• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 7 (Part 2): "The Kind and Gentle Guard."

Two weeks ago...

It was 3:00 am in the morning, and Warden Rehab walked down the hall of Hoofstrong Prison Center, accompanied by two royal guards towards Abacus Sum's cell. They stopped and stood right outside the door of his cell as Warden Rehab turned to the guards.

"Wait out here." Warden Rehab said.

The guards nodded to his command. Warden Rehab then turned to the door, put the key in the lock with his magic, and unlocked it. The sound of the cell door unlocking woke Abacus up. He cowered to the corner of his bed on the corner of his cell as Warden Rehab opened the cell door, and entered. Seeing that he was scared because of the two guards standing right outside the door, Warden Rehab calmly came to Abacus, and spoke to him patiently.

"It's alright, Abacus. Those guards aren't going to hurt you, I promise. You're retrial is at eight, and it's an over four hour pegasus cart ride to Canterlot. Now come on, it's time to go."

Abacus got up from his bed, still scared with tears in his eyes. The two guards entered into his cell and stood behind Warden Rehab.

Warden Rehab briefly looked at the unicorn guard holding hoof shackle chain restraints with his magic before turning back to Abacus. "Now, we're going to put these restraints on you. It's part of the protocol to put restraints on all prisoners before ever leaving their cells. So don't resist in anyway. Do you understand, Abacus?"

Abacus closed his eyes and nodded slowly. Warden Rehab looked at the guards, and gave them a nod, confirming that they were clear to put the restraints on him. The unicorn guard came forward, and began to put the restraints on his hooves, and tied a rope to his steelectric collar with his magic. Abacus winced throughout the whole thing as fearful tears escaped his closed eyes. The unicorn guard gave the rope to the pegasus guard who held on to it in his mouth.

"Prisoner restrained, sir." The unicorn guard said.

"Good." Warden Rehab turned towards the door. "Right, let's go."

Warden Rehab, and the guards lead Abacus out of his cell. Warden Rehab walked at the front, and the guards remained on both sides. They escorted the scared and depressed Abacus down the halls of the prison. The restraints on Abacus's hooves allowed him the mobility to walk, but unable to run. After minutes of walking through the prison corridors, they reached a large metal door with two more guards stationed.

Warden Rehab presented some papers with his magic to one of the guards. "Prisoner number 727867, Abacus Sum, scheduled to be transported to Canterlot for his retrial at Equestria supreme court at 8:00 am sharp."

The guard took the papers and looked through them very thoroughly. The guard then looked at Abacus for a few moments, then back at the papers.

"Right. It's all in order. Transportation is ready and waiting, Warden." The guard turned to the second guard on station. "Open the door."

The guard nodded, and pulled the leaver next to him. The door began to open up, and revealed an outside area that had a prison transport wagon with three pegasus royal guards to pull it stationed outside. Warden Rehab, and the guards lead Abacus outside into the summer night, early morning air towards the wagon. A unicorn guard who had a scar on his shoulder just peaking from his armor stood on the side of the ramp on the side entrance that lead inside into the wagon. Warden Rehab and the unicorn guard escorting Abacus entered into the wagon first.

"Aright, Abacus." The pegasus guard said through the rope in his mouth. "In we go."

Abacus complied with the guard's orders, and walked up the ramp into the wagon with the guard leading him inside. Inside the wagon, the unicorn guard directed Abacus to a seating bench against the left wall of the wagon.

"You sit down here." The unicorn guard said.

Abacus sat down where the unicorn guard told him to sit. Then the guard took the rope attached to Abacus out of the pegasus guard's mouth, and tied it to a close by metal ring fixed to the wall. Warden Rehab came up to Abacus to give him some last minute words before departing.

"Well, Abacus," Warden Rehab said. "I wish I was going with you, but I have to run the prison. So I'm leaving you in the care of one of my best guards."

Abacus's eyes began to well up and began to whimper in fear. Warden Rehab gently rested a reassuring hoof on Abacus's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I assure you none of them are going to harm or abuse you in anyway. You have nothing to fear. Just remember to do whatever any of the guards tell you to do. Do you understand?"

Abacus dropped his head, closed his eyes, and slowly nodded as a tear escaped out of his eye, and ran down his horribly scarred cheek.

Warden Rehab nodded. "Okay."

Warden Rehab turned to the scar shouldered unicorn royal guard who had just entered into the wagon from outside. "Lock Down. I leave Abacus Sum in your care. Be sure that he gets to and from Equestria supreme court in Canterlot safely."

"Yes, Warden." Lock Down said.

Warden Rehab nodded and turned to Abacus. "Abacus. Have a safe journey... and good luck."

Warden Rehab walked out of the wagon as Lock Down took a seat at the front of the wagon about three feet away from Abacus. The guards outside then closed the door of the wagon. Warden Rehab went to the front of the wagon to the three pegasus royal guards pulling the wagon.

"Right," Warden Rehab said. "You're all clear for departure."

"Yes, sir." The lead pegasus royal guard turned to the other two. "Alright! Let's move out!"

The three pegasus royal guards began to pull the wagon to an iron gate. The gate opened to let the pegasus royal guards pull the wagon out of the prison, and soon take off into the early morning night sky.

About fifteen minutes went by into the ride, and it was a smooth ride so far. Abacus sadly looked at the side barred window, as he watched clouds moved past the full moon shining in the night sky. While looking, he saw that the moon was different. He noticed that the dark mare shaped pattern he had always saw in the moon was gone. He kept sadly looking until a small cloud hit the side of the wagon, making a thumping sound that made him jump. Lock Down watched as Abacus dropped his head sadly, and a sad tear came out of his eye. He took pity on the poor, depressed stallion. Thinking for a moment, he decided it would be a good idea to maybe talk to him.

"Well...I guess there are some small clouds out in the sky," Lock Down said, trying to start a conversation. "That happens sometimes when traveling by pegasus wagon. Nothing to really be worried about."

Abacus did not respond, he just sadly sat there silently. Lock Down decided to keep talking to him. "I don't know if you remember me, but I was the guard from earlier... the one that shocked you when your friend came to visit you."

Abacus winced and whimpered at Lock Down's words.

Lock Down waved his hoof. "Oh, no-no-no. I assure you that I'm not going to harm you. I'm here to guard, and protect you." He took a deep breath. "You're an accountant, aren't you?" He smiled. "My brother-in-law's an accountant. He makes quite a pretty penny from sorting out money and other ponies profits. I bet you probably get that too, don't you?"

Abacus did not say a word, and just sat there in that depressive state.

"If you're not talking to me because you're afraid I'll shock you if you do, I promise you that I won't," Lock Down said. "It's not against the rules for prisoners to talk to the guards. You can talk."

Abacus still did not talk, nor did he look at him from that depressive state he was in. Lock Down felt sorry for him for being so scared and depressed, for he understood what he went through. He got up from his seat, came over to Abacus's seating bench, and sat down next to him.

Lock Down sighed and put on a caring tone. "Abacus. I don't blame you for being this way. And it's understandably why. I'd probably be like that too." He paused for a moment, searching for the right things to say. "I also wanted to apologize...for shocking you that day. I was only doing my job, but I felt horrible for doing it. I never really wanted to, but I had to. I understand how very hard it is for you. Not being able to touch or even share a hug with any of your friends or family. That collar you're wearing wasn't meant to be put on prisoners like you. They're meant only for the most violent and dangerous of them. You don't deserve that kind of thing after what you've been through. You deserve a million hugs, and a large sack full of bits for each one you get." He moved his hoof out to Abacus. "Don't worry. I'm sure your retrial is going to go well. I'm sure of it."

Lock Down gently patted Abacus's back, causing Abacus to flinch, and whimper.

"Hey, hey, it's alright," Lock Down said. "It's just a friendly pat on the back. You know what that feels like, don't you?"

"I'm sure it'll be okay, sweet heart. You're one of the strongest, bravest ponies I know. I'm sure you'd be very kind and gentle to those poor prisoners, especially to that one you shocked, Abacus. You might even be his friend."

"You're also the most gentle, loving, caring pony I know. I can see that you care about him a lot, and I'm sure he'll see that sooner or later. You're nothing like Armstrong and his guards. You're like a big teddy bear. That's why I fell in love with you."

As Lock Down was recalling his wife's kind words, he continued to pat Abacus's back gently with Abacus gradually beginning to relax, even if it was just a little. Though he was still scared, Abacus began to slowly look up at Lock Down face to face. Lock Down then smiled at Abacus kindly.

"You see?" Lock Down said kindly. "I'm not going to hurt you. I guess it's been a while since you had one of those, huh? Oh, by the way, my name is Lock Down, in case you didn't recall."

Abacus's scared and depressed state did not change, but Lock Down was at least glad he was able to talk to him. All of a sudden, Abacus flinched to a sudden growling sound coming from somewhere close.

Lock Down mildly chuckled. "No need to be alarmed. It's just my stomach growling." He turned his head as his horn began to glow, and levitated a lunch box towards him. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. It's still a bit early for breakfast, but since I'm hungry anyway... Besides, the sun will be up soon anyway."

As Lock Down placed his lunch box on his lap, he heard the sound of Abacus's stomach growl too. Lock Down smiled, knowing what that meant.

"I guess I'm not the only one who's hungry." Lock Down said.

Lock Down opened up his lunch box, looking inside it.

"Here's you're lunch box, dear."

"Thanks, honey."

"I packed it with your breakfast, lunch, some coffee, and some snack's for your trip, including your favorite powdered doughnuts I make."

"You're amazing as always, Sugar."

"Oh. And I also made a batch of powdered doughnuts for Abacus too."

"You did?"

"Mm-hm. In case that poor stallion gets hungry. Since you're assigned to guard him, you could also give them to him as a peace offering. I'm sure it'll help."

"That so sweet of you, honey. I'll see you and the kids when I get back."

"Bye, dear."

Lock Down continued looking inside his lunch box as he recalled his conversation with his wife, Sugar Dough. He then took out his hot coffee container and his batch of his wife's homemade powdered doughnuts.

Lock Down smiled. "It's a good thing my wife packed me some food. She makes the best doughnuts. Oh, and guess what?" He opened the batch his wife made for Abacus, and levitated one of them to him. "She made some specially for you."

Abacus looked up at the powdered doughnut levitated in front of him. He was hesitant on taking it.

"Go on," Lock Down said. "You can take it. It's for you."

Abacus hesitated briefly, before he offered his hooves out. Lock Down placed the powdered doughnut in his hooves. Abacus looked at the doughnut, hesitant to eat it.

"Don't be afraid, Abacus. My wife's a good baker, and her doughnuts are very good." Lock Down eats one in front of Abacus. "Try it. It's good, I promise." He gave a friendly wink.

Abacus looked back at the doughnut in his hooves. He hesitated briefly, before leaning forward and taking a bite out of it. He began to slowly chew as Lock Down watched.

"See?" Lock Down asked. "Isn't it great?"

Lock Down turned towards the barred window, and saw that the night sky began to very slowly turn into a shade of purple, with a faint orange tint in the distance. That meant the sun was close to raising to begin the new day.

"Well, looks like the sun's going to come up soon to begin the day." Lock Down turned back to Abacus. "I guess it's a good time for breakfast now." He opened his hot coffee container, and poured some hot coffee into the cap with his magic. "There's nothing like a nice, hot cup of coffee while eating doughnuts."

Lock Down blew into the steaming coffee, and took a sip as Abacus took another bite from the doughnut in his hooves.

Later that morning, they arrived in Canterlot. The pegasus royal guards pulling the wagon made a turn towards a road outside the city to land. The light from the morning shined through the barred window, shining brightly onto Abacus's face, causing Abacus to wince blindly.

Lock Down chuckled. "I guess it's the first time you've seen sunlight in a long while, huh? And it seems we're here. Sit tight. We're about to land."

Soon enough, the wagon landed smoothly on the road outside the city, making a minor bump. The royal guards pulling the wagon continued down the road that entered into the city. Soon enough, they were going through the streets of Equestria's capital until they were approaching the large building of Equestria Supreme Courthouse. They entered an opened gate on the side of the building that lead into an area for transport wagons, with royal guards standing guard around it. The pegasus royal guards pulling the wagon stopped in the covered area. From inside the wagon, Abacus and Lock Down could hear the sound of the ramp outside the door being put into position. The door opened to reveal two pegasus royal guards as they entered. Abacus cowered against the wall of the wagon in fear when the guards came near him.

Lock Down gently patted Abacus to calm him. "Easy there, Abacus. Nothing to be afraid of. Remember what Rehab said to you. Do what they say, and you'll be fine."

When Abacus calmed down, Lock Down began to untie the rope tied to Abacus's steelectric collar from the ring on the wagons wall with his magic. He then gave it to one of the pegasus royal guards who took it in his mouth.

Lock Down turned to Abacus. "Well, this is it, Abacus. Good luck. I'll see you later."

"Right, let's go, Abacus," One of the guards said. "Your retrial begins in ten minutes."

Lock Down watched as Abacus got up from the bench seat at the guard's instructions. He began to follow the guards out of the wagon, down the ramp, and into an opened door with his head down in that same very hopelessly depressed state. The door closed behind them, and Lock Down smiled, hoping all was going to go well for Abacus in that court room.

Lock Down stood around close to the wagon waiting with that same hope for Abacus. He glanced at the nearby clock tower that indicated it was 3:45 in the afternoon. Lock Down remembered that sometimes it can seem that time flies while on the job, but to him it felt like an eternity. Throughout that time, he not just wondered how Abacus's retrial was going, but he also wondered if his apology to him went well, and hoped that he would be a friend to him after forming a somewhat bond with him. It was like a great weight was lifted off his back from doing that.

The door opened, and two pegasus royal guards came out, and in between them being escorted was Abacus. Though he kept his composure, he was very happy to see him again, and was interested to know the outcome of his retrial. He was also concerned from seeing how very hopelessly depressed he still was, and feared that it was a failure. Lock Down noticed one of the pegasus royal guards was holding some papers in his mouth.

"In you go, Abacus." The guard said.

Abacus complied with the guard's orders, and walked up the ramp into the wagon with the guard leading him inside.

The guard pointed to the bench seat. "Sit down here."

Abacus sat down on the bench seat in the wagon. The pegasus royal guard holding Abacus's rope gave it to Lock Down, and Lock Down tied the end of the rope to the metal ring fixed to the wall. The pegasus royal guard that was holding the papers in his mouth came up, and offered the papers to Lock Down.

"The prisoner is to be sent back," The guard said, slightly muffled. "And be sure the warden gets these on arrival."

"Yes, sir." Lock Down took the papers with his magic. "By the way. What was the verdict of the prisoner, if you don't mind me asking, sir?"

The guard stopped and turned his head to Lock Down. "Not guilty. He's been fully exonerated and pardoned. And is to be released at 10 am tomorrow morning. Those papers are his release forms. Now sit tight, you're about to leave."

Lock Down saluted. "Yes, sir."

The guard walked out of the wagon, and the door closed. Lock Down smiled at the great news that Abacus was acquitted and pardoned, and was finally going to be released the next day. It was the light at the end of the tunnel for him. The wagon began moving as Lock Down sat down next to Abacus.

"Well, isn't it great news, Abacus?" Lock Down asked. "Congratulations on your not guilty verdict."

Lock Down smiled at Abacus, but Abacus was still very depressed. Lock Down was confused to why Abacus would still be sad and depressed, even after such good news. He tried to remain positive.

"I bet you must be so excited about being free tomorrow, huh?"


Lock Down's eyes widened. For the very first time, Abacus had spoken. He quickly shook off his surprise before responding. "What?"

"...Why are you doing that?" Abacus asked.

Lock Down tilted his head. "Doing what?"

Abacus's eyes began to tear up sadly. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"What do you mean?" Lock Down asked. "I don't understand. Why shouldn't I be so nice to you?"

Abacus sniffled. "I'm a prisoner. Scum of Equestria. Why else would I be in these horrible chains and restraints? Have a horrible collar? Have an ugly face? Why would you be nice to scum and trash like me? It doesn't matter if I'm free, because I'm still scum. Those who were prisoners are nothing but scum and trash with no place in this world. So I am nothing but scum!"

Abacus began to cry with Lock Down watching on. He was shocked and sad to see someone call himself such horrible, and untruthful things. Lock Down knew this had to have been one of the horrible, cruel things Armstrong and his guards had implanted into him. He got up, sat on the floor in front of Abacus, and placed both hooves on the crying stallion's shoulders.

"Abacus," Lock Down said. "Open your eyes, and look at me."

Abacus opened his eyes and slowly looked up at Lock Down face to face with tears still running down his cheeks.

"Now, you listen to me, and listen good." Lock Down leaned his face a little closer to Abacus's face. "You are not scum. You never were, and you never will be. I can tell because I guarded at other prisons with some of the most dangerous prisoners in Equestria. I know scum when I see it. Armstrong and his guards, they're scum. But you are not scum. So if I ever need any reason to be so nice to you, it's because you're not scum."

Abacus sniffled and sobbed as he listened to Lock Down's honest words. Lock Down wiped one of the tears from Abacus's face with his hoof.

"Now say it," Lock Down said. "You are not scum."

Abacus sniffled. "...I am not scum."

"Good. Say it again."

"I am not scum."

Lock Down smiled kindly as he wiped another of Abacus's tears with his hoof. "Now, I want you to keep telling yourself that whenever somepony thinks otherwise, because you're not scum, or trash, or anything of a sort. You may have been in prison, but that doesn't mean you're scum, or you're life is ruined and over. Not by a long shot. You're still young, and this is a new beginning for you. You're a very good pony. You're innocent, and you've been acquitted, so you shouldn't have any problems from anypony who would look at your record." He gave Abacus a heartfelt hug. "It will be hard for you for a while, but it'll pass. Also, I'm sorry for the loss of your wife. I understand it hurts, and will hurt for quite a while, but I'm sure you'll find somepony new. Somepony who will truly love and care for you no matter what you look like, and whether if you were in prison or not. Just don't give up."

Abacus's crying began to calm down, though he was still depressed and scared. Lock Down gave a sigh of relief. A sense of achievement filled throughout himself of how encouraging he spoke to him. He released the hug, got up and sat back down next to him, placing a friendly hoof back on Abacus's shoulder.

"And if you're so worried about your scarred face, you could probably get it fixed," Lock Down said. "You'd be surprise what wonders plastic surgery can do. But whatever the future has installed, I'm sure everything is going to be okay for you from now on."

Lock Down stroked Abacus's back gently to comfit him. There was movement outside, meaning that the wagon was outside the city, and had taken flight.

Lock Down chuckled. "You know it's funny you should mention about trash. It reminds me of something funny that happened to me when I was about ten. You want to hear it?"

Abacus said nothing, he just nodded slowly.

Lock Down smiled. "Okay. I'll tell you the story." He cleared his throat. "Back when I was a kid, I use to prank a lot of ponies..."

Lock Down chuckled. "And that's what happened. It was too bad my mother had to be part of it, but I guess I had it coming for doing that."

Abacus began to make a face along with his depressed face, followed by a sound that sounded like suppressed snorting, like if he was trying to hold back from laughing. Lock Down smiled as a small, brief laugh finally escaped from Abacus through his sadness. Lock Down patted Abacus's back. "It's alright to laugh. At least I got you laughing. Sometimes laughter can help anypony, even in the most darkest of times."

Abacus looked up at Lock Down who was still smiling kindly at him. Lock Down felt proud of himself to have bonded with Abacus, and even thought that he had possibly became his friend. A start of a possible friendship. Lock Down then turned his attention to his lunch box, levitated it to him with his magic, and opened it.

"Well, there's still some powdered doughnuts left." Lock Down levitated one of the doughnuts out and offered it to Abacus. "Here you are. Have another doughnut."

Abacus sobbed quietly as he held his hoof out, and Lock Down placed it into his hoof. "...Thank you."

Abacus took a bite from the doughnut in his hoof. Lock Down smiled, and put a friendly hoof around Abacus's shoulders.

"Well, it's still another two and a half hours until we get back to Hoofstrong," Lock Down said. "How about I tell you some more stories."


Back in the present...

Lock Down smiled as he finished recalling the day he guarded and befriended Abacus. "Guarding him was my main protocol, but I also tried to befriend him in the process. I thought by trying to be a friend to him would help him. I even apologized to him for shocking him because I knew it was the right thing to do. I was wrong to shock him. And giving him such compassionate encouragement when he was so down was a thing of friendship to that poor guy."

"When Lock Down told me everything when he got back, it was perhaps the best news I heard all day." Warden Rehab said.

Lawful Eye was amazed at what she was told. And in the process, she puzzled on something.

"I am not scum. I am not scum. I am not scum."

Lawful Eye's eyebrows rose as she recalled the words Abacus kept repeating the previous day. She now realized that it was because of the compassionate words of the very guard who shocked him. A feeling of guilt filled Lawful Eye for treating Lock Down with such anger and hatred, after now hearing how gentle, friendly, and kind he was towards Abacus.

Lawful Eye sighed. "Mr Lock Down, sir. I was wrong to judge you so badly. I guess even I can get things wrong from time to time. You were so kind to him, and tried to be a friend to him." She dropped her head sadly. "I'm sorry, Lock Down."

Lock Down reached his hoof out, and placed it on Lawful Eye's hoof. Lawful Eye looked up at him, and Lock Down smiled kindly at her.

"It's alright, ma'am," Lock Down said. "I forgive you. You were just protecting him. I probably would be like that too if I was in the same position as you. He's very lucky to have such a good, protective friend like you who really cares about him so much."

Lock Down gave Lawful Eye a friendly wink, making Lawful Eye blush, turning her cheeks light red.

"There's one other thing we must know." Twilight said.

Warden Rehab turned to Twilight. "What's that?"

"Well, what happened on the day he was released?" Twilight asked.

Spike's eyes widen. "Hey, yeah! That's also the day he ran away."

"Well, I think you deserve to know what happened." Warden Rehab said.

Lock Down took another sip from his cup of coffee. "Especially since I was the last one to see him before he ran away."

Lawful Eye, Twilight, and Spike began to listen to Warden Rehab and Lock Down's retelling of the day of Abacus's release.

Author's Note:

This is the second part of the seventh chapter. The eighth chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this. Enjoy!

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