• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 20

Chapter 20

I awoke the next morning to find that I had fallen asleep on one of the machines. My fur was a complete mess and I couldn't remember much of what went on last night. We played a couple of games of poker, to which I can rightfully say I can’t play well and I broke off from the main group to play the slot machine. I guess I just played that until I passed out.

After lying on the machine for a couple minutes I got up and dusted myself off, I didn't look any cleaner but I thought I might as well give it a shot. A small thud resounded in the room and when I looked around I noticed there was a small bag near me. I picked it up and shook it allowing for a small jingling of coins to be heard. I faintly remember Purple giving it to me I should return it to him the next time I see him.

When I felt my body's strength return I found the elevator and took it to the top floor. Purple was sleeping in his bed at the far end of the room still disguised as Sapphire Shores. I wondered how after last night he could sleep so soundly as if nothing had happened, then again he's been living here longer than I have maybe he's already gotten into the routine of things.

I took a shower and prepared a saddlebag full of food and water for a couple days, it was going to be harsh weather in the desert and I wanted to make sure I had everything prepared. When I was finished packing Purple had just awoken from his slumber.
"My liege are you going to be leaving us today"?
"Yes” I answered back "it's time for me to continue checking up on the others."

"Before you go here's the scarf and goggles you arrived with" he reached inside one of his many drawers and pulled out the gifts I got from the crusaders. They looked almost as if they were brand new, the crusader cape's golden side shined as bright as the sun while the rest of it complemented it completely. The goggles although were given used and mildly damaged were now in pristine condition, the lenses sparkled with cleanliness and was completely freed of cracks as well as the strap felt stronger and more sturdy.
"Purple what did you do, these are in better condition than when I gave them to you."
"I had my personal fashion designers fix them up as well as enchant the lenses for you now they will allow you to see things from a far distance and give you night vision while disguised as a pony after all it’s the least I can do to repay you for taking responsibility of the hive while our queens away."
"Of course I'd fill in for our queen I've been with her for a long time and I have the hives best interests at heart."
"My apologies for not believing in you but to be truthful each of us council members quickly disliked you when the queen took a you under her wing, you were a runt the worst of the worst from the litter yet she chose you, can you see why we loathed your very presence."

I closed my eyes and pondered on this for a moment it would explain why I wasn't liked but even then I knew I didn't belong but over time I grew into a great warrior loyal only to our queen. "No hard feelings Purple, and if there’s nothing more to say I'll be going now." Before I could continue walking Purple put his hoof on my shoulder and whispered "Not everyone has changed their opinion about you and I swore to secrecy about this but I will tell you this watch out for Red he despises you the most and feels he should be the next ruler if our queen doesn't return."
"I'll remember that thank you Purple for everything you've done"
"of course anytime".

After saying my goodbyes to the changelings I flew east toward Appleloosa. It was a good thing that I had Scootaloo's goggles because they kept the sand out of my eyes. I also tied the CMC cape around my muzzle making me look like one of those bandits in the western movies. All I need now is something cool to fight but I'd like to skip that if I could. Although for some reason the universe didn't want to accept that request. A giant snake like creature erupted from the ground about 10 feet away from me and I was barely able to avoid flying into it. Furthermore this creature was definitely not a snake, that fact came apparent after I looked at it a little longer.

Its scales were shaped differently than a snakes and it didn't use its tongue to locate things. Its eyes as well were very ominous looking and just staring at it made me feel like my life was getting sucked out. I decided to try and avoid it after all I don't need another fight. Cautiously I tried to fly around it but as soon as I was halfway around it, its head collided with my body sending me back a far distance.

That blow completely knocked the wind out of me and I needed a minute or two to catch my breath. With this time the serpent like creature began to observe me. By the way his body moved I could tell that he saw me as prey an easy one at that, if he attacked again I would have to fight back. As quick as a cheetah he lunged for me, I didn't think a being of his size could go that fast but I guess I was wrong and I almost paid the ultimate price for it, I was barely able to dodge his attack.

I made an attempt to put distance between myself and him by flying higher but it followed me by traveling upward. At the speed he was going he would eventually catch up with me so I decided to attack. I turned back into a changeling and prepared for a dive bomb, I wanted it to be effective so I charged as much energy as I could and released it as I fell toward him. He opened his gaping maw to try and catch me.

I kept on falling toward it after all my trajectory couldn't be changed, that's one of the downfalls of our dive bomb you can't change directions once you use it. Our collision was imminent but at the last moment the serpent screeched in pain allowing me to slam my dive bomb onto his face causing us both to crash on the sand. Luckily I took no damage but the same couldn't be said for the serpents his face was badly injured so much so that his scales cracked and fell of as of it was chipped armor.

It took a moment to hiss at me before trying to attack me again but before he could reach me something began to stab him on his face distracting him. To my shock the offender was none other than the gryphon who I had seen back in the Everfree. He attacked relentlessly with his daggers on the serpents exposed face. The serpent tried with all his might to shake the gryphon off but to no avail. This went on until the serpent began to lose strength and crash back on the sand with a loud thud dead.

The gryphon stared at me with murderous intent and I returned his gaze with equal force. He said nothing as he strode up to the face of the serpent and gauged its eyes out. I don't know why he needed the eyes of this beast but I'm just glad it can't move anymore.

I began to walk away from the corps when I heard “you’re the one from the Everfree Forest right, the one who was spying?" His question made me hesitate, it was only for a moment but it was enough for him to catch it. “You are the one; I figured I saw you before, just had to match up your face with the place."
He put the eyes into a bag and began to walk away “by the way the serpent you just encountered is a Basilisk in case you didn’t know, if you looked into its eyes you would of died but if you looked at it indirectly you may have come out of that fight with some form of paralysis but judging by the look of you, your fine just make sure to get to town quickly so that they can take a look at you." With that said he left, I began to test out my body and I felt at 100% but just in case I took his advice and headed to town at a quicker pace.

“Water" I yelled as the river that led into Ghastly Gorge appeared on the horizon. My wings flapped on their own as I flew towards the cool sparkling water. I didn't just stop on the side of it to drink; I plunged into the water taking deep gulps before rushing to the surface for air. In that moment I wanted to rest their forever but I knew that was just my heated mind talking and I was so close to Appleloosa anyhow. It had been a couple of days since I defeated the basilisk and since then my thirst for water increased and my limbs have felt heavier than ever before. No matter how many breaks I took my body felt like it was getting progressively weaker.

Forcing my hooves out of the water and onto the other side of the stream I opened my saddle bags and prepared a small lunch. It was the last of the food as well so if I didn't make it to Appleloosa before nightfall I would be in trouble. My Lunch consisted of two sandwiches a bag of chips and fresh water provided by the stream. After cleaning myself up and getting a final drink from the stream I continued on my way. Although this time the ache in my hooves was increased tenfold, it felt like I was stepping on fire and when I tried to fly my wings began to cramp up mid-flight causing me to crash back onto the sand.

My vision began to fade in and out and my head began to feel heavy and soon enough I fell onto the ground panting barely able to keep my eyes open. A figure appeared on the horizon it looked like a pony but with my vision obscured I couldn't make them out and my body finally had enough making me close my eyes and go into a deep slumber.