• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 3,466 Views, 74 Comments

Camo the changeling - M Specter

Camo is second in command of the entire swarm everyone looks up to him, but after the invasion he gets swept off to ponyville were he struggles with his loyalties. His new friends or his queen.

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

I slowly get up from my bed; the first thing I noticed is that the hive was extremely silent; It reminded me of what I needed to do. I got up and walked out of my room. I made my way over to the entrance of the hive.

My mind kept drifting over to our queen I know she must of had a perfectly good reason for leaving us but what? I wonder. Once outside I was immediately blinded by the sun I repeatedly blinked to try to get my eyes to adjust. Once I my eyes adjusted I flapped my wings and proceeded to fly in the direction of Ponyville.

It wasn’t that windy today so flying was easy and very enjoyable. I was even able to do a couple of flips and tricks on the way. I landed in the Everfree forest and changed into my Pegasus form. The forest was very dark and spooky even. I can kind of see why these ponies are afraid of this forest, mysterious noises echoed from every side of me.

Every other step I took I could hear the bushes around me shake a little and I could see the three different pairs of eyes that I saw at Canterlot. I wondered why they kept on following me everywhere I go but I decided that's the least of my problems I needed to get out of this forest.

Sure I could’ve flown straight into Ponyville but I didn’t want to get discovered and this was the easiest way I could think of. After a while the forest slowly diminished until I could see a huge field in front of me. It was about 11 o’clock I’d say from the position of the sun traveling in the sky. The field In front of me was beautiful there were small patches of flowers gear and there and all so some animals grazing.

Also headed straight for me was an orange filly on a scooter attached to a wagon with two other fillies, before I could even register what was happening I felt the vehicle slam into me. My head got struck by the scooter and ended up hitting the tree behind me. I was dazed for a moment and could feel my head pounding like it was in a vice. I felt my transformation fade, and I was very lucky they weren’t looking at the moment or I would’ve been found out for sure.

I rubbed my aching head and my back with my hooves; trying to lessen the pain I just felt but to no avail. I tried tapping into the power of the blue orb but for some reason it wasn’t working. So I picked myself back up, then I wiped my body over trying to get all the dirt and other debris from my coat.

“Hey are you alright.” Scootaloo asked with a worried tone.
“Yeah I’m fine.” I said

“Hey aren’t you that Pegasus colt we saw right before the wedding.” Sweetie Bell said
“Yeah, nice to see you girls again argh.” I immediately put my hoof to my forehead were my skull met with the scooter. The pain was still there and my head kept on hammering with the ongoing pain.

The girls were trying to talk to me but the pain was blocking out any sound that could have possibly came out of their mouths. When it lessened I was able to hear the girls normally.
“So you want to come with us?” Apple Bloom exclaimed
“I'm sorry what I didn’t catch what you said can you say it again.”

“We were asking you if you wanted to go into town with us?” Sweetie Bell replied
“Oh yeah sure lets go”
“Ok hop in the wagon and I'll drive” said Scootaloo

I got into the red wagon with them. They all put on their helmets and prepared themselves for the ride while I went helmet less. Scootaloo flapped her wings in a rapid motion, enough that the only noise you can hear was a consistent buzzing noise. Then the scooter sped off on the dusty road headed straight for a town that could be seen in the distance.

I sat in the furthest most point of the wagon with Sweetie Bell in front of me Apple Bloom at the front of the cart and with Scootaloo driving.
“Hey where did you get that beautiful necklace?” Sweetie Bell exclaimed.
“Oh” I say and look down at my necklace I didn’t know that changing my form would still allow people to see my necklace.
“ My mom gave it to me as a going away present.” It was kind of true in theory my queen is my mom and she did give me the orb before leaving. What I like doing is telling lies with a little bit of the truth so that if my covers blown I could say I wasn’t entirely lying.

Also it helps my conscious not get cluttered with all the lies I’m saying. “Can I touch it?” Sweetie Bell asked inquisitively. “Um” I thought about it for a moment before saying “ Sure just be careful it feels extremely cold.”

She turned her whole body so that her back was now touching Apple Blooms and she was facing towards me. She stuck out her hoof hesitantly as If asking for permission again to touch my necklace. I nodded my head and slowly but surely she moved her hoof to the centerpiece of the necklace.

At that moment Scootaloo hit a bump in the road which caused Sweetie Bell to go more forward then she probably initially thought, instead of touching the orb she put her hoof over my shoulder causing both of us to lean forward and kiss each other.

We stayed like that for a few seconds before we broke away. I could feel myself blushing profusely. I can also see that Sweetie Bell was blushing as well I didn’t know what to do next so we just sat there staring at each other blushing until we got to Ponyville.

Authors note: I didn't make this chapter go through an editor so if there are any grammar misstakes or anything that seems wrong tell me in the comments.