• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

As I finally opened my eyes, I felt myself falling through the sky. There was also fire surrounding my body. Not my natural green flames but the orange painful kind, yet I felt no unpleasant pulsations. Quite the contrary, all was calm, and my mind was at peace. Of course, the tranquillity was obliterated the instant I looked down to see the ground getting closer and closer.

Once I made a cacophonous, yet surprisingly comfortable impact, I decided to just lay there and look up at the night sky. Wow, it was far more beautiful than the one back in Equestria. The peculiar feeling I got from the air told me this was a different planet altogether. How did this happen?

After a while, I finally felt the urge to rise and took a look at my surroundings. Turns out, there was a gigantic forest and lake to my left, and there was a broad grassland in the middle, where I landed.

Off in the distance I saw a silhouette, definitely resembling the form of a male. As he starts approaching, I see a black cloak is draped around him. When he gets about a few inches from me, he takes his hood off, revealing that he’s a unicorn with brown fur, green eyes and a black and white mane.

He utters the words, “Come with me!” and then turns around and starts to trot away. Confused and desperate, I attempt to follow him but my legs get weak and I trip over my own hooves. My head starts to ache and my heart beats powerfully, like a drum.

Subsequently, my vision became tainted with the color of blood until I eventually fell unconscious..

As I slowly open my eyes, I put a hoof to my head to see if it’s still aching. Unfortunately, it’s still pounding, but my hoof lessened the pain.

At that moment, I thought, ‘What a weird dream that was; I wonder if anything prompted that?’

When I concluded my thought, my head was feeling better, so I surveyed my surroundings, and it seemed like wherever I turned my head, there were changelings staring at me. Annoyed, I asked, “Do you guys mind? I need my personal space!”

As soon as I said that, one of the changeling generals came out.

He sighed, and said, with a voice filled with melancholy, “I’m sorry to force this on you...but Chrysalis is gone.”

What?! My brain stopped for a second. “Wait...what do you mean she’s gone, she would never abandon us! I saw her just before I fainted! You can’t be serious!”

With that, the changelings pointed to a light blue orb and next to it was a scroll. I levitated the scroll up to my face, and it said:


Please take care of the hive while I’m gone. I wouldn’t want anyone to see how I look like right now. Also, if you find a blue orb near you, that was there when I found you. I tried touching it but it froze my hoof. I hope to see you soon.

Queen Chrysalis.”

I couldn’t believe it. However, I knew my Queen trusted me, and I knew she was still alive, so I felt more determined than ever to get the swarm back to the hive. With that, I murmured, “I won’t let you down...my Queen.”

However, I knew I had to figure out the purpose of this orb before giving out any orders. So, I picked up the orb, and all of a sudden, a light blue aura seeped out of the orb and swirled around my leg. I was confused at first, but I quickly made the connection between the orb and a recent dream I had. I wasn’t sure if it was true or not, but I firmly believed at that moment something prompted my dream, and that’s probably what it was. Anyway, I used my magic to form a chain around the orb and put it around my neck for safe keeping. With that out of the way, I gazed at the swarm of changelings in front of me ready to be commanded. This is going to be a wild ride.

“Alright, swarm! Our first order of business is to get back to the hive, and then we’ll assess how many changelings are left. We’ll go from there.”

I took to the sky and started to head in the general direction of the hive and fortunately, everyone followed. As an added bonus, we started our grand flight at sunrise, so we were able to see where we were going.

After a couple of hours, we made it back to the hive safely.

Upon entering, I could hear many changelings moaning in pain and starvation, so I stated, “Alright, now that we're here I call a general meeting!” At that, the seven generals appeared out of the swarm of changelings and faced me.

I lead them to the meeting room from before the invasion, and asked them, “Now tell me, what are your names.”

They quickly glanced at each other before one of them was brave enough to speak. “We don’t have names sir, our queen never gave us a name.”

How weird. “Very well. Since our queen didn’t give you guys any names, I’ll give you names.”

With that, I noticed that on their flanks there was a tiny diamond shaped mark on each of their flanks and each one was a different color.

I nodded. “Alright, I’ve decided on what names I’m going to give you. Look at your flanks, for some reason each of you have a perculiar diamond mark there, so I'll call you by the color of that mark.” I began pointing at each one of them, while declaring their names. “Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Purple. Now that I’ve assigned you names, you will all be assigned a town to look over. While there you will have to search for our queen and tend to the changelings who will go with you. Is that understood?”

They all let out a “Yes, sir!”

I nodded contently. “Very well. Red you go to Canterlot, Orange goes to Cloudsdale, Yellow goes to Appleloosa Green goes to Van Hoover, Light Blue goes to Manehatten, Dark Blue goes to Baltimare, and Purple goes to Los Pegasus. Oh and Light and Dark Blue, while you’re there, make sure to keep watch on Fillydelphia, because for all we know our queen could be there as well.”

“But what about ponyville?” Yellow asked.

I smiled. “I’ll go there and search for the queen by myself. Now, let’s go!”

With that, I ended the meeting, walked out of the chamber and gathered the remaining changelings at the throne room.

Once every changeling arrived, I said, “You will all be divided into seven groups, one for each general. You will follow your assigned general to their city or town. While there, you are to sustain yourself with love as well as look for our Queen. Anyone who is weak and injured should come up to me and I will use my magic to heal you up. Understood?” With a strong “Yes, sir!” many of them went up to me.

These changelings came up to get healed. I used my magic to heal each changeling to a hundred percent. I got extremely tired many times, but I felt a wave of energy every single time, and as a result, I quickly recovered.

When I was done healing, I felt extremely tired, but that energy wave helped me recover once more. This time, I looked down at the orb around my neck only to discover that it was glowing, clearly indicating that was what healed me. When it finally stopped glowing I felt better, but not exactly at full strength. Still, I felt relieved to have the orb on me.

With that, I gave each changeling a group and dismissed them to their respective town or city. One by one, the changelings flew out until I was the last changeling left in the hive. Finally, I made my way back to my quarters, opened the door and immediately plopped on the bed, completely exhausted. This day certainly had a lot in store for me, so I wanted to sleep it off and prepare for tomorrow's endeavors.

Edited by: DarkShockBro