• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

We arrived at a house/shop that looked like it was made out of ginger bread with icing caked all over it, it was like the biggest sugar coded dream any 5 year old would dream of. “Why are we stopping here girls?” I asked once the annoying screeching sound of wheels drifting on dirt stopped.

“We figured you’d like to meet Pinkie Pie first to avoid any more confusion later on.” replied Apple Bloom.
“I don’t know who Pinkie Pie is though?” I answered back to her
Scootaloo opened her mouth and said “Just be cautious you're about to be royally confused.”
I stared at her with eyes of bewilderment for a moment before we started to walk inside the delectable looking store. When I stepped in I was immediately bomb rushed by something pink. It was a pink pony and she just kept on rambling about parties and such but I couldn’t understand a word of it. She was way too hyper; it was as if she took a couple of gallons of sugar an hour.

My head hurt so much that I felt that it was quickly becoming a migraine, I held up my hoof as fast as I could to try and get her to stop talking. When I got her attention I spoke to her “Can you please repeat that at a much slower pace so that I may understand you.”
She opened her mouth took a huge gulp of air and projected her voice to say “HI I'M PINKIE PIE WHAT’S YOUR NAME?” Immediately my ears started ringing and I had to wait until the ringing died down to answer her question, all the while she was just hoping in place with a big grin on her face. “My name is Camo nice to meet you Pinkie Pie.”

“Well you're new in town right, you have to be because I know everypony in Ponyville, and that means I get to throw you a *GASP* welcome to Ponyville party.”
“Do you have to throw me a party not that I don’t mind the great offer but I don’t prefer all the attention.” Though this will help me to survive I’d rather not divert the attention of everyone at a party to me. “Oh that’s ok we can have a smaller party with only my best friends invited.”
“By the way do you have any particular flavor of cake that you enjoy the most?” Pinkie asked inquisitively. I thought about it for a moment considering each flavor I’ve tasted over the course of my life. Changelings don’t necessarily have a reason to eat food other than to blend in or try something. But there are times that I do get the strangest cravings for sweets when I least expect it.

“Can you make a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting on it?” As soon as I said this she jumped over the counter and appeared moments later with a cake with my name across the top with a picture of me colored in with green and orange frosting. “Done” she exclaimed proudly beaming a mile a minute. “How did you do that so quickly?" I asked. She didn’t answer and I looked over at the three filly’s a ways from me and tried to coax an answer out of them with my confused gaze. They just shrugged and acted like this happened every day, which I wouldn’t be surprised by considering I’ve already seen more than enough of what this sugar induced mare could do.

“Make sure you come back later for your party" Pinkie announced as we left the shop. “Ok where to now and also why did we go and see Pinkie Pie first?" I asked but before they could answer me a pink filly with a purple and white mane interrupted us. “Hey blank flanks who’s your new friend" she said in a slight mocking tone.

“Diamond Tiara can't you just leave us alone none of us are even bothering you" Sweetie Bell said to her. “But you are bothering me your trying to pollute another pony into joining your little cutie mark crusader group" she retorted back.

"I don't even know what that is the girls haven't mentioned that to me yet." “Wait really?" I simply nodded my head clearly this pony did not like the company I was with and I could see she sought to get me away from them.

"When you realize that there not the friends you’re looking for come find me". After she concluded that sentence she decided to head off in the opposite direction of where we were going. “That’s odd usually she just bullies other ponies she doesn't normally offer friendship to anypony" Apple bloom said. “Really, though she does seem dead set on me not hanging out with you guys, would you care to tell me why?"

"Let me explain girls” Scootaloo said.
"The feud between us started at her cute-ceanera when we stood up to her and told her that blank flanks are better than people who have their cutie marks. Since then we kind of have this ongoing rivalry between us."

Now I understood why these fillies didn't get along with her but they still hadn't told me what a cutie mark crusader was so I asked them. “What is a cutie mark crusader you still haven't told me what that is yet ". Their eyes immediately grew exponentially and they said “were the cutie mark crusaders and were on a quest to find out who we are". Now I understood everything and that must be why they noticed that the form I'm in now is a blank flank.

"Care to join us were always looking for new members?" They looked excited about having another addition to their group but I couldn't join its bad enough that I'm not even a real pony as it is.

“Let me think about it" I said. This will at least buy me some time to think on how I can handle it. "Ok just tell us your answer when you’re ready to".

“Alright anypony else you wanted to show me today."
“There’s still some time before we have to come back here for the party." “How about we go see my sister Rarity" Sweetie Bell said. "That's fine” I replied. So we piled back into the wagon and Scootaloo sped us off in the direction of a large building. My thoughts wandered until they came to Diamond tiara, she seemed different than normal somehow.

Changelings can sense other beings with their horns to see if they are really changelings or a pony to steal the love out of. The feeling I got from scanning her didn't come out as a pony but she wasn't exactly a changeling either. I pondered on this until we arrived at what I assumed was Sweetie Bell's home.

Turns out it was a huge building that I saw in the distance when we were over at sugar cube corner, there was a sign outside that claimed the building was called Carousel Boutique. I hypothesized the building was a home and a shop just like Pinkie’s was. I've noticed that Ponyville had the weirdest buildings, in other places that I had the liberty of invading; they had shops and homes separated from each other.

We entered the boutique and the first thing I noticed were the mannequins on the left side of the room. They were dressed in extremely exquisite clothing. Once when I had to disguise myself as an upper class unicorn pony I had to wear clothes that resembled the fine worksponyship my eyes were now gazing at. Though none were ever as refined or as beautiful as the ones that is gracing my eyes at this very moment.

“Rarity I'm home" Sweetie Bell announced interrupting my concentration on the clothes In front of me. A white unicorn with an elegantly styled mane and tail with a cutie mark of three diamonds adorned on her flank entered the room. “Sweetie Bell I thought you were off crusading for the next couple of..." she trailed off before finishing her sentence because she noticed me and then said "oh who do we have here a new friend I presume."

"Yeah, he's new to Ponyville so were just introducing him around" Sweetie replied. “Really, she said dragging out the word as long as possible “are you sure he's just a friend Sweetie" rarity said as she looked at the pair of us with a smug look on her face. We both blushed and exchanged glances and I could tell that we both remembered what happened not too long ago on the ride back to Ponyville.

“RARITY" Sweetie Bell cried out. “Oh Sweetie Bell you know I'm just teasing you” Rarity said as she let out a slight inaudible chuckle. "My name is Camo nice to meet you miss" I said to Rarity in the most polite way I could. “Please call me rarity darling, all my friends do.” Also I can't help but notice that piece of jewelry around your neck. “Can I see it if you don't mind that is?"

Seeing no reason to deny her request I relinquished it from my neck and gave it to her. “Please be careful with that Rarity my... mother gave it to me and it's really important that nothing happens to it." That was true enough I suppose in a sense our queen is our mother and she did give it to me. Again I try not to lie to anypony lest it comes back to hurt me one day.

“Of course I'll handle it with the upmost importance". She levitated it up to her face and stared at it, marveling at the beauty of it. Scootaloo looked like she was bored to death and antsy, enough so that she eventually said “guys come on were burning day light" I figured we had spent some time at Rarity's house and that we could go meet somepony else. “Alright I guess we can go, rarity I'll come back for it later." "Good bye". We walked out of the boutique and loaded into the cart again but before we went Scootaloo had something to say.

"How about we go see Rainbow Dash?” You do know who Rainbow dash is right?" "No" I answered I honestly didn't know but I kept wondering why all the mares I've met so far seem familiar. It’s as if it’s on the tip of my tongue but I just can’t remember and whenever I get close it alludes me to no end. I have a feeling that it's very important but I can't quite put my hoof around it. I decided that I'll think about it later along with the Diamond Tiara situation. I then notice that Scootaloo has been talking for the entirety of the time that I was thinking. I got bits and snips of what she said but not everything she said.

She was talking about Rainbow Dash that much I know for certain. I’m pretty sure she said Rainbow Dash is the best flier ever and is the only one to ever do the sonic rainboom. I’ve heard of the sonic rainboom though I was told it was impossible and couldn’t be done. Though there was that day when my queen and I were on the outskirts of Equestria and a wave of rainbow flew passed us overhead. Was that the sonic rainboom?

Eventually Scootaloo had ended the praise she was giving for Rainbow Dash and we started on our way towards her location. This time we didn't go as fast as the first couple of times but we did end up outside of Ponyville and once on the outskirts we were directed in the way of a forest. Not the Everfree Forest mind you but a much more livelier forest. Once inside I could tell that there was an outstanding difference between the Everfree and this forest. For one the forest wasn't as dark or ominous, there were wild animals playing around as if they hadn’t a care in the world. Like bunnies, birds, and ducks all playing and minding their own business.

“Where are we"? I asked. Sweetie Bell answered my question. "We’ve entered the White tale woods". Then Scootaloo spoke up "Rainbow Dash should be here this is where she secretly trains to be a part of the Wonderbolts." I would've asked who the Wonderbolts were but I think they would have thought of me as strange since I’m a Pegasus and since the only Pegasus I’ve met is so interested in them then I guess you’re supposed to at least heard of them. I decided to take to the skies to see if I could see anyone around.

While up there I landed on a cloud and started to try and figure out how to cloud drive. I heard that Pegasus had the ability to do it and since I’m playing the role of one then I might as well try. Surprisingly it was pretty easy and I soon mad my way toward the ground and began zigzagging around trees and pretended that I was running some kind of obstacle course. It was really fun I even managed to pull back on the cloud before colliding with a massive tree and ended up doing a couple back flips before I slowed the cloud down and landed near the cutie mark crusaders.

All of their mouths were gaping; I believe they were astounded by my performance. "That was one of the most awesome things I've ever seen in my life. The only thing that could top that would have to be a sonic rainboom." Before the little Pegasus could speak anymore words a new voice appeared. “Is somepony talking about me?"

I didn't know who the owner of that new voice was but judging by Scootaloo's expression I could tell that whoever it was was very important to her. “Rainbow dash your here" when I turned around I saw a cyan blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail adorned with a rainbow lightning bolt cutie mark. Again this mare had some familiarity to her and still couldn't figure out why.

Then in a flash it all came rushing back to me the ponies that I’ve been meeting harbor the elements of harmony. As long as they don't know I'm a changeling a fight won't break out… right? In truth I don't want a fight I just want my queen returned home safely.

Rainbow Dash started heading my way and once she started to speak to me I immediately came out of my train of thought and concentrated on her words. “Scoots here tells me that you can fly pretty fast on that cloud you’re laying on." I simply nodded and waited for her to continue. “How about you and I have a race around the woods so I can see what you’re really made of."

I thought about it and then decided to decline her offer. I really had nothing to prove from racing her plus any sane pony knows when there at a disadvantage. “Nah I can't race I barely know how to control this cloud plus judging from what Scootaloo has told me about you you’re probably the fastest mare in Equestria." “Yeah that’s right I'm so good that even the Wonderbolts would be begging me to join them soon". Seeing how she lit up at those words I knew that she was a show off and that if I lost I would always get mocked for it in some way or form.

"Though it was nice meeting you, you’re every bit as awesome as Scootaloo says you are."
“Really scoots said that". She goes over to Scootaloo nuzzles her and sais " I expect as much from the president of my fan club though come back some time and maybe I'll show you my sonic rainboom."

I now have some sort of idea of what a sonic rainboom is though the last time I saw one I was on the outskirts of Equestria, and even from back there it felt really powerful wouldn’t being in such a close proximity to the sonic rainboom cause some sort of damage to the pony watching. Though when I see the other fillies get excited about this announcement I come to the conclusion that maybe I’m over thinking things and I should instead be a little excited about this announcement. The CMC climbed back into their mode of transport and began driving. I followed them from behind on the cloud I had acquired during our time in the forest; I did this because I figured Scootaloo wasn’t used to driving three ponies in her wagon around and theres no sense in making the trip harder on Scootaloo's part if I didn’t have to.

I made my cloud float near them so that I was able to speak with them without any problems. "What were you guys doing near the Everfree forest this morning". They each looked worriedly at each other before Apple Bloom said “you know we could ask you the same thing Camo". I almost face hoofed at the situation I had just started.

The only real reason I went into the Everfree forest was so that I wouldn't cause a panic in the middle of town and jeopardize my mission. I found a quick way out of the question by saying. “Well I asked you first". Sweetie bell decided to answer the question “well we were headed to our friend Zecora's place because we were curious about something".

Scootaloo then interrupted her by saying “Zecora is a zebra that lives in the Everfree forest". They seemed to be telling the truth though something was telling me that they were lying. It wasn't about Zecora, and because of this my interest had been piqued and I now wanted to know there main reason for entering the forest. Also I've never had the chance to change into a zebra and I started to wonder if it was possible.

It was then that Apple Bloom decided to cut my train of thought short by saying “Now can you tell us why you were near the Everfree forest". I still hadn't thought of an excuse to tell them so I sat on my cloud for a while and pondered on what I should say next. “I can't really say for sure but I felt like I really needed to go there."

They looked at me as if I was crazy and I think they didn’t believed me but they let the conversation die as easily as it had started. They stayed silent for a while and I felt like I needed to change the awkward atmosphere that had quickly descended on us." So ... where are we headed for", I say as I try to get rid of the awkwardness. “Well I’d say were headed back to Sugar cube corner it's almost time for the party" Apple Bloom said.

“Alright I'll meet you guys there, there’s something I must do". They nodded and I steered my cloud away from them and into the blue sky. I needed some answers and I think I knew where to get them from.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this took so long to get out procrastination got the best of me. Though this is one of the longest chapters I've written for this story and hopefully you've enjoyed this chapter as much as I loved writting it