• Published 19th Oct 2015
  • 3,876 Views, 409 Comments

A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 6: "The Bakery Rage."

The Next Day...

The word of Apple Bloom winning the prize in Pop Pony magazine's contest spread around fast. Soon the whole town knew about it, and became the top story of the gossip column in Ponyville's local newspaper.


The voice of a filly shouted in absolute disbelief. So loud that it could be heard by the whole town. The voice of the filly who shouted turned out to come from none other than Diamond Tiara. She was reading the story of Apple Bloom winning in the local newspaper's gossip column with her friend, Silver Spoon, in the local park.

"She won it?!" Diamond Tiara said.

"I know." Silver Spoon frowned. "We put in 547 entries in that contest. How did she get so lucky with just one?"

Diamond Tiara scowled. "It's not fair! We should've been the ones to win and see Sapphire Shores, not that blank flank!"

"You're right," Silver Spoon said. "It's not fair at all."

Diamond Tiara huffed. "Come on, Silver Spoon. Let's go to Sugarcube Corner. I need something sweet."

The two rich fillies walked off down the path in the park towards Sugarcube Corner.

At that same time, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Lawful Eye were walking towards Fluttershy's cottage to visit and find out how Abacus was doing. Fluttershy was outside tending to some of her many animals as they came up to her.

"Hey, Flutters." Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy turned her attention to Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Lawful Eye. "Oh, hello, everypony. One moment, please."

Fluttershy took a few moments to tend to some of her animals before heading over to her friends standing outside close to the front door. Twilight along with Lawful Eye stepped forward to speak first. "So, how is Abacus doing, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy dropped her eyes with concern. "Well, he's been very quiet and antisocial."

Fluttershy turned her head towards the front door of her cottage, with the others looking to. Through the opened top part of the Dutch door, they could see Abacus sitting on the sofa in the living room in that same depressed posture with his head down, and his face sad.

"Ever since he got here, he just sits there in that same spot," Fluttershy said. "He almost never speaks, and doesn't do anything. The only times he ever gets up is to use the bathroom, to eat, or get himself a drink. And last night, he had a really horrible nightmare that woke me up in the middle of the night."


Last Night...

Fluttershy lay in her bed, sleeping soundly in the quiet, peaceful night. The peaceful quiet was suddenly stopped by distressed shouts.


The shouts of Abacus in the guest room woke Fluttershy up. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh..."

"Stop...No! NO!"

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, no!"

Fluttershy jumped out of bed, and rushed out of her room, down the hall to the guest room. She opened the door to see Abacus tossing and turning violently in his bed, with cold sweat forming on his face.

"No! NO!!!"

Abacus began screaming loudly, causing Fluttershy to rush over to him. She began to shake him, to wake him up from the nightmare he was having.

"Abacus," Fluttershy said. "Wake-up! Wake-up!"

Her shakes and calls worked as Abacus jolted awake, sitting up panting heavily with a horrified look on his face. His horrified expression was soon followed by sobs and fearful whimpers like a small child waking up from a horrible nightmare. Fluttershy began to embrace him, like a mother would when comforting their distressed child as Abacus cried on her shoulder.

"Oh, Abacus, it's okay. It was just a bad dream."


Back in the present...

Fluttershy winced as she finished recalling Abacus's nightmarish episode the previous night. "I don't know what he was dreaming about, but it must've been horrible."

"I believe I do," Lawful Eye said. "He must have been dreaming about the tortures he suffered in prison."

Twilight sighed. "Even in his own dreams, he suffers."

"Gosh," Spike said. "That poor guy."

"And to add to it." Fluttershy turn her head to the others. "He's not once ever placed a hoof outside since he got here. He just stays inside all day."

Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "It would be because of the towns feelings towards him the other day."

"I think you might be right," Twilight said. "Remember how the ponies in the marketplace acted? And how the crowd of ponies came over to Sweet Apple Acres not long afterwards as Applejack told us?"

“Good?! It’s an outrage! He did do it. Everypony here in town knows he did.”

“What?! Whose side are you ponies on?!”

“You’re against us!”


“Abacus! We know you’re in there!”

“You’re so going to get it when we ever get our hooves on you! You hear us?!”

“But if Abacus IS here! And if we get our hooves on him, he’ll be mincemeat!”

The look of mixed, and troubled feelings came to everyone as they recalled the angry words of the ponies in town.

Rainbow Dash crossed her front hooves while hovering. "Well, it's no wonder he doesn't want to go outside."

"Yeah," Spike said. "The town is just so hate-filled towards one pony, and even though he was proven innocent, they still believe he did it."

Scootaloo came forward for everyone to notice her. "Um...speaking of which, I think there's also probably going to be another problem."

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked.

Scootaloo hesitated for a couple of moments with a worried look on her face. "Well...you see...my dad has been threatening to press charges on Abacus."

Everyone looked at Scootaloo. "What?"

"What do you mean he's pressing charges?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, when my dad asked me about my black eye, I told him that I got it from hitting my head on the door of the clubhouse." Scootaloo cringed. "But when my dad found out from somepony that it was from me and Apple Bloom's first encounter with Abacus, and told him that it was because he hit me, he got really mad. And now he believes that he really did hit me, and he's saying he's going to have Abacus arrested. I've tried to convince my dad that Abacus didn't hit me, but he won't listen to me."

Rainbow Dash face-palmed her face in frustration. "Oh, perfect. This is just perfect."

"Oh, no." Fluttershy put a hoof over her mouth, looking rather worried. "This is not good."

"Oh, come on," Spike said. "He's probably just blowing hot air. Besides, he can't have him arrested for it without real evidence or proof. The proof is in the pudding."

"Spike is right," Twilight said. "The town is jumping to conclusions. But we know the truth." She looks at Scootaloo. "I'm sure your father is just blowing a lot of hot air."

Scootaloo scratched her head with a look of concern. "...I don't know. He seemed pretty serious when he said it."

Lawful Eye came up to Scootaloo and put a reassuring hoof under the young filly's chin. "Do not worry, Scootaloo. I don't think your father is going to press charges on Abacus."

"You think so?" Scootaloo asked.

Lawful Eye nodded. "Like Spike said, he doesn't have enough evidence or proof to press such charges on him, even with the black eye you have which is almost gone. And if he does manage to do so, I won't let him succeed in arresting and putting Abacus in prison again. I am a detective and lawyer after all. But I doubt he's going to because this town has no police force. The closest investigation teams available that can is either in Cloudsdale or Canterlot, and I doubt he's going to go through all that trouble. So I wouldn't really worry about it."

Scootaloo's eyes looked away with that same concerned look. "I Hope you're right, Detective."

"Well, then," Twilight said. "How about we try and get Abacus to go outside? In fact, how about we take him out to Sugarcube Corner to visit Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Lawful Eye walked inside Fluttershy's cottage and into the living room with the others right behind them. Abacus looked up at them with his depressed eyes as they mildly welled up when he saw Lawful Eye. "...Lawful.

Lawful Eye came over to him with a caring smile before saying warmly, "Hi, Abi."

Spike walked by Twilight, Fluttershy, and Lawful Eye and towards Abacus. "Hey there, Abacus. The name's Spike." He offers his hand out as a friendly hand shake gesture as he says: "Nice to meet you."

Abacus shied away from Spike's reaching hand on the sofa, causing Spike to tilt his head and raise a confused eyebrow. "Huh? What's wrong? You know what a friendly shake is, don't you?"

Seeing that Abacus was a little scared, Lawful Eye, Fluttershy, and Twilight came over to Abacus's side to reassure to him that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Fluttershy patted Abacus on the shoulder to comfit him. "It's okay, Abacus. There's nothing to be scared of."

"That's right," Twilight said. "Spike is a dragon, but he's a good little guy. He's my number one assistant, and my friend. And he'll be your friend too."

Spike smiled as he once again offered his hand out as a friendly hand shake gesture to Abacus. Abacus hesitated and looked at Spike nervously until Lawful Eye encouraged him to shake Spike's hand.

"Go on, Abi," Lawful Eye said. "It's alright."

Abacus hesitated again for a moment before he began to slowly and nervously move his hoof out towards Spikes' hand. After a few moments, his hoof finally rested in Spike's hand, and Spike began to gently shake Abacus's hoof with a friendly smile.

"I guess this is your first time meeting a dragon, huh?" Spike chuckled. "It's okay. I get that sometimes." He stopped shaking and let Abacus's hoof go. "Twilight and Lawful Eye have told me all about you."

The others smiled at how Abacus shook claw and hoof with Spike. Twilight cleared her throat. "Hey, Abacus. We were thinking. We're going to go to Sugarcube Corner to see Pinkie Pie and have a sweet treat. And guess what? We're taking you with us."

Abacus began to shake his head with fear, laid down on the sofa and began to sob and whimper.

"Oh, come on, Abacus." Fluttershy said.

Abacus sobbed with fearful tears shedding out of his eyes. "No! No!"

The others understood why he did not want to go outside with the townsfolk being so hostile towards him, but they knew he could not just stay shut-out forever. They took a very patient approach.

"Abi," Lawful Eye said. "We understand you're scared, and we don't blame you, but you're a free pony now. You need to get out and get fresh air."

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash hovered above the others. "After all, you can't stay inside forever."

Fluttershy nodded. "That's true. It's too nice of a day to stay inside. And I know Pinkie Pie would be happy to see you. And you could have a nice cup of cocoa, and maybe one of her nice muffins or cupcakes."

Twilight nodded. "And I think the fresh air will be very good for you."

"And you'll be with us," Spike said. "So you'll be safe."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah. If anypony want to try and get you, they'd have to get passed us first."

Fluttershy stroked Abacus's mane gently. "Please, Abacus? Please come with us to Sugarcube Corner?"

"I promise we will keep you safe, Abi." Lawful Eye said.

Abacus began to slowly look up at the others, who each look at Abacus with kind smiles on their faces, waiting for his answer.

The townsfolk of Ponyville were all walking around town, going on their usual daily routines. Ponies going to the marketplace or local shops to do needed shopping, couples and families enjoying nice outings in the streets, and little fillies and colts having fun and games in the outdoors. The peace suddenly halted when one pony gasped in horror.

"It's... It's... HIM!" A mare shouted.

The whole townsfolk looked in the direction of where the pony was pointing. Coming up the main street of the direction of where they were all looking, was Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Lawful Eye. And walking amongst them, in between Fluttershy and Lawful Eye was Abacus Sum. They walked down the street of Ponyville, and noticed the townsfolk just staring silently with mixed expressions. Some fearful, and others with anger and hatred.

"Hey, Fluttershy! Who's your new pet?!"

Fluttershy jerked her gaze around to see a group of stallions in the street calling out.

"Get out of town, you murderer! You aren't welcome here!"

"If you didn't have those ponies with you, believe us, you'd be sorry!"

"You may of fooled the courts, but we all know you did it!"

"Enjoy your undeserved freedom while it lasts, you scum!"

"Yeah, Abacus Scum!"

Rainbow Dash angrily turned to the stallions, as she yelled, "Knock it off, you jerks!!"

Abacus sadly winced at the stallion's words, with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash giving the stallions an angry glare that said everything. They continued down the road where they saw Daisy, Rose, and Lily Valley. The three flower ponies who are known for their habit of being so fearful and gossip-spreading. The three look at Abacus with horror at the sight of his horribly scarred face.

"Just look at his face," Daisy said. "Pure evil!"

Lily Valley winced. "So hideous! Tiger Lily's evil husband has shown his true form."

Rose put her hooves on both sides of her face in shock. "The horror, the horror!"

On the opposite side of the street, they saw a pony couple with their little filly. The little filly hugged her mother, sobbing in fear, with the father giving Abacus a hateful glare.

"Mommy, Daddy, make that scary pony go away." The little filly said.

The open aggression and fear towards Abacus frustrated the others as they each struggled not to outburst at anyone else who was saying things towards or about him. If there were not any children around, they would definitely outburst at them. But the reaction was what some ponies wanted, and were not worth it. The others could suddenly hear Abacus mumble something under his breath. They listened carefully to barely make out that he was repeatedly saying: "I am not scum. I am not scum. I am not scum."

Rainbow Dash came closer to Twilight and Lawful Eye. "So, you still think bringing him into town was a good idea?"

"Well, we're almost at Sugarcube Corner," Twilight said. "So ask me again later."

Soon they could see the gingerbread house style building of the local bakery and confectionery ahead. Inside, there were customers waiting to be served and enjoying some sweet snacks while dining. Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Lawful Eye and Abacus entered inside, and took a seat at an empty table. One of the customers was none other than Derpy, as she looked at them. She smiled with delight at seeing one of them in particular.

"Abacus!" Derpy said.

Everyone inside turned their heads towards the table Abacus was sitting at with shock. One random little colt that was close by to them was pulled away quickly by his mother. Soon almost all other customers just left the shop quickly in fear or anger at the sight of Abacus, until there was only a few other customers left.

Derpy happily came over to the others, and stopped in front of Abacus. "Abacus." She then embraced Abacus in a hug. "It's so good to see you again."

Lawful Eye looked surprised at how genuinely happy this pony was to see Abacus. She adjusted her glasses. "And who are you, ma'am?"

Derpy looked up at Lawful Eye, and released Abacus from her hug. "Oh, hi. My name's Derpy. I was he and Tiger Lily's neighbor. They use to live next door to me."

Just then, Pinkie Pie, along with Cup Cake and Carrot Cake, came out to serve the next customer. Pinkie Pie saw the others sitting at one of the tables. "Oh! Hi there, guys! I'll come and take your orders."

As Pinkie Pie bounced over to the others, Cup Cake and Carrot Cake tilted their heads in confusion at the sudden lack of customers.

"That's strange," Cup Cake said. "There was a lot of customers a minute ago."

Carrot Cake scratched his head. "I know, honey bun. I wonder what caused them to leave suddenly?"

"We know why." A filly's voice called out.

Cup Cake and Carrot Cake turned their attention to a table that had two little fillies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sitting at it.

"They all left because of him." Diamond Tiara pointed.

Cup Cake and Carrot Cake looked at the close by table that Diamond Tiara was pointing at. They both saw that it had some of Pinkie's friends sitting there. They gasped with surprise as they noticed that one of the ponies sitting at the table was Abacus.

"Is that... Abacus Sum?" Cup Cake and Carrot Cake said in unison.

Diamond Tiara tapped her hoof on the table impatiently. "Speaking of service, where are our jumbo sized chocolate chip cupcakes and large chocolate milkshakes? We've been waiting forever."

"It won't be long now, dearies." Cup Cake said.

Back at Twilight's table, Pinkie Pie was just getting everyone's orders, with Abacus and Lawful Eye being the first orders. "So, Abacus, what can I getcha?"

"I think he'd like maybe a cup of hot cocoa, and some cupcakes." Lawful Eye said.

Pinkie tilted her head. "Hot cocoa? In summer? That's a bit of an unusual thing to have at this time of year, don't you think?" She briefly scratched her head until an idea struck her like lightning. "Hey, I know! How about a large chocolate milkshake instead? It's today's special, with a plate of jumbo sized chocolate chip cupcakes."

"That sounds nice. I think I'll have that." Lawful Eye turned to Abacus. "Would you like that too, Abi?"

Abacus did not say anything, he just sadly closed his eyes and slowly nodded.

Lawful Eye turned her attention back to Pinkie Pie. "We'll take two milkshake and cupcake specials."

"In fact, I think we all will have that too, Pinkie." Twilight said.

"Mm-hm." Spike, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy said.

Pinkie nodded. "Okey-dokey-lokey! Seven milkshake and cupcake specials coming right up! I think a freshly baked batch of cupcakes has just came out of the oven."

Pinkie Pie bounced over to Cup Cake and Carrot Cake as her usual joyful self. "Hey, Mr and Mrs Cake. Are the jumbo sized chocolate chip cupcakes ready?"

"I just got them out of the oven to cool a few minutes ago." Carrot Cake said.

Pinkie Pie turned Cup Cake and Carrot Cake's attention to her friends table. "We've got seven milkshake and cupcake special orders for my friends."

Cup Cake and Carrot Cake looked at the table that the others with Abacus were sitting. They then looked at each other briefly before turning back to Pinkie.

"Yes... Of course, dearie." Cup Cake went to the back of the counter to prepare the orders.

Carrot Cake looked at Derpy. "Oh, and Derpy. Your bakers dozen of muffins will be ready in a minute."

"Yay!" Derpy said. "Thank you so much."

Diamond Tiara groaned impatiently. "I don't believe this. Loosing the Pop Pony magazine's contest to that blank flank is bad enough, but not getting our orders on time..."

"I know," Silver Spoon said. "I could just die of boredom."

Abacus slightly winced at hearing Silver Spoon's remark at the nearby table. Diamond Tiara noticed this. After a moment of thinking, and remembering Cup Cake and Carrot Cake's reactions to him being here, she got an idea of what to do for fun. She leaned forward and whispered something to Silver Spoon, while pointing at Abacus. They giggled sinisterly as they spoke to each other loudly.

"Oh, well, Silver Spoon. I guess it's better inside here, then out there in that blazing hot summer weather. We might have to just face it and wait." Diamond Tiara grinned.

"I know," Silver Spoon said. "I'd hate to get sun burnt while out there. Especially on the face. It'd be a horrible sight for anypony to see."

Abacus winced distressingly at the words those two fillies were saying. Everyone else who could hear them glared at them for they could tell from the tone and sarcasm in their voices that they were doing it on purpose. They restrained themselves because of one reason: They only wanted the reaction. They would not get one, or at least they hoped so.

"Well, it's a good thing my daddy has got air conditioning at my house," Diamond Tiara said. "If it gets too hot, we could just lock ourselves up inside to keep cool."

Abacus winced distressingly again. Seeing how distressed Abacus was getting, Scootaloo spoke out at them unable to take those two fillies tormenting. "Hey! Cut it out, you two!"

"Cut what out?" Diamond Tiara along with Silver Spoon acted innocent.

Scootaloo glared. "You know what I'm talking about!"

Silver Spoon grinned. "We're not doing anything. We're just talking about how burning hot the weather is, Blank flank."

Abacus began to winced distressingly again, with him closing his eyes and shuddering. Lawful Eye tried to comfit him. "It's alright, Abi. Just ignore them."

At that same time, Cup Cake came walking over to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's table, carrying a tray with two large chocolate milkshakes and two plates of jumbo sized chocolate chip cupcakes on her head, and placed them in front of them.

"Here we are," Cup Cake said. "Sorry for the wait, dearies. We had to let these cupcakes cool a little, or they'd be too hot."

"It's about time. But I guess it's good they're not too hot. It would burn our mouths." Diamond Tiara eyed towards Abacus, smiling horribly. "But somepony here would know all about burning ponies, wouldn't they?"

Abacus's eyes suddenly shot open, his pupils constricted, and the white of his eyes turned red, with a look on his face. A look he had not shown until now, a look that is shown when the last straw is placed on ones back and breaks. The look of anger shocked the others. Then at the same time, he got up from the table and attempted to come at the little fillies in a rage. Quickly, Lawful Eye and Rainbow Dash held him back to stop him.

"No, Abi," Lawful Eye said. "Stop!"

Rainbow Dash held on tightly. "Come on, buddy! They're not worth it!"

Abacus's anger driven face winced up as he collapsed on the bakery floor into sobs, with Lawful Eye and Rainbow Dash trying to calm him down. The others set their eyes on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, giving them nasty scowls. Scootaloo's teeth gritted as she scowled at both of them. Making fun of blank flanks was bad enough, but what those two horrid fillies did was something else. The two fillies turned towards Cup Cake and Carrot Cake, who were looking at them both with a face of annoyance and silent rage.

"Did you see that?" Diamond Tiara asked. "That murderer just tried to kill us. You should throw him out."

Cup Cake and Carrot Cake continued to look at them with the same angry faces, until they looked at each other, and nodded before Cup Cake spoke. "Somepony should be thrown out."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were about to start eating their cupcakes and drink their milkshakes, when Cup Cake quickly swiped their tray of treats away from them.

"Hey!" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said in unison.

"And THAT somepony is you two." Cup Cake said.

Carrot Cake nodded. "I'm afraid we have to ask for you two to leave."

"That's not fair," Silver Spoon scowled. "You can't do that!"

"Oh, yes they can." Lawful Eye stepped up. "According to The Civil Rights Act of Equestrian Law, they reserve the right to refuse service to anypony."

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "You tell'em, Detective."

"Detective?!" Silver Spoon said.

Scootaloo stood confidently by Lawful Eye. "That's right. She's a policemare. So you two better watch it!"

Diamond Tiara scowled. "Hey, he's a murderer! Why are all of you on his side?"

"Because he's not a murderer." Fluttershy said.

Twilight came forward with Rainbow Dash. "He is innocent, and was proven it."

Rainbow Dash glared. "You little brats don't deserve to stay and eat here!"

"Yeah," Scootaloo said. "Just like you don't deserve to win those tickets to Sapphire Shores!"

Derpy walked up next to the others. "You brats don't deserve anything!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon scowled and turned back to Cup Cake and Carrot Cake. "Fine! But we want our money back for our orders."

Silver Spoon held her hoof out. "We demand a refund."

Cup Cake turned her head away in refusal. "I'm sorry. But we don't do refunds."

Carrot Cake pointed his hoof towards the door. "Now, both of you, out!"

"What?" Silver Spoon said. "You can't do that!"

Lawful Eye eyed at the two fillies. "They asked for both of you to leave the bakery. Now leave, or else!"

"And don't come back until both of you have learnt some good manners." Cup Cake said.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked on in shock, before angrily huffing. With their muzzles in the air, they began to walk towards the door.

"Fine," Diamond Tiara said. "The cupcakes and milkshakes made at my house are much better anyway."

Silver Spoon huffed. "Yeah. And unlike some ponies, we get the best. The only way prisoners like him are going to survive is on the charity of others."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon reached the door, before they each stopped, and turned their heads towards Abacus with a cruel smirk.

"When they locked you up, they should've threw away the key..." As Diamond Tiara made her remark, she and Silver Spoon both laughed in a mean fashion. With the same cruel smirk, they said in unison: "Abacus Scum!"

The two walked out of the bakery door, leaving everyone else inside, livid, disgusted, and shocked at what they said. Really? What kind of little brat would speak to an adult that way, especially one like Abacus who is so unfortunate? But they were both gone now, so good riddance.

"I am not scum. I am not scum. I am not scum." Abacus sobbed, with tears running down his face. "...I've got to get out of here!"

Abacus tried to get out of the bakery through the door, but the others blocked the door.

"Abacus, no," Fluttershy said. "Please don't go."

Cup Cake and Carrot Cake came over towards Abacus. "Yes, Abacus, don't leave. You haven't had your milkshake and cupcakes yet."

"Please sit back down, dearie." Cup Cake said.

Cup Cake and Carrot Cake guided Abacus back to his spot at the table, with Lawful Eye sitting next to him to comfit him. Cup Cake then brought the tray that still had Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's milkshakes and cupcakes on it over to their table.

"We're so sorry about that, Abacus." Carrot Cake said.

"Here you are, dearie." Cup Cake place the tray of milkshakes and cupcakes in front of Abacus and Lawful Eye. "Please do enjoy."

Carrot Cake smiled kindly. "And don't worry about paying. It's on the house."

"It's our way of welcoming you home, dearie." Cup Cake said.

"And we'll get yours as well, everypony." Carrot Cake then turned to Derpy. "And I'll get your muffins, Derpy."

Carrot Cake walked to the back of the bakery to get everyone else's orders. Derpy feeling sorry for what just happened to Abacus came over and sat down next to him. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Abacus."

"That's just Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." Scootaloo scowled. "They have no true respect for anypony lower than them."

"And while we're on the subject," Cup Cake said. "We're sorry too. You gave us a bit of a surprise when you came in. And to tell you the truth, we didn't expect to seeing your face so scarred as it is." She frowned sympathetically. "You poor dearie."

Abacus winced. Then Derpy patted him on the back gently. "But just remember: it's what's inside that really counts. And if anypony wants to be horrible, rude, and mean to you, you ignore them, because they're not worth worrying about. There are lots of ponies here in town who believed that you're innocent..." She smiled and wrapped her hoof around Abacus into a friendly hug. "And to welcome you home."

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Lawful Eye gave a smile at how nice Derpy and the Cakes were being to Abacus. For that time being, they just enjoyed their bakery treats, knowing this was just a baby step for helping Abacus. Though what Derpy said about lots of ponies in town was not actually true, it was a comforting feeling to know that there were at least a few ponies in town who believed he was not a murderer and were glad to have him back.

Author's Note:

This is the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this. If there are any errors that I missed, don't hesitate to let me know, since I sometimes miss some. :twilightblush: Enjoy!

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