• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 5 - A Change of Pace

After gathering all I needed to know about Sunset Shimmer, I knew what I needed to do to find the answers that explain what the connection to my ‘gift’ and Sunset are. But that was going to have to wait for about an hour. Octavia, Vinyl, and Pinkie Pie were escorting me to our Music Lit class, when we started to talk about…music.

“So what kind of music do you listen to?” Octavia asked me. “It can’t all be like what Vinyl has.”

“Yea, you were creative in that mix track that you created,” Vinyl added.

“I have a variety of music back home. From pop, rock, electric, light. I mean I have a good mix of music that I would like to listen to that helps me be creative in what I create.”

“What about classical?”

“Come on, Tavi. Who else would like to listen to the old stuff, besides you and Twilight?”

“If you’re talking about the current classics, then I have a few of those. I’m not big on the really old stuff. No offense.”

“That’s OK. I like the old classics, but the current classics are nice to.”

“Oh, oh,” interrupted Pinkie Pie. “What about party music?”

“Which kind? EDM or R&B?” I asked. Pinkie Pie had a confused look on her face.

Vinyl was also confused and asked, “Wait a minute. There’s R&B that can be used at parties?”

“It depends on the party. The key factor to know is that they always use the old records to play them, not like CDs or digital music. Adds an old, smooth feel to it. No flashy stuff. Used to hear some of it when I was back in Manehattan. But I don’t know if I can get into it. One of the guys I met said that you need to feel the soul of the music to understand it.”

“Wow. That’s deep,” said Vinyl.

As we were walking into class, I noticed a dark girl in green in the back. “Great,” whispered Octavia. “Chrysalis is in our class.”

“Who’s she?” I asked.

“Let’s sit down in the front, and I’ll tell you.” As we started to take our seats, she added, “Pinkie Pie, you sit behind Jack.”

“OK!” Pinkie Pie said as she went to sit behind me.

“I hope you have a reason for this,” I said.

“If you plan to deal with Sunset, then you’re going to have to deal with Pinkie’s antics,” Octavia added. Pinkie smiled with a squeal, while Vinyl went to sit behind Octavia. “Chrysalis is a student who has, what others believe to be, fallen behind. She doesn’t hang out with anyone, and no one ever approaches her.”

“Some say she’s a witch,” whispered Pinkie Pie.

“I recommend you just don’t bother her at all.” added Octavia. “She just doesn’t like to talk to anyone.”

I looked at Chrysalis and started to get that weird feeling. It wasn’t as strong as with Sunset, but I was able to recognize it. What I felt was fear. “What are you afraid of?” I thought. Our music teacher, Mr. Frederick Horseshoepin, walked in, so I turned around and focused my attention to the class. After getting our music books for the class, I waved the girls goodbye as I was gathering my things together to meet back at Principal Celestia’s office. As I got up, I bumped into Chrysalis, knocking some of her stuff to the ground.

“I’m sorry there. Let me help.” I bended down to help her get her things, and she almost try to stop me, but couldn’t. I was able to gather her items and handed them to her. “Her you go.”

“Um, thanks,” she replied.

“You’re not like the others that I have met in this school, are you?” I asked. She didn’t bother to respond. “Well, if you ever feel like talking, just let me know.” At that point, she got up and left the classroom. “She’s afraid of something, but what?” I thought.

As I was making my to the school office, I hear a familiar voice behind me. “You ready to work at the gym?” It was Rainbow Dash, already changed back to her gym clothes that she was wearing in the morning.

“Maybe, but I don’t know if I can do so in these clothes.”

“Well, maybe Principal Celestia can find some workout clothes to wear, like mine. Come on.”

We walked into the office to hear Principal Celestia talking to another person behind her office door.

We heard Principal Celestia say, “I’m glad that you decided to come on such short notice, but you really didn’t have to do this.”

“It was no problem. When she called me after she had to retire, I decided to turn in my notice to the university and make my way here. I’ve already got an apartment to live in and just got with Discord today about coming here. I knew he was going to have a hard time finding a replacement.”

“I recognized that voice,” said Rainbow Dash.

The office door just opened up and Principal Celestia stick her head out. “Dash, Jack, you’re both here. Come in. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

We walked into her office, and Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped in shock. “Coach Spitfire?”

“It been some years since I’ve seen you back in Cloudsdale. And you’ve grown since then,” said the yellow lady with the two-tone orange hair.

“I figure you would be surprised,” said Principal Celestia. “Jack, this is an old classmate and friend of mine, Coach Spitfire. She’s going to take over for Coach Goalkeeper.”

“Wait a minute,” said Rainbow Dash. “I though you were still coaching at Equestria University.”

“I decided to resign. The money might be good, but I can’t leave my friends hanging. Plus I have a promise to fulfill for Goalkeeper. And that’s to help on you’re future scholarship.”

Rainbow dash jumped up in excitement. “AWESOME!!!”

“Jack,” said Principal Celestia, “you will still be my staff aide this semester. For now, I want you to work with Coach Spitfire today, since she just got here. Make sure you see me before the period is over.” I nodded towards her.

We started to make our way to the gym court, and Coach Spitfire decided to strike up a conversation. “So Dash, is Soarin and Fluttershy around here as well?”

“Yep. Right now, Soarin is working for Coach Iron Will at the gym as well. He’ll be surprised to see that you are here.”

“That big coach is still teaching here? Does he still prefer to teach P.E. in the fall, and Auto Mechanics in the spring?”

“From what my friends have told me, he still does. Me and Soarin will be taking his Auto class next semester along with Jack.”

“You never told me about that,” I said.

“You never asked,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Then I can guess you and Soarin are finally dating, right?” said Coach Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash was shocked and blushing as she was trying to respond. “W…w…we’re not dating. We’re just friends. What gave you that idea?”

“Because you always like to hang out and work out together since the two of you played soccer back in Cloudsdale.”

“Looks like someone’s got a secret crush,” I said with a sneaky look.

“S…shut up.” Rainbow Dash turned her head away just to hide her blushing face from us.

“I’m just joking, Dash,” said Coach Spitfire as she was patting her back. “No need to turn all red on us.”

“Just don’t do that again.”

We walked in to the gym, and all the students were divided between the boys and girls. We could see a big bluish gray man with the students waiting for us. Coach Spitfire yelled, “Coach Iron Will. Guess who’s here?”

“This is a surprise to see,” said Coach Iron Will. “What brings you here at CHS?”

“I’m taking over for Coach Goalkeeper. Celestia said you had the student lists for the other classes you had to fill.”

“Iron Will does. Remind me after class so Iron Will can give those to you. Iron Will was about to ask Soarin to check up on the P.E. equipment. Think your aides can help him out?”

“No problem.” Coach Spitfire looked at us as said, “Make sure all the equipment is in good condition. I want to know if I need to make any request for replacement gear soon.’

“We’re on it,” replied Rainbow Dash. We made our way with Soarin to the equipment room.

“I can’t believe Coach Spitfire is here,” said Soarin. “I thought she was working at Equestria University.”

“Coach Goalkeeper called her up and asked if she could take over for her. And, now, she’s going to help me work on my future scholarship. This is turning out to be awesome.”

“That’s great to hear. We better start checking up on the gear here.” Soarin looked to me and handed me a clipboard. “Think you can write down everything as we go through it?”

“No problem,” I said. I started to write down all that we had, and made a list of what was in good condition, what needed to be looked at, and what needed to be replaced. As we were doing this, I wanted to ask them something. “Do any of you know of a student named Chrysalis?”

“The one people like to call the witch?” said Soarin. “Yep, I’ve heard of her. I think this is her 5th year here. Did you have a class with her?”

“Just last period in music lit class,” I replied.

“I don’t understand why they call her a witch,” Rainbow Dash added. “She’s just a student who’s fallen behind, yet she doesn’t want to drop out of school.”

“You think that someone would be willing to help her out,” I said.

“Everyone is too scared to approach her,” said Soarin. “But she’s no Sunset Shimmer, that’s for sure.”

We finished with the inventory, with time to spare, and handed it to Coach Spitfire to look it over. “Thanks, you guys. We’ll look it over and see what needs to be done. Jack, if you want to head back to Principal Celestia, you can. Just let her know I might be making a list for her sometime this week.”

I agreed with Coach Spitfire and told Rainbow Dash and Soarin that I’ll see them at the lockers in a little while. When I got back to the office, I filled the principal in and ask if there was anything else to do before school was over. She wanted to talk to me about something about my time back in my old school that she wanted to understand.

“I read from your old school that you have help some of your classmates who have had problems in their lives and brought it to the teachers attention. I was wondering how you were able to help them out.”

To tell her about my gift would be a surprise for her, in which she wouldn’t understand. So I had to come up with something to explain this. “I just see someone who is worried and is scared to tell someone and see if they could open up and tell me what is wrong. Everything else just happens as is. Why do you ask?”

“I’m guessing you heard from Twilight and her friends the ordeal they had to go through with Sunset Shimmer and that I can’t do anything to help her with the four classes that they have to share.”

I crossed my arms and had to ask. “Is this why I also share those same four classes, to make sure no trouble comes between Twilight and Sunset?”

“Close,” she replied. “I have a favor to ask, and I normally don’t do this, but I think you might be the best bet in doing this.” I wonder what she met by that, and then remembered our talk earlier today with Twilight’s friends.

“Why do you think I was put in the same classes as Twilight and Sunset?”

“What if everyone knows everyone else expect Jack in our class?”

“All that needed to be done was to make sure all the cards were in place, in which they are. Now Sunset has to deal with Jack instead of you, Twilight.”

I think I was about to get some of the answers that I needed, as she was about to speak. “I want you to help Sunset Shimmer open up and believe that she can change her ways in her life.”

“But even if I could do that, everyone else hates her. If I did, how can I make them realized that she’s changed for the better?”

“That’s where Twilight comes in. If she believes from you that Sunset has changed, she might be able to convince the school the same thing. I know it’s a tall order, but I believe in second chances, and this might be the only second chance that she can get. Do you think you can do this, just like you can back in your old school?”

I thought for a moment about what I was going to really get myself into. I soon then remembered that we would have to work together in our science class at some point. “Did your sister have a part in setting us up in science class?”

“I believe so. Does she share the same table as you?”

“Yes.” After hearing this, I decided on what I needed to do. “I’ll give it a try. I can’t promise that it will work, but I’ll try.”

“Thank you. I know you can do this. Just one thing, you can’t tell anyone what you are trying to do. I need them to see it for themselves that Sunset has changed.”

The final bell rang, telling us that school was over. I waved at Principal Celestia as I was heading out. I left the office and went straight across to my locker. As I was grabbing my stuff, the others started to show up.

“So Jack, what do you think about school here?” said Twilight.

“It’s…interesting. That’s for sure,” I replied.

“Just ya wait til you see the events that we have, partner,” said Applejack.

“Some of them are marvelous,” Rarity added.

“I can hardly wait to see what they are,” I said.

“Oh, it’s going to be a blast,” Pinkie Pie said as she threw confetti in the air.

“Well, some of us need to head on home,” said Rainbow Dash. “Fluttershy, Soarin, you coming?”

“Yep,” said Soarin and Fluttershy nodded.

As most of them left, Twilight was waiting for his brother to come, while Applejack and Rarity waited for their sisters and rides to show up. I decided to wait for a bit as well. We heard a group of young girls coming this way. I recognized the voices from before.

“Hey, Jack. You still here?” It was Apple Bloom and her friends.

“Yes. Just taking in the view.”

“All of us saw you in the gym with Rainbow Dash. Were you working with her?” she said.

“Yep. Coach Spitfire just showed up and needed some extra help for today. Do you have her for 6th period?” All four of them nodded.

“Girls, look like our rides are here,” said Applejack. Two old trucks started to drive up. I recognized the driver in the red truck as Big Mac, but I didn’t know who the female driver in the orange truck was.

“About time my sister got here,” said Babs Seed.

Applejack whispered, “That’s Sunflower, Babs’ sister. She graduated the same time as Big Mac. After what happened back then, Scootaloo lives with them for now.” She looked at the girls and said, “Time to go, girls.”

As Babs Seed and Scootaloo got into Sunflower’s truck and Apple Bloom and Applejack got into Big Mac’s truck, Apple Bloom turned around, waved and said, “It was nice knowing you, Jack. I hope we get to see each other again.” The other two girls also waved at me and I returned the wave.

“Twilight, Jack, Rarity,” we heard behind us. We turned to see Shining Armor with Cadence and Octavia walking towards us.

“Oh, Octavia. I need to make sure you get those CDs back to you,” said Twilight.

“I already told your brother about it,” said Octavia. “Shall we go get them now?” Twilight nodded.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Shiny,” Cadence said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“You too, Cadence,” replied Shining Armor. “Come on, Twilight. Let’s get Tavi’s CDs to her and head home.” Twilight waved at me as they were heading back to their car.

“How did your first day felt like, Jack,” said Cadence.

“It was good. I hope the remaining days are as good as today.”

“I’m sorry you have to worry about Sunset sitting next to you, but if she causes and problems, you know who to go to.”

“Don’t worry, Cadence. I think I can handle her. I’m ready for a challenge.”

“Just don’t push your luck.” Cadence started walking towards the parking lot and said, “It was nice to meet you. See you tomorrow.” I waved my hand towards her.

“I hope he’s not running late.” Rarity and Sweetie Belle were still waiting for their ride.

“Who, your dad?” I asked.

“Oh no, our hired driver. Our parents like to travel around Equestria,” answer Rarity.

“They travel a lot, but try to find time to stop by every now and then. Otherwise, they call us once a week,” said Sweetie Belle.

“That must cost a lot of money for all that travel,” I said.

“Nonsense,” replied Rarity. “Our family has earned a lot of money from the family businesses that they own. They just decided to do all the traveling to see what’s out there and still keep up with some of the work on the road.” Just then, their car finally drove up. “It looks like our ride is here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Rarity, wait. You got a moment to talk?” I asked.

She nodded and asked Sweetie Belle to wait in the car. “What is it, dear?”

“You told me to never bring up AJ’s parents in front of her, right?” She nodded. “I don’t think you need to worry about her with that. She’s tough and has a good eye, and no doubt the girls are strong as well.”

“Applejack talked to you about that.” I nodded. “I just wish I could have…” I placed my finger on her lips, stopping her mid sentence.

“You don’t need to be blaming yourself for something you couldn’t do. These things happen. And sometimes we can’t do anything to stop it from happening. The best thing to do is not blaming ourselves for not doing enough. I can understand that it’s not easy, bust the best thing to do is just move forward and put all the dead weight behind us.”

Rarity sighed, lower her head, and said, “I understand, dear. I guess I’m doing too much in protecting my friends that I’m putting all that weight on me.” She looked back up to me with a smile on her face. “Thanks. It’s feels like a huge weight was lifted from me. I better be going. Don’t want to keep my sister waiting.” She starts walking to the car, giving me a wave of her hand.

I noticed that everyone has left school and I was still outside the main lobby. As I was staring to head to my truck, one more person was walking out of the doorway, and it was a surprise to see that she was still here.

“I’m surprised that you’re still here,” said Sunset as she was giving me an evil grin.

“I would have figured you sneak out the back door without being noticed,” I replied with a grin.

“Look, if you want to get in my face, then so be it. I’ll be happy to knock you down in your place, if you like.”

“Challenge accepted. Just remember that we have to work together in science class.”

“Oh, I haven’t forgotten about that. I just hope you can keep up.”

“Oh, I can keep up. I just hope you can do the same.”

“Whatever. I’m out of here.” Sunset started to walk down the stairs and toward the parking lot.

I yelled, “See you later, Sunny.”

She paused and yelled back, “Don’t call me Sunny,” and then left.

“You know what?” I thought. “I think I’m going to like it here.”

I decided to head to my truck and drive on home.

Author's Note:

This is where the first day ends. I hope you like it so far.

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