• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,595 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

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A New Life

“Spike!” Twilight called out from the library room of the castle but received no response. She tilted her head and cocked an eyebrow before venturing down the hall. She opened the door to Spike’s room and looked around. She saw comic books in unorganized piles, video games unalphabetized in a cabinet under Spike’s TV, an unfinished bed with his favorite Rarity-looking plushie and posters of the Wonderbolts, Indiana Bones, and Atomic Zilla. The only thing that was missing was the dragon that dwelled in the room.

“Gah! Where is he?” Twilight walked away and closed the door behind her and pressed on to search for her adopted son/draconian assistant. She searched the kitchen, main hall, science lab, magic’s classroom and the five bathrooms this castle had. She searched from top to bottom but found no sign of her son.

“Seriously? Where is he?!” Twilight said, getting very irritated before heading back to the library one last time. “Of all the times I need his help, he goes missing. If I were a betting pony, I’d say he’d be at Rarity’s house,” she shrugged before hearing the castle doorbell ring.

“Who could that be?” she said before walking to castle front doors.

She opened the door and peeked outside. To her surprise, very big surprise actually, she saw Spike with Fluttershy and Scootaloo. Twilight would’ve been happy to see Fluttershy if it wasn’t for the irritated and angry look on her face.

“What happened, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked as she opened the door all the way. Spike nervously rubbed his arm and Scootaloo shuffled a hoof on the ground. Yeah, they were guilty of something.

Twilight gave off a straight face, and asked, “What did Spike do?”

Fluttershy took a slow, calming breath before speaking, “I caught Spike pranking a few of the animals around my home,” she frowned a bit at Twilight. “And, somehow, he persuaded my daughter into joining him,” Fluttershy said in a soft, assertive tone. Spike frowned and secretly glared small daggers at Fluttershy for the false assumption; Scootaloo almost backed him up and spoke out, but she didn’t want to risk getting ‘the stare’ from her mother.

She knew how the animals felt when Fluttershy first gave her the stern, dictating glare. Scootaloo, at first, thought she saw horror in those eyes. How it made her stop in her tracks and cause her to shudder each time she saw that stare. Despite the intense stare down, most of the animals saw a monster in those eyes while she, her friends and the animals that lived near her cottage long enough knew that she was just being protective over them. If only Scootaloo could learn how to gain immunity to her mother’s stare like Discord. Then she wouldn’t have to worry.

“Somehow, I didn’t see that coming,” Twilight said, tilting her head in confusion. Of all the places for Spike to be, she never expected him to be around Fluttershy’s area, and pranking her animals, “I’m sorry, Fluttershy. Was there any damage Spike had done?”

Fluttershy took a little time to think, “Well, not really. There were a few scares from bunnies and foxes, but he didn’t do any anything to hurt them,” that was a relief on Spike’s part. “But, I would appreciate it if you kept a closer eye on him,” She said as Twilight nodded at the request.

Twilight should’ve expected this. Spike was getting a little older, so eyes needed to be on him incase he got into trouble. But, the request was a tad complicated for Twilight as she had lots of things to do, what with being a princess and everything; though the back of her mind told her that some of this stupid responsibility should go to Mayor Mare. She would greatly appreciate it if that lazy mayor took at least some of this responsibility off her back. But in any case, she happily said, “I’ll try a little harder. Hopefully, my ‘princess duties’ don’t get in the way,” Twilight said, smiling at her own joke.

Spike facepalmed and groaned, disappointed and embarrassed from hearing Twilight’s lame joke; Scootaloo even felt the same disappointment. She was glad her mother didn’t make jokes or puns like that, “Leave the jokes to Pinkie Pie, Twilight,” Spike said under his tongue before walking inside and waving to Scootaloo goodbye; Scootaloo waved back with a faint bashful blush.

Twilight chuckled to herself before snapping out of it and looking at her friends with a serious face this time, “I’ll make sure he won’t cause any more trouble,” she said. “Spike’s at that age were pranking is a sport to him.” Or it could be the influences of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie; those two might be prime candidates for causing her draconian son to start pranking; that, or he could’ve been bored. Twilight would take the latter.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but speak up about Twilight’s comment, “Ponies prank just as much as dragons, Twilight,” Scootaloo retorted, referring to not only Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, but to herself, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Cheese Sandwich and, on occasions, Celestia and Luna. “We’re not really all that different,” Scootaloo believed. Fluttershy mentally agreed with her daughter about that, but she decided not to say anything.

Twilight took a mental note of that. “Fair point, Scootaloo,” Twilight said, taking back those words. Perhaps she’ll let Spike off the hook, for now. But that won’t stop her from getting some answers out of the drake. “Well, it was nice seeing you two. Again, sorry for that little event Spike did.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded, “It’s quite alright, Twilight,” an idea pops in her mind as she happily said, “Ooo, maybe we can have a get together sometime.”

Twilight grinned excitedly at that, loving the idea, “I’d love that. It’s been awhile since we ever got to hang out and chat. I missed talking to you and the others.”

“Oh, I know. I’ve been so busy with my animal friends, I always lose track of time and forget how you and the others are doing.”

Twilight couldn’t help but chuckle. She knows exactly how Fluttershy feels when it involved her favorite things. Fluttershy had her animals, and Twilight had her books. It was kind of funny.


Twilight looked at Fluttershy with a confused look while the timid yellow pegasus craned her head down with a hidden smile before looking back at Scootaloo; Scootaloo giving the same confused look like Twilight before Fluttershy cracked a motherly smile and continued, “I’ve been extra busy taking care of my precious little daughter.” She reached to Scootaloo and pulled her close for a tender hug.

Scootaloo widened her eyes and blushed beat red, “Mom! Stop. You’re embarrassing me.”

Twilight smiled, again, and placed a hoof over her mouth and muzzle, loving the sight of Fluttershy hugging Scootaloo. It makes her want to hug Spike and give him the same motherly love Fluttershy gives Scootaloo. When it’s around that time for them to spend time together, perhaps Twilight could ask Fluttershy for some pointers. Sure, she does her best, but being a princess and having more responsibly just gets in the way and forces her to treat Spike as an assistant rather than an actual son. Just once, she’d like a day to have quality time with Spike and treat him as such.

Still, it’s been only half a month since Fluttershy told her, Applejack and Rarity about being Scootaloo’s real mother; it was quite a shock and surprise for the three of them. Though, Twilight didn’t blame Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie for keeping it a secret. She completely understands why they did it. It did raise a few questions in the back of her mind, unfortunately, like ‘who the heck is the father?’ and ‘where has he been this whole time?’ Those questions rang hard, but she had to force herself to not ask. Instincts told her that Fluttershy might not be too comfortable answering questions like those. It did come as another surprise at how gosh darn great Fluttershy has been raising Scootaloo. Sure, she’s seen Scootaloo happy before, but not as happy as she was when she was with Fluttershy when they were telling them the truth. Twilight was still happy for them and she hoped they have a great new life together.

Twilight chuckled as she noticed Scootaloo wanting to get out of Fluttershy’s hold, “I’m so proud of you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy released Scootaloo and gazed back at Twilight, “Thanks, Twilight. That means a lot coming from my friends,” she looks at the sky and noticed it was dawn, “Look at the time, we should get going,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry for keeping you from your duties.”

“No, no, it’s quite alright, Fluttershy,” Twilight said in a friendly tone. “I don’t mind excusing myself from my work. It’s always wonderful to see my friends, even if to tell me a certain dragon has been pranking with or near them.”

“Hey!” Spike said frowning and pouting behind Twilight as she looked back at the young drake and gave him a teasing smile. Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile and giggle a bit, too.

Scootaloo cracked a smile of her own and secretly found Spike’s pouting quite cute.

Twilight giggled again before looking back at Fluttershy, “It was nice seeing you, Fluttershy.” Twilight said. “You two take care now.”

“Oh, you too, Twilight,” Fluttershy said with a friendly, gentle smile. “You have a great day,” Scootaloo waved at Spike goodbye before the two mares left and walked away from Twilight’s castle. Spike waved back and couldn’t help but smile back. Despite being caught by Fluttershy, he had a great time with Scootaloo; maybe someday he, Scootaloo and the other two crusaders can hang out and have fun; and maybe they can hang out at the boutique too, so he can have his quality time with the mare of his dreams.

Spike chuckled and blushed at the thought. The castle doors closed and instantly snapped him out of his fantasy, then gazed at the face of a questionable lavender alicorn.

“So, care to explain why you were around Fluttershy’s cottage pranking her animals?”

Spike crossed his arms, “I was bored. You were busy and I wanted something to do.”

Twilight shook her head, disapprovingly, “There were other things you could’ve occupied yourself with, Spike,” She said. “Of all the places, Spike, you know how dangerous Fluttershy’s animals can be.”

“Twilight, relax. I was only having fun with the deer, chickens, and birds.”

“It doesn’t matter what kind of animals you were having ‘fun’ with, you need to know it’s dangerous to provoke animals; harmless or not” she may have less experience than Fluttershy, but knows that, from reading books, that animals can easily get aggravated and will not hesitate to attack.

“But you heard Fluttershy, I didn’t cause any damage,” Spike retorted. “I was aware, Twilight.”

“Yet, that didn’t stop you from doing what you were doing,” Twilight said with a light glare, but smiles a bit then added, “But I can let you off with a warning. Since Fluttershy wasn’t angry, I guess everything’s alright.”

Spike looked at Twilight surprised and shocked. He scratched his head and pondered why Twilight just let him off with a warning. Usually, when he gets in trouble, Twilight would get serious and stern and either ground him or put him through five hours of studying Starswirl’s book of English literature; it was a pain getting through that, but a good long pretend-to-read-while-Twilight-wasn’t-looking trick always helped him. This warning was a big reward to him, but he still wanted to know why.

“I like that you gave me the warning, but why, Twilight?”

Twilight’s glare turned into a warm, lighthearted smile as she walked up and gave Spike a loving, gentle hug.

Spike was starting to get a little worried, “Are you alright Twilight?”

Twilight nodded and kept her son close, “Yes, Spike. I’m just doing what I think a mother should.”

Spike paused and gazed at Twilight, speechless from hearing her words, “M-mom?” like Twilight, he too forgot that he was hatched by Twilight. Sure, Celestia found him as an egg, but it was all Twilight who hatched and raised him, molded him into who he is. So, in other words, Twilight was a princess and even young like him, but those mattered less when he remembered that Twilight was the only mare he considered his mother, and he was happy for it. A smile grazed the dragon’s face as he wrapped his arms around Twilight, hugging her as Twilight spread and wrapped her wings around him.

Spike nestled close to Twilight, and said, “I love you, mom.”

A tear slowly slid down Twilight’s cheek when Spike said that, her smile grew wider as she tried to resist the urge to cry. I guess this is what her mom felt when she told her the same thing, and now she wondered if Fluttershy felt the same when Scootaloo told her she loved her.

She looked at Spike with gentle, loving, motherly eyes, and said, “I love you too, Spike. Not as a friend, or just an assistant. I love you as my son. And I’m proud to be your mother.” Her voice was soft and tender. She meant every word of what she said. And she will continue to try and raise her son just right, like how her parents did with her and Shining.

Spike gazed up at Twilight. He enjoyed this. If other ponies saw this, he’d be very embarrassed and tried to stop her, but the castle was quiet and peaceful, not a soul around. Perfect. Spike hugged Twilight like a panda cub, “Thank you, Mom.”

Twilight chuckled. She’ll have to get used to Spike calling her mom from now on – even though she doesn’t mind in the slightest. Twilight smiled again before asking Spike, “Wanna go watch a movie?”

Spike perked up excitedly, “Would I!” Twilight released Spike from her embrace as the happy little dragon zoomed away to go pick a movie while Twilight got up and giggled, following behind Spike.


“Scootaloo, what happened earlier today? Why did you join Spike in pranking my animal friends?” Fluttershy said as she looked at Scootaloo while walking away from Twilight’s castle and through Ponyville. Her tone wasn’t quite assertive. She was just curious to know why her daughter did what she did; and why.

Scootaloo dipped her head in thought before responding, “I just wanted to hang out with Spike. We hardly ever hang out.”


“Me, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo continued. “Last time we ever hung out was at my old crummy orphanage when Spike told us he was on a day off from helping Twilight with chores and stuff,” Scootaloo snorted hating that she even brought up that cesspool of an orphanage.

Fluttershy reminisced at the thought, but she pushed it away as she wrapped her soft wing around Scootaloo’s small form, “Don’t let that orphanage get to you, sweetie,” Fluttershy said in a gentle, motherly voice. “Be glad you’re out of that awful place and back with your true mother.”

Scootaloo smiled happily at that. She was more than glad; she was ecstatic; thrilled even. She was so happy to be with her actual mother that she hoped she wasn’t dreaming, again. Fluttershy’s wing proved otherwise. This wasn’t a dream, and it was all too real. She was fully awake and in the hold of her kind mother. Fluttershy noticed the smile and dipped her head down to softly nuzzle Scootaloo’s check. Scootaloo blushed embarrassingly, hoping no pony was watching; a few did notice but paid no heed to it.

Scootaloo scrunched her muzzle before Fluttershy stopped her nuzzling. She sighed quietly, relieved before Fluttershy looked at her with a teasing grin, and asked, “I noticed that blush you made when Spike waved at you,” she unwrapped her wing from her daughter. “Mind explaining that?”

Scootaloo widened her eyes as big as dinner plates. She froze in place and could’ve sworn she felt her heart skip a beat.

There goes the happiness. Now it’s just full-blown embarrassment. Thank Celestia Applebloom and Sweetie Belle wasn't around. She would’ve panicked a lot more than Cheerilee when she found out there was a fire in the school. Only to find out that fire nothing but a stupid, yet hilarious, prank caused by Snips and Snails. Upside, there was no homework. The downside, the two class clowns got eight weeks of detention. Scootaloo would giggle for remembering that, if it hadn’t been for the situation she was currently in.

“Well?” Fluttershy said eager to know; though she might have a few guesses. But she wanted to hear it from her daughter’s mouth.

She kind of got her answer when Scootaloo chokingly replied, “I… um… I…” her blush deepens as she bashfully looked at the ground, feeling some pressure build up in her chest. “I thought he was…” she shyly and quietly mumbled the last word, but it was hard for Fluttershy here.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Fluttershy tried to hear her closer but only got a mumbled slur from Scootaloo, “Didn’t quite catch that, Sweetie.”

Scootaloo’s blush intensified, and she crushed her eyelids. The pressure was too much for her to handle as she blurts out the last word, “Cute!” she shouted. “I thought he was cute, alright. You happy now?”

Fluttershy smiled victoriously, and said, “Very,” while also getting a strange feeling of deja vu. She shrugged it off, and said: “I think it’s sweet you have a little crush on Spike.”

Scootaloo blushed again, and asked, “Please, don’t tell anyone.”

Fluttershy motioned a cross on her furry chest, “Cross my heart, hope to fly”—She placed her hoof over her left eye—“Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Scootaloo smiled a bit and hugged her mother close, “Thanks, mom.” Fluttershy smiled softly and hugged Scootaloo just as close. Fluttershy gave her word, and she’ll happily keep it. She wasn’t going to be that kind of mother who openly tells her friends about Scootaloo’s crush; she wanted to be a cool mother, not a harsh one like a few of the mothers in Ponyville. Though, if she were a betting pony, when Rainbow Dash becomes a mother she’ll be doing that exact thing just to tease her child. Fluttershy secretly rolled her eyes at the thought before looking at Scootaloo.

“You’re welcome, Sweetie,” an idea suddenly popped. “Ooo, want to play with your friends today?” she kindly asked.

Scootaloo shook her head, “Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are going to be busy today with Applejack and Rarity. They said they were going on a trip to Mt. Rushmare for a project,” Scootaloo shrugged. “Don’t know what it is, though.”

Fluttershy drooped her ears and frowned a bit, “Oh, alright. Well, maybe we can see if…”

“Besides, I wanna play with my new pet today,” Scootaloo said as she bounced excitedly with a wide grin on her face

Fluttershy flinched at Scootaloo’s decision, “Are you sure?” she asked hesitantly. “I’m not quite sure if he’s ready to play, yet. I mean, he became your pet two days ago and I think he still might be adjusting to his new home,” she tried to reassure Scootaloo about her rash decision, but the little orange filly insisted.

“No way, I’ve been excited to play with Varan ever since he became part of the family,” Scootaloo said with a pleasant look on her face. She was eager to play and nothing was going to stop her, not even Fluttershy. Her little wings buzzing with excitement.

Fluttershy sighed in defeat, “Alright, just be careful with him. I’m not too familiar with an animal like Varan, so I don’t know what he’s capable of.” She knew a lot of animals, but Varan was an animal on a whole different level.

Scootaloo hardly paid attention to her as she crouched down, ready to head home, “Okay, mom. Meet you back home.”

“Scootaloo, wait!” but it was too late. Scootaloo dashed away from Fluttershy and headed straight home, kicking up a dirt cloud in front of her, causing the timid mare to cause, “Oh my, I hope she doesn’t get into trouble.” She was about to follow Scootaloo when an all-too-familiar voice caught her attention.

“Whoa, I knew a sensed a familiar aura nearby,” Fluttershy turned around and gasped in shock as she smiled excitedly at the pony in front of her.

Author's Note:

Finally done with the first prologue. Enjoy.