• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

After that brief chat with Cadence, I used my magic to create a crystalline barrier around her. Considering that she had just broken into full out sobs, she failed to notice, and probably wouldn’t have cared. Still, it never hurts to be prepared. When I finished, I called my queen to give her a status report. When my horn began glowing, I closed my eyes and concentrated heavily on linking our two minds together. Soon enough, I was able to hear her voice.

She said, “What is it Camo? I am very busy at the moment.”

“ I am sorry, my queen. I just thought that you would like to know what's going on down here.”

“ Yes, please continue.”

“ I have sealed the princess up so she cannot escape.”

“Great job. However, we may have a slight problem. A changeling drunk on love accidentally wandered into the city undisguised and blew his cover, and now the whole city is surrounded by a huge pink force field.”

I growled. “Damn! That’s not good. Do you know any direct solutions, my queen?”

“I believe so. According to my knowledge, Shining armor is the only one that can handle the spell, so I’ll slowly take over his mind until the barrier becomes weak enough for the swarm to invade.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “How fortunate! Great plan, my queen! As always, you have the answers to overcome any obstacle in your path.”

With that, I broke off from our conversation and went above the caverns. Honestly, I wanted to explore Canterlot a little more, because I didn't feel like I took in its beauty enough. So, I took a deep breath and saw the sun rising. However, if I wanted to explore, I would need to disguise myself. And, when went through my collection of ponies I’ve seen over my life, I decided to create my own pony. After all, there was no reason not to.

I transformed into a pegasus with dark yellow fur, a orange and white striped mane, and light green eyes. I flew into the air and landed on a stray cloud. Once there, I had a marvelous view the city, and it was tough deciding where I would like to go. However, the palace, and more importantly the gardens transfixed me, so I slowly glided back down and landed in the middle of the garden.

I slid from the cloud, and walked around, discovering that it was very quiet and peaceful, only adding to the beautiful scenery of the garden, shimmering in the morning light. Subsequently, I heard rustling in a bush nearby. I ran to the bush, and saw was three sets of eyes, one blue, one green, and one red. Unfortunately, once I moved in, the creature it sscampered away.