• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 27

Camo the changeling Final Ch 27?

Finally after a week of Isolation my queen finally emerged from her room. She looked ok for the most part but just by looking at her eyes i could tell that she hadn't completely gotten over our lost.

“My queen how are you feeling?” I asked when she exited her room.

She gave a weak smile and said “I’m doing fine Camo thank you for worrying about me.”

“I just need some time to think about recent events.”

“That’s good Specter says that we have to leave for Canterlot in a couple of days if you want you can rest in your room until i come for you.”

She smiled softly and said “I would love that thank you Camo.”

After a couple of days I told my queen that we were leaving and without so much as a ‘yes’ or any kind of acknowledgement at all we left the palace for the train.

When we arrived Specter lead us straight to the princesses throne room. Throughout the way their my mind kept shifting from hope filled to grief. I knew now that I could trust him and that he only wanted the best for us especially after recent events but the image of his darker self haunted me every time I looked him in the eye.

My queen seemed to be in disarray herself she tried to pretend that coming to the castle was something she had done numerous times before but I could tell that she was nervous as well. It didn't help that that wherever we went the guards were broken from their stoic faces by just seeing our unicorn friend, in fact it made me even more nervous.He did tell us that he had been in the royal guard and had been labeled AWOL since his disappearance at the crystal kingdom but I didn't think that his presence would shock the guards.

At last we arrived at the princesses throne room and after talking to the guards at the door we were allowed entry. The princesses were both working on some paper work but stopped once they noticed that somepony had entered the throne room. Their eyes immediately focused in on Specter with a mix of emotions plastered on their face

"Good afternoon Princess Celestia, Princess Luna" he said as he bowed.

"Yes how art thou Specter we haven't seen you in many moons." Princess Luna said with a smile.

"I'm doing fine but before we go into details of what's happened since my disappearance I would like to issue a request."

Celestia nodded and said "what is your request?"

"They regard the two Pony's behind me one of them is the queen of the changelings and the other her second in command I've brought them in front of you to request your permission in allowing them to be accepted as citizens."

They looked at us briefly, Celestia's face was unreadable but Luna's held some signs of anger towards us.

"Why should we allow them to become citizens they have done nothing but cause our little pony’s harm in fact they should be banished from our land forever."

"Luna I understand your resentment towards them but their species and their home are gone."

Luna had a mixture of shock and sadness plastered on her face for a moment before saying "what do you mean?"

Oddly enough my queen spoke up.

"What Specter says is true we lost our hive because of Sombra, he destroyed all of my kind except us two." She then looked straight at the princess with seriousness "I wouldn't appear before you unless I had nothing more to lose and all I have to lose is Camo." She then bowed "I promise no harm will come upon any of your little pony's I only wish to live in peace with Camo for the rest of my days."

Celestia then looked at Specter "what say you Specter can she be trusted?"

He nodded and said "they both can be trusted I swear upon it, I'd trust them both with my life if it came down to it."

She then smiled and said "Queen Chrysalis and Camo I hereby decree that you will live the rest of your lives as pony's."

I was happy that all had gone well, so much so that I hugged my queen with all I had she was still sad but she put on a fake smile and hugged me back.

"Now as for your living arrangements do you have a place in mind?"

My queen shook her head, but I had an idea of where we should live.

"How about Ponyville? I already have some friends there from the last time I visited."

Celestia's smile widened even further and she said "I couldn't have chosen a better location if I tried, will you be returning there as well Specter?"
"Yes but I will be spending some time in Canterlot I haven't seen my mom in ages plus I need to catch you both up on my exploits. I’m sure you’d like know more about what happened to Sombra."

"That's a great idea how about all of you return to Specter's home and tomorrow the changelings will report to Ponyville while Specter reports here to catch us up on his wellbeing."

With that all decided we said our goodbyes and headed to our green eyed friends home.

"My mom will be a bit surprised to see me let alone two guests but all should be fine" he said as we continued to walk.

His home wasn't very far from the princesses castle, it was about a 30 minute walk.

"Welcome to my humble abode" he said as he approached the door and knocked on it a voice was heard saying "just a minute" before some locks were unlocked and the door swung open.

The mare who opened it was the same pink unicorn mare that we saw earlier and she seemed shocked to see what I could only assume was her son.

"Hey mom " he said as he rubbed his right hoof on the back of his mane "long time no see".

Tears began to form in her eyes "son is that really you?"

"Yeah it's me mom" he then hugged her with which she returned.

"After all this time I thought you were dead Princess Luna told me that you went to the Crystal Empire and then mysteriously disappeared but now you're here right in front of me."

"I promise to explain everything to you later but I need you to do me a favor, behind me are two friends of mine who took care of me for the last couple of days they're going through some hardships right now so I was wondering if they could stay the night"

"Of course they can any friend of yours is a friend of mine." She then introduced herself to my queen who feigned the proper emotions to which the pink mare bought and then turned her attention to me.

"Oh you're such a cute colt" she exclaimed as she began to pinch my cheeks as if I was a long lost grandson of hers.

"Mom I'm sure he doesn't like that" Specter said in my defense.

"But he's so cute I just can't resist." She then proceeded to pinch my cheeks excessively much to my disgust.

Specter mouthed an "I'm sorry" at me to which I mouthed back "it's fine", the only good thing that came out of it was my queens slight happiness at seeing me being pinched. After she had her fill on the pinches she went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, by now it had gotten pretty late. Once finished with our meal my queen and I took the guest bedroom while Specter told his mom what had happened to him since the last time he saw her.

I felt happy that I would be going back to Ponyville . I hadn't seen the crusaders or the town in what felt like forever. My queen however did not share in my enthusiasm she just stood at the window staring out at the stars.

"What's wrong my queen?"

She sighed and said "I miss my kingdom Camo. I don't think I'll ever get used to the thought that were the only changelings left."

"But we aren't my queen have I not told you of the changeling Diamond Tiara?"

"The half breed? Yes you have but she is not a pure changeling like the both of us are."

I couldn't argue with her on that so I stayed silent. Eventually we both fell asleep and prepared for the next day.

The train ride to Ponyville felt like years when in actuality it was only about an hour. Once off the train my queen led us to our home. It was a small home near the shopping district and it looked just about the same as every other home. The only difference was the number plastered on the front of it.

"Camo you go have fun with your friends I'll be inside, don't bother me if you don't have to I'd like to be left alone for a while."

I nodded and she entered in the house I followed after her to place my saddlebags down. Before leaving I took out my CMC cape and ran out ready for what the day had in store for me.

Author's Note:

Well this is it the final chapter of Camo the Changeling. Thank you all for reading this far and I hope that we meet again in another story of mine or even in one of your story's. I may return here to post chapters on Camo's past but most likely I won't. My only regret for this story is that I didn't end it on a good number.

Comments ( 24 )

I have a wild theory... is Camo short for Camouflage? :twilightoops:

Ohhh... It's pretty sad when such a good story ends...

nice ending to a good story.
But there will be a sequel,:fluttershysad: rigth?:fluttershysad:

Their may be a sequel, although i'm going to focus on other stories for now.

Can you include a changeling named "Shift" in your sequel if you make one? I just feel bad for Chrysalis and Camo being the only two left, and I thought they would be shocked to see another changeling that was still alive.

So many ideas popped in my head for a sequel of this from your comment. If I do make a sequel your getting some credit for the name of that changeling.

3843192 :twilightsmile: Heh, wow. Your welcome for the ideas and name. :twilightsmile:

3835981 said that in the first chapter

"Yes how art thou Specter we haven't seen you in many moons."

bad M Specter, *hits you with newspaper* she doesn't talk like this anymore. she stopped after luna eclipsed. i did a video on it (though it has a very bad quality)

Personally, I like when Luna speak's in olden tongue.

Yeah it is a bit rushed. I'm trying to avoid that in my other stories as much as possible.

It would be, and I've never thought about that before

I was rely clos to crying like rely clos, I also wonted to cry to and I had this going to.

I'm glad my story almost made you cry. Its weird to be writing the story and watching people react to it, rather then reading it and reacting to it yourself.

I am still thinking about it and when I here the song it brings the memory back at full force.

and you finished the story with a cliff hanger which is the pup, and I feel like there is a second port to this.

I did write a chapter 28 that solidified a lot of things but I'm questioning whether or not I should put it out. It can lead to a sequel from this 28th chapter but I want to focus on other things first.

A good story, but there are a few pacing issues, as well as some grammatical and general writing issues.

The story is good, but it could use a good editing.

He is closer in size to the CMC

It was not bad, a good story, but a little sad the ending,,, Also I think I missed when did Rarity returned the amulet to Camo

Chapter 10 last paragraph:
The rest of the party was not really that interesting I did get my necklace back from Rarity

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