• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 12

Chapter 12

We managed to walk back to the lake where this whole mess started. Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo weren't there and that kind of made me... nervous I guess you could say. “Maybe they went to Ponyville for some help" Applebloom suggested " I guess we should head back there and see if we can find them" I said, she nodded and we began to walk to Ponyville. Along the way back to Ponyville we saw Applejack carrying an empty cart load of baskets back towards her home. “Hi Applejack” I said to her, she stopped herself from going any further and turned towards us. “Hi Camo, Applebloom what are ya’ll doing this… *gasp* Camo what happened to you?”

“What do you mean Applejack?” She pointed towards my head and I told her what had happened to us. I also told her how I had to fight the griffons off, and of course I excluded the part where I turned back into a changeling. “You must be very strong for your age Camo thanks for protecting my little sis.”
“It was no problem Applejack after all she is my friend.”
“Why don’t ya’ll come on back to Sweet apple acres so that I can dress that wound and give ya something to eat.”

With no reason to deny the offer we went with her although I did tell her that Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell may be getting help for us. She then said that she’ll send Big Mac to look for them. I took her word for it and we continued to go to her home. At her home she told me to sit on the couch while she got Big Mac and the med kit. Applebloom on the other hoof went into the kitchen and brought me a plate of pancakes. She also got herself a plate and sat next to me on the couch. “Its times like this that I wish I was a unicorn” I said as I began to eat my pancakes. “Why is that Camo?”

“Well look I got hurt protecting you for one thing, I also hate trying to use my hooves to eat like this”.
“Well you could always eat like I eat” the way applebloom eats is by shoving her mouth towards the plate and munching on the pancakes that way. When she came back her mouth was covered in syrup and pancake bits. “I could do that but then I’d have to clean my face afterwards and that just takes more time off from the day plus it doesn’t seem like the proper way to eat.”
“You’re starting to sound like Rarity” Applebloom said, that got my attention “how so?”
“Well she always goes on about how things should be done and how nice you have to look; it gets kinda annoying after a while.” I suppose it could get kind of annoying, to think that Sweetie bell lives with her on an almost constant basis, I think Sweetie bell just earned a bit of my respect.

A little patter on the stairs made me turn my attention towards it; it was Applejack and Big Mac. AJ headed toward me with the med kit on her back she told me to lay down and that what she was about to do my hurt a bit. She put some medicinal cream on the four jagged marks on my face and admittedly they really did start to burn but I think the reason for that is because pony medicine may have adverse effects on changelings. Either that or I’m thinking this so that I don’t feel like a wimp when the pain starts to make my eyes tear up.

I try my best to hold back the unnecessary tears but it was no use. At this point I was sure that I looked pathetic I guess I’m just glad that none of my kind were here to witness this. I would probably never be able to live this down especially since I’ve had worse injuries then this before and have never flinched or gave thought to it. I looked so pathetic in fact that Applebloom began to put her hoof on my back and rubbed it to comfort me. I just wanted this to be over and to get on with the day.

When she was done with dressing my wound I took the liberty of washing my plate along with Applebloom’s. “Applebloom do you want to go look for the other crusaders” I said she nodded and said” I don’t think they’ll stop trying to look for us until we show them that were fine. With that we told Applejack we were leaving and went outside. After a while I thought that maybe what happened this morning was just a dream, the grass was green and felt lush under my hooves the sky was a beautiful shade of blue and the sun was shining brightly.

I felt happy even though there was a lot going on. I never had the time to just walk peacefully or even enjoy my surroundings. When I find my queen I’ll have to ask her if I could get time off once in a while to view the scenery. Hopefully she doesn’t joke about how soft she thinks I’m starting to become. By the time we got back to Ponyville we noticed that there was a supreme lack of ponies in the area. “I wonder where everypony went off to" I voiced out loud. "Me to" Applebloom chimed in, “Let’s keep going there has to be somepony around here. We continued to walk along the path passing empty buildings and stalls as we went.

Ponyville started to give off an eerie feeling and it started to get to me. There must be some reason why this town is so empty, almost as if someone knew what I was thinking I started to hear voices nearby. " Applebloom do you hear that?" "Yeah it sounds like somepony is having a conversation." “Let’s see if we can find them". We continued on the path that held the voices. I noticed after a while that the closer we got to the voices the louder they got and the closer we got to the mayor’s office.

We turned a corner to find the embodiment's of the elements, Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity talking to Mayor Mare. Fluttershy may be taking care of her animals and didn't have the time to come over here. My thoughts wandered back on the wolf pup I saved I wondered how it was doing and I hoped that it was making a speedy recovery; I'll have to visit him later on today. Most of them looked worried about something while Pinkie was bouncing around happily as if nothing was wrong Twilight was pacing back and forth as if something was troubling her and Rarity looked scared.

“Twilight is something wrong?” I asked she answered back without even looking at me “Yes something is very wrong theirs a couple griffons heading this way and they each are wanted by the equestrian guard for a high price of bits and we don’t have any means to stop them… Oh Camo I didn’t see you there you should go home or stay at someone place it’s not safe to be out right now. Also please try to forget what you just heard.”

Deciding not to push the awkward situation even further we decided to go to Sweetie bell’s house since hers was probably where she and Scootaloo would go. We knocked on the door and waited for a response after a while the door opened to reveal a white stallion with a brown mustache and blue eyes. He's attire consisted of a teal shirt with flowers adorned on it and a straw hat placed on his head. Judging from how old he looked I assumed he was Sweetie Bell's father seeing as they both had white fur covering their bodies.

“Applebloom is that you? You've grown so much since last I saw you."
“You only saw me last week..."
"Who's your friend, I haven't seen you or the girls hang out with a colt before." I couldn't see Apple blooms face but judging from the feeling I sensed from within her I knew she was embarrassed and might even be blushing from it. “Is Sweetie Bell home?" Apple bloom said weakly. "Sure come on in" as we were walking inside I said” nice to meet you sir" we shook hooves and proceeded to enter the household.

Apple bloom went up the stairs and I followed after her. As we were going down the hall way I saw pictures hanging from the wall and decided to look at them. From what I could tell from each picture it was from when rarity was born leading to her age now and Sweetie Bell's birth to her present age. It got me thinking, no one in the hive has this kind of relationship with anyone, as far as I'm concerned we act like soldiers doing whatever were asked of by our queen. Although there are times when we have breaks and are allowed to do whatever we want as long as we show up again at the appointed time, but that doesn't come close to ponies and there family relationships.

As I stopped to look at a picture of a younger looking Sweetie bell hugging Rarity my time to gaze at it dwindled when Apple bloom waved me over to what I assume is Sweetie Bell's room. We knock on the door and a waited for someone to open the door. Finally Sweetie Bell opened the door and immediately hugs us. “You guys are ok we were so worried." Soon Scootaloo then came out of the room and hugged us as well. She then quickly pushed herself away from us I guess it isn’t cool to hug other pony’s “You guys almost had me scared almost." She emphasized to an extreme degree so that we she could get her point across. I never knew how good it felt to be hugged. It's an odd feeling but it felt nice.

“Were fine Camo took care of the griffons he won't be bothering us anymore." I rub my hoof on the back of my head embarrassingly and I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks. “It was nothing really I had to protect myself and others a lot before I moved to Ponyville. So do you girls know how long were supposed to stay inside yet?" They shook their heads. “No my parents didn't say anything and Rarity hasn't told me anything so far either"
Sweetie Bell replied. “Even Rainbow dash hasn't said anything yet" Scootaloo said sighing and looking dejected.

“From what twilight told me they’re going to talk with a pack of griffons that are worth a lot of bits for catching. There hoping that they will leave our town alone since there aren’t any guards pony’s around. “Well since I can fly I could see what happens when they confront them." They lit up at the thought of knowing information sooner rather than later and quickly pestered my ongoing.

“Alright I'll go take a look just don't follow me." I opened the window, stretched my wings and headed off. I would check out where the griffons were and what the elements were up to but I need to start gathering information on the whereabouts of my queen, and I may know where to find it. If I remember correctly Twilight owns a library and the information I need might be there.

I land in front of the library and await a response, it really is quiet out. Makes you almost one with nature itself the peace and serenity of it all is really quite beautiful. Spike opens the door of the library and Sais “your Camo right?" “Yeah" I answer back. “What are you doing on the floor?" “I’m not on the flo..." Before I could even finish the sentence I realize that I am on the floor and quickly get up and dust myself off. “Sorry, the quietness of Ponyville must have gotten to me". It’s fine come on in and I’ll make us some tea."

We got inside the library and Spike headed in the direction of the kitchen, while I on the other hoof looked at the books they had in stock. I need a clue of some sort to tell me where our queen has gone. Knowing her she would like to come back to us feeling like she accomplished something. My guess is she's aiming for more power something or someone that may help her turn the tide in defeating the elements and overthrowing Celestia.

Spike sauntered back into the room with a tray of tea, biscuits and gems. He ushered me to the table and we sat down and ate in silence until Spike said "So Camo what did you come here for?" “Nothing much I just wanted a book to read is all."
"I guess that's no surprise there so what book were you looking for, something about the crystal ponies perhaps?" My mind stopped on crystal ponies “wait what about crystal ponies."

“I guess you haven't heard yet the crystal empire has returned and with it came the crystal ponies."
“Really what happened when they returned?"
“Well the elements and I had to help Shining Armor and Cadance stop King Sombra from taking it over." Hmm interesting this might be useful information. “So what happened to Sombra" " Cadance used the crystal heart to banish Sombra away and he hasn't been seen since. His horn did seem to be intact as it flew away but I’m sure that’s not important .”

“Spike can I see a book on king Sombra?"
“Sure thing I think Princess Cadence sent us volumes of the crystal empires history a couple days ago. He handed me a purple book embroidered with what I assumed was king Sombra's face and crystals around the edges. The title said king Sombra and his tyrannous reign. I opened it and began reading, what I was hoping to find is whether he could've survived something of that caliber. What I've read so far is that many of his citizens despised him and they were too scared of him to do anything about it. It also says he was trained in dark magic and knew how to control it magnificently.

Aha here's something it says that king Sombra can break his horn into pieces to Influence other pony's or merely infect a land. Also it talks of him once disappearing for a long period of time in which they call the grace period. During this time Princess Cadence ancestors came into power and led this time of peace using the crystal heart for protection. After a couple centuries he returned and tried to plunge the crystal kingdom back into his power at this time Celestia and Luna stepped in and managed to stop him at the cost of putting the crystal kingdom in a thousand year slumber.

If my queen was looking for an ally Sombra would be someone she'd set out to find. His dark magic may be beneficial to us and if we were able to help him capture the crystal kingdom we'd have an endless supply of love its beneficial for both sides I don't see why an alliance couldn’t form between us. The problem is where would his horn be and even if she found it she would return to the hive afterward.
“Camo are you ok you've been staring at that book for a while now."
“Hmm… yeah sorry about that I was just thinking about something. Thanks for the help Spike".

I'll have to assimilate what I've learned later maybe I can even come up with a plan of action. For now though ill check to see how the pup is doing back at Fluttershy's cottage. I took to the skies and guided myself back to Fluttershy’s home near the Everfree forest. Fluttershy was taking care of other animals making sure they had enough to eat and they had not wandered to close to the forest. I dropped down at the fence and said “Hey Fluttershy" she yelped into the air and proceeded to hide behind a nearby tree. I made my way to her and put my hoof reassuringly on her back. "I'm sorry If I scared you" she stopped shivering and turned to look at me” no it wasn't your fault I just wasn't expecting anyone till later what with everypony worried about the griffons."

"Any particular reason why your here and not with the other elements." “Well... I had a bad run in with the last one she made me cry after I accidentally bumped into her." Some tears started to form in her eyes and it was starting to make me sad. “I’m sorry I brought it up I just came by to see how the pup was doing." She took a moment to compose herself before she said “sure follow me". She led me into her cottage and to the couch where the pup was resting soundly.

He had bandages over his torso and paws and he wasn't bleeding as bad as I first found it. “It took a while to get him bandaged up but once I did he fell asleep soundlessly on the couch. Even though he's a wolf his actions is more like a dogs than a wolf’s." “Thanks Fluttershy for taking care of him on such short notice."
"Its fine every now and again there’s an animal in danger in a much similar way he was so it was nothing at all really." Despite what she said I thanked her again and she proceeded to leave the room and take care of the other animals. I on the other hoof decided to stay near the pup for a little while longer. I put my hoof on his dark fur and stroked it affectionately after a while it opened one eye and licked my face before slowly going back to sleep. Might as well let him rest I have other things I need to attend to.