• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,596 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

  • ...

The Trial Of Spoiled Milk (Part 2)

Bon Bon sat down and looked up, indifferent but still very much angry at the position she was brought into and where she was for this to take place. It was still roughly in the afternoon when she was given the choice to become a witness for Spoiled's trial -- personally, she would've preferred to be an executioner, but that would, unfortunately, go against Twilight's wishes. She took a slow, calm breath as a welcoming, cool mistral brushed against her body. It was a clear indicator that it was the afternoon but the shadow that loomed over her made it seem like the morning sun still hadn't shown itself.

She sighed softly to herself as she sat there and looked at Twilight's castle with the same indifference. She then looked behind her to see the other homes that resided in Ponyville, ignoring the ponies that had noticed her and the ones that chose to come out and wait for Spoiled Rich to return. As she looked back at Twilight's castle, she never said a word -- nor gawked at how fancy the castle looked. If it were different, sure she'd marvel at how this alien structure was made. Instead, she just pondered about it. Sometimes, when she'd notice, a lot of ponies would waste some of their time just to show their awe at how different and unique Twilight's castle looked. Was it because they saw it was something to take photos of, get jealous of, or talk about? Or is it just something they wished they could have – a fancier home to live in?

To think it all started between a fight with Tirek. Twilight literally fought tooth and hoof against that magic-hungry monster – even being on par in strength of his level, which the centaur was impressed by as he commented about that during their fight - and with the help of her friends – of course - she earned a castle in the end, replacing the library which sadly had gotten destroyed by the big bastard during their fight. Bon Bon found it a little ironic, actually; when it first appeared, it genuinely felt like an end to a chapter of a story. But, with it actually here and not leaving anytime soon, she knew for others in this town it was still an amazing sight, and she would've gladly agreed with those ponies. But, now, after a traumatizing wake-up call like the one she went through, she just viewed this blasted castle as nothing more than a ...

"Total eyesore, isn't it?" Gilda said poking fun at Twilight's castle as she sat next to Bon Bon while looking up at the castle and causing Bon Bon to flinch out of her zone.

"Ack, what the hell?!" Bon Bon said, nearly jumping out of her skin as she turned with a panicked snort. That griffon showed up out of nowhere.

But, Gilda merely chuckled and took it as a natural thing, "Sorry, force of habit."

She calmed down after that little sneak-up and lightly pouted at the stranger, "Is it now?" She said, a tad bit agitated, before she then looked back up at the castle with her. She was right about what she called it, though, "But, yeah, it's a big eyesore. Feels out of place compared to everything else around Ponyville."

Bon Bon pouted lightly but she softened as she mentioned why it was here in the first place – remembering that it was Twilight's technically third home, "I almost miss seeing the library instead of this big honking thing. But after Tirek made his attack – no thanks to him in destroying the place - now our town has a castle." She made a sarcastic yet dramatic motion to the castle as if to present it for the first time.

In truth, no offense to Twilight in any way shape, or form, Bon Bon hated seeing the castle. Before, Ponyville was such a smooth, settled town that was easy to look around and not have anything flashy affect anyone's eyes. Now, with Twilight's castle planted next to Ponyville, that kind of changed things here -- and from what this griffon said, she wasn't the only one who thought the same thing. Did other ponies share the same thought? That was good to know, at least.

It was a mesmerizing sight in the beginning, but now it's just an ugly eyesore. But, she wasn't gonna tell Twilight that; that wasn't on her to-do list.

"Heh, ain't that the truth," Gilda said, agreeing with her. "We have a castle kinda like this back at Griffonstone, but it's not crystal-y like this one." She pointed at Twilight's castle's crystalline design, dragging a talon on its smooth surface. "It's a bit run down and somewhat abandoned."

Bon Bon looked at her, indifferently and a little annoyed. She was in no mood to learn anything today. She came here specifically to get this day ... wait, Griffonstone? Hold on, a griffon?! She widened her eyes in surprise when the realization finally hit her and she whipped her head to look at the griffon girl next to her.

"Wait, you?" Bon Bon said surprised, her eyes did not deceive her. She didn't expect to see another griffon here. She thought Gallus was the only one around in Ponyville. Maybe she was here before and she just didn't notice her? If that was the case then what was she doing here?

Gilda looked at her oddly and cocked her head to the side a little with a curious chicken cluck emitting from her, "Uh, yes, me?" she said confused, not quite understanding why this pony acted so surprised. "My name is Gilda. In case you're wondering."

Bon Bon blinked a couple of times before she shook her head to snap herself out of her stupor, "Right, sorry. I was just surprised is all. I didn't expect to see another griffon here." Which was actually another golden opportunity when the thought now occurred to her after what Gallus told her earlier.

"I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking." She smiled a little, maybe there was something good out of this that she can learn, especially with what she had in mind for little Gallus.

Gilda looked perplexed. Did this pony not recognize her? She's acting like she's never seen a griffon before. And here she assumed she was well-known around Ponyville for her rotten attitude episode, but, apparently, she was proven wrong. She was genuinely surprised but she wasn't gonna let that tidbit out, at all. For now, she'll just roll with it.

However, there was one thing that was missing in this get-together, and she held a talon up to stop this mare from going any further, "Hold it." Gilda said. "Before I answer any of your questions, care to tell me your name? It seems fair, don't-cha think?"

Bon Bon paused before she realized her own mistake, "Oh, right, I'm Sweetie Drops. But, you can call me Bon Bon, if you want. Either one is good…" She didn't really care about either name, whatsoever, anymore. As far as she was concerned, what she was called didn't matter.

Gilda silently flinched. Fluttershy mentioned Bon Bon before while she visited her boyfriend and brought up the moment Marabunda snagged her girlfriend down the well and axed her. This mare must be that Bon Bon Fluttershy was talking about. Now that she got a good look at her, the mare looked a little worse for wear and the makeup she had on didn't help her case. But, she did seem stable right now. Wonder why that is?

In any case, Gilda felt bad for Bon Bon, and with her here, she had a feeling she was told by someone to come here. If she were to guess, it likely could've been Twilight herself or one of the others hence why Fluttershy showed up the way she did. She honestly didn't know what to think here, but, if by chance, she would've gladly told Twilight, Rainbow Dash, or any one of them who suggested bringing Bon Bon here that it might've been a bad idea. Bon Bon looked like she was still grieving and if Spoiled were to show up right now, Tartarus would be unleashed. At least, that's what she thought, but, right now, something or someone was keeping a stable head on this mare's shoulders to make her think clearly and it brought some relief to her. But, she did have some questions for her that she wouldn't mind answering once she knew what they were.

"So, your questions?" Gilda said, reminding Bon Bon.

Bon Bon nodded and got straight to it, "Alright, um, I don't know how well griffons know each other in Griffonstone, but, do you know a griffon named Gallus?"

Gilda's eyes went wide at that question. 'Course she knew Gallus; he was Glinda's pen-pal for a long while. Every now and then, she'd see him in Griffonstone and would chat with him if she got the chance, too, or if she was in the mood to talk. She couldn't remember the last time Glinda brought him up when they'd have their conversations. She started to think Glinda might've gained a little cub crush on Gallus or something – which, when one thinks about it, was kind of cute for someone little Glinda's age. But, she never bothered to ask about it because it wasn't her business to pry.

"Yeah, I know him," Gilda said, but now that he was brought up, she heard he went missing after the fight with Marabunda. She wondered where he went after that but never bothered to go investigate. "He's a friend of my little sister, and her pen-pal, as a matter of fact."

Bon Bon smiled lightly at that last part, "That's good to know." She was happy to know he, at least, had more friends around to be by his side. When she gets back, she'd ask Gallus if he knew Gilda's little sister. Learning about this was very interesting, to her.

"But, why, though? Is he okay?" Gilda asked, concerned about why she would ask about him. "Is he hurt?"

Bon Bon quickly raised a hoof and smiled reassuringly. "Oh, no-no-no, don't worry. He's fine," Bon Bon motioned back to Ponyville before she told Gilda the truth. "He's been living with me for a bit. He felt bad for what happened and blamed himself for not being able to save Lyra. So, he wanted to help me get back on my hooves."

Now, she wouldn't openly say these kinds of stuff to anyone after she just met them, but Gilda was an exception for several reasons. And then she smiled a little wider. He was willing to help her after what happened and he'd try as hard as he could do it, but, after what he told her and the idea she now had in mind, she now has something new to look forward to. She was wanting to repay him for his kind and loyal efforts. However, she needed to confirm something, too, and Gilda was gonna be that second opinion.

"So, Gallus has been at your place the whole time?" Gilda asked, surprised that he's been there the whole time.

But, now that she thought about it, it was coming back to her. Gallus tried to save a unicorn from falling into that broken well Big Mac used to trap Marabunda into. She didn't know what else happened after because she was confined in that bakery but she knew Gallus tried to help as much as he could. She was proud and she'll let him know when she sees him – he was very brave that night, and she's proud of him, and she's proud to call him a friend of hers and Glinda's.

"Yes," said Bon Bon. "He's been telling me a lot of stuff he's been through throughout his life. And, it had me wondering," She looked at her in a slightly curious manner, "Is Griffonstone really as bad as what he's been telling me?"

She almost hesitated to ask that since she assumed Gilda might've lived there her whole life and would've given her a different answer, should she take offense by someone talking bad about her home. Gallus said some pretty nasty things about Griffonstone and she wanted input from another griffon to learn if what Gallus said was true. And with Gilda here, she wanted to know if she had a different --

"Oh, yeah, it's pretty bad," Gilda said so casually that this moment might as well be regular chit-chat for her, nodding at her that whatever Gallus must've told her is no doubt true.

Nevermind, her view was just as identical as he was. Wow! Bon Bon shot her eyes open again in utter astonishment.

"Really?" she said with eagerness in her tone.

Gilda nodded. She had no clue what Gallus told her, but, "Whatever he said to you I can bet you is more than likely true." She gazed off into the distance into the skies, most likely to gaze off in the direction of Griffonstone, "Griffonstone is not what you ponies would call a happy place. It used to be a prideful home to us griffons, but after the Idol of Boreas vanished, life was never the same for anygriffon. And frankly, it's turned into quite a depressing crap-town." She shrugged a shoulder as she admitted one little perk while turning back to BonBon, "I mean, it's learning to accept friendship from what I've last seen, but it's not enough to convince me to stay there. That's why I'm moving here with my little sister. Start fresh, with a clean slate, ya know?"

"I see," Bon Bon said, that last part she understood perfectly. She can't blame someone wanting a clean slate and a fresher start. "So, you had a rough life up there, too?"

"Yeah, I did. But, I won't go into too much about it. Long story short, Griffonstone is rough and a warm welcome from anyone is not likely gonna happen – even if ya paid the greedy cluckers."

So, her hunch was right. Gallus did have a rough life, after all. She felt ever-so-bad for him now than she ever did; Gilda pretty much confirmed it since she sounded like she had more experience than he did. This was why she was now more motivated to do what she had planned and once this whole stupid trial was done and over with, she will find Filthy because he had something she needed from him.

"Alright. Thank you, Gilda. That's all I needed to hear." She nodded in gratitude.

But, Gilda still looked perplexed by what Bon Bon asked her. Why did she ask her those questions and what did it have to do with Gallus?

"Uh, no problem. But, Bon Bon, what's this all about, anyway?" Gilda asked, curiously. "You seem like you got something on your mind and that smile isn't doing you any favors." She chuckled and lightly teased her since she noticed that eager grin on her face, giving a teeny poke to one of her cheeks with her talon.

Bon Bon blushed brightly at the touch and waved a hoof at Gilda, "Oh, uh, sorry. I had something in mind for Gallus that I think he'd absolutely love." Bon Bon explained before she asked Gilda, her tone changing from bright to a somber yet worried tone while asking her, "Are you aware that Gallus is an orphan?"

Gilda nodded. She knew that as much as everyone in Griffonstone knew; it was common knowledge. And, unlike the other griffons, it pained her to no end to know this. Gallus was a smart-alecky griffon who liked to poke fun at others when he could - like a little punk, but he had a good heart and didn't hold anything against anyone. If it were possible, she could've taken him under her wing, but she had her own priorities with herself and Glinda to deal with.

"Yeah, I knew. A lot of us did," Gilda said, regrettably as she rubbed the back of her neck. "No one knew who his parents were and no one once thought of taking him in…" She admitted to her, assuring her if she hadn't had her own problems, she would've changed that herself. "If I didn't have my own problems and priorities to deal with, along with caring for my little sister, I would've taken him under my wing myself." She sighed lightly, she felt bad for the kid. It's not easy for anyone who has the orphan life.

"His 'guardian' Grandpa Gruff took him in to give him shelter, a bit of food, and basically a roof over his head, but that's just about it. I talked to him every now and then when I could until he went to that school Twilight runs." And that's all Gilda had for her. As far as Gilda knew, he was just someone she knew – but after what they had gone through recently, she was willing to call him a friend she was proud of having.

But, she still noticed the smile on the mare's face, "What do you have in mind for him?" Gilda asked curiously.

Bon Bon blushed lightly but looked up at Gilda with excitement in her eyes, "Well, I was thinking with what Gallus told me and how much he's done for me, I figured I'd -- "

"Gilda!" a familiar voice called out to the griffon and got hers and Bon Bon's attention.

Both looked back to find Rainbow Dash approaching them with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Drift behind her.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash," Gilda greeted, happy to see her friend but unaware that Bon Bon's excited smile dulled back to a stern frown before she looked away from them. She came to her friend and exchanged a hoof-talon bump with her in greeting.

"Is everyone almost ready?" Gilda asked, wondering if everyone who was involved in the fight was gonna join this trial.

"Well, kinda, Rarity is gonna be joining us, in a bit. She's dropping off Sweetie Belle back at her parent's place," Rainbow Dash explained. "Scootaloo would be here, but..."

"She's too busy patching up her 'dragon hoard'," Drift said jokingly with a chuckle, winking at the girls who gradually got his little hint and either blushed or looked amused. "Heard Flame Queen say she had things under control, but my baby girl wasn't having it."

Fluttershy pouted at Drift for that little name he gave to Ember, "Drift, she's the 'Dragon Lord', not Flame Queen."

Yet, Drift just raised his scarred brow at her, "You sure?" he said, questionably. "Doesn't seem like it, to me." With how things are going at that hospital, Ember doesn't have a rule to stamp onto when Scootaloo steps in. He knows after she's done with Spike and Smolder, Varan's gonna get a wholesome visit next. But he also added, "Plus Smolder's friends wanted to check on her and Spike, too, including that little griffon." He felt that at least needed to be known that Smolder and Gallus' friends will be keeping them company at the hospital.

"Anyway," Rainbow Dash nodded, giving the status report once Ember was brought up. "Ember will be joining us in a bit, too. All that's left is Discord and he's bringing..." She frowns lightly, not wanting to look at the mare herself, "…you-know-who." She noticed Bon Bon sitting next to Gilda and kept herself from saying Spoiled's name in front of her. She feared if that name was mentioned, she'd go into a frenzy like she did before.

Fluttershy, after finishing her talk with Drift, noticed Bon Bon looking away from everyone and quietly gasped to herself in surprise that Bon Bon actually showed up. She wanted to know how she was doing and holding up after what happened with Lyra. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were being very vague about it after they met up but she had to know.

Fluttershy was about to approach Bon Bon to greet her but a pink blur stepped in front of her and blocked her path. Pinkie Pie stood in front of Fluttershy and shook her head slowly with tense eyes.

"Pinkie?" Fluttershy said, shocked. "What are you doing?"

"Trust me, Fluttershy, you do not want to go near her right now," Pinkie Pie warned her, nearly sounding like she pleaded with her not to go near Bon Bon. "She's not in any mood to talk to anybody. If I were you, I'd let her be."

Fluttershy would've objected to this, but with how serious Pinkie Pie sounded -- Pinkie Pie, of all ponies -- she couldn't object to the warning. Whatever else happened between Bon Bon, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, it had to have been serious. But, for now, she'll let her be.

Pinkie Pie had the right call to back her off. Bon Bon overheard her and appreciated her for doing that. She was still pissed off at Fluttershy for that ridiculous choice and for persuading everyone to join her side. The last thing she wanted was to have a conversation with that sensitive hippie.

Not only that, but she overheard Gilda having a talk with Rainbow Dash. It didn't take her much to put two and two together that they were friends; figured as much. But, she wasn't gonna hold anything against Gilda; she didn't deserve it. In fact, she had no more use for Gilda since all her questions were answered and she got the info she needed. So, as far as she was concerned, everyone around her can just leave her alone. Once Filthy shows up, she'll get what she needs.

Rainbow Dash noticed Bon Bon next to Gilda and felt a little nervous and concerned, "Uh, Gilda, how are things going out here?" She motioned to Bon Bon, quietly but also warned her that the mare in question was also a time bomb waiting to happen.

Gilda got the hint right away and looked over at Bon Bon briefly, "Doing good, I suppose." She shrugged at Rainbow Dash as a sign that told her nothing happened. "We just talked about a few things and that's about it."

That was a good note to write on. Rainbow Dash felt a wave of relief wash over her. The last thing she ever wanted was for her old friend to have a mouthful from a mare who's been grieving for hours.

"That's good to know." She was at least grateful to know that Bon Bon isn't closing herself off completely from everyone. While she understood she needed time to grieve, cutting herself off from others who care about her or want to help her wasn't healthy. She dealt with that herself when she tried to convince Scootaloo to give Fluttershy a chance months ago.

Gilda nodded in response but something caught her attention at the top of her eyes just above the group. As she glanced up, her friends noticed and looked at where she was looking at.

Bon Bon didn't budge for a moment until she heard what sounded like light wings flapping. Curious, she turned her gaze and spotted a turquoise-colored dragoness soar down and land in a near-heroic fashion.

The dragoness rose up and folded her wings. She arrived just in time to be a part of the trial, but Ember couldn't resist landing near her friends to greet them.

"Am I late to the -- "

"Ember!!!" almost all her friends called out in shock and surprise that she was alive and well.

The dragoness flinched when Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie jumped her and glomped her for a tight hug. They were all happy to see she was here. "Oh… great… more pony hugs!" She blushed faintly but fought her urge to look uncomfortable with the contact. She could read from the body language they had been worried about her.

"Ember, you made it!" Pinkie Pie said, so happy to see Ember was alright. "We thought you were burnt to crisp dragon tenders after that monster tossed you away." And she was relieved that wasn't the case.

"Yeah, how did you survive?" Rainbow Dash asked, utterly surprised she survived a hard throw like that -- not to mention an explosion, after.

As much as Ember liked the attention, she was still far from accepting hugs. Aside from Spike, and now Smolder from what Scootaloo told her, she was still not too keen on that whole mushy, huggy stuff. But, she evolved to a point where she could work around it.

"You do know who you're talking to, right?" Ember said in a bit of a gloat as she easily got back up and held the mares each in one of her respective claws. "And you do realize who you're friends with, don't-cha?"

Ember easily hoisted both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash over her head and smiled boastfully and proudly at the strength she was demonstrating. She was not gonna show up looking like a scared hatchling. Oh no!

Drift, Fluttershy, and Gilda were getting a good kick out of this. Seeing Rainbow Dash want to be put down was hilarious and seeing Pinkie Pie just rolling with it and acting like she was flying made them chuckle. But, Bon Bon was not really wanting to indulge, so she just ignored them, although she smirked lightly at hearing them yelp from being hoisted up. It was a bit of dark humor for her, but she won't say it out loud.

"I can survive lava," Ember said as she used Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as living dumbbells just for the giggles as the two squealed but then laugh once they realized what she was doing. "I survived a fight with a chimera. Endured other dragons' ramblings…" She pouts and makes a exaggerated stressed face, "…especially suffered through one dragon's complaints you know too well." That was a jab at one teen dragon at least Dash was familiar with. "I survived getting stomped on by a hydra –" She blinked and pointed with Rainbow Dash in her claw, assuring that one was an accidental stomp. "-- accidentally, of course! A mere throw from a manticore into an explosive grill means nothing to me!"

She tossed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie up in the air with relative ease as her friends watched as Rainbow Dash regained her flight and Pinkie Pie just... hovered back down with her tail right next to Ember who instantly looked confused by her ability to do that.

"I still have so many questions about you," Ember said puzzled at Pinkie Pie before Pinkie Pie just smiled happy-go-lucky and hopped away back to Fluttershy.

Gilda let out a surprised whistle at Ember's feats. She knew dragons were hardheaded and strong but she didn't think this one was able to endure that much, "Gotta say, that's pretty metal."

Ember nodded at that compliment and proudly beat her chest once, letting Gilda hear the thick thump of her claws hitting solid thick scaly skin, "Thick scales. They really come in handy when you're dealing with the tough stuff."

A few minutes rolled by until Applejack and Rarity finally arrived alongside Big Mac. The crowd who arrived to witness Spoiled's arrival arrived in lines on each side of the trail to Twilight's castle. Not a single one wanted to miss this moment.

But, by the time the crowd did show up, the Mane Five, Drift, Big Mac, Ember, Gilda, and Bon Bon were all gathered in the main hall behind the entrance doors.

And, on cue, Twilight arrived to meet them. Her friends noticed she looked better than she did after her rampage in her room but they kind of anticipated what her reaction will be once Spoiled Rich showed up.

"Darling, how are you doing?" Rarity asked. "You feeling any better?"

Twilight nodded, "Yes, Rarity, I'm fine. I've had plenty of time to cool down." But, her attention was quickly drawn to Bon Bon who looked away from everyone.

Unlike Fluttershy from before, Twilight gently approached Bon Bon as she said, "But, it's not me who needs to be asked that." She sat down in front of Bon Bon who still had a cold shoulder to her.

"So, what's with this one?" Ember asked, confused by what was going on. "Why is she here and being all sulky?"

"Long story short, Ember, she's a personal victim of Marabunda's attack," Rainbow Dash answered, trying to be careful with what she was saying. Bon Bon had been through enough and to have that story told over and over might get her nerves in a tight knot, so she tried to dance around it and add a different but fitting and true term to what can sum it up.

But, Bon Bon overheard Rainbow Dash. Her nerves were more than shot. She didn't want to hear any more of it and yet Lyra's death was still being spread like gossip. And before Twilight could even ask if Bon Bon was doing alright, her answer came in a short-tempered burst, "Oh don't even try to be so subtle about it, Rainbow Dash. In fact, why don't I just spill it out in case it wasn't clear enough for you and everyone else here in this damn castle."

Everyone in the main hall flinched and stood back as they watched Bon Bon begin to flare up with rage. It was obvious she was still in the anger phase of grief and they had no clue if it was a wise idea to try and calm her down. Twilight and the other five knew they needed to bring her over as a witness but the tension wasn't supposed to be like this.

Bon Bon gave everyone a death glare and snarled like a feral wolf, "My Lyra was taken from me because a stupid mare and her brain-dead brat called over a blood-hungry monster to kill those two and their child over there -- " she pointed to Drift and Fluttershy who had a look of worry on their faces " -- all because of some stupid thing two fillies did."

How she guessed that was anyone's guess -- ironic as that was.

Twilight held her ground, this time, and tried to ease Bon Bon's tension as best as she could as she carefully approached to place a hoof on her shoulder, "Bon Bon, I know that you're upset, but like you, we're all upset, too, and we're still processing what happened yesterday. It was out of our control that what happened had happened. We'll bring her to justice, I swear."

But, Bon Bon wasn't buying it. That calm yet understanding tone Twilight had going on was all but white noise to her. Lyra may have been Twilight's childhood friend but Twilight acted as though she barely cared. Either she was hiding her true feelings or she just didn't want to express them like her pompous, formal mentor. All Bon Bon had to show for Twilight was nothing but pain in her eyes and, if she wanted to, she could go all out on this alicorn and really nail it in that book-obsessed head of hers what true pain felt.

"I wanna make something crystal clear to you, Twilight Sparkle," Bon Bon said with a highly potent venomous tone that felt as though it wasn't just aimed at her, it was aimed at the other five, too. And they got that message immediately.

"I came here because I wanna see you go by your word. I wanna see you bring that bitch to justice. Throw her in a slammer, turn her into a damn statue, or something remotely punishable for her. I don't want to hear you lecture her about friendship. I wanna hear you throw a hammer down on her and give her a punishment that is nice and fit for an entitled sow like her. I want her answering for what she's done – especially to me. You hear me, Twilight Sparkle?" Bon Bon gave Twilight a cold-shoulder glare, demanding to hear Twilight give her word. Her trust in Twilight and her friends was all but withering in front of them, and she wanted them to know.

Twilight held her ground, again, and looked Bon Bon in the eyes. She sensed a world of hate and pain in them. Twilight did not appreciate being told what to do since she was of higher authority as the fourth princess, but she knew Bon Bon didn't care about that in the slightest. If she even uttered a word, she had a sickening feeling Bon Bon would not believe any of it. Bon Bon really put her in a bind here, yet she knew where she was coming from. She missed Lyra, she really did; she was one of her childhood friends. But, she had to keep a strong head on her shoulders so this trial could go smoothly. She couldn't abuse her power like some kind of dictator -- she wasn't Sombra. Yes, she was mad at Spoiled too for what she had done, but she had no idea what punishment she had in mind for Spoiled, yet. Sure, a jail cell was fine but she could get out at any time with how many bits she had. But, it wasn't just about her word -- in fact...

"I hear you, Bon Bon; and I understand that you're angry and don't want anything to do with anyone with what you're going through." She was no fool, she knew that loss was never easy to get over. But she will promise her that Spoiled will be answering for this. "Everyone here gets to say their piece to Spoiled -- even you. And I know you have a lot to say to her. That's why I invited you here." She nodded in understanding and tried to settle her. "But taking it out on others instead of her is not going to help things. Spoiled Rich is the one that deserves every bit of anger from you." This started to settle Bon Bon, while she didn't want to admit it – the princess had a point there. "We only wish to help you as best we can during this time. So, please, save whatever anger you feel and hurtful thing you need to say for her."

And there was another point the princess had. While she's justifiably angry and hurting, she does know they just wanted to help her.

"Try to relax and take deep breaths until it's time to start," Twilight calmly laid a hoof on hers, gingerly pleading to her to save her energy for Spoiled Rich.

As Twilight tried to defuse the situation, Fluttershy gingerly approached the two mares and attempted to talk to Bon Bon with an idea she might want to hear, "Bon Bon, if you'll let me, I know someone who works in therapy that can help ease your nerves -- "

The tension in the hall around everyone suddenly intensified. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash tried to get Fluttershy back so she wouldn't get hurt but it was too late. Pinkie Pie warned her before but Fluttershy clearly forgot.

Bon Bon stiffened up before she slowly turned and looked at Fluttershy with a stare so cold that a cockatrice would freeze over faster than its stone gaze. Fluttershy froze in place and stopped before she could say anything else. A look of fear on her face; everyone who saw the glare felt a cold chill run up their spine.

"You..." Bon Bon said in a heavy, anger-fueled tone. "... are the last pony I want to hear, right now, Fluttershy. Don't even think for one damn second that Spoiled is the only one I have a bone to pick with. You -- " but Bon Bon quickly stopped herself and jerked her head away from Fluttershy so she wouldn't look at her. "You…!" She then took a single deep breath and slowly exhaled to ease her nerves, or attempt to. Twilight was right about one thing – she needs to save the energy, her anger, for when the trial starts – only then will she be able to give that sow a piece of her mind and let her see how much she hurt not only her, but the others, too.

"No, on second thought, never mind. You're not worth it, anymore," Bon Bon said disappointingly as she glanced down at the crystal floor, looking back at her reflection. She grimaced at herself when she saw a fury-filled scowl and a cold glare being reflected toward her. She gasped only lightly and flinched just a little at how she just acted and remembered why she was actually here. Gallus wouldn't want her to act up, not now.

"Please… just… for all our sakes… just leave me alone, Fluttershy," Bon Bon said somberly while she walked away from her, Twilight, and everyone else around her. She wanted this trial over with so she could talk to Filthy when she got the chance.

And Fluttershy gladly did as such and backed away, shaking from that sudden ordeal. She expected Bon Bon to grieve but she didn't expect her to turn into an outright demon with that glare. And yet, an odd sense of irony washed over her for some reason.

"Geez," Ember said awkwardly as she scratched her horns in disbelief at witnessing the anger of a pony like Bonbon be displayed in such a way. And here she thought her fellow dragons were hotheads. "And I thought I had anger issues."

*Outside of Twilight's Castle*

Discord appeared before the crowd with Filthy and Spoiled. Already, the crowd grew silent and all eyes latched onto the three. Discord was aware of this and knew if anyone tried something, he'd snap them back into place -- even remind them to watch themselves. Everyone wasn't happy, that was an obvious fact, but there shouldn't be any more blood spilled, even if it was Spoiled's blood.

Just like Discord, Filthy was aware too. He was not gonna let these piercing eyes bring him down, especially since he tried to help in that fight. Even with all the anger boiling around, they should at least know that he tried his best and was willing to face what was coming to him. The silence, however, was loud enough for him to know that he didn't have to worry about anyone trying to make a move. In a way, this type of silence felt really nostalgic, to him, when he was younger. The silence reminded him of a day he and his trophy hunting squad went to go track down and hunt a creature thought to be a large bear roaming around a forest near a small town full of Diamond Dogs.

Once they started to track the beast, no one heard anything. Not any kind of noise they were familiar with -- from small birds chirping, rodents scurrying around the ground, cricket tuning each other. Nothing. Not even the wind made its breeze known. By the time they reached a large patch of grass deep in the forest miles from that small town, they easily found the beast lumbering about and munching on berries hanging from a tree. Filthy and his crew were mesmerized by the sheer size of the creature. Far larger than a grizzly bear but roughly equal to that of an elephant. Reports said it was a bear-like creature but the creature described didn't match up with the reports, at all. It resembled a sloth more than anything and it held no interest in harming any of them when it spotted them. The reports never mentioned if they had to kill the creature; just track it and see if it was aggressive or not. Probably one of the easiest missions he and his crew received that day. And to this day, he still had no clue what the name of that creature was, so he just referred to it as a 'Giant Sloth' instead of a bear creature. That one was for the history books after that mission.

Spoiled, however, felt like a nervous wreck when she saw some of the glares were directed solely on her. They all came to see her get what she deserved. And what stung her the most was that some of the ponies there who came to watch her trial, she actually viewed as friends, even if she neglected to show it all that well -- Chiffon Swirl and Derpy Hooves were just a few she viewed as friends. To see them, with their families, glare at her with disappointment and anger struck a hard blow on her. Not just them but all eyes glared at her -- well, she assumed all of them were on her. It was uncomfortable and soul-piercing, but she couldn't blame them. As she walked to Twilight's castle with Discord and Filthy, she couldn't help but think of what everyone out here was thinking. She carefully glanced at everyone who kept their glares on her. She winced lightly, easily reading what they were thinking, and it didn't help matters that they were whispering among or towards one another about her, their glares tightening when they made eye contact with her.

Deceiving, deceitful, heartless, outrageous, shameful, disgraceful, cruel, traitorous. A disgrace to ponykind. An abusive monster. Throw her in a jail cell or be exiled. Those seemed kind and just barely scratching the surface of what they could be thinking. Heck, some might be waiting for her to say something so they could verbally pounce on her -- yet, they never moved from their spots. It didn't spare her from their disgusted scowls or disapproving and angered glares though. She'd figured at least one or two ponies would rile the crowd to start a riot against her, but other than an occasional disgusted whisper or two, not one soul moved or dared to speak out loud and out of line. Why though?

Spoiled looked confused until she looked up to find out why. The answer was right in front of her and she didn't think to see that first. He was keeping an eye on the crowd while walking the two toward the castle doors. If anyone around here stepped out of line, they'll answer to her chaotic bodyguard. If he wasn't there, who knows what could happen.

For now, she was safe and that's all she needed right now. But, that held little value when she eyed the castle, and the nerve-racking pressure of meeting Twilight and the others grew stronger and stronger the more she approached, following closely behind Discord.

She didn't even see Twilight's face to know one thing and one thing only: Hell hath no fury over the scorning wrath of an irate mother alicorn.

As the doors opened, Discord, Filthy, and Spoiled walked in to meet the council waiting for them. Spoiled took a moment to look back at the crowd behind her as the doors began to close with Discord and Twilight's magic surrounding them. She winced lightly and could only have regret in her eyes as she looked at them.

All she saw were shaking heads, cold frowns, and some – including Chiffon and Derpy - even looking away from her to ignore and shun her for what she had done before the doors finally closed behind her.