• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 22: "The Apology Letters."

Dear Mr Abacus Sum,

I am writing to apologize on behalf of the Equestria police commission for the fact that we had recently received word from Cloud Patrol, the chief of police in Cloudsdale that two members of their force had tried to arrest you, and with two civilians had unlawfully, and brutally assaulted you in the process. Along with the false information that you had assaulted them, and the civilians.

The officers involved, Strike Law and Rogue Order as we have been told had no authorization to be in the town of Ponyville due to it being out of Cloudsdale's jurisdiction. The Cloudsdale Metropolitan Police Department does not now nor has ever condoned such rogue behavior demonstrated by Officers Strike Law and Rogue Order. Willing, rogue dishonor as demonstrated by Officers Law and Order is a very serious offence. The Cloudsdale Metropolitan Police Department has a long and proud history of holding each officer to a very high standard of truthful, honest law enforcement. Officers Law and Order's actions has brought great discredit to the department, and is not now nor will it ever be tolerated or go unpunished.

We have also been informed by her grand royal highness's, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Equestria, as well as members of Task Force River that you were also deliberately falsely imprisoned for murder due to a rogue, corruption, conspiracy ring organized by the Canterlot investigation force operating out of all our knowledge. This corruption ring of the Canterlot investigation force has left an even greater dishonor and discredit to the Equestria police commission on how such horrific acts can go unnoticed for a long time as it did.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize to you for the incident and want you to know that all the officers responsible will be facing serious charges against them when facing trial. I also want to apologize for your horrific experience. I and Cloud Patrol, the chief of police in Cloudsdale, as well as other Equestria police commission officials would also value an opportunity to meet you to apologize to you in person and discuss any lessons that the Police Commission could learn from your experience to prevent these sort of things ever happening again. We would also maybe like to help you organize an Ex gratia payment by the court for the losses and pain you went through in addition to the compensation you received at your retrial.

Yours sincerely
Gold Shield EPC
Equestria Police Commissioner

Dear Abacus Sum,

I sincerely apologize for my daughter's awful behavior towards you, and for her lying about what you did to her. I admit that I thought you were guilty and I had my doubt's about you, and I had plans to have you sued by my lawyers, but when the princesses showed and convinced me of what really happened, I had the charges dropped straight away. To be honest, I did not believe you did kill your wife, but I kept it to myself because I I was afaid that it would effect my business if I did. I realized the mistake of not making the effort of standing up for you, and I hope there will be no bad blood between us.

Now, what do you say, Diamond Tiara?

...Sorry, Mr Abacus.

And after she has recovered from her chickenpox, she is not going to get any dessert and sweets for a month.

What? But daddy...

No buts, young lady! Now go back to bed. You need to rest, and I need to write this letter. Now where was I? Ah, yes. I am so sorry for everything, and I want to help make things right for you somehow, just like everypony else in town does.

Filthy Rich

Dear Abacus Sum,

Please accept our deepest apologies for our attitude towards you in hospital.

Our attitude towards you was very unprofessional, and unacceptable. Whether or not if you were a murderer, we should not have treated you that way. A nurse's job is to heal and care for, not to judge and sentence. And finding out the truth that you were not a murderer makes our pain and guilt all the more worse.

If there was any good that came out of this unfortunate experience, it is that we have grown and learned alternative approaches to these situations.

We are so sorry.

Redheart and Snowheart

Dear Mr Sum,

My friends and I are very sorry for throwing a brick with a threatening note on it at the room you were staying in at the hospital. I did not really want to do it. My friends, Rumble and Shady Daze all wanted to do it to simply scare you away because they thought you were a murderer. But I did not want to do it, and did not say anything because I was afraid my friends would turn on me, and calling me a snitch, or a traitor, or even think I was on your side. But after finding out that you are not a murderer, and what you tried to do after that, we feel really bad about it. We do not want to feel this way anymore, so I hope you accept my apology.

The princesses showed us and everypony in town what really happened, and what happened to you in jail. It was so scary that it made the most scary video game I have ever played, without my mom knowing, look like nothing, and I was scared to go to sleep after that. After Princess Luna said that she knew who it was, my friends and I went to the hospital and turned ourselves in. They then brought me home, and talked with my mom about it. They did the same with Rumble and Shady Daze. My mom was really mad at me, but was proud that I turned myself in and told the truth. My friends and I have been grounded by our parents for the rest of the summer, and we have to do chores at the hospital until we pay for the broken window.

I'm very sorry for what I have done, and so are my friends. Please forgive us.

Button Mash

Dear Abacus Sum,

I am writing you this letter because I affected you. I know that an apology will not be enough to make this better, but I want you to understand how very, genuinely sorry I am.

On the day the Princesses showed your memories to the whole town, I had just found out that I was partly to blame for Tiger Lily’s death. They showed that the power socket I replaced behind your refrigerator had the wires caught on a nail I did not see. And it gave out and split the electrical tape I wrapped around it, and caused an electrical fire. It was not revealed for two whole years without me knowing. And all this time I believed you were a murderer, and deemed you as “Scum” like many others in town. I have great guilt, and though I may not be sentenced to prison, or even punished, I do feel that I should have been punished. I will have to carry it for the rest of my life.

I have lost a lot of confidence in my profession of being an electrician since I have found about it. If I could take it back, I would. Instead, please know that I will always be haunted by what I did to you. I have no greater regrets than the damage I caused you, even though I didn’t find out until recently.

I know this is very stressful, and upsetting for you finding out I contributed to poor Tiger Lily’s death, and your other losses, so I will understand if you don’t want to see or talk to me. However, if there is anything you would like to say to me, or if you would like to confront me, please write back to me, and I will come visit you while you’re in Canterlot. I am willing to hear anything you have to say.

Regretfully yours,
Light Socket

Dear Abacus Sum,

My wife, Honey Blossom and I were responsible for violently assaulting you. First was from my wife in the park, and then me a few days later in the cemetery with Storm Dasher. Just writing it makes us sick inside. We were some of the ones who believed you were a murderer, and were worried about the safety of our daughter, Buttercup when we thought you hurt her. I was very angry, and we wanted you to pay, even taking the law into our own hooves with Storm Dasher. But after the princesses showed us the truth of what really happened, we now realized that you did not do it, and that we made a very terrible mistake. Instead of assaulting a dangerous murderous pony, we assaulted an innocent, unfortunate pony, and called you a pedophile. My wife and I can not begin to express how sorry we are that we did that.

Honey Blossom and I were arrested and are facing charges of assault, and we will accept the consequences of our actions. Buttercup was most upset about this whole thing of us being charge and facing punishment. We even paid for your hospital bill yesterday. We know that it's not enough to make things right, but it's the least we can do.

I hope that you can find a way to forgive us, and I hope to make things right with you more somehow. We are very sorry for hurting you, and misjudging you so badly.


Off the record, I should say that you really pack a wallop for somepony who does accounting and taxes for a living. You should take up boxing or karate.

Dear Abacus Sum,

I have to tell you how deeply sorry I am for assaulting you, and for getting my brother-in-law, Flare Shaker's best friends on you. I realize now that I did not just hurt physically, but mentally as well.

I did not realize how crooked and rogue Strike Law and Rogue Order truly were. Even after finding out you were innocent, they tried to arrest you for assaulting them. Flare Shaker is also sorry too, and he even bailed me out. I was so scared of losing Scootaloo, that I did not listen to anypony who were on your side. I have been so bad ever since Firefly died. In fact, I should tell you that Firefly always believed you were innocent of murder, while I always believed you were guilty, but in the end I now know who was right in the end. She tragically died over a year ago from an aneurysm, and it was on Scootaloo's birthday. For that time I blamed myself, and became so angry and depressed with myself, and even everypony else, and even not been much support to my own daughter when she needed me most. I even struck her in the hospital on the day Coco-Nut and I confronted you, which I felt extremely guilty and regretful about even now.

Since I have been bailed out, I tried to make things up with Scootaloo, and if it was not for Rainbow Dash and her friends, it would have been difficult. I really want to change back to my old self, get my life back on track, and make things up to you and to everypony else for how I've been. I have even gone as far as to admitting myself to therapy, anger management, and counseling like I should have done a long time ago. I've even tried to look for work, where Rainbow Dash offered me to be a partner in weather patrol, my old job. Though I was reluctant at first due to the shame and guilt I had, I accepted it. Most of the other Pegasi on the weather patrol were surprisingly glad to have me back, and even hoped that I would come back.

I'm greatly ashamed and sickened by what I have done, like everypony else in Ponyville. My sadness, anger and aggression towards everypony has caused me great pain. I and Coco-Nut really thought you hurt both his and my daughter, and even tried to advance on her. And I tried to protect her from you, but I was wrong. I am not trying to justify what we both had done. Coco-Nut and I are going to be punished, and after all that I have done to you, I will accept whatever is coming to me. And I will hold no grudge against you for biting me, or even sending me to spend time in jail, because I deserve it. I am even getting my affairs in order for whatever happens. My sister, Lofty, and her partner, Holiday have even decided to sell their home in Baltimare, and move in with Scootaloo and I to help out.

I hope you can forgive me, and that someday, somehow, I can make it up to you.

Storm Dasher

Dear Abacus,

We are so sorry for judging you so badly. We thought you really did kill Tiger Lily, and we were so afraid of you, especially of your face. We saw from the memories the princesses showed us the other day of what really happened on the night Tiger Lily died, how you were deliberately falsely arrested for murdering her, and seeing the torture, the pain you went through, and that vicious dog of that evil minotaur mauling your beautiful face. The horror, the horror! It was awful! And finding out that you were innocent, and that you were gone and never coming back, it's a disaster. A horrible, horrible disaster.

We used to respect you greatly, just as much as we did to Tiger Lily when she was alive. She spoke so highly of you when working with us at the local flower shop, and we were such fools to believe you would ever kill anypony. We are not sure if you are aware, but after you were sent away to prison, the site of where you and Tiger Lily used to live had been turned into a memorial public flower garden in honor of her memory. We suggested it to the mayor, and we did not want you mentioned on it because we wanted the garden to be a peaceful, respectable place, and we knew that your name mentioned would have caused anger and sadness. We felt it was what Tiger Lily would have wanted.

We organised for your good name to be put up in the memorial public flower garden with the mayor, which she has agreed straight away. I think the mayor is feeling as guilty as we are, or maybe even more. We miss you. We all love you. Please do not leave us. Please come home. We are so very sorry.

Yours sincerely,
Daisy, Rose, and Lily Valley

Dear Abacus Sum,

I understand if you do not want to read this apology, but I needed to write and let you know how sorry I am for bringing this whole thing upon you. I have enormous regrets at how long it took me to realize that you were innocent. And if it was not for the princesses, I do not think we would have ever of known the truth.

I can not even imagine the pain and fear that I caused you, for I have seen it with my own eyes. I and Lady Justice seriously misjudged you. But there was a reason. It was because of our past experiences with couples who look and seemed perfect, but had a dark side we never saw. In both our cases it was domestic abuse, for I knew somepony in school in Canterlot where I used to live. She was a friend of mine and her father was abusive to her. I convinced her to tell somepony, and it was because of that, her father was brought to justice, and sent to jail. It saved her whole family. But it was shocking to me how my friend's father looked so innocent, and not look the type that would hurt his own wife and children. There is another reason, but I would rather tell that one to you myself in person when I and Lady Justice ever get to see and talk to you.

We were both secretly suspicious of you because of that. That is where our suspicions of you and any happy couple began. And when Tiger Lily died in the house fire and you told us what happened, our suspicions increased. So we called upon the investigation force from Canterlot to investigate, and that was our biggest mistake. We had no idea of the true intentions of the corrupted investigators. They even played us for fools by taking advantage of us, and the whole town, especially when we told them that we suspected you of killing her. That was our other biggest mistake.

The false evidence the Canterlot investigation force had created against you was convincing to our suspicions. They took advantage of us like they did to all the other ponies that knew the other countless victims that suffered from their corruption, conspiracy syndicate. And if it were not for the Princess, and the members of Task Force River, we would never had realized the truth.

We can not take that back, and I am so sorry that you ever had to go through it. In a lot of ways, Lady Justice and I were just as responsible for your suffering. For this whole time, you were innocent, and a good, respectable pony, and we were convinced that you were guilty. It is something that I will have to live with. But the whole town, including myself and Lady Justice really want you back in Ponyville.

Also, the headstone of your wife, Tiger Lily, as we all know, was destroyed in a confrontation with Storm Dasher, Coco-Nut, and the two police ponies. That headstone was very expensive, and was put together by the whole town in memory of her. We were very angered about it, but after finding out the truth from the princesses, we are now glad that it was destroyed for it had hurtful, untruthful things about you. And we are organizing for a new headstone to be place there. Though I doubt I am going to be mayor of this town on the next election after this, because of what I did to you. Everypony in Equestria is soon going to know what I and Lady Justice have done.

I and Lady Justice really want to come to Canterlot to see you, but until then, I just wanted you to know that you have my most heartfelt, humble apology for the suffering I caused.

Yours sincerely,
Mayor Mare

Dear Abacus Sum,

This is a difficult letter to write, and I am sure it's even harder to receive, but I have to tell you how deeply sorry I am for judging and sentencing you so harshly. I realize now that I did not just hurt you - I permanently damaged you, and was in some way responsible for your poor mother's death as well. I was played a really big fool by the evil, despicable, corrupted Canterlot investigation force. I only wish I could be the one to sentence them for playing me, the mayor, and almost the whole town for fools, taking advantage of our suspicions of you, and causing us to ruin your life. But I am afraid it is not to be. And would not have been convinced of the truth, if it were not for the members of Task Force River, and the princesses themselves.

Both the mayor and myself are deeply ashamed and sickened by what we've done. My secret suspicious demeanor has caused more pain than I can ever repair. I know that this letter is too little and too late, but I want you to know how much I regret my actions. Of all my years serving in court, this is the guilty verdict, and sentence I will forever regret for the rest of my life. In fact, both the mayor and I are facing a harsh blow to our reputations and careers and will forever be shamed for the rest of our lives. We have nothing but regret for what you have been put through, and what your poor mother and your supporters have gone through.

When I was a little filly growing up in Manehattan, my father was seen be many as a great stallion, but behind closed doors, he was violent, and abusive to my mother, myself, and my little brother. Until one night, he killed my mother in cold blood by beating her to death. In court, he showed no remorse, and showed his true colors to everypony who thought they knew him. He was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison, which in fact was Hoofstrong Prison Centre before it turned rogue. He died eight years later by hanging himself. After that, it made me so suspicious of any pony couple or family that seemed perfect to everypony else. Sadly, I was taken advantage of it by the Canterlot investigation force with you. I realized I destroyed an innocent pony's life for no reason, and I understand if you never want to forgive me or Mayor Mare for what we have done, for we do not deserve your forgiveness, respect, or even friendship.

We wish we could go back in time and prevent everything wrong from happening, but I can not. If I could, I would. You were a wonderfully supportive, trustworthy, loving, caring stallion to Tiger Lily, and my past experiences should not have made me think otherwise about you. All of Ponyville, including Mayor Mare, and myself really want you to come back.

I am so sorry for the suffering I have caused you, and the mayor and I would really like to visit you in Canterlot to talk to you personally to express how we feel. We will organize it with the princesses soon.

Lady Justice

Author's Note:

This is the Twenty-second chapter. The Twenty-third chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this.

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