• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,595 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

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A Reconcile R&R

They arrived at the hospital's cafeteria. Scootaloo stood next to her father who was currently bound to a wheelchair – with the information given by the nurse assigned to take care of Drift after the doctors looked over his injuries, to his dismay that due to his injury, he had to be wheelchair-bound for a few weeks. He could not fly for a while either, as it would risk opening his stitches and make the pain even worse.

Drift wasn't too thrilled about being in a wheelchair but he also wasn't gonna argue about it, either. He hated being grounded and pushed about; it made him feel contained like he was some dog or a wild animal. Now he knew how his daughter must've felt about not being able to fly, but he promised to change that real quickly once he was back on his hooves.

"Alright, pick a spot where you wanna sit and I'll fetch you your food," A griffon nurse said as she stood on the other side of Drift's wheelchair after pushing him here.

Despite the metaphorical shackles being a massive hassle to him, that didn't ruin his good mood about being out of his room. It felt good to be somewhat free and he looked up at his nurse, giving her a sweet smile, lightly nodding at her, "Alright, Gretchen, give us a sec. And, thank you." Gretchen gave a light smile back before Drift latched his attention on to Scootaloo who already had an excited grin on her face which made him coo at her cuteness.

"Heh, did you already find a table, baby girl?" Drift asked.

Indeed she did. After looking around the rather large cafeteria, out of the nine circular tables presented, she immediately pointed at the center table and showed her father. When Drift looked, he realized why Scootaloo picked that table specifically and saw two familiar faces sitting down next to one another and talking to each other.

"I see we found our spot," Drift chuckled and looked over at Gretchen. "We'd like to sit with them if that's alright?" The nasally-talking griffon noticed the two who were sitting at the table, and she was not going to object. She got back behind Drift's wheelchair and pushed him to where Applebloom and Big Macintosh sat.

Scootaloo followed them. Her excitement got to her when her wings started to buzz and lift her off the ground. Drift and Gretchen noticed and watched, one with pride and one with surprise, as Scootaloo glided over to the two earth ponies, calling their names.

"Applebloom! Big Mac!"

Applebloom and Big Macintosh looked over and watched as Scootaloo glided right toward them. Their eyes widened in shock from this turn of events; they started to process what they just saw. Did it really just happen? Did Scootaloo actually get off the ground? When did this happen?!

"Scootaloo?!" Applebloom squeaked in shock, her eyes wide in awe and shock.

Big Mac was equally shocked, but he felt an overwhelming sense of pride for the little filly who he saw as a littler baby sister. "Little Sugarcube! Y-You're…" He held his arms out to catch her, his eyes wide in amazement. "You're flying!!!" He yelps as Scootaloo glided into his arms and around him as she hugged him happily before making a u-turn, flying right down and landing perfectly on her chair.

The two were in absolute shock at what they had just witnessed. Scootaloo actually glided off the ground and made a perfect landing. They almost struggled with what to say about this until Scootaloo's excitement quickly broke them from their amazed yet confused stupor.

"It's so good to see you're up, Applebloom. How are you doing?" Scootaloo asked.

Applebloom, like Drift, sat in a wheelchair with Big Macintosh accompanying her. Her left arm up to her shoulder was in a cast and bandaged down to her ribs; her cast arm was held in an arm sling. Her left cheek had gauze over it that was gently wrapped over with bandage gauze.

Applebloom looked near worse for wear, and it showed. Marabunda swiped her pretty hard and the results almost made Scootaloo feel bad for asking that question.

Almost, if Applebloom didn't crack a half smile and chuckled softly at her, "Been better, Scootaloo." She would ask about how the heck she flew, but that was for later.

Scootaloo winced at how drained Applebloom looked, "Oh jeez. Guess Marabunda got you good, didn't he?" And from how she talked, even one sentence seemed like it could take energy.

'Good' was putting it mildly. Once she was put in that hospital after Big Macintosh and Applejack took her there, all that pain she received from that monster came with her and it swarmed her entire body like a horde of centipedes constantly pierced at her flesh with their thousand legs. High pain tolerance ran in her family, and she was very grateful for that, but any god above would pity her and wouldn't blame her for cursing if she didn't admit being slapped by that claw from that brutal manticore didn't feel like it came straight out of Tartarus itself. Her pain felt like a grueling trial that lasted for hours but she thankfully made it through.

She was fortunate that the painkillers the doctors gave her were doing their job rather well, but they didn't help get rid of the memory of the stupid thing she did to get her here in the first place, she chuckled lightheartedly and admitted to it, "Not my best idea, honestly."

That distraction gave everyone else time, but it almost got her killed doing so. She was lucky she made it out of there alive -- unconscious, but alive.

"No, it wasn't," Big Mac chimed in and teased his little sister, earning a slight pout from his sister. But the eldest apple sibling just smiled back, a smile that spoke great relief. "But, what you did made a difference."

And that was the truth. Granted, he and Applejack weren't happy Applebloom pulled a stunt like that, but they were so relieved that she was still alive and with them.

"So, what happened to you?" Scootaloo asked Applebloom but felt a little hesitant that she asked that and thought that might've embarrassed her.

To Scootaloo's relief, Applebloom shrugged and happily complied; any hint of embarrassment was non-existent with the southern filly. Applebloom was about to answer Scootaloo's question but Big Macintosh took notice of her momentarily wincing lightly as she feels her stitches, it was that moment he took over for that one for a good reason -- even though he wasn't much of a talker. But, in this case, he had to stretch his vocabulary so Applebloom doesn't overexert herself.

"Broken arm and fractured ribs. She even has slight gashes on her left cheek, flank, and right where her ribs are," Big Mac motioned to the gauze over Applebloom's cheek.

"Doctors patched them up but they say she's gonna be here for a while. They advise her not to talk much because of her stitches while she heals, they don't want her to overexert herself. Same goes for walking, that's just gonna mess her ribs and stitches up twice over. So, she'll be in a wheelchair for a couple weeks, until then. But, her family has her covered." Big Mac smiled calmly but it pained him to see her like this, but he was now determined to care for his little sister -- Applejack and Granny Smith were on board, too.

Scootaloo smiled softly, knowing her friend was gonna be alright, but since the apple family was brought up, that reminded her and she almost winced bringing this up, "Oh jeez… Does Granny Smith know?" Scootaloo asked since Granny Smith wasn't involved in the fight, but she had a feeling that Granny had to be informed about her condition.

Applebloom and Big Mac were reluctant to answer that question, at first. The two siblings winced as they gazed at one another. Once Granny Smith got word from Applejack about Applebloom being in the hospital...

"Uh, well, Granny wasn't too happy to hear Applebloom was in the hospital, at all." Big Macintosh said before he let out a scared sigh, shaking his head in dismay while Applebloom looked embarrassed and regretful. "She was more irate than a wolverine losing its meal to a hawk. She also said, if it weren't for the fact that Applebloom was injured, she would've belted her little flank for pulling such a stunt like that." From what Applejack told him.

Scootaloo winced. Now she wondered how Applejack felt after all of this, "I'm glad I wasn't there to see that." She didn't want to be a fly on the wall to see Applejack get scolded. Big Mac was lucky to stay here.

"But, where is Applejack, anyway?" Scootaloo asked.

"Called in for something important," Big Mac shrugged. "Twilight needed her."

While Scootaloo and Big Mac were talking, Applebloom crossed her arms and looked away with a stern but disappointed frown -- the last thing she needed was for Granny Smith to blow a gasket. No doubt she was gonna get an earful once she gets back or if Granny Smith visited her herself. She really couldn't blame her for being so worried though – the old mare cherished every member of the apple family kin, and she loved her, Big Mac and Applejack with all her heart – so to hear that one of them got really injured would no doubt put her worry into overdrive. She then winced lightly and hissed when she realized she touched the spots where her fractured ribs were and one spot on her cheek where the gash was. She didn't like being in a wheelchair. She wanted to walk around and stretch her legs, not be tied down like a mule.

Oh, what a price to pay. But, at least it was worth it to her since her brother, sister and her best friends were safe.

Then a little laugh caught their attention as they look up just in time to see Gretchen parking Drift next to Scootaloo's chair. Drift chuckled when he saw Applebloom in a wheelchair, smiling lightly at the earth filly.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's being grounded to a wheelchair for some time," Drift chuckled, finding it funny to know he's not alone here at being bound to a wheelchair. "Don't worry, squirt, I know how you feel." That statement alone seemed to cheer Applebloom up, knowing she's not alone at being confined like this. She sent a little smile at Scootaloo's father, appreciating that she won't be alone during this.

The whole time, Drift had caught Applebloom's gestures and crooked movements to get what she was thinking. Pain or not, he too felt like he was going get an earful from Fluttershy when she got back. He missed the part where she got hurt but he heard enough from Big Macintosh to know what went down.

And, he wasn't gonna ignore the said big red elephant with the half-cut green apple in the room. Even if he got himself beaten by Marabunda, he still had two cents to remember what happened after Applebloom pulled her stunt. And he had a feeling this would cheer Applebloom up right away.

"Besides, despite what we're about to face next, we shouldn't forget what you caused," Drift pointed at Big Macintosh with a snickering smile on his face, being a little cheeky when the stallion gazed at him curiously. "If it wasn't for that 'sacrifice' you made, your brother over there wouldn't have gone all God of War on Marabunda."

Big Mac flinched as his eyes widened as big as dinner plates. Well, that cat's out of the bag.

Applebloom looked at Drift in a look of surprise before she glanced over at her older brother with a look that asked 'is that true?', raising a brow at him because she could not remember for the life of her if that actually happened.

"He never mentioned that," Applebloom said a little carefully yet suspiciously while trying not to move her cheek muscles so much.

When she woke up, Big Mac told her only what he remembered from the fight. He never mentioned anything about what Drift said. So, she felt like she needed to be enlightened on that part.

Big Mac looked away awkwardly, knowing full-well Applebloom was giving him those 'tell me now' eyes and a 'don't you dare lie to me' pout. Even for a child, he could see their mother's eyes in Applebloom. He kinda cursed Drift for spilling that because he didn't want to make that fuel for some kind of ego trip. He did what he did because he had to; he didn't want to but that brute of a beast left him no choice when he struck Applebloom, his baby sister, aside so heartlessly. It still surprised him that Marabunda walked out of that – bruised, wet, filthy, and at the end of his sanity at that. He gave him everything he had and it barely did anything except wear his energy down and piss him off over the edge. He had to admit, that manticore was one tough fighter.

"Well, I -- " He was about to speak before Scootalook excitedly cut him off to tell her best friend personally.

"It was awesome! You should've seen it, Applebloom," Scootaloo said with a very excited grin, happy to know this was now being brought up. She brought the apple siblings' attention onto her while she explained as best as she could, buzzing those little wings like a hyper hummingbird, making motions with her hooves to describe each action as she tells Applebloom what went down.

Of all the things for her brother-figure to do, this was by far the most coolest thing he's ever done. Even with everything that happened, that moment still played back like it was from a scene from an action movie.

"When Big Mac saw how hurt you gotten, he had gotten really mad – so mad that he let out a scream that could be heard all over Ponyville – it even scared Marabunda for a second and almost got him running! But he ran after Marabunda and grabbed him by the tail," She smirked widely as she makes a grabbing motion, holding onto an imaginary tail in thin air, "And he slammed him on the ground over and over, swinging him around!" Scootaloo moved her arms left and right and tried to mimic what Big Macintosh did as she swung her hooves up above. "Marabunda screamed like a little girl and totally looked scared for his life. He wanted to get away but Big Mac wouldn't let him!"

Everyone listening to her was floored -- even Big Mac had a hard time remembering that part. The last thing he remembered was seeing Applebloom down on the ground then everything turned red and then it all went blank after that. Did he really go that ballistic?

They weren't the only ones though, some of the other patients of the hospital who were brought in for lunch started to gaze over to their table at least once or twice, just to feed their curiosity when they overheard someone had wailed on a Manticore, their eyes full of curiosity and their ears slightly perked with interest.

"With a mighty throw, he tossed that beast right against a well – I think he even dislocated one of his wings!" She grinned as she pounded her little hoof on the table before she started throwing punches. "Tackling him further in, he started throwing punches into his face without stopping! One hoof after the other pounding his face in and just when he thought he was done Marabunda got back up and tried to attack Big Mac from the back, but one buck to his face and Marabunda flew back and fell right into the well Big Mac pinned him up against!" Scootaloo took a moment to take a breath after explaining that bit to them, panting a bit quickly but excitedly. She remembered it all, and who could blame her?

Apparently, he did. Big Macintosh sat there processing what Scootaloo said and had no clue she had this good of a photographic memory. He looked over to Applebloom who had a glisten in her eyes.

Not only was she shocked by what she was told -- and with how excited Scootaloo sounded -- she couldn't help but believe it all. She knew her brother was strong but she never knew he was that strong to hold his own against Marabunda. Not only was she surprised but she was so disappointed that she missed it all. She would've gladly watched her brother out-hulk a manticore.

"You… actually… did that?" Applebloom slowly said so not to stress her stitches, looking at him in awe yet disbelief, unfortunately she had to hold her enthusiasm because of her injuries. "And I missed it?!" She pouted lightly and a bit angrily, mostly at the fact that she had been out cold during all of this. She would've killed to see her brother do that before her very eyes! Lightly crossing her good arm over her sling one, carefully without putting too much pressure on it, she simply let out a semi-disappointed "Phooey…"

But, she wasn't too upset, actually she was really so happy he made it out of there unscathed.

Big Macintosh blushed brightly and looked away sheepishly because of the praise he was getting, rubbing the back of his neck while jostling his yoke. Scootaloo's excitement was adorable and energetic but she needed to tone it down so she wouldn't draw any attention from the other hospitalized ponies. The last thing he wanted right now at the moment was a little fan-club thinking of him as some sort of superhero.

But if he was to be honest, he was shocked that he let his anger get the best of him like that.

"Okay, Scootaloo, I think it's time to cool it now. You're getting too excited, again," With how she reacted about Vinyl being her aunt, Drift had to try and get his baby girl's excitement under control otherwise they'll be in trouble by not just the nurses. Almost answering his prayers, the curious but awed private listeners that were the other hospitalized ponies quickly gazed away to mind their own business, to appear like they weren't listening in anymore, especially since the little filly seems to be done.

Scootaloo winced and quickly piped down the tube that was her throat, "Right, sorry, dad." She agreed and needed to work on that, but she just couldn't help it -- she gets so easily excited, especially when it comes to something action-y.

But, Drift just chuckled lightly, not at all frustrated in the slightest, "It's okay to get excited but let's hold that back a little. Okay?" Drift said to his little girl.

Even if she was maturing, she was still a filly and she had much to learn -- ironic, too, since this was now the start of his journey through parenthood.

Then Big Mac suddenly realized something; he remembered now. After his part in the fight, he had an encounter with Scootaloo's monstrous pet lizard and then met Drift face to face. Yet, out of all of this, he realized he had never properly met Scootaloo's father. That can be arranged.

"So, you're Scootaloo's pa?" Big Macintosh said then introduced himself and his little sister who takes notice of him. "I'm Big Macintosh and this is my little sis, Applebloom." Applebloom smiled happily and in a slightly cute matter as much as her stitches can allow, waving her good hoof.

Drift looked at Big Macintosh dumbfoundedly at his sudden introduction. "Eh?" that came out of left field but then it quickly hit him like a bat that the farm stallion had a point – they never got each other's names properly, sure Filthy mentioned his name to him and the fact that he was a big brother figure to little Scootaloo – but not personally did they get to formally meet. He smiled lightly, "Oh, yeah, we never did introduce ourselves. I'm -- "

"Still alive and kicking, I see?" A familiar calm, slightly gruff voice spoke out and caught the ponies' attention.

"Gilda?" Drift said surprised to see her show up as she casually walked up to them. "This is a surprise. What are you doing here?"

Of all the visitors to show up, he never expected to see his former bully visit. He didn't know if she had anything planned to mess with him but now was not a good time. Then again, it just occurred to him that he might be jumping to conclusions too soon. What happened then hasn't happened now. So, he'll just wait to see what'll happen.

"Hi Gilda," Scootaloo waved to the tomboy griffon, happy she showed up.

Gilda just smiled softly and lightly waved back, "Hey, squirt." Coming over, she gave Scootaloo a ruffling on her mane, causing her to squeal happily. She then looked over at Drift and shrugged at him with a carefree look. "Eh, I figured I'd swing by and say hi, see how you're doing. Oh, and my little passenger wanted to see Scootaloo."

Scootaloo perked up when her name was mentioned. That said passenger poked her head over Gilda and shyly waved at everyone.

And that 'little passenger' brought a big grin to Scootaloo's face, "Glinda!" Scootaloo hopped off her chair as Glinda fluttered down off her sister.

Before Glinda could get a word in, she was lightly glomped by the pegasi and hugged closely. The little griffon hugged back, happy to see her new friend was alright. "Scootaloo!" She happily chirped

Drift perked his head, too, more surprised than anyone else. Gilda had a little sister? He never knew that. Then again, he didn't know a lot about Gilda. And to top it all off, Scootaloo knew Gilda, too?

'Holy crap! What did I miss?' Drift thought to himself as he tried to process this new info given to him while still asking himself more questions.

Applebloom looked over and slightly tilted her head, confused by this new turn of events. Did Scootaloo make a new friend while she and Sweetie Belle were away? This was interesting. And with how wholesome this griffon looked, she seemed like the friendly kind, unlike Gilda who still had that mess-around-and-find-out look about her.

"It's so good to see you, Glinda. How've you been?" Scootaloo asked, happy to see her new griffon friend, again.

Glinda let out a canary-like tweet and happily replied, "I'm okay. How are you?" She then grew concerned when she noticed the others behind Scootaloo. "Is everyone else okay?"

"I told her what happened when I went to go see Dash's parents with Rainbow Dash," Gilda explained to the three recovering ponies while Scootaloo and Glinda talked to one another. "She wanted to see you guys real badly, but I told her we had to wait til tomorrow."

She was roughed up, too, but not as much as the others. Gilda was fortunate enough to go when she did with Rainbow Dash. The moment they got back to Rainbow Dash's parent's house, Glinda and Rainbow's parents came out to see them but were shocked to see how banged up they looked. It took them a couple of hours to get Glinda and Windy Whistle to calm down after they told them their story; Bow Hothoof was just amazed that, out of all of them, they were the ones barely injured -- even though the two tomboys would jump into action without thinking. Well, maybe in Rainbow's case, Gilda became a different story, to him. But, with the fight being told to him and his wife, He could only imagine what the others might look like.

"After we got some sleep I decided it was time to come see you guys," Gilda said. "So, here we are."

"I see. And since you two are here, where's your partner in crime?" Drift teased Gilda, knowing she had shown up with her little sister but Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. How strange.

Gilda took the tease but nonchalantly brushed it off. That tease was so weak that even Glinda could come up with a better one; she will give Drift an A for effort for remembering that awesome bond she had with Rainbow Dash back in high school. Those were good times -- kind of.

"Eh, Dashie got called into that big eyesore of a castle. I guess Princess Nerdicorn needed her for something – something important apparently." She didn't care about the name-calling. To her, it felt like a fact because Rainbow Dash allows told her that Twilight had her face buried in books almost every day.

Though it's highly ironic considering Rainbow Dash had her face buried in books, too. It was just one series, yet there was still a decent amount of them to still consider it ironic. But, she didn't care one way or another. She will admit to herself that she did read every now and then, too, when she had the time. She just didn't feel like telling everyone else that.

But, to her absolute surprise, everyone around the table didn't take any offense to her jab about Twilight's castle, or the fact that she called her a nerd, better yet they actually agreed with her, wholeheartedly at that. Compared to everything else in Ponyville, that new castle Twilight had really was a total eyesore. As much as they respect Twilight as a hero and new princess, that tree really could've turned into a less fancy-looking palace and the reflections from the sun did not help its case in any way for anyone.

Residents in Ponyville lost count of how many times they woke up near blinded just by walking out of their homes or ultimately fell victim to an obnoxious beam of light blasting into their room; not even curtains can help them with that mess.

As for Twilight being a nerd, it was really one of her traits; the town's residents knew that their new princess is without a doubt smart for one her age, and her love of books and the fact that she used to be their local librarian made her quirky at best. They wouldn't say right to her face in a blunt matter that she was a nerd, but it was something they all loved about her.

"So, she was called in, too?" Big Macintosh said to Gilda kind of puzzled after Drift lightly pouted at Gilda for not being remotely phased by his jab at her. "Applejack was called in by Twilight earlier. I have no idea why," But, he didn't feel like snooping, anyway. It wasn't his place to snoop into something private. Unless it's something his sister and her friends will need help with, he will mind his own business. Applejack will tell if she wants to or not.

Gilda blinked a few times when she got a good look at Big Macintosh. There was a brief silence as they took notice of one another before she tilted her head a little and pointed a talon at him, "Wait, don't I know you from somewhere?" Gilda asked, curiously with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone around the table was confused by what Gilda said before they glanced over to Big Mac who then gave her a light snickering smile. He wondered when she'd notice. Gilda had a good eye, that's for sure.

He nodded at Gilda and casually told her right off the bat, "Kind of. We met back at Suger Cube Corner the first time you came to town; One of Pinkie's pranks got to ya." He then tapped his chin, wondering if it was actually Pinkie's prank or Dash's prank, he knew that pegasus is quite a prankster too. "Or, was it Rainbow Dash?"

Now things got really interesting. Not only did Gilda come to visit, but now he's learning she and Big Mac have some history? Drift and Scootaloo looked at each other with the same surprised look then back at Gilda and Big Macintosh curiously.

Glinda was just as surprised. She looked up at her older sister only to find the fur on her cheeks lighten red with embarrassment and slight guilt. Glinda let out a small shocked tweet when she saw Gilda act like this. What was going on here?

Now things started to click when he brought that up, her cheeks started glowing red, "O-Oh, heh, you remember that?" Gilda cringed and rubbed the back of her head, nervously and sheepishly as she gazed away for a moment.

"Heh, I may not be the most talkative earth pony here in Ponyville at times – but I do have a good memory sometimes." Big Mac tapped his noggin with a little smirk, knowing he tended to have a good memory for certain events that happened.

It's been a long time since that happened and she figured all of those ponies around that bakery would forget; guess she was proven wrong. She hoped no one held a grudge over that because she didn't know any better and was going through some phases. But, still...

"I was such a Queen B back then, wasn't I?" Gilda asked, innocently for once instead of keeping a cool head, rubbing her right shoulder with a little wince when she made eye contact with him.

Big Macintosh just shrugged but lightly teased her for what she did, "Actually, quite more of a drama llama than I've ever seen one."

Gilda cringed at being called that but the others had a good laugh out of it. It was an obvious fact and she couldn't back out from it.

Yeah, she wasn't gonna deny it. She was a jerk back then and she knew it. She can still be like that but she toned that down and did a good job; her friendship with Fluttershy was proof of that.

"I'm sorry about that." Gilda apologized. "Hope no one got hurt when I went on that rampage."

He spared her and admitted that nopony had gotten hurt after her meltdown. "No, no one did," He rubbed a hoof on his chin as he took thought, before chuckling lightly to himself as he then pointed at the griffon. "But, Granny Smith still remembers that rattlesnake prank you pulled."

That one wasn't forgotten?! Gilda was impressed someone still remembered that. Gilda said awkwardly to Big Macintosh, "Oh, the rattlesnake prank? Heh, I'm surprised someone remembered that one –" Before it hit her when he said 'granny', which got her eyes to widen when she connected the dots that there was a relationship involved here. "W-wait, that was your grandmother? How did she find out it was me?" She was shocked to hear that she's talking to not only someone who met her before, but apparently he's the grandson of that old granny pony she pranked before when she first came to town – when she was still a big jerk, that is.

That really gave her a shocking punch to her chest. She didn't think anyone would bring that up let alone tell anyone else. It was a simple prank that she didn't think would hurt anyone. Scare, yes. Traumatize, at least she thought not; rattlesnakes were rarely seen. But, now, she wondered if that old mare was doing okay. She didn't give her a heart attack, did she?

"I never knew she was your grandmother! I swear! Is that old coot doing okay?" Gilda asked, concerned about what happened if her prank caused some kind of damage to Big Mac's grandmother.

Big Macintosh looked surprised by her concern, but he simply smiled softly and thankfully gave the poor griffon good news that his grandmother is still alive and kicking, "Oh, she's doing fine!" He waved a hoof reassuringly and even gave a little chuckle, "That little snake-in-the-produce prank ya pulled sure did scare the bones out of her and got her ticker going good, but it's gonna take a lot more than a rattlesnake prank to take Granny Smith down."

"Trust us," Applebloom hopped in, understanding Gilda's anxiety, too. That old mare had given them moments of anxiety and fear, too. "Granny's tougher than she looks for a pony her age." And for her, that was saying something!

"And how she figured out it was you? She came back to Ponyville, saw you and your tail while you were walking in town, and put the pieces together rather quickly."

And to give Gilda a little defense, they had done their fair share of pranks on her before -- Applejack was always excluded -- and it always ended up with them flat on the ground, beaten to a pulp or pranked back -- the latter was always the option she went with.

That was a relief. Gilda cracked a small smile knowing her prank didn't harm their grandmother but she was deathly surprised that the old mare figured her out by just glancing at her tail tip. Ponies are very surprising but the last thing she needed on her to-do list was to cause death in someone's family. She was a rough, tough griffon, not a murderer.

"Well, that's good to hear," Gilda said after she let out a heavy sigh of relief to get that weight off her shoulders and chest.

Glinda lightly tugged on Gilda's tufted fur to try and get her attention, "Gilda, what's a Queen B?"

Gilda's eyes widened when her little sister asked that, just now remembering that her little sister is among them, but she immediately responded to her and said in a spastic tone, "Uh, I'll tell you when you're older. Let's move on to something else, please." If this kept up, she might just faint from embarrassment or something.

As much as Drift loved to see Gilda get thrown into a tizzy, she had a point. But it surprised him to learn that Big Mac and Gilda knew each other, somewhat. This was perfect! Plus, it was also a bonus to see Gilda bring out a more emotional side to her.

Back then, he thought she was just a brute that only enjoyed beating up others for the sake of enjoyment and only wanted to be friends with those she deemed tolerable and below her; an alpha to a pack; hence why he's always seen her with Rainbow Dash.

But, after their unexpected reunion near his workplace thanks to Rainbow Dash and her obnoxious meddling, he saw a different light in her that he didn't expect to see. Her attitude and mindset turned a complete one-eighty, and here she was with her little sister acting as a guardian to her. He understood why she was here, but that can't be the only reason, right?

Then, he noticed something a little off with Gilda. He squinted his eyes a bit and noticed faint bags under her eyes and her muscles seemed tense. Gilda's behavior seemed anxious, too, but about what? He raised a questionable brow and started to speak up to Gilda.

"Alright, we can talk about something else," Drift looked over to see Glinda flying over and briefly chatting with Scootaloo and Applebloom – most likely to make another new friend, and then he looked back to Gilda, wondering. He asked her curiously and worriedly, "Is there another reason why you're back in Ponyville, Gilda?"

He pointed out the details he found on the griffon and said, "You look like you haven't slept in weeks. Is something wrong?"

Gilda looked at Drift and was caught off-guard by that out-of-the-blue question. She didn't expect him to catch on so quickly like that. She briefly glanced over to Big Macintosh and the little ones and noticed the curious looks on their faces. A couple of innocent blinks and she chuckled lightly, but then she said in a hesitant tone, "A-Actually... yeah, there are a few reasons." She walked over and sat next to him. She remained quiet for a moment once she sat down, her head dipped down slightly as her shoulders sagged a little.

Glinda and Scootaloo were quiet when Gilda said that. Either they were hearing things, or did they just hear Gilda talk real strange? Glinda and Scootaloo walked over and sat next to their respected guardians to listen to what was going on.

Applebloom and Big Mac were wondering the same thing. Gilda seemed like she had a cool head on her shoulders. But, now she suddenly went quiet. Was she alright?

Gilda sat there for a minute before she placed her arms on the table, talons held together then gripped tight. She never looked at anyone around her almost like she was hiding her eyes from them. She remained quiet like she was focused on something.

Then Drift broke the silence and asked her, "Gilda, are you okay? Is there somethin --"

Then he noticed a tear drop from her face; then another; then another. Each drop dripped onto the table, her talons slightly gripping the table as a little weak sad baby bird coo peeped out of her clenched beak.

Everyone around the table noticed these actions and started to get worried about Gilda. Now the pleasant welcome started turning into a somber one when they started to hear Gilda hiccup softly. She was crying, but why?

"Big sis?" Glinda said worried and scared about her older sister. She tried to get her attention but it was no good.

"You alright, sugarcube?" Big Macintosh asked, hoping her feelings weren't hurt or anything like that. All they did was joke around with her. If it was about Granny Smith, he didn't mean to scare her if that's what she was thinking.

"Gilda? Why are you crying?" Drift asked, getting concerned as well. He never saw Gilda before and this had him worried. Was it because of the jab earlier?

"Hey, if you are upset about my joke, I didn't mean -- "

"I'm... s-sorry... Drift..." Gilda said under choking breaths.

She kept her pained gaze on the table, trying to keep her composure, keep her cool, anything to not cause a scene. She wanted to be tough and get this over with. But, with her next Drift, the weight she secretly held grew too heavy on her to bear, and it came crashing down. The tears overflowed and came out like little rivers. She expected this; expected this apology to be painful, but she didn't think of how much it'd hurt her -- the pain hurt her much harder than any of the hardest punch she'd ever thrown.

"I-I'm... s-so sorry..." Gilda apologized, the words choking in the back of her throat.

"G-Gilda?" Scootaloo said, concerned about why Gilda was starting to cry all of a sudden.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" Drift asked, slightly surprised to hear her apologize to him. He didn't know what to think right now, but it was obvious Gilda was in pain. His hunch and suspicions were right about Gilda looking off.

But, why was she in pain? He didn't understand that; none of them did.

"F-For what I did... back then... What Dash and I did..."

If Drift wasn't confused already, he was now more than ever, "Oh, that? Gilda, that was a long time ago. And you already apologized for that."

She was bringing that up, again? Why was she crying over that? That was all water under the bridge, right?

But Gilda lifted her head and looked at Drift with red, teary, puffy, pained eyes that screamed 'guilty', "I know I did. But... but... after what happened. I never bothered to ask. I just jumped in without thinking and helped Rainbow Dash with her little plan."


It all started coming back to her now as she envisioned herself, younger and in school with Dash and Drift.

The day Rainbow Dash asked her to help beat up Drift and his friends still lingered in the back of her mind. After the fight last night, and when she tried to get some sleep while she stayed at Dash's parents' home, she had hoped that this nightmarish day would just go away and never come back, but the memory of when she was younger never left. In fact, this time it felt different… very, very different.

When she tried to sleep through the night, in her dream, she remembered everything that went down, again -- the constant fights, theirs and her own injuries, the pained faces, the brutal enjoyment, she remembered it all. She was an absolute brute and she relished in it. But now?

Now? Her younger self was an absolute tyrant, relishing the pain she puts others through, not caring if anyone got seriously hurt because of her – even to the point that blood was shed, as long as her younger self saw the absolute fear in their eyes, she was satisfied. Seeing how her younger self acted, she hated herself for it. She was glad she was never like that anymore.

And then as she watched herself go into one of the girl's restrooms after that fight she got into with Dash against Drift and his friends, she followed her inside and saw herself looking at her reflection in a mirror just chuckling at how much fun she had; no one else was around. At that moment, she found it strange to see herself like this; Full of energy, tough as nails, and powerful yet proud. She looked like she had the time of her life. Was she really that enthralled to cause such mayhem toward others? It was so hard to fathom how much she's changed over the years.

But then she began to notice something off; a slow change started to happen to her younger self as her young talons started to grip the sink. She kept her gaze on her younger self still chuckling to herself before that cheeky chuckle became an eerie laugh, almost evilly and maniacally as she belted it out. Gilda didn't know what was going on with her younger self before she widened her eyes in pure shock as her younger self's fur and feathers suddenly began to change color from brown and white to dark and light blood red. Gilda watched on in horror as her younger self then groaned in rage and pain as her body started to twitch and violently contort before she began to swell in size and her eyes began to light up with an eerie white hue – to a point that nopony or griffon could see her pupils anymore. Her fur was messier and her beak was sharper. Her claws curved like sickles, managing to crack the sink's surface and her wings morphed, shredded, and resembled that of a bat. Her younger self stopped her eerie laughter as she grew to a size similar to a manticore's and bear's size, now that laughter was replaced by animalistic snarls and growls. And to her horror as she saw her younger self's reflection, it almost looked like she was looking into an actual mirror because she could've sworn that her younger self started to look… to actually look like…

Gilda took a step back from herself but her demonic 'younger self' swiftly turned to look her right in the eyes; ram-like horns had sprouted from the top of her head. Gilda started to panic as she squawked in fear. Her 'younger self' let out a demon-like roar and lunged at her, but she sat up and screamed in a panic, panting like she was out of breath as she woken up from that nightmare.

She looked at her shaking talons and then closed them tight. She didn't feel the pain for a long time until that fight woke her up. Now she can't help but compare herself to that blood-thirsty manticore. If she didn't decide to take care of Glinda and help out in the fight with Marabunda. Would she end up like him? It scared her to know what she could've ended up as.

All these thoughts scared her to no end and that night, she silently cried to herself now knowing that the choices she made had a much greater impact than she originally thought. She felt like she needed redemption and the first thing that came to her mind was to meet up with Drift and apologize; actually apologize this time instead of just throwing it aside like it was a shed feather. If she could do that, then she'd hope it would help fix this unbearable pain.


"I didn't think of how much I hurt you and your friends," Gilda said, slowly wallowing in pained tears. "I just enjoyed beating you up so much and I didn't care what you'd say or think. I shouldn't have; I should've stopped when I saw how hurt you looked."

Comparing the two and seeing them side by side, Gilda couldn't help but think of her past self as nothing more than a...

"I was a monster..." Gilda said with genuine pain. She looked at her claws and covered her eyes, feeling sorrowful as she admitted it. " I was a monster to you and your friends…" She groaned as she even dared to compare herself to the horror they faced, "God… I was even worse than that crazy bastard manticore!" She sighed lightly, feeling foolish for her actions, "What was I thinking about doing all those things? I'm so sorry I --"

But a hoof reached out and placed itself on Gilda's shoulder, stopping her before she could say anything else and catching her off-guard. She looked surprised before she looked to find the serious eyes of Drift glaring back at her.

"Gilda, stop," Drift said firmly. "You are not a monster. Yes, what you did back then was cruel. But, I can say the same for me, too; What I've done to Fluttershy was cruel. But we can't forget that we were freaking kids back then. You, Rainbow Dash, and I were all idiots; crazy messed up kids who didn't know any better."

And he couldn't say it any better. What he did was foolish; what Gilda did was foolish; everyone they knew who used to be kids probably did something that was just as foolish. It was a common thing! And to hear Gilda compare herself to Marabunda of all creatures couldn't be further from the truth.

"You've changed, Gilda. You really have. I don't know what you did in your life that made you change the way you did, but you made it work. And look at what you've become."

Gilda paused in thought. He was right; every word of it. Yet, she just couldn't shake the comparison off of her. She felt like a monster and it tore her apart. Yet, what Drift said was true. She changed --

"You are the best big sister I ever had, Gilda. You really are!" Glinda chimed in, getting Gilda's attention. Everyone else looked over to the runt of Gilda's family.

Glinda knew she was getting a lot of attention right now, but she didn't care. Seeing her older sister cry like this wasn't right. The story she was told by her and Rainbow Dash made her see Gilda as a hero, not a monster. Where she got the idea of seeing herself as a monster, she didn't know, but she was not gonna hear any more of it.

In fact, she knew what real monsters were the entire time, and to her, "Gilda, you are awesome. You've taken care of me when all mom and dad wanted to do was abandon me." She hurried up to her big sister and hugged her closely as much as her little fluffy body could allow. "You stuck by me… and only a true, loyal, great big sister would do that."

Everyone around the table heard that crystal clear and they couldn't believe what they just heard. Was all that true? Was Glinda being honest? For Drift, he could believe it; after what Scootaloo went through, he, and Fluttershy if she were here too, could believe it. He didn't know about Big Mac and his little sister. But, the shocked looks might tell a story, too.

The cat was out of the bag and everyone around the table knew; she still didn't care anyway because she needed to bring this up. She knew she was a runt and she accepted it. She was scared to be out there in the world and she was so thankful Gilda took her under her wing. She couldn't ask for a better sister.

Gilda was shocked that Glinda brought that up. No one around here needed to know about that just yet, but now it was thrown out there. Yet, she wasn't gonna object. After all, Glinda was right. If anything, when she took Glinda without any hesitation – she did it because she actually loved her. Normally, when a griffon was at the right age, they would be strong enough to fend for themselves. But, Glinda was a different case, she was born smaller than the rest of her siblings and her growth was slow. Gilda knew this and felt bad.

She also knew her other siblings were not gonna help out and would rather take care of themselves -- per brainwashing from dear old sweet mom and dad. She mentally growled at the mere thought of picturing her family, again. That's why she left with Glinda. They didn't care; they wanted no part of it; so, why stick around? Besides, she made the right call to just abandon them like what they were about to do with Glinda.

And from support from Rainbow Dash and her folks when they took them in, they had a much better life moving forward. Come to think of it, in a way, she could relate to Fluttershy when it came to raising Scootaloo. It was kinda the same but with different scenarios.

Gilda wiped her tears away and smiled softly down at her little sister as she wrapped her talons around her, "You're right. I did do that."

And she still was. It honestly felt more like she was being a mother to Glinda instead of their actual mother doing that. She was supposed to be a big sister or guardian, not a mother figure. It was so weird and awkward but no one around was judging her for it, at all. It was nice.

"And I plan to continue doing that. I want to see my little sis grow up to be big, strong, and cool just like her older sister." She picked up her little sister and hugged her close and tight in front of everyone around them, her little sister's arms wrapping around her neck as she cuddled close to her.

At this point, she didn't care. She was with a few faces that wouldn't judge her. But that didn't matter to her. She smiled softly and as Glinda returned with a hug so tight, she wanted to let Gilda know she was happy and grateful to have a big sister like her.

Then the griffon sisters heard a slight low chuckle from the other side of the table. They look over to find Big Macintosh briefly chuckle then smiled happily at them in their moment.

Gilda looked a little confused and raised a brow at him for that little snicker, "Got something on your mind over there?" she asked a bit firmly. She didn't know if he thought this was weird or if what they were doing was really sappy. But, he better choose his words wisely because she was in no mood to be made fun of right now.

Big Macintosh just waved and smiled reassuringly at Gilda. He meant nothing by it and quickly explained before he made things real awkward around here, "Yes, I do. But, it's nothing bad." He smiled softly down at the little griffon in her arms, "Just lookin' at you two like this, it's just like how Applebloom and I are sometimes." Applebloom smiled lightly, laying her good hoof on his, their hooves gently holding each other as they proudly displayed their own sibling relationship for the two griffons. "Just kind of happy to know you'd do anything for your little sister, just like I would for my sisters."

Glinda smiled up at her big sister who slowly softened as she heard him out. Hearing this did help her feel better, so she gave him a little smile back.

Smiling lightly at her but soon letting out a little sigh, he admitted to what else was on his mind, "I can actually relate to what you're going through, Gilda -- Applejack can relate, too, if she was here to see this."

Gilda's defensive wall slowly went down and she looked at Big Macintosh shocked and surprised. She looked over to Applebloom who glanced over at her older brother, feeling embarrassed that he's saying this before she looked at her eye to eye. Gilda then pointed at the two and tried to wrap her head around what Big Macintosh was trying to say.

"Wait, you too?" Gilda asked. "You're taking care of her?" It was almost astounding to her. Here she thought she was the only one but it never clicked with her that ponies can go through the same thing. But, it just made her wonder what ever happened to their parents. Did they abandon them, too?

Big Mac nodded, "Eeyup. Been that way ever since -- well, uh…" He winced lightly as he gazed a bit uncomfortably at Scootaloo and Glinda for a moment. He breathed softly as he knew his sister wouldn't like this to be mentioned since it is a sore subject. He winced lightly, knowing this may get too sore for his sister, so before he goes too deep, he quickly gazed to Scootaloo. "Mm… Little Sugarcube?"

Scootaloo perked up as she heard her nickname and looked at her big brother in an alerted manner, "Yeah?"

He gazes at her, asking a request of her with a little look of plead in his eyes, "Would you mind taking your little friend and Applebloom outside for a minute? Get some air?" He shifted his eyes towards Applebloom to give her a hint.

Scootaloo tilted her head before noticing the hint and then seeing a slightly uncomfortable look on Applebloom's face when he started to mention that he too was looking after her, it came to her. Realizing what he was about to say, she quickly recognized the situation with wide eyes, "Oh!" She then nodded, quickly agreeing to take them out for air. "R-Right."

She started wheeling Applebloom's wheelchair, and gazing towards Glinda, she cleared her throat a little loudly. Quickly realizing their cue, Glinda flew after her with a quick nod. "E-Excuse us." The little griffon sheepishly grinned as she hurried after them.

Sighing softly as his sister is being taken out for fresh air, he gazed to Gilda and admitted… "We've been caring for her since our folks passed."

Then the world around Gilda slowed down. That answered her question and she felt glad she didn't ask but shocked he would be so open about that.

"W-Wait, what?" Gilda replied a little weakly.

It was true. Just like in Glinda and Gilda's case, he figured he could make them feel better by sharing his story to them -- even if the Apple Family were against it. It was still a rough story to tell, but hearing Glinda share her part about her parents got him to think that perhaps he shouldn't hide it like the rest of his family. Applebloom would need to learn that, too, even if it hurt her. She's probably going to hate him for bringing this up to someone like Gilda and he understood that.

Glinda almost froze when she heard that just when she was about to leave the room, she gazed back in shock. Scootaloo winced in shock, gazing towards Applebloom who too was wincing, looking pained at the mention of her parents. Realizing that this could open a can of worms, she quickly rolled her outside with Glinda hastily flying after just as Big Mac started to continue.

"Eeyup… our parents passed away years ago." He somberly gazed aside, that look of hidden pain and sadness of his parent's passing took place on his face.

Gilda was stunned. They never expected to hear something like this and it sure grabbed their attention. Big Macintosh didn't have to do that and they weren't asking him to, yet here he was spilling it. Why, though? "How…?" She wanted to ask but her voice was starting to get stuck in her throat.

Drift was just as surprised as his daughter had been. Drift didn't expect this type of subject from his new friend, but judging by how he sent Scootaloo out with Applebloom and Glinda, he could tell Scootaloo had a feeling this would come up which told him the fact that perhaps Scootaloo knew something about this little subject too before she and Fluttershy had found him.

Both Drift and Gilda watched Scootaloo, Glinda and Applebloom leave the room, with Gilda hoping that they'll be okay. She had noticed Applebloom looked troubled and Glinda had a knack for making others feel better – so hopefully, Glinda can help cheer her up; she was kinda like that Gabby chick back at Griffonstone before they left to go live in Ponyville.

After making sure the kids were out of the room, after he watched the kids leave, Big Macintosh looked back at Gilda and Drift with a bit of hesitation. He knew sharing this story was gonna hurt but he had to be strong to tell it, "Alright, about our parents..."

***In the hospital hallway near the entrance***

The hallway was silent. Only the sound of Applebloom's wheelchair's squeaking wheels can be heard. The silence was awkward and there wasn't anyone around to break it. When she would be with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, normally, Applebloom would break the silence.

But, today?

"You okay, Applebloom?" Scootaloo asked, concerned about her best friend's strong silence. "You're awfully quiet."

Applebloom never looked back. She secretly rolled her eyes at the question Scootaloo asked. She was stitched up, in a wheelchair, and had to hear others talk about their own issues or family issues.

Not that there was anything wrong with it, of course not – everyone has struggles and she knew from personal lessons from her sister that it was better to speak your feelings in an honest matter than keep it all in.

But now, after hearing out their two bits, her big brother was back there about to tell that horrible story about what happened to her parents. She didn't want to be around to hear that; she wanted it buried. It hurt her too much to even think about it. And to hear Glinda bring up that part with her parents? That was so cruel of them to do.

She wanted to understand why Big Mac chose to spill that personal info of theirs, but her frustration and stubbornness were too strong to let it go. She wanted to thrash about and tell Big Macintosh to 'shut up' or beg him not to tell. But she couldn't just yell it out with these blasted stitches on her. Applebloom felt like a wreck and she tried to hide it from Scootaloo and Glinda. Not only that, it was the first time meeting Glinda, and here she was being a massive sulk. Yet, she couldn't help it.

Well, not just a wreck but at war with herself, too. She shouldn't be feeling this bad, should she? Yes, the subject of family was touchy right now because of who was being brought up, and yet when Glinda told what Gilda had done for her? When she heard that part from her… she almost felt jealous. She wasn't just aggravated by the fact her parents were being brought up, but she felt so bad for what happened to Glinda. She didn't exactly know the whole story but just the mention of her parents wanting to abandon her gave her the idea; Gilda was really cool for taking care of her. She just didn't know how or what to react to all of this and it started to hurt both her head and her heart.


Applebloom flinched and snapped out of her mental war and back to reality. Speaking of said griffon, Applebloom looked in front of her to see her wheelchair had stopped and she found Glinda and Scootaloo in front of her with concerned looks.

Applebloom blushed a little, embarrassed that she was in her own head for a second there. Even if she couldn't move her muscles all that much, she could still talk without moving her lips. So, she carefully spoke to them to the best of her abilities.

"Sorry. I was... thinking is all..." Applebloom said in a glum tone.

"About what?" Glinda asked, curiously.


Yeah, that was a bald-faced lie and Scootaloo knew it. She pouted slightly at her and knew exactly why Applebloom was quiet. She didn't have to hide it and she knew ponies would find out eventually. It hurt her, yes, but she had to let it go and move on.

"Applebloom, you and I both know you're a terrible liar like your sister." Her best friend was spittin' facts there. Due to being super honest in the apple family, lying was not one of their strongest suits – that was enough to make a little blush quickly take place on her cheeks, but it faded as quickly as it appeared. "I know what you're thinking," Scootaloo called out. "I get you're upset, but I don't think they --"

Appleblooms eyes widened and her emotions spilled over a little as she pouted a bit firmly, "Upset? Upset?! I'm not upset. I'm frustrated, Scootaloo!"

Applebloom winced in pain and held her cheek where her stitches are when she felt a little twinge of pain, but she kept her anger-fueled gaze at Scootaloo and said, "I'm frustrated and annoyed because... I... get where you two are coming from, but at the same time, it still hurts."

Scootaloo flinched in shock. She didn't expect that kind of response from Applebloom. Something didn't add up and she couldn't understand why, neither could Glinda as the little griffon gasped lightly from her reaction.
Gilda wasn't the only one in pain today. Applebloom got herself hurt and here she was at the hospital. Her brother was here, but her sister and grandmother were off somewhere else. Even if she was gonna be here for a while, she wanted to have the whole family here to help her recover and get better -- but she can't because not all of her family was here to help her. A piece of her felt broken and it made things worse knowing Scootaloo found her parents. But, she didn't want to sound like a total jerk, too.

She wasn't that, at all. Yes, she wanted to move on but it was hard to. She really missed her parents and she would give anything to see them again and hug them. She vaguely remembered their faces, as she was only a young filly but it wasn't enough. When Scootaloo reunited with her parents, it made her feel incredibly jealous. Jealous to a point she wanted to distance herself from Scootaloo so she wouldn't have her pain thrown at her. It wasn't just anger and sympathy colliding with each other, but a third party was in the mix and she didn't want Scootaloo to know.
"It's just…" She tried to keep it in, but it oozed out of her because her honest tongue could not let her hide the truth any longer. She let out a little frustrated groan before looking at the two little girls of her age, "The both of ya'll… you're really lucky, ya know??"

Poor Applebloom, she really wanted to understand but she also didn't want to hurt her friend, or scare her new one away. She was supposed to a best friend, not some jealous, hate-fuming brat. She didn't want to put her problems onto Scootaloo because Scootaloo had something to be happy about. She knew she was so happy but it was so tricky not to get jealous. And it hurts her more than Scootaloo would know. She had kept it bottled in. If she told Scootaloo that she was outright jealous, she'd fear she'd get into a fallout with Scootaloo.

But it just hurt so much! Scootaloo got her parents back, why couldn't she have hers back? It wasn't fair.

"It's just… I miss 'em. So much." Applebloom wanted to cry but she had to hold it in so she wouldn't mess up her stitches. So she settled with looking down in sadness, her lower lip puckered out. She didn't need this, she knew it's been such a long time. She wanted to move on from it, but it felt like a never-ending struggle.

She looked to Glinda, "You..." The little griffon winced a bit lightly but heard her out, "I'm so sorry to hear how your own folks wanted to abandon you; it's not right. You have an awesome sister and I can relate. My sister is the same way." The two gave a tiny little smile, bonding over the fact that they both had awesome sisters. In fact, Applebloom had no ill-will about Glinda, at all; they just met, for Celestia's sake. But Scootaloo...

"But, you..." Scootaloo flinched when Applebloom pointed at her. This was not gonna be pretty and she braced for it. "You... you..." She hesitated and held her words back, but that didn't stop her from slamming her hoof on her wheelchair arm and looking up at the ceiling. Tears were about to come out and she tried to hold them in. Her pain was getting to her and tried to fight it. "I'm happy for you, Scootaloo… I really am…!" She sniffled while trying to get her tears to stop from falling out, "But, it's just not fair…!" She gazed at her sadly, "You found your family… and that's huge! It's really great!" She looked to Glinda, "And having someone you can really trust to look after you, that's really wonderful…" She groaned sadly as she looked to Scootaloo once more, "But I wish I had what you have, Scootaloo!" Rubbing her stitches that slowly started to hurt from her starting to use a bit more of her vocabulary than what was allowed, she continued, "You finally found your mom months ago… and it looks like y'all finally found your pa, too…" She bitterly looked away as her tears formed once more while she crossed her good hoof over her hoof in the sling, "But… My parents are gone… especially when I was just a baby. I barely even remember what mom and dad even looked like!"

The two widened their eyes, looking at each other in shock as the truth finally spilled out from Applebloom. Guilt started to rake Scootaloo because she then realized that while Applebloom has a loving brother and sister, a wise grandmother and a wide-load of Apple Family members all over Equestria, her parents were no longer around – while she herself still had hers. Glinda winced sadly as she cooed sadly at the earth filly, feeling bad for her pain.

"I appreciate the loving care I get from the rest of my family, like Glinda does with her sister…" Applebloom whimpered and choked up, looking up at Scootaloo in heartbreak. "But how come you get to be so lucky to actually get to know your parents and actually get to have them in your life…" The dams break as the earth filly finally broke down just as the stitches forced her to quit talking after this last anguished word, the sorrow in her voice revealing itself as she sobbed out. "…When I doooon't?!"

Glinda and Scootaloo were getting very worried about Applebloom, but were shocked by how badly it had affected her. They wanted to reassure her that everything was gonna be okay, but they couldn't get Applebloom to calm down – especially after she let out these personal feelings. Were her pain meds finally wearing off? They didn't know and it started to scare them. They knew Applebloom was upset, but try as they might, Applebloom was still struggling. They didn't want to see their friend in this much pain but there was nothing they themselves could do. They had to get back to Big Mac or find the nearest nurse.

"Oh, Applebloom, it's okay," a familiar voice behind Scootaloo and Glinda to her and snapped Applebloom out of her troubled, grieving state.

Applebloom looked ahead tearfully as Scootaloo and Glinda looked behind to see Fluttershy had arrived. She had a calm smile and reassuring eyes like Scootaloo and Glinda had, but it felt different, somehow.

Scootaloo gasped and smiled happily and excitedly to see her mother, again, "Mama!" She rushed up and hugged her close. "It's so good to see you. Where've you been?"

Fluttershy nuzzled her daughter softly and looked at her proudly for trying to tend to her friend, "Hi sweetie. I'm sorry I'm late. I've been at Twilight's castle for the past few hours. Twilight and the rest of us have something big going on later today but she gave me permission to come see you and Drift."

Which was a relief on her part considering she really missed being with her family up until she took one step into the hospital and saw Applebloom about to break the dam once more. Before she could get a chance to talk any further to Scootaloo and then go see Drift afterward, she couldn't help but feel her heart break in two when she saw Applebloom so hurt.

Scootaloo and Glinda wanted about to explain what was going on but Fluttershy shushed them calmly before they could get a chance to. She knew what was up just by looking at the poor filly. Mother instincts kicked in and she walked over to Applebloom and sat in front of her; a pleasant smile that warmed any heart who saw it.

Applebloom sat there confused as to what Fluttershy was doing; tears slowly leaked down her face. She didn't need to waste her time making her feel better; she had her own priorities, didn't she?

"Applebloom, sweetie, it's okay," Fluttershy said in a gentle tone. "Please, don't bottle in your feelings. I know you're hurt and that's okay. But, the best step is to move forward and not let it hold you back."

Fluttershy heard everything the moment she stepped into the hospital. She noticed her daughter with Glinda trying to calm Applebloom down, but they were failing to do so. And she expected it. Because it's not their words that she needed to hear. She knew what her pain was and Scootaloo should know that all too well -- or did she forget? Granted, she had never met Pear Butter and Bright Mac but she could tell their spirits lie within their children and it made sense.

"Your parents would be so proud of you for what you've done today. And it would hurt them knowing their littlest one hadn't moved on," She knew it wasn't easy but she had let Applebloom know. "I know it's tough but you need to know that you still have a family that will support you no matter how bad things get." She motioned to Glinda and Scootaloo. "Not just your family but your friends, too."

Scootaloo nodded slowly, gazing up at her best friend with lowered ears. "No matter what anyone says… You've always been like a sister to me too." She confessed she saw her best friend like a sister and as far as she's concerned, Applebloom was part of her family too.

Applebloom looked over to Scootaloo and Glinda but her attention was back on Fluttershy. She was right. She had her friends and family by her side and even if her parents are gone, they were still with her watching her grow up. But, she still couldn't get that bug off her. The tears started to form, again, and she couldn't hold them in.

"But... But..."

When Fluttershy looked back at Applebloom after she heard her she noticed something felt different here -- she was still holding on, but why? While it was true that her friends were here and the rest of her family was still with her, something still felt like it missing for her. And then it clicked when she saw the pained look in Applebloom's eyes.

Fluttershy softly gasped to herself, realizing, "Oh… I think I know exactly what you need." This should've been the first thing that came up.

Applebloom looked at Fluttershy confused as well as Scootaloo and Glinda. They didn't know what she meant by that until Fluttershy reached out to Applebloom, carefully carrying her out of her wheelchair, and gave her a gentle motherly hug. Applebloom's face was slightly buried in her fur.

"Mom?" Scootaloo said shocked by this sudden move. What was she doing? But, Fluttershy shushed her, again, and kept Applebloom in her warm embrace.

Then it hit her like a powerful freight train. This was it. This was what she was missing. It wasn't the same as when her actual mother held her like this, but it felt just as warm and comforting regardless. Even if she wasn't a foal anymore, she somehow remembered the feeling of being in her mother's embrace and snuggling in her hold when she was just a baby. And so she did the same to Fluttershy and then everything she held in came out in one wave. Applebloom embraced and snuggled close to Fluttershy, letting the rest of her tears flow out of her while Fluttershy just let it happen.

Fluttershy smiled nurturingly down at Applebloom while she bawled softly into her fur. Even if she wasn't a foal, Applebloom was still young just like Scootaloo and Glinda. And even little fillies needed a comforting hug; especially when they're in pain. But this hug was different… it was just a hug from a friend, but it was a motherly hug.

Scootaloo and Glinda remained silent as they watched this tender moment. They couldn't figure out what Fluttershy had planned but the light sobs from Applebloom gave them some form of a clue.

It wasn't difficult to figure out. It took a little bit, but Fluttershy figured it out. Words were not the answer to help this kind of pain. She did this to Scootaloo when she was a foal and now was the perfect time to give Applebloom what she missed most of all. Granted, it was one of them, but it was enough.

Applebloom continued to bawl her pain away. She waited so long but she was given a different chance. And she took this chance and accepted it without any hesitation. Even if her actual mother wasn't there to comfort her, she was just so happy someone was willing to give her this moment -- and for it to be Fluttershy couldn't have been a coincidence. Fluttershy wasn't Pear Butter but her heart, soul, and embrace were warm and nurturing, all the same. She didn't care if anyone saw her like this, she was just so happy to be in a mother's embrace, again.

Nuzzling into her fur with a whimper, she felt her pain starting to ooze away. Granted, it was a slow process for all of it to completely fade away, but still – she knew she needed this. And she was grateful Fluttershy granted this to her, and for the first time since she got out of the hospital for air, she smiled softly while her tears continued their flow slowly.

***back at the cafeteria ***

It was a double whammy for Gilda and Drift when Big Macintosh finished his story about what happened with his parents. Big Mac nodded to them in clear confirmation while he let them soak in what he told them. Now it was clear to Gilda why Big Mac could relate to her.

But For Drift, it felt a little different yet all three of them could feel the same feeling. It was so astonishing and parallel that it was mind-boggling. For Gilda, it was abandonment; for Big Macintosh and his family, it was death; but for himself...

"And what about you, Drift?" Big Mac asked.

"Hmm?" Drifted looked at him perplexed.

"Hey, yeah," Gilda said, realizing. "We basically said what our parents were like. What are yours like?"

It had her wondering because, like Big Macintosh, she didn't know much about Drift other than his relationship with Fluttershy.

Drift got a little nervous being in the spotlight for once. Unlike Gilda and Big Mac who are siblings taking care of their younger siblings, he was actually willing to raise his daughter with his... well, he didn't know what to call Fluttershy right now. Like he'll ever call her his ex-girlfriend; he didn't want that but he needed to talk to Fluttershy when she ever shows up.

"Uh, well," He rubbed the back of his head and was a bit hesitant. "I'm a little different here since I'm actually raising a daughter and not a little sibling. Though, if I were to count my little step-sister, Vinyl, then I guess I can relate here." If Vinyl were here, she'd deck him hard for that one.

It felt nice to hear Gilda and Big Mac get a chuckle out of what he said, but he was being honest. Vinyl was his little step-sister but even back when she was younger, she could take care of herself.

"But, honestly, my actual parents... It's a little complicated for me to say. Vinyl still talks to them, but I... my dad and I... uh..."

How was he gonna explain it to them? It was complicated but he felt tongue-tied right now. And he felt a little awkward, too, since it involved getting a tad bit personal, too.

"After my parents found out I slept with a mare they didn't like and that I used her for stupid reasons, they..."

"Well, I wouldn't say 'used', honey - we both played each other. I would much rather prefer the term, 'being little childish fools.'" Fluttershy said with a tender giggle as she walked up behind Drift and made him nearly jump out of his wheelchair.

"Yo Fluttershy, been a bit," Gilda said, actually happy to see her new friend.

"Howdy, Fluttershy," Big Mac greeted.

Drift felt a cold chill run down his spine when Fluttershy surprised him like that. She was so quiet even her hoofsteps rivaled that of a tiny mouse.

"Jeez, Fluttershy, you nearly scared the crap out of me! I swear, you're about as quiet as a mouse when you do that…" Drift said as he leaned his head close to Fluttershy's with a silly pout but a little kiss on the cheek knocked him out of his pouty stupor.

Fluttershy giggled softly at Drift's goofy, lovey-dovey face as he leaned back on his wheelchair while slouching a little in a love-like trance like nothing ever happened.

"I missed you, too, sweetie," Fluttershy said extra cutely to him and prompted him to blush red like a cherry on a mistletoe hanging from a ceiling before she sat on his left side at the table. "Good to see you awake."

Drift looked over to Fluttershy and smiled softly and lovingly at her, "Heh, it's good to see you here. Did you see Scootaloo and the girls?"

Fluttershy nodded, "I did. I met them when I came in through the entrance. Poor Applebloom was hurting so bad I had to help her."

Big Macintosh looked worried, "Is Applebloom alright?" He worried the pain meds she took were wearing off or that her stitches might've snagged or... or...

Fluttershy nodded at Big Macintosh, "Yes, she's alright. She was hurting because she missed her parents so much. A simple hug was all she needed." Well, it was a mother's hug she really needed but she wasn't gonna be that specific or cheesy about it.

Besides, she wasn't trying to be funny when it involved one of the kids. She held Applebloom like how she would with Scootaloo when she felt upset and she told her, to the best of her stitched-up abilities, what was upsetting her and she wasn't too thrilled to hear what she told her.

"Big Mac, were you not aware that Applebloom was hurting when you started to bring up your parents?" Fluttershy asked, softly in a stern matter at him so she wouldn't cause a scene.

Big Mac winced and hesitated for a bit but nodded to her, "Yeah, I knew. I know I shouldn't have but I figured it would be time to open up and move on. Applebloom is -- "

"Still a child, Big Mac," Fluttershy cut him off a little and let out her motherly tone on him which got him to gaze away in shame. "I know what you tried to do was fine and all, but what happened still traumatizes Applebloom. Whatever was going on here earlier shouldn't have warranted that. What got you to say that in the first place?"

"That would be me, Fluttershy," Gilda chimed in to defend Big Macintosh, looking at her with light red eyes that had dry tear stains down her cheeks. She sheepishly admitted that it was a bit uncool that she somehow must've dragged this out – but on the bright side, she had gotten to know him and Drift more during their talks. "I guess I owe a 'my bad' for that." She cleared her throat and confessed to Fluttershy why she got Big Mac to spill. "Glinda spilled the beans about what happened with us after I had my episode. He thought it was fair to share his."

Gilda looked over to Big Mac who nodded in agreement and confirmed with a simple nod and his casual "Eeyup".

Fluttershy paused and took all this in before she looked over to Gilda and worriedly asked, "Is... everything alright, Gilda?" Seeing those eyes of hers really didn't sit well and her mentioning that 'episode' didn't really help her case.

Gilda breathed as she dusted it off her shoulders and answered just as casually since she let out all her emotional baggage out earlier, "Oh, yeah. I just had to reconcile with Drift about what I did to him with Rainbow Dash." She then pointed a taloned thumb at Drift, near praising him for this part. "Drift here brought me out of my little funk before I could make a pansy out of myself."

She joked, but oh was she not wrong. Drift felt a little flustered. He just couldn't see Gilda become such an emotional wreck. It just wasn't her style -- ironic that he'd be thinking that but it was what it was.

"Well, I can't take all the credit, really," He said being as modest as he could. He wasn't gonna deny any of it and Gilda wasn't gonna be a sad sack on his watch.

Fluttershy was just flabbergasted. She looked at the three and noticed a lot had gone down before she even got here. She looked at Big Mac and could easily read that he was aware and somewhat ashamed of what he did and knew Applebloom was probably gonna be mad at him for a while. But, his reason was clear thanks to Gilda who looked like she went through the wringer a bunch of times before collapsing. And to hear that Drift helped her made her all the more curious to know what else happened.

"What did I miss?" Fluttershy asked, lost for words.

Drift chuckled, "A lot, Flutterfly." Drift smiled sweetly, knowing she was confused about all of this, but a bright blush on her cheeks woke her out of her stupor like what she did with him seconds ago as he gave her a kiss on the cheek after spouting out a different name for her.

Fluttershy squeaked and immediately planted her hoof on his cheek to try and shut him up, pouting adorably at him. "Drift, why that nickname of all things?" She thought he'd forget that nickname after so many years.

But, it was too late, Big Mac and Gilda heard it and both started to chuckle at how cute that sounded; it made sense, really.

"What can I shay?" Drift said a little muffled, his cheek pressed against Fluttershy's hoof. "It's shtill adorable afther awl these yearsh."

Fluttershy wished she could hide under a rock right now. Even after so many years, Drift had a great memory but the timing couldn't be worse.

"Flutterfly?" Big Mac said, snickering at the nickname. This was new to him and he would love to hear more about them if Fluttershy would get Drift to talk, or get them both to start talking. He gave a little amused smirk and shook his head at the two with that smirk. "Heard Fluttershy been called a lot of things over the years, but I never heard that one before."

"Neither did I," Gilda said. But, to be fair, they'd been friends for a short time and she still hardly knew Fluttershy. But, that might change since they were having 'special' kinds of discussions.

One question, in particular, had her eager to know and since both of them are here this was a perfect opportunity. And she had a feeling the big red lug would get a kick out of this one.

"Okay, Okay, I gotta ask this," Gilda said with a smile so devious, Drift and Fluttershy could sense it coming before she could even throw the question out -- even Big Mac was curious to know what Gilda wanted to ask them.

Letting all her snickering out while Fluttershy took her talon in a concerned way – wondering if there was anything else wrong, before the griffon looked at the two pegasi and asked them smugly and deviously, "So, since you two were such an item back then, tell me… who was top and who was bottom?" Gilda leaned forward and held her head over her talons with the smuggest, most devious smile on her face while she waited for them to react.

Big Mac went wide-eyed and slack-jawed at Gilda's question before he tried so hard not to laugh his flanks off. Now that was a golden question right there and he so wanted to hear that, too. This was gonna be fun and the moment he looked over to Drift and Fluttershy, both pegasi were red in the face with powerful embarrassment. That was more than enough to get Big Mac to start laughing like a hyena.

It didn't take but a second and both pegasi were red in the face after Gilda asked them her question. Drift was calmer about it and tried to find a good answer for her since that was a perfect scapegoat to answer that previous question earlier.

Fluttershy was apprehensive about spilling that bean on them and felt really embarrassed that Gilda would ask such a thing; not that she wouldn't expect it from her, but still and why. That was so personal and revealing that she didn't know how to respond to it... because it was so long ago since she and Drift 'tied the knot'.

"Gilda, don't you think that's an invasion of priva--"

"Her," Drift said nonchalantly as he pointed at her. "She was the top… I was her bottom bitch."

Well, it's not so private anymore!

"Drift Velocity!" Fluttershy barked at him in shock for saying that so casually and without hesitation. Did he have no shame?

And it was at that point Big Mac busted out laughing and fell off his chair, grabbing his ribs because of how hilarious that turned out.

Yet, Gilda looked at Fluttershy stunned and outright amazed to hear that. Of the two, she expected Drift to be the big dog of the group, but her? Really? She didn't know what to say, but she had the heart to feel proud and give respect to Fluttershy.

'Dang girl, didn't know you had it in you?' Gilda thought before Drift said a little more to her and Big Mac who just got back on his chair after laughing so hard. Thank Celestia they were the only ones in the cafeteria now; everyone else must've left when they weren't looking.

"Well, I'm sorry, Flutterfly. They told me something personal and I had to make it even. I still haven't forgotten how much of a horn dog you were for such a shy little girl." And he had some scars to prove it. Fluttershy blushed even heavier as her eyes widened in shock yet comical horror as he spoke this part of her.

Big Mac took calm, deep breaths, trying to calm his hyperventilation down after laughing at Drift's response then looked at them curiously before he asked Drift, "Wait... wait, you remember everything that down?"

Okay, for Fluttershy's sake, he was not gonna go into details on how they did it. Fluttershy would thank him for that, but he will respond with a little advice if Big Mac hadn't already gone through it.

"Big Mac, if there's one thing a stallion remembers the most in his life it's his first experience being with a mare. And let me tell you, mine was an experience I regret running from." Drift smiled softly at his girl and laid a hoof on top of hers while she wrapped a wing around his shoulder.

Big Mac was amazed. He didn't expect a mature response like that out of him. He thought for a second he was gonna say something worse to make Fluttershy feel bad, but instead, he got the complete opposite. This made him see a different light. When he took up the mantle of being Scootaloo's brother-figure, he had always assumed Drift was some kind of scumbag for leaving Fluttershy to tend to Scootaloo, only for Fluttershy to put Scootaloo in an orphange after.

But, he was wrong.

He actually cared about Fluttershy and Fluttershy cared for him -- so quickly now that he noticed. How Drift convinced Fluttershy to forgive him, he didn't know. But, whatever the case was, he was happy to know they had patches to fix and one of those patches was Scootaloo. Now he wondered how she felt knowing her parents are getting along.

Fluttershy looked at Drift with a slight gloss in her eyes. She smiled softly and heartwarmingly at him for saying that. She wasn't looking at a scared stallion anymore. In fact, he really evolved and she knew it. But, she was curious to know if he was ready for that next step, if he wanted it, though. It was too early to bring that up anyway and Drift was still recovering. Still, she wanted to let him know she was very grateful and it just made her day to know that Scootaloo was thrilled and overjoyed to have her father back.

Gilda was just as impressed, if not more. To think Rainbow Dash and Tree Hugger were arguing with each other about whether or not Fluttershy should be with Drift was even more ridiculous and time-wasting. These two look fine with each other and she couldn't spot a lick of negative vibes with them. She made a mental note to clobber those two when she got the chance.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Big Mac said, grabbing everyone's attention. "Where are the kids, anyway?"

Fluttershy perked her ears and almost forgot herself, "Oh yeah, I told them that Spike and Smolder were here with Ember in one of the recovery rooms." Fluttershy giggled when Scootaloo reacted to what she said. "She immediately took them there without even thinking. So, she's still here with the girls spending time with the dragons."

Pink in the face, eyes as wide as dinner plates, body shaken with eagerness and she could've sworn she saw her jaw unhinge, too. She knew Sccootaloo was anticipated to see her crush and she was willing to bring Glinda and Applebloom along. Before she could get another word in after she told her which room Spike was in, she swooped the two other girls over her head and ran over to Spike's room. It was the most funniest yet cutest thing she had seen all day.

"I never thought Scootaloo would have a crush on a dragon, of all creatures," Drift said nearly astonished that his little girl had eyes on a dragon. Pretty bold of her to make that choice, but he was still proud of her. "I would assume she'd just have a crush on a colt? But, I ain't gonna object to her choice."

"Neither am I," Gilda said since that topic was brought up. Girls got some guts. I'll give her that." It was still a bizarre outcome for her to learn that a pony fell in love with a dragon. It's not unheard of, yet she could only imagine what could happen if a griffon fell in love with a dragon.

Big Mac, however, chuckled warmly as he felt proud – his little sister figure was growing up, and to hear that she has a crush on Spike - one of his very good friends, his Ogres and Oubliettes gaming buddy, and Twilight's son, made that pride even stronger. "Heh, Little Sugarcube has good tastes - I'll give her that." He winked at the two parents, sending a hint that he is on board with this new little couple boat with them and she had his support.

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, but as much as she loved to chat about anything, she had to get back to business with her friends and Drift, "Hey, if we could change the subject for a bit, I'd like to ask you three something."

The three in question looked to Fluttershy confused but curious. If it had to do with anything that involved Twilight and why the rest of the six are gone, they were all ears -- Big Mac, especially, because he wanted to know why Applejack was called in by her.

"What is it, Fluttershy?" Gilda asked, curiously.

Fluttershy took in a soft inhale of air and breathed out slowly. She needed to not get nervous about asking this because she had a gut feeling they would join in without any hesitation. But she worked up her courage and asked them with a soft frown as she brought up who helped get them here in the first place, "Since you three participated in that awful fight, will you guys join me as witnesses for Spoiled Milk's trial?"