• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 18

Chapter 18

The path I took to Vanhoover was pretty bland nothing exciting really happened, I did get a glimpse of the Smokey Mountains but they didn't appeal to me because the badlands are full of rocks and mountains. I changed my form into an older version of my pegasus form the crusaders knew and approached the city. It wasn't as big or grand as Canterlot but it was a lot more developed then Ponyville.

The residents probably thought I was an adventurer by the way I looked. The crusaders cape looked more like a small scarf around my neck while the googles covered one of my eyes making me look intimidating to any who didn't know me. I chose a back alley to contact green and attempt to find out where he was. He didn't answer though and I was instead answered by a female changeling.
“Hello I'm sorry to inform you that Green is unable to reach you at this time if you would like I can get someone else for you to talk to."
“This is Camo speaking I would like to know the location of the Vanhoover changeling Base and I would also like to speak with green personally."

“Sorry my liege I didn't know that you were in Vanhoover yet I will have a squad of changelings escort you just tell me what you look like and they will be on their way."
“I’m a green Pegasus with light green and orange hair wearing a scarf and goggles on my head."
“Ok four unicorns will be looking for you they will look like the royal guard so take notice of that."
I disconnected from the hive mind and tried to decide what to do next. Maybe a walk around the city will help me think of something. There was nothing special about Vanhoover I decided as I continued to walk throughout the streets. There were however destroyed buildings which piqued my curiosity somewhat I tried to ask somepony what had happened to it but many were too scared of my appearance to answer me.

Eventually several unicorn guards with lances approached me "are you Camo ace detective?" I had no idea where they got the ace detective thing from but seeing as how there was now a crowd of Pony's encircling us I said "yes I was called here on a recent assignment do you happen to know who called me?"
"That would be our Mayor Sir we will take you to him." I followed him and most of the Ponies who had surrounded us looked happier as if I was some ray of hope to end their problems. I expect a full status report on everything that has happened in this town.

When we reached city hall the guards stayed at the door as I entered, apparently a crowd of ponies were trying to get in to see what was happening. There was a blue colored unicorn mare at the counter, when she saw me she stopped what she was doing and bowed. “Lord Camo it is an honor to finally meet you." I decided to get right down to business instead of hearing the drawl pleasantries that come with being a leader.
"I’d like a status report".
"Yes of course she answered before clearing her voice and straightening up in her seat “there was a brown stallion a couple weeks ago that destroyed a few buildings and because of it the town is now asking the mayor to spend money on rebuilding that section of town, Master Green hasn't done anything about it and I'm beginning to worry about his judgment if we don't do something soon the ponies of Vanhoover will rebel and thus ending the Vanhoover branch of the changelings.

Sadness was clearly etched on her face and I couldn't stand to see a member of the hive sad "Don’t worry I said as I rubbed my hoof through her hair "everything will be alright I'll have a talk with green and set him straight ok". She nodded seemingly shocked as the next king to be to time to council her. When the initial hesitation wore off she leaned into my hoof, it was if I was helping a foal in her time of need.

When she perked up a bit, I decided what better time than now to take care of the problem "take me to Green" she led me upstairs to the mayor's office. I knocked on the wooden door and waited to get an answer, none came so I knocked harder. This time an answer did come "leave me alone I'm doing important business"
"More important than meeting your leader" I replied back. The voice elicited a surprise shock and I heard a couple locks turn before the door opened.

Green was disguised as a dark green earth pony with a chestnut mane and tail with a document as a cutie mark. He looked surprised and shocked to see me here he probably thought that I'd announce where I'd be going so he could clean up his act, he was always the slacker of the council and almost everyone knew it. “I thought you would announce where you were going my lord" he said, his voice was stuttering probably out of fear of what I would do to him.

"Green do you know why your one of the seven members of the council?"
"You were chosen because your one of the best and I trust our queens judgment in allowing you to be a member in it but I'd hate to have things get ugly and I hope you know what I mean when I say that." He shook his head so fast that I thought it might come off. " Good now get this town's Pony's to trust and love you and if you fail you will be demoted and replaced by someone who can handle this position understand. He let out a weak “yes sir" before he quickly ran out of the room.

I sighed "I'm very disappointed in him"
"As am I, I had to cover for him to help ease the citizen’s tensions."
"What of the other members of this section of the hive are they doing alright?"
“Yes everyone has infiltrated at least one home and has encased the pony they replaced in a cocoon in the basement of city hall."
"All seems to be good what of our queen have you heard any word from her?"

She shook her head "No Queen Chrysalis has not been found we don't even have any information to give over my liege."
"It's alright it’s mostly a wait game any way she did say she would contact us when she wanted to be found."

“I’ll be off exploring the city if I’m a detective pony’s will want me to get to work quickly”
“Yes of course I’ll leave you to it my lord.”
I exited the Mayor’s office and was astounded to see that what I can only assume as many of the towns residence were gathered there. Before the door could close behind me I was bombarded with questions. Most of which revolved around whom or what did the damage to the town because most of them hadn't seen who had done it. Before the crowd could get out of hoof I raised my hoof allowing silence to befall the crowd.

Since they thought I was the savior to their problems I might as well act like I am “Citizens of Vanhoover I understand that this has been a great time of grief for you all and I understand that you may of lost some loved ones because of the atrocious circumstances that befell your town, now I won’t tell you that I will magically fix your problems but, I will try my best so that the Vanhoover of today can have a better tomorrow.” The clopping of hooves started with one pony and quickly escalated into the entire crowd cheering and stomping for someone who may save their problems, those fools.

“Now would anypony like to take me to the scene of the crime”? Many raised their hooves and as I was about to choose one a small pink filly broke through the crowd and tried to make her way to me. She was stopped by the royal guard of course but the fact that she even attempted to try and reach me is a feat in itself. The way her eyes looked, filled to the brim with determination reminded me of the crusaders when they had set their sights on the next goal for crusading.

“Guards let her go let’s see what she wants” by my command they set her down allowing her to come to me. “If it’s no trouble sir I would like to lead and accompany you to your destination” when I looked her in the eyes she averted her gaze and even began shaking in what I could only assume is fear. “Sure just don’t get in my way” I told her as the crowd began to dissipate around us and back into the city. She led me to a district of the town that had streets upon streets of destruction, the buildings were in complete shambles and some that were standing looked like they would topple any minute.

“What could have possibly done this I asked out loud as I began to look through the debris. “Isn’t that what were here to find out?”
“That’s what I’m here to find out, you decided to tag along remember.” She hoofed at the ground nervously before saying “We haven’t properly introduced ourselves yet I’m Blossom what’s your name” she said as she held out her hoof. “I’m Camo nice to meet you” I said as I shook her hoof and began to walk over to the next building.

“So what made you decide to tag along I’m sure this isn’t an extra credit assignment from your teacher” she hesitated for a moment before saying “For a while now I’ve dreamed of becoming a detective it’s what I really want to spend my the rest of my life doing.”
“That’s a good job to strive for, come on its time to gather some evidence”. We spent the rest of the day talking to ponies about what they saw and most if not all of them described the figure they saw was a pony but with the power of nothing they’ve ever seen before.

They say he struck down ponies that got in his way silently as if he was a ghost, but when not in the shadows he had power that might have even rivaled an alicorns power. These citizens were definitely scared of whoever did this to the point in which I almost felt like helping them. I took a mental note to remember that whoever did this is definitely a danger to the hive. Before ending the day’s excursion we took the liberty of asking one more pony on the events that took place, but all he could do was repeat the same statement over and over again “Silence shall fall when you least expect it”

After a couple of days Van Hoover returned to its once pristine state and green didn't lose his position within the council. It’s a pity really I was hoping to replace him with the unicorn clerk she would have been a great addition to the council. To alleviate the town’s fears I told them that I would eventually be going back to Canterlot and once there I would tell my boss of my findings. I told Blossom that she would grow up to be a great detective and that I hope to work with her again in the future and with that I began my journey to Los Pegasus.