• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 17

I didn't do much until night fall I just walked around town and enjoyed the sounds of pony’s preparing for their fair. After that I took a nap on a cloud, the next morning I contacted the hive and told them that I got enough information from Ponyville and will be leaving to explore their factions and how there holding up. Most of the changelings were happy to hear that there 'king' would be visiting them. I’m also glad to revisit my kind after all I think these ponies may be affecting me. Today would be my last day in Ponyville for a while at least, I don't plan on coming back here but fate does have a way of twisting things.

Ponyville was bustling with activity a lot more than its usual early morning activity. From what I’ve heard it seems that parade is today what was it called again? Before I could continue on that train of thought a pink hyperactive pony halted anymore thought on the matter. "Camo" before I could register who said my name I was immediately swept into a tight hug. “Oh Camo thank goodness you’re ok after I haven't seen you in a while I decided to ask everypony about where you had been but when the cutie mark crusaders said that you had gone missing I thought that you had left Ponyville because I hadn't given you a good welcome party and..." The pink party mare couldn't say words any longer and had resulted to crying.

Yet another pang of guilt I felt for my small absence, I didn't think anyone would care that much about me. Damn these pony's they cause me to feel guilt "there, there, Pinkie I said as I returned the hug “you didn't do anything wrong I enjoyed the welcome party you gave me believe me the reason I was gone was because I had my own personal problems to deal with." She stopped crying for a moment to say “really" I smiled and said "yes Pinkie really". She let go of me and dried her tears "well now that there's no reason to feel sad we can enjoy the summer harvest parade." Oh that's what it's called.

"Camo this is your first Summer Harvest Parade right?" Pinkie asked with much more happiness then she had before "yup" I answered to her. "You've got to try the hot carrot crepes they are delicious." She said this as she began hoping in the direction of main event. The main event consisted of floats made to look like various fruits and vegetables. The rest of the elements of harmony including Pinkie and Spike were gathered around the floats run way waiting for the spectacle to begin. I questioned how she got there so fast but decided that wasn’t important as a delicious smell wafted into my nostrils.

It made my mouth water which can only mean one thing, whatever it was, was very delicious. My body began to follow the smell ignoring almost anything else as all I could think about was what could smell so delicious. The smell came from a pony walking around selling food on hoof. When she saw me float over to her she assumed that I wanted some and hoofed me over something that looked like pancake. “Here you go little one a carrot crepe straight from the oven." I forgot that when you take the form of a foal adults treat you differently than if you were their age. Gotta pat myself on the back for choosing such a form back in Canterlot

" Thank you" I told her as I began to take a bite out of it.
It was incredible I had never tasted anything like it, Pinkies cakes were still number 1 but this was a close second. Speaking of Pinkie she and Spike are on their way over here. Spike was running while Pinkie on the other hand chose to float over kind of like how I did except I had wings to help me there’s no explanation for how she is able to defy the laws of physics.
“Hey Camo” Spike said to me as he rushed over to get a crepe of his own. He licked his lips in anticipation and I was going to ask if his biology allowed for him to like that kind of food but before I could he pulled out a pepper shaker and sprinkled small bits of crystals on the crepe before taking a big bite out of it. When I looked to see how many Pinkie got I was astounded to see that she was balancing a tower of them on her back.
“Oh my gosh I have to get my float ready for the parade" she zipped away faster than I could believe possible for anypony before quickly coming back and gobbling the once airborne crepes in one gulp and zooming away again.

My mouth fell open as I saw this occur Spike laughed and said "when you’re around Pinkie for a while you get used to her antics". I took his word for it but seeing how that mare is so random it'd be a challenge to get used to something like that every time you see her. While finishing up the crepe the parade had started and leading the floats was Babs in a golden brown apple float. " Oh that's nice the girls must of let Babs use there float and made her the guest of honor."

"Yeah that is nice, wait did you say the girls let them use that float?"

"Yep I'm kind of surprised though considering every time I see her she was doing something mean to them." Soon after saying that I saw the crusaders run towards it with panic stricken on their faces.
"Oh this won't end well" I say.
“Why do you say that?" Spike was too focused on his crepe to see what the CMC was doing and how Babs float was starting to lose control.
“oh just a hunch"
”ok" Spike was completely into eating that crepe I'm kind of surprised he doesn't see what's going on.

Even if I tried to help I wouldn't make it in time to stop the apple floats decent into the murky part of the river. The CMC did try their best however to try and stop the float, going so far as to commandeer Pinkie's float and destroying it to stop what was happening. I ran to check if Pinkie was ok but as I approached I heard her say something about a leaves and began to roll around in the pile of leaves that was once her lettuce float. “Pinkie are you alright?" She stopped rolling and said “yea what’s not to be alright about" before rolling again in the pile of leaves. I can't believe how much of a foal she could be at times.

The float did crash into the lake where upon crashing began to sink with the three filly's now swimming out of the water caked with mud. They managed to get Babs out in time effectively saving her at the price of themselves. The whole town gathered to see what the commotion was about and seeing as it was the crusaders began to leave, although some decided to stay and see how this turned out. The elements and Babs each approached the three mud caked filly's helping them out and leading them to Sweet Apple Acres to get washed. Only Applejack and Babs stayed to see to that the crusaders were ok and cleaned.

I was there as well because I have to break the news to them that I won't be around for a while or maybe ever again, we don't want a repeat of yesterday's events. The crusaders and Babs talked amongst themselves and seeing as there was no hostility between them I assumed that they were settling their differences once and for all. When everything seemed to die down and it wouldn't be awkward for me to jump in I decided to make my presence known. “Hey girls how are you today?" I asked pretending to feign ignorance of the string of events that occurred to them. " Were doing alright now Sweetie Bell said excitedly " Babs decided to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders" I wasn't all too surprised but hearing it did come as an initial shock for me. "That's great I said with enthusiasm “but there’s something I've got to tell you" they each stared at me waiting for the oncoming news.

"I'm leaving Ponyville for a while"

" What" they each shouted in unison.
"But you just came back and now your leaving again" Scootaloo said despondently. They were starting to make me feel sad about my decision but it has to be done are queen has been gone for too long. 'Note to self don't stay anywhere you don't have to for long periods of time if you do you will become attached to the pony's you socialize with'.

“My family has run into some problems and they've decided that the best course of action would be to move...again". I looked sad while saying this and I'm sure some part of me felt sad to leave them but becoming too attached to pony's leads to anarchy I should know that better than anyone after all I had to put my best friend down because of it. A story for a different time perhaps but enough self-recollecting there are bigger things at stake.

" Ah understand Apple Bloom said " there are times when Big Mac has to leave Ponyville for a while to help out our cousins in Appleloosa he always comes back though so I think nothing of it but no matter how long it takes you return to us safely you hear." She said that in a slight demanding tone showing that she was serious about my wellbeing “will do Apple Bloom".
”Hey how about you stay for Babs initiation" I saw no harm in saying no so I nodded and we made our way into the club house. They set up the club houses main room for the initiaton Apple bloom was on Sweetie Bells right while Scootaloo was on the drums on her left.

The initiation started with Scootaloo playing the drums hitting the drum slow and powerful making the ground reverberate with power. She stopped and then pounded on it as if she was doing a drum solo making everypony in the room wobble. I enjoyed the drum playing and bobbed to it and was pretty sad to hear it end. Scootaloo noticed that I enjoyed it and I mouthed "good drum playing" and she mouthed back "thanks" before putting on a serious face and returning to the initiation.

"We the Cutie Mark Crusaders elect Babs seed to join us as a sister, friend, confidant, ally, bosom buddy, gal pal, compadre, chum of chums…”
The list would have dragged on but Scootaloo cleared her throat trying to tell her that that was enough, but apparently she wrote it. They skipped most of it and ended with Scootaloo deciding to edit it later and Babs being fully recognized as one of them. They gave her the signature cutie mark crusaders cape and tossed confetti over her.
I felt happy for them they finally gained the new member that they wanted but what happened next surprise even me. “Camo will you take Babs place in front of the podium" I obliged and took Babs place in front of them. “For being such a good friend and dealing with are sometimes crazy antics and crusading ideas, as well as not giving you a present for your welcome party I commemorate you with this". Sweetie Bell stepped off her podium and gave me a cape that looked just like theirs but with a golden H embedded next to the shield with the filly on it.

I began to tear up at this point I don't know if I'm faking it or being sincerely genuine but I said "Thank you this is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten". Sweetie blushed and said “I would have given it to you sooner but you disappeared and then Babs appeared and I just didn't have the time". I hugged her and everypony else in the room hugged us making a group hug. I had to remind myself to take the love from them while I still could because something tells me the road ahead will be a little rough.

Turns out the next day Babs had to leave as well so we all saw her off. She stood up to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon threatening to tell their mothers of what they've done. By doing so it made them trip into a pile of mud that was near the end of the station. I thought that was a little excessive and I went over to make sure that the two rich fillies were ok. They were but they had to quickly go home and wash the mud out of their fur before it dried over.

I waited at the front of Diamond Tiara's manor; I needed to talk to her about my departure as well. It's up to her to decide whether she wants to go with me or stay here and spy on the Ponyville a little longer. When she finally did notice that I was outside she came down to meet me. “Did you come to speak to me my liege" I sighed she was now calling me king did no one believe that we would find our queen. I remember when everyone used to address me by my name and I wasn’t saddled with ruling an empire single hoofed.
I hesitated a bit before saying "yes I did want to speak with you I'm leaving Ponyville and I'm wondering if you wanted to come with me or stay here" her response was almost immediate. “Camo I was born to spy on Ponyville its only right that I stay here and fulfill my purpose, you on the other hoof should fulfill your purpose by finding the queen." Finally someone else who believed our queen was still out there "will do" I said to her as I turned to leave
"Just between you and me I turned to hear her better “the council believes that the hunt for our queen is going nowhere and that we should do anything in our power to completely take over Equestria."
"How do you know this."
"I'm not just a spy for Ponyville you know" she said as she smiled. I'm glad to have met Diamond throughout my excursion here in Ponyville I smiled back to her and left the manor.

The crusaders Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie were all here to see me off. Twilight and Spike were apparently summoned to Canterlot by the Princess for something urgent. I gave a final hug to the crusaders with Scootaloo taking note of what I was wearing. “You’re wearing the goggles I gave you." Indeed I was wearing the goggles they were in a slanted position on my forehead because I thought it looked cooler that way. I was wearing the goggles because I had stored it in a cloud a while back and it took me a while to find it again, I'm certainly glad I did though because I want to remember the fun times I've had here. Next I hugged Applejack and Rainbow who both told me to take care of myself on my travels.

I hugged Rarity next and she told me to tell my mother that she raised a great colt and that she couldn't wait to see me grown up. Next was Pinkie and Fluttershy who gave me a hug with Pinkie saying she doesn't want me to leave again and tearing up a bit. Fluttershy said " I'll take care of the wolf pup you gave me you can come visit him at any time." I nodded and began to walk off west in the direction of Van Hoover Green would be the first of the council I will meet up with.

Author's Note:

Hey guys so I need your help I need personalities for each of the members of the council and I'm hoping you guys will give me some. I have the personalities set for Red and Green so you don't need to worry about them. Also if you would like something to happen to Camo the council members or the towns they inhabit now leave a comment, it may spur new ideas I haven't thought of.