• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

  • ...

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

After a couple of minutes of crying silently, my queen began to stir. With a small yawn she woke up and began to look at her surroundings. Once seeing me however she began to speak.

"Camo what are we doing here? "And why are you crying?"

I sniffed and dried my tears before answering.

"It's been so long since I've seen you before me, I've really missed your presence at the hive."

She wrapped me in a motherly hug and said "I'm sorry it's my fault I was thinking about myself when I decided to leave you in charge but now I see I've made a grave mistake. Look at you you're such a mess what have you got yourself into sense the last time we've met?"

I began to recount on everything that happened leaving out smaller details like the accidental kiss between me and Sweetie Bell. If I had told her that I'd be mocked about it for the rest of my life. I also told her about Specter and his role in what was to come. When I was through she closed her eyes.

"Camo have you connected to the hive mind recently?"

"No I haven't is something wrong?"

"Their isn't a single conversation going on it's completely silent."

I then connected to the hive mind and realized that she was correct, it was completely silent.

"So what Specter said must be the truth their all being used by Sombra and maybe even Red."

"I always had a strange feeling about... Wait, you named the council members?"

"Yes did I leave that part out?"

"Well considering that this is the first I've heard of names being used to define a changeling other than you yes."

"I'm sorry my queen but yes I did name the council members they each had a small color shaped diamond on their flanks so I named them by that."

"I'm the one that gave them the marks it's the insignia of a council member."

"I'm sorry my queen you never told me but let's get back to the topic at hoof, this means that Specter isn't lying to us?"

"Why would he judging from what you said about him he seems resentful he would do anything to feel whole again, plus it seems he was under Sombra's control since meeting him, I will not hold a grudge against him for that.

“He also managed to save you even if indirectly he did manage to save my favorite changeling."

I smiled at this I had no idea I was her favorite out of the entire hive.

"Were still going to need a plan of attack to reclaim what's yours my queen."

"Yes once Specter comes back we will discuss a plan of action with him."

Eventually Specter returned looking a bit more confident than the last time I had saw him. He also had many broken shards of crystals on his fur and in his mane.

He bowed to Queen Chrysalis and then began to speak "Chrysalis I see that you're awake have you had time to speak with Camo about recent events."

"Yes I have, first thank you for saving the both of us even if you did so indirectly in the state you were in."

"Your welcome."

"Second what do you advise we do now to counteract all that has happened?"

"We should wait until Camo's completely healed before we try any kind of attack also I'm sure the both of you need to restock on love so we must make arrangements for that as well. Until then you can do whatever you want, I've just made an interesting discovery and I wish to learn how to use it before the upcoming battle.

"If you need me for anything come find me it won't be that hard I'll be somewhere within the cavern if you hear crystals shattering most likely it's me."

With that he left the room and went deeper into the caverns.
"Camo I will go up to Canterlot and fetch us some love just be careful while in here." She kissed my forehead and left the room.

Having nothing more to do in the confines of my chamber I began to test the limits of my magic. I levitated small pieces of crystal into the air and tried to see how long I could keep them afloat.

It didn't last long however because I heard a massive roar come from the deeper part of the cavern. It sounded dragon like in nature but that's all I could deduce from it. Can a dragon possibly be living down here?

It's not impossible I mean their are gems everywhere enough for any dragon to hoard for his lifetime but if so then why would Specter willingly go down there I guess I'll ask him if he ever does come back up.

My eyes fell upon his saddlebags. I wondered what’d he kept inside them. I knew it was wrong to look at other creatures belongings but I figured it would be alright so I levitated his bag's over to me.

When I checked the contents there was some food containers a bag of bits and a purple sweater. I looked a little deeper and found Scootaloo's goggles as well as the cmc cape I owned. These must of fallen of me when I was fighting him but why would he take the time to go and fetch them?

The last thing I found was a pearl necklace it was made of mostly silver pearls with 2 golden pearls and 1 black pearl as the center piece. It looked beautiful and costly I wondered how much it costs to have a necklace made like that.

After rummaging through Specter's saddle bags I decided that I needed to stretch my body out. Getting up was a bit of a challenge but in no time I was standing on my four hooves. I took a few tentative steps forward making sure that my muscles remembered how to walk.

I felt like I was a foal again learning how to walk for the first time. Inevitably I ended up face planting after a few more steps. I hoped that I was the only one to have witness myself do that but I then heard the sound of my queen laughing.

"How much did you see?"

"Not much... All of it" she said as she continued to snicker at my expense.

"You're acting like a complete foal"

"It isn't my fault I got beaten so badly that my body forgot how to walk."

"Of course it is Camo you're to soft everyone in the hive knows that."

I turned my head away from her "Yeah right."

"Of course you are, how do you explain going out of your way to help changelings who look sad?"

"I've no idea what you're going on about"

"Looks like someone is in denial."

"Am not."

"Alright, I guess someone isn't getting some love today."

"Fine I can go weeks or even months without it."

"Camo you know perfectly well that as your queen I have the right to order you to do that so don't push me."

I always hated it when she pulled that.

"Plus in your weakened state you need as much love as you can get, so turn your head towards me."

I obliged but only because I was hungry and hadn't eaten all day. She touched her horn to mine and transferred her love into me. Once the feeding was over with I felt extremely tired.

As my eyelids began to creep closer and closer Chrysalis sat next to me and allowed me to use her body as a pillow. She then began to sing a small lullaby that's been passed down to pony's for generations.

"Hush now quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed..."

Her singing voice is so beautiful. Whenever she used to sing to me I would always acknowledge and praise her for her magical singing talent.

I yawned and began to fall into a deep sleep but not before I heard Chrysalis say "Good night my sweet prince." I felt her lips press against my forehead just underneath my horn.

"I'm not a..." I couldn't even finish what I was going to say, slumber had finally taken it's hold and that night I had the best sleep I've had in what felt like a long time.