you can help me get some of the locker data into the computer, because the program that I have to used is DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!”

I laughed and said, “Now that I can work on. Let me take a look at it and see what’s wrong with it.”

I looked at what was wrong with her computer and realized that’s she’s not used to working on Excel. It was a good thing that my mother showed me Excel so that I can help with a record of sales and customers for her. We used the first ten lockers as a way to show her how to use the program, since I knew who has those lockers. Luna looked out the window seeing some dark clouds coming our way.

“Looks like the rain is coming sooner than expected,” said Luna.

“I thought it was going to be in the evening for the rain to arrive,” I said.

“The weatherman wasn’t sure in the timing. Maybe it’s just a light shower and not the heavy stuff. I don’t see anything to indicate a storm.”

The final bell rang. “You might as well head home, Jack,” said Celestia. “We can finish this up tomorrow.”

“No problem. And, thanks for filling me in. Now I have a path in front of me that I must journey.” As I looked at the coming rain, I ask, “Do you know if Chrysalis drives?”

“She never came to get a parking pass, so I’m guessing that she walked to and from school,” said Luna. She looked, and then realized why I asked the question. “You think this incoming rain could help you out?”

“I gotten lucky before at my old school. And it looks like luck might be on my side in helping Chrysalis.”

“Just keep an open eye and ear around here, and we’ll fill you in on whatever is needed,” said Celestia.

“And leave Applejack to me,” added Luna. “I’ll find a way to make her understand without her knowing what our goal is.”

I started to make my way to my locker, got what I needed to take home with me, and tell my friends to drive safe as they got home. I got into my truck just as a light shower started to come and started to make my way home. As I was driving, I noticed Chrysalis walking home with a small, black umbrella. Somehow, the answers that I wanted to seek on her might come sooner than I have planned. I slowed down and lower my window to call her out.

“Chrysalis, you need a ride home?” She didn’t bother to answer. “It’s going to get worse if you don’t make it home soon. And I’m one who won’t take no for an answer, even it that ‘no’ means the silent treatment.”

She stopped, looked at me, looked down, and then responded. “Fine.” I unlocked the passenger door as she ran to that side to get in. “I’ll tell you where to go.”

She told me where her house was located, and when we got there, it looked like a death hazard, and not even a single car was around the driveway. “That’s where you live?” I said. She nodded as she started to get out. I grabbed her arm and asked, “Are you serious? How do you and your parents survive here?”

She looked down in silence, and then answered, “I no longer have any parents.” She then looked at me. “I’m a legal adult, so I can handle everything by myself.”

“In this place? I don’t think so. What if something was to happen to you? What then?”

“Why should you care? You don’t even know me at all.”

“Because it’s my job to care for those that need help, no matter what.”

At that point, she just sat there and slowly shed a tear. “You don’t even know me, yet you still want to help me? Why?”

“Because that’s what friends do.” I got my cell out and made a call to my dad.

“Hey, Jack. Is everything OK?” I figured he would see my name on his cell.

“Dad, I need you to come by a house that a classmate lives at. I’ll explain the details later. I just need you to do a quick safety inspection of the place.”

“Sure. Text me the address, and I’ll there as soon as possible. Just make sure you let your mom know. You know how she worries about you in bad weather.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I went to text my dad the address. Then I text my mother what was going on. She replied that I should be careful while waiting for my dad. After waiting for 30 minutes, my father showed up to see the bad house in front of us.

“Is this the house that you were talking about?” said my father.

“That’s the one,” I replied. “My classmate here lives in this place…alone.”

“Miss, you have the keys to the house.” She nodded. “Then come with me.”

We both got out of my truck and made our way into the house while it was raining. When we got inside, it looked like a mess. Electricity was out, ceiling was crack and leaking, furniture was in bad shape; it looked like it was abandoned for years. The one item that sticks out was a picture of her younger self with another woman, maybe her mother. “Chrysalis,” I said, “is this your mother with you?” She nodded. “What happened to her?”

“She passed away about a year ago.”

“How come you didn’t tell anyone? I’m sure Principal Celestia or Miss Luna would have helped out.” She stayed silent as she was hanging her head.

“Son, grab what clothes that she has and take her to our house. I can get a codes inspector over here tomorrow to take a look at the place. Until then, she stays with us. I’ll let your mother know that we will be having company.”

As my dad was making the calls, I went with Chrysalis to grab any clothes that she had, clean or dirty, into a couple of bags that my father had in his truck. I decided to grab the picture that stood out with us, since that looked like the only priceless item worth saving. After we loaded her items in my truck, I went on home while my dad went back to the building to finish up things down there before coming home. She was quiet as we were making our way back to my place, so I really need to break the silence.

“Chrysalis, what happened to your parents? I know you told us about what happen to your mother, but what about your father?” She was silent once again. “Look, you can’t keep up with the silent treatment forever.”

After a brief pause, she spoke. “My parents divorced when I was little, so I hardly knew my father. Actually, I didn’t even cared about him. He never cared about me anyway. It was just my mother and I throughout the years. The past few years were hard. Mother lost her job, started to get sick, then passed away about a year ago.”

“How were you able to survive all this time? You had to find a way to get something to eat.”

“The lunch lady there was able to help me with any leftovers that she had after lunch. She was nice enough to help me, at least.”

“You must mean Granny Smith, Applejack’s grandmother.”

“I believe that was her name. She started to save some food for lunch, and any leftovers for me to take home for dinner, if she had any. I never was able to get any for tonight.”

“Because is was Taco Tuesday. Well, when we back to my place, I’m sure my mother can make a good meal just for you.”

“Thanks…for caring about me.”

We finally arrived back home, with rain starting to die down for a bit. I figured that was the calm before the storm. My mother just came out to greet us.

“Jack, I’m glad you made it back home,” my mother said. “And is this our new guest?”

“Yes, mom. This is Chrysalis. Dad wants her to stay with her for the time being. We were able to bring her clothes along, but some of them could use a good wash.”

“Son, go on ahead and take all the clothes to the laundry room while I’ll take our guest and get her cleaned up. Will spaghetti be fine tonight?”

“That will be fine. I told her she was going to get a good meal.”

My mother took Chrysalis upstairs to get cleaned up while I grabbed both bags of clothes and went to the laundry room that was next to the garage. I figure that my mother would take care of it, since I’m sure there are some things I don’t need to see at this time. I went back to my truck to grab both of our book bags and went back inside before it started raining again. Once back inside, Chrysalis had more of a fresh look to her.

“I placed her clothes in the laundry room,” I said.

“Thanks, dear. I’ll get started on those now before starting on dinner. Why don’t you take her up to your room to work on homework until I get some time to get the guest room ready.”

“Sure, Mom,” I replied. “Come on. I’ll show you my room.” I handed Chrysalis her book bag and took her to my room. When we went in and turned on the lights, her eyes lit up in awe.

“Your room looks nice. A bit to bright for me, but nice.”

“I guess this room would make you stand out, right?” She nodded. “Well, lets get some homework done until dinner is ready.”

We started to focus on our own classes at first. I lay on the bed while she just sat on the floor beside my bed. There were times when she asked for my help on a few things, and I tried my best to answer them, but told her that maybe Twilight could help her better than me. I decided to give her a call and hope she can help, knowing that she would be shocked at what was about to come.

“Hello, this is Twilight Sparkle speaking.”

“Twilight, its Jack.”

“Oh, hey, Jack. What’s up?”

“Oh, trying to get Chrysalis some help on her homework.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“This is no joke. She’s right here next to me.” There was a small pause. “You still there?”

“I am. I’m just…shocked.”

“I figure that would be the case.”

“How did this happen, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Can I e-mail you the details later. It’s a long story, and there’s no telling when dinner will be ready.”

“Sure. Well, let me speak to her.”

I handed my cell to her, and she started asking the questions and getting an idea of what she needed to know. After a while, she handed my cell back to me.

“Were you able to help her out?”

“Sure did. I think she understands what she needs to know. I can help her later on during free study tomorrow if she needs it.”

“Thanks, Twilight. I’ll make sure I e-mail you later today.”

“Sure thing. Bye”

As I finished up my call, Chrysalis said, “She’s nice. I’m glad she was able to explain some of this to me in a better detail.”

“That’s because she’s one of the smartest students in the school, and she’s also the student body VP.” A thought just came to mind at that point. “How would you like to join me and my friends at lunch tomorrow. I have a lunch pass, but I can have my mother fix you something to eat for lunch.”

“That would be nice.” She smiled. “Thanks again. It’s nice to know when someone cares for another, even if that person is different than the rest.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

I soon heard my mother call. “Son, your father’s home, and dinner I almost ready. Can you help set the table?”

“Sure mom. Just give me a minute.” I looked at Chrysalis as said, “Hungry?”

She replied, “You bet,” and made her way out the door.

I got out of my bed and thought, “Helping her went faster than expected, but that’s how it was back in my old school. Helping Sunset will be more of a challenge, and if I need to find out about my gift, then taking on Sunset might be the only way.”

Chrysalis popped her head in the door and said, “You coming?”

I snapped out of my thoughts. “Oh, sure. On my way.”

Author's Note:

Jack starts to understand the meaning of his gift, and while helping Chrysalis was easy, finding a way to help Sunset will be more of a challenge. If you think this is going too fast for Jack, you have yet to get the whole story. And part of that involves his role at his last school.

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