• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 3,876 Views, 409 Comments

A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 1: "Where is Abacus?!"

A glorious, sunny, summer day shined over the Equestrian town of Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle, and her little baby dragon assistant, Spike were walking to the Ponyville marketplace to do their routine grocery shopping. As they walked to the marketplace, Twilight and Spike went through their shopping list to see what they needed to buy there.

“So what do we need, Spike?” Twilight asked.

Spike unfolded a scroll and looked through the list. “Let’s see... Half a dozen tomatoes, two stems of broccoli, a bushel of carrots, two cabbages, a pound of bananas, a pound of celery, two pounds of oats, a pound of apples, a pound of oranges, two pineapples, and two boxes of my favourite breakfast cereal, Honey Crunch Oat Krispies.”

“Excellent,” Twilight said. “Only this time, try not to eat them all in one day.”

“Oh come on, Twilight! You know I have only one bowl of them in the morning.”

“A mountain sized bowl.” Twilight chuckled playfully with Spike’s purple scaly cheeks turning red as beets with embarrassment.

Soon enough, they reached the marketplace to do their shopping. After an hour at the market, they collected almost everything on the list they needed.

“Last one on the list is one pound of apples.” Spike said, lugging two big paper shopping bags.

Twilight nodded. “Good. Applejack sells the apples there, so we can say hello.”

As Twilight and Spike made their way towards Applejack’s stall cart, they noticed a very large crowd of ponies storming around the marketplace newspaper stall. It looked as if there was a mix of angry ponies and frightened ponies amongst the large crowd.

“What’s going on over there?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know.” Twilight raised a curious eyebrow. “Let’s go find out.”

They went over to the crowd to see what the matter was. They got closer to the crowd to hear the ponies numerous comments.

“This is an outrage!”

“They’re letting this killer walk free?!”

"And he's now missing with nopony knowing where he is!"

“He’s already killed before, who’s to say he won’t do it again?!"

"He's probably here right now!"

“Our town, our homes, our community, our children will not be safe!”

“The horror, the horror!”

Twilight and Spike came up to the crowd. Twilight then asked the first pony she sees at the back of the crowd. “Excuse me? If you don't mind me asking, but what’s all the commotion about?”

Everypony in the crowd paused and quickly turned their heads at Twilight and Spike, looking at them with a look of shock and disbelief at what they were just asked.

“Are you saying you don’t know?” One pony in the crowd asked.

Spike tilted his head. "Know about what?”

A pegasus stallion came up to Twilight and Spike, and showed them the front page of the latest copy of the Equestria Telegram. “Just take a look at this!”

Twilight and Spike looked at the front page of the newspaper more closely. The front page had a prison mug shot picture of a male dark brown earth pony with grey hair.

“Who is that pony?” Twilight asked.

The pegasus stallion holding the paper looked at them unimpressed. “Who is that?! THAT is Abacus Sum! Don’t tell us you’ve never heard of Abacus Sum?”


Another stallion in the crowd spoke out to Twilight. “He’s a murderer!"

Spike's eyes widened. "A murderer?"

"Yeah! He killed his wife and unborn foal when he lived here in Ponyville.”

Twilight's eyes widened. "He did what?"

“What?” Spike asked. “He was a resident of Ponyville?”

“Yeah,” The stallion said. “He was sentenced to life in prison.”

A mare in the crowd shook her hoof angrily. “It was too merciful of a punishment, if you ask me.”

“And now they’ve released him from prison.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Well, he was probably let out on good behaviour.”

“No, he wasn’t!” A mare offered a copy of the paper to Twilight. “Read the article and see for yourself.”

Twilight grabbed the newspaper from the pony with her magic to have a proper look at the newspaper article to find out. With her magic, she unfolded the paper to see the full story article, and straight away began to read.

Wrongly accused killer walks free, and now missing.

A two and a half year nightmare ended a week ago when wrongly accused killer, Abacus Sum was finally pardoned and released from prison. Abacus Sum, a resident of the town of Ponyville was accused of the murder of his wife, Tiger Lily and unborn child two years and five months ago in a house fire. The investigative team from Equestria’s capital of Canterlot that was sent to examine the case had concluded that the fire was deliberately lit, where Abacus Sum was charged with, and soon found guilty of murder and arson, and was sentenced to life in prison at Hoofstrong Prison Center.

Lawful Eye, a private investigator detective and lawyer from the city of Fillydelphia, known for her observant and analytical mind, took the case just three months after Abacus’s sentence. After twenty-five months of detective work, and long court battles, she finally convinced for the case to be reopened to trial. In court, the evidence uncovered showed that the fire was an accidental house fire due to a faulty wire in the walls of the kitchen. Three months later, Abacus stood before Equestria's Supreme Court in Canterlot. Where, as a result of this technicality, was acquitted of all charges, and soon released from prison the next day.

Abacus Sum was given 120,000 bits in compensation for his nightmarish prison experience. Right after his release from prison the following day, he had disappeared, and has not been seen since. Detective Lawful Eye has reported to be searching for him, and she advises anypony with information on his whereabouts to report it to her as soon as possible.

Twilight was still confused to the reason of the townsfolk’s anger. It was like if his release was a really bad thing. Still unsure, she spoke out. “Well, this is good. Isn’t it good that he’s been cleared of the crime and that he’s free?”

“Good?! It’s an outrage! He did do it. Everypony here in town knows he did.”

A familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind outside the crowd. “Not everypony.”

Twilight and Spike knew that voice. They and the rest of the crowd turned their heads to where the voice came from, for the voice belonged to none other than Applejack. The crowd looking shocked in disbelieve as they saw Applejack, with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity alongside.

“We all believed from the start that Abacus was innocent!” Applejack said.

“That’s right.” Rarity stepped forward with dignity. “A warm, charming, darling stallion like him wouldn’t ever have kill somepony he loved dearly.”

Fluttershy spoke out. “I knew him too. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“What?!” One pony in the crowd shouted. “Whose side are you ponies on?!”

“Whose side?” Pinkie Pie began looking all over around her. “Hmm…I’d say I’m on Applejack side. Actually, I’d say more on Rarity’s side, but more to the back side than the front. Personally, I prefer the front rather than the back. It’s better to view things close than far away.”

Applejack quickly took over, still feeling a bit awkward from Pinkie Pie's unpredictable randomness. “The point is if y'all think he would do this, then y'all don’t know him at all. We all knew him better than anyone of y'all."

“You’re against us!” A pony in the crowd shouted.


Spike backed away. “Uh, Twilight. I think we should get out of here.”

“Good idea, Spike.”

Before the crowd got too aggressive, Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the Main Six fled out of the marketplace as fast as they could, with the crowd shouting angrily behind them, growing fainter the farther they flee.

Before long, they all found themselves back at the Golden Oak Library. Twilight, out of breath from running shut the door behind her quickly, and then turned to the others who were all real glad to get out of that mess when they did. The way the townsfolk had behaved was like a repeat of the issue with Zecora, except it was with anger and hatred, in addition with fear.

Twilight pants, trying to catch her breath. “My gosh! I’ve never seen the townsfolk act so aggressive towards one pony.”

Twilight went over to the closest window to see if there was anyone from the angry crowd had followed them back. Seeing that no one was around, she sighed with a relief, and continued to converse with the others.

Twilight walked toward the others. “So, I take it that each of you knew this Abacus Sum?”

“That’s right.” Applejack said.

Spike tilted his head. “So, care to fill us on what happened?”

Applejack nodded. “Sure thing, sugarcube.”

They all made their way upstairs to Twilight’s living room to talk. After they each took a seat on the various cushions around the small room, they took up the conversation to tell Twilight and Spike the whole story.

“So what can you tell us about this Abacus Sum?” Spike held up the front page of the latest copy of the Equestria Telegram.

Applejack cleared her throat. “Well, before y'all came here from Canterlot, Abacus used ta live in this here town."

Rarity took over. “He was one of Ponyville’s most loved and well respected residents. Abacus used to live in wondrous Fillydelphia growing up, before moving to little old Ponyville with his lovely wife, Tiger Lily. He worked as an accountant and tax agent for many residents and local businesses in town. He also helped out others with their taxes. He helped me with the business fund of my boutique.”

“He helped managed all the money me, an' my family made from sales from our farm.” Applejack said.

“He was even so cool to improve the funding of the local weather control management.” Rainbow Dash took to the air in triumph. “I ended up getting an awesome raise from it.”

Pinkie Pie bounced in. “And he helped out accounting Sugarcube Corner profits for Mr and Mrs Cake. Abacus and Tiger Lily were so great to have at parties.”

“I was friends with his wife, Tiger Lily,” Fluttershy said. "She used to own the local flower shop in town, before her business partners, Rose, Daisy, and Lily Valley took over the business. She was so caring and kind like Abacus. Tiger Lily would help anypony in need with anything, if they asked. It's why she was so loved by everypony in town. She also loved animals, and would sometimes help me take care of them at my cottage. She once organised a successful fundraiser to save the local veterinary clinic from closing down one time.”

Pinkie Pie nodded. "I remember that. Tiger Lily asked me and the Cakes to make so many cakes, and muffins to sell at the fundraiser. It was like a big party!"

Applejack nodded. "Tiger Lily organised many charitable events in Ponyville."

“Speaking of parties," Rarity said. "At one party, Tiger Lily gave the good news to everypony at the party, including Abacus himself.”

“What news was that?” Twilight asked.

Rarity smiled. “Well, the news she gave was that she was going to have a baby.”

Pinkie Pie bounced with excitement. “OH-OH! I remember that one! Everypony was so happy. Abacus was the happiest-ist one of them all. So much that he was crying.”

“He sure did, sugarcube.” Applejack smiled. “It must’ve been the happiest moment of his life. Knowing he was gonna be a dad.”

Twilight widened her eyes. “Gosh. You guys make it sound like they were the perfect couple.”

“They sure were, Twilight.” Applejack sighed, switching back to a sad, sorrowed tune. “But…that was...until that one night.”

Twilight and Spike watched as all five of their friends lower their heads down in sadness in sync with one another at that part of the story. They could clearly tell what the reason was since they seem to share a common thing that they knew and admired.

“So what happened?” Twilight asked.

Applejack raised her head. “Well... about three months after that party, Tiger Lily an' Abacus’s home caught fire one night when they was asleep. Abacus managed ta get out, but Tiger Lily... she didn’t make it."

“How tragic!” Twilight said sadly.

“Yes.” Fluttershy's face saddened. “Abacus lost everything that night. His house, all his belongings, and even Tiger Lily, who was pregnant with their unborn child.”

Rarity took over. “When we talked to Abacus, he said that Tiger Lily got stuck about three feet from the front door. He tried to get her out, but a moment before the flaming roof gave way and collapsed, she shoved him out the door, and she was killed. Poor darling.”

“Come on, honey! There’s the door!”

“Abi! Help!”

“Hang on, Lily! Oh no!”

“I love you, Abi.”


Twilight, hearing the details of her friends retelling of that tragic night felt sad, but at the same time amazed. “You mean...?”

“Yes,” Applejack said. “Tiger Lily sacrificed herself, saving her husband’s life with her own. Putting others first before herself. That’s sounds exactly what she'd do.”

Spike blinked. “Wow! What a brave pony.”

“You said it, Spike.” Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity cleared her throat. “So after that, an investigation team from Canterlot was sent to investigate the cause of the fire, on the request of Mayor Mare and Lady Justice.”

“And the Canterlot investigators made the conclusion that he lit it himself?” Twilight asked.

Applejack nodded. “That’s right. They charged him with murder an' arson, an' claimed that the motive was money due ta the really big life insurance hoof out of her death.”

Twilight rubbed her chin, for she knew herself how the Canterlot Investigation Force was said to be one of the very best, since she was from Canterlot herself. Her mind began to think, finding out that this was the first time the Canterlot Investigation Force had been wrong seeing the news in the newspaper.

“And at his trial,” Rarity said. “The Ponyville court house judge, Lady Justice found him guilty, and sentenced him to life in prison, "Never to be released”. She also confessed that she and Mayor Mare never liked him, and were suspicious of him before delivering the verdict. So Uncouth!”

“Almost the whole town attended his trial,” Applejack said. “When the judge past down that verdict, nearly the whole town cheered an' applauded.”

Rarity frowned. "And not to mention poor Arithma was there too."

Spike tilted his head. "Arithma?"

"Yes, darling," Rarity said. "She's Abacus's mother. Abacus and Tiger Lily spoke very highly of her."

"Abacus and Tiger Lily would make visits to her in Fillydelphia once a month. She even visited Ponyville a few times. She was such a nice pony." Fluttershy frowned. "It was so heartbreaking for her to see Abacus been taken away, thinking she'd never see him again."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "So what happened to her after that?"

"Nopony knows," Rarity said. "Nopony ever heard from her, or saw her again after that. She was so heartbroken to see her only son, Abacus being convicted of his wife's murder."

“And the place where they sent him to. It’s one of the worst places you could ever be sent to for doing a crime like murder. Hoofstrong Prison Center is said to house the worst of the worst." Rainbow Dash winced. “Man! I can’t imagine what those inmates did to him in there.”

Fluttershy eyes saddened. “Poor Abacus.”

Twilight stood up. “Well, if Abacus ever does come back to Ponyville, we better make sure the townsfolk doesn’t find out about it.”

“But, Twilight,” Spike said. “You heard what the paper said. Nopony knows where he is, or where he’s gone to. How can you be so sure he’ll be coming here?”

Twilight turned to Spike. “Because he had friends here, Spike. So it’s most likely he’ll come here.”

Spike scratched his head unsurely. "I don't know, Twilight. You saw how most of the town reacted. If I was Abacus, I'd go where his mother lives back in Fillydelphia. Wouldn't that be a more obvious choice?"

Twilight scratched her head. "Well, yes. You do have a point, Spike. But just in case he does come here to Ponyville, we'll be here to help him. I'll even do some research, and try to find everything I can about the case through the town archives."

Applejack stood up. "An' ah think it’s a good idea if we kept this between ourselves if he ever does show up.”

“And we might have to keep him safe, and hidden somewhere until we figure out how to get him welcomed back into the town.” Twilight turned to Pinkie Pie. “So Pinkie. No welcome home parties of any kind until then.”

“Aw!” Pinkie Pie moaned disappointingly.

Rarity stood up and parted her hair with her hoof. “Well, I better be off, darlings. I’ve got to get back to work at my boutique. I’ve got to finish the last of the outfits requested by my client, Sapphire Shores.”

“Sapphire Shores?!” Everyone said in unison to Rarity in amazement. “The pony of pop?!”

“The very one, darlings. She’s got her latest tour of her latest album, “I tune in to you.” And with Sweetie Belle on a three week summer vacation in Hawhinny with mother and father, it’ll be much easier to get all of them done. And best of all, she's personally invited me to go and watch her big concert in Manehattan next week.”

“In that case,” Applejack said. “We all better be off. Well, see ya later, Twi.”

Twilight watch as all of her pony friends walked out of the door, and down the stairs towards her front door.

That afternoon, Applejack approached the entrance to the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. Throughout the whole journey back home from Twilight’s place, she could not help, but think about this morning. From finding out about Abacus being released, to the angry townsfolk, to even telling the whole story to Twilight and Spike. But she put her mind at ease when she entered the front door of her home.

“Hey, Y'all," She called out when she came inside. “Ah’m home!”


Apple Bloom came running downstairs towards Applejack, with a happy face beaming like the very sun shining in the sky. Applejack smiled as she opened her front hooves up, and embraced the pale, light grayish olive coated little sister of hers in a hug.

“What happened, Applejack?” Apple Bloom asked. “Ya didn’t come home fer brunch today. Where have ya been?”

Applejack patted Apple Bloom's head. “Long story, sugarcube. Right now, Ah gotta eat somethin'. Ah'm starved.”

Ten minutes later, Applejack sat down at the table with a nice, hot apple fritter on her plate along with her family sitting around her, and began to eat.

“So AJ,” Big McIntosh said. “How was the market today?”

Applejack muffled as she chewed and swallowed. “Well… It was real bad.”

“Bad?” Granny Smith asked. “How bad?”

“Have any of y'all read the paper this mornin'?”

Big McIntosh shook his head. “Nnope."

Applejack leaned over and put her snout into her saddle sack that she had laid on the floor next to the leg of the table. She pulled out today’s copy of the Equestria Telegram in her mouth, and placed it on the table for her family to see. “Well, y'all better take a look at this.”

Granny Smith and Big Mac looked at the paper. Big Mac looked at the picture of the pony closely.

“Hey,” Big Mac said. “Is that-“

“ABACUS!!” Granny Smith exclaimed cutting out Big Mac.

“That’s right. Somepony from Fillydelphia somehow cleared his name an' got him out.”

Granny Smith smiled. “Well, that’s all whoopin’, tootin’ great ta hear. All that nonsense of him killin’ his lovely wife was just a load of fiddlesticks!”


The whole Apple family looked down and began to read the front page article. All except Apple Bloom, who was struggling to look at the paper, but was blocked by her family’s bodies. “Hey! Let me look. Ah can’t see!”

When they finally moved a bit, Apple Bloom took a look at the picture of the stallion in the newspapers front page. She looked at the picture carefully, and soon after she began to look concerned.

“Hey,” Apple Bloom said. “That looks like the pony me an' Scootaloo saw earlier!”

“Well, of course. That’s our old accountant, Abacus Sum. Ya remember him, don't cha, Apple Bloo-” Applejack stopped talking dead in her tracks at what she just heard her little sister say. “What?! What do ya mean "ya saw him"?”

“Well, yeah.” Apple Bloom scratched her head. “Or…somepony who looked like him.”

“Where’d ya see him?” Applejack asked in a serious tone.

“Well… It was about an hour or two before ya came home. Scootaloo came by, an' suggested that we should make another list of what ta crusade fer our cutie marks when Sweetie Belle comes back from her vacation. So we went ta our clubhouse ta go make it. When we got close ta the clubhouse, Scootaloo thought she saw somepony inside.”


One and a half hours ago...

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo walked through the Apple trees of the orchard, making their way towards their clubhouse. As they got closer, they both suddenly noticed a shadowy figure of a pony appear in the window of the inside of the clubhouse. Causing the two fillies to gasp, and quickly jump into some bushes to hide in alarm.

“Hey, Apple Bloom," Scootaloo said. "Did you see that? I think there’s somepony in our clubhouse.”

“Ya think it’s a burglar?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s gotta be. Nopony, except us crusaders, are allowed in, right?”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo bravely poked their heads up to look, to see the figure in the window. Though they could not make a good enough detail, they could tell that the pony was an adult stallion.

“Did he see us?” Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo shook her head. “I don’t think so. I don’t think he knows we’re here.”

“Right. Then let’s catch him.”

Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom. “How are we going to catch him? Any ideas?”

“Hmm..." Apple Bloom look around until she spotted the long, large rope laying on the ground close by. "There’s the rope Applejack and Big Mac are usin' ta fix our rope swing. Let’s use that.”

“Great idea," Scootaloo said. "We can tie him up with that, and then we can bring him into custody.”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow in realization. “Hey yeah. If we bring him into custody, we’ll be town heroes. We’ll be…burglar busters.”

Scootaloo smiled with confidence. “Yeah. Maybe that’s our talent.”

“Cutie Mark Crusader burglar busters!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo quickly put their hooves over their mouths, suddenly realizing that they were nearly about to speak too loud. "Ooh… Shhh.”

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo quietly, and stealthy made the way out of view from the window towards the nearby rope. Apple Bloom picked it up, and made it into a lasso like the way her sister, Applejack would. They quietly walked up the ramp of their clubhouse, being careful not to make a sound, until they were just outside the door.

Apple Bloom whispered as she offered the end of the rope to Scootaloo with her hoof. “Ready, Scootaloo?”

“Ready.” Scootaloo took the rope in her mouth.

Apple Bloom got ready at the door with Scootaloo to confront the intruder inside. “One…Two…Three."

The two fillies burst in through the clubhouse door, and voices could be heard of what was happening inside.



“I got him’!! Whoa!" The stallion ran out the door, with the sound of a thud from inside the clubhouse, along with the voice of Scootaloo exclaiming a painful "Ow!”.

Apple Bloom ran out the door, and stopped to only watch the stallion run off. She turned to Scootaloo who was moaning in pain with her hoof on the right side of her face.

“Hey, quick," Apple Bloom said. "He’s gettin’ away!”

Scootaloo groan. “He’s too far. We’ll never catch him now.”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Ah guess we’re not cut out ta be burglar busters.”

“You said it. Ow!" Scootaloo slowly uncovered her face to show a black eye. "It’s a painful talent to do.”


Back in the present...

Applejack looked at Apple Bloom with a face of concern when Apple Bloom finished telling her about what happened this morning. “So somepony was at yer clubhouse? An' are ya sure it was this pony?”

Apple Bloom scratched her head looking at the picture. “Ah think. Though he had a big, ugly looking scar on the left side of his face, an' was a bit scruffy. But it looks like him.”

“Why didn’t ya an' Scootaloo come tell us sooner?!” Applejack asked.

Big Mac scowled. “An' it was mighty foolish of ya both ta go take on an intruder by yerselves like ya did! Ya could’ve gotten’ yerselves hurt! Or worse! What were ya thinkin'?!”

Apple Bloom’s face began to show the sad look on her face that she gave whenever she realized that she was in trouble. “Ah’m...Ah’m sorry. Ah... Ah didn’t mean ta-“

Suddenly, they were all interrupted by the sound of the family’s pet dog, Winona barking at the living room window in what sounded like alert.

Applejack walked over to the window to see what was wrong. “What’s up, Winona? What is it, old girl?”

Applejack looked through the window to see what was wrong, for she knew good and well that Winona would not bark like that for no reason. She looked out only to find to her concern that there was a small crowd of ponies coming through the gate of Sweet Apple Acres, and coming towards the barn. All of them she knew were some of the angry crowd from the market.

“What is it, AJ?” Big Mac asked.

Applejack looked seriously. “We got trouble commin’.”

“Trouble?” Apple Bloom asked. “What kinda’ trouble?”

“It’s some of the angry crowd from the market. They’re a-comin' ta the barn.”

“Why here?” Apple Bloom walked towards the front door. “We should go find out.”

Just before Apple Bloom could reach the front door, she found herself being grabbed by Granny Smith and pulled away. “Not so fast there, youngin! Big Mac an’ Applejack will handle this here crowd.”

Big Mac and Applejack went outside to confront the approaching crowd.

A light amber coated stallion at the front of the crowd spoke first. “Alright! Where is he?!”

Applejack tilted her head, puzzled by what he meant. “Where’s who, Caramel?”

Caramel growled. “Don’t play dumb with us! You know good and well who we’re talking about!”

“We know Abacus is here!” Lucky Clover shouted.

“What are y'all talking about?” Big Mac asked.

The crowd gave an angry glance at both Applejack and Big Mac, until Caramel spoke out. “A little filly told us that Abacus was here snooping around, and that he assaulted her!”

Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other, knowing who the filly that told them was. “Scootaloo!”

“Now where are you hiding him?!” Lucky Clover asked.

One pony in the crowd pointed at the barn doors. “He must be hiding in the barn!”

“Abacus! We know you’re in there!”

Caramel shook his hoof angrily at the barn door. “You’re so going to get it when we get our hooves on you! You hear us?!”

Applejack and Big Mac stepped in front of the barn blocking the angry crowd. “Abacus ain’t here! Y’all are barkin’ up the wrong tree!”

Big Mac nodded. “Eeyup!”

“Likely story!” Caramel said.

“But if Abacus IS here!” Lucky Clover aimed his yelling at the barn door. “And if we get our hooves on him, he’ll be mincemeat!”

Applejack and Big Mac watched as Caramel, Lucky Clover, and the rest of the group of angry ponies walked away and out the gate. Both Applejack and Big Mac then let out a sigh of relief, thankful that things did not get out of hand. They then went back inside, with Applejack still baring a look of great concerned.

“Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked.

Apple Bloom came towards Applejack. “Yeah, Applejack?”

“Did this pony in yer clubhouse hit Scootaloo?”

Apple Bloom placed her front hoof on her chin and thought for a good long moment. “Well, not exactly. When me an' Scootaloo confronted him, an' tried ta tie him up, he ran out the door. Scootaloo held on ta the rope, an' she hit her head on the door.”

Applejack sighed. “Well, that’s going ta make things all-the-more difficult.”

“Make what things difficult?” Big Mac asked.

Applejack turned to Big Mac with that same look of concern. “Well, Ah agreed with the others that if Abacus did come back ta Ponyville, we’d try ta help him get back into society. But if that pony in Apple Bloom's clubhouse really was Abacus, it’s gonna be more difficult.”

Big Mac and Granny Smith looked in concern, while Apple Bloom looked in worry, thinking that she was partly to blame for unintentionally making things worse.

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this. Enjoy!

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