• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 40 - Never Leave a Job Unfinished

Author's Note:

This just became the longest chapter to date. I didn't think it would take this long to finish it, but I did it. Enjoy.

I started to wake up, wondering if I was just dreaming just now. I could see Sunset starting to wake up as well.

“Jack, are you awake?”

“I am.”

“Tell me, was it all just a dream? I mean, were we in the realm of souls?”

“If you’re telling me about what I saw, then I don’t think it was a dream. How much time has passed?”

Sunset got out her cell and looked at the time. “Just about a minute has passed since we went to sleep.”

“Then maybe he was right about time being different between realms.” I started to get up and realized that all the pain was gone. “Hey, look.”

Sunset clasped her hands in front of her mouth in shock. She removed them from her mouth and said, “You’re moving again.”

I was able to move all my limbs to make sure I was fine. It was then that Luna and Applejack came rushing in to our room.

Luna said, “Applejack said that she saw a glow coming…from…here?” They were shocked to see me moving again.

Applejack asked, “What the hay just happened here?”

“Have you heard about the realm of soul?” I asked Luna.

Luna was really shocked when I mention that. “I’ve read theories during my college years about that. How were you able to know about that?”

“Master Blades told us,” answered Sunset. “He said that we were able to enter that realm through dreamscaping.”

“You mean you were able to dreamscape to enter the realm of souls?” asked Luna.

“Um, forgive me for asking, but what are you all talking about?” asked Applejack, who was confused.

“Dreamscaping is where you travel to other realms or dreams,” explained Luna. “And the realm of souls is supposed to be a bridge point between here and death, I believe.”

“It is,” I said. “But it’s used to send gifted souls to be reborn.”

“And Jack’s one of them,” Sunset added. “He was once Master Blade’s original master.”

“I know there’s a lot to explain, but we have a bigger issue to deal with,” I said. “Master Blades believes that Crystal Prep is connected to the Dark Star Organization. And the only way to bring them out of the shadows is to beat Crystal Prep. It’s the only way we can find out how the students are receiving these gifts and where they could be located.”

Nurse Redheart came in and saw that I was moving again. “What the…how can…I don’t even understand?”

Luna tried to diffuse the situation. “How can I explain this?”

“Tell her everything,” I said. Luna was confused for a moment. “Master Blades told us that we would need more allies to help up in stopping the Dark Star Organization. And with Nurse Redheart medical experience, we could use her help…Master Luna.” Now all of them were confused.

“Did you just call her…Master?” asked Applejack as she pointed to Luna.

“Master Blades has declared you and Coach Spitfire the title of Master,” Sunset responded. “And if you don’t mind, we would like you to help in our training.”

Luna let out a chuckle. “If that is what he wants, then I’ll be happy to fulfill his wish.”

“Hey, if that’s the case, then count me in as well. We are part of the upcoming samurai club, right?” said Applejack.

“If that’s the case, do you have your gloves that Spitfire gave you?” Luna asked us.

“Mine’s in my locker,” Sunset said.

“Same here,” Applejack added.

“I have mine with my gym bag,” I said.

“Then I go with you so you can get them. I want to know what happened while you were in the soul of realms.” Luna looked over and said, “Nurse Redheart, I need you to clear Jack to play. Now!”

Nurse Redheart went over and checked my neck, back, and arms. “I don’t see anything wrong with him now, so he’s cleared to play once again. I just don’t understand how this happened.”

“If you will come with me, I’ll be happy to explain as we learn what Sunset saw,” said Luna.

All four of them left the locker room, leaving me to grab my gloves. That’s when I remember that I had both blades with me. I started to recall all that happened before.

“Jack might have to issue the challenge, but the timing has to be right.”

“How can it be a huge risk when you have that kind of power? You can finally put Crystal Prep in its place. What’s the worst that could happen?”

“There’s a time to think, and a time to act.”

“Well Jack, you were never one who gave up before, and I know you won’t give up now. Not in front of your classmates, and not in front of your girlfriend.”

“You know my dad’s motto. Never leave a job unfinished.”

“That’s right. I started this. Now I need to finish this…my way!”

I grabbed my gloves and put them on. Then I grabbed both blades and closed the locker. As I was making my way out, I came across the room that Shining Armor was in. I knocked on the door and walked in.

“How you feeling, Shining?”

“Hurts like hell. But I’ll be fine. Shoulder’s popped back in place and on ice, but I can’t use it. Plus they placed ice on my ankle as well. At least you’re back up again.”

“Back and ready to teach them a lesson. It’s time someone puts them in their place.”

“Then do me a favor and give them hell. Just go easy on Long Shot. We know it’s not his fault for all this.”

“I’ve done my part against Long Shot. Now I need to do the same with the others.” I started to walk out, but looked back and said, “Time I followed my destiny.”

“I’m sure that this will be just the start of it.” Shining Armor gave a thumb up with his good arm. I grinned and returned the response before I left.

Once I walked out of the locker room, I saw Sunset and Applejack with their gloves on. Master Luna and Nurse Redheart were also there.

“Miss Luna and Sunset has told me things that even I can’t believe,” said Nurse Redheart. “But I have read miracle stories while I was in medical school. And this qualifies as one of them. I may not know the science of what you are dealing with, but if they are dealing with some kind of genetic enhancement, I might be able to find the signs of them doing it from the outside. I’ll be happy to help your team.”

“Well, that’s one new member,” said Sunset.

“And more to come,” I added. “Here.” I tossed Sunset her blade, Muramasa. “I think I can guess why you wanted me to bring them. And I think Master Blades saw it as well.”

“Then I think it’s time we bring them out of hiding,” said Sunset as she strapped her blade on her back.

“Then what are we waiting for? We got a team to take down,” yelled Applejack.

But before we can make our way outside, Lyra and Sweetie Drops ran straight inside.

“Nurse Redheart, Coach Spitfire needs your help,” Lyra said in panic. But they were stunned when they saw me on my feet.

‘Yes, I’m healthy and cleared to play,” I said. “But what’s going on out there.”

“We’re losing players and need Nurse Redheart to help check on them,” explained Sweetie Drops.

Nurse Redheart asked, “How many?”

“At least eight,” answered Lyra.

Luna asked, “What’s the score?”

“Crystal Prep leads 45 to 24. They scored a field goal, then two touchdowns. One of them added a two-point conversation to the touchdown,” explained Sweetie Drops.

“So they have a 21 point lead,” I said. “We have our work cut out for us.”

“Can one of you stay and watch over Shining Armor? He’s OK, but I hate to leave him here alone,” said Nurse Redheart.

“I’ll stay. Bonbon can go with you,” Lyra said as she was pointing to Sweetie Drops.

“Good. Make sure you check on his ice packs, in case they need to be replaced,” Nurse Redheart ordered.

Lyra nodded and made her way to where Shining Armor was located. The rest of us made our way outside and headed towards the football field. Sweetie Drops got her cell out and made a call.

“Hello, Twilight? Sweetie here. I have Nurse Redheart with me…Shining Armor’s out.” Applejack looked at her and signaled for her cell. “Hang on. Applejack wants to talk to you.”

Applejack was able to take Sweetie Drops cell. “How many players are out…now at ten…where are we at the game…OK…don’t worry, we have a plan in place…trust me, you’re in for a surprise.” Applejack hanged up the cell and handed it back to Sweetie Drops. “Ten players are injured. Everyone’s been working double time. And what’s worse is that it’s now fourth and long. They’re letting the third quarter wind down so they can punt the ball with the wind’s help.”

“Not going to happen,” I replied. “We need three touchdowns in one quarter. That means that we need to have the ball the entire time.”

Applejack stopped me for a moment. “Now wait just a minute. Sounds like you want to run the gauntlet in this.”

“You have a better idea?” Sunset asked Applejack.

“Now I’m not saying I hate the idea. But how in the hay are you going to pull this off?”

I decided to take off my left glove and looked at the scar on it. Sunset saw this and did the same. At that point, our scars started to glow once again.

“Now I’ve seen it all,” said Nurse Redheart. “This must be the bonding thing you were telling us about?”

Sweetie Drops started to have a confused look on her face, so Luna had to explain. “We got Nurse Redheart up to speed on Jack’s powers, as well as the bond they made when they got the scars.”

“Wait a minute. We thought it was a kitchen accident that led to those scars?” said Applejack.

“We lied,” answered Sunset. “I wanted to cut myself during our science project, and he decided to make a blood pact instead. We’re guessing that this was the start of our soul bonding.”

“And since we have Nurse Redheart on our team, we’ll be needing more allies who can help us. Think you and Lyra can find us more members that we can trust?” I asked Sweetie Drops.

“If that’s the case, I think I have a few leads on who can help us. As long as it’s OK with Miss Luna, then leave it to us to recruit.”

“I can trust in your judgment on who can join,” replied Luna. “Just make sure I meet them before we go forward.”

“Thanks, Sweetie Drops. We’re glad that you’re helping us out with this,” said Sunset.

“No problem. And you can call me Bonbon. My real friends like to call me that, and the two of you have finally earned the right to do so.”

“Then thanks…Bonbon,” I said. “This might take me a while to get used to it.”

“We better hurry. If we want to stop them from punting the ball, we need to act fast,” Luna said.

“Then we have one thing to do,” I said. Sunset and me clapped our left hands together to show them our new power.


At first our hands glowed. Then it spread to our bodies. We felt our bond getting stronger. Once it was completed, we let go of each other. I could feel a new form of energy flowing through me, and Sunset felt the same thing in her. We put our gloves back on after that.

“So that’s the new power that was given to you,” said Luna.

“What all can it do?” asked Applejack.

Sunset replied, “We’re about to find out.” All of us rushed over to the football field where the others were.

The third quarter just came to an end, and our side of the stands felt defeated, while Crystal Prep’s side was filled with excitement. The only catch was that no one noticed me walking onto the field, with Sunset on one side, and Applejack on the other. Applejack looked up at the stands, trying to find Pinkie Pie. She was able to find her deflated and decided to put her finger and thumb between her lips and whistled, getting Pinkie’s attention. When she looked our way, I waved my finger in the air, asking to get the crowd rallied up.

Pinkie’s hair became full of puffiness once again as her eyes went wide open. “HEY EVERYONE! JACK’S BACK!!!”

That got everyone’s attention. The crowd slowly started to make some noise, then it got louder and louder. Some even started to call out my name.

“Time to show them what you made of, Jack,” said Applejack.

And show them, I did. I drew my blade and raised it into the air for all to see. The crowd on our side got louder than before. Then I pointed my blade to Crystal Prep’s side, showing them that this battle isn’t done yet. With one quick slash into the air, I sheath my blade and handed it to Applejack to hold. Soarin and Rainbow Dash came running up to us.

“About time you got back,” said Rainbow Dash. “We’re getting beat down here.” She handed me one of the ear coms for me to wear.

I said, “I need one of these for Sunset, Applejack, and Miss Luna. NOW!” Rainbow Dash had a case with a few more ear coms and bracelet transmitters for use.

As Sunset and Applejack took their ear coms, I noticed Luna, Bonbon, and Nurse Redheart talking to Cadence and Roseluck next to the track area. Cadence must have wanted to know how Shining Armor was doing. Cadence was exchanging glances and nods with the others before going with Bonbon back to the locker room where he was. Nurse Redheart went on to see Coach Spitfire and check on the injured players. Dash made her way to where Luna was to hand her an ear com as well. I started to walk with Soarin, who had my helmet with its own transmitter in it, to see the rest of the team.

“Welcome back, Jack,” said Thunderlane.

“Yea, we could really us you right now,” added Flash.

“I’m already aware of the situation, guys, and ready to go,” I said.

“Well, you might have to wait until later. We’re about to punt the ball back to them,” explained Iron Will.

“Sorry, but we’re down three scoring plays. We’re going to have to take a gamble from this point forward,” I said.

“Well, you’re not the coach here, Jack. Iron Will is.”

“Twilight, is this line secured?” said Luna.

“Yes. Why?” responded Twilight.

“Get my sis on here as well. I want her to hear this.”

Celestia was sitting in front of the booth that Twilight was, and handed her an ear com for her to use, explaining the reasoning.

“I hope you have a reason for all this,” said Celestia.

“First off, Jack’s right. We have to take a chance in this game.”

“Give Iron Will one good reason.”

“The Realm of Souls.”

Spitfire said, “Wait a minute. Did you just say…”

“Yes. Jack and Sunset has been there,” explained Luna. “And with new orders from Master Blades.”

“Hold on. Isn’t he dead?” said Rainbow Dash.

“The realm of souls is a different place, Dash,” said Celestia said.

“I hate to interrupt, but we do have a game, and mission, to finish,” said Applejack.

“We’ll explain this later. Let’s focus on what’s in front of us,” said Luna.

“OK, tell Iron Will what we need to do?”

I said, “Fill them in, Sunset.”

“Crystal Prep has ties to the Dark Star Organization. Don’t ask us why, we just know. And it’s up to us to bring them out of hiding.”

“And beating Crystal Prep is what we need to do to make it happen,” I said.

There was a moment of silence before Celestia spoke.

“Coach Iron Will, Twilight Sparkle, work with Jack on this. If we have to expose his gift, then do so.”

Sunset said, “Don’t worry. We have a new power that might make it easier for us. Just trust me on this.”

Iron Will nodded. “What do you want to do here?”

I asked, “Where do we stand on center?”

“We’re down to just Bulk Biceps in that spot. And he’s been working both sides this past quarter,” Thunderlane explained.

“You mean the big, white guy with the yellow buzz cut?” I asked Thunderlane.

“That’s him.”

“Good. I need someone to match up with Brick Wall,” I said. “We’re going to use his anger to our advantage.”

“Then let’s get set up.” Iron Will looked to the others and yelled, “Listen up. Change of plans. We’re going for this.” The others were confused to his decision.

I yelled, “Listen, if we don’t make a move now, we’ll never catch up with them.”

One of the players asked, “How can we be able to catch up to them?”

“Hey, they haven’t been as perfect as before. There’s still time to do this,” explained Flash.

I said, “They already took down Shining Armor. Do you think he wants us to give up? NO!!! Follow my lead, and we’ll teach Crystal Prep a lesson they won’t forget. Let’s show them what real Wondercolts are all about.”

Iron Will yelled, “You heard the kid. Now MOVE!!!”

With the team excited, I went out with Flash, Thunderlane, and what was left of the offensive line. Once we were huddled up, I gave out my orders.

“OK, here’s the plan. Double Dash Decoy. Flash Sentry, you take the right side. Thunderlane, you take the left. See if you can get double coverage on each of you. I want to make it easier for the rest of the line. Bulk Biceps, I want you to put your focus on Brick Wall. Keep him contained until I say so. Once I do, let him go. If he wants to take me down, it’s going to bite him back…hard. I want to create an opening in the line for me to pass through. If we don’t do this, then it’s all over. So let’s do this.”


Once we broke the huddle, I told Twilight to give me a ten count once I snapped the ball. The line was set up and Bulk Biceps grabbed the ball ready to snap it. Brick Wall was giving me the mean stare, but that didn’t phase me. I looked to the left and right as I was making my call, checking on Thunderlane and Flash to see if they were ready. They each gave a nod. That’s when I called for the snap.

Bulk snapped the ball to me and started to take on Brick Wall. Flash and Thunderlane started to make their way forward, Flash being father ahead than Thunderlane. They each had one defender at the start, but a second one that was at the ends of the main line started to follow them, creating double coverage. I could hear Twilight counting up to ten. Once she reached ten, I gave the command.

“BULK, NOW!!!”

Bulk Biceps let Brick Wall go so that he could run up to me. I prepared myself to make my move, but Sunset was able to do something better for me.


A boost of energy came rushing into me, improving my reflexes. Just as Brick Wall was inches close to me, I pivoted my right foot and began to spin backwards, letting Brick Wall go right by me like a matador would do to a raging bull. Once I complete my turn, I was able to bump my elbow into Brick Wall’s back, causing him to go crashing down. Not only did my reflexes were improved, but so was my strength. With Brick Wall out of the way, I saw the hole I needed in front of me.

I began my run straight through the hole, carrying the ball with Bulk Biceps following behind me. It felt like my speed was also improved as well. With all the other players behind me, I was left with the four that was covering Flash and Thunderlane. They saw me running forward and diverted their focus towards me. As they were running to me, Flash and Thunderlane did the same and tackle one of the two in their own group, leaving me with two defenders. The one that was with Thunderlane was coming close to me, but Bulk Biceps saw this and went past me and tackle him. That only left the one that was with Flash. This time, I decided to do what I needed to do.


This time, I was able to execute the art myself, improving myself more than before. This gave me enough power to tackle into the last defender, knocking him down while I was still standing and holding the ball. With no one else left in front of me, I was able to run straight into the end zone, scoring the touchdown. Flash and Thunderlane were able to catch up with me to celebrate what I just did. Bulk was able to join up to us to do the same.

The crowd on our side went crazy, while Crystal Prep just went silent, wondering what just happened. Coming from fourth and long to scoring a touchdown would be just pure luck in most eyes, but if the Dark Star Organization was watching, then they would start to catch on that I was gifted.

As we started to run to the sidelines, special teams started to run up, with Swift Kick to do the extra point. Thunderlane decided to join them to help with the extra point. The rest of the team was able to celebrate with me at what I just did. I decided to ask for some space so I can join up with Sunset after what she just did for me. But as I joined her, Twilight decided to step in.

“Can someone explain to me what the heck just happened there?”

“Was there anything in the book about soul link?” I asked.

“Not that I can recall,” Moon Dancer responded.

“I think it’s because it’s more of a dual power than anything else,” explained Luna.

“And Professor Star Swirl was only able to work with Master Blades on solo powers,” Celestia added. “Looks like we might have to add some new notes to that book later on.”

“At least Jack can finally do the tenth art like we wanted him to,” said Applejack.

“With or without Sunset’s help?” said Rainbow Dash.

“That’s a good question. How were you able to do that?” Twilight asked Sunset.

“I remember when Master Blades told us how I could support Jack by lending him some of my energy to boost his own, including activating some of his powers. And since I tried my best working with Jack on mediating, I decided to focus on myself and use the bond that we share to make it happen. The rest was just easy.”

Rainbow Dash started to display a sly grin as she was rubbing her chin. “You know…”

“Here we go. Dash have some crazy idea going through her head,” explained Applejack.

Rainbow Dash said, “Oh come on. They’re not all crazy. Besides, if Jack can perform that well on offense, how well can he do on defense…or even special teams?”

“She might be on to something.” I looked over to where Coach Iron Will was at and said, “Coach, can you come here for a moment?” He got my message and made his way over to our area.

“Iron Will heard what you said. It’s risky, but if we plan to bring our enemy out of hiding, we might as well take a gamble. Plus, Crystal Prep knows how to kill time. And since we need two scoring plays, I would rather cut it down to one before handing the ball back to them.”

“So we need to find a way to strip the ball from them,” said Twilight.

“Hey Jack, if you can strip the ball from the return man, I might be able to pick it up and get us that touchdown we need,” said Flash.

“They might expect something like that when they see him on the field,” said Moon Dancer. “But if we’re short staffed right now, maybe we could pull it off.”

I decided to look over at Thunderlane after finishing the extra point and knew that he was able to listen in. I yelled, “Hey Thunderlane, you look a bit tired. Why don’t you sit this one out?”

“Good idea,” he replied, giving a wink at me and sat down on the bench.

“Let’s hope they were able to hear that,” said Twilight.

“Coach, I’m going to need Swift Kick to do the kickoff here. Flash and me will work on taking the ball away from them.”

“Go for it,” replied Iron Will.

“Wait!” Sunset took off her left glove to inspect the scar. We could see that it was barely glowing. I did the same with mine and saw the same result. “I thought something felt odd.”

Luna saw this and said, “Soul Link must only work for short amount of time. I wonder why?”

“You think we need to do this again, just to be safe?” asked Sunset.

“I don’t know,” I said. “But I don’t like to do it in front of the crowd.”

“I have an idea. Give me your hand.” I lend my hand out to her, and when she took it, she pulled me in for a hug, with out left hands sandwiched between our bodies.

“Soul Link”

I felt our bond renewed between us, and no one was able to see what was really going on.

“Go get them, Jack.”

We let go of each other, and I was able to make my way to the field.

I went up to Swift Kick at told him, “Listen up, I need you to keep the ball in the field of play, but make sure it’s in a spot where the return player will run towards my way.”

“You want to try and strip the ball from him?” asked Swift.

“I’m hoping that I can. We need to get another scoring play fast, and Flash my have the best chance to grab it once it’s lose.”

Swift looked out at the field and said, “I might have an idea. Wind’s been light most of the game, so I can use that to our advantage. Besides, I think you might have broken their morale on that last play. If this doesn’t go as plan, we have to hope that our defense can stop them fast before they can recover.”

“Then make it count.”

We all lined up, with Swift at the center. Flash and I took opposite sides of the field. Swift looked at both sides before giving the signal. He kicked the ball high in the air, with little wind to support it. The return kicker was near the 15-yard line when he saw the ball coming down to him. He was ready to catch the ball, but misjudged the catch, causing it to bounce off his body and land in front of him, making it a live ball. In a panic, he rushed to grab the ball and started to run with it. I saw him run towards my area. As I was coming close to making contact, Sunset was able to execute another art.


I wasn’t expecting this, but somehow, I was able to lock on to the ball and threw my fist into it, knocking it out of his hands like it was being stripped. Flash was nearby and saw this and was able to pick up the ball while it was bouncing off the ground. Then he started to run towards the end zone. I was able to stay on my feet and ran just behind him. We started to notice a couple of players coming towards Flash, and only one thing came to mind.

“Sunset, let’s do this together.”

“I thought you never ask.”


I felt a major boost of energy coming into me. This allowed me to run faster and hit the first player in Flash’s way, knocking him back. I was still on my feet and was able to do the same to the second player. This cleared the way for Flash to run into the end zone, scoring a touchdown for the team. As we celebrated our latest touchdown, Swift Kick came up to us.

“How the heck did you pull that off?” I asked him.

“Give Moon Dancer some credit. While you were out, she noticed something odd about how the kick return player and filled me in during halftime. During the third quarter, I was able to see it from my angle and noticed that he wasn’t on target in his catches without much of the wind’s help. I figure if I can make a trick kick, like I do in soccer, and the fact that there morale was down, it might be enough to make him panic and throw him off so you can strip it from him without him knowing that it was coming.”

“Kid, I might make you the best kicker on this team ever next season.”

“Thanks,” said Swift.

“Jack, you better get back here…fast,” said Applejack.

“On it,” I said. “Swift, need you to handle the extra point for me.”

“Already on it.” Thunderlane was able to join Swift while I made my way back to where Applejack was calling me.

“What is it, AJ?” She moved out of the way to reveal Sunset looking drained. I went to her and ask, “You OK, Sunset?”

“I…think so. Just…a bit…tired.”

“After the two of you executed a chi boost, she started to feel dizzy and almost fainted,” explained Luna.

“Jack, I need you to use your soul reading power, but this time look into her own soul,” explained Celestia.

I took my gloves off and did the same with her gloves. I clasped my hands around hers and closed my eyes. What I sensed next worried me. “It’s…weak.”

“I was afraid of this.”

“What do you mean, sis?”

“Best to let Twilight explain.”

“Since I had a chance to look over the book with Moon Dancer, I noticed that Star Swirl had this…theory about a person’s soul, and it’s been racking my brain this past couple of weeks. It said this:

“A person’s soul is life. In theory, if a person’s body is drained, as long as their soul is strong, they will live on.”

“If I’m reading this right, and I’m understanding this Soul Link power, Sunset has been lending you her own soul to boost your power. And since she doesn’t bear the gift that you have, it’s becoming harder for her to recover.”

Luna replied, “Of course. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? This bond that they shared should have worked between two gifted students. That’s why soul link only works for a short time. It was to allow Sunset time to recover better. If she uses Soul Link more often with Jack, then…”

“She could be killing herself in the process,” I said. I then thought about what Master Blades told us about it working both ways. So I decided to use Soul Link myself, but in reverse. I started to transfer my own power back into her, causing her to recover. “There. You feel better?”

Sunset started to show signs of recovery and said, “Yea. Thanks.”

“How were you able to do that?” Luna asked me.

“I remembered Master Blades saying that Soul Link can work both ways, allowing me to lend my power to her so that we could be in sync during battle. I figure I could transfer my soul energy to her, since I’m gifted.”

“How do you feel?”

“Still fine, but I didn’t transfer much to Sunset, just enough to help her recover on her own.”

“I think that would work, since he can last longer than any other person,” explained Twilight.

“Jack, you might want to sit this one out for a while,” said Coach Iron Will. “Best to let the defense take over so you can rest and get ready for the next comeback.”

“Agreed. I’ll leave it to you for now.” I decided to sit down next to Sunset so I can rest for a moment. Now we were down by a touchdown, as long as the defense can hold them at bay, we should be able to strike back and tie up the game. But that was not the case here.

Crystal Prep’s offense was taking their time going down the field, and that allowed them to use up a good part of our time. All of the plays were rushing plays that stayed inbounds. This was the same tactic that they used the last time we faced them. But the only difference was that Long Shot wasn’t his usual self because he had a few sacks made at him. But by the time they made it to the red zone, our defense was able to hold them back. This allowed them to set up for a field goal. This would put more pressure on us, but something about the special teams was off. So I had to ask the question.

“Does anyone know how many time-outs we have?”

“Just one,” replied Rainbow Dash. “They used up the others in the last quarter.”

“One you say?” If that was the case, I had to act fast. “Coach! Ice the kicker!”

“But we only have…”


Coach Iron Will went up to the ref and called our last timeout, just before they could get the snap off. I took my helmet and ran up to coach. Flash and Thunderlane joined up to us.

Coach started at me and said, “I hope you have a damn good excuse for using our last timeout.”

“Tell me, has Brick Wall been working on both sides?”

Thunderlane said, “Yea. Since some of the players were suspended. Why?”

“How come he hasn’t been on special teams?”

“They still have their center for special teams,” explained Coach Iron Will. “They prefer it that way.”

“Do you think that Bulk Biceps can pierce through that offensive line without Brick Wall?”

Coach Iron Will started to catch on to my thinking. “You think you can get through that line if he can make that hole for you?”

“If he can take down one player, I can get through and stop their kick from happening.”

“I’ll go get him,” said Thunderlane and left the group.

“Jack, I hate to say this, but you would have to time that opening just right. And we can’t rely on Sunset’s help with Soul Link,” said Twilight.

“I’m aware of that,” I said. “I think I can handle this on my own from here on out.”

Thunderlane returned with Bulk Biceps in tow. “Hey Jack, T said that you need another hole in the line again,” said Bulk.

“Yea, but not like last time. You think you can take down their center so I can get through. I just need to get by and see if I can stop them from scoring a field goal.”

Bulk said, “With that small guy? YEAH!!!!!”

“Then we haven’t a moment to lose. Thunderlane! Flash! I’ll need your help with this. Need to make them think one of you are planning to run to the kicker from the side.”

“I’ll get the rest of the line set up,” said Thunderlane.

Thunderlane was able to get a custom special teams line made up, with him, Flash, and Bulk along with me. Flash and Thunderlane went to take the ends of the line, while Bulk went to the center. I was behind him, but added some distance from him. I knew I was going to have to rely on my own powers to pull this off. I’ve gotten used to the game since I started, but this plan was going to be something new for me. But it has been awhile since I relied on the first power that I learned about back during tryouts. Soul Release.

As both sides were ready to go, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before I opened my eyes. My focus was on the ball and nothing else. Instinct started to take over. The ball was snapped and went to the placeholder. Our line started to push forward, with extra effort on the ends. I started to run towards Bulk as he was busy pushing their center back. As I came close to him, he was able to push him back enough to open a hold for me to leap over. It was small, but it was enough for me to jump over. As their kicker kicked the ball into the air, I landed on the other side for their line and made a leap to swipe the ball. My fingertips were able to touch the ball, but couldn’t stop it. But it was enough to redirect the ball.

As I landed on my feet again, I looked back and saw that it was heading towards the right goal post. It soon then past the goal post, and the ref was able to wave it off, saying that it went wide right of the goal post. That was enough to deny them the field goal and get us the ball where the kick started. I rejoined the rest of my team as we celebrated our achievement. Now we needed to make our way back down the field and score a touchdown in hopes to tie the game.

Since Crystal Prep was able to use up most of the clock, and since we no longer had any timeouts, we only had less than four minutes to score. Everything was riding on this drive. We were able to push forward, but any effort to go out of bounds wasn’t going to happen. This caused us to either do a hurry-up play, or spiking the ball after reaching a first down. As we finally go into the red zone, we were down to just less than a minute left in the game. We were able to push forward some more and get what would be the last first down before scoring. I was able to spike the ball at that point and stopped the clock with 16 seconds remaining. That left me with maybe three plays to score, none of which could be rushing plays.

Our first effort left us with our key players being covered, causing me to throw the ball away, leaving me with 12 seconds left. My next attempt was just like before, but when I tried to throw it to Flash, it was swatted away from him, stopping the clock at just 6 seconds left. With one last play remaining, Thunderlane had one play left in our back pocket that we have yet to execute this season. And now was the time to put it to the test.

As we lined up, Thunderlane was able to start running to my backside. The ball was snapped to me and I was able to toss it back to him. Flash still had someone on him, so it was up to me to run forward to the end zone. Brick Wall saw this and started to follow me to my spot. Thunderlane make a fake throw to Flash, but held the ball and looked at my direction. There was still some space between Brick Wall and me, so he threw it straight to me. Instinct took over once again. I was able to read where it was going to land, but I would have to move the other way into Brick Wall to get it. I let my senses help me in knowing where he was while I had my eye on the ball. At just that moment, I was able to spin dodge him like before, letting him by me and was able to catch the ball in the end zone, scoring the touchdown as the clock hit zero. All that was left was getting the extra point and forcing the game into overtime.

We started to run off the field as the extra point unit came on to the field. Then an idea just hit me.

“Coach, do they still have a time out with them?”

“Yea, why?” Before I could answer, he knew what I was starting to think. “Give them the signal.”

Both of us held up two fingers, issuing a 2-point conversation. They were confused at the moment, but Swift Kick caught on and called the team back to the sidelines. He believed that we wanted to go for it, which is what I wanted to do. But I needed them to panic and use their last timeout so we can setup a play better. I issued my line in a hurry-up offense in hopes that they would take the bait. They did and called their last timeout because they didn’t have the right players on their side for what was to come. Now that we showed our hand in what we were doing, we had no choice but to go with it.

We got together with the coach and talked about what our best plan would be. I wondered if we could go with the same play as before, but with one more twist. The main part was to get the guys off of Flash so that he could catch the ball. We agreed and went up to the field to line up. I knew that this was now or never, and I plan to finish it no matter what.

I explained to the rest of the team what we were doing and telling them that it all came down to this. Once we got setup, I made the call to both sides. Then the ball was snapped. Flash went forward, causing one of the opposing players to follow. Thunderlane went up behind me, so I was able to toss the ball and started to make my move slightly forward. Once I saw the other player leave Flash to assist in taking me down, I shifted backwards so that Thunderlane would pass the ball backwards to me. He did, and I caught it. Seeing Flash in the open across the field to the other corner, I tossed the ball into the air in his direction. When the other player saw what was happening, he diverted back to where Flash was. As Flash was able to grab the ball in the air, he was tackled by the opposing player, causing his body to land out of bounds. It wasn’t long before the ref was able to lift his hands up in the air, calling it a good catch.

Flash was able to hold on to the ball and keep both his feet inbounds as he came down. The whole team erupted, as we were able to win the game, 46 to 45. Everyone was able to run up to the field to join us in the celebration. Thunderlane and me were able to join up with Flash. As we celebrated, the team started to lift Flash and me up on their shoulders in victory. As that was going on, Flash pointed me to someone on the track. It was Lyra, Bonbon, and Cadence with Shining Armor, who was in a wheelchair. Shining was able to give a thumb up to us in our victory.

The guys were able to put us back down on the ground as our friends came running up to us. It was Twilight who went up to Flash while Sunset just ran and jumped on to me in a great big hug.

“You did it!” Sunset said to me.

“We did it…as a team,” I corrected as I gave Flash a brohoof.

Mr. Discord started to walk up to the center of the field. Carrying the trophy was a big red guy with white hair and beard, wearing a black tracksuit. He was just as big as Coach Iron Will.

Flash nudges his elbow at me and said, “Hey, that’s Coach Tirek. He’s the head coach at Equestria University and is part of the high school sports council in the nation.”

“So that’s the guy that Coach Iron Will was telling me about.”

Mr. Discord grabbed the microphone and tapped on it to make sure it was on. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to award the winning team of the regional high school football championship. Tonight, this trophy goes to the new champions, the Canterlot High Wondercolts.” The trophy was handed to Coach Iron Will for him to hold up in the air for all to see. “Now I hand the mic to Coach Tirek of the sports council to award the MVP of the game.”

The mic was handed to Coach Tirek for him to speak. “Thank you, Mr. Discord. I now would like to hand the award to the MVP. Usually, I would chose one player, but this is the first time that two MVPs will be chosen. The MVPs of tonight’s game goes to Jack Diamond and Flash Sentry.” Both of us walked up to him to hold up a plaque for the MVP award. “Congrats on winning the MVP. I’ll see to it that you each get a plaque later on.”

We thanked him back and raised the plaque high for all to see. The entire crowd of students were yelling and screaming in victory. But it was about to be short lived when my senses started to go off. The students of Crystal Prep were still in the area, and in front of the group was a cyan lady with dark purple hair with a dark blue suit and flat-rimmed glasses. Celestia and Luna saw this and started to walk in front of our group as they walked up as well.

“So, Principal Cinch. Here to congratulate us on our win?” said Celestia.

“Hardly,” she replied with a stern tone. “The only reason that you won was that we were short on players on our side.”

“Hey,” replied Rainbow Dash. “We started to lose players as well while you started to take a big lead.”

“That’s because we had players suspended from the playoffs while yours were getting injured,” said Brick Wall.

“Because they destroyed the gym for homecoming!” yelled Pinkie Pie.

“And those meanies stole one of our pets as well,” added Fluttershy.

“Not to mention pin the blame on Sunset here,” said Applejack.

Cinch sighed and said, “Again with the so-called claims on our school. This is all just a ploy so that you can finally win a championship.”

“Need we remind you that we also beat you a couple of weeks ago before all this happened,” said Luna.

“And we have proof that three of your students were in charge of all this, one of which was still active on your team,” explained Twilight. “And all this started with their appearance about a month ago.”

Before Cinch could respond to this, Coach Fleetfoot walked up to her to speak. “They might have a good excuse for all this.” She pulled out a piece of paper to show to her. “I heard from a source that those three students did skip out on their last two classes about a month ago. So I requested the attendance records from their classes and saw them absent from those classes.”

Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet each had Lightning Dust and Suri Polomare with them, dragging them in from of the group. Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest was able to grab Brick Wall and bring him up as well. Sugarcoat was able to join them as well.

Fleetfoot continued. “If what they say was true, then they could have skipped classes to plan something like this. Maybe even more than these claims alone.”

“It still doesn’t prove that they had any part of it. But to skip out on classes would deserve a day of after school detention, nothing more,” replied Cinch.

“So you’re just going to turn a blind eye to what all they did?” yelled Sunset. “I had to go through hell thanks to those three. You just want to do whatever it takes to win, not carrying about what happens to anyone else.”

Cinch was shocked to hear this and responded. “Principal Celestia! I think it is wise to keep your students in check. Such outbursts are uncalled for here.”

It was then that I was at my tipping point. That’s when I remember Moon Dancer saying:

“Jack might have to issue the challenge, but the timing has to be right.”

If I was to issue the challenge, I needed to push Principal Cinch to that point.

“Who should keep whose students in check?” My outburst placed everyone in shock. “If I’m seeing this right, you’ve been overlooking your students’ activities out of school so that they can do whatever they want because they think they can get away with it. Either you’re not doing anything about it…or you’re a part of it.”

‘How dare you accuse me of such…treachery,” she replied. “And to think this would come for some so-called M-V-P.”

“Did you just…call me out?” I went and took off my jersey and pads, leaving my t-shirt on that had my tattoo shown under my neck. I walk to where Applejack was, still holding my blade. “I have you know that you have insulted a member of the Manehattan Knights. The tattoo on the back under my neck is proof of that. And all you have been doing is denying any truth to the claims that have been placed onto you. I hope one of your students know about the Order of the Manehattan Knights law that was put into place for us.”

“I do,” replied Sunny Flare. “Simply, it allows any knight to resolves issues in an equal manner once requested.”

“And I should thank Twilight for making that request earlier this week,” I said. “But since your mother wouldn’t come to terms with the result, and the fact that she just insulted me in my judgment, I am left to do one thing.” I faced them once again, drew my blade, and said, “I’m executing the Order’s challenge amendment.” I pointed my blade and said, “Principal Cinch! As the captain and founder of the Manehattan Knights, I hereby challenge you to a one-on-one sword duel, until first blood has been drawn. Sunset, hand your blade over to her.”

Sunset drew her blade and carried it flat on both of her hands. When she came close to Cinch, she took the blade in inserted it into the ground before returning to my side. It was then that Sugarcoat spoke up.

“The only problem to the challenge is that you have to have another knight to second the challenge before it could go forward, which I don’t see how that could-”

“I SECOND THE CHALLENGE!!!” It was Coco who interrupted Sugarcoat. “As second-in-command and co-founder of the Manehattan Knights, I hereby agree to the captain’s challenge against Principal Cinch.”

Cinch was shocked once again. “Why you…Mr. Discord, are you going to let this person do this to me?”

“I’m sorry, but once a knight issues a challenge, I have no power in this issue,” said Discord. “If I intervene, I’ll be forced to take your place in the challenge.”


I knew whose voice it was. The crowd looked back to see who said that and separated, opening a pathway for the group. Coco and me were surprised at who was walking forward: Night Glider, Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor. And at the center of that group was a lady with curly tan hair, wearing a button-up shirt, jeans, and a denim jacket. Professor River Song. It was her that spoke earlier.

She looked at me and said, “Excuse us for showing up, but we figure that you would take this course of action.” She turned her attention to Principal Cinch and said, “Whenever an official knight issues a challenge, if anyone intervenes in the challenge, they are forced to cover or assist the challenger. That is the Order’s law.”

Cinch asked, “And you are?”

“River Song, adviser to the Manehattan Knights. And for the record, we received this request on the issue from Miss Luna a few days ago.”

“We looked at all the data about what all went on, and believe that Jack’s decision is reasonable,” said Double Diamond. “But your response is an insult to all knights.”

“And since Jack issued the challenge to you, we all agree that his challenge should go through as plan,” said Night Glider.

Sugar Belle said, “If you don’t think that you can handle the challenge issued, then either you can agree to Jack’s judgment, or…”

“Or you can have someone take your place,” finished Party Favor. “We’re sure that one of your students is willing to step up for you.”

“Your school only honors its pride in what it does. Perhaps it’s willing to sacrifice some blood to prove that it is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done,” I said.

“And just so you know, the blade in front of you is called Muramasa, also known as the blood-thirst blade,” said Sunset. “Since it has been drawn, it requires the blood of another before it can be sheath.”

“So, what is it going to be?” I asked.

Before she could speak, Sunny Flare ran up and took the blade from the ground. “I’ll fight for my mother.”

“Sunny, what the heck are you doing?” yelled Indigo Zap.

“Fighting for my mother. I lost a father that I never knew. I’m not going to let anything happen to my mother as well.”

“Are you crazy?” replied Indigo. “Sure we trained together, and I’m glad that you became my sparring partner, but you don’t even know how to handle a sword.”

“Well, I don’t recall you ever training with this guy,” said Sunny as she was referring to me. “All he’s doing is showing off. Like he would know how to wield a sword.”

Indigo face-palmed at the response. “What’s the first rule in dealing with troublemakers?”

“I’m sure you want to remind us about that rule,” said Sour Sweet, “but I don’t think it applies to what’s going on here!”

The only reason she would ask that question meant that it was time for everyone to know about us. “Never cross the line unless they cross it first.” This had the girls on the other side in shock.

“Dude, how do you know that?” asked Lemon Zest.

“Because it was a rule we made back in the 8th grade,” answered Indigo, getting the others to look at her. “Jack here…was my first training partner back then. We made that rule after…after what I did that almost cost another person’s life.”

“And these past weeks, I have seen some people cross that line too many times that I have yet to respond,” I said. “So I’ve decided to cross that same line and see if I can put an end to this before it goes too far.”

“But we promised that we would never kill anyone.”

“That’s why it’s a duel until first blood is drawn.”

“That’s not how I see it. You’re relying on a blade instead of your fist.”



“BACK OFF!!! Ever since I’ve come here, all I’ve heard about this school is their damn pride. And for that, they think they can get away with whatever they want to do. It’s time they learn what happens when they let it go through their heads.”

I was furious at to what was going on. I knew that something needed to be done. And this time, I wasn’t holding back, and Indigo saw it in my eyes. She knew she needed to stop this, and fast. That’s when she went up to Lightning Dust and grabbed her by her shirt.

“See what you have done?”

“Why are you pinning this on me?” Lightning Dust panicky replied.

“You damn well know why! Take a good look at him. See the blood-shot eyes? That’s not anger or hatred, that’s vengeance. The same look that I once had years ago. And he’s not going to stop until it’s done.”


“So…let me make this simple, all that you have done up to this point has helped Sunny Flare sign her death wish. And if she dies here and now…I will be the last face you ever see in your life.”

Silence came on the field. The two of us were staring at each other with our blades ready to strike. This was one bluff I could not make like last time. If Lightning Dust was going to stop this from happening, it had to be now.

“WAIT!!!” Lightning Dust panicked. “Principal Cinch! The alibi that Fleur gave…was a lie.”

“What!? Explain what you mean,” asked Cinch.

“We forced it on to her to tell you that alibi,” replied Lightning Dust.

Indigo yanked of her shirt. “Everything! Tell us everything!”

“OK, OK. When we all learned about Jack in the newspapers, Fleur wanted to have a meeting with him, just to chat. Suri had an idea what was going through her mind and explained it to me. We figured that we could use this chance to plan for the school prank before the big game, and maybe take out the competition at the same time. We did our research and found out how to find him. But having that Goth girl with him might have complicated things. When the other girl showed up, we had no choice but to flee. We figure that we get back at her by destroying the homecoming decorations and taking the bunny and placing the blame on her. We asked for help in getting in and finding our way in the building and were able to pull it off, but problems came up when the bunny was later gone. When we learned that suspensions were being handed out, we threaten Fleur to give you an alibi to keep the three of us in the clear so we can find a way to get back at them for spoiling our plans. After what happened a week ago, I figure that it was enough fuel to help get back at Jack and Sunset.”

“So all you were doing was using Fleur as some…pawn?” asked Indigo. Dust rapidly nodded.

“Indigo, you can let her go,” requested Cinch, in which she did. “I’ve heard enough. After hearing all this, I am shock at what you three have done to damage the repartition to our school. Since the football season is over, I have no other choice but to have all three of you suspended next week, followed by detention until the end of the semester. Lightning Dust, because of this, you will not be allowed to try out for the basketball team this school year.”

River Song went to clear her throat and said, “I believe an apology is in order?”

Cinch adjusted her glasses and said, “I guess it does. Jack Diamond. I’m sorry for the actions that these three students have done to you and your classmates. I hope the punishment that I have given will do.”

“I will.” I sheath my blade and said, “I withdraw my challenge against you, Principal Cinch, and agree to the actions that you have done to resolve this issue.”

“Then if you will excuse me, I have other business to take care of.” As she was leaving, she looked at Sunny Flare and said, “We will discuss your actions later.”

As she was leaving, Discord stopped her and said, “I expect you in my office tomorrow…at noon. We need to discuss your schools’ policy so that this doesn’t happen again.” She stared him for a moment, and then went on her way.

There was a lot of talking as to what just happened. Sunny Flare was still holding Muramasa, not knowing what to do with it. Sunset Shimmer walked up to her and held out her hands, asking for the blade. She gave it to her, to which she replied, “I offer my own blood to this blade for you.” She took the blade and cut her hand on the same scar like before. Sunny Flare took out a small handkerchief and used it to wipe the blood off the blade before it can be sheath, then tied it around Sunset’s hand to stop the bleeding.

“Th-thank you,” replied Sunny Flare. She looks towards the students of Crystal Prep and yelled, “Alright, losers. Time to go home. There’s nothing else to see here.”

“You heard her, boys. Time to leave,” yelled Long Shot. He walked up to me with Fleur next to him. “I don’t think I could have done what you have just done on, and off, the field.”

“I’ve been staying in the shadows for far too long. It was time for me to step up and do something to fix all this.” I looked at Fleur for a moment, then back to Long Shot and said, “You take care of her. I hate for her to get caught up in this mess again.”

He looked at her, then back at me and said, “I will. And I hope we face each other again later on.”

Fleur looked at me and just gave a simple nod, which I replied the same. Then they left together, along with the rest of the students of Crystal Prep. After they all left, all the students from our school started to leave, with only several waiting behind. Within that group were my parents with Chrysalis next to them, who walked up to join some of us.

“Well, I never would have expected something like that to happen,” my mother said.

“We were worried that bad things were going to happen after the game,” my father added.

It was River Song who walked up behind me and said, “When we received the info and figured out the possible outcome, we figured that Jack needed some backup for what was to come. I was able to get these four out of school early so that we can make our way here. We’re just glad that it came out good at the end. And that was our 13th issue to resolve.”

“Hey, I’m sure you want us to stay for a while, but we have a long road back home, and we need to make sure that we are ready for anything back there,” said Double Diamond.

“Well, you guys take care. And keep me in the loop if anything is happening that I need to know,” I said.

“Oh we will,” said Night Glider. “And make sure you tell that one girl, Gilda I believe, to be careful when entering into other people’s turf.”

“Don’t worry. Ms. Harshwhinny and me have that covered,” said Sunset.

As my fellow knights left, my parents decided to take Chrysalis home as well, since I needed to return to the locker room and get changed. I was able to talk to some of the others before all of them started to leave. Twilight and her parents planned to take Shining Armor to the hospital to have his injuries looked at. Nurse Redheart said that he would be fine, but he needed to have the shoulder looked at better. Sunset handed me Muramasa before walking with the group out of the stadium. I walked with Flash and Thunderlane back to the locker room.

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