• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 5,596 Views, 261 Comments

As a Family - Dashzilla93

Scootaloo is no longer an orphan and is peacefully back in the caring watch of her mother, Fluttershy. However, Scootaloo ultimately asks her a complicated question: who's her father?

  • ...

Time Heals All Wounds.


After watching their first movie together, Scootaloo and Glinda watched another movie shortly after. Needless to say, during the next movie, Scootaloo noticed Glinda had not kept her eyes away from the screen. She mentally chuckled, admitting to herself she was glad Glinda was enjoying the movie. Surprisingly, since the movie they chose was a movie called Atomic Zilla vs. Queen Midorah, she would've at least expected Glinda to hide under the bed when the leviathans showed. But to her credit, she stood strong. Guess even shy griffons have their tough moments. When the movie reached the end credits, Glinda smiled and giggled excitedly with a mix of bird tweets, “That was awesome! I didn't expect Atomic Zilla to survive a drop like that,” Glinda said, giving her opinion on the movie she just watched. “And Mecha-Midorah was awesome, too! How were they able to build her armor so fast?” she asked, enthused about what occurred. Being this was her first time watching a monster movie, she had dozens of questions, but the climax had her attention the most.

Scootaloo just snickered and smiled at Glinda's excitement. Just like Spike and a few other ponies she knew, she was excited around monster flicks. Can't go wrong with that, especially when a new face gets involved. Looks like there's a new member to add to the list and Scootaloo is all for it. Although, explaining the lore to a monster movie – especially if time travel is involved – was as difficult as solving a math problem to pre-schoolers; it's headache-inducing.

“I have no idea, Glinda. Time travel is really weird,” Scootaloo said. “But, at least the action was awesome.”

“Awesome!” Glinda squawked and hopped on all fours as if Scootaloo said the wrong word to describe what she saw. “That was incredible! All those ponies flying around Queen Midorah and Midorah was like 'zappity zap zap' with her mouth bolts. And Atomic Zilla comes in and was all 'roawr' and fights Midorah! It was so cool!.” Adrenaline was coursing through the little griffon like a chipmunk drinking coffee -- and Scootaloo was enjoying every second of it. Shame they didn't have any popcorn with them, but she doubted any of them would get any of it, anyway.

“If you think that was cool, wait until you watch Atomic Zilla vs Gothra. That one has some great fights in it, too,” Scootaloo said, prompting Glinda to just look at her with eyes full of excitement and glee; they were just sparkling with life and full of energy. And she would vouch for that, too.

It was nice to make a new friend while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were away. Granted, making friends with her mother's animals were nice and all, but she would've liked some communications that weren't gestures, grunts and other animal noises. Glinda fixed that mold and Scootaloo couldn't be happier. To think she'd make friends with a griffon was, well, unexpected really. And for this little griffon to be Gilda's little sister? Bonus!

“I do have one question, though,” Glinda announced, curiously as she looked at the cover of the movie and pointed to a name, “Who's DJ-pon3?” Glinda wagged her tail slowly, unaware of what she just caused.

That question ignited the inner fangirl in Scootaloo and she widened her eyes in shock from what she just heard, “What?! You don't know who DJ-Pon3 is?” Scootaloo jumped to her hooves and quickly crawled under her bed. Glinda flinched from Scootaloo's sudden outburst and looked at her confused and somewhat terrified.

“Did I say something wrong?” Glinda asked, having innocent, apologetic eyes and letting out a soft dove coo.

“No way, Glinda,” Scootaloo said and dragged out a medium-sized box. The top of the box had writing on it in near zig-zag, bold letters 'Scootaloo's stuff'. Scootaloo wrote that down just to make it look cool, but her writing was a little crooked to make it perfect, “I'm gonna show you who DJ-Pon3 is.” Glinda looked at Scootaloo surprised and curious as Scootaloo quickly opened the box and dug through it.

Glinda noticed a few toys and trading cards. But then she reached one talon in and pulled an item out to look. She held a small piece of black fabric with a light green lightning bolt on it. She looked at it for a second as she tilted her head, “What's this?” Glinda asked, but Scootaloo immediately grabbed it, tore it up with her jaws and threw it in the trash next to Fluttershy's side of the bed. Glinda watched as Scootaloo went back to digging through her box; a sour look on her face.

“S-Scootaloo?” Glinda stuttered, worried she might've angered her new friend. Whatever that was, it really made Scootaloo angry. Paranoia started to peak, again.

Scootaloo took a moment to calm herself down taking slow, steady breaths as she said in scorn tone, “Don't worry about it, Glinda. If you think I'm mad at you, I'm not.” She thought she got rid of all her items that had those insane ponies on them, but, clearly, she was wrong. “Long story short, what you saw was a piece of a stupid mistake I made. A mistake that nearly ruined my friendship with somepony and nearly got me killed.” She'd lie to herself if she said that she probably acted way worse than Diamond Tiara, but she wasn't going to say that to Glinda. She wanted to be above that troubled filly and she didn't want to relive those memories, again; not now; not ever.

Glinda felt sympathetic towards Scootaloo, whatever happened must've hit pretty hard. She too had memories she didn't want to relive and she always tried to think of something else to stay positive. She glanced down at the box and noticed a tiny figure of the same mare she saw in that movie. Her eyes glistened and she reached out and grabbed it, “Is this her?” She asked.

Scootaloo looked at Glinda and grinned excitedly, she nodded and answered, her tone shifted right away, “Oh yeah. That's her,” she was giddy and tried so hard not to go all fangirl, but much to her dismay, she failed. “That's DJ-Pon3, her real name is Vinyl Scratch and she's amazing. Her music is so good and listening to it gets your blood pumping for action”-- Scootaloo hopped on her back-hooves and punched the air a few times-- “Or just dance along, too.” She sat back down and smiled, feeling energized just thinking about her music.

Glinda reared her head back and couldn't help but smile herself. And she thought she was energetic, “And the movie she was in?” Glinda pointed at the screen beside them as she put the tiny figurine back in the box.

“Oh, in one interview, she said she loved monster movies and would love to be in a few. And it turns out, she got her wish.”

They both looked at the screen and watched the end credits stop as the movie case slid out.

“How would you feel if you got to meet her?” Glinda asked, very curious to know.

The thought of meeting another pony she was a fan of would just make her soar over the sun and moon. She got to meet her first idol and she ended up becoming a sister-figure to her; she couldn't be happier. But if it was Vinyl Scratch, “If I meet Vinyl Scratch in person, it would be the coolest thing ever.” Her wings buzzed with excitement. The mere thought of it just sparked her imagination like wildfire, “I'd ask her to hangout, see if I can get her autograph, take pictures, she's so cool, she's as cool as Rainbow Dash and few other ponies.” Scootaloo talked so much, she almost lost her breath. A little talon to her shoulder got her out of her fangirl state.

“Whoa there, calm down, Scootaloo,” Glinda said with a slight chuckle. “I was only asking”

Scootaloo blushed faintly and sheepishly smiled, embarrassed that she nearly lost herself through that freakout, again. She had to make mental notes to control herself every time the ponies she's a fan of are brought up; old habits died hard, apparently.

“Heh, sorry. Force of habit.”

“Does that happen a lot?”

Sootaloo slowly gestured a 'kind of' hoof to her, “Only when ponies like DJ, Rainbow Dash, Wild Outback and few others are brought up,” she mentally snickered to herself. “You, my mom and Rainbow Dash have seen me like this,” – totally lying out her flank, there – “others like Varan hasn't seen me like that, yet.” She didn't want to admit that more ponies have seen her fangirl before and would gladly tell stories; all the more reason for Scootaloo to hide it and less worry about being embarrassed. But then it dawned on her that she had to talk to Varan about what happened earlier.

“Oh, that's right, I almost forgot,” she closed the box and slid it under the bed, “I have to go talk to Varan.” Aside from that stupid argument she and her mother got into, she had to figure out why Varan acted the way he did. And she do it without her mother's help; she was still rightfully mad.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot,” Glinda said as she shuddered a little. “That was scary what he did.” as much as she wanted to go see the giant lizard, she felt it was best to steer clear, and Scootaloo was aware.

“He doesn't normally act like that,” which is true with how long Scootaloo's known him. “You can stay inside if you want, Glinda. I don't have to tag along.”

She didn't have to tell her twice. Glinda was not used to nature life like Scootaloo is. Being around other animals seemed rather uncomfortable for her, “Alright.” She did smile at her, sweetly and happily said, “I had fun hanging out with you, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo looked at Glinda and couldn't help but gloat, thinking she did great as a host. An unexpected host, but still, “I did, too. Not often I get to hang out with griffons. It's pretty cool, really.”

Glinda unintentionally let out a cute, robin tweet and couldn't help but ask Scootaloo, “Does this mean we're--”

Scootaloo smiled and gave Glinda a gentle nudge to her shoulder, “You bet, Glinda.”

The look on Glinda's face was full of life and excitement. For the first time ever, she finally got to make a new friend in her new home in Ponyville. She felt like she was gonna erupt with glee.

Scootaloo walked up and opened the door as she and Glinda walked out.

Down in the living room, the grown-ups continued their chat until they heard tiny hoof and paw steps come down the stares. They were relieved to know they were doing fine until Fluttershy spoke up, nervously.

“Scootaloo, sweetie, I--”

Scootaloo ignored her mother and slammed the backdoor behind her. That pretty much said it all right there.

“Well, that happened,” Gilda chimed in, having thoughts that Scootaloo would do that; Rainbow Dand Tree Hugger thought the same thing.

Fluttershy sighed and lowered her ears, still regretting she accused Scootaloo of not knowing Varan's actions, “I'll give her more time. She deserves it, I guess.”

Gilda then turned her attention to Glinda and asked her, curiously, “Did Scootaloo treat you okay, squirt?”


Scootaloo approached her pet's den with a firm upper lip and a pair of narrowed eyes. She stopped right at the entrance and called inside, "Varan! We need to talk."

The sound of the heavy footsteps dragging across the floor were coming towards her and no sooner did she call him, meeting her halfway out was her beloved pet.

He hissed a bit at her in a soft manner, as if to greet her. But Scootaloo didn't want to have it as she walked toward him with that reprimanding look in her eyes.

"Don't you ‘Hello' me, buster. You've got a lot of explainin' to do." She cut to the chase because she and Varan both knew why she was here.

Varan knew she was upset with him, he could tell by that tone in her voice. He slowly nodded in response to her words, agreeing with her instead of being nonchalant or ignorant about it. He grumbled lightly and lowered himself to the ground as Young Master came inside to him; At times, he allowed her to come into his cave, he didn't mind her company – plus she makes a good cuddler when he tries to be lazy only for her to play around with him in retaliation.

He would smile at that memory but he knew she was going to give him a scolding. Taking a small breath through his nostrils, he gazed back at his 6 friends who motion him to go ahead. Looking at Winona, he recalled how dogs get in a submissive position when they know they're in trouble – guess this was one of those times that he had to show he was willing to accept his fate.

With a hissing whine, he laid down on his front, his tail between his hind legs and gazing up at Young Master with the best 'I'm sorry' eyes he could attempt giving her. Those tears he had shed minutes before had slowly leaked down his cheeks.

"What the heck happened back there, huh?" Scootaloo snapped at him. "Everything was going really well with everypony until you suddenly got all mad at Harry when he arrived!" She stamped her hoof, frustrated. "And you didn't even want to listen to me either when I tried to calm you down!" She was still concerned about why he wouldn't listen to her when she tried to calm him down during his encounter with Harry, but she had to point out the consequences of his actions had caused first, "Now, thanks to that little stunt of yours, Varan, you got me in trouble with Mom!"

Varan winced hard when she chewed him out on his actions, and for once he felt the piercing stab of guilt run through his chest and he found it hard to look her directly in the eyes. It was true – he was just so blind with anger, that he didn't want Young Master to stop him from killing the grizzly who he once believed was the perpetrator of attacking his kind. And now because of him, Old Master is angry at Young Master. Old Master was punishing Young Master for something that he did – and since he belonged to her, she has to become responsible for something that he had done.

And he didn't like that. Not one bit.

He whimpered and hissed lightly and let out light puffs of air through his snout. The guilt was starting to pound right on top of him and he couldn't do anything to stop it, or Young Master from scolding him.

He knew he had to take it, but why did it have to hurt so much?

It even hurt to a point that he laid completely down in front of his owner; He covered his eyes with his paws and curled his tail tight around him, forming himself in somewhat a reptilian ball as he continued to whimper and hiss lightly. Even given an occasional shuddery inhale of air which was identified from the Pet Six as… sniffling.

Angel, Tank, Gummy, Opal, Winona, and Owlowicious could not believe what they were seeing – Varan, the fearsome reptile they had ever seen and have known in a short time, was beginning to break down at the hooves of his owner!

Winona could understand just how he felt, for she does the same type of thing when she knows she did something wrong when Applejack scolded her.

"How could you just attack—" Scootaloo slowed down a bit when she took notice "—Harry… like… that, whoa…" She couldn't believe it herself, her awesome pet, her best friend aside from Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and now Glinda, was weeping in front of her.

Now she knew something was definitely wrong with him. For as long as she had known Varan, she had never seen him break down in front of her; Heck, he never cried in front of her mother either! So what's bothering her awesome buddy?

"V-Varan… h-hey, it's okay, bud…" Cooling down just a bit from her outburst, she sat next to him and rubbed at a spot down his neck, a spot that he loved having scratched just right. It started working as it paused his whimpering enough to let out a few purr-like growls as Scootaloo rubbed and scratched that spot just right. "N-No need to flood your cave…" She knew that wasn't remotely possible, but looking back on memory, she recalled that Pinkie, of all ponies in Ponyville, makes the most impossible possible. And if that crazy mare can do something that was remotely impossible to pony eyes, then it might be possible for Varan to nearly flood his cave with his tears – if he cried hard enough, that is.

But there wasn't gonna be a crying komodo on her watch. No way. "C'mon, buddy… I'm a little upset at you, yeah… but I'm not downright furious at you." She had to reassure her pet that while she was upset with his actions, that didn't mean he was going to be hated for it.

Her words managed to get his attention as he slowly uncovered his left eye to look at her, tears running down his cheek as he whimpered at her. He was asking her if she means that, because he worried that due to what his anger made him do, she might reconsider getting a new pet.

What he saw was a smiling face and words that sounded like a heavenly choir inside his mind…

"I love you, ya big, goofy, lazy-butted lizard," She giggled and scratched under her pet's chin. "Nothing's gonna change that, not even a fight."

Hearing those words from his master, his sweet, sweet Young Master, brought hope and relief to Varan and it lessened the hurt that he had felt. His owner still loved him, and even if he messed up, she wouldn't get rid of him that easily.

He gave a shaking, but happy lizard smile as his tears stopped falling, he leaned his head down onto her shoulder and started licking at her cheek with his tongue, causing her to laugh as the slimy appendage rubbed against her cheek.

"Varan, stop it, that tickles!" She laughed as her pet gave her affection in the form of a few loving licks after that reassuring. She repaid it by hugging him around his strong neck, laughing still as he nuzzled into her.

The sight alone made the Pet Six smile as they witness the bond between the young Pegasus filly and her Komodo Dragon. They knew that feeling of a loving bond all too well, and it was a very pleasant feeling to have when you have an owner that loves you, no matter how many times you messed up or got into trouble.

The sight was just so heartwarming, the six pets made their way over to the two and let their presence be known to Scootaloo who understandably looked surprised to see that they were here in Varan's cave.

"Angel? Tank? Gummy? Opal? Winona? Owl? What are you six doing in here?"

Owlowicious simply hooted and motions to Varan with his wing, seemingly smiling at him. Opal came between the two of them and rubbed against them in a passive matter, purring and mewing as if wanting attention, too. With a playful eye roll, she patted the cat that belonged to Rarity with a smile, she looked to the other pets and chuckled; Did they want the same treatment? If so, then why not? "Ain't that sweet? You six want a little bit of love too?" She allowed them to gather and gave them a few rubbings and some hugs. Although Angel struggled just a teeny bit, he did prefer Fluttershy's hugs better – not that there was anything wrong with Scootaloo's hugs, but Fluttershy's hugs were like hugging a soft pillow.

Angel then hopped out of her arms and started making faces, some even resembling other animals; he was attempting to help Varan explain his behavior. He points his brows down into a glare, bared his teeth and flexed his fingers into claw shapes, taking on a slightly hunched but towering type of form, making a few weak growls that only a bunny would attempt.

Scootaloo, amused by Angel's antics, chuckled before noticing that Varan was nodding at this. Remembering her question, she wondered – are these pets helping Varan – in the form of a few charades? This just got a little interesting. And with Angel's posture, she realized who he was imitating "Harry…" Angel nodded as Gummy approached and imitated Varan by making his best snarl face "Varan…"

Varan snorted in amusement from his fellow reptile trying to imitate him. But he was grateful that his new friends were helping him out with explaining his behavior, though he tilted his head at the Wise One's pose; He seemed to be taking some sort of thinking pose.

Scootaloo was a bit curious about that one before recalling a lesson from Miss Cheerilee's class and remembered seeing that same pose in a schoolbook once. "Thinker…" She started to piece together the clues and looked to Varan, "Varan… you know Harry?"

Varan wouldn't say ‘know', but now that his friends helped him out and despite setting off on him before, recalling the bear's earlier behavior around Old Master, he now knows that Harry was only about as dangerous and vicious as a marshmallow. He gave Young Master a so-so type of shrug and made a groaning "eh" sound.

Opal came forward next and started pawing at the dirt. Although she hated getting dirty just as much as her owner did, just like Rarity, she was willing to get her paws a little dirty if it means to help her friends. She seemed to be drawing something as Winona came over to help her out.

Intrigued, the group watched the cat and dog before the two showed their work. They seemed to have drawn a group of quadrupeds around a messy-looking forest area, but one was circled out from the rest.

It took Scootaloo a while to actually grasp what she was looking at but she finally got it when Varan sniffed and growled gently at the picture. She looked at him, then back at the quadrupeds before noticing they looked lizard-ish design to them. ‘Wait..' she thought, exchanging looks with Varan and the picture, it suddenly clicked once she saw a bit of longing in her awesome pet's eyes. She gasped, "Is that… your family, Varan?"

Her answer was a simple nod. "But… what does that have to do with Harry?"

Tank started erasing the picture with the komodos in it while Angel makes bunny-sized bear growls, making swiping motions at the picture. The bunny even snarled like one.

It was weird, but Scootaloo noticed it a mile away and gasped lightly. "Your family… was attacked… by a bear?"

Varan nodded but hissed lightly, adding a word in hissing that would translate to ‘creature', while looking down sorrowfully, revealing to his Young Master the sad truth.

Lowering her ears, Scootaloo knew just how he felt, as she had been all alone way before she adopted him. "Aw… guess we both know what it feels like to be orphans, huh boy?"

Varan could only make light cooing noises as she stroked his head in comfort.

“Okay, if it wasn't a bear, then what creature could it be?” She was baffled by this. She hasn't gotten quite enough knowledge to know how strong Varan's species could be, but judging from what happened it had to be a creature of immense strength to take out dozens of Komodo Dragons. And she knew for a fact Harry couldn't do it, nor could any other Grizzlies for that matter.



A familiar voice cut her train of thought as she slowly gazed at the entrance with a sour look. What does she want now? As if dodging questions and accusing her wasn't enough, now she has to pester her in front of her pet, too? What part of 'leave me alone' does she not understand?

Varan turned his head and saw Old Master stand there at the entrance of his cave. He expected her to chew him out for attacking one of her friends, but the look on her face said otherwise. Old Master looked sad and she reeked of guilt. No. It didn't take him long to realize he was not Old Master's target. Was she needing Young Master's attention? Well, she got it.

The Mane Six pets looked towards the entrance, too, wondering what Fluttershy wanted. Angel approached Fluttershy, nose twitching instinctively.

“Hello, Angel, is Scootaloo in there?”

Angel nodded, pointed towards Varan. Fluttershy looked but was stunned to see her friend's pets here with Varan. Never in her life has she seen them all together in one place without their owners.

“W-What are you guys doing here?” Fluttershy asked.

All of them came out, aside from Varan, and approached Fluttershy and made their own respected calls and noises to tell her the story. Winona whimpered and barked, Opal mewed, Tank honked, Owlowicous hooted, but Gummy just stood there like nothing was a care in the world to him. They all seemed somewhat excited, which was no surprise there. But, there were so many vocals Fluttershy could take.

“Okay, Okay, slow down. One at a time,” Fluttershy quickly got them to calm, before hearing their sides of the story, and getting answers to why they were here. Fluttershy nodded understandably.

“I see. Well, I...” she paused herself and took a slow, steady breath as she talked to the Pet Six. She hoped Scootaloo was hearing this, “...I came to apologize. I was wrong to accuse her of what happened.” She rubbed the back of her head. She really was sorry about that. Hopefully, this'll put her and her daughter on good terms. She really doesn't like arguing with her pride and joy and it hurt her just as much as it hurt Scootaloo. “We didn't expect Varan to do what he did.”

Varan let out a moaning hiss, letting Old Master know he was dreadfully sorry.

“It's alright, Varan. Harry doesn't hold grudges,” Fluttershy assured. “We'll try again, later.”

The fact that Varan would attack Harry still mind-boggled her. She'd like to know what caused this outburst and hopefully get a better understanding of Varan and his behaviors. Well, later down the line. Right now, she had one priority in mind and she'd like for her to come out. She's surprised Scootaloo hasn't come out and yelled at her. Then again, she's already done that. Fluttershy took another slow, calming breath and prepared for her next step in life in being a great mother.

“Scootaloo, I know you're in there. I know your upset for what I did and I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have accused you. I just got mad and... didn't think straight.” She said in a regretting tone. “I'd like for you to come out. I want to ask you something. If you don't--”

“Okay, okay,” Scootaloo spoke out and walked around Varan and out of the cave. A tiny blush on her face, “Please, don't be so sappy, mom. You know how I feel when you do something like that.” Even if there weren't other ponies around, hearing her mother get all emotional like that just made her feel awkward. She wanted to be tough, not very emotional.

Fluttershy giggled softly, “And I remember I'm not the only one like that, too. Remember what you said earlier?”

That tiny blush became a bright red blush and Fluttershy saw it, “Mom! Really? In front of the animals?” She wanted to keep that a secret – even from her animal friends.

“Alright, I won't step any further on that,” Fluttershy said with a smile, happy she's talking to her daughter, again. But out of the blue, said daughter came up to her and hugged her close. Fluttershy felt her soul lift as she hugged her flesh and blood close.

“And I'm sorry for yelling at you. You know I'm still learning about Varan, too,” She really was. She did her best to learn as much as she could about her Komodo Dragon, but even still! It was hard for her since she's still developing that ability to talk to animals. She can understand Varan's gestures and facial expressions, but that's about it. The noises he makes and just noises. But what really hit home was what Scootaloo said earlier, “And about what I said. I didn't mean to bring that up. I'm s-sorry, mom.”

Fluttershy took a moment of silence, pondering that. Scootaloo was right. She pegged herself as a horrible pony for keeping it away from her child. Dodging questions and keeping quiet, trying to push him out of her life and trying to have Scootaloo live life without him? She was scared. Not just for what he'd do to her if she saw him again, but what he'd do to Scootaloo if he saw her. All she was doing was keeping a wall between them and Drift. But, Scootaloo's curiosity grew and so did her excitement. She hate having to burst that balloon and hurt her daughter. Then it dawned on her, time and age changed Gilda from a savage bully to a mellow, reasonable griffon. If that affected her, maybe it affected Drift? She had to tell her. It wasn't for her anymore...

It was for her pride and joy.

“Yeah, about that,” Fluttershy said with an accepting tone and smile.

Scootaloo perked her ears and looked up at her mother. The Pet Six and Varan looked on, curious, as well.

“I think I've kept it low for far too long,” Fluttershy said. “Tomorrow, would you like to meet your father?”

Scootaloo locked her eyes on Fluttershy and had a tough time processing what she just heard. Did she hear that right? Or was she going crazy, “Um, c-can you repeat that? If you don't mind?” Scootaloo asked, near mimicking her own mother.

Fluttershy held in a chuckle and proudly ask, “Would you like to go meet your father?”

As if a big wish had been made, Scootaloo's face contorted from confused and clueless to outright shock and surprise. Her wide-eyed and slack-jawed face said it all to Fluttershy. Now all she needed was to wait for the excited shock wave.

As if to beat the clock, Fluttershy looked at the remaining Pet five and asked them, “I think it's best you guys get home. It's getting pretty late and I'm sure your families are waiting.”

Without any hesitation, the pets head back to their respected homes. But right as they ran around Fluttershy's cottage, they flinch as they all heard a loud, happy squeal from the backyard. That shock wave arrived and Scootaloo was letting them know.

“You mean it? You actually mean it?” Scootaloo said, jumping in the air as her tiny wings buzzed with excitement.

Fluttershy laughed in amusement at Scootaloo's excitement, “Of course. And I can answer any questions you might have, sweetie.” The back of her mind thought that was not gonna an issue because Scootaloo might have a million questions for her. But, then she tilted her head slightly. “Um, Scootaloo?”

“Oh my Celestia, I can't wait! I have so many questions to ask him. Ask you. I just can't wait to meet him,” all of her excitement was showing and she couldn't contain herself. Yet she failed to see Angel, Varan and Fluttershy giving her surprised looks.


“What's he like? What does he look like?”

Scootaloo, sweetie?”

“Does he like the Wonderbolts? Does he have pets?” she gasped. “Is he a member of the Wonderbolts?!”


“What?” Scootaloo snapped out of her train of thought and glanced at Fluttershy, only to see her eye-level. Confused, Scootaloo asked, “Uh, mom, did you get shorter?”

Fluttershy shook her head and pointed at her back. Scootaloo looked back and widen her eyes, again.

“Am I... flying?” Her wings were buzzing fast and keeping her in the air. Fluttershy examined her patterns and quickly figured out what was going on. But...

“I'm flying! I'm flying!” Scootaloo said, full of excitement. This day was becoming the best day for her.

Even Varan was thrown aback by this. He never expected Young Master to fly so soon. He saw she had wings, but never seen her use them. This was the first time he's seeing her in the air.

“Now hold on, Scootaloo. This isn't flying. At least not yet.” Fluttershy said but noticed the bubble about to burst in Scootaloo's eyes. “It's not flying, you're hovering. It's sort of a first step in a pegasus' life.” Having experienced this, despite not flying as much like Rainbow Dash and Gilda, she knows a thing or two, sort of.

Still, that kept a smile on Scootaloo's face, “Still, I'm off the ground. Finally! First I get to go see dad and now this? This day is great!” she was feeling the adrenaline pump through her body. But now she needed to know one thing: “but, how do I get going?”

“Heh, that's easy, just tilt your body just a little and you can go,” Fluttershy informed, loving being a teacher to her daughter. First in Twilight's school, now this. Bonus!

Scootaloo nodded and glanced over the cottage, “Okay, just tilt my body forward.” Scootaloo tilted her body, but not a little like her mother said. Instead of a little, she tilted her body far to the point she did a front flip and plopped on her back. Scootaloo let out a sudden “whoa” and a hard “Oof” when she landed.

Varan, Angel and Fluttershy winced, “Don't worry, it's still for first try, sweetie,” Fluttershy said as she helped Scootaloo up. Angel couldn't help but laugh a little at the mistake. But Varan at least gave an approving nod for trying.

“Oh, should've worn a helmet for that,” Scootaloo joked but felt slightly disappointed she did that.

Fluttershy smiled and gave her daughter a soft motherly cheek nuzzle, “Don't worry about it. Every Pegasi makes a mistake the first time. Once you've gotten used to hovering, then we can see if you're able to fly.” Fluttershy saw the sparkle in Scootaloo's eyes. Seeing her daughter light up like this made her heart felt so warm. She couldn't be more prouder and relieved that Scootaloo was able to hover, now. Guess her excitement must've done something with her wings. She shrugged to herself. Maybe she should think about this another time, she didn't want to pull a 'Twilight' and overwork her brain.

Scootaloo then realized something was a little off, “Wait, where are the others?” She noticed they weren't around with her when she came out to find her.

“Oh, they all went home. Gilda and Glinda are living with Rainbow Dash until they get a new home and Tree Hugger left soon after.”

“Aw man, I didn't even get to say good-bye,” Scootaloo said with a pout, whimpering like a puppy.

Fluttershy giggled again and nuzzled her daughter again to make her feel better, “Now, now, Scootaloo, we'll see them again. I assure you.” She knew it wasn't gonna be the last time they'd see them, again. Though, it's gonna be a few days before Fluttershy can chat with Rainbow and Tree Hugger, again. What they did was still hurtful, but she'll get over it soon.

“Come on, I'll make you your favorite meal,” Fluttershy said.

Scootaloo beamed her eyes at her mother and smiled giddy at her and asked, “Think we can eat out her with Varan?” Varan let out a long, hissing yawn before walking back into his cave to sleep.

“I think Varan wants to just sleep, for now.”

“Aw, come on! Really? Right now?” Scootaloo walked to Varan's cave entrance and tried to get him back out.

“It is getting a tad late, Scootaloo.”

“Oh, fine,” Scootaloo walked away, letting Varan go get some sleep.

Angel followed, heading back with the Mother-daughter duo before hoping through the doggy-door.

“So, what's dad like?”

"He was an... interesting stallion. He was always so full of himself," She chuckled and playfully jabbed, "Kind of like Rainbow Dash usually acts sometimes." That actually made Scootaloo laugh a little, while she admires her idol with every fiber of her being, she knew every once in a while Dash tended to get a little cocky – her mom's joke was funny because it was oh so true. "But he did care about me," Fluttershy opened the door as Scootaloo walked in first. Fluttershy walked after and closed the door as her voice slowly fades out while continuing to tell her daughter about her daddy until it was time to head to bed.

As she tucked her daughter in and kissed her goodnight, she smiled fondly down at her daughter's smiling, sleeping face. It felt so good to see her happy. With a short yawn, she trotted off to go make sure her critters were turned in for the night before she turns in herself. Clicking the light off with her wing on the switch and holding the door open just a crack as she left the room to have one last look at her daughter for the night; she smiled lovingly at her daughter and whispered, "Goodnight, Scootaloo…"

She slowly closed the door behind her with a soft click.

***The Next Morning, At Sugarcube Corner***

"So… who do you think the kid will look like more? You or Fluttershy?" Vinyl said as she smiled enthusiastically while she and Drift talk about her new little step-niece or step-nephew as they sat at a table at Sugarcube Corner. It was calm, warm, welcoming and no sign of the paparazzi tailing her anywhere. It was the perfect place to have a little sweet snack before breakfast.

Nopony could blame her for wanting to figure out more on her new step-niece/nephew, she was hyped to meet the kid and be, in Twilight's words, the best aunt ever.

Drift chuckles lightly and teased, "Well, let's just hope, for Shy's sake, that our child resembles her most."

She snickered as she joked, "It could be worse, the kid may end up a unicorn or an earth pony like those two twins of the Cakes," She said as she shrugs at the highly unlikely possibility, seeing how most of Shy's relatives were pegasi and she was the only unicorn from Drift's side as far as she knew.

Drift sarcastically laughed while imagining what his child would look like. Ever since his chat with his step-sister yesterday, he was eager to meet his kid. "Ha ha ha. Yeah, what would the chances of that be? I just hope the kid turns out to be a great one... with his or her mother's eyes," He said as he chuckled lightly. He thought about it more, though, "Maybe my attitude?" He shook his head and spoke what truly mattered to him, while he wanted to meet his kid; he hoped the little one won't end up like him, mostly concerning the scarred part of him. "But as long as the little one resembles Shy most, it doesn't matter what he/she looks like. I highly doubt the squirt would want to end up with an ugly mug like mine," He motioned to his scar.

Vinyl paused to take a look at the scar and gave him an unphased, nonchalant shrug, "It's not that bad, D-Bro." She really didn't see the issue with it. In fact, she thought it made him look cool. And she wouldn't be surprised if his kid thought it was cool, too.

"I agree, sweetheart," said a sweet welcoming, out-of-nowhere voice.

Drift nearly jumped out of his seat but turned to see Mrs.Cake standing between them and in front of their table. He blushed in embarrassment, remembering where he was. "S-Sorry I didn't notice you there, Mrs.Cake."

The pudgy blue mare with frosting-like hair smiled warmly and waved a hoof, "It's all right, dear. I don't mean to eavesdrop, but… I consider who-ever your child is could very much be lucky to have you as a father," She complimented, having only seen Drift every once in a while and almost ofter come inside to order something; she didn't expect him to be a father, however.

He looked surprised that she'd say such a thing, and wondered why she'd say that; she beat him to it, however. "A patient, kind stallion like you seemingly daring to risk it all for those he cares about," She gazed up at Vinyl as an example, with the unicorn flinching and trying to hide her face, the earth mare giggles lightly, "No other foal would be as lucky to have someone like that as a dad." She winks at them, hinting she overheard that part about her children. "Take it from me, I know." She was a mother herself, so she knew what it was like when it came to a stallion showing how much he cared for his family, like how her Carrot Cake would do anything to keep her and the twins happy. She giggles as she walked off to head to the kitchen.

Once she was gone, Drift snorted as he looked to Vinyl. He gave her a flat look for her earlier comment, raising his right brow at her. That look in his magenta eyes clearly read ‘You're buckin' kiddin', right?' as he stared at his V-Sis flatly. If anything, if he looked himself in the mirror, he'd tell her that his scar makes him stick out like a sore hoof.

"Don't look at me like that," She pouted as she quietly spoke because she didn't want to make the Cakes uncomfortable in any way as she brings up his old job, "Nopony asked you to get yourself mangled up back in your trophy hunting days."

That was uncalled for. "Ouch," He flatly said but humored her as he playfully swiped her shades, ushering her to yell out a "Hey!" and try to grab them back as he placed a hoof on her forehead once she got near. "You're just lucky I love you, V-Sis."

"Yeah, I love you, too, D-Bro. Now gimme back my shades, you wing-brained jerk!" She struggled against his hoof, her eyes narrowing in annoyance at Drift and her lower lip sticking out in a fierce pout once she got close enough to grab those glasses of hers only for his wing to cover her face, further preventing her from reclaiming her prized possession. "That's the only pair I got!"

He smirked and chuckled lightly, "Sis, nopony cares if your eyes are unlike any color they've seen; they still dig you and your beats," He winked, "And I don't doubt my kid will agree with me on that."

She paused, again, and chuckled at that, "You're lucky you're my bro, otherwise I would'a kicked your flanks 6 feet under if it means getting them shades back." Not that she had any problems with her eyes; she just liked wearing her shades all the time. She wouldn't care if she had to get physical, she wanted her shades back – they're her trademark, after all.

"Heh… ya already opened up my scar earlier…so…" He pushed her shades back onto her with a faint ‘boop' sound emitting. Her shades a little crooked.

She winced when he brought that little bit up and pouted at him, giving him an unamused frown, "You aren't gonna let that go, are you?"

He smirked and smiled smugly as he pointed to his face, "It's my face ya punched, how can I not let that go?"

She had to admit, as she straightens her glasses back to their normal position, that he had her there. He had a right to hold it against her for a while. But she was mad, so he couldn't exactly blame her for punching him like she had earlier either, "Touché."

It took a minute to calm down from that little playful sibling scuff, but Vinyl knew she had to break the ice. She looked up at Drift, lowering her shades a bit, gazing her magenta eyes at him, "So, what are you going to do?"

Drift looked at his step-sister, confused, "Huh?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Drift. I know I said we don't have to immediately go to her, but I wanna know what the plan is."

But that was the thing. At the moment, he didn't have a plan whatsoever.

He winced as he looked away from her, rubbing his neck as he gave her his answer, "I… don't really have a plan. I'm still a little nervous about what will happen," He sighed lightly as a seed of doubt was planted, "W-What if -- what if she never forgives me?"

"Then you're just gonna have to work your way up to earn her forgiveness," Vinyl advised. While she knows that Fluttershy is the sweetest mare she's ever known and that she's quite sensitive, especially by emotional terms if hurt real bad, Shy can be known to have quite the outbursts from bottled up emotions.

"But… I'm just not sure if she'd accept me again," While he wanted to make up with Shy, he was afraid that while she's understandably mad at him from what he had gathered since he dumped her while she was pregnant, that she wouldn't accept him back into her life.

"Fluttershy would totally forgive you and accept you again, silly!" Pinkie said as she impossibly popped out from within the cup of punch Vinyl had, grinning at Drift.

This outburst caused the two to scream a bit and back up from their table, both their eyes widened in shock, surprise and unholy confusion.

Drift held his chest tight and groans once he realized who it was, "Oh dear sweet mother of Celestia and Luna themselves! Pinkie, ya almost gave me a heart attack!" How that mare always manages to sneak about like that is mind-boggling, and yet she always manages to get them with the element of surprise. He took a moment to breathe to get his heart to slow down from that near heart-attack.

The bubbly pink mare giggles, "Silly Drifty, you need to have a heart before you can have an attack!~"

Raising a brow at her, Vinyl sat back up and regained her composure. Unlike her step-brother, she didn't have that much of a reaction to her antics since she is always invited to Pinkie's parties; no matter what they are. But in a situation like this, "How much did you hear, Pinkie Pie?" She asked as she pointed at the party mare. She may be friends with this hyperactive, crazy mare, but there were some things that shouldn't be any of her business.

Pinkie Pie popped her way out of the cup and onto the wooden floor, innocently shaking off little drips from her hoofs, "Oh, just enough," She said as she smiled at Drift over her shoulder. "Enough

to know that you don't have to be afraid of your feelings, or how Fluttershy would react towards seeing you again. What you should be focusing on, is telling her the words she wants to hear – which is a ‘super-duper-double-scooper-gooper-BIG-"I'm-sorry-for-hurting-you-so-badly-I-really-miss-you-I'll-do-anything-you-want-so-I-can-make-it-up-to-you-and-I-love-you-soooooooo-much!"' apology," She said as she giggled as if it were the simplest thing in the world to do. With Pinkie, knowing Fluttershy and her element, she would no doubt forgive him if he apologized.

The two ponies blink at her. How in Equestria is that mare able to breathe when speaking long complex sentences like that?

"Uh… yeah…" He blinked slowly at Pinkie's words of ‘encouragement'. "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

But he was only greeted with a laugh and a boop on the nose "That's ‘cuz you're only making it harder on yourself than it needs to be, Drifty!" She points out to him, "It's been like, what, a few years since you've seen each other, like high school, right?"

Vinyl blinked at that and tilted her head in astonishment, asking for him. "How'd you know that one?" Well, she was curious herself. Pinkie was a literal party animal, but she can't be psychic, can she?

"Just a hunch." She grinned widely. Though, deep down, she was actually quite surprised, too. She quickly figured out Fluttershy was Scootaloo's mother after she caught her sobbing and talking with Angel while no one else was looking. But she never thought the father would be Drift. At first, she thought he was a huge meanie-pants for what he did to her, but overhearing him say how doubtful he was and that he was willing to see his kid and make things right with them made her have second thoughts and she just had to help him. Besides, she didn't like seeing sad faces.

"Well… yeah… it's been quite a long time since we last saw each other," He raised a brow at her, wondering why she'd ask that type of thing when she herself wasn't even in their school. "Why?"

Pinkie Pie only shook her head as her smile turned fond, "Because… I know my bestie. And I know that Shy and your daughter may be much closer than you think. Drift… years are a very, very looooong time…" She approached their table and set down a plate of freshly made cupcakes and muffins for them along with fresh new glasses of punch to replace the ones she popped out of. "And time… has a way of changing things." She winked at him before trotting off, leaving them to ponder what she meant.

Although, Drift became buggy-eyed when he realized Pinkie said *daughter*; that oddball mare, she knew who his child was?! "W-Wait, Pinkie! Wait!" He tried to call her back, but she kept hopping away.

Vinyl blinked and tried to call her back when she also noticed she left the muffins and cupcakes on their table, and they didn't even order them yet. "Wait, what about the muffins and cupcakes?!?"

Pinkie Pie called back over as she vanished into her kitchen, "On the house!"

Blinking at this random, yet uncharacteristically wise encounter of Ponyville's most smile-inducing party mare, Drift could only stare at Vinyl and comment…

"Sometimes, I'll never understand that mare."

Vinyl laughed a bit at that, finding it all too true. Pinkie means well, although sometimes the way she tries to help in her own way is unique, which is why it makes it difficult for other ponies to understand.

"Me either, D-Bro," She chuckled, shaking her head after the pink mare when she disappeared. "Me either…"

"Should we go after her? She knows who my kid is."

Vinyl thought that was a bad idea and shook her head at him, "I know you're eager to find out, but it's not a good idea to disturb a busy mare -- especially when it comes to baking."


It was then, the door opened and the bell rung. Sweets hour was here and customers wanted their little bit of sugar to start their morning off with a little pep.

"That," Vinyl pointed to the doors as customers came in.

"Are you serious about these ponies making gem cupcakes?" The two ponies looked to see Spike entering in with a younger dragon with him, an orange dragon with purple spines from her head to her tail. Following them was a sky blue griffon, who looked about Gilda's age, only a bit smaller and was clearly a male.

"Sure I'm sure, Smolder. They gave me a special sapphire-sprinkled one for my birthday; so when they heard there was going to be more than one dragon in Ponyville, they said they may as well start stocking and baking those kinds of cupcakes," Spike explained to her, with a smile, about the Cake's latest selling they have for dragons like them.

"You'd better not be joshing me, Spike," She warned him while the griffon waved a talon, scoffing lightly at his dragon friends.

"Pfft, just as long as we get cupcakes, it doesn't matter what's sprinkled on. I'm hungry!"

Spike only laughed as he led the two to go get a table and place an order, "Alright, keep your feathers on, Gallus."

"Looks like we're not the only ones wanting to get a little extra pep this morning, huh?" Vinyl smiled lightly, recognizing Spike and the two students from Twilight's School of Friendship.

"Heh, yeah," He smiled softly, recognizing Spike as he waved a hoof at the trio. Smolder noticed first and gave a little smile, waving her claw back at him.

However, they too weren't the only ones joining for a bit of ‘pep-cupcakes' as the bell rang, again. However, they could not predict whose voice was heard next.

Drift was enjoying his muffin; the soft, yet sun-sweet berry-filled taste was quite delicious yet soothing. Although, he nearly choked when he heard a voice call to him, in a quite surprised, yet recognizable tone. Vinyl gave him his punch as he quickly grabbed it and drank it. He planted his drink down and breathed steadily.


His eyes widened in alarm, shock and a bit of fear as he softly gasped. He knew that voice, he recognized it anywhere. He could never forget it either as he heard soft clopping of gentle hooves heading his way. Only one pony had soft-as-a-cloud hoofsteps like that.

"Is that you?" The soft voice spoke to him, riddled with shock, yet awe.

He winced, lowering his ears as Vinyl looked at him in shock, and she was just as surprised as he was. Letting out a silent sigh, he knew.

It was time to face the music.

He slowly turned around to face the one mare he had been worried about seeing…

And froze.

Fluttershy was stunned; She felt like treating her daughter to some cupcakes before they go find her father, which Scootaloo wholeheartedly agreed. No use searching on an empty stomach. Plus, Pinkie Pie's cupcakes were awesome!

She and Scootaloo also met up with Spike, Smolder, and Gallus who were also heading there. She invited them to join them for a little breakfast hangout at Sugarcube Corner, not that Scootaloo minded – it was still morning, she and her mother had plenty of time to spare – until she realized Spike was with them and desperately tried to fight her blush whenever he gave her a smile. Something which Smolder caught and couldn't help but smirk at.

Although, when Scootaloo and Smolder first looked at one another, they looked at each other as if they were looking in an alternate mirror after seeing they had similar colors. Like Smolder's the dragon version of Scootaloo, or vice versa.

***Earlier when meeting at Ponyville***

Smolder glanced at Scootaloo as if she was looking at her own reflection and raised a brow, "Whoa, this is bizarre." Smolder was mind-boggled. Though Spike and Gallus were just as surprised, yet they thought it was pretty cool, too.

Scootaloo walked around her, looking surprised and intrigued, "You're telling me."

Fluttershy was equally just as surprised and baffled by this. Seeing another creature bearing the same colors as her daughter really made things interesting and raised a lot of thoughts, but one came to mind: Smolder looked like she could pass off as Scootaloo's fraternal twin. Then she shook her head at the thought of her laying an egg. That would just be near impossible and, frankly, odd for pegasus to do. Unless magic was involved and -- 'nope! Going into taboo territory there.' That's the last thing she needed on her mind right now.

Smolder scratched her spines as she looked over the Pegasus, just as stumped as she was, "This can't be real, Can it?"

But it was as the pegasi filly was thinking the same thing. She pointed a hoof at her, realizing as she exclaimed in shock, "You look like the dragon version of me!"

The dragoness pointed at her, just as equally appalled as she was, "And you look like the pony version of me!" Their eyes bugged out in shock...

…Then joy. "Sweet!" They both grinned.

***Back at Sugarcube Corner***

It was nice to see her daughter make another new friend, this time with one of the students from the school. Even if they knew each other by name, they never properly got to hang out with each other. So, this was a good opportunity to do so. It still confused her as to why they looked alike in color, somehow though. It was like looking at them like they were from a different universe. Oh well, then. Better not linger on it for too much. Scootaloo did say once that she thought dragons were cool. But the mere thought of Scootaloo falling for one was just adorable.

But what Fluttershy didn't expect as they arrived at Sugarcube Corner to order some delicious cupcakes and muffins, was to run into Drift and… Vinyl Scratch?

Drift's body was suddenly frozen in place and his eyes couldn't pry themselves away from what they saw. Was this a mare or the angel standing before him? A heavenly choir played in his mind as the ginger light of Celestia's sun shined down on her as she slowly bats her eyes. Her long, luscious, pink hair hugging her shoulders. Her wings looked visibly stronger from what he remembered from the feeble flier he knew in school. Her tail was as long as her hair and it easily wrapped around her legs while cushioning her flank well like a pillow. When he saw that butterfly cutie mark, he knew it was her. Nopony else had three pink butterflies as a cutie mark here in Ponyville, or at Cloudsdale High when he last saw her.

And as he stared at her lovely moderate cyan eyes, it was like they were shining like the brightest sapphires. He felt his chest slowly compress as if his heart skipped occasional beats. He wanted to look away, but his body wouldn't allow it. He was looking into the eyes of a mare he's never seen in a long time.

He never saw her again, not ever since Cloudsdale high school, where he left her after getting her pregnant. Was he seeing things? This beautiful angel couldn't be the same Fluttershy. It couldn't be! His mind had to be playing tricks on him.

"I…I…I… uh… um…" Desperate as he tried to convey a word, sentence, anything, he couldn't speak. His words just wouldn't come out. They were clogged deep in his throat.

But, lucky for him, the gods above saved him from acting like an awkward nutcase when the calls of a happy filly rang him out of his trance.

"Oh… my… gosh…!!!" Fluttershy blinked and looked just in time to see her daughter having a very big fangirl moment. "Y-You're… You're… You're…!!!" and upon seeing her daughter's very wide sparkly eyes and Cheshire-growing grin, she used her own wings to plug her ears as Scootaloo exploded in glee. "DJ-Pon3!!!"

Vinyl flinched a bit and tried to shush her, looking around to make sure no paparazzi heard that. Amazingly, while it earned a little stare or two from a patron or passing citizen, no sign of the paparazzi was anywhere to be seen, much to her relief. That's the last thing she needed at the moment. She looked back at the young filly who screamed her name, to see her dancing in place with the biggest grin and sparkly eyes she had ever seen. It was highly adorable for a filly her age. Especially when it's concerning a fan of hers, "Thee Vinyl Scratch. I can't believe it's really, really you!"

She giggled a bit and gave a salute towards the filly, "That's me." She smiles as she lifted her shades to get a better look at the filly as she offered a hoof to shake, playfully stating, "That's my name, don't wear it out, little trooper."

Her eyes were wide in amazement and glee that another idol of hers is meeting her, and wanting to shake her hoof; not wanting to miss such a chance, she excitedly accepted it, letting out a big excited squeal as she shook her hoof very vigorously. Much to Vinyl's surprise, and very slight concern – hope the little filly doesn't lose her voice from repeated squealing.

"Uh… is she okay?" Gallus pointed a talon at the filly, looking a little freaked out as Scootaloo continued to squeal. There are some things about ponies he has yet to understand – especially with odd moments like this one.

Spike chuckled and nods as if used to such behavior, "Yeah, just a classic fanfilly-reaction. Just give her a minute, she'll cool down."

Smolder held her head as she could feel her own ears ringing, "Well, she better stick a cork in it soon, bro," She looked at the display cases with him which he now noticed had started to shake a little from the slightly high-pitch squealing. "The display cases are starting to shake."

Acknowledging that Scootaloo can unintentionally cause property damage, he flinched and hurried over, covering her mouth, causing the filly to look bug-eyed. "Let's… try not to cause damage to the Cakes' property, shall we?"

Blushing in embarrassment, she nods as he takes his claw away. Vinyl snickered a bit, "Nice set of lungs and quite a shake ya got." She rubbed her arm after being shaken like a rag doll by her vigorous hoof-shake.

Poor Scootaloo was trying so hard not to lose it as she twitched and fidgeted in glee, "I'm so sorry. it's just… EEEH!" She clapped her hoofs and pointed at her. "I can't believe I'm actually meeting you! I'm your biggest fan! I love your music, and-and-and…" She tried to speak but her excitement was betraying her.

Vinyl chuckled and pats her on the head, "Breathe, kid. You're gonna pass out if ya keep hyperventilating like this," She loved her fans just as much as they loved her and her music – but she didn't want them to end up hurting themselves if they happen to find themselves face to face with her. But as she looked at Scootaloo, she could almost instantly tell what this little cute Pegasus filly wanted; and thankfully, for this unicorn, she had come prepared for something like this one.

Using her magic, she brought a pen over and got out a photo of herself from one of her latest hits that she recently released. She clicks her pen repeatedly to get it started up, "What's your name, little trotter?"

Scootaloo could almost feel her heart jump out of her chest when she realized what was happening: DJ-Pon3 was giving her an autograph! "S-S-S… S-S… Scootaloo…" She barely managed to squeak out, blushing heavily as she covered her mouth from that squeaky voice.

Fluttershy giggled lightly, for that one moment, her daughter sounded like her when she was put on the spot.

Vinyl smiled as she scribbled on the corner of the picture and then gave it to her.

Scootaloo gasped largely, her eyes wide as beach balls as she received it and gazed upon her signature; ‘For my awesome and ecstatic biggest fan, Scootaloo. – Your biggest friend, DJ-PON3, Vinyl Scratch.' She looked up at Vinyl, who lifted her shades up and gave her a wink. Scootaloo squealed once more but thankfully it was shorter and she danced about, hugging the photo close to her chest.

Watching this little squirt fangirl over Vinyl snapped Drift out of it a little and he chuckled lightly, nudging her with his elbow. "Looks like you've made another little fan happy, huh, V-Sis?" He winked at her as she blushed a bit.

Scootaloo paused and looked up at the stallion, she looked shocked. "Hey… you're that pony I saw yesterday at Rocky's workshop! Drift, right?"

The stallion smiled, remembering her very well, "That's me. Nice to see you, again." He ruffled her mane, before noticing she was looking up at him in awe.

"You know DJ-Pon3? Thee DJ Pon3??" She was stunned that the stallion she had met before with Tree Hugger and Rainbow Dash at the store knew one of her favorite idols.

He chuckled as he exchanged glances with the unicorn who knew what was going to be told; she shrugged a shoulder at him to give him the OK, "Of course I know her," He gazed at her, smiling softly as he shrugged a shoulder almost nonchalantly. He then told the little filly the reason why he knew Vinyl well, "She's my step-sister."

It was as if time froze.

Scootaloo's eyes were wide as watermelons, her jaw dropped to the ground and her wings sprung out. Fluttershy looked surprised as anything, her ears perked up high. Gallus and Smolder look impressed, this guy with a cool-looking scar had a famous DJ as a step-sister? That was cool. Spike too was surprised but shrugged, still used to surprises that Ponyville has to offer.

Fluttershy looked to Drift and softly spoke, "You never mentioned having a step-sister before?"

Though a bit nervous, he for once spoke to her since this one involved his V-Sis, "Th-There was nothing to mention." And just like her, he subconsciously covered his ears with his wings with her as Scootaloo fangasmed to the max, squealing in joy.

"I can't believe I know the stallion who has Vinyl Scratch as a sister!" She danced about, spinning around while squealing, even dragging herself around in circles.

"She's doing it, again!" Smolder held her ears with Gallus using his wings to cover his, both wincing at the squealing.

Thankfully, before anything could shatter from the high-pitched squealing, Pinkie popped up and stuffed a cupcake in Scootaloo's mouth, making her pause enough to chew.

From the playroom, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake rubbed their ears from all the squealing they heard. Pound snorted softly, babbling in annoyance. "Dat… wa gebbin' anoyin'..." His sister nodded in agreement as she suckled on her stuffed turtle.

Spike chuckled, amused but thankful she did that, "Thank you, Pinkie."

She smiles, "It's what I do," She winks at him, making him blush lightly.

Drift chuckled lightly as he and Fluttershy unplugged their ears while Vinyl went to Scootaloo to have a talk with her, "She sure is quite an excitable one, ain't she?" He was amused Scootaloo was acting that way after meeting his step-sister, although he couldn't blame her. V-Sis was amazing, famous and did pretty awesome sick beats.

She smiles lightly and giggled lightly, amused by her daughter's antics "Yes, she is." She looked to him, her surprised expression coming back as she looked him over. He had grown well from how she remembered him; he had gotten stronger, sleeker, perhaps wiser… although, she worried about what happened to him that made him get that scar. He never had it before when they were in high-school. Did he get into a fight? Did it still hurt? Was he okay?

Nevertheless, he was still, to her surprise, as handsome as she remembered him. However, she still had to talk things over with him before making the final decision that will confirm his fate, "I never thought I'd find you here…"

He lowered his ears a bit and smiled sadly, "I didn't expect you to find me, either."

He really didn't. He never thought Shy would be the one to find him when he thought it was to be the other way around. He sighed lightly, looking down, his ears folded down completely as he closed his eyes, "Fluttershy… listen…" He tried to make eye contact with her but found himself struggling a little. "About what happened… d-during high school… I wanna, I mean-I really…" He tried to find the right words. He didn't want to stutter or slip-up or tongue-twist himself, "Look, I wish…" He sighed deeply, looking down once more, feeling ashamed he's making it so hard for himself to speak to her. They unknowingly caught the attention of their friends and family as they look over. Their eyes slightly wide as they listen while slowly munching their cupcakes. He had to say it. She was right there! He had no pride to swallow and he knew what he did was wrong. He had to tell her. She needed to hear it. If not, then this was all for nothing and she'd hate him for the rest of her life. The pressure was building, but she was waiting.

He finally caved-in, his lips quivered, "I'm... I'm so sorry I hurt you."

Fluttershy watched him as he continued on. She watched his eyes start to swell up with tears. Her eyes widen in bewilderment as she watched him try not to cry in front of her, and learning his real reasons.

"I know what you're going to say… ‘Weren't you happy before?' Yes, I was… I didn't regret our time together in high-school. I do regret that I only went for your looks and never got to truly know you."

He sniffled, remembering how happy they used to be in their relationship, but recalled he never cared for her feelings, only her looks; as he looked back, he could only kick himself hard for that. "I was so happy to be with you despite my own selfish views of seeing you as a ‘trophy mare'."

He sighed lightly, "A-And when I got you pregnant ever since you brought up the idea of starting a family…'Why didn't you come back to you? To our child?'" All the emotion he was presenting were real. He felt so much regret and guilt for what he did, it hurt him so much. He could only imagine the pain and trauma she felt when he did what he did to her. He never wanted her to go through that, but she did. And now, he felt so much pain making that choice.

Both of them blushed lightly, Fluttershy – from embarrassment from how foolish she was when she was young, while Drift – from ashamedness as he recalled his cowardly actions.

All the while, Scootaloo was watching with stunned eyes when Drift brought up how he and Shy used to be together, then brought up the subject of pregnancy. That's when she realized… Drift was her father. "W-What?" she whispered to herself.

Fluttershy looked back up at him as he admitted his wrongdoings, before starting to walk slowly up to him. "I was just so scared. I wasn't ready to be a father and because of how cowardly I was, I ran out on you when you needed me most."

Vinyl held her heart as she watched her brother pour his heart out to Fluttershy in the most sincere, heartfelt apology he could give. She wanted to comfort him, but knew she shouldn't interrupt.

Spike held Smolder close as he noticed his sister was starting to get a little emotional as her eyes looked a bit glossy; Smolder admired how much courage Drift was showing, knowing this must be scary for him.

Gallus too was admiring his courage, knowing this must not be easy for him. But he felt somewhat proud he's admitting his mistakes.

Pinkie Pie grinned softly as she watched, dancing in place behind the counter while the Cakes watch in awe.

His tears started falling as he whimpered before saying, "I was stupid. I was an idiot. I was cowardly. I just… wasn't thinking, at all."

He literally started kicking himself as he realized that's what got him in all this trouble in the first place. How he wanted it to be done with, he neglected her feelings and wanted her for her looks -- talk about being very shallow.

But he had to tell her how much he regretted it now, because as he talked to her about this, the pain was becoming unbearable as he choked back a sob, "I thought after giving you what you wanted, you would be happy. But--"

He facehoofed and groaned from his emotional pain, "--I only made your life worse when I left you. I… I was wrong to do that to you, Fluttershy. I really am!" He took a shuddery breath as he gazed up, he was shocked to see her approaching him, fear started grasping his heart as his tears shed quicker.

"I know I left you to raise our baby alone, but I thought you'd be better off without me. I was really stupid that day." He backed up a bit as he hyperventilated a little. He found himself eye-to-eye with her as she was getting closer and closer. "A-And I was wrong. I see that now! A-And I'm so sorry for everything I've done!" He said as he whimpered before being cornered by the wall, the table, and Fluttershy herself, who by now was just inches away from him.

He was terrified out of his skin, as she reached a hoof towards him.

Why hasn't she started yelling at him yet?!

"Stop being so stoic, Fluttershy! Go on, yell at me, scream! Say something!" He held his breath as he waited for the inevitable. But, instead of being bombarded with screams and harsh words, he felt her hoof gingerly touch his scar.

She looked into his eyes and she held his cheek. Her hoof gently touched his scar with the tenderness of a butterfly's kiss. Her own eyes became as glossy as his as she slowly smiled at him. Her ears folded down just like his.

And to the surprise of all, what came out of her mouth was not yelling or screaming… or even violence, but…

"I missed you so much, Drift Velocity."

Her eyes twinkled with tears that ran down her cheeks, her smile showing genuine happiness, her cheeks themselves rosy and that tone in her voice spoke out… with love.

Overwhelmed with shock, remorse and genuine affection he started developing for her on this emotional rollercoaster, a whimper escaped from him, uttering out one last tearful "I'm so sorry" before she gently held both of his cheeks; she closed her eyes as she leaned up to him while tilting her head to the left and gingerly placed her lips upon his in a passionate, tear-filled kiss.

He was still so overwhelmed. But he could only return it as his wings, as if they had a mind of their own, wrapped themselves around the kind mare. He kissed her with all the bottled up love he held back but showed no force, only genuine care. It was at that point, he knew what Pinkie meant now.

Time had its way of changing things – but it also had its way of changing others, too.

Gilda had mellowed down, Dash somewhat matured enough to not be so hot-blooded, Scootaloo may still be daredevil-ish, but she was even happier now that she had a family and gained new friends, Shy settled easily back in her mother role… and he, he himself, finally apologized for his actions, and in return, he got Fluttershy back.

Time has changed all of them. And it will no doubt heal those wounds.

Author's Note:

Holy cow, finally got this monster of a chapter done. Took longer than expected, but my editor and I were proud of what we created.