• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 10: "Apple Bloom Has Chickenpox."

The Next Day...

The sun began to rise up from the distant hills of Sweet Apple Acres, and shined brightly to once again begin the new day. The sound of the rooster crowing could be heard as the light of the morning sun beamed into Applejack's bedroom with Applejack sleeping soundly in her bed. Applejack woke up from the morning sunlight shining on her face, and yawned before rising up out of bed. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and stretched her hooves to get ready to start the day.

Boy howdy! That was a mighty good sleep. She thought to herself.

Applejack walked over to her bedroom door, and opened the door to head downstairs.

"Applejack!" The sound of Apple Bloom calling Applejack's name stopped her dead as she nearly reached the stairs. "Applejack!!"

Applejack spun around, and galloped over to Apple Bloom's room. Hearing how very distressed her little sister's cries were, she knew something was definitely wrong.

She opened the door to her sister's bedroom. "Apple Bloom, what's wrong?"

Applejack was wide-eyed at the sight before her. Apple Bloom was in bed, covered head to hoof in red, scabby spots, and was sobbing distressedly as she turned to Applejack.

"There's spots all over me. Ah woke up with them." Apple Bloom began to scratch some of them. "An' they really itch."

"Oh dear." Applejack came over to Apple Bloom. "Well, try not ta scratch'em, honey."

Apple Bloom sniffled. "What are they, Applejack?"

"Well, ah don't know," Applejack said. "But ah think it might be chickenpox. But just ta make sure, we better take ya ta the doctor."

Apple Bloom soon found herself sitting on an examination table in a doctor's office, with Applejack and Big Mac waiting to see the doctor. As she waited, she kept fidgeting, for the itching of the spots was soon getting to the point of being absolutely unbearable. She could not take it anymore, and began to scratch.

"Don't scratch'em!" Applejack and Big Mac said.

Apple Bloom stopped scratching and moaned. "But they're too itchy. Ah can't stand it anymore!"

Big Mac patted Apple Bloom's back. "Take it easy, Apple Bloom."

Applejack sighed. "Sugarcube, ah know it's hard. Big Mac an' ah know first hoof how unbearably uncomfortable the itchin' of chickenpox were when we got it."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Applejack came over to Apple Bloom, and place a hoof on her front hoof. "But don't ya worry, Apple Bloom. Dr Stallion will be in ta see ya in a minute."

Apple Bloom sat still and tried her best to resist scratching the itchy spots on her body. A few moments later, the door of the doctor's office swung open allowing a pony to enter into the office. The pony was a solid black and white spotted unicorn stallion, with a black and white patterned mane and tail, blue eyes, and wore a white doctor's coat with a stethoscope round his neck. On his doctor's coat was a name badge that said 'Dr Checker Stallion.'.

"Hello, Apple Bloom," Dr Stallion said in a mild Australian voice. "How's my favorite little filly today?"

Applejack came forward. "Well, Doc, we think Apple Bloom's got chickenpox."

Dr Stallion raised an eyebrow. "Chickenpox?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac said.

Apple Bloom fidgeted. "An' they're itchin' me ta death."

"You poor possum." Dr Stallion approached Apple Bloom. "Well, let's have a look."

Dr Stallion came over to Apple Bloom, and took her hoof with his hooves to take a closer look. He looked at the spots carefully for a few moments, before looking at Apple Bloom.

"Do you feel sick in the tummy, Apple Bloom?" Dr Stallion asked.

Apple Bloom nodded. "A little, an' ah feel tired too." She groaned. "An' they won't stop itchin' me."

Dr Stallion nodded. "Mm-hm. This definitely is chickenpox. I've seen it a hundred times before." He levitated a thermometer. "Okay, open. Say 'ah'."

Apple Bloom opened her mouth. "Ahh."

Dr Stallion put the thermometer in Apple Bloom's mouth. "Good girl." He cleared his throat. "I think I also know where you must've caught it."

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Mmm?"

"You must've caught it from being in contact with Abacus Sum yesterday." Dr Stallion said.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened. "Mmm?!"

Applejack was outraged. She could not believe what she just heard Dr Stallion say. She approached Dr Stallion. "Now, see here, Doc! Just because y'all ain't happy about Abacus being back, does not mean ya can go blamin' him fer everthin' like he's some kinda jinx!"

Dr Stallion waved his hoof. "Oh, no-no-no. It's not that at all, Applejack. I'm happy he's back. I never believed he could hurt anypony."

"Then why are ya sayin' Apple Bloom got chickenpox from bein' with him?" Applejack asked.

"Because I treated him yesterday while making a house call." Dr Stallion said.

Applejack blinked. "What?"

Dr Stallion cleared his throat. "You see Fluttershy sent a message to me for a house call request."



Dr Stallion was at the washing basin of his office washing his hooves after handling his last patient. He suddenly turned his head as he heard the sound of a bird chirping. There, he saw a blue jay sitting on the open window sill on the inside of his office holding a message in its beak. The blue jay chirped, and motioned the message in its beak, like if it wanted Dr Stallion to take it.

"Oh, must be a message from somepony." Dr Stallion walked over, and took the message from the bird with his magic. "Thanks, little mate."

He opened the message up with his magic, and began to read it. "Hmm... Abacus Sum? Hmm... alright then." He turned to the blue jay. "Tell Fluttershy that I'll be right over."

The blue jay nodded and flew away out the window.

Dr Stallion knocked on the front door of Fluttershy's cottage. He waited for a few seconds before Fluttershy opened the door.

"Oh, Dr Stallion," Fluttershy said. "Thank you so much for coming. Please come in."

Dr Stallion smiled. "G'day, Fluttershy. I wouldn't refuse a house call, especially this certain type of house call."

Fluttershy led Dr Stallion inside into the living room with the others. They came over to Abacus who was sitting on the sofa with Lawful Eye in the same depressed state.

Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on Abacus's hoof. "Abacus. Dr Stallion's here to take a look at you."

Dr Stallion came over to Abacus with a warm smile. "G'day, Abacus. Long time no see, mate." He took his medical saddle off his back. "So what seems to be the problem?"

"Well, Doctor," Lawful Eye said. "He's got what feels and looks like a rash on his scalp under his hair. We found it just a hour ago. And he feels a bit hot. We don't know, but we think he's probably got shingles."

Dr Stallion raised an eyebrow. "Shingles, eh? Well, let's take a look at this rash."

Dr Stallion levitated a pair of examination gloves and put them on his front hooves. He then began to part Abacus's hair to look at the rash on a certain area of his scalp. Abacus winced from Dr Stallion touching him, and Lawful Eye placed a hoof on his shoulder to calm him.

"It's okay, Abi." Lawful Eye said.

Finally, Dr Stallion found the rash on his scalp, and began to look at it carefully. "Hmm... Yep. It's definitely shingles. I'll prescribe some topical antibiotic cream to bring down the inflamed infection." He noticed the band-aids and a couple of bruises on Abacus's body. "And I see you look a bit roughed up there, like you've been in a fight, or something."

"Somepony mistaken him for trying to hurt their child, and fought him off." Twilight said.

Fluttershy turned to Dr Stallion. "We treated his injuries with antiseptic and put band-aids on them."

"Well, nothing that a couple of days of rest, and a ice bag won't fix for something like that, eh, Abacus?" Dr Stallion asked in a joking manner.

Abacus said nothing to Dr Stallion's words, and he closed his eyes sadly.

"What's wrong, Abacus?" Dr Stallion asked. "You're never usually this quiet."

"Um...Doctor," Fluttershy said. "He doesn't talk very much, not since during his time in prison."

Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "We plan to get him psychological help for that soon."

Dr Stallion smiled and patted Abacus's shoulder. "Cheer up, mate. Things will get better sooner or later." He turned to Lawful Eye. "And when you're going to get him psychological help, come and see me, and I'll make a referral for him. I am his doctor after all."

Lawful Eye smiled. "Thank you, Doctor."

Spike scratched his head, as if he was thinking of something. "Question, Dr Stallion. What exactly is shingles anyway?"

Dr Stallion turned to Spike. "It's a viral disease that commonly occurs in adults after they've had chickenpox. It appears as a painful skin rash with blisters involving a limited area."

Spike tilted his head. "So you're saying that he's got chickenpox?"

"Sort of," Dr Stallion said. "Which reminds me. Shingles is contagious to anypony who's not had chickenpox before, and can turn into it too. So has everypony here had chickenpox?"

Everyone nodded in unison. "Yes."

Twilight rubbed her chin. "Although... Applejack and Apple Bloom were here, and left earlier. So I don't know about them."

Dr Stallion stood there rubbing his chin, thinking about the situation.


Back in the present...

Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac's eyes widen as Dr Stallion finished telling his recalling of yesterday.

"I knew you and Big Mac have already had chickenpox," Dr Stallion said. "But I remembered that Apple Bloom hasn't had it yet. And since I know shingles can be spread on to those who hadn't had chickenpox and turn into chickenpox, I was kind of expecting it."

Applejack blinked. "So that's why ya said she got it from Abacus. It's because Abacus has shingles."

"That's right." Dr Stallion takes the thermometer out of Apple Bloom's mouth with his magic, and looked at her temperature. "101°F." He then levitated a prescription slip pad and a pen, and began to write on it. "Well then, I'll prescribe some Lepodox to bring down the temperature and to soothe the tummy. She must take it twice a day mixed with warm water, once before breakfast, and once right before going to sleep at night."

Big Mac nodded. "Sure, Doctor."

Apple Bloom began to scratch the spots, as Dr Stallion turned to her.

"And try not to scratch them, Apple Bloom." Dr Stallion said.

Apple Bloom stopped scratching, and began to fidget. "But ah can't help it. They're too itchy, an' ah can't stand it."

"I know chickenpox can be very itchy, but you must resist the urge to scratch them. Scratching them will only make it worse. But I'll also prescribe some calamine lotion to relieve some of the itching." Dr Stallion turns back to Applejack and Big Mac. "And I also advise for you to put cotton socks on her hooves to control the impulse to scratch."

Applejack nodded. "Sure thing, doc."

Dr Stallion turned to Apple Bloom. "And you'll have to stay in bed and rest for about three weeks. I want you to stay off your hooves as much as possible. And you'll be right as rain."

Apple Bloom's eyes widened. "Three weeks?! But ah'm suppose ta be goin' ta Sapphire Shores's concert in Manehattan this weekend."

"Ah, yes. I heard about you winning the prize in Pop Pony magazine's contest. Congratulations." Dr Stallion sighed, knowing the outcome of what he was going to say. "But as much as I really hate to tell you... I'm afraid you can't go to the concert, Apple Bloom. You're sick."

The words Apple Bloom had just heard from her own doctor had in a matter of seconds shred her heart. Her face dropped like she was about to cry.

"No..." Apple Bloom said.

She sadly moaned as she dropped her head down in a depressed, heartbroken state similar to Abacus. Poor little Apple Bloom was so disappointed and sad, she nearly cried. Dr Stallion's heart sank seeing one of his favorite little patients so disappointed. Applejack came over to Apple Bloom, and patted her back to comfit her.

"Ah know ya're disappointed, sugarcube," Applejack said. "Ah'll tell ya what. How about ya give ya prize ta Scootaloo an' Rainbow Dash, an' they'll get ya a very special autograph from Sapphire Shores. Whaddya say?"

Apple Bloom groaned with a mix of sadness and anger. "Ah guess it's the only thing ta do...all thanks ta him. Thanks ta Abacus!"

Applejack's eyes widened with disbelief at what Apple Bloom had just said. "Apple Bloom, what are ya sayin'?"

"Ah never should've seen Abacus yesterday." Apple Bloom angrily pouted with tears beginning to form in her eyes. "And now ah'm sick with chickenpox because of him. It's his fault! It's all his fault!"

Big Mac scolded. "Apple Bloom! Ya have no right ta blame Abacus."

"He didn't know he had shingles, anymore than yerself or ah." Applejack said.

Apple Bloom raised her voice angrily. "Ah'll never get ta meet Sapphire Shores, because of that no-good prisoner!"

"APPLE BLOOM!" Applejack shouted angrily not bothering to hold back the anger in her voice. "Don't ya EVER say that about Abacus again, y'hear?!"

Apple Bloom began to sob with her hooves over her eyes. Dr Stallion was stunned at seeing an argument in his office, for it was a rare sight to see. Applejack sighed to calm herself, and placed a caring hoof on Apple Bloom's shoulder.

"Listen, sugarcube," Applejack said. "Ah know ya're mighty upset because ya're sick, an' can't go ta the concert. An' ah'm sorry that it's happened, but takin' it out on Abacus won't help anythin'. Besides, it wasn't really his fault. It was plain bad luck. It's nopony's fault."

Apple Bloom sniffled. "But ah really wanted ta go."

Applejack patted Apple Bloom's head. "Ah know, but like ah said: ya can give yer prize ta Scootaloo an' Rainbow Dash, an' they can get ya a very special autograph from Sapphire Shores."

"It ain't the same." Apple Bloom said.

Applejack sighed. "Well, we'll talk about this later when we get ya home ta bed."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Applejack turned to Dr Stallion. "Ah'm awful sorry about all that, Doc."

Dr Stallion waved an assuring hoof at Applejack. "It's perfectly alright, mate. Besides, she's probably grumpy from being tired. Irritability is another symptom of the chickenpox." He tore the prescription slip off, and gave it to Applejack. "Here. You take this to the pharmacy, and they'll give you the things I prescribed to you."

"Thank ya, Doc." Applejack said.

Dr Stallion turned to Apple Bloom and came up to her. "And you, Apple Bloom. It'll be fine. And I think I have just the thing to cure that sad frown of yours." He levitated a small purple lollipop to Apple Bloom, and smiled. "A grape flavored lollipop. Your favorite."

Apple Bloom sadly took the lollipop. "Thanks, Dr Stallion." She put the lollipop in her mouth, and began to suck on it while still saddened.

The Next Day...

The giant-sized mushroom tables of Ponyville's Café Hay were filled with customers waiting to be served. Savoir Fare, the waiter of Café Hay, brought over a tray with two glasses of soda with a swizzle straw in each one, and placed it on one certain table where two familiar, rich fillies were seated.

"Your drinks, madams." Savoir Fare said.

As Savoir Fare walked off to tend to other customers, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon took their sodas, and took a big sip.

Diamond Tiara sighed and wiped her forehead. "It's about time. I was beginning to melt in this heat."

"I swear the service here is slower than Sugarcube Corner," Silver Spoon said. "And the sodas here is like drinking water."

Diamond Tiara groaned. "And to think we got thrown out, instead of Abacus Scum. It's just not fair."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon took another sip from their sodas, until they saw Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo walking together past the cafe.

"So, little buddy," Rainbow Dash said. "I've got some good news and bad news to tell you. Which do you wanna hear first?"

Scootaloo tilted her head. "What's the bad news?"

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo. "Apple Bloom's sick in bed, and can't make it to the Sapphire Shores concert in Manehattan this weekend."

Scootaloo's eyes dropped in disappointment as they both stop walking. "Oh...that's too bad."

Rainbow Dash smiled. "But the good news is..." She paused for a dramatic effect. "We get to go instead, squirt."

"Really?" Scootaloo's face instantly lit up like a little sun.

"Yep," Rainbow Dash said. "Applejack told me to come over, and Apple Bloom offered both of us the tickets and the hotel stay."

"For nothing?" Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "For nothing. ...well on the condition of getting her an autograph from Sapphire Shores."

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hoof-bump. "Alright! Awesome!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who were sitting close by, listened to everything Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had said. Diamond Tiara grinned as if she had a sinister idea, for an opportunity she had waited for had showed itself.

Diamond Tiara turned to Silver Spoon. "Did you hear that? Apple Bloom's sick. This could be our chance to get the tickets." She put a few bits on the table. "Come on, Silver Spoon. Let's go."

Silver Spoon followed Diamond Tiara as they quickly walked away over to Sweet Apple Acres. "But Diamond Tiara, I don't think it's a good idea. What if she's got something really contagious?"

"Oh, you worry too much, Silver Spoon," Diamond Tiara said. "It's most likely the summer Pinken Flu that's been spreading around recently. We've had our shots for that, and that blank flank obviously didn't."

As Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked away down the street, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo continued to speak to each other walking in the other direction. They were unaware that the two rich fillies had overheard their conversation, and were on their way to Sweet Apple Acres.

"By the way," Scootaloo said. "What's Apple Bloom sick in bed with?"

"Chickenpox, kiddo." Rainbow Dash straightened herself proudly. "But lucky I've already had it."

"So have I." Scootaloo said with relief. "So when do we catch the train to Manehattan with Rarity?"

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo. "Friday, nine o'clock sharp. But make sure you ask your dad first."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked through the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, towards the Apple family's barn. They talked quietly with each other, planning on how they were going to get the concert tickets from the little sick filly.

"Okay, so this is what we do," Diamond Tiara said. "We have twenty-five bits between us, so we'll buy the tickets from her."

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses. "But Diamond Tiara, those tickets are like seventy-five bits each."

"We know that." Diamond Tiara grinned. "But that blank flank doesn't. So we'll trick her into selling them for much less than they're really worth."

Silver Spoon thought for a moment with a concerned look. "I still don't think this is a good idea. Who knows what sickness she's sick with."

"Oh, stop worrying, Silver Spoon," Diamond Tiara said. "It's Pinken Flu. My aunt Gemmed Ring had it a few weeks ago. She had a cold feeling in her hooves that made her wear socks on them, and her coat turned into a pale whitish-pink color. I guarantee that blank flank is sick with that. And since we've had our shots for it, we've got nothing to worry about."

Silver Spoon looked at Diamond Tiara. "And what if it's not Pinken Flu? Will we get out of there, and find another way to get them?"

Diamond Tiara groaned. "Alright. If it's not Pinken Flu, we'll leave, if that makes you feel better."

Applejack was outside the barn doing her chores. She was just taking a large wooden basket of freshly picked apples to her apple cellar when she noticed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coming up towards her. "Howdy, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon."

"Hello, Applejack," Diamond Tiara said. "We heard poor Apple Bloom's sick, and thought we could pay her a visit."

Silver Spoon showed a card. "We even brought a 'Get Well Soon' card for her."

Applejack looked at the two fillies for a moment with a bit of a suspicious look, then smiled and nodded. "Okay then. Y'all wait out here. Ah'll just put these apples in my apple cellar, an' ah'll take y'all up ta her room ta see her in a minute."

Applejack walked of towards the opened apple cellar doors, and turned as she went down the cellar stairs. When Applejack was gone, Diamond Tiara turned to Silver Spoon.

"Okay, let's go in." Diamond Tiara said quietly.

The two fillies entered into the house part of the barn. As they went up the stairs, Diamond Tiara kept grinning with confidence. For every step closer to Apple Bloom's room they took, she grew more and more convinced that she was seeing a future with the two of them off to Sapphire Shores's concert in Manehattan and meeting her backstage.

They soon reached the outside of Apple Bloom's bedroom, and peered their heads into the opened doorway. There, they see Apple Bloom in bed looking out the window in a depressed state similar to Abacus. Her body except her mane was a pale pink color. She was wearing white cotton socks on her front hooves, and was fidgeting uncomfortably in bed. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked at each other, with Diamond Tiara giving Silver Spoon a "I-told-you-so" look of confidence on her face. Silver Spoon looked back at her with a relieving smile. Diamond Tiara tapped lightly on the opened door, and watched as the sick filly's ears perk up at the sound, and turned to face the open door. Apple Bloom's eyes widened with surprise to see the two rich fillies.

"Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon," Apple Bloom said. "What are y'all doin' here?"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon entered Apple Bloom's bedroom, and walked towards her bed, putting on friendly, charming smiles. "Hi, blan- I mean Apple Bloom. We heard you were sick, so we came to visit you."

"There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" Silver Spoon asked.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. She knew it was not like these two rich fillies to be so nice as to visit her on friendly terms. "Ah guess not."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came to each of the sides of the bed. Silver Spoon gave Apple Bloom the 'Get Well Soon' card. "Here's a little get well card we picked out for you."

Apple Bloom looked at the card, while thinking something very suspicious was going on. "Thanks...ah guess."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stroked Apple Bloom's mane. "You poor, poor thing, being so sick. We heard you couldn't go to Sapphire Shores's concert in Manehattan."

Apple Bloom sighed sadly. "Dr Stallion said ah can't."

"We also heard you're giving your tickets away to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash for free." Silver Spoon said.

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yeah. Ah am."

Diamond Tiara leaned in closer to Apple Bloom. "Have you ever thought of selling the tickets instead?"

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Sellin' em?"

Diamond Tiara nodded. "Yeah. Since you're sick in bed, and since we have a bit of a warm place in our hearts for sick ponies, we're hoping to buy them from you."

Silver Spoon laid on the bed while leaning closer to Apple Bloom smiling. "You see we're really big fans of Sapphire Shores too."

"But ah already said they could have'em." Apple Bloom said.

Diamond Tiara took out her wallet, and poured out a number of bits on the bed sheets in front of Apple Bloom. "We'll give you ten bits for the tickets. I think that's far more than your possible allowance. We're being more than generous."

Apple Bloom looked at the bits. It was twice more than her weekly allowance, and did not know what to do. "Ten bits? Well... Ah don't know."

Silver Spoon smiled. "We might go a bit higher if you push us."

Apple Bloom thought for a moment. "How about ten bits each?"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon made a struggling friendly face that was trying to hide their annoyance, for it meant there would be not much money left for them. "Alright. Since we're being so generous, we'll give you twenty bits for the tickets. So do we have a deal?"

All of a sudden, Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith came to the entrance of Apple Bloom's bedroom and interrupted the three fillies.

"What in tarnation," Applejack said. "Ah thought ah told ya two ta wait outside?"

Diamond Tiara turned to Applejack. "Why? We're just fine."

Apple Bloom shuffled in bed. "Diamond Tiara an' Silver Spoon are tryin' ta buy the tickets."

Applejack gave Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon a serious look. "Are they now?"

"Ah still wanna give 'em ta Rainbow Dash an' Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said.

Applejack came forward towards Apple Bloom's bed, still giving Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon that same serious glance, for she now knew the real intention of the two fillies visit to her sick little sister.

"Well, ah think that's the best thing ta do, sugarcube." Applejack then turned to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Well, Diamond Tiara an' Silver Spoon. It was mighty nice of both y'all ta come an' visit, but ah think ya two better run along. Chickenpox is bad enough, but ya two comin' round here-"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's eyes suddenly widened with shock, followed by jumping back from Apple Bloom's bed.

"What?!" Diamond Tiara asked. "She's got chickenpox?!"

Applejack tilted her head. "Didn't ya know?"

"We didn't ask!" Diamond Tiara said.

"We thought it was Pinken Flu." Silver Spoon pointed at Apple Bloom. "Why else has her coat turned pink? Why is she wearing socks on her hooves?!"

"Pinken Flu?" Applejack chuckled and pointed to the bottle of calamine lotion sitting on Apple Bloom's bedside table. "Oh, honey. That pink color's just calamine lotion ta relieve some of Apple Bloom's itchin'." She wiped a bit of calamine lotion away from Apple Bloom's head to show a few red spots on her yellow coat underneath. "Ya see?"

Granny Smith walked in. "An' those cotton socks are ta stop the little one from scratchin' them spots."

Applejack nodded. "Besides, Apple Bloom's had her shot for the Pinken Flu a month ago."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked shocked. "So she really has chickenpox?!"

"Darn tootin', little fillies," Granny Smith said. "An' it's mighty contagious. But don't worry. If y'all had chickenpox before, ya should be perfect as a Piccadilly pear."

Big Mac came into the room. "Ya've had chickenpox before, haven't ya?"

Diamond Tiara began to stammer nervously. "Well...uhh...you see...the thing is..."

"We...we..." Silver Spoon said.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stammered nervously as Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith stood there looking at them, waiting for their answer. Apple Bloom put her hoof over her mouth as she began to smile and quietly giggle under her breath, knowing that she had just spread her chickenpox to those two mean rich fillies. It really brighten her day, if only slightly.

Author's Note:

This is the tenth chapter. The eleventh chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this.
This chapter was very fun to write. And the moral of this chapter is: "Karma is a b*tch!" LOL!

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