• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 16: "You're Under Arrest."

Lawful Eye sat in the waiting room of the hospital with Warden Rehab, Lock Down, and most of the Main Six, as they waited to hear news on Abacus's condition. She sat there, worried about if Abacus was going to be okay, and about the police officers who tried to arrest him. It had been forty minutes since Abacus was brought in for treatment from his confrontation with Storm Dasher, Coco-Nut, and the two Cloudsdale police ponies, Strike Law and Rogue Order. The two officers had been taken in to be examined for their injuries twenty minutes prior. Twilight and the others noticed that Lawful Eye was worried.

"Don't worry, Lawful Eye," Twilight said. "Abacus is going to be fine. And I think Rainbow Dash will bring Scootaloo back here."

Lawful Eye turned to Twilight. "It's not just that, Twilight. It's the fact that those two police ponies are trying to arrest him, and his provoked, violent episode he unleashed towards them."

Spike nodded. "You said it. He went completely nuts. I've never seen anypony go berserk before.

"And boy howdy," Applejack said. "He sure put up a real good fight ta do all that ta them. He nearly overpowered ya, me, Rainbow Dash, an' Fluttershy at the same time."

Lawful Eye sighed. "I was afraid this would happen. Considering it wasn't the first time."

Pinkie Pie tilted her head. "It wasn't?"

"When was the last time, darling?" Rarity asked.

Lawful Eye looked up and adjusted her glasses. "Very well. Twilight knows some of it, but I think I should tell you the whole story. On the day of the royal guard raid of Hoofstrong, Abacus badly injured one of Armstrong's guards. His rage injured the guard to the point of him almost dying of blood-loss."

Rarity blinked. "How did he do it? What happened?"

"Well, I didn't witness it, but the agent, and the guard giving information on Hoofstrong Prison told me what happened. It was on the day of the royal guard raid. About a few minutes before they stormed the prison, Armstrong's guards were beating him up. Then after that, they restrained him on a device they use to rape or torture them." Lawful Eye paused and sighed. "As that was happening, one guard tried to make Abacus perform oral on him like numerous times before...only that time, it was a mistake. Before the guard could ejaculate, that was when Abacus lost it. He went berserk, and bit down on the guard's penis as hard as he could...until he...well, ripped it right off."

The look of shock appeared on the faces of the others, along with a shocked gasp.

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity said.

Spike winced. "Ow! That's got to hurt. Now I know what you meant when you said "You don't want to know" to me." He put one of his hands in between his legs. "And now I wish I didn't know."

Lock Down blinked with suprise. "So the stallion that bit off the guard's dick. That was him?"

Twilight turned to Lock Down. "That's right. You were part of the raid. So you didn't know or see it?"

"No," Lock Down said. "I was in another area of the prison at that time. I only heard from the other royal guards talking about a prisoner nearly killing one of Armstrong's guards by biting off his dick, but I didn't suspect it was Abacus of all ponies."

Warden Rehab sighed. "It's a good thing the guard who was giving information reported that the guard was raping and torturing Abacus, and that it was self-defense. Otherwise Abacus wouldn't have been let off."

"Well, ah say it serves that varmint right!" Applejack said.

"At any rate, right after Abacus injured the guard, he came out of his rage. They say it was like he was coming out of a trance when he saw the guard crying in pain, and bleeding heavily on the floor." Lawful Eye winced. "And then...that was when Armstrong sicced his dog on him." She groaned angrily. "He tried to kill Abacus by having his dog go for his throat, and he was restrained, unable to defend himself."

Twilight put a hoof over her mouth in shock. "Oh my god!"

Lawful Eye groaned. "If Abacus hadn't have moved his face in the way, that dog would've tore his throat out. And right when the dog attacked him, the royal guards raided the prison. They were able to raid the prison because the agent, and the guard giving information disabled the prison security doors without Armstrong and his other guards knowing. The royal guards killed the dog, and arrested Armstrong and all the staff. Abacus and the injured guard were taken to hospital in the nearby town of Carriageston. Because of prison policies, Abacus wasn't allow to be in hospital for long. They had him in long enough for brief surgery on his face, because the dog pierced an artery. But they couldn't fix the side of his face properly with the limited time they had. I'll need to find a surgeon to help fix his face to make it close to normal as possible again soon. As for the guard, they were able to surgically reattach his penis, but because it was erected when ripped off him, it suffered damages to some nerves, which it would never function the same way again."

"Well, good for him," Spike said. "That guard deserved what he got."

Lawful Eye glanced at Spike. "I could not agree more with you, Spike."

Just then, they heard the door of the hospital open, and turned to see Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo coming into the waiting room. Scootaloo was still quietly sniffling, as they came over to the others, and they noticed that Rainbow Dash had some blood smeared on the front of her.

"Hey, guys." Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash. You're back." Twilight noticed Scootaloo. "Is Scootaloo okay?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "She's a bit banged and shaken-up, but she's okay."

The doors into hospital suddenly opened, and Dr Stallion and Fluttershy came walking out. They came towards the others, as Lawful Eye got up and came towards the both of them.

"How is he, Doctor?" Lawful Eye asked.

Dr Stallion cleared his throat. "Well, Abacus has suffered a minor nasal bone fracture, and many contusions and other injuries, but luckily it's nothing too serious, and has no broken bones. He's going to be okay."

Lawful Eye quietly sighed and smile with relief. "Oh thank goodness."

"Though, I'd like for Abacus to stay in hospital overnight for observation." Dr Stallion motioned everyone to the doors. "You and the others can go see him now."

"Thank you, Doctor." Lawful Eye said.

"Hey, Doc?" Rainbow Dash came over to Dr Stallion with Scootaloo. "Do you think you could check Scootaloo out? She got hurt earlier."

"Sure, Rainbow Dash." Dr Stallion turned to Scootaloo. "Oh, and on the side note, Dr Horse told me that your dad has gone into surgery, and is going to be in hospital till Thursday, but he's going to be okay."

Scootaloo humphed angrily. "I don't care. I don't care about what happens to my dad anymore."

Dr Stallion was shocked at what Scootaloo had just said. Rainbow Dash moved closer to him to speak. "You see, Doc. It was her dad who did that to her. He hit her earlier."

Dr Stallion sighed with a mix of concern and mild anger before muttering under his breath, "That poor bloody mongrel." He turned to Scootaloo. "Come on, possum. Let's get you looked at, and get you both cleaned up."

Dr Stallion turned to the others. "You may go in, and see Abacus. Fluttershy will take you to his room."

Lawful Eye, Lock Down, Warden Rehab, Twilight, and her friends walked into the hospital with Fluttershy to see Abacus, while Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash followed Dr Stallion inside to the examination rooms to get examined and cleaned up. They followed Fluttershy down the corridors of Ponyville's local hospital as other doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff passed by tending to other patients, until Fluttershy stopped at one room, and motioned the others to it.

"Here we are." Fluttershy said.

The others entered into the room and see Abacus in bed with bandages on some parts of him, and was sobbing quietly. He looked up at the others with his teary eyes, and Lawful Eye came rushing up passed the others to Abacus's side.

"Abi!" Lawful Eye embraced the sobbing, traumatized stallion, as he began to cry on her shoulder. "Shh... There, there, Abi. You're safe now. You're going to be okay. I'll make sure those ponies get brought to justice for doing this to you."

"The only pony who's going to be brought to justice is him."

Everyone turned around to see Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order standing in the doorway, unaware that the police ponies had finished being treated, and had followed them to Abacus's room. They began to enter into the room towards Abacus, as Abacus began to whimper, and back against the bed in fear. Warden Rehab and Lock Down stood in the police ponies path, blocking their way to Abacus.

"Out of the way!" Officer Strike Law said.

Warden Rehab glared. "You're in no position to giving us orders, officers."

Officer Rogue Order's lip curled with anger. "The only reason you two ponies aren't in cuffs right now is because of your royal guard status! Now stand aside!"

"No!" Lock Down glared at the two police ponies with gritted teeth like a guard dog ready to attack. "I maybe a teddy bear, but I can turn grizzly if angered enough!"

Officer Strike Law pointed at Abacus with his hoof. "That pony! That scum...had unprovokedly assaulted six ponies, including two children, and two police officers, caused grievous bodily harm to Storm Dasher, resisted arrest, and destroyed a headstone in the cemetery."

Fluttershy scowled at the two police ponies. "That's a lie! You, Storm Dasher, and Coco-Nut assaulted him first! Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and I saw you do it!"

Officer Rogue Order glanced at Fluttershy. "We are high ranking officers in Cloudsdale's police force. It's our word against yours!"

"We don't care how high of rank y'all say ya are," Applejack said. "Y'all ain't gonna arrest Abacus as long as we're here!"

"Oh, we're not going to arrest him." Officer Strike Law lifted his hoof and pointed. "She is."

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of where the police pegasus pony was pointing. To their shock, the pony he was pointing at was none other than Lawful Eye herself. Lawful Eye's disbelieving look turned into a glare through her glasses.

"What did you say?!" Lawful Eye asked.

"You are going to arrest him on all those charges we've laid." Officer Strike Law said.

Lawful Eye glared. "No, I won't!"

Officer Strike Law glared back with a look of confidence. "Yes, you will."

Rarity came forward. "Why should Detective Lawful Eye ever do such a thing as that?!"

"Yeah! Why should she?!" Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry at the police ponies.

"Because our chief of police back in Cloudsdale has connections with the federal courts, and will contact them at any request of high rank officers like us." Officer Strike Law turned to Lawful Eye. "If you don't arrest him, we will get a federal court order for us to arrest him, and nopony, not even you, or even those royal guards can prevent us from doing it."

"And we'll make sure he'll receive the maximum penalty for each of the offences we'll charge him with in court," Officer Rogue Order said. "He's going to wish he was never born."

Lawful Eye scowled at Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order darkly. "You can't do that!"

"Yes, we can." Officer Rogue Order glared with confidence. "Either you arrest him, or we will. It's your choice, Detective. But either way, that scum is going back behind bars...where he belongs."

Officers Strike Law smirked with confidence. "So much for freedom. Prison scum like him have no purpose, and are nothing, but a waste of space in society."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you both apart!" Lock Down got enraged and was about to thrash the two police ponies for how they were being so openly cruel and merciless, and the things they were each saying. He knew these two were scum, for he knew scum when he saw it.

"Hold it, Lock Down!"

They all turned with shock for the voice came from Lawful Eye. Lawful Eye was both angered and conflicted, for she was in a bad situation where Abacus was going to go to prison either if she arrested him, or if she refused, the two police ponies would arrest him under a federal court order, and would possibly get maximum punishment for each of the offences. Though she did also think they could be bluffing, she did not want to really risk it.

"So what's it going to be, Detective?" Officer Strike Law asked.

Lawful Eye groaned in anger, and glanced at Abacus. She looked back at the officers, and then turned around to face Abacus. Lawful Eye walked towards him and stopped in front of him with a look of confliction on what she was about to do.

"Abacus Sum." Lawful Eye paused, hesitatingly knowing what she was going to say and do to her dear friend would be something she will heavily regret. "I have no choice...but to place you under arrest on all charges."

The look of shock and disbelief came on the faces of the others. Abacus's teary eyes widened with a look of horrible shock, heartbreak, and betrayal. Lawful Eye's face dropped with a great hurt swelling inside her for what she did, while the two police ponies mildly smirked with triumph. Lawful Eye groaned with guilt and anger as she turned around to face the Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order.

Lawful Eye glared at Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order. "It's done. You've got what you wanted. I ask for him to remain in my custody for the time being until such time he will face the charges in court."

"You're in no position to bargain, Detective," Officer Rogue Order said. "But this request, we will grant."

"But we're only granting it so that you could spend these last few days or so before you say goodbye for a very long time." Officer Strike Law followed Officer Rogue Order out towards the door. "And if he leaves, you can kiss your detective badge and your career goodbye."

Officer Rogue Order turned to Lawful Eye one last time. "Enjoy your last moments with that prison scum while you've got it."

The two police ponies walked out the door of Abacus's room, leaving everyone in the room with restrained, and quiet rage. They walked down the halls of the hospital, giving each other a "works-every-time" look of triumph on their faces when they were out of view from anyone. Back in the room, Lawful Eye turned to Abacus.

"Abi?" Lawful Eye said. "It's-"

"Alright everypony." Nurse Redheart stood at the entrance of Abacus's room. "Visiting hours are over. The...patient needs his rest."

Lawful Eye turned back to Abacus, and patted his head gently. "We'll talk to you about this tomorrow, Abi. Okay? See you tomorrow."

Everyone began to leave the room, with Nurse Redheart closing the door, leaving Abacus alone in his hospital room. At that same time, Dr Stallion, came over towards the others with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo following behind him.

"Hey guys," Rainbow Dash said. "How's Abacus doing?"

Twilight frowned mildly. "Well, something happened while you were gone, but we'll explain on the way. Right now, we have to go now."

Applejack noticed Scootaloo. "So how's Scootaloo doin'?"

"Just a bruise, and a sore nose for a few days or so." Rainbow Dash put an outstretched wing around Scootaloo. "But you'll be fine, won't you, little buddy?"

Scootaloo nodded. "Mm-hmm."

Lawful Eye came over to Dr Stallion. "Doctor? Would it be alright if Lock Down and Warden Rehab stay here to guard, and protect Abacus?"

"Sure thing, Lawful Eye," Dr Stallion said. "And you can take him home sometime tomorrow arvo."

Lawful Eye nodded. "Thank you, Doctor."

Twilight turned to the others. "Come on, everypony. Let's go."

Everyone, but Lock Down and Warden Rehab walked away down the hospital corridors, as Dr Stallion watched on. Dr Stallion turned to Lock Down and Warden Rehab. "If you two blokes need anything, just ask the staff."

Warden Rehab smiled. "Thank you, Doctor."

Dr Stallion turned to Nurse Redheart. "You make sure Abacus Sum gets the best treatment, Redheart."

"Doctor?" Nurse Redheart asked. "Why are you helping him? That pony inside that room is a murderer."

Dr Stallion gave Nurse Redheart a serious look. "To a doctor, a patient is a patient. There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys, or even murderers. The same goes to nurses too, Redheart. A doctor and nurse's job is to heal and care for, not to judge and sentence. Now you help take care of Abacus."

Nurse Redheart sighed. "Yes, Doctor."

At the same time, the Main Six, Lawful Eye, Scootaloo, and Spike began walking outside away from the hospital. The others explained to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo on what happened while in Abacus's room, while they were getting treated and cleaned up, and how Lawful Eye placed Abacus under arrest.

"You did what?!" Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo said.

"You arrested Abacus?" Rainbow Dash growled. "How can you arrest him on those outragous charges?!"

"I had no choice! If I didn't, those officers were going to get a federal court order that not even I could stop. At least this way I can buy some time to find something that can clear his name." Lawful Eye adjusted her glasses. "Besides, I didn't really arrest him, I only made those officers think I did."

Everyone turned to face Lawful Eye. "Huh?"

"If I placed somepony under arrest, I would've put hoofcuffs on one of his hooves, and to the rail of the bed," Lawful Eye said. "It's the procedure of law enforcement. Besides, I didn't really believe they were going to get a federal court order anyway. So I said that I placed Abacus under arrest to get those two police officers away from him, at least long enough to figure something out."

Spike blinked. "So basically you just lied about arresting him to those cops?"

Lawful Eye nodded. "Basically."

"It's a relief that Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order were too over-confident to notice it," Twilight said. "But Lawful Eye, you realize that if they're not bluffing, they could go through with their threats. You're also putting your career, and even your own freedom on the line."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Ya could loose yer job as a detective an' a lawyer, or worse, go ta jail too yerself. Ya know that, don't ya?"

Lawful Eye sighed. "I know the risks. But if it means keeping Abacus safe, then so be it. I would risk it all for my dear friend."

The others were touched by how the detective was going to risk everything on keeping Abacus safe. A couple of them began to tear up on it, Rarity was the most teared up, and began to be dramatic.

"Oh, this is so touching!" Rarity blew into a handkerchief. "A lady risking it all for one poor soul, in the most selfless, sacrificing thing anypony's ever seen! Such a thing is worthy of a romance story!"

Everyone in the group stared at Rarity's melodramaticism of the situation with awkwardness. Rarity noticed it, and began to look confused at the others awkwardness. "What? I mean it. Wouldn't you agree with me?"

The others began to turn back to a different subject to avoid anymore awkwardness.

"Anyway, I'll talk to Abacus about it tomorrow like I promised him," Lawful Eye said. "As for the officers, and Coco-Nut and Storm Dasher, they'll have to be dealt with later."

Twilight blinked. "That reminds me, we have to talk about Sapphire Shores coming tomorrow."

Spike tilted his head. "You mean the plan is still on, even after all that's happened with Abacus?"

Twilight nodded. "Of course it is."

"Wait, what plan?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Are you saying you don't know?"

"Of course they don't, Pinkie," Twilight said. "We haven't told her, Scootaloo, Fluttershy, or even you about it yet."

Pinkie Pie blinked. "Oh, yeah." She giggled. "Silly me."

Fluttershy tilted her head. "Told us what?"

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said. "And what does Abacus have anything to do with Sapphire Shores?"

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy. "Our plan is to have Abacus get into a photograph with Sapphire Shores for the local newspaper. If it works, our troubles with Abacus in town might be over."

"But, Twilight," Applejack said. "Everypony in town knows about Sapphire Shores comin' ta see Apple Bloom tomorrow, an' it's gonna be mighty hard ta do that."

"I know, Applejack." Twilight smiled and winked. "That's why Lawful Eye and I have come up with another plan for that too."

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. "So what's the plan?"

Twilight cleared her throat, and began to quietly explain her plan to the others.

Author's Note:

This is the sixteenth chapter. The seventeenth chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this.

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