• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 21: "The Departure."

Twilight and the others followed Celestia and Luna outside where they were going to their personal chariot stationed close by near the three prison wagons, and two police wagons that contained Blue Ward, Cover-Up, Rotten Eggs, Armstrong, Strike Law, Rogue Order, Storm Dasher, and Coco-Nut inside. They were walking past the police wagon that had Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut inside, when Storm Dasher saw Scootaloo, and came over to the side barred window with his hooves stretched out waving.

"Scootaloo!" Storm Dasher called out to Scootaloo, getting her attention as she turned to him. He looked at her with loving eyes as he said, "Sweet heart..."

Scootaloo scowled with anger and disgust at the stallion in the wagon that was her father, then she turned a cold shoulder on him, much to everyone's surprise. The sight of his own daughter turning away from him was heartbreaking for Storm Dasher.

"Right, let's fly!" One of the police ponies pulling one of the two wagons said.

"Scootaloo..." Storm Dasher eyes began welling up as the police wagons began to move.

Celestia, Luna, Spike, the Main Six, the Cutie Mark Crusaders watched as the police wagons soon take off into the sky back towards Cloudsdale until they were out of sight.

Lawful Eye turned to Scootaloo. "Scootaloo? I'm sorry for doing this to your father, but I had to do it."

Scootaloo scoffed. "Serves that jerk right."

Everyone turned to Scootaloo to see she had no pity for him, and what was to happen to him.

"Scootaloo," Twilight said. "Don't you think you're being a bit too harsh towards your father? You know what's going to happen to him, don't you? He's going to be put in jail."

Scootaloo turned away. "So? I don't care what happens to him anymore. He deserves to go to jail after everything he's done."

Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on Scootaloo. "Scootaloo. I know you're angry at him for what he and Coco-Nut Did to Abacus, but he was very sorry and regrets what he-"

"No!" Scootaloo brushed Fluttershy's hoof away. "You don't understand! It's not just that. My dad has been a real jerk ever since mom died. My mom suddenly died from aneurysm..." She winced, trying to fight back tears. "And it was on my birthday." She sniffled. "My dad was such a great guy, he was the best dad in the world. But when mom died, he changed. He turned into a complete jerk! He became jobless, he started drinking, he stopped hanging out with me, and he became angry at everyone and everything, and never listened to me to whatever I had to say! He never even listened to me about the truth about Abacus, and he hurt him. He even hit me too the other day, and I'll never forgive him! When I said that I hated him, and that I wished he was dead, instead of mom, I really meant it. He deserves to go to jail!"

Scootaloo began to cry as the others watched. Everyone felt sad, now knowing the fact that Scootaloo lost her mother on her birthday, and that her father changed, for most of them knew how much of a great guy Storm Dasher used to be before his wife, Firefly tragically died. Rainbow Dash, despite how she already knew, was as equally sad. Celestia and Luna feeling sorry for the little filly walked up over to her to talk to her and give their wisdom.

"Scootaloo. I understand you're angry and upset with your father." Celestia put a caring hoof under Scootaloo's chin. "But hating him and wishing he was dead is way too harsh."

Scootaloo sniffled. "But my dad is a bad pony. An asshole jerk!"

Fluttershy gasped. "Scootaloo. The language."

"Your father isn't a bad pony, Scootaloo," Luna said. "He's sad. Your dear mother's death hurt him greatly, more so than even you. He drinks because he thinks it might numb his pain, instead of receiving professional help. And as a result, he takes is anger and sadness out on others. That is why I feel sorry for him. And you should too."

Twilight, Lawful Eye, and Rainbow Dash came over to Scootaloo. "It's good advise, little buddy. It's what I told you the other day."

Twilight placed a caring hoof on Scootaloo. "Besides, your father loves you. When he hit you at the hospital, he didn't mean to hurt you, and he regretted it. The shocked and ashamed expression he showed and felt afterwards proves it."

"That's true. I'm a detective, and I can tell his shocked expression after hitting you was quite genuine. And the guilt and shame he felt when he found out the truth about Abacus was just the same, and he and Coco-Nut dropped the charges." Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "If your father was a bad pony, he wouldn't have done that. Do you think so too, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo sadly dropped her eyes, unsure what to think. "I...I don't know..."

"And running away from home like you did was very irresponsible." Lawful Eye said.

Scootaloo turned around with a scowl that was a mix of anger and sadness. "Well, what did you expect me to do? Miss out on the concert? He refused for me to go because it involved any of you, because of Abacus. I had to stand up to my father."

"And you were right to stand up to him," Twilight said. "But you were wrong to run away. You should've came and told us about it, and we could've sorted it out."

Rainbow Dash patted Scootaloo's shoulder. "Yeah, kiddo. Take it from somepony who got in trouble sometimes as a kid. I know you were feeling angry, or even scared, and you felt like you gotta run, but believe me when I tell you that running away isn't the way to solve your problems. There are better ways to solve them, like facing them head on, and telling somepony."

"Besides, there's a bigger picture to your father's actions you're not aware of. It's true he was extreme when he refused for you to go because of any of us, including Abacus. And that he didn't listen to you." Lawful Eye sighed. "But it was because he was simply trying to protect you like any loving father would."

Twilight nodded. "You really should think it over."

Scootaloo pondered silently at the words the others said, still unsure, but at least thinking it over. Celestia and Luna gently smiled at Scootaloo, believing they were making progress.

"You should listen to them, Scootaloo," Celestia said. "Your father went the wrong way about it, and wasn't rational when not listening to you and attacking Abacus, but he was only protecting you. Your mother's death made him fearful to loss you too. And when you ran away and never came home, you made him very worried."

Luna nodded in agreement at Celestia's words. "And the morning after your argument with your father, when you were to go to Manehattan, you father was going to talk to you, and even change his mind let you go. He was most worried when he found out didn't find you in your room, and ran away. And he was even more worried when you didn't return home. In some way, what happened with Abacus in the cemetery was your doing as much as your father's."

Scootaloo's eyes widened with shock. "It...it was my fault Abacus got beaten up?"

"Not directly, and intentionally," Luna said. "But that's not the point right now. The point is your father isn't really a bad pony. And it's shown from how he dropped the charges in a minimal effort to make things right, and how he did not resist arrest. That incident with him striking you was a wake-up call for him. And you noticed how genuinely remorseful he was at the town hall, even when he tried to speak to you responsibly before Big Mac confronted him. There was no aggression. He loves you, Scootaloo. Maybe when you go visit him in jail, you can ask him yourself."

"Serves you right, you asshole drunk! That's what you get for what you did to Abacus! And for hitting me! I told you he never hit me, and wouldn't hurt me, but you wouldn't listen! Abacus is gone, and it's all your fault! I hate you! And I hope you go to jail! And I hope you suffer, just like Abacus did! That's the least you deserve! And if you die, I'd be happy, because I wish it was you that was dead, not mom! YOU ARE SCUM!"

Scootaloo dropped her head sadly as she recalled what she said to her father, with the feeling of regret. The look in her eyes and the tears that began to trickle out of them said everything.

"I..." Scootaloo sniffled. "I don't want my dad to go to jail."

Lawful Eye sighed with pity. "I'm sorry Scootaloo. But your father has done the wrong thing, and he needs to be punished."

"But if he goes to jail, he'll be bashed, tortured, and raped." Scootaloo said with tears in her eyes. "And if he gets out, he'll be branded as scum for life. Those who go to jail are branded as scum, and his life will be destroyed. I don't want that to happen to my dad. I don't want him to be branded, treated, and turn into scum."

Lock Down and Warden Rehab, seeing how upset and distressed Scootaloo was, came over to her. "That's not true, Scootaloo. Your father will not be branded as scum in jail. Jail and prison are different. Jail is for those awaiting trial or serving a short sentence."

"Yeah, kid," Lock Down said. "If your dad does go to jail, he won't be in there for long anyway. It's only a slap on the hoof. And his life won't be destroyed. Not by a long shot. But it will be a bit hard for a while."

Luna began to comfit Scootaloo. "But whatever punishment your father receives, he will except it humbly without complaint, and he is going to learn from his mistake. Coco-Nut as well. He won't turn into scum, nor will he be treated like it, Scootaloo. We promise."

"The courts I'm sure will be kind to him and Coco-Nut," Lawful Eye said. "And I'll make sure their punishments isn't too harsh."

Celestia put a caring hoof under Scootaloo's chin. "Things will turn out fine. But they're going to be hard for both of them while in jail, and will still be for a while after, so your father's going to need you as much as you need him."

Scootaloo sniffled and wiped her eyes with he hoof. "...I will...I promise. But what's going to happen to me?"

"You're gonna stay with me, kiddo," Rainbow Dash said. "Until he's bailed out."

"They might give him a low bail, so he'll be out in a couple of days. And his release is only temporary until his trial." Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "It will give you time to for you to make things up with your father, and give your father enough time to set his affairs in order." Seeing Scootaloo was still sad, she placed a caring hoof on her shoulder. "I'm very sorry, Scootaloo. It's just the way it has to be. I won't lie, I'm still angry at your father, but now knowing about his tragic loss, I really pity him. I just hope it won't change your mind about me, since I know how much you respect me."

Scootaloo sadly shook her head. "No...it won't."

Lawful Eye watched as Scootaloo wiped a more tears from her eyes. "Come here." She gently pulled Scootaloo in with her hoof, and began to hug her. "Everything will be okay. Your father will pull through." She let go, and looked at Scootaloo in the eyes with a kind smile. "From what I've seen, he's a strong pony. I still have high hopes for him. We all do."

Scootaloo sniffled, and began to feel a bit better, knowing that there was hope for her father, and hopes that they could be close like they once were, and be a family again. Celestia and Luna watched on, with great hope for both of them for the future. They then glanced at the numerous ponies coming out of the town hall close by, each still baring the look and feelings of sadness, shame and guilt. They then turned back to the others.

"Well, we had better be on our way," Celestia said. "We have other matters to attend to back in Canterlot."

Lawful Eye turned to Celestia. "Your Highness? Would it be alright if I came back to Canterlot with you? I feel I need to be with Abacus."

Celestia nodded. "Of course you can, Lawful Eye."

"Besides, we were going to ask you that anyway," Luna said. "He's been asking for you."

Celestia turned to Lock Down and Warden Rehab. "You two will be welcome to come too. I know Abacus Sum would like to see you as well."

Warden Rehab nodded. "Thank you, your highness."

Lock Down smiled. "There's no way I'd say no to seeing a friend."

"Although, we have to leave the following day after that," Warden Rehab said. "We have a prison to run. And there are still other victims in Hoofstrong that need to be cleared, cared for, and released."

Luna nodded. "Of course. That is one of the matters we must sort out. But thanks to Turncoat's cooperation with Task Force River, his knowledge, and with the large collection of case files he collected, it should not take as long after all the ones involved in the corruption ring are brought to justice."

Celestia turned to the head royal guard standing close by. "Captain. Take the prisoners back to Canterlot. We will be a little while longer."

"Yes, your highness." The royal guard captain turned to the royal guards pulling the prison wagons. "Let's move out!"

Everyone watched as the royal guards pulling the three prison wagons, along with most of the royal guards began to leave Ponyville, by taking off into the sky towards Canterlot, and disappeared into the distance.

The Main Six, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all gathered outside the Golden Oak Library to see Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, and Lock Down off to Canterlot with Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. The princess's personal chariot was stationed, waiting to depart, as Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, and Lock Down gathered their things, and said their goodbyes.

"Thank you for accommodating us whilst we were here in Ponyville, Twilight." Warden Rehab said.

Twilight nodded. "It was no trouble at all."

Lawful Eye smiled gratefully. "And thank you all for trying to help Abacus. I guess it's good to know he has at least some true friends here in this town."

Rainbow Dash sighed with relief. "I'm just glad that the "Abacus Scum" stigma is finally over."

"You said it," Spike said. "I think even the most bigoted of ponies in Ponyville have been finally convinced."

Rarity nodded. "Indeed. But they wouldn't have been convinced of the truth if it hadn't have been for the princesses."

Celestia smiled. "It was no trouble. Although you could have just asked us earlier, and we could've resolved this."

Spike turned to Twilight with a I-told-you-so look on his face. Twilight turned to Celestia sadly with the realization of what she could have done to resolve it.

"Princess Celestia," Twilight said. "I'm sorry I didn't call upon you when I should've. I was afraid of interfering and making things difficult for your other matters you needed to tend to. I was planning to call upon you when it got too bad, or in an emergency, like with the federal courts. If I would've done just that, this whole situation with Abacus and the whole town would've be resolved much sooner, and Abacus would've still been here, and..."

Celestia put a caring hoof under Twilight's chin and gently lifted her head up. "It's alright, Twilight. I'm very proud of you. Trying to do things yourself shows how more independent you're being. And I appropriate you were being considerate, but anytime you need my sister and I, we will come."

Luna nodded. "Nothing is more important than the well-being of all and any of our subjects."

Celestia smiled. "I should also tell you that the courts would side with you and your friends if the federal courts got involved anyway."

"Say what-now?" Applejack said.

Twilight tilted her head. "I don't understand. How would the courts side with us?"

"You are the barers of the elements of harmony," Celestia said. "The elements have more authority than anypony below us."

Luna nodded. "Given it would have been the elements of harmony against two police ponies out of their jurisdiction, we are sure that the courts would side with the elements."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Wow! I didn't know that."

"Hold on," Pinkie Pie said. "So you're saying if I demanded for 1000 Chimicherrychanga's with 10,000 gallons of chocolate chip, peanut butter crunch ice cream, I'd get it?"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other awkwardly at Pinkie Pie's question, not knowing what to say. Twilight, feeling awkward too shook her head. "Pinkie, I don't think they meant that kind of authority."

"Aw!" Pinkie Pie frowned.

"But, it's still amazing ta know we have more authority than anypony else in Equestria, except for the princesses," Applejack said. "That's handy ta know."

"Indeed you do." Celestia leaned in closer to everyone and talked quietly. "And it'll be our little secret." She gave them a wink.

"But what about Abacus?" Everyone turned to Apple Bloom who was frowning sadly. "He's never comin' back, an' was chased outta town. It's just not fair. Ah want him ta come back."

Everyone watched as a small tear came out of Apple Bloom's eye. Scootaloo felt the same way. Sweetie Belle, despite not knowing, or even meeting Abacus, felt sad too. Celestia and Luna sympathetically came over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders to comfit them.

"Don't worry, my little ponies," Celestia said. "We will try to convince him to come back to Ponyville. He at least has friends here. Have faith, little ones."

Applejack stepped forward. "But it’s not gonna be real easy. Abacus will never forget what society, an' this here town's done ta him. This whole thing has changed him, an' it might be a very long time before he'll ever feel safe again."

Luna nodded. "We know. It's a pity the town didn't find out about his innocence until it was too late." She sighed. "Though it wasn't really their fault, considering they were all fooled as much as everypony else was. But hopefully they have learnt from their mistake. Something I myself can relate to."

Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, and Lock Down came over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders smiling sympathetically at how much they really cared about Abacus.

"I think Abacus will come back." Lawful Eye turned to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. "I know for a fact he really appreciates you two."

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. "What about me? Would he appreciate me too."

Lawful Eye turned to Sweetie Belle. "Well, neither of you met each other. But yes, Sweetie Belle. He would really appreciate you too."

Warden Rehab nodded. "That's true. He may be psychologically scarred, heart broken, and perhaps hateful from how most of the town had treated him, but Abacus will always carry a potent memory of some ponies, including two certain little children, and the kindness they showed to somepony who was deemed a monster."

"You should be very proud of yourselves, girls," Lock Down said. "You showed great kindness and compassion to Abacus when he needed it the most. I think he would share a very close bond with you. That's something to be very proud of."

Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Maybe we can visit him while he's in Canterlot."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle said. "I haven't met Abacus yet. And I'd like to meet him."

Scootaloo turned to Celestia and Luna. "That's if it's okay with you, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna?"

Luna nodded. "Of course you can. You are all more than welcome to see him anytime."

Celestia sighed. "While on the subject. We should apologize too for showing the horrific visions of Abacus's memory."

"I especially. It was wrong to show them the horrors of what Abacus Sum went through, especially to all the children." Luna sighed. "But Abacus wished for us to show them, since he said that he was never returning to Ponyville again."

Lawful Eye turned to Luna. "I still can't believe Abacus would want to show everypony that, including the children."

"Who knows what horrible effects those visions will have on the poor children." Fluttershy said.

Twilight sighed. "I know Abacus is angry and hurt at what the town did to him, but this was just wrong."

Luna nodded. "We will have a word with him about it as soon as we return to Canterlot."

"That reminds me," Celestia said. "I believe the town wants to really apologise for their behaviour towards Abacus. So you can tell the whole town from us that if anypony wants to send him mail, they can send it by Twilight and Spike. Then, we can possibly allow them to visit him."

Twilight nodded. "That's a good idea, Princess. It's a way of slowly getting Abacus introduced back here in Ponyville."

"I guess the whole town now feels really bad about what they did," Fluttershy said. "I guess they'd need a way to apologise to him."

"That's true. This town is a really nice town. The ponies in this town are nice too, they just made a serious misunderstanding with one pony." Lock Down sighed. "What this town really lacks is its own proper, local police force."

Celestia nodded. "That is true. And to that, we are going to organize a plan with the mayor to have a police station established with it's own police force here in Ponyville."

"But we have to select somepony worthy enough to run it to ensure something like the incident with Abacus doesn't happen again." Luna glanced at Lawful Eye. "Somepony like you, detective Lawful Eye."

Twilight and the others looked at Lawful Eye with amazement, for they were offering her the position. Lawful Eye was even more amazed at being offered the position straight away before things were properly arranged. "I...I...don't know what to say..."

"Not to worry, Lawful Eye," Celestia said. "We haven't set it up yet, so there is no rush. We'll let you think it over. For now, Abacus needs you the most."

Lawful Eye nodded. "Thank you, your highness. I am very honored you and Princess Luna have considered me. I promise I will think it over."

"You're quite welcome." Celestia turned her attention to Luna. "And I am very proud of you too, Princess Luna."

Luna turned to Celestia, and tilted her head. "Proud of me?"

Celestia nodded, and began to smile. "You saved many innocent ponies, including Abacus from a horrific fate, brought a villainous corruption syndicate I knew nothing about to an end, and saving many more other possible victims. Something even I couldn't have done on my own." She placed a loving hoof around Luna. "I'm so very proud of you."

Luna blushed. "Thank you, my dear big sister."

"I still can't believe it," Twilight said. "Blue Ward and Cover-Up. Some of the best of the Canterlot investigation force would do something like this, and go corrupted and rogue."

"Not to mention all the others involved." Spike said.

Applejack nodded. "Ah know, sugarcube. It's a shock to everypony. But those varmints will get what's comin' to'em."

Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Those bastards could all rot in Tartarus for all everypony else cares after that."

"Rainbow," Fluttershy said. "The language."

Celestia sighed, and looked at the sky briefly before turning back to the others. "Well, Lawful Eye, Rehab, and Lock Down, it's about time we start our journey back to Canterlot. Come aboard please." She smiles at Lawful Eye. "Abacus is expecting the mare he loves to be by his side."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders open there eyes with surprise as they said in unison, "Mare he loves?"

"Detective Lawful Eye?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are ya an' Abacus...?"

Lawful Eye turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and smiled at them with a smile and a look in her eyes that said it all. The three fillies faces lit up like the sun, wide-eyed with hug smiles. Lawful Eye then turned her attention back to Twilight and the others, with Warden Rehab, and Lock Down as the three of them climbed aboard the princess's personal chariot.

"Well, bye, everypony," Lawful Eye said. "And thank you for all you've done."

The Main Six began to wave as the chariot with The Princesses, Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, and Lock Down on board began to move and leave.

"Bye, Lawful Eye! See you in Canterlot soon!"

"See you later, Lock Down! You're awesome!"

"Bye, Rehab! You're always welcome here!"

"I'll organize a party for you guys!"

"Fare thee well, darlings!"

"Y'all come back now, y'hear?!"

Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, and Lock Down waved back to the others as the princess's chariot took off into the sky and began to fly back the city of Canterlot. The Main Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders continued waving until they were out of sight.

Twilight sighed and turned to the others. "Well, guys. It looks like Ponyville's issue with Abacus is over, but now there's the task of convincing him to return. I think we should organize to go to Canterlot in a couple of days."

Spike nodded. "You said it."

"You bet, sugarcube. W'all should go an' visit him." Applejack turned to Apple Bloom. "But yer still sick with chickenpox, Apple Bloom. So yer visit with Abacus will just have ta wait."

"And me too." Sweetie Belle said.

Everyone turned to Sweetie Belle to see, to Rarity's shock that red, scabby spots started forming on her front hooves. They all knew that Sweetie Belle had contracted chickenpox from Apple Bloom.

"Oh, my goodness," Rarity said. "Sweetie Belle, you've got chickenpox."

"I know, sis." Sweetie Belle moaned in discomfort. "And they're starting to really itch."

Sweetie Belle moved her hoof to scratch the spots on her hooves. Apple Bloom quickly grabbed Sweetie Belle's hoof, stopping her from scratching just before she could start.

"Don't scratch them," Apple Bloom said. "Trust me. It'll only make it worse."

"You poor dear." Rarity stroked Sweetie Belle's mane. "I better get you home to mother and father. And we better get Dr Stallion to take a look at you too."

"An' ya'll have ta stay in bed for a few weeks, honey." Applejack said.

"A few weeks?" Sweetie Belle frowned. "That long?"

"Don't worry, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom said. "It ain't all that bad. Maybe we can all have a slumber party together in a couple days."

Rarity smiled. "Say, that's a great idea. We can organize a special slumber party for you girls."

"Yeah! A chickenpox slumber party." Apple Bloom turned to Scootaloo. "What do ya think, Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo paused briefly before sadly giving her answer. "I...I think I'll pass, guys."

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle tilted her head. "Why?"

Rainbow Dash, knowing that Scootaloo was still a bit worried and saddened by the issue with her father, placed a comforting hoof on Scootaloo. "Don't feel bad, little buddy. You have fun with the others. Your dad would probably want that. Okay?"

Scootaloo through for a moment, before nodding with a smile to try and remain positive. "Okay, guys. I'm in."

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle began to jump with glee. "Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader chickenpox slumber party!"

"But first we need ta get y'little fillies home." Applejack said.

"I for one agree." Rarity used her magic to levitate Sweetie Belle on to her back. "Let's get you home, Sweetie Belle."

Rainbow Dash smiled at Scootaloo. "I think we should go too, squirt. In fact, how about we go out for dinner tonight. My treat."

Scootaloo nodded. "Okay."

"Well, see you tomorrow, guys." Twilight said.

Twilight and Spike watched as the others went their separate ways back home. Afterwards, they went inside, knowing that they have to tell everyone in town tomorrow about how they could send letters to Abacus, as the princesses had instructed. The effort of Abacus's recovery begins, and things were going to be a bit hard for a while.

Author's Note:

This is the Twenty-first chapter. The Twenty-second chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this.


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