• Published 4th Sep 2015
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Equestria World, Book 1: Surviving Canterlot High - Gear Works

Jack's family just move to Ponyville, where he now attends Canterlot High. He soon learns that it's not like any school he's been to. If he wants to survive, he will need help from his new friends...and his special "gift."

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Ch. 31 - Searching for Suspects

With Lightning Dust getting off the hook, and using Fleur to make it happen, I knew that she would want some payback. It might have started with Sunset during our first encounter, but she decided to put her focus on me. Now I knew that I needed to step up my game, and I’ll need my friends to help me. We got together during free study on the next day. Twilight was able to find us an empty room for all of us to talk about our new problem.

“How can they get away without any punishment while making the others take the blame?” Applejack said. “Shouldn’t they take the blame as well?”

“That’s how Lightning Dust works,” Dash replied. “She might have forced the others to accept the blame while they got away with it.”

“If they can force Fleur into doing what they want, then they don’t care about the other persons in all this,” Rarity said. “That’s more of Suri’s style, and why Lightning Dust has her along for all this.”

“And with Brick Wall off the hook as well, it looks like those are the main three who control the group,” Flash added.

“They’re looking for an excuse to get back at me, and taking away some of the players on the football team would be an easy excuse to do so,” I said.

“And if they struggle and still win their match with Cloudsdale, it would be a bigger excuse to have,” Twilight added.

“So, will they come for Jack now or after Friday’s game? Or maybe both and deal double damage,” said Pinkie.

Applejack responded, “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, Pinkie.”

“That leaves us with the insider that knew how to get in and out of the school.” Twilight looked at me and said, “Jack, have you been able to sense anything that would wave red flags around school?”

“After what happened last Thursday, I haven’t been able to sense anything that would be alarming. Unless that person is really keeping themselves in check.”

Twilight looked over and said, “Sunset, what about the two that were working with you last year?”

“Snips and Snails? I doubt that would be the case. I haven’t talked to them since the prom. And I rarely see them. Plus, they got off easy while I got the bigger end of the stick as punishment. Not much of an excuse to try and back stab at me.”

“Still, it wouldn’t hurt to check,” Twilight recommended.

“The only problem is that they’re sophomores. Wouldn’t that make it harder to come across?” asked Dash.

“Leave that to Trixie. I’ve seen them cross Trixie’s path most of the time.”

“Trixie, let us know when you have them in your possession,” Sunset said. “I wouldn’t mind talking to them, just to be sure.”

“Consider it done,” Trixie replied.

While waiting for word about Snips and Snails, Luna was able to join Celestia and me about the scrolls that she brought during 6th period. Luna was able to lay the two boxes on the table and opened them, revealing five small scrolls in each box. I took out the first one and open it up, only to see it in an orient language.

Luna said, “That says ‘Shadow Strike. Focus and shift your soul straight to the target.’ Just like it said on the letter that he sent me.”

“I wish I learned this kind of language,” I said. “It would make things easier to understand.” I rolled the scroll up and placed it back in the box. “What about the tenth art?”

Luna took out the last scroll in the other box and handed it to me. “Maybe seeing it could help unlock it, if it’s possible.”

I opened the scroll and saw the same language as the last scroll. “I have no idea what it means. And all you told me is that it involves the mind, body, and soul. How?”

“Look at it again,” Luna told me. As I was looking at it, Luna placed her hands on my shoulders from behind. Then somehow, I could see what it means.

“Chi Boost. Focus as much energy into your body, mind, and soul as one.” I stopped for a moment to think about what just happened. When Luna removed her hands from my shoulders, I was no longer able to understand what I was reading. “What the heck just happened?”

“Just what I was hoping you would have unlocked,” Celestia replied. “I’m glad to have the book back from Twilight and Moon Dancer. This way I can show you what just happened.” And she brought out the book and opened it to the selected page.

“Soul Knowledge”

By letting someone access your mind, a person can take the knowledge and understand what information they have to share. This can be used to translate any language.

“So you opened your mind to me so I can read the language that I was seeing?” I asked Luna.

“Yes Jack. I was hoping it would help if you see it with your own eyes. Do you think you can access this Soul Art?”

I closed my eyes and tried to see if I was able to execute it, but nothing happened. “Nope.”

“I guess we have to train you the hard way,” Luna said. “I’ll explain what the other scrolls say and mean.”

Luna showed me the other scrolls that I have yet to learn or experience.

Soul Art #4: Lightning Jab. Focus your fist on hitting the same spot in rapid secession.
Sour Art #6: Needle Shot. Focus on hitting the target with any item.
Soul Art #7: Wind Slash. Focus in turning a string of wind into a weapon.
Soul Art #8: Earth Break. Focus your fist into breaking the ground below.
Soul Art #9: Spin Strike. Focus on rotating your body without losing your balance.

I can see how much of a challenge it would be to learn these arts if I plan to learn and execute the tenth art. This was going to be a challenge.

I asked Luna, “Do you think Tree Hugger can find a way to help me with making my mind, body, and soul to work as one?”

“The best time to do so would be this Sunday while the others workout. We can use my office to hold her session.”

“Can we bring Sunset in on this?” I asked.

“Why do you ask?” Luna said.

“I was hoping that she could work on her training mentally, since Applejack has been helping her with the physical training.”

“I think it wouldn’t hurt to do so, now will it, sis?” Celestia said.

“With the fact that she could be bonded with Muramasa, just like you could be with Masamune, it might be wise to do so,” Luna said. “Maybe it could lead to unlocking their souls inside the blades, it the stories are true. Until then, we need to find a way to practice some of these arts without prying eyes watching us.”

“Agreed,” I said. “Just let me know when and where you want us to meet. What about the diary?”

“I’ve only gone through several pages before Spitfire called me. There’s still more to look over, and I’m trying to find the key pages that could get us somewhere.”

“What about the ‘Trio of Trouble’ that didn’t get punished?” Celestia asked me.

“If they wanted to make a move on me, our best bet would be after Friday’s game. Gives them a better excuse to take it out on me.”

“That leaves us with the person who got them in and out of the school,” Celestia said. “We find that person, then we can force Principal Cinch to issue harsher punishments to those students.”

“But who could have done this in the first place?” asked Luna.

“We have one idea, but it’s just a guess. Once Trixie gets a hold of them, I’ll be able to find out if they did it or not,” I said.

“I can take a guess who you’re talking about, so I’ll leave it to you to get the answers from them,” Celestia said. “We’ll look for other opinions to get this solved. I want this to be less of a problem towards the team, and you.”

As classes were coming to an end, I received a text from Twilight, saying that Trixie has Snips and Snails with her, and was bring them to us. When I joined my friends at our lockers, we saw Trixie bringing two boys with her. One was a short with blue-green skin and orange hair. The other was slim with tan skin and green hair.

“Jack, this here is Snips and Snails,” Trixie said.

“It’s nice to see that the two of you were willing to come see me,” I said, while crossing my arms.

Sunset placed her arm on my shoulder and gave a mean stare at the two. “It’s been a while.”

“Um, h-h-hello,” Snips nervously replied.

“Yea, h-h-hi,” Snails nervously added.

Sunset asked, “Perhaps you can fill us in about what happen when the gym was trashed last week.”

“W-w-what do you m-m-mean?” said Snips.

“I think the two of ya know what we mean,” Applejack explained. “You helped Crystal Prep get into the school, trash the gym, and guide them to the science lab to take Fluttershy’s pet bunny.”

The two looked at Fluttershy, who was staring straight at them.

“W-we didn’t do anything like that,” Snips replied.

Sunset walked up towards them. “Look, that group wanted to pin the damage on me. So if you had anything to do with it, then you better admit to it.”

“We’re telling the truth,” Snails replied. “After what happen when we got caught, we just wanted to stay out of the spotlight, and away from you as well.”

Sunset started to get angry, then calmed down and said, “I’ll take your word for now.” Snips and Snails felt relieved. “But if I find out that you been lying to me, we’ll be coming for you both. Now GET!!!” as she pointed to the main doorway.

Snips and Snails made a mad dash out of the school.

“Something tells me that they were telling the truth,” Applejack said.

“I have to agree with you, AJ,” I replied. “Other than the fact that they felt a little bit scared of what Sunset would do to them, there was nothing that indicated that they were hiding something that could be connected to Crystal Prep.”

“So we’re back to square one,” Twilight said as she pinched the bridge between her eyes. “This is going to be harder than we thought.”

“I hear ya about that,” Applejack added. “You sure that you can’t sense anything that would raise red flags anywhere in the school?” she said to me.

“Nothing really.”

“Maybe his gift is broken,” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie, he was able to sense some bad feeling from the two, but not enough to sound the alarm,” Rainbow Dash said. “I doubt it’s broken.”

“Then maybe his gift needs more power,” Pinkie replied.

“If your talking about learning to be as one with his mind, body, and soul, I don’t think that would help,” Applejack said.

“Well, Tree Hugger is going to work with him in hopes that he can learn that one art that he needs before the final game,” Fluttershy said. “What was it called again?”

“Chi Boost,” I replied. “And while I don’t see that to help in our search, it could help me in giving the team a better advantage against Crystal Prep, if that was to happen. Which leads me to this.” I looked at Sunset and said, “I want you to join me in our session Sunday.”

“I don’t see the reason as to why I should be there?” asked Sunset.

“We have our reasons, and maybe it can help you in performing better against others,” I said.

“Just so you know, I might fall asleep when it’s going on,” Sunset replied.

“Same here,” I said. “But for now, I need to work on the other soul arts before I can work on Chi Boost.”

The next few days were spent working on private training with Miss Luna while Twilight and Moon Dancer looked me over. Free study was the only time to train, since I had to practice with the team after school. With some of my friends helping out in creating ways for me to react and execute each soul art, we were able to make little progress in those arts. By the time Friday came around, I was up to learning the first seven arts. Arts 8 and 9 were more of a problem. I couldn’t get enough force to crack the ground for Soul Art #8, and couldn’t get any spin to execute Soul Art #9.

When it was time for the game, we noticed that Lightning Dust never made a move on us. Since Brick Wall was going to have to play tonight’s game at Crystal Prep, it would be too risky to strike on me now, even if the players that were suspended were of any help. My main focus right now was tonight’s game against Trottingham. When I arrived on the field with the rest of the team, an old friend greeted me again.

“Artemis, you came with the team?” I asked.

“That’s right. I’m surprised that my school has to face yours. Went we lost to Cloudsdale, we thought we would be facing Crystal Prep.”

“Well, we were able to outsmart them in the 4th quarter,” I told him. “And it was thanks to the videos that your friends help send to us. It was all mind games that really counted.”

“So, you going to be the starting QB for your team?” he asked me.

“Yep. Starter has to take it easy tonight, so now I’m showing my stuff as tonight’s starter.”

“Now I’m wondering who would have been better off facing Crystal Prep,” said Artemis. “We heard that several of their players were placed on suspension, but the details are not being revealed because it’s an ongoing investigation.”

“Trust me when I say this, they deserve it once this is over.” I said.

So we parted ways for now so I could get ready for the game. I knew we were lucky last time we met, but that was when Shining Armor was the quarterback. Now I’m the quarterback for the rematch, and I plan to send a message to Crystal Prep that we will not back down. Luckily, Shining Armor was going to help out with some of the plays with his ear com.

We were given the ball at the start of the game. Most of the plays were passing plays that went to Flash or Thunderlane. They were able to execute a blitz play, but just like Long Shot, I was able to dodge the blitz and run the ball myself for a first down. To end it off, I was able to hand the ball to Thunderlane for a touchdown. And that was just the beginning. Our defense was able to limit the other team’s scoring plays, giving us a bigger advantage. At the end of the game, we pulled off a big win than before with a score of 35 to 16. Shining Armor was able to get his rest with this win.

When we returned to the locker room, everyone was asking for me to lead again at the championship game. But I requested that if Shining Armor was healthy enough to play; then he needs to take the lead. If we plan to face Crystal Prep, we need all the weapons we have to beat them. After putting my things away and leaving the room, I met up with Sunset outside.

“I hope you weren’t showing off, now would you?” she said.

“I’m hoping that Crystal Prep gets my message when they see the headlines tomorrow, if they win.”

“I think we might have our answer,” she said as she was pointing to Soarin and Rainbow Dash running towards us.

Dash said, “Guys, we got a text from the bully boys. They lost to Crystal Prep.”

“Well, that was easy to guess,” I said.

“But the score will surprise you,” said Soarin. “31 to 30. They were able to get the winning field goal at the end of the game.”

“Something tells me that we did some damage to their defense after those suspensions were handed out,” I said.

“Then Brick Wall will want to handle the payback himself,” said Sunset.

“All the more for Dust to join along,” I said. “Make sure the others are on alert. If this is an excuse to get back at me, they will take advantage of it.”

“I’m guessing that a walk in the park would be out of the question,” Sunset said to me.

I knew she would want to do something to make up for last Sunday’s change of plans. Luckily, Soarin had an idea.

“Why not have Twilight and Flash join you along.” This started to worry Sunset. “Look, I know you and Flash were an item in the past, and that Twilight took him from you after the two of you broke up.”

Sunset intervened. “We weren’t an item. I just wanted to be with him so my past would go away.”

“Whatever. The fact is that maybe spending time with them could be…a learning experience for the two of you.”

“I think what he means is that this is a way for you and Twilight get to know each other better,” Dash said. “She’s been able to stay with Flash during football season. Maybe she can show you how to do the same with Jack.”

Sunset thought for a moment before she spoke. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Let Twilight know, Dash. And while you’re at it, see if she can find out what food trucks will be there. I know that it’s not the same selection everyday.”

Dash saluted, saying, “Will do,” and went off.

“Well, I better catch up with my mother,” said Sunset. “I’m sure that Chrysalis is waiting for you.”

“You take care, Sunset.”

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, “You too,” and left.

I made my way to my truck, where Chrysalis was waiting for me. When we got in, I made sure the doors were lock.

“Just found out about the other game,” I said. “31 to 30, Crystal Prep.”

“I think we can take a guess on what would happen next,” she said.

It was then that my cell went off showing that it was Indigo was calling me. I answered it and placed it on speaker.

I said, “Speak to me, Indigo.”

“I’m with Coach Fleetfoot on our way home.”

“Chrysalis is with me as well. We just found out the score from your game.”

“Not the kind of win we wanted, but a win’s a win. Any up coming plans?”

“I’m taking Sunset to the park tomorrow. Twilight and Flash will be with us.”

“And I’m guessing Lightning Dust will be on the hunt for you.”

“More like Brick Wall, but that’s all the same.”

“Then you better have more nearby, because Dust, Suri, and Brick Wall are not in a good mood. And there’s a good chance that more will be with them, after what happened tonight.”

“Jack, this is Coach Fleetfoot. I’ve been talking to the others about what they posses, and they would like to meet you in person. I’ve already given them your address that I got from Spitfire. They plan to follow you in hopes to find a private location to talk to you.”

“If my friends are nearby, that would make things harder for us to meet. They still don’t know that you were Shadow that helped us. And I don’t thing they are willing to trust you.”

Indigo said, “What about the other two that know about us?”

“This is Chrysalis. I just talked to Coco and Moon Dancer earlier in private and filled them in on the details. Think that can help you out?”

“I’ll see what I can do. But Fleetfoot is calling the shots for this unscheduled meeting.”

I said, “Then we’ll just go as usual and let it all play out. I’ve been training on my soul skills in hopes it can help out.”

Fleetfoot said, “One more thing. Any news of the insider from last week?”

“Nope. We’re in the dark here.”

“That makes it harder to prove that they were a part of it.”

“We’ll find out who did this. Just leave that to us. You just keep an eye on the trio over there.”

Indigo said, “Will do. Take care, Jack.”

“You too, Indigo. Bye.”

“This year just keeps getting more excited by the day,” Chrysalis said. “If you don’t mind, but I want to make some calls for tomorrow.”

“Dash has that part covered. But let Coco and Moon Dancer know what we just talked about. I want them to be around if our friends don’t trust the Elite 5. Besides, I’ve sure Coco would want a piece of the action for once. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her do that move on one of the troublemakers back in Manehattan. And you’ll be surprised to see what she can do.”

Author's Note:

I was having writers block for some time for this chapter, but I was able to get something done. This will help set up for the next few chapters that I do have plan.

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