• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 3,876 Views, 409 Comments

A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 12: "The Good News."

The Next Day...

The late afternoon sun began setting behind the distant hills of Sweet Apple Acres. Granny Smith and Applejack were in the kitchen preparing dinner. Granny Smith stirred a steaming pot of hot soup on the stove with a wooden spoon, while Applejack placed a soup bowl on a wooden tray, and brought it over to Granny Smith. She grabbed a ladle, dipped it into the pot, and poured some soup into the bowl.

"Soup's on," Granny Smith said. "Better take this up ta the sick, little youngin' before ya have yers."

Applejack nodded. "Sure thing, Granny."

Just when Applejack was about to go and take the tray with the bowl of hot soup up to Apple Bloom's room, there was a sudden knock at the front door. Applejack walked to the door, reached the door handle, and opened the front door. There standing at the door was Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Scootaloo.

Applejack greeted them. "Oh, hi, Rainbow, Rarity, Scootaloo! Y'all back from Manehattan."

"Hey, Applejack," Rainbow Dash said. "Can we see Apple Bloom? We got some awesome news to tell her."

Applejack tilted her head. "News?"

Rarity nodded as the three of them entered into the house. "Oh, yes. And you, and everypony else should come up to hear this as well."

Applejack gave an unsure look. "...Sure, alright."

Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Mac followed Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Scootaloo upstairs to Apple Bloom's bedroom. They soon reached the door of her room, where Apple Bloom was sadly laying down in bed, with her back facing the door. She just turned her body round at the sound of hoof steps as everyone entered her room and approached her.

"Oh, hey guys," Apple Bloom said. "How was Manehattan?"

Scootaloo smiled. "Hey, Apple Bloom. It was great. The hotel was the best. We got free room service, and the indoor pool was great for a swim. And the concert was amazing. It was the most amazing concert ever. And Sapphire Shores, she's so awesome in person. Oh, I wish you were there to see it."

Apple Bloom sighed sadly, and turned over away from them. "So do Ah. Glad y'all had a great time...instead of me."

Applejack patted Apple Bloom to console her. "Oh, come on now, sugarcube. Don't be sad. At least they got ya Sapphire Shores's autograph."

Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her head with her hoof. "Actually...that's the thing. We didn't."

Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash with frustration. "What in tarnation! That was the one thing y'all were suppose ta do fer her, an' ya didn't do it?!"

"Chillax, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash said.

"This is the reason for the wonderful news we have to tell all of you comes in." Rarity turned to Apple Bloom. "And Apple Bloom, sweetie. You'll love the news we have to tell you."

Apple Bloom turned back over facing the others, and sat up straight in bed. "What's this wondeful news?"

Rarity cleared her throat. "Well, last night when we went to meet Sapphire Shores, we told her all about you, and tried to get you her autograph. Only she refused because she had a much better idea."


Last Night...

Rainbow Dash reached into her saddle bag with her mouth, pulled out a 'I tune in to you' record, placed it in her hoof, and offered it to Sapphire Shores. "She wanted us to get her your autograph as something special for her not coming. Would you mind?"

There was a pause. Sapphire Shores looked at the record for a few moments thinking. She then smiled, raised her hoof, and gently pushed Rainbow Dash's hoof with the record away. "No."

Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Rarity's faces shot up with a mix of shock and surprise. "Huh?"

Sapphire Shores smiled kindly, and winked. "I've got a much better idea in mind."

The three ponies looked on in confusion, waiting for what Sapphire Shores was going to say.

Sapphire Shores finally spoke. "If Apple Bloom couldn't come to see me, then how about I come to see her."

The three ponies eyes widened in amazement at what the pony of pop had just said to them.

"Sapphire," Rarity said. "Are you saying...?"

Sapphire Shores nodded. "I am. I'm going to make a special visit to Ponyville to visit that poor filly on Wednesday." She turned to Ocean Blue. "That day is free before my final concert in Canterlot, right, Ocean darling?"

Ocean Blue nodded. "Of course, Sapphire, but you'll have one less day to relax in Canterlot before your performance the next day after."

"Oh that's fine. I think I can afford one less day to relax for something like this." Sapphire Shores turned back to the others. "So, would that be a better idea? Would Apple Bloom like that?"

"Would she?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "She'd love that!"

Rarity smiled touchedly. "Why, Sapphire. That's so kind of you."

"That's so awesome," Scootaloo said. "We'll have to tell her that!"

Sapphire Shores nodded. "It's no trouble. Though I must ask you not to tell everypony in town about this."

Ocean Blue turned to the others. "That's right. Sapphire is doing it for Apple Bloom, not for the press."

"Hey, no sweat," Rainbow Dash said. "We and our friends back in Ponyville can keep a secret. You can count on it."

Sapphire Shores smiled. "Thank you so much. I'll be coming to see Apple Bloom at her home in Ponyville on Wednesday. Though I'll need to know where she lives."

Rarity nodded. "But of course. We'll give you the details."


Back in the present...

"And that's the whole story, darling." Rarity said.

Apple Bloom's face instantly lit up like a little sun, overwhelmed with joy. "Oh my star apples! Sapphire Shores is comin' ta Ponyville ta see me?!"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, on Wednesday. Pretty cool, huh, kiddo?"

"Ah don't believe it," Apple Bloom said. "It's a dream come true."

Applejack smiled, for it was just the thing to make that little sick filly happy again. "And through all that sadness, fussin', and blamin' Abacus, looks like you're gonna meet Sapphire Shores after all."

Apple Bloom dropped her head sadly. "Oh, yeah. That. Ah'm sorry fer all the things ah said about Abacus. Ah'm just glad he didn't hear them from me."

Applejack patted Apple Bloom's back. "It's alright, sugarcube. We all know ya didn't mean it. But at least somethin' good happened from it. It's like we told ya: good things always happen ta those who do real good deeds. An' because ya gave yer prize ta Rainbow Dash an' Scootaloo, ya were rewarded."

"Ah guess ya right." Apple Bloom said.

Rarity yawned. "Well, I guess we should be getting home now. We have to let the others know about Sapphire Shores coming, but we have to keep it quiet from anypony else."

"Yeah, you said it." Rainbow Dash stretched her body. "It was quite a trip, and I'm bummed out. The sooner I tell Fluttershy about Sapphire Shores coming and get back home to chillax, the better."

Scootaloo waved to Apple Bloom. "See you later, Apple Bloom."

"Bye, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said. "Bye ya guys. An' thank y'all."

Everyone walked out of Apple Bloom's bedroom, leaving a sick, but now happy Apple Bloom alone. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Scootaloo went down the stairs, and went out the door to outside. They then waved back at Applejack, as they walked towards the gate of Sweet Apple Acres.

"See you later, Applejack." Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack waved back. "Bye, y'all."

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Scootaloo had just exited out the gate when Rainbow Dash turned to the others. "Well, guess I better dash."

Rarity nodded. "Alright then, Rainbow Dash. Just remember to stop at Fluttershy's first to give her the news."

"Yeah, yeah. I will." Rainbow Dash turned to Scootaloo. "And are you okay to make it home to your dad, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo gave a very brief troubled look, like if she was troubled by something. "Oh, yeah."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "What's up, kiddo?"

Scootaloo put a normal face on. "Oh, nothing, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash looked at her for a moment with a worried frown, as if she just had a mild suspicion of some kind. "Are you sure? You want me to escort you home?"

"No thanks," Scootaloo said. "I can manage."

"Are you sure, little buddy?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Scootaloo nodded. "I'm sure."

There was a pause. Rainbow Dash kept giving her that mild suspicious look for a few moments, before nodding. "Alright, little buddy." She took off into the air and hovered above then looking down at Rarity and Scootaloo. "Well, see you later guys."

Rainbow Dash flew away into the distance, leaving Rarity and Scootaloo to walk down the road towards Ponyville.

"Well, Scootaloo," Rarity said. "Let's get home. It'll be dark soon."

Scootaloo stammered. "...yeah. Let's go."

Rarity and Scootaloo walked together down the road towards Ponyville. During the walk back, Rarity had that same suspicion as Rainbow Dash that there was something troubling Scootaloo. And that she was denying and not talking about.

The Next Day...

The morning sun shined brightly on the whole town, as Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, and Lock Down were sitting in the kitchen of The Golden Oak Library enjoying breakfast. Spike brought over five plates, along with freshly cooked waffles, butter, maple syrup, and whipped cream soon after, and place them on the table.

"Oh Spike, those waffles look delicious." Twilight said.

Spike chuckled proudly. "Yes, well, I do have some talents."

Lawful Eye smiled. "I haven't had waffles for breakfast in a very long time."

Lock Down turned to Twilight. "Thank you for inviting me over for breakfast, Twilight."

"You're welcome, Lock Down," Twilight said. "After watching Abacus with Fluttershy, I think you need a little break from it."

"It hasn't been so bad. It's been pretty relaxing so far, and Abacus is no trouble." Lock Down cut a piece off one of his waffles with his knife, and with his fork, he ate the waffle slice. "As you know, Fluttershy and I took Abacus out to the grassy meadow area outside of town for a picnic with Derpy, Cheerilee, and some of Fluttershy's animals on Saturday. No chance of any townsfolk making trouble for him there. Then Derpy suggested to take Abacus into town, and show him the Tiger Lily memorial public flower garden next door to her house."

Spike tilted his head. "The Tiger Lily memorial public flower garden?"

"It's a public garden created by Roseluck, Daisy, and Lily Valley at Mayor Mare's request in memory of Tiger Lily." Twilight explained. "It was created on the site of where Abacus and Tiger Lily's house once stood."

"Oh yeah, I remember. Abacus used to live next door to Derpy." Spike ate another piece of his waffles.

"At any rate," Lock Down said. "It was a very beautiful garden, but the poor guy was so sad. We did encounter some locals, and they were definitely not happy to see Abacus in that garden. But they held their tongues when they saw me. Apart from that, it was very good day."

Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "And speaking of which, it's been a whole week since the incident with Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut, and so far it's been very quiet."

Spike turned to Lawful Eye. "Do you now think they were possibly bluffing about getting that police pony friend of theirs?"

"It's possible," Lawful Eye said. "But it could be the calm before the storm. So we can't take chances."

Twilight turned to Lawful Eye. "Well, Fluttershy has organised for all of us to take Abacus to the Ponyville cemetery to see his wife and mother's graves today."

"I've been concerned about showing his mother's grave since I told him the other day." Lawful Eye sighed. "He was so sad."

"True," Warden Rehab said. "But it's only right that we should show him. Besides, if his mother was buried next to his wife like you stated, then he should know how to find it."

"Well, let's worry about that later. But right now..." Spike took a waffle coated with syrup and whipped cream, shoved it into his mouth, and began eating while talking with his mouthful. "...let's just enjoy our waffles."

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes, and shook her head, before everyone began to eat their waffle breakfast.

"Well, wasn't it wonderful what Rarity told us last night about Sapphire Shores coming to Ponyville to see Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked.

Lock Down nodded. "It sure was. Your friend, Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy and I about it too."

Warden Rehab took the rolled-up morning newspaper with his magic to read. "It's a noble thing for a celebrity to put time aside for fans in need."

"True. It was so kind of her to do that." Twilight rubbed her chin, like if she just had an idea. "Though I wonder."

Spike tilted his head. "Wonder what, Twilight?"

"Well, if she's so nice to do that," Twilight said. "Maybe we could ask her one other favor."

Lawful Eye turned to Twilight. "What do you mean?"

Twilight thought for a moment. "Well, I just came up with an idea. And since only we and our friends know about Sapphire Shores coming to Ponyville, it just might work."

"I'm afraid only us knowing about this is not the case anymore." Everyone turned to Warden Rehab, as he levitated the latest morning paper, and placed it in front of the others for them to see. "Take a look at this."

Everyone looked at the front page of the latest newspaper, and soon their eyes widened with a mix of shock and disbelief at what was on it. The front page had a picture of Sapphire Shores with the large letters "PONY OF POP COMING TO PONYVILLE" written above it.

"How in Equestria did this get out?" Twilight asked.

"It appears an undercover newspaper reporter snuck his way backstage in Manehattan and caught wind of Sapphire's conversation with your friends."

Twilight groaned. "So now the whole town knows about her coming tomorrow, and she told us specially to keep it a secret. Now it's going to be very difficult."

"What's going to be very difficult?" Lock Down asked.

Spike tilted his head. "And what is this idea you just had, Twilight?"

"Well, call it fate, or whatever you want to call it," Twilight said. "But Sapphire Shores might be the best hope we have of getting Abacus accepted back into society again."

Everyone looked at Twilight with a puzzled look at the idea she had in mind. Lawful Eye then mildly smiled, for she had a good feeling what Twilight was thinking, and felt it could help.

Author's Note:

This is the twelfth chapter. The thirteenth chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this. Today marks the first year anniversary of when this story started. Happy 1st anniversary, everypony!

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