• Published 19th Oct 2015
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A Pop Star, a Princess, and a Prisoner - Raptormon132

A once well respected resident of Ponyville has been released from prison for a false crime. But being as almost all of the townsfolk still believe he did it, it maybe a bit more difficult to get this pony back on his feet. Will the Mane Six succeed?

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Chapter 14: "The Waiting Room Drama."

The waiting room of Ponyville hospital was very quiet with nobody but the hospital staff occasionally checking the waiting room. Nurse Snowheart was the registered nurse on duty at the waiting room's front desk. No new patients had came in that day as of yet, and she was reading a magazine to pass the time. The quiet peace was cut short when the hospital doors opened, and a large group of ponies entered the waiting room. The first group was the Main Six, and Lawful Eye helping a crying, beaten-up Abacus inside, and bringing him towards the front desk.

"Excuse me, nurse," Twilight said. "We need some help."

Nurse Snowheart looked at Abacus with a serious look for a few moments. Then to everyone's shock, she went back to reading her magazine like if she did not care.

Rarity scowled. "Can't you see the poor darling's in pain?!"

The doors opened again to reveal a beaten-up Coco-Nut and Storm Dasher, with Coco-Nut aiding Storm Dasher as he was covering his bleeding bite wound with his hoof. Nurse Snowheart rushed over from her desk to help the two stallions who had just entered. She did not even pay any attention to Abacus, which made the others look on in disgusted disbelief.

"What happened?" Nurse Snowheart asked.

Coco-Nut sat Storm Dasher down on the seats. "That scum, Abacus, attacked us."

"He bit me!" Storm Dasher groaned in pain. "And nearly tore a part of me off!"

Nurse Snowheart came closer to Storm Dasher. "Let's take a look at that."

Storm Dasher slowly uncovered the bite wound, making painful suppressed screams until he completely uncovered it. Nurse Snowheart looked at the bite to see that it was quite a severe bite. There was a big chunk still attached by only some remaining flesh, and opened to a big, blood filled hole where the chunk came from.

"Right." Nurse Snowheart put a cloth medical pad on the bite wound. "Put pressure back on it. I'll get a doctor straight away."

Nurse Snowheart walked towards the doors that lead into the hospital when Twilight halted her. "Hey, wait. What about Abacus? He needs to see a doctor too."

Nurse Snowheart stopped and turned to Twilight with an uncaring look. "I'm sorry. But we're full and closed."

Twilight and the others opened their mouths with disgusted, outraged disbelief as Nurse Snowheart walked out of the waiting room, and into the hospital to go and get a doctor to treat Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut. Lawful Eye and Fluttershy sat down with Abacus, comforting him as he sat there crying from the pain he was in.

"It's okay, Abacus," Fluttershy said. "They'll get a doctor to see you soon. Don't worry."

Coco-Nut turned to Fluttershy from the row of seats on the other side of the waiting room. "You heard what the nurse said: they're closed and they're full."

Just suddenly, the doors into the hospital opened, and Nurse Snowheart, along with a solid black and white spotted unicorn stallion, with a black and white patterned mane and tail, blue eyes, and wore a white doctor's coat with a stethoscope round his neck came entering into the waiting room. Some of the others turned and looked at the stallion, and realized that it was none other than Dr Stallion.

Dr Stallion noticed Abacus. "Abacus!" He came over to him. "Bloody Tartarus! What happened to you?"

"To be blunt, he got beat-up." Scootaloo said.

Dr Stallion looked at him. "Who did this to you?"

Scootaloo angrily pointed at her father, Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut. "They did! And with two police pigs!" She then notice Warden Rehab and Lock Down enter the hospital waiting with Officers Law and Order. "And there they are! They're the pigs who were involved!"

"You watch your mouth, young filly!" Storm Dasher said.

Nurse Snowheart came over and directed Dr Stallion to Storm Dasher. "Your patient is Storm Dasher there. He has a severe bite wound on his right side neck-shoulder region, as well as other injuries."

"Right then, Snowheart." Dr Stallion started to walk over to Storm Dasher. "I wish I was treating you, Abacus, but I guess another doctor will be taking care of you soon."

"But Nurse Snowheart said the hospital is full and closed." Pinkie Pie said.

Dr Stallion suddenly stopped halfway between the distance between Abacus and Storm Dasher, and turned his head at Nurse Snowheart. "Oh, did she now?" He kept giving Nurse Snowheart that disapproved look for he knew what she said to them was not true in the slightest. Dr Stallion then began looking back and forth at Abacus who was crying in pain, and at Storm Dasher a couple of times, before turning around and going to Abacus's side. "Come on, Abacus. Let's get you fixed up, mate."

Nurse Snowheart dropped her jaw with disbelief. "But Doctor, you're assigned patient is Storm Dasher. You can't switch patients. It's against regulation."

"Yeah!" Storm Dasher groaned in pain. "I'm your patient! I'm the one who needs treatment, not that scum!"

Dr Stallion glanced seriously at Nurse Snowheart. "Well, I can afford to bend the rules this once. Besides..." He turned his attention to Storm Dasher with a mildly disgusted look. "I think Storm Dasher's a tough enough mongrel to wait for another few or so minutes to see another doctor."

Storm Dasher growled and glared at Dr Stallion, as Fluttershy helped Abacus up from the waiting room seats, and began to escort him into the hospital.

"Thank you, Dr Stallion," Fluttershy said. "Thank you so much."

Dr Stallion smiled and nodded. "No worries!" He glanced at Nurse Snowheart. "I'll have a word with you later."

As the doors into the hospital closed behind Dr Stallion, Fluttershy, and Abacus, Nurse Snowheart glared at the fact Abacus was getting treatment first. She was obviously another of many ponies in Ponyville who believed Abacus was a murderer. Lawful Eye glared at Nurse Snowheart, thinking of how much she wanted to give that nurse a well-deserved punch in the face for her treatment towards Abacus. Storm Dasher sat there groaning in pain, as he held his bite wound with his hoof.

"Why is that scum getting treated, while I'm here in real great pain?" Storm Dasher asked.

Scootaloo could no longer stand her father's fuss, and spoke out. "Because you don't deserve to be treated first!"

Storm Dasher turned to Scootaloo. "That's enough out of you! I told you Abacus was dangerous! I told you to stay away from him, but you deliberately disobeyed me! And I'm very angry with you for running away from home to Manehattan with Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and thought inside her head. "So that's why Scootaloo was so dead set against talking about it."

Scootaloo talks right back at Storm Dasher unintimidated with a scowl. "And I'm glad I did. And I'd do it again! Abacus isn't dangerous!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash said. "You jerks provoked him, and pushed him over the edge!"

Storm Dasher scowled at Rainbow Dash. "You stay out of it! I'm sick of you and the rest of you telling lies about Abacus Scum to Scootaloo! And I see where she's got her recent rebellious behaviour from!"

Scootaloo yelled at Storm Dasher. "His name is Abacus Sum! And don't you yell at Rainbow Dash! She, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are more family to me than you ever are!"

"How dare you say that to me!"

"Well somepony has to! Abacus is a saint compared to you!"

"You wretched child! That sick pony was trying to romantically advance on you when I came and saved you!"

"He was not! He was hugging me because he was sad about his mother and wife! It was just a hug!"

"You don't know how pedophiles operate!"

"And YOU don't know a thing about Abacus! Dr Stallion was right: you ARE a mongrel!"

"You hold your tongue!"

"I will not hold my tongue! Hold yours!!"

"Mark my words, young filly, you are in so much trouble when I get you home!"

"I don't care! The only scum I see is my uncle Flare Shaker's pig friends, and ponies in town like you and Coco-Nut who hate Abacus!"

"How dare you! Your mother would be ashamed of you if she was alive to see it!"

"Wrong! Mom would be ashamed of you! In fact, she'd hate you! You are not half of what she was, you brainless, deadbeat boozer!!"

Storm Dasher finally snapped. In a blind rage, he slapped Scootaloo hard across her face. The force of it knocked her to the side, and caused her to hit her face on the hard vinyl waiting room floor.

"Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash rushed over to Scootaloo's aid. "You alright, squirt?"

Scootaloo slowly began to pick herself up. Drops of blood began to leak out from her nose onto the waiting room floor, as she had hit it when she fell from being struck by her father. Storm Dasher's angry face quickly turned into fear, shock, and regret as he saw the tears in Scootaloo's eyes, as well as the blood dripping out of her nose. He did not intend to hurt her that badly, but the damage was done. To Storm Dasher, hurting his little girl to the point of making her bleed was a terrible blow inside him.

"S-Scootaloo," Storm Dasher said. "I...I didn't mean..."

Scootaloo got up and looked at her father, Storm Dasher with her teary eyes glaring at him with a mix of heartbreak, and anger. "I...I hate you!" She screamed at Storm Dasher. "I HATE YOU!!!"

Scootaloo began to ran away past Warden Rehab, Lock Down, and Officers Law and Order, and out the waiting room door in tears.

"No! Scootaloo, wait!" Storm Dasher tried to get up and go after her, but winced and groaned loudly at the pain from the bite wound, and sat back down. The emotional pain he felt was greater to him than even the bite wound. He looked at the others with a scowl of anger and heartbreak. "You...You and Abacus turned her against me!"

"You did that yourself!" Twilight said.

"Yeah! We're not the ones who struck Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash went towards the waiting room door, before stopping for a moment in front of Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut, giving them an angry glare. "Ponies like you two deserve to be in one place. In jail."

Rainbow Dash went out of the waiting room, exiting the hospital to look for Scootaloo. Storm Dasher sat there, waiting impatiently for another doctor to see him, while also conflicted with guilt that he had struck his only daughter. He then looked down at the floor where Scootaloo fell, and noticed the small drops of her blood from her nose. He looked with a disbelieving look in his eyes. A look that one would say "What have I done?" when showing it. The doors into the hospital suddenly opened once again, and a light amber colored unicorn stallion with a brown mane, and tail came entering into the waiting room. He wore a white doctor's coat with a stethoscope round his neck, and wore glasses. He looked at Storm Dasher, and then turned to Nurse Snowheart.

"Who's my next patient, Snowheart?"

Nurse Snowheart directed him to Storm Dasher. "Storm Dasher, Dr Horse. The patient has a severe bite wound on his right side neck-shoulder region, as well as other injuries."

Dr Horse nodded. "Right. Let's get him in." He looked at Coco-Nut. "And you better come in too, sir. I'll treat you as well."

Nurse Snowheart and Coco-Nut helped Storm Dasher up, and escorted him inside while following Dr Horse. As the doors closed behind them, the feeling of anger and disgust at Storm Dasher and Coco-Nut came upon Lawful Eye, Warden Rehab, Lock Down, Spike, and the Main Six for what they had done. But for some reason, at the same time, the smallest feeling of pity came to them towards Storm Dasher. It did not really change Lawful Eye's look on them, and planned to have them both brought to justice for what they did to Abacus. The Main Six even wondered if Scootaloo was okay, and if Rainbow Dash could comfit her. For now, they could just sit and wait for news on Abacus.

Author's Note:

This is the fourteenth chapter. The fifteenth chapter will be up sooner or later...I hope. I plan to make this story into parts for anyone wanting to do a dramatic reading of this.

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